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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1911)
TeleDhonind bur Dressmaker PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. ( any of Hie renders of the Journal kiuno of a nodal cent or an item of intertxt in this vicinity and will mail name to (Aid office it mil appear under this heading 1'e taut all Hans of interest. Editor Journal. Murray Department c Service Customers! We aim to serve each customer alike in all business matters, and give each the best bank service. A man with a small volume of busi ness receives the same attention from our officers as does large depositors. Our service means accommodation. Service in matters of consequence also means with us, service ia minor deal-ing-in every detail. We are always glad to talk over busi ness matters with you, whetheryou are a customer or not. We are confident that our service will giveyou entire satisfaction. Murray State Bank n CZZ) MURRAY, lzz3( UPC Lee Allison was In Plattsmouth Wednesday. Mrs. Jesse McVey Ib reported spmo better this week. " 1 Henry Creamer was a rouiity Heat visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Reed has been quite Kick for the past week. Mtb. O. V. Virgin has been on the sick list for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colo were Platts mouth visitors last Saturday. Dr. U. F. Rrendel made a profes sional trip to Union Wednesday. Wesley Burnett, another patient of I he doctor, is reported some hotter. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Helke has been on the sick list. Airs. Chas. Tllon has been, num bered with the skk for the past few days. Nick Klaurens was la Plattsmouth last Tuesday looking after some busl-. nB8- I R. A. Root was attending to Borne ; biislncta matters In Omaha Wednes- i day. Lee Nickels was transacting some husliHss matters In the county seat Jst Saturday. The JJitle son of Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Sailors la suffering w.Tj an at tack of pneumonia. Mrs. Iae Ferris, who has been quite skk for the past few days, Is reported canvalescent. RubbcII, the little son of Mr. and Mrs, Glen Perry, is quite Blck this week suffering with pneumonia. Undo Louis Rlrd, of Union, has leen quite sick for the past few days Buffering with pneumonia fever. Mrs. Lloyd (lapen ia getting along nicely, and before many dayB her per manent recovery may be reported. The llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lund, living northwest of town, Is numbered with the sick this week. Mrs. C. f Creamer, who sufferod a slight stroke of paralysis a few daya ago, Is reported some butter at this time. Wm. Schllchtmeler Is another one of our good citizens who has been numbered with the sick for the past week. Russell Perry, who has been Buf fering for tho past week with a severe attack of pneumonia, Is reported some better. Uncle Ren Recknian, one of the beBt old gentlemen In Cass county, lias been on the Rick list for a few lays this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Loughrldge en tertained Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rrown at supper Tuesday evening. Verna llatt was In Murray WedneB day to take her position in the bank In order to relieve Cashier Roedeker, who was clerking tho sale for Geo Rhoden. Elmer Mutz and wife, of Omaha Chas. Muta and wife, and MIbs Tousle Stokes spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mlnford, cast of Murray. R. A. Young and little daughter Jannett, from near Nchawka, were In Murray Wednesday. Mr. Young has been Buffering with the grip for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. White, who have ben very sick for the past few week are slowly gaining streagth, and hopes are entertained for their spwdy recovery. DC for ur NEBRASKA n rsrv c J Dr. A. E. Walker was In Omaha Tuesday evening. Cecil Amkk was In Plattsmouth Monday evening. Remember the Basket Social at the Christian church, February 14, Mrs. H. L. Oldham has been num bered with the Blck for the past few days. Miss Loretta Walker, of Cedar Creek, spent Sunday with friends in Murray. Don't forget the Valentine Rasket social at the Christian church, Febru ary 14th. Wm. Rustler, of Ashland, lit visit ing this week with bis Murray friends. James Manners, of Havelock, was here Sunday to attend the funeral of Harvey Johnson. Chas. Roedeker was attending in somo business matters In the county Boat Tuesday. Miss Mae Vallery is visiting this wk In Murray, the guest of Miss Isabella Young. Harry Todd and W. C. Rrown made a trip to Plattsmouth Wednesday for the transaction of business. Will Rerger came up from Nebras ka City, Sunday, to attend the funeral of his cousin, Harvey Johnson. Miss Clara Young came home last Friday evening to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young. James Campbell and Tommy Klemm and lady friends were attend ing the play at Plattsmouth Tuesday evening. Albert Young and Miss Pauline Oldham wero In Plattsmouth Tues day evening attending the play at the Parmele. Miss Tesslo Stokes and Arthur Copenhaver were in Plattsmouth Tuesday evening to attend the play at the Parmele. Chas Chrlswlsser was looking after some business matters In Platts mouth Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, returning home on Wed nesday morning. Matt Slgman, who has been quite sick for tho past few weeks, was taken to Omaha Wednesday evening, where he will be placed In the M. P. hospital for treatment. Mrs. R. C. Ralley, who has been very sick for some time, and under went an operation In tho Omaha hos pital and returned homo a short time ago, Is still quite sick. Mr. and Mtb. 0. A. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Pitman are attending the Hardware Men's convention In Omaha today. They will remain until after the banquet tonight. Fred and Win. Woods are two residents of East Rock Rluffs that are very low with pneumonia fever. At this time their recovery Is very doubt ful as their condition Is very critical Grandpa Sutton, who has been bo dangerously ill for the past few weeks, Buffering with a complication of troubles, combined with old age, remains about the same. His ad vanced ago of 75 years makes his re covery very doubtful. CliaB. Cole has rented a farm down near Weeping Water and will move with his family to the new home on Friday of this week. We regret to see Mr. Cole and family leave this vlcln ity, but are pleased that they are not moving far away. Mrs. James McCullough and llttlo child departed on the evening train Tuesday for Omaha, where they will spend a few days visiting with Mrs. McCullough's mother. ' Mrs. Rozella Phlpps and son Harry and Mrs. Wm. Olmstead, of Carroll, Nebraska, came in last Saturday to attend the funeral of their nephew, Harvey Johnson. Dr. B. F. Rrendel and son Jeff were In Plattsmouth Tuesday, driving up, and the doctor took the train for Omaha, where he had some business matters to look after. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raker, Mr. Lee Nickels and sister, Miss Etta, 'Mr. Geo. Nickels and Mlas Truda Long were attending the play at the Par mele In Plattsmouth Tuesday even ing. The Sunshine band of the Christ Ian church will give a Valentine Bas ket Social at the church on the even ing of February 14. Baskets (well filled with delicacies) will be sold at 50 cent Beach. Everybody Invited. Mr. and Mtb. Thomas S. Ruby, re siding northwest of Murray, accom panied by their little son, were In Plattsmouth Thursday of this week. While in the city Mr. Ruby found time to call at the Journal office to renew bis subscription to the Jour nal. Mrs. A. V. Kennedy entertained a number of relatives and friends at dinner last Monday. Among the guests were: Mrs. Phlpps and son, Harry and Mrs. Olmstead of Carroll, Nebraska, cousins of Mrs. Kennedy; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young and daugh ter, Miss Clara, and Miss Isabella Young. Rlitlnlay Celebration. On last Monday evening a four horse load of merrymakers Journeyed out to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rrendel to assist Jeff In celebrating his birthday. When the crowd arrived Mrs. Rrendel had sup per prepared for them, and the way the "good eats'1 vanished was truly wonderful. After supper five tables of progressive high five were framed up and the merry visitors sure had a good time up to a very late hour. When the homeward taking hour ar rived all departed wishing Jeff and his good wife many more such happy occasions. Those Indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Rrendel for their hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rrown. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Flemnilng, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long, Misses Bessie Rrendel, Lela Vallery, raullno Oldham, Margie Walker. Messrs. Tom Tllson, Albert Young and Will Seybolt. Alva Young and O. A. Davis composed the transporta tion company that conveyed the mer ry party to the scene of pleasure. A Fine Sale. R. A. Wilkinson, the auctioneer from Dunbar, was here Thursday, to cry the John Mills sale. At Avoca the other day Mr. Wilkinson sold at a sale thirteen head of horses, two of which were yearlings and one a suck ling colt, for $2 ll. One of the teams brought $535. We doubt If there Is a more successful auctioneer in this part of the Btate than Mr. Wilkinson. Nemaha Co. Herald. All That Witters In Not Cold. Geo. Rhoden'a sale was held Wed nesday. The day was an Ideal one, and the crowd was very large, and the property brought good prices. It la a cold day when Rob Wllkliiflon does not get the top price for the goods at a public salo. The only ob jection that we heard made to the sales conducted by Mr. Wilkinson this ineason i sthat side partner that he has taken up with, that hooked nose "guy" with the trunk filled with cheap dress goods, that Mr. Wilkin son has been selling at the close of the regular sale. If tho goods that this individual carries around are worth the money It looks as though he could find an easier market than traveling around the country offering them to the highest bidder at public sales. Remember, good people, all that glitters Is not gold, and that all such goods as these may not be what they seem. We are Informed that he sold about $150 worth at this sale, and we would suggest that should they prove cheap and shoddy, return them to tho man you purchased them from, as you would the home man. Mr. Wilkinson will not make you good, bo hunt up the dip face gcntle tuan from Oskosh, ho Is all right. Registered Hulls for Bale. I have for sale three registered Shorthorn bulls. Also, seed wheat and oats for Bale. 2-Mtw. W. 0. Todd, Murray. Nc FUNERAL OF JOHN HAR VEY JOHNSON SUNDAY John Harvey Johnson, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin A. Johnson, was born June 6th, 1S95, and was taken fro mthis world by death from pneumonia on last Tliursday, Febru ary 2, 1911. Harvey was born on his father's farm, five miles south of Plattsmouth, and was a bright and ambitious boy, always trying to be and look on the good and bright Bide of everything. For several years prior and up to the time of his death he was attending school In Murray, working in the ninth grade, aud was making his home with nis aunt and uncle, and was a good and faithful church worker. The young man was In the best of health within a week before his death, and was seriously 111 but a few days. Ills sudden death was a severe shock to his father and only sister, Mrs. Cbas. Manners, who at the time of his death was too 111 to attend the funeral; also his uncle and aunt and the vast number of Mends In and near Murray, where tne lad waj bo known. Harvey's mother died about seven years ago, and for three years after he made his home with his sister, Mrs. Manners, and during the school term for the past four years he has made his home with his uncle and aunt In Murray. The funeral services were held from the Christian church in .Murray on Sunday, February 5th, at eleven o'clock a. m conducted by Rev. Williams, pastor of the church, and the remains laid to rest in the Young cemetery. Harvey was a very popu lar young man, possessing a great many friends, as was truly demon strated by the lart;e gathering who attended the last sad rkes of their little friend. The pall bearers were selected from lila schoolmates and were as follows: Walter Jenkins, Jake Mlnnear, Everett Thomasen, Vance Todd, Vance Rurton and War ren Leonard. The honorary mem bers being chosen from the young Rlrls of his class, and were Olga Mln ford, Hannah Hansen, Clara Copen haver, Edith LaRue, Delia Adams and Marie Davis. The death of Harvey leaves but two members of a family of nine, six children and the mother have gone before him, and the surviving father and sister have the sympathy of the entire community, In this, another hour of darkness and sorrow. There was a large number of rela tives and friends from out of town In attendance at the funeral. Card of Thanks. We take this method of extending our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses bestowed upon us in the recent sick ness and death of our dear son, broth er and nephew. A. A. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MannerB. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rerger. Has Teeth Repaired. Roy McDonald, the Taclfic Junction switchman, returned to Plattsmouth this morning to have some dental re pairs on his teeth, which he had the misfortune to smash up in making a coupling in the P. J. yards recently. Roy had his pipe In his mouth when making the connection, and In some way got the coupling pin Tast In his glove and was jerked by the engine several ways for Sunday, striking the frozen ground on his pipe, throwing his weight on his teeth. It will take considerable over a hundred dollars of Roy's wealth to put his teeth back In condition to masticate his food as good as before the accident. Dr. Gilmoro Returns Home. Dr. G. II. Gilmoro, who has been In Chicago for the past three weeks re ceiving a post-graduate course at the Chicago University, returned to his home In Murray last Saturday even ing, and will resume charge of his practice this week. We are Informed that the doctor returns home feeling strong and well from his recent oper ation, and In excellent condition to attend his large practice. Homo From Texas. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker returned home from their southern trip Mon day evening. They report a very pleasant trip and the climate in that country has been ideal at this Beason of the year. They are both enjoying good health, and their three weeks' vacation was a great benefit to them For Hale. 200 hedge posts. Inquire of D. A Taunt-. 2-2-3tw USED BY MILLIONS! Telephone shopping has become a habit with rail lions of women, because it is more comfortable, and saves time and trouble in making long trips down town. The modern housewife demands a Bell Telephone, be cause it reaches not only her local shops but connects her with every large city in the country. Bell Service is the World's Standard of Telephone Efficiency. PUBLIC AUCTION. The undersigned will sell at public auuicn at his farm four and a half iniies west of M-irray, or five miles no tb and one mile west of Nehawka, Nebraska, commencing at 10 o'clock a m., sharp, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1911 The following property, to-w'.t: One bay mare, seven years old, weight 1830. One brown mare, four years old, weight 1,470. One bay mare, four years weight 1,470. One bay gelding, three years weight 1,250. One bay mare, three years old, old, old, weight 1,260. One steel gray mare, four years old, weight 1,400. One black gelding, seven years old, weight 1.250. One gray mare, four years old, weight 1,250. ; One lady's single driver, ten years old, weight 1,440. One saddle mare, four years old, weight 1,000. One brown colt, weight 1,000. One yearling colt. One Shetland pony, coming three years old. Broke to ride or drive safe for any child. Seventy head of stock hogs. Fifty brood sows for March and April farrow. Farm Machinery: Two farm wagons. Four cultivators. One hay rack, complete. Two harrows. One hay stacker. One hay buck. One hay rack. One hay rake. One top buggy. One new carriage. One set carriage harness. One wagon bed. One pair sleigh runners. One feed grinder. One broadcast seeder. One old buggy. One riding lister. Two walking listers. One pair horse clippers. One pair sleigh runners. A few chickens, some household goods and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash In hand; over $10, a credit of six months will be given, the purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing Interest at eight per cent from date. No property to leave the premises until settled for. Lunch will be served on the grounds at noon. J. L. Young, Wm. Dunn, Auctioneer. Owner, W. G. Roedeker, Clerk. The Time To Pay Vp. As this Is the time of the year when all business men are required to meet their numerous obligations that fall due on the first of the year, we are compelled to call upon our friends to settle their little unpaid bills at this time. We have always been ready to favor our friends and patrons and ever regret that we are compelled to ask for a settlement at this time. Holmes & Smith. For Sale. Hardwood lumber for building on the Wm. Wiley farm, one mile east and two miles south of Murray. Any person wanting said lumber, call on the undersigned at the farm. Mrs. O. M. Wiley. Nebraska Tofephone Company M. E. Brantner, Local Manager &HMII$ a FOREST ROSE , 8 7b I The Dest Flour in the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers Fight. Very few people are as fortunate as not to be compelled to fight at some period of their llvfe for their existence or comfort, and still scarcer are those who never had to fight sick ness. While we have to be ready to fight at any moment, It Is evident that we must preserve our health and strength and our energy and confi dence. Should we notice some indis position and weakness, loss of appe tite and of energy, we must seek help. We recommend you to try Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, a remedy made of pure red wine and medicinal herbs. It will clean out the digestive canal and at the same time strengthen it. In diseases of the stomach, the liver and the bowels it brings a quick and decided relief. It will purify the blood and give strength to muscles and nerves. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1339 South Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111. Chas Engelkemeler, or near Weep ing Water, was in the city yesterday on business, and while here called at Journal headquarters and renewed for the Old Reliable for another year. Mr. Engelkemeler Is a brother of Mr. Fred Engelkemeler, of this city, and is one of the thrifty German farmers of Cass county. SHAKE OFF THE GRIPPE" before it obtains too firm a hold upon your system. There are many people in Plattsmouth who say that nothing5 benefits them like Grippe Pills 25c Per Package F. G. FIRE 8 CO, Neb. 68 ymm M. 136 EXPERT PILL MIXERS