The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1911, Image 2

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EmpSislic and Missionary En
deavors All DiscounlEd.
The Divine Program For Human
Salvation Is Only Beginning.
P.rooklyn, N. Y.,
February fj.
P.rooklyn A c n d
4iuy of Music wus
crowded today to
hour Taller i;4-
ui.ll mi (tnVii mliiil.
! yV 1 fulness of mini
r ' . fN'i from thu text.
"Whitt U Man,
Tint Thou Art
Mindful of IIliii';"
(Psnlm vlll, 1) Tho hiiv.e midienrc
listened villi Intense lntcrc.-.t, no that
a pin -drop could have been heurd.
Tie spcsikcr s;iid:
For some wri'!;.! oi.r (l!y v. Ill 1st-' lu
tlio lliru.-M nf it "KfVlvitl of i:'l!on."
lllllidlcil-i (if minister h.ivo jiliii I'd
themselves nil'! their ci.iinrci.aliom
Under tin; lc;uh-rshlp of tin; I'.vv. Dr. I
Cli:iHiiiiii mid Mr. A!ev,iinh T, tin- f.i
inous singer, f"f the 'Uii"i-.c of reviv
ing rcli;,hui; for tin) .urp ;e of res u- I
lug hunuin koii'm from clennl loniient, ,
as tin) .loosloU U eelie;iliy Ulld.T-
HlOi.lL 1'.!. '!:!'' IlliVt) Mlll:,erilU'd
liiri'fi i '..ii of nioii- y f.r tliii ncl.lo j
work of r-v'.ciie, ie:Monhe.r tint If Ihoii-
Bunds of (lulim-s mo spent In lire 1' lit
In;; i.; i liia'.iH for t'.ie pruloel ion of hu
Iiinn life for n few yours, the ner 1 cj
of Mi IN. (luipmnil mid Alexander
will la; oheai If they carry nwny twenty-five
thousand dnHnr for a month'
work, I'l'ovidid tin- remits hIiow h
poodly number . rescued front eternal
Wo Kyiiipallil.o Willi some of those
large hoMi led and open handed busi
ness men who clvc their money for
Bo liiudahU; mi olijoct. Yet wo can
not think that many, nay not even it
majority, of thorn who coiilrllniU'd
this Finn huvo clone ho conscientious-
ly. We cannot think that ono half of
litem believe In the tombing of eternal
torture, nor can wo think that more
than onotciilh of them believe that n
practlcnl conversion Is signified by n
responso to an Invitation which Im
plies It preference for lleiivenly bliss
rather Ihnn for eternal anguish. How
ever, It Is for those who pay tlio mou
ey to exoivls, their own consolem es In
this inn, nnil It Is none of our busi
ness what they decide.
Wo i.vinpiithlzo also with the hun
dreds of 1'iiMtors of this city who havo
Joined lu this movement, which they
hope will lin reiise their conirrepatlons
mid church revenues, but these Pas
tors know In reality that the I'dhle
does not teach eternal torment, and
they lutvo discarded the llildn anyway
lu favor of Higher Critical -Infidelity.
Theirs Is nn unhappy and stultified
Wo sympathize still more with tlio
poor people whose education along
fcplrltunl llnei Is nlniost wholly neg
lected, and who live In constant fear
of the tiod who loves (hem and In
dreadful misunderstanding of tlio I'd
Me, which he has given them. IU
tween the Imperfei Iness of tlio trans
lation and tho coloring of prejudice
mid tho twist of misunderstanding of
Ronio parables and symbols they are
helpless in tho presence of educated
men who tench Inferentlally what they
do not themselves believe. Alns! poor
"common people!" that you should bo
betrayed by those In whom you re
pose confidence and whom you unwit
tingly pay for keeping you lit tho dark
"by taklnir front you the key of knowl
edge. Truly, "My people perish for
lack of knowledge" (Iloseit lv, ti).
Sympathize! Still Mors With Cod.
Ilr.t hIIII more we sympathize with
fjod, whose name Is dishonored, whoso
Justice, Mercy, Wisdom, I.ovo and
Tower aro traduced, nay, vilified. Wo
nay to ourself, llow wonderful tho
patience of Hod, which for centuries
has endured blasphemous misrepre
sentations of his good character and
Dlvlno Plan of tho Aces! Well does
be tell us that as tho heavens are
higher than the earth, so his plans and
tucthods In respect to our salvation
nro higher than ours not lower. Well
does he tell us that human fear to
M'Hrd hint Is taught by tho precepts of
men. not according to Ids Word (Isa
iah xxlx, 13). We can seo reason
vhy the Lord has kept silence toward
tho heathen, but wo nro perplexed that
Judgment have so long delayed to
come upon those who, knowing bet
ter, sllll shunler the grout and holy
liamo nnl misrepresent the Pdvlne pur
poses. What would n chief shepherd do to
rn undcr-shephcrd found misleading
the sheep, guiding them Into poison
nis pastures? Wo bellevo that he
would take the sheep from them, even
i hough he allowed them still to shep
herd the goats. And It Is quite out
thought that such a judgment Impend
ivor Christendom and that all shep
herds, false to their trust, will be dls
missed Ignomlnlously, and that Very
Foino urpe that we should do evil
In order b obtain good results; that
we should misrepresent tho Dlvlno
horncter In order to get people to Join
tho Church. Is It urged that some
imiy, as a result of this evangelistic
utowinont. lead n mora orderlv nnd
decent life hereafter as discus, mil
that we. should be willing to Join li
traducing our Creat n In ordi r to oh
tain this result? We Miv.vor. .o, a
thousand limes. No! In our judfc'neiit
the perversions of the TiutJi, the dis
honoring of our Maker, the Insiililag
of inlscouceptio'ji Into the minds of
the people, Is n awful tint to pay,
even If the resulis should be u hundred
times as great m promised. Well did
Jesus say, "Ye compass sea nnd land
to make one proselyte nnd when he Is
gained, you make him two-fv'd more a
child of destruction than yourselves"
(Matthew xxlil, The conversions
achieved by misrepresentations of Iod
Instil a poison Into the heart dlllicult
to eradicate, Impervious to the Truih.
It grieves mo to be obliged conscien
tlotisly thus to t haracterize a move which has, at least, an outward
appearance of godliness. It will lit
tract to me the venom of those whose
hypocrisies I criticize. It Is not the
money that they will collect that
grieves me, for those who give It hon
estly, thinking thus to servo the Lord,
will surely be blessed by hint. It Is
tho hyimerlsy of the thing, the misrep
resentation of their own belief and un
belief end the slander against the holy
name of the Creator and the further
bamboozling and throwing of dust Into
tho eyes of tho common poople-tliU
awakens, and should awaken, right
eous Indignation. And the more oth
ers do not speak, the more I must
speak In denunciation and In warning
to the people to search the Scriptures
nnd become undeceived.
Henrkcn Now to Our Text.
The tcachln;"! of nil of the creeds
of the "Iar!; Ago-i"' which have come
iin to us, although tiny contain
many gcod tliin;'-:, lire so befo;.'gcd
wiih misrepresentations of Mod as t
be n slew li to our nostrils nnd a men
ace to our spiillnnl health. They pic
ture to in a (iod cilh'T P." !Jc.s.iu I
care'e.s of the future interest:! of bi.i
human creatures, or else us powerless
to nld nny but the few. They picture
to us millions golm; down to torture
dorlm: the fi.ur thousand years be
f.ii'o Jesus came Into the world to feck
nnd to save that wlih li vi:s lo-.t. They
picture to us that since his ctuniu::
only a handful, coiuparatlwly, of the
human fatally have become his c!,s
clplos, foobtop followers, "Meet for
tho Inheritance of the saints I'l light."
All' the others, according to our Prot
estant creeds, Calvlnisllc and Arinlnl
nn, have gone down to eternal torture.
Prom this standpoint It Is that Dr.
Chapman and Mr. Alexander ire. the
heroes of the hour, saving n few more
whom Cod would have otherwlso neg
lected, or, as some might say, saving
them lu spite of lilvlno foreordlnatlon
to the contrary.
Hut. what say tho Scriptures? Poes
tho P.ible substantiate such theories?
Nay, nay! In harmony with our text,
the entire IiiMe reveals to us a (!od
as Infinite In his Wisdom und Power
as l.i his Justice und Love. Our text
tells us that he Is mindful of Ills cren
t tires- humanity. lie was mindful lu
tho very beginning when he created
it i it ti and foreknew Ids fall. Away
buck (hero he foretold that "the Seed
of the woman should ultimately bruise
the Serpent's head." Away buck there
be Indicated his Idvlne purpose, In
due time, to redooiu man from destruc
tion (not front eternal torment, for
noiio were sentenced to torment).
The skins which covered the miked
tiess of our llrst parents cost the 11ts
of animals, and thus Cod typically
prophesied "better sacrifices" for the
perfect covering of man's sin and
shame. In Cod's dealings with tho na
tion of Israel, he gave numerous types
foreshadowing the later blessings, fol
lowing "the belter sacrifices" of tho
niitllypleal Atonement lhiy-blosslng
all the families of the earth.
Cod was mindful of nut it's Interests
all that tlmo (for over forty-two cen
turies), even though, during that long
period, nothing was actually accom
plished. Tho sal vat Ion was purposed,
was planned, was assured, hut must
be walled for until Cod's duo time.
Reconciliation by "Bsttep S.icrific."
When Jesus appeared tho world was
still lu sin-oven the ono little nation
of Israel was still tinder lilvlno con
demnation because of sin-because
their typical sncrllh es were Insufficient
and merely foreshadows of "tho better
saerltlcosi," which Cod whs mindful
later to bring to pnss.
Those "better sacrlllces'' nro tint yet
completed, though nearly so, wo be
lieve. They consist of "tho Man Christ
Jesus who gavo himself n "Uansont
for nil," and also of tho faithful few
whom ho has itccepted as his disciples
nnd who nro walking In his steps,
"presenting their bodies living sacri
fices, holy nnd acceptable to (Sod,"
through their Kedeemcr (lloin. xll, 11.
Cod Is still mindful of humanity,
llo has not forgotten his responsibili
ties as a Creator. Tho theory that
Cod shirks his responsibility and al
lows tho ninety thousand who dlo
dally ti drop Into eternal torment be
cause of carelessness or Indlfferenco
on our part Is not true Is not Scrip
tural. Cod nlllrnis his own responsibility
for every feature of his Plan, llo de
clares, "My Word that Is gone forth
out of my mouth shall not return unto
mo void; It shall prosper In the thing
whereto I sent It" (Isnlah lv, 11).
Ilenco we should understand that Cod
sent no message to convert tho world
during tho llrst forty-one hundred and
fifty years after Adam's creation, be
cause ho did not will the world to bo
converted them, lie had no message
for tho world. Ills time had not come.
St. Paul refers to this, saying, "Thi1
times of that Ignorance Cod winked
nt" (took to) notice of). Hut now
since tho death of Jesus, the Just for
tho unjust, and the opening up of pos
nihilities for n rut uro life through n
resurrection, Cod communes nil men
everywhere to repent. And nil who
become disciples of Jesus nro prlv
I'egcd to he cT.r,.id-)ri for Od, to
ronvey to nil who have the hearing
par a message of (Sod's uier'-y to bind
up the broken hearml, to d s lare the
acceptable year nnd the opening of the
,irisoii doors.
Put the work In the present timo U
restricted. Not all could pi ssibly be
Messed now and the elc-t must have
in car to hear and must be drawn
of the rather" ami must wnlk In the
Master's footsteps and thus be onie
copies of Cod's dear Son. This Is th"
only work thus far, and It Is to the
world, but to the few who have the
hearing ear nnd who leave the world
t become followers of Jesus.
"Th High Calling In Christ."
The Plble declares that now Cod Is
sending forth it "high calling In
Christ." Those, called during tills dis
pel Age are called to walk in Jesus'
footsteps ns saints, "presenting their
bodies living sacrifices." suffering wl'h
their Master and for his cause. Tho
promise to all these Is that. If faith
ful, they shall share with the great re
deemer his Messlunle Throne which Is
yet to bless the world. To this Hride
class the Pcdecmer will be the Pride
groom, Lord and Head. Sharing his
sufferings they will share h!s exalta
tion to the divine nature and Us glory,
honor mid Immortality, And the-'o will
participate in the glorious Messttnie
work soon to begin.
"Let Cod Bo Truo" Othsm Liars.
If evangelists and others would
pn ie h this "narro.v way" of the Cos
pel o? Chrl-st, how we would rcjoi e
wllh tlietn, and how soon wou'd the
true knowledge of Cud's hue fspn; ;d
over tho world and appeal to the leMrls
of all! IIow'Py we would :o
them J iin us l:i this ices c nnd I'l
the further lie-,!;:..,. thct Cod's Plan
III -the lie::t A; ' wi'l re:. eh dam mi l
nil of his po.-iti ily-",e cry I r.u," ,u ;t
nnd mi.inst llviii'C nnd de."d! Th 'V
sliou'd be told of the "Times of Pes'i
tlltion" that .. cf; l!0'r!n'. They
shou'd le r.ilvlsrd th:'t If tb.-y ro-'e t
the "lrgh onPiir:," the "ele . Ihet" now
III pro'.'tvs, t!i;.y will, nevertheless.
have responsibility end h liable for
stripes or'i":ii;;, b) proportion
ns they know rlg'tt from wrong nnd
wilfully do tho w r.ui r.
What we plead for i that the edu
cated nihil iters and . It.vnie't slrm'd
fcns-e fo do evil, cense to ml- retire -"tit
nnd Induce our grin Ions Creator. We
warn llieni that he will not hold guilt
less those w ho take hht name In vai l
Will not hold guiltless those who atro
ciously malign his name.
Tho Creat Revival Coming.
As for methods for tho calling of the
"elect" In this Age, we urge that
neither we nor others are wise enough
to Improve upon the methods and prac
tices of Jesus and tlio Apostles. We
urge that any doWallon from their
Ci impel of "good tiding of great Joy
for all people" must bo Injurious. We
urge that wo of today should preach,
ns St. Peter did at Pentecost, not only
of the "high calling" of tho Church,
but also of the world's bless!:' -"Times
of ISeslllutloii of all things Which (Sod
hath spoken by the mouth of nil the
holy prophets since the world began"
(Acts III,
We urge that such a general presen
tation of lilvlno Justice would appeal
to all true hearts and heads In t ltr
present time much better than any
"expediency" preaching and prepare
all mankind the better for the future
ns well ns for the resent life.
The great revival of religion will
come to tlio world Immediately follow
ing tho great tlmo of trouble with
which this (Sospel Age Is shortly to
end. Then, under the blessing of Mes
siah's Empire, nil the Ignorance and
superstition nnd misrepresentation of
God and of his Plan will floe away be
fore the presence of (lie Sun of Right
eousness, which will Illuminate tho
Then will come (Sod's tlmo for Mess
ing the world. Ills Kingdom, estab
lished In the world with power mid
great glory, will rule It with n rod of
Iron, compelling prompt obedience to
the Phlne Law, both in letter and lit
spirit. The obedient will be helped
upward and will progress step by step
to perfection, while the rebellious,
after proper testing and provlncs,
"will be destroyed front amongst tho
people"-In the "Second Heath."
Wliv should we not tell tho people
plainly that there Is it special salva
tion now In progress and that n com
mon or general one will follow for tho
non elect? Why not explain to them
the great reward of the present time
Joint heirship with Messiah In the
Kingdom for which we pray, "Thy
Kingdom come; thy will be dmio on
earth ns In heaven?" why not ex
plain to tho world that restitution Is
the portion of all who do not choose
to sacrifice, but that, necordlng to their
present course, upward or downward,
will bo their standing futurc-moro
or less disapproved ami requiring
more or less of chastisements or
stripes, dlflleultles, for their extrica
tion, for their uplifting.
Much better could we understand
the giving of money to tell mankind
the Truth nnd to glorify tho mime of
our Cod and our Kedeemer. Hut wo
nro totally nt a loss to comprehend the
attitude of those who give time and
nionev for n little outward show and
tho grievous Inward injury to t ho
ninny through a misrepresentation of
their Creator nnd bis word.
To the out -of Chilli li millions whom
1 address through the newspapers
tveeklv I suggest that the power of
the Truth Is love, and that faithful
ness to our Lord nnd to Ms Message
In the Plble are the two greatest prlv
lieges (hut could imsslbly come to any
of us. mid that we should each nnd
all unite hearts and voices In "show
ing forth the praises of htm who has
called ns out of darkness into his mar-
vollous light." Thus we mny be help
fill to other wanderers seeking "the
Wnr. the Truth and the Life." "The
Love of Ci d coustmlneth us."
IT FHifflOy BED;
Mrs. Catherine M. Wood Passes
Away This Morning at An
Early Hour.
From Saturday' Daily.
Mrs. Catherine M. Wood, an aged
lady, died at the home of her grand
daughter, Mrs. S. P. Beaver, in this
city, at 1:30 this morning from the
effects of a fall received yesterday.
Catherine M. White was born In
Georgia, Vermont, April C, 1828. She
was married to William Wood, at
Wallingford, Connecticut, March 30,
1852. Five years later Mr. and Mrs.
Wood removed to Iowa, where they
resided for gome years. Three chil
dren were born to them, two of
whom survive tho deceased, namely:
William Waiter Wood, of Denver, and
Mrs. Adeline PilLsbury, of Platts
niouth. Her husband died in Mem
phis, Tennessee, In 1861, having en
listed In the army for the defense of
his country ct the outbreak of the
civil war.
Since the death of her husband,
Mrs. Wood made her home a part of
the time with her son, Mr. W. W.
Wood, and a portion of the time with
her daughter, Mrs. Pi'libury, and
until the death of her sister, a large
! part of th time Mrs. Wood lived at
' Minneapolis with her sister. She
came to Plattsmouth about six
; months ago to rcsldo with Mrs. Pi'.ls
I bury, and for some time bad been
suffering front grip. Ami yesterday
morning while no one wns in the
loom the aged patient arose from her
bed and In her weakened condition,
fell nnd sustained Internal Injuries
which resulted in her death this
Her daughter, Mrs. rillsbury, lias
been confined to her bed with grip
for some days, and Is yet unable to
leave her bed.
We, the undersigned, will sell at
Public Auction at the old Atwood
farm, four and one-half miles south
east of Plattsmouth, near the Mis
souri river, at the big Island, on
the following property, to-wlt:
Fourteen Head of Horses.
Ono pair blacn mares, ten years
old, weight 3,000 pounds, with foal.
Pair bay mares, 7 years old, weight
Pair bay coach colts, 3 years old.
Sorrel colt, coming 3 years old,
weight 1,400.
Ulack colt, coining 2 years old.
weight 1,200.
One black mare colt, 9 months old.
One black horse colt, 8 months old.
One Shetland pony, 5 years old.
One hay mare, weight 1,200 lbs.,
with foal.
Ninety Head of I logs.
Fifty brood sows, all bred. Ralance
will average from 100 to 150 pounds
and are In good thrifty condition.
These hogs are all good stuff, being
bred up to high standard.
One disc, nearly new.
One Deerlng mower, nearly new.
One tonguelcss cultivator.
Ono lister.
One three-section harrow.
One stirring plow.
One hay rake..
One three-horse sulky plow.
One riding cultivator.
Ono stump cultivator.
One spring wagon, one top buggy
Two lumber wagons.
Three seta of double harness.
One light set of double harness.
One grindstone.
One hand corn shellcr.
Ten tons of bright alfalfa hay.
Some household goods, chickens,
and numerous other articles.
Tennis or Sale.
All sums of $10 and under, casm In
hand; over $ 10, a credit of twelve
months will be given, the purchaser
giving good bankable paper bearing
interest at eight per cent from date.
No property to leave the premises
until settled for. Sale will commence
at 10:00 o'clock a. m., sharp.
Harvey & Falter.
Rob't Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
old by all Leading Deal.
cr s. Try a Sack and
if notsatisfactary
Money Refunded
DE'lll I
h i
If priee is any efajoeH
to you, then take note of the prices e are making
on Overcoats to close them out:
Thcs,e are within the reach of any pocketbook, and
there are no doubtful qualities in our store. We
have enjoyed a splendid Overcoat season, hence we
are willing to close the remaining lots at mere norj.
inal figures. fC very day the pile grows less, but
your. size may still be there come in and see.
Saturday is tie day with us. Any tie in our west window
50c values-on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4lh, ONLY 25o
CA5H MONZY! No selections made till Saturday.
liU I. VV.i'J d. k
Samuel S. Russell a Prominent
Citizen of Iowa. '
from Friday's Daily.
Samuel S. Russell, who lias been a
resident ot Fast Plattsmouth for
almost fifty years, died this morning
after an illness of three week3, re
sulting from a stroke of paralysis,
and at the time of his death was 84
years, 8 months atd 4 days of age.
Mr. Russell was a native of In
diana, and was married three times.
Ills first wife was buried in lloone
county, Missouri, his second wife in
terred at Old Pacific City, and his
third wife at Martin Chapel cemetery
In Mills county, Iowa. Mr. Russell
settled across the river front Platts
mouth, In 1865, and has resided on
tlie same farm ever since. There
were seventeen children born to Mr.
Russell as the fruits of his second
and third marriages, twelve of whom
survive, those of the second wife be
ing Mrs. I. N. Gouchenour, Mrs. C.
W. Parker, Newton Russell, Alex
Russell and Samuel Russell. Tho
children of the third marriage are:
Will, Andy, John and Alpha Russell,
Mrs. Frances Sturr, Mrs. Rosa Good
row and Mrs. Ettie Trice.
He Is also survived by forty-one
randchildren, fifty-four great garnd-
children and six great groat grand
children. The funeral will occur at 11
o'clock Sunday morning at the East
riattsniouth church and the remains
burled at Martin's Chapel cemetery.
The deceased was a highly respect
ed citizen of Mills county, having pur
chased the farm on which he died at
the close of the civil war,
where he resided upon it
until his death. Sinco the
death of his wife, several years ago,
his son Samuel has resided with him.
lie was nstaunch democrat and took
an active interest In the affairs of
his county, although he never aspired
to any political position for himself.
Only From Day of Sentence.
A special from Lincoln, under date
of February 3, says: "The attorney
general's office has held that a sher
iff may collect for the board and bed
of a prisoner only from the day of his
sentence. Auditor Barton was pre
sented with a claim from Douglas
county for prisoner's subsistence
from the time the prisoner pleaded
guilty. The opinion of the attorney
general shortens the time that a pris
oner may be held a prisoner and
charge the state for his keep to thirty
days. Previously sheriffs have some
times collected fat sums for keeping
prisoners four, five or six months."
THE most comprehensive farm paper all the
news intelligently told Farm questions answer
ed by a practical farmer and experimenter Exactly
what you want in market reports.
ADDRESS ThC Weekly Star, Kansas City, Mo.
From Saturday's Dally.
Mr. John Gregory, 'of near Murray,
who is defendant in a suit brought
hy J. L. Young in the county court
wis In the city yesterday and filed hh
answer in the case which will be reg
ulruly for trial next Tuesday. The
notion is brought by Mr. Young for
several hundred dolnrs but accord
Ins to the defendant's answer and
offer 'n writing to confess Judgment,
there is very little.
The answer sets out In substance,
that during the month of February
he sold and delivered to plaintiff
1,000 bushels of corn at 58 cents and
1092.38 bushels at 56 cents per
bushel, a total of 2092. 38 bushels,
and that plaintiff paid to defendant
$400 on the 11th day of February
and $800 on the 28th day of Febru
ary, 1910, and that there is really due
from the defendant the sura of $8.33,
for which the answer sets out the de
fendant is willing to confess Judg
ment. In addition to the answer, de
fendant by his attorney, M. Cerlng.
filed an offer in writing to confess
Judgment for the sum of $25 and
costs to this date. The stilt promises
to be a very Interesting one and the
outcome will he watched with
(Special to the Journal.)
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 4 Right Rev.
Thomas Uonacum, bishop of the Lin
coln diocese of the Roman Catholic
church died at his residence near this
( It) at noon today.
For the past two days the bishop
had been In a critical condition, his
Illness dating from last Monday,
when he was seized with a violent
chill, his symptoms" becoming more
alarming each day.
Bishop Lonacum had been- In
charge of the See of Lincoln since It
was founded, twenty years ago, em
bracing tho territory south of the
Fiutte river In Nebraska. He came to
Lincoln St. Louis.
Injured Hand Recovering.
Will Grebe, who received a severe
cut on one finger last Tuesday while
butchering hogs at home, Is recover
ing from the'effeets of the Injury
quite nicely. Will and his assistant
killed and dressed three hogs in 27
minutes by the watch, notwithstand
ing the severe cut received at the
Miss Marie Svoboda went to Omaha
on the. fast mall thl safternoon, where
she spent a few hours with friends.
i !