The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1911, Image 8

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OMAHA, JANUARY 10-20, 1911
A great educational Land Show of farm and orchard producis from every
state in tlie West.
It will be an actual and authentic demonstration of what ran be grown,
the cost of production, the financial returns and the favorable conditions under
which crops are produced, so that interested parties can obtain practical and ac
curate information.
VARIETY OF CROPS Corn, Wheat, Oats, Bailey, Potatoes, Sugar Beets,
Alfalfa, Forage Crops, Apples, and all small Fruits.
BURLINGTON TERRITORY will be represented with exhibits. Look for them.
arnam Street,
From Monday's Dally.
Christ Tschlrren drove In from the
far niUils morning and boarded the
early train for tho metropolis today.
W. E. Palling, of Greenwood, came
down yesterday to attend the funeral
of J. E. Ixeslcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Uao Patterson are ro
JoIcIur over tho arrival of a fine boy
at their home this morning.
Walter Rife, of Cedar county, who
has been the guest of J. H. C. Greg
ory for a tlmo, returned to his home
this afternoon.
Mr. unA iMrs. Philip Keil, were
passengers to Omaha on the morn
ing train today, where Mr. Kell was
called on business.
George Lchnholfof Omaha, was a
Platlsmouth visitor yesterday, hav
ing run down to visit bis mother and
sister for a short time.
Fred Smith, of Carson, lowa, who
has been visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Smith, mar the city, re
turned to his home this morning.
Mr. A". J. Augustine, of South
Omaha, who visited Pen Beekman,
his father-in-law, over Sunday, re
turned to his homo this afternoon.
Mr. Henry Guthmun, tho M unlock
banker came down to the county seat
Saturday and spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Guth
man. Frnnk fivoboda, of Lawrence, Ne-j
braska, who has been visiting Frank
Slavacek and other relatives for sonio
time, departed for his homo this
Mr. Henry KaufTninn and wife and
daughter, Mls Dora, were paswon
gers to Omaha on tho morning train
today, whero they looked after busi
ness matters for a few hours.
Mrs. T. K. Dillchay and daughter,
Miss Maud, of Malvern, lowa, re
turned to their homes this morning,
after vlnltlng John Wiles and family
and other friends for a short time.
John Volk and wire, of Pekln, Illi
nois, who have been visiting their
undo, Commissioner 'M. L. Fredler
Ich and family for a short time, de
parted for their homo this morn
ing. John P. Melslnger, of Plattsmouth
precinct, was a business visitor In this
city Saturday afternoon and called at
this office and had his subscription
to tho dally extended for another
year. Thanks, Mr. Melslnger.
Henry Thierolf, of Cedar Creek,
was a Plattsmouth visitor today, hav
ing como down to the county seat on
business. Mr. Thierolf has been
feeling badly for the past two weeks,
Buffering from neuralgia. While- In
the city Mr. Thierolf called at the
Journal office and renewed his sub
scription. Vrom Tuesday's Dally
Mr. J. E. Barwlck, the real estate
merchant, made a business trip to
Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Nowack and Miss Frances
Chaloupa were passengers to the me
tropolis on the morning train today.
Mrs. M. Baumelster departed for
Lincoln on the morning train today,
where she will visit her son for
several days.
William Delles Dernier, the attor
ney, returned from Elmwood last
veiling, where he had been a few
dayB visiting his family.
Mr. John llenrings, or near Louis
ville, was a PlattBinouth visitor this
morning, having come down on No.
4 to transact some business matters
of Importance.
Mr. and Mrs. George Crowcock and
children, who have been visiting Mr.
George Tayne and Tamlly for a few
days, departed for their home at Val
ley, Nebraska, on the morning train
DEAVER, General Agent.
Landteeker's Information Bureau,
Omaha, Neb.
Hon. C. E. Metzger has Introduced
his second bill In the house, which
provides that trains with more than
ten cars of stock attached shall be
equipped with stockman's way cars
attached, with sleeping berths.
Mrs. W. Rosencrans departed to
day for Modalc, lowa, whore she will
visit friends for a time. Her brother,
Frank Minor, of Sioux City, Iowa,
who has been visiting relatives for a
short time accompanied Mrs. Rosen
crans to Modale.
Mrs. L. V. Barger, formerly Miss
Alice Peterson, arrived over the Bur
lington from Davenport, Iowa, this
morning for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petersen and
other relatives and friends.
0. L. Melslnger and Adam Melsln
ger, of near Cedar Creek, were look
ing after business matters In Platts
mouth today, having come down on
No. 4. Messrs. Melslnger dropped In
at the Journal office for a friendly
call as well as to look after an Item
of business.
Merle Ralney, son of William
Ralney, who has been sick for the
past three weeks, was reported In
yesterday's Journal as being a sick
girl, which was a fabrication In more
ways than one. Merle Is not a girl
at all, but an all right boy, and has
been sick three weeks Instead of two.
Charles Cuthman departed for
Murphy, Idaho, on the afternoon
train today, after visiting with his
parents for several weeks. Charles
has Just recovered from a siege of
typhoid fever, and has grown strong
enough to return to work. His fath
er, E. It. Guthman, accompanied hlin
to Oninha.
Miss Stella Henton, of Pacific Junc
tion, Iown, who has been visiting
friends In this city and having some
dental work done, returned to Iter
homo Saturday evening. Before she
left, sho called at this office and re
newed her subscription to the Old
P. M. Melslnger anil brother, L. A.
Melslnger, were In tho city today,
Mr. I j, A. coming In to attend to
sonio business matters and Mr. P. M.
to talio the noon train over tho Bur
lington for Benson, Nebraska, where
he expects to make his homo In the
future. Ho has been making his
home with bis brother L. A. for the
past few months. Both gentlemen
were pleasant callers at this office
and Mr. P. M. Melslnger ordered the
Old Reliable sent to his address.
To Bent Wolf Bounty Brokers.
State Journal: Auditor Barton
wants to forestall all attempts to
profit at tho expense of persons hav
ing claims against the stato for wolf
bounties. The state has repealed the
law tinder which bounties are paid
for such scalps, but persons holding
claims to the amount of $30,000 are
Interested In getting theso claims al
lowed. Mr. Barton says that his
office has been be&clged for a week
by persons who want to secure llsls
of persons having such claims In or
der to offer a certain per cent of the
real value of such claims for the as
signment thereof and thus proTU
when they are allowed by the state.
The auditor has Invoked the aid of
the chairman of the finance and tho
clalmB committees of both houses to
push through these claims at an early
date so that he can Bond out war
rants and forestall the Intentions of
the scalpers.
Making Life Safer.
Everywhere life Is being made more
safe through the work of Dr. King's
New Lire Pills In Constipation, Liver
troubles, Kidney Diseases and Bowel
Disorders. They're easy, but sure,
and perfectly build up the health. 25c
at F. G. Fricke & Co'b.
Tor Sale,
Clover hay. Inquire of S. O. Colo,
of Mynard, Neb. l-9-4tw.
No. 1914
- r me -
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at thi! close of business
January 7. lull.
Limns mill il'v'ounts
( i-riltnfis. sTtnci anil iiiw'iut'il..
I '. S. Ih mils In mtiiii riM'uluLloii. ....
I'lfClliltlllr oil I'. .S. I H II ii Is ....
Kiiinls. H) iii I it It's, elc
Hanklni; Ii'him furnlt iirt. Ilxtuns...
' M hi r ri'iil f si itti' owdimI
line from tiuilniiitl lianks I nut io-
mtvh lu'i ills) . .
I'm- f it m n j iir i vt'i I rt'siTvo lici llls .
( lin ks anil iitlur cusli linns
.Suit's nf oliirr iihHoiihI Imnks
I'lai'tiotiiil Diiut-r curri'iiey, nlirkcU
ftml rcnl.s
Lawful imiiiey i-i-ktvc in bank, viz:
Sims'Ic ( mi .XV)
l-ciml-U'inier miles'i
Itrili'iiii'liuii fiiml Willi I S Ui'Usuiit
( j iht I'i'Ut l clrruUtliili)
S.'.HIS I (1
I. j"!'.!1'!
H. !H.!i7
lii.mni.1 0
.. ..tuurr.i!"
t'aiiliiil Htock iulil In .Vioirtitn
suiiiliis fnnil ij.uuo.mi
I nillvlili'il ihhIIis, 1iss exiH'iiM' and
taxi'N paid... rt.j'.m.n8
Nationul dunk null's mitsl Hiidliiif . .. . rjti.ini .iNi
1 1 in- In a i ml iv il ili'si'i vi- Airi'iils .'mr M
I iidiviilnal (IriHisIlM anlijis't to rliwk IfJ.OiW.M
lii'inauil it'll I ll-iit t's of ili-ixisit 2ii.4ihi.Iii
J lint) ctTtitlcalts of (IriMisit iM' 'M
f 1:3.377. Il
Htnlfof NYliraska I
County of ( ass ( I. II. N. Kovey, raslili r
of tliii aliiivt'-iiiiiiiid soli'iiuily swrar
that tin- ulsnf rl ni i-nii'iit Is I nif to Hit' Is si of
my knowli'iJui' und bellrf.
II. N. Dover, Cashier.
Coi-nvt Attest: K. Si iilatkii,
(h'ii. I..Jion y
ti. K NAI'I'. IHlei'tolS
Siilisi'rlU'd and mwoni id liefoin in th!s
i:;ili day of Jainmiy, lull. Hkssib shka
heal N . trt .'I i.l:.
My coinini-jiUiii expires June 3. I '.Mi
E. E. Martin has moved his family
back from Davey, locating on the A.
II. Welchel farm.
Daisy Langhorst, Cecelia Breken
feld and Josephine Mueller went to
Lincoln Monday morning to enter a
business college.
Miss Gladys Hayes has been III
with pneumonia for some time, but
Is better at this writing and will be
bark In school In a few days.
When a stranger drops In town,
Jolly him. Tell him this Is a great
little city and so It Is. Don't dis
courage him by speaking 111 of your
neighbors. Lead him to believe he
has at last struck a place where good
people live. "
L. F. Langhorst returned Satur
day evening from Wapakoneta, Ohio,
accompanied by his brother, Ed., of
Berlin. The two had been east to
attend the funeral of their brother,
Christian Langhorst, probate Judge
of Anglalze county, Ohio.
L. F. Langhorst has secured tho
state agency for the Case motor cars
and will have sub-agents working un
der him as soon as he can get them.
The right for this state was tendered
Mr. Langhorst at a meeting of the
stockholders of the Case company In
New Bremen on his visit to that place
Just recently.
A deal was eonsumated Friday
whereby Jno. P. Cobb comes Into pos
session of the Smith property In west
Elmwood. Mr. Cobb v. Ill remodel
and occupy the same In the early
spring. This Is considered one of the
most desirable residence properties
In Elmwood. It was built by D.
Smith, who sold it to T. II. Cromwell
upon moving westward, and It was
until recently held by Wm. K. Sar
gent, the postmaster.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Swarts were
taken 111 ono day last week and for
a tlmo their condition showed symp
tomes of pneumonia. Later develop
ments, however, disclose the fact
that they are afflicted with some epi
demic not unlike smallpox. Every
precaution Is being taken to prevent
Its spread even should such bo the
case. The old peoplo wero taken 111
nt precisely the same time, but Mrs,
Swarts Is now well and Mr. Swarts
still has a few pimples to contend
Miss Fannlo Austin went to Lin
coln Sunday to spend tho day with
T. C. Laws and wtfo.
Frank Downs, of Omaha, wno had
been visiting his brother, Charles
Downs and family, departed last Sat
urday for St. Joseph, Mo.
Len Thacker and family, who
have resided east of this village for
several years, loaded their household
goods and moved to Walthlll last
Dr. Spealman and Dr. Walllngsford
of Lincoln, came down on the Tues
day forenoon train, being called In
consultation with Dr. Hoops In a sur
gical case.
Mrs. E. H. McMastera and little
son. of Omaha, were here to make a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gar
rison and other relatives, returning
home Sunday evening.
Mr. Ceorgo Chappell, who was op
erated on In Omaha several weeks
ago, was able to return to hla home
Saturday morning and we are pleased
to know that he la feeling much bet
ter. Frank P. Sheldon, administrator
of the estate of Leroy Applegate, de
ceased, will Bell at public auction the
real estate, or a portion of It, the
sale to be htld at Nehawka on Fri
day, January 20, 1011, at 2 o'clock
p. m. This Is some good land lying a
short distance west of this village.
Al E. Stltes, the druggist, was sick
a few days last week, but It was not
regarded as anything serious until
Monday, when the physician pro
nounced his ailment a clear case of
s.arlet fever. The home was prompt
ly quarantined and every precaution
taken to prevent the spreading of
the disease. He is getting along as
well as can be expected and' will
probably bo out again In the near
future or as oson as he "serves his
Wm. Reynolds and family who
havo lived on a farm nea.' here for a
number of years, have removed to
near Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruffner of Platts, who have been visiting the
KIrkpatrlcks for several days, re
turned homo Thursday.
Charles Royal went up to Lincoln
Tuesday to see his wife, who Is In a
hospital there, and who Is slowly re
gaining her health.
George Reynolds, wife, children
and Mr. Reynold's brother, came In
on the train Saturday from Indiana,
where they have been visiting.
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick and her
sister, Mrs. P. Ruffner, of Platts
mouth, who Is here visiting her, were
passengers to Avoca, Tuesday even
ing. F. A. Burdlck and daughter Pearl,
who have been visiting for several
weeks at the former's old home near
Chicago, Illinois, came in Wednesday
night from their trip. Mr. Burdlck
says there Is much snow and lots of
evidence of winter back in that part
of the country and that it stormed
nearly all the time he was there.
M. G. Klme shipped two loads of
fine black cattle to Omaha Monday.
He had Intended shipping but one
car, but the cattle went Into execu
tive session and signed an agreement
to either all go or all stay and Mr.
Klme dismissed them all with a bless
ing. He Informs us they are fine
cattle,' good rustlers, and that he had
spent years in breeding them up
towards a state of perfection, but
collectively they are too blankety
banked headstrong for an Impatient
Charley Chrlswlsscr had an experi
ence the other evening that has
enough element of humor in It to
bear telling and yet for a time Chas.
failed utterly to see anything to
laugh at. It seems he wanted to get
down In his new concrete Ice house
for something and scorning the use
of a ladder, Just slipped down a gas
pipe that stands in one corner. After
satisfying himself as to what he went
down for be tried to climb out. But
no, the pipe was too slippery, and
Charley, like the famous frog In the
well, slipped back two feet for every
ono ho balned upwards. Then he
tried yelling for help. He roared
until peoplo down town spoke to one
another about the blasting In the
quarry, and s.'lll no help. "Finally,
beronlng desperate, he took off hl3
coat and arranged a climbing affair
that got him out of his predicament,
and now he Is going to patent the
(Courier.) '
Sixteen members of the local
Woodmen lodge visited Cedar Creek
Tuesday night and report a lino time.
Earl Tennant writes from Wibaux,
Mont., that the thermometer has reg
istered 45 below for the past week.
The M. W. A. drill team went to
Cedar Creek Tuesday night and as
sisted In conferring degree work on a
number of candidates.
Mrs. Geo. Relchart went to Omaha
Monday to bo present at an operation
performed on her sister-in-law, Mrs.
M. D. Relchart, of South Omaha.
Willie Krecklow has Just been re
leased from quarantine at Ilavelock,
having contracted smallpox some
weeks ago. Ills Louisville friends will
be pleased to hear of his recovery.
Frank Wheeler, of Plattsmouth,
has acreptcd a position as harness
maker at C. J. Pankonln's store, and
will begin work Monday. Mr. Wheel
er Is well known here, having worked
for Gorder & Son a number of years
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sprleck, of Stan
ton, who have been visiting here for
the past two weeks, left for Tlatts
mouth Thursday morning, where they
will visit a few days before depart
ing for home.
N. W. Miles, who for Beveral years
has been employed as harness-maker
by Pankonln & Son, has resigned his
position to accept a better one at
Fullerton, Nebraska, for which place
he departed Wednesday. His family
will follow later. The Courier wishes
Mr. Miles and his family success and
happiness In their new home.
About fifty of the neighbors. and
frlcnda of Mr. and Mrs. Taul Phelps
met at their home In Sarpy county,
Monday evening and gave them a
rousing farowcll surprise They came
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always
In use for over CO years, has Lorno the Bl:natt:re of
nnd has bcciviuado under l.I.t por-OSiXJjfttTj-f
6onal "upervlslon since its infancy.
s. Allow no one to deceive j ou i:i this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is n harmless (substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It 13 Pleasant. It
coutalns neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Ifarcotio
substance. Its ago is lis guarantee. 1 1 destroys "Worms
and allays Feverish ness. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, gUing healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Gs-fjusME CASTORIA always
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
loaded down with good things to eat
and prepared to have a good time, in
which they were not disappointed.
Mr. Thelps Is moving his family to a
farm near Gordon, Nebraska, this
week and the best wishes of many
friends will follow them to their new
James Latrom has been sick the
past weekk. Will has been taking
care of the store In his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCurdy re
turned Monday from the hospital at
Lincoln, both are slightly Improved.
Carl Sak arrived Wednesday even
ing from French, New Mexico, for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Travis Cra-btree, Allan Crabtree,
and Conrad Crabtree attended the
funeral of a relative at Murray, Sun
day. Ernest Witte, of Canada, and Mrs.
Kadel, of Iowa, visited at the home
of Hans and Fred Wulf last week, de
parting Friday.
Pert Crosier, of Jackson, Michi
gan, arrived last week to visit his
mother, who at last reports was get
ting along nicely.
Miss Laura Oclschlager has re
signed her position as telephone op
erator and Miss Lizdo Roblyer has
been engaged to take her place.
Chas. Carper visited his parents
Sunday. Charlie, who Is traveling
for the Lee Broom and Duster com
pany, will soon be transferred to the
Missouri territory with headquarters
at St. Joseph.
Art Gardner returned from Chase
county Wednesday evening, lie re
ports that Neal and Charley Gardner
are both getting along fine and like
the country. Art doesn't know wheth
er ho will farm his place this year or
not. Must be some attraction here
that keeps him.
Loi'cnz Brothers Tut Tn Ice.
Lorenz Brothers, the enterprising
Sixth street merchants, filled their Ice
house today, the hauling being done
with some fifteen teams. Two hun
dred tons of fine Ice has been stored
in their house at tho rear of their
Btore for their use at their meat mar
ket next summer.
I Tho Kansas City Star and Times! !
The Kansas City Star.
ffcr Ficicher'i
Bou-rht. and which ha Lppm
Signature of
Legal Notice.
Theodore D. Buck, defendant, will
take notice that on the 3rd day of
December, 1910, The First National
Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
plaintiff, herein, filed Its petition la
the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against said defendant et
al, the object and prayer or which
petition are to recover a money Judg
ment on a certain promissory note
executed by said defendant and an
other to plaintiff for the sum of
$200.00 with Interest from date at
10 per cent per annum and payable
within eight months after date, and
also subject to the payment and satis
faction of such Judgment, the attach
ed property In this action to-wlt: The
undivided one-fifth (1-5) ol the
North Half () of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Three (3), Town
ship Ten (10), Range Thirteen (13),
In said Cass County.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 13th day of
February, 1911.
Dated this 29th day of December,
First National Bank of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
D. O. Dwycr, Plaintiff.
Its Attorney. 12-29-Stw
A Wretched Mistake
lo endure the itcning, painful distress
of Piles. There's no need to. Listen:
"I suffered much from Piles," writes
Will A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C,
"till I got a box of BuBcklen's Arnica
Salve, and was sorn cured." Burns,
BBoils, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Cut3, Chapped Hands. Chillblalns,
vanish before It. 25c at F. G. Frlcko
& Go's.
Judge Beeson yesterday listened to
the first hearing of claims In the
estate of Rev. G. II. Moulton, de
ceased, as no claims were up for con
sideration the matter was postponed
to tfie final hearing some five months
When given as soon as the croupy
cough appears Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will ward oft an attack of
croup and prevent all danger and
cause of anxnety. Thousands of
mothers use It successfully. Sold by
F. Q. Fricke & Co.
fall twenty-four hours' news each
week, are furnished to regular i
week. it
mes have no rivals. No other S
full day and night Associated K
es. This should recommend the i
merchant and farmer. u
week; $2.50ayearand address:-