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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1911)
Gnu '61 i ;1 ana me 'Bannister jaUdTRATJOm DY M mi RAY WALTtfto , CHAPTER XIII. An Old Man of tho Sea. "Oh, Mr. Orme, you are the man most wished to see." The minlster'i voice carried a note of unrestrained eagerness. He extended his hand. Orme accepted the salutation, mus tering the appearance of a casual meet ing; he must keep Alcatrante out ol the building. "I was sorry that I could not be at (your apartment this morning," contln. ued Alcatrante, "and I hope you did not wait too long." "Oh, no," replied Orme. "I waited for a little while, but concluded that something had called you away. Has Senor Porltol recovered from his anxl ty?" "Why, no' said Alcatrante. "Hut the course of events has changed." He, linked his arm In Orme's and walked along with him toward the center ol the city. "You see," he went on, "my young friend Porltol overestimated the Importance of that marked bill. It did give the clue to the hiding place ol certain papers which were of great value to him. What he failed to realize was that the papers could be of little importance to others. And yet, so per turbed Is he that he has asked me to offer a considerable reward for the re covery of these papers." "Indeed?" "Yes." Alcatrante sent a slanting glance at Orme. "The sum Is ridicu lously large, but he Insists on offering one thousand dollars." "Quite a sum," said Orme calmly. He was Interested In the minister's in directions. "As for the events of last night" continued Alcatrante, stopping short, with a significant glance. "Well?" said Orme Indifferently. "I trust that you did not think me absurd for sending that detective to you. That I did so was a result of poor Porltol's frantic Insistence." "Indeed?". "My young friend was so afraid thai you would be robbed." "I was robbed," laughed Orme, try ing to make light of the situation. "Why, how was that?" AlcatranU's surprise was well assumed. "Oh, after I said good night to you, the two Japanese caught me while I was going through the tunnel to the courtyard." ' "My dear Mr. Orme!" "They are clever, those-Japanese." "And afterward you went out again?" "What makes you think that?" Alcatrante bit his lip. "Why," he stammered, "the detective reported that you were absent when he ar rived." "And therefore," remarked Orme coolly, "he got access to my apartment and, after rummaging through my things, went sound asleep In my bed room, where I found him snoring when I returned." The minister swung his cane vicious ly at a bit of paper that lay on me side walk. "He was not a clever detective," con tinued Orme. "And as for Porltol, don't you think he had better ofTer his reward to the Japanese?" "No," replied Alcatrante. "They may have Btolen the clue from you. hi I have reason to think that the papers were already gone when they went to look for them. Porltol Is really very anxious." "Doubtless," added Orme. "Perhaps," added Alcatrante, after a short wait, "he might even go as high 8 two thousand." "Indeed? Then there will surely be many answers to his advertisement." "Oh, he will not advertise." Alca trante laughed. "Already he knows where the papers are. While waiting for the clue of the bill, he discovered what others had already availed them selves of It" "That Is curious." Orme smiled. "How did he discover that?" "In a roundabout way. I won't take time for the story." They walked along in silence for a little distance. Orme was figuring on en escape, for the minister's clutch on his arm was like that of a drowning man's. Finally he sought the simplest means of getting away. "I have an en gagement," he said. "I shall have to leave you, here. Thank you for walk ing with me thus far." He disengaged his arm. "My dear Mr. Orme," said Alca trante, "why should we beat around the bush?" "Why. Indeed r said Orme. "Porltol knows that his papers are In your possession. Speaking for htm, I offer you five thousand." "Why do you drag Porltol Into this?" said Orme. "You know that he has merely been your agent from the start You think be has bungled, but I tell you, you are the one who bungled, for fv if S mf On "They May Have Stolen the Clue From You." you picked him to do the work. He had bad luck hiring a burglar for you. He lost his head when he ran away with another person's motor car and had to hand the marked bill to a coun try Justice. He showed bad Judgment when he tried to fool me with a fancy He. Dut you are the real bungler, Senor Alcatrante. Any capable dip lomat could tell you that." Alcatrante's yellow face grew white about the Hps. His eyes flashed bale fully. "Curse you!" he exclaimed. "You know more than Is good for you. Take care!" Orme laughed In disgust. "Oh, drop this melodrama. I am not afraid of cheap Machiaevallls. In this country there are some crimes that are not excused by high office." The minister's teeth showed. "You hall see, my young friend." '.'Doubtless. JJut let me tell you one thing; If anything happens to me, my friends will know where to look for the criminal." Alcatrante snarled. "Don't be too sure " "If necessary," continued Orme, "a word to certain persons as to the com mission for building warships Ave hundred thousand, la It not? by the new arrangement In gold " Alcatrante, In ungovernable rage, raised his light cane and struck. Orme fended the blow with his arm, then wrenched the cane away and threw It Into the street A swarm of passers-by gathered about them so quickly that In a moment they were the cen ter of a circle. "You dunce," said Orme. "Do you want the police?" "No," muttered Alcatrante, control ling himself with a great effort. "You are right." He darted Into the crowd at one side, and Orme, quick to take the hint, disappeared in the opposite direction, crossing the street and Jump ing Into an empty cab, which had drawn up In anticipation of a fight. "To the Rookery," he ordered, naming the first office building that came into his head. "Sure," said the driver, and away they rattled. A glance back showed Orme that the crowd was dispersing. At a distance was Alcatrante. He had seen Orme's escape, and was look ing about vainly for another cab. But cabs are not numerous on North Parker street, and Orme, so far as ho could tell, was not followed. When his cab drew up at the busy entrance on La Salle street, he found bis way to the nearest public tele phone. The hour was close to Ave, and he must discover quickly where he could find the girl. He called up the Pere Marquette. "This Is Mr. Orme," he explained to the clerk. "Have there been any calls or mes sages for me?" . "Yes, sir, Mr. and Mrs. Walllngham called up at 12:30 to know If you were going to Arradale with them." The golfing engagement! Orme had not even thought of It since the eve ning before. "Anything else?" "Yea, sir. A Japanese came about one o'clock. Ho left no name." "The same man who came last eve ning?" "No, sir, an older man." The Japanese minister had doubtless gone straight from Arlma'a apartment to the Pere Marquette. "Anything else?" asked Orme. "There was a phone call for you about 11 o'clock. The party left no name." "A woman's voice?" "Yes, sir. She said: 'Toll Mr. Orme that I shall not be able to call him up at noon, but will try to do so as near two o'clock as possible.' " "Did she call up again at two?" "No, sir. There' no record of It" Orme understood. In the Interval after her attempt to reach him she had learned at Arlma'e of his seem ing treachery. "Very well." he said w tne ciera, and Bung up the re ceiver. What shall he do now? The girl had given him up. He did not know her name or where to find her, and yet find her he must and that within the next few hours. The unquestionably great Importance of the papers In hla pocket had begun to weigh on him heavily. He was tempted to take them out, there in the telephone booth, and examine them for a clue. The cir cumstances Justified him. I Dut he had promised the girl! ' Stronger than his curiosity, stronger almost than hla wish to deliver the pa pers, was his desire to keep that prom ise. It may have been foolish, quixotic; but he resolved to continue as he had begun. "At ten o'clock," he said to himself, "If I have not found her, I will look at the papers or go to the police do whatever Is necessary." He did not like to break promises or miss engagements. There was his engagement with the Walllnghams. It had absolutely gone from hla miLd. Bessie would forgive him, of course. She was a sensible little woman, and she would know that his failure to appear was due to some thing unavoidable and important, but Orme's conscience bothered him a lit tle because he had not, before setting out that morning, telephoned to her that he might be detained. Bessie Walllngham! She knew the girl! Why had he not thought of that before? He got the Walllnghams' number. Were they at home? No, they had gone to Arradale and would probably remain until the last evening train. He rang off. It remained to try Arradale. After some delay, he got the club house. Mrs. Walllngham? Yes, she had Just come In. Would Mr. Orme hold the wire? Mr. Orme certainly would, and pres ently he was rewarded for the delay by hearing Bessie's brisk little voice. "Hello?" "Who?" "Bob?" "Well, you ought to be ashamed of yourself; we waited over and took the next train." "Oh, yes, I know all about these very busy people." "Nonsense! I was fooling, of course. But we were sorry you didn't come." "What?" "That girl? Why, what's the mat ter with you, Robert Orme?" "Business Importance? That won't do, Rob. You'll have to 'fess up." "Do-1 know such a girl? Are you serious?" "Why, Bob, I can think of several. Shall I riame them?" "Not give their names! What on earth 1b the matter with you?" "Oh, part of the business, Is it? Well, let me see. Tall and beautiful, you say. Dark eyea and hair. A black touring car. Hum! I know three girls to whom the description applies. It might be but you don't wish me to mention the nnme. Well, you'll have to think of something more distinct ive." Orme thought in vain. The Image of the girl was ever In his mind, but describe her he" could not. At last he said: "The girl I mean lives In one of the suburbs. 8he has a father who has lately undergone a slight opera tion. He Is, I think, a man who is In volved In negotiations with other coun tries." "Oh! Where did you meet her? Why, Bob, how interesting! I never thought of her, but she's one of . my dearest friends." "Now, listen, Bessie. ' It is absolute ly necessary that I should reach her father's house before midnight. You must help me." He heard her laugh. "Help you? Of course I will." "Where does she live?" "Not far from Arrada'e. Bob, you come right out here. I will see to the rest It certainly Is the funniest co incidence." "I'll catch the first train." "Thero's one at 6lx for men who come out to dine." "All right. Expect me. Goodby." Orme looked at his watch. He had an hour and a half which meant that time must be killed. It would be un wise to return to the Pere Marquette, for the South Americans and the Jap anese might both be on watch for him there. But he did not care to wander about the streets, with the chance of coming face to face with some of hla enemies. It was obvious that swift and elaborate machinery would be set in motion to catch him. Of course, there were many places where he could conceal himself for an hour, but Tom Walllngham'a office! Why had he not thought of that before? Tom was at Arradale with Bessie, but the clerks would let Orme stay In the re ception room until it wan time to start for his train. Indeed, Orme remem bered that Blxby, the head clerk, had been at the wedding of Tom and Bes sie had In fact taken charge of the arrangements at the church. Moreover, Tom's office was In this very building the Rookery. Doubt less It was for this reason that the Rookery had popped Into his head when he gave directions to the cab driver on North Parker street flurrying to the elevators, Orme was about to enter the nearest one, when suddenly a hand seized his elbow and pulled him to one side. He turned quickly and saw Alcatrante. The minister was breathing rapid ly. It was plain that he had made a quick pursuit, but though bis chest heaved and bis mouth was partly open, bis eyes were curiously steady. "One minute, Mr. Orme," he said, forcing bis Hps to a smile. "I bad bard work to follow you- Tbsrs was no other oab, but a small bqy told me that you di rected your driver to the Rookery. Therefore I got on a street ear and rod Ml I found a cab." He said all I mis in tne most casual tone, retaining hla hold on Orme's elbow as though his attitude waa familiar and friendly. Perhaps he was thus detailing his own adventures merely to gain time; or perhaps he was endeavoring to pu tie Orme. But Orme was simply annoyed." He knew how dangerous Alcatrante could be. "I am tired or being followed, Se.ior," he said, disgustedly, freeing bis elbow. Alcatrante continued to smile. "That Is part of the game," he said. "Then you will find the game seri ous." Orme shut his lips together b.ud glanced about for a policeman. Alcatrante again grasped his elbow. "Do you want publicity?" he asked. "Your principals do not Publicity will Injure us all." Orme had been given enough light to know that the South American's words were true. "If It comes to publicity." continued Alcatrante with an ugly grin, "I will have you arrested for stealing a cer tain important document and offer ing to sell it to me." "Rubbish!" laughed Orme. "That would never work at all. Too many persons understand my part in this matter. And then" as he noticed the flash of triumph in Alcatrante's eyes "I could not be arrested for stealing a document which was not In my possession." It was too late; Alcatrante had been able to verify his strong suspicion that Orme had the papers. A wave of anger swept over Orme. "Publicity or no publicity," he said, "unless thla annoyance stops, I will have you arrested." , Alcatrante smiled. "That would not pay. Mr. Orme. There would be counter-charges and you would be much delayed perhaps even till after mid- , night tonight. You Americans do not know how to play at diplomacy, Mr. Orme." Controlling himself, Orme hurried quickly to the nearest elevator. Ha timed his action: the starter was lust j about to close the door as he hurried in. But oulck thoueh hn wnn A Inn. trante was close behind him. The agile South American squeezed Into the ele vator by so close a margin that the door caught his coat. "Here, what are you tryln' to do?" shouted the starter. Alcatrante, pressing In against Orme, did not reply. The starter Jerked the door open, and glared at Alcatrante. The steady j and undisturbed eye of the minister I had Its effect, and after a moment of I hesitation the Btarter banged the door shut and gave the signal and the car ! leaped upward. j Tom Walllnghams office was on thi ! elg'ath floor. Though he knew that Al- catrante would cling to him, Orme coma mins. or notning better to do than to go straight to the office and count on the assistance of Blxby. who i would certainly remember him. Ac cordingly he called out "Eight!" and, Ignoring Alcatrante, left the elevator i and walked down the hall, the South 'American at his elbow. They passed a long series of doors, the glass panels of which were In scribed, "The Walllngham Company The South American Did Not Flinch. Private," with index fingers pointing the direction of the main entrance. Thla was the Chicago branch of the great New York corporation, and Thomas Walllngham, Sr., had placed his son In charge of It two years before. The business was the manu facture of refrigerators. One side of the reception room which Orme en tered hurriedly, Alcatrante still be side him, was given over to a large I specimen refrigerator chamber, built j In with glistening white tiles. The massive door, three feet thick, was wide open, showing the spotless inner chamber. In the outer wall was a ther mometer dial fully a foot in diameter. Once inside the reception room Orme stopped and looked again at Al catrante. There was menace In the look, but the South American did not flinch. Indeed, the glance which met his own seemed to Orme to be dls armingly good natured. Its essence was a humorous recognition that the situation had a ridiculous side. But Orme, knowing that much was at stake, did not for an Instant trust his unwelcome companion. Alca trante would cling to him like an Old Man of the Sea, awaiting the op portunity to get tho better of him. Every wile would be employed; but publicity was no part of the game Orme began really to believe that To shake off Alcatrante, perhaps there was no better way than to lure blm to some deserted place and ovor power blm. But would not Alcatrante be likely to have anticipated such a move? And would he not resort to desperate measures of his own before Orme could put bis own plans into practise T Blxby might help. Orme walked over to the inaulrj. window. "I want to see Mr. Blxby," be said, offering his card. The young woman behind the win dow took the card, but at the same time she said: "Mr. Blxby left a few minutes ago. He won't be back to day. Shall I keep the card for him?" "It doesn't matter, thank you," he said, turning away. Luck was against him. Besides Blxby no oue In the of fice knew him. Alcatrante smiled genially. "Since Mr. Blxby Is absent," he remarked, "shall we leave the veritlcatlon of the notes until tomorrow?" "What are you talking about?" ex claimed Orme. "Why" Alcatrante's face was the picture of astonishment "the Walllng ham company notes, of course. The notes you wish to sell me." His voice was raised so that the girl behind the window could not holp hearing. "Rot!" said Orme. "What?" A note of Indignation crept into Alcatrante's voice. "Are you evading? Perhaps you thought I would not insist on the verification." An other clerk, a man, had Joined the girl behind the window. Alcatrante sud denly addressed him. "This Mr. Orme told me that he needed to raise money and would transfer to me cheap some notes signed by your company. I met him at the hotel. He said that, it I would come here with him, he would show the notes and have them veri fied. I don't understand." ; The clerk loft the window, and, opening a door, came Into the recep tion room. "What are the notes you have?" he asked. "I have none," replied Orme, In dis gust "I hnve never pretended to have any. This man la crazy, I think." He pointed to Alcatrante. "He has fol lowed mo here uninvited for reasons of hla own. I asked for Mr. Blxby, whom I know. I would have asked for Mr. Walllngham, my personal friend, but that I bad already learned of hla being at Arradale." "There's funny business here some where," exclaimed Alcatrante, with great earnestness. "Do you mean to say that you did not Introduce your self to me In the lobby of the Framing ton and ask me to buy the notes?" Ormo did not answer. With a conservative eye the clerk looked at the two. He was not one to Involve himself in a dubious affair. . "I can't settle this matter for you, gentlemen," he said. With a slight bow, Orme went Into the hall. It dawned upon htm why Al catrante had Invented so remarkable a story. Without question, the min ister had feared that Orme would en list aid in the offico, or that at least he would manage to deposit the coveted papers In safety while he found other means to get rid of his shadow. Hence the sudden effort to discredit Orme. In the long corridor Orme gave no further attention to Alcatrante, who was pattering along beside him. The course he now had In mind was to hire a cab and ride out of the city all the way to Arradale, if possible. The dis tance could not be much greater than 15 miles. If Alcatrante chose to pur-, sue, well and good. There would be ways of disposing of him. Then an audacious notion flashed into Orme's mind. Why not let Alca trante ride with him? Why not take the minister all the way to his destina tion and at the end turn hlra over a prisoner? The Idea was hardly practicable. He might meet other enemies, and In that event he would not care to have an enemy already at his side. It came to him for the first time that the nearer he approached his goal, the greater would be the opposition he would have to overcome. Whatever else the South Americans and Japanese might do, they would have their guards about the house of the girl's fathor. Hith erto he had assumed that, once free of Alcatrante and safe on the train to Arradale, he would have plain going; but now he renllzed that the dangers would pile up higher as he advanced. In any event, he must get rid of Al catrante, and as they approached the elevator grills, he spoke. "Senor," he said, "unless you stop following mc, I shall be obliged to hurt you. I give you fair warning." Alcatrante lnughed. "If you hurl me, as you threaten, you will find your self In difficulties. You will be arrest ed, and you will have no opportunity to deliver the documents on time. My position as minister my extra terrl toriallty will make it very difficult for you to extricate yourself." Ormo looked grimly down Into the sallow faco. "My fist against your chin," he said, "might do It." Alcatrante did not lose his smile. "You will hardly try that, I think. There would be no time for you to get away. People In these passing eleva tors would see you." Orme turned away and pressed the "down" button, and a few seconds laer a descending car stopped. He pushed his way in, Alcatrante after him. The elevator was crowded. Clerks, and stenographers were beginning to leave thoir offices, for the hour was nearly five. Orme wedged his way In at one side, and, In order to gain a momentary sense of seclusion, turned hla back upon the persons who were pressing against him and stood with his face to the side of the cage, looking through the scroll work of the grating to the swiftly ascending cables In the next tell. He was conscious that Al catrante stood close to htm as the car began to slip downward. It was all very ridiculous, this persistent pursuit of him. Suddenly Alcatrante's voice burst out: "Stop the carl I've been robbedl Stop the car!" There was Immediate commotion; a gtrl screamed, and the swaying of the huddled group mads the car rattle. The elevator man quickly threw over bis lever. Tba oar stopped with a jera oeiweeu mnjia. Orme had started to turn with the others, but with a quick exclamation, he checked his movement and pressed hla face against the grating. A re-, markable thing had happened. The ascending car In the next well bad stopped at Alcatrante's outcry. The few passengers It was carrying, eager to see what was happen ir.g, hurried to the side nearest to Orme. Less than two feet from his face was the face of a girl. Almost before he saw her at all he knew ber. He forgot that he had given her ap parent cause to doubt him; he did not stop to wonder what she was doing In this building. "Girl!" he whispered. Her lips parted; her eyes opened wider. "Gtrl! Go to Tom Walllngham'a of fice. I'll come up there. Keep out of, sight when you bear me coming. Al catrante Is with me." She nodded. "I have the papers," be added, and his heart thumped happily when b saw Joy and gratitude flash Into ber eyes. From his position and manner b might have been explaining to ber what was happening In hla own car.1 But now, conscious of the necessity of taking part in the discussion about lilm, he reluctantly turned away from, the girl. Alcatrante was still exclaiming vol ubly. Ills purse had disappeared. It bad been In hla pocket Just before ha entered the car. Therefore someone in the car must havo taken it. He did not accuse any single person, though, he flashed suspicions glances at OrraeJ who recognized, of course, that tho move was directed against himself. To embarrass Ormo with arrest and detention would well suit tho purpose of Alcatrante. At this late hour such an event would prevent the delivery of the pnpers. Orme wondered whether, the minister had realized that the pa pers might be found by the police and disposed of properly. The explana tion of this apparent oversight on tho part of Alcatrante was not difficult, however, for perhaps it was not a part of the plan that Orme should b actually thrown into a cell. It was more likely that an arrest would be followed, after as much dolay as Al catrante could secure, by a refusal to prosecute. One advantage to Alca trante would be the opportunity ot getting assistance while Orme was ia the hands of the police so that after the prisoner was released he would have more than one person to contend with. Alcatrante would give up acting alone. "Somebody has my purse!" Alcv trante was shouting. 'Somebody beret You must not let anybody out!" The elevator boy had been gaping im seeming paralysis, but now several et the passengers men who doubtless were sure of their positions were an grily ordering him to take the ear down. Some of them bad tralna te catch. "No! No!" screamed Alcatrante. Orme had kept out of the discussion, but now he spoke quietly. "I think. Senor Alcatrante" he uttered th name distinctly, knowing that tho South American probably did not wlsbi himself Identified "I think that, If the. boy will take the car almost to tbe bottom, the starter will help you" There was a chorus of seconds ts this suggestion. The boy pulled th lever and let the car descend slowly, while Alcatrante continued to exclaim. How would the South American try to throw suspicion where he wished, it? Orme puzzled over this question, for certainly the police would not ar rest all the passengers. And then be suddenly remembered how Alcatrante bad crowded against him when they entered the car. A cold wave of horror swept ovsr him. Was it possible that? He put his hand into the left side pocket of his coat Something was, there that did not belong there smooth, bulging purse. Alcatrante bad put it there. Orme fingered tho purse. He would have to get rid of it, but he dared not to drop It to the floor, and If he thrust It through the grating and let It fall Into the elevator well, some one would be almost certain to detect the action. There was only a moment left before) the car would stop. He looked down at Alcatrante, who was close In front ot him. Then his face relaxed and la spite of the gravity of his situation he smiled; for he had found a solution, "mntly he acted upon It To be continued. Di'Nlre Sentiment In Willing. Councilman Frank Neuraan, ap pointed as chairman of a special com mittee by the mayor last evening to ascertain the sentiments of citizen, property owners, business men and the Commercial club, relative to tbj advisability of owning water plant, will call a meeting of the members ot the committee at an early date. All persons wishing to express their sen timents as to whether It would be advisable for tho city of Plattsmouth, to own and operate Us water plant, are requested to put the same in writing and deliver the same to Councilman Neuman. This Bbould bo done at once, as some action on th part of the city will have to be taken, soon. Poultry Wanted Highest prices paid for all farm produce. WITT PRODUCE CO.