The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 20, 1911, Image 1

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    U Imuran ,.
NO 15
Ciubroom Crowded With Young Men Despite the Dark and
Stormy Night Most Interesting Address.
From Friday's Dally.
The Y. M. B. C. of the M. E. Sun
day school bad a delightful evening
at their rooms, notwithstanding the
dark and rainy night last night, and
the program throughout was of high
merit, the speaker of the evening be
ing Superintendent of Schools N. C.
Abbott, who spoke for an hour and a
half on the topic, "The Education of
the Blind." Prof. Abbott assayed to
end his remarks several times, but
the young men would have none of
that and shouted, "Go on, go on."
Before the lecturer of the evening
was introduced a solo by Denning
Slvers was listened to with much
pleasure, and a reading by John
Falter was much enjoyed. The room
was crowded by attentive listeners
when Mr. E. H. Wescott, instructor
of the class, introduced Superintend
ent Abbott, who spoke in part as fol
lows: "These are days of intensive work.
In the most apparent modern tend
ency we see an effort to get the great
est possible return out of everything.
There has been a crying revolt
against waste along almost all the
lines of production. The Farmers'
institutes, which have become de
servedly popular over this and other
states, recommitlng the careless ex
travagance formerly practiced on the
The speaker then spoke of the by
products of the farm, as well as
those of the stock grower, and men
tioned those which had come under
hta observation at the packing house
at Nebraska City, stating that the
"good old bossy" furnishes for the
ladles tortols shell combs, made from
her horn; her hoofs furnish them but
tons; her blood colors the gambler's
poker chips; her bones are trans
ported to Japan, carved by the thrifty
Mongolians, returned to America and
sold to the rich packers themselves
as curios of infinite age.
The lecturer then referred to
society at large, as also making
strenuous efforts to conserve and
All of Whom Must File Regular
Quarterly Reports in the
A recent decision of the Nebraska
supreme court, handed down at the
present term, In a case from this
county, entitled Kerr et. al. vs. Ger
lng & Company, a matter of very
great Importance to druggists having
permits for ' the sate of alcoholic'
liquors for mechanical, medicinal and
chemical purposes, decided a point
which it seems had not been before
the court for decision before.
The law governing the sale of
liquors, entitled Chapter CO of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, re
quires druggists holding such per
mits to file quarterly reports of the
liquors sold, but the statute has never
been observed. The case decided
arose in this city about a year ago,
when a. remonstrance was filed by
Mrs. Kerr and others against the city
council granting a permit to Gerlng
& Company for the reason that the
statute governing the sale of liquors
had not been observed, and the
failure to file the reports was one of
the grounds for the remonstrance.
The city council overruled the
objections and Issued the license. after
a tumultuous session. The matter
was appealed to the district court and
to the supreme court, where It was
decided that the license should not
have been issued, and that It should
have been canceled, which was
ordered to be done. In the meantlmo
the drug firm has changed hands and
Is now conducted by Edward Rynott
& Company.
Druggists In Nebraska will here
after be guided by the decision In this
Important ca.e, and no doubt will bo
careful to file reports regularly with
the city clerk showing to who and
bow much liquor they have sold.
make better every individual that 1
a part of society, and also spoke of
the agencies employed to further this
great work the common schools, col
lege universities, churches, Sunday
schols and up-lift societies are the
recognized agencies in this work.
Imagine a great circle and allow
every normal child to be placed with
in that circle, '"'here will be millions
of American children inside the ring.
And all of them can be reached
through ordinary agencies. Prof.
Abbott then spoke of the by-products
of education, saying:
"But outside of this circle are
hundreds, nay, thousands, who can
not be reached by the ordinary educa
tion agencies and these may well be
termed the by-products of education,
ut there are dormant vital forces in
them that need quickening. For the
children who cannot be Instructed by
ordinary methods we have in this
state a Boys' industrial school, a Girls'
Industrial Bchool, a School for the
Feeble Minded, a School for the Deaf,
and a School for the Blind. "
The speaker then took up the topic
of the education of the blind, going
back to ancient times, reciting In
what contempt the blind was held in
that period and of the conditions pre
vailing in mediaeval times. The first
philanthropic move toward alleviat
ing the conditions of this class came
from France and through Hauy, who
began the study of the distinguished
blind people of hla day. Prof. Abbott
then followed the development of the
agencies employed for the instruc
tion of the blind until the present
almost perfect system was reached.
The lecture was replete with ex
cellent food for thought, and many
anecdotes were related by the speaker
which enlivened the discourse, and
when at the end of an-hour and a
half the entertaining lecturer ceased
to speak, the crowd was loath to have
him do so. And it is hoped that at
some near future date Mr. Abbott
may be induced to give this lecture
so that the general public may have
the pleasure of listening to it.
While some 'farmers believe that
the rains which have fallen In the
past few days will prove beneficial to
winter wheat, others fear that they
came at the wrong time and would
have been more timely in April. Fears
were expressed that the cereal might
grow so rapidly that it would suffer
Injury from severe cold. It would
have been much better to have had
cold weather and a blanket of snow at
this period than a spring rain. When
wheat grows too rapidly it is likely
to be hurt by a hard freeze. Farm
ers generally say that the rains will
be of much benefit because wheat
needed moisture. The winter wheat
belt of the middle west has been very
dry till the recent rainfall, which has
been general. Fruit men say that the
rainfall will also prove a blessing to
the flow of sap and stop the swelling
of the buds.
A Pioneer Preacher.
Rev. Harrison Presson, a Methodist
minister, well known in Cass county,
has the honor of being the first min
ister who ever preached in Omaha.
This was in 1850, and the Bee, in
speaking of the aged preacher, Bays:
"On the 15th of February, 1816,
near Formlngton, In the state of
Maine, Rev. Harrison Presson was
born. In 1818 he moved with his
rarents to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1846
he nwed to Illinois. In 18C1 he was
commissioned a first lieutenant In the
Fifty-llfth infantry and went to the
front. He has been a Methodist min
ister for sixty-five years, and
rreached the first sermon that was
de livered In Omaha in 1850, while on
his way to California. He is the father
of fourteen children. He lives at the
present time In Wabash, is quite
active and preaches ocacslonally. He
as S'5 years old yesterday."
Mrs. J. W. Black and her sister,
Mrs. Brlggs, of Avoca, went to Omaha
on the afternoon train today to visit
niuthes for a short time.
. C. G. FR1CKE
From Thursday' Pally
A most elaborate social funtclon
was a kenslngton, winch was given
by Mrs. C. G. Fricke at her pretty
home yesterday afternoon, to which
a large number of her lady friends
had been Invited. For the occasion,
and in deference to the season, the
charming rooms of the Fricke home
had been attractive decorated with
hearts, which had been hung here
and there about the rooms. The
feames and amusements, which the
thoughtful hostess had planned for
the entertainment of her guests, were
also characteristic of the Valentine
season. .Most or tne Jaciies nail
brought theirfancy work ancilntended
to ply the busy needles, but the al
lurements of the several amusements
caused them to lay aside their fancy
work and they then entered Into the
games w ith much enthusiasm, as well
as Interest. Hearts wtth bodies on
had been hung about the rooms and
the guests were handed heads and
told to find the body belonging to the
head. Mrs. Dr. Roy Dodge of Omaha
succeeded in finding the body to the
head given her, first, and was award
ed the prize, a heart-shaped sachet.
White hearts and pencils were then
distributed. These hearts bore four
words, each word being the last word
of a line of the verse, which had been
left off, and the guests were asked to
filll In the line of verse not given.
This required considerable thought,
but Mrs. II. J. Strelght succeeded In
capturing the prize, a red satin
heart filled with candy. An elegant
two-course luncheon was provided,
which was thoroughly enjoyed by the
ladles. The viands provided in this
luncheon were all in the shape of a
Entertains at Bridge.
In the evening the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Fricke was the
scene of another delightful social
affair, this time it being a bridge
party. The greater part of the even
ing was taken up with this most
fascinating card game and made the
time pass very pleasantly, as well as
all too rapidly. The company filled
seven tables and Miss Gerlng won the
first prize, an embroidered towel, and
Mrs. James Donnelly the second
prize, a deck of cards. Following the
card games an elaborate two-course
luncheon wa3 served, the refresh
ments being heart shaped. For this
occasion the rooms were decorated in
hearts, being in the same manner as
during the afternoon.
From Thursday's Zally
Mr. II. S. Pelton, president of the
construction company having the
government building contract, was in
the city over night, departing for
Omaha this morning. Mr. Pelton has
another car of granite on the way.
He is becoming somewhat Impatient
with the government experts at
Washington, in that they have not
approved any sample of brick for
this building, although he has had the
samples from several states. Includ
ing those from Minnesota, Wisconsin
and Kansas, shipped to Washington
since last November. When the
granite is placed on the foundation
the brick work canont proceed until
the government approves the brick
to be used in the superstructure. It
would seem that the department
which has this in charge is pretty
well crowded with business, or it
would have been reached before this
Notice Is hereby given that a meet
ing of the Stockholders of the Bur
lington & Missouri River R. R, Com
pand In Nebraska, will be held in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, at 10 a. m.,
February 23, 1911.
The meeting will be held for the
election of nine directors of the com
pany to serve until their successors
are elected and qualified, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may legally come before it.
W. P. Durkco,
Omaha, Nebraska, January 19, 1911
Floyd Partridge and F. T. Dworak
went to Omaha this afternoon to wit
ness the wrestling match between
Westergaard of Des Moines and Dr.
Roller of Seattle.
Nebraska City I Minister Here.
Mr. Slelnhart, the newly appointed
postmaster for Nebraska City, came
up last evening and was the guest
of Superintendent Abbott of the city
schools until today, when he re
turned via the Burlington and K. C.
this afternoon.
A correspondent at Lincoln says:
That few measures are considered or
passed ..because of their merits, but
because they have been traded for, is
the assertion of several members of
the present legislature, who exprsss
their disgust at the tactics of some
of the legislators.
"If you won't support my bill I
won't support yours," or "If-you
don't vote for my bill I will work
against any Increase in the appropria
tion for the state institution in your
town." Those are the expreslsons
whkh may be heard by an eavesdrop
per at the legislature.
Many of the members have bills
they want to put through, bills that
are meritorious and Just, but they
cannot hope to have them passed
unless they agree to support the bill
introduced "by some member who
perhaps has a measure the other
member believes is not for the best
interests of the state at large.
That this has always been the case
Is no excuse for its continuing, de
clare several members who have
adopted the plan of letting their own
measures stand on their merits and
have refrained from promising to
trade votes with anyone.
Considerable trading has already
been done at this session and It is
growing more common every day
When the appropriation bills begin to
be reported back it is expected that
the trading will be even more brisk
From Friday's Dally.
Fred Ohm, who has been In
durance vile for some weeks on a
complaint of his wife that he got
beastly drunk and threatened to ex
terminate the enlre family and his
wife In particular, was before the
court this morning asking for his re
lease. He asked the court to send
for Mrs. Ohm, who It is said is now
willing to withdraw her complaint
and receive the erring Fred back to
her home. It will be remembered
that Ohm left the Jail recently with
out permission when Bent on an
errand, and had absented himself
from the city for two weeks or more
and last week was found at his wife's
resident on West Pearl street. When
the officer "pinched" him again, it
is said . Mrs. Ohm interposed an
objection, Btatlng that "Fred was not
making any disturbance," but never
theless, the police thrust Fred back
into the county Jail.' It Beems now
that notwithstanding the interior has
been decorated and made as present
able as can be, yet Fred is dissatisfied
with his quarters and desires, as
spring approaches, to be on the out
side where he can get the fragrance
of the blossoms.
The trustees of the M. E. church
have almost completed the improve
ment in the rooms of the basement of
the church. The walls of the large
room below the auditorium have been
plastered and white coated and good
floor laid and the woodwork will bo
painted and one of the most comfort
able rooms in the building will result
from the plans. A smaller room on
the north has also been finished off
and will serve for a class room. The
added space derived from these
splendid improvements is to be
utilized as a convenient room in
which the aid society will hold its
meetings and on Sunday the Junior
division of the Sunday school will
probably hold Its session In the largo
The church la to be congratulated
on tho additional room, which will
no doubt bo a source of much satis
faction to those who feel tho need cf
more spaco to accommodate tho
growing Sunday school.
Mrs. George Rhoden rpent tho day
in the metropolis, going on the early
train this morning.
Mr. Henry Theirolf and Mist Ida
Meisinger United for Life.
A pretty home bedding occurred
Wednesday at high noon at the resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Meis
inger, at their beautiful farm resi
dence near Cedar Creek, when their
daughter, Miss Ida, was Joined in
marriage with Mr. Henry Thlerolf,
one of the prominent young farmers
of that vicinity.
The ceermony was performed by
Rev. Mayfleld of Louisville, who
pronounced the solemn words which
Joined these two estimable young
people for life. The wedding march
was played by Miss Gertrude Mei
singer, a sister of the bride. A largo
number of the relatives and friends
of the happy pair were present to
witness the nuptials, and Immediate
ly after the ceremony and the con
gratulations of the guests the bridal
pair were URhered Into the large din
ing room and the company partook of
a wedding feast which only a good
housewife knows how to prepare.
On Thursday afternoon the bride
and groom departed for Lincoln and
Ashland, to be gone ten days, visit
ing Mrs. Thlcrolf's uncles, W. T. Wal
llngcr at Lincoln and Georgo Wal
Hnger at Ashland.
On their return the happy couple
will begin housekeeping. Mr. Thlerolf
expects to farm near Cedar Creek.
He Is an industrious and thrifty
young farmer and on one of the fertile
farms of Cass county cannot other
wise than succeed. His bride Is the
accomplished' daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. P. Meisinger, with a large
circle of friends, to whom the an
nouncement of these nuptials will
afford much pleasure. The Journal
Joins with the many friends of these
estlmablo young people in con
gratulatlons and wishes for their
future prosperity.
Increasing In Population,
Evidently the number of "new
arrivals" 'In the vicinity of Union
recently demonstrates that some of
the citizens In that neighborhood are
endeavoring to keep up the popula
tlon of Cass county to its present
standard. The Ledger report the
following recent arrivals In thut vll
lane end vicinity:
' Thursday, February 'J a bond
seme llttlo glii was added to the
family circle of G. Ward Cheney and
wife, tut the news failed to reach our
ear In time for us to give tho little
lady complimentary" mention In )ast
week s paper. isevertheless Bhc n
there, and we understand that she
makes the fact known to the fond
"Last Saturday evening, February
It, I'rank Anderson and wifo had
their first experience in taking enre
of a little budget of humanity tre
"package" being a nice ton-pound
con that registered at their home
Frank says one little babe Is a whole
armful for him, but he Is willing to
bear the burden his share of the
"Sunday, February 12, was Abra
ham Lincoln's birthday, and It was
also tho birthday of a chubby lltllo
son that came to bless the home and
fireside of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banning
Joe wore a smile that looked like a
slice of watermelon by moonlight
and produced the usual supply of
DicH From Injury.
John Moon, the traveling sales
man for Gronewcg & Schoetgen,
wholesale grocers of Council Bluffs,
slipped on the steps of his home In
Omaha last evening and received in
ternal injuries from which he died
within a few minutes. Mr. Moon was
well known to the retailers of this
city, having made this town at reg
ular intervals for the last ten or
twelve years.
Since the above was put In type wo
learn that Mr. Moon was going home
with his son In the evening when he
fell upon the stone steps and struck
his breast against tho hard corner of
a step and died within fifteen min
utes. Mr. Moon, during his last visit
to Plattsmouth, talked favorably of
purchasing a residence here and re
moving his family to Plattsmouth.
He was very popular with the travel
ing men, as well as tho retail trado
on whom ho called.
Mr. Ben Brooks was a passenger on
tho nftfrnnon train to Omaha, where
'ho will visit relatives for a Bhort time.
IV.iy Some Fine Porker.
J. P. Trltsch, George Snyder, Aug
ust Gorder, Glen Wiles and Levi
Smith composed the Cass county
party that attended the D. C. Lonnl-
gan sale of fine Poland-China hogs at
his place near Florence, Neb., this
week. That is, theRe gentlemen were
purchasers, and Julius Pltz and Will
Adams, from south of town, attended
the sale, but did not buy. All of the
former gentlemen bought a fine sow
each, with the exception of August
Gorder, who bought two. Some of
these animals sold very high, and we
understand that Julius and Will had
their eyes set on a fine one or two,
but got "cold feet" as it were, and
could not see the money In them.
They are good Judges of stock, too,
and seldom get left on the value of
an animal.
Sylabus in the Matter of Herold
vs. Coates, Reversed and
llnrold vs. Coates. Appeal, Casa,
Reversed and remanded. Rose J.
Root, J-, not sitting.
1. A copy of the Beal under which
a summons la Issued la not an essen
tial part of the copy required by the
statutory provision that "service Bhall
be by delivering a copy of the sum
mons to the defendant personally."
Code, sec. 69.
2. In an action for slander an In
struction to find as a fact that de
famatory words pleaded in the peti
tion were spoken of and concerning
plaintiff la erroneous, where their ut
terance was put in issue by the an
swer and contested at the trial by
direct testimony on behalf of each
Mrs. Henry Dose died at her home
In Glenwood Tuesday night at 11
o'clock ns a result of taking Parla
green with suicidal Intent. She un
derwent a paralytic stroke In Novem
ber, and since then her mind has
been affected.
It apepars that Mrs. Dose secured
the poisonous powder early Monday
morning, and It was. several hours
before she told her family what she
had done. Dr. W. S. Elliott was
summoned Monday afternoon and did
what ho could to relieve the poor
woman, who lingered till tho follow
ing night. I
Coroner Moore of Silver City was
notified, and he designated Justice C.
W. Edwards to look after the matter.
The latter, after making inquiry, de
cided an Inquest was not necessary.
The funeral was held from the
home Thursday afternon at 2
o'clock, Rev. R. L. Palmerton officiat
ing. Her maiden name was Katharine
Hammer, and she was born May 27,
1838, In Iiolsteln, Germany. She
went to California in 1861, and was
married the same year to Henry
Dose. The family came to Glenwood
in 1867, and have since resided here.
Four children have died. She Is sur
vived by a husband and five children'
Mrs. Minnie Kennoyer, Mrs. Emma
James, Charles, Georgo and Frank.
Four brothers, Henry, Charles and
Hans Hammer, live at or near
Mineola, and a sister, Mrs. Johannah
Leutt, lives east of Glenwood. Glen
wood (Iowa) Tribune.
The unfortunate lady was the wife
of a brother of Mr. Louie Dose of this
city, and Mrs. Dose was present at
the funeral.
Kimtorn Star Sleets.
On Wednesday evening at their
lodge rooms In the Masonic Temple,
tho members of the Eastern Star held
their regular monthly social meeting.
A good sized audience of the member
ship was present to participate In the
evening's enjoyment. Refreshments
were served and on unusually in
teresting meeting held.
AH cn( Ion'.
Money to loan on land or city
property. Three cottages to exchange
for land anywhere In Nebraska. A
2-160-acre improved ranch in Car
field county to exchange for farm.
A great opportunity.
Windham Investment & Loan Co.