The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 19, 1911, Image 2

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C.rrvin Water on Both Shoulders to Get Votes Last Fall, Makes
Lot of Side-Steeping, and Yet 1 hey Uo Hoi
Know "Where They Are At"
Them Do a
In speakiug of the actions thus far
taken by the county option members
of the legislature, the Lincoln Jour
nal says:
"The special committee appointed
at the conference of the county
option members of the legislature
Monday evening to Investigate the
merits of various forms of a county
option bill and to report its recom
mendations to a second conference to
be held this evening, has decided on
this much: The lengthy bill advo
cated by the Anti-Saloon League as
the one which ought to bo adopted
will not be favored by this commit
tee. It will recommend that a short
amendment to the first section of the
present Slocumb law be presented.
JuBt what form this will be In will
depend on the action of the confer
ence tonight. Most county option
members are In favor of Introducing
to other measure than the one de
cided upon In caucus. In answer to
the query as to how many members
pledged themselves to vote and work
for the particular bill advocated by
the Antf-Saloon League members of
the committee declared they knew of
no one who had made an unequivocal
promise, but that they would all abide
by the Judgment of the conference.
"Senator Henry 11. Dartllng. of
Oue, Is the center of all gossip re
fating to a county option bill. Wheth
er or not he will vote for a rounty
option bill of any kind Is much dis
cussed. Ills vote is necessary for the
passage of such a bill In the senate.
Fenator Dartllng attended one meet
ing of the "dry" wing of the leglsla
ture, but when It was proposed to
resolve the meeting Into a caucus In
which all present should be bound by
the action of the caucus, Senator
Cartllng objected to such action. It
Is reported that the Otoe senator Is
having all kinds of trouble with him
self and that he does not yet know
what he will do. He asserts that a
large majority of his constituents
want him to vote against any kind of
county option and yet he feels that
he Is bound In a measure hy the re
publican state platform which de
clares for rounty option. It is ru
mored that he will take time to study
over the matter and If he attends the
dry caucus this afternoon he will vote
for county option. If he stays away,
ho may not vote for a measure of that
nature, rioth sides claim he will
vote with them."
FOR Kill
Reasons Why That City Should
Have Panama Exposition.
A traveling man from Omaha was
in the city a day or two ago and In
discussing the location of the Tana
ma exposition was warmly In favor
of New Orleans as tho logical location
for all residents of Nebraska to ad
vocate. In the first place the traveler
remarked that there had already
at this time. He also said that what
would benefit the Jobbers by helping
them build up a trade with the south
ern outlet would also benefit farmers
and producers of every class, in open
Ing up a wider demand for their pro
ducts, and that Nebraska would de
rive more benefit In this direction
than In some others mentioned by the
Fan Francisco advocates.
A Good Intention.
We should begin the year with
some good Intention. Let us throw
away some had habits and accept a
new virtue. Let us study what Is
good and what Is bad for us and let
I us then determine the course we shall
l'llSUC AKTlO.
The undersigned will sell at public
iiu .t her farm, four 111 lit' S ana
ft iir.lf east and a mile and a quarter j R
north of louisvuie. a wiir ''
1, n 1 1' oii:'u and 4 half mile east of
Cedar Creek and elewn miles wel of
I :tt n.riith. o:
rn sDAY. y rxntwuY :. i?u
the folio ins propcty to it:
1.1 V. St.Hk.
One bay horte. sWtovn oars ol4.
weight 1.300.
One gray horse, seventeen years
old, weight 1.3..0.
Team bay yeldings, three years
oH. nelght 1.S00.
Tem black geldings, three years
old. weight 2.100.
Four milk cows, three fresh, one
fresh In July.
Fix dozen chickens and two shoats.
Two farm wagons and one buggy,
One fanning mill,' one elder mill.
One Champion binder.
One two-row stalk cutter and stalk
Two three-section harrows.
One riding cultivator.
One walking cultivator.
One John Deere riding lister.
One 14-lnch walking plow.
One John Deere two-row machine.
One corn planter an1 80 rods wire.
One Hoosler seeder.
Two Hummer riding plows.
One disc, nearly new.
Two mowing machines, one new.
One hay rake, one hay rack.
One Majestic cooking stove.
One heater, good as new. .'
Two grindstones.
One Iron kettle. '
One road scraper.
Two sets of harness.
Some household goods and many
other articles too numerous to men
tion. ,
Terms of Sale: All sums of $10
and under, cash In hand; over $10, a
credit of twelve months will be given,
the purchaser giving good bankable
paper bearing Interest at eight per
cent from date. No property to leave
the premises until settled for. Sale
will commence at 12:30 p. m., sharp,
Mrs. J. D. Thterolf,
A. O. Ault, Auctioneer. Owner.
J. G. Melslnger, Clerk.
I lt. tn tlm first nlare let lis trv to
. . i i .1 ... 1,uir...
ueen nem on iu "Mm,m.fl olir with, to Increase our
different times of late years and that
that section had reaped the benefit
which comes from advertising the re
sources of that section and tho local
ity could not expect to receive a great
deal more than It had already done.
The transportation companies had
acquired the revenue from transport
ing the visitors to and from these
great shows, and he thought these
benefits should ho passed around.
The traveler did not think In
vestors would bo attracted to Ne
braska by what could be observed
from the car window, when It was
'suggested to him, that we wanted to
attract, eastern money to this state.
Illl M a was .that a little Judicious
advertising In the money renters of
the east of tho resources of Nebras
ka would do a great deal In tills
lie argued that the Jobbing
Itnerests of the statu ought to be fos
tered nt this time. That the plums
ought to bo passed around, tlio trans
portation lines having had the bene
fits of former coast expositions, tho
Jobbers of Nebraska and tho other
states adjacent to the Missouri and
Mississippi livers should have a show
strength. Should we notice the
slightest disorder, especially in our
digestion, let us select as a remedy,
tho reliable Trlner's American Elixir
of Hitter Wine. It Is used, for many
years, with tho greatest success, by
our families, in all diseases of the
stomach, the liver and the Intestines.
It makes the digestion perfect, makes
new, pure blood and feeds the nerves
It relieves all cases of constipation,
I most enses Of rheumatism and head
ache, as also nervousness nnd many
skin eruptions. At drug stores. Jos.
Tiiner. 1333-133!) South Ashland
avenue, Chicago, Illinois. A beautl
ful calendar mailed upon receipt of
10c in postage.
Foley Kidney Pill!!
Are tonic in action, quick In re
sults. A special medicine for all kid
ney and bladder disorders. Mary C.
Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. II., says: "1
was afflicted with a bad case of rheu
matism, due to uric acid that my kid
neys failed to clear out of my blood
I was so lame In my feet. Joints, and
back that It was agony for me to step
I used Foley Kidney Pills for three
dayB when I was able to get up and
move and the pains were all gone
This great change In condition I owe
to Foley Kidney Tills and recommend
them to anyone suffering aa I have."
For either acute cr chronic kidney
disorders, for annoying and painful
urinary Irregularities take Foley Kid
ney l'llls. An honest and effective
medicine for kidney and bladder dis
orders. Fold by V. G. FrltUe & Co.
w : : - -
ii OM
IB - M
ih n n r r n
i ii 1 1 n mi
e. . mm
I u
We are putting out a great many remnants and during invoicing it will pay
you to look the table over every day. Wool Dress Goods, Outings, Linings,
Ginghams and short lengths of most everything ih stock. -
Y &
Several bills were Introduced yes
terday relating to the election laws.
Gustafson, a republican, would re
peal the open primary law. This bill
must compete with another house bill
which would amend the primary law
to make It again a closed system.
Shoemaker, of Douglas, wants to re
peal the extensive law which allows
the use of voting machines Instead of
Australian ballots, and which la used
only In Douglas county. Skeen, of
Nemaha, want3 a constitutional
amendment changing the date of the
general fall election fro mthe first
Tuesday after the first Monday in
November to the same date In Octo
ber, thus relieving the farming class
from the necessity of losing a day
from their corn harvesting. Over In
the senate Lee Introduce da bill mak
ing It a misdemeanor to employ
vehicles for the transportation of
voters to and from the polls. The
same member has a bill which will In
effect compel voters to exercise their
franchise at the primary election or
be put to considerable trouble to
secure the privilege of voting at the
general election. He has not intro
duced this bill yet.
Judge B. S. Ramsey transacted pro
fessional business in the metropolis
this afternoon.
A Reliable Cough Medicine.
Is a valuable family friend. Foley's
Honey and Tar fulfills this condition
exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th
St., Easton, Pa., states: "Several
members of my family have been
cured of bad coughs and cold3 by the
use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I
am never without a bottle in the
house. It sothes and relieves the Irri
tation In the throat and loosens up
the cold. I have always found it a re
liable cough cure.' Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Mrs. D. Barkalow, of Omaha, who
has been a guest of Mrs. George Fal
ter for a short time, returned to her
home last evening, her sister-in-law,
MIes Carolyn Barkalow, remaining
for a longer visit with Mrs. Falter.
Poultry Wanleil
Highest market price paid
for poultry cr.d all farm
prod uce.
u; UfW '
J- rv. .ynT
air m.j , , . . i
1 L ; .iT'l i'
' 1ST: 1 H-L;
iSfe -'Xin
V. J. Itlgg, of Des Moines, Iowa,
recently one of tho owners of an
equity in tho Coates block in this
city, committed suliido at a lodging
house In Memphis, Tennessee, last
Friday night. About a year ago Itlgg
traded some Texas lands for the
equity In tho building above named,
and had the title placed In his wife's
name, but ho assumed control and
directed tho collection of the rents,
ordering the rents collected and sent
to him at Dos Moines regardless of
expense of heating and repairing the
building, lie did not keep the build
ing long.
Ijist week he went to Memphis and
negotiated for the purchase of a
saloon and gave his check for $1,000
as part payment. His check was re
turned with tho notation "no funds."
He then secured rooms at a lodging
houso, destroyed all papers leading to
his identity and took a quantity of
morphine, which ended his career.
JITIIER to start your full course dinner, v
or for the mainstay of a liht quick meal
in itself, Campbell's Tomato Soup is just the -thing.
We carry the "21 kinds " and guar
antee every can. Also notice these tempt- .
ing features. . , :
Wo Haw
AT 8 RlMf! IflSlP'
g 11 yllUU dBIBBub
Was Very Sick Little (ilil.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lahoda, resid
ing In tho southeast part of the city
have a very sick little child. Their
ltttlo girl, and only child, has been
suffering for some weeks with spinal
meningitis and has been In a very
precarious condition. Threo physi
cians have been In consultation over
the rase, and for a time tho little
girl's llfo was despaired of, but with
in the paBt day or two tho llttlo one
has shown indications of surviving
tho diseaso and her ultimate recovery
is now hoped for.
VEN if we don't make much profits in a "clean
up" sale we make something else that's worth having; and that's a lot ol
friends. We're enjoying ourselves; and part of the pleasure is in seeing
...n: 1.-. I'.l.rt l.noallirt Q,ln(Tnpr Sir TVTnrT' rlnf lir n t nrii'i'Q
our customers geiung $;uuus nuc uiv-nuu, i..,. v.. r..
like these. It ought to make friends for us; any of you, for example, who gets
one of these fine suits or overcoats at such a price as we re now willing to sell it
for, gets a value that's remarkable and if you re not grattful to us for thechance,
we'll be greatly surprised.
At the same time it's a favor to us to have the goods quickly disposed of; so
honors are about even on that score.
Here are some January "Clean up" prices:
Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $15,
"Clean Up" price
Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $21,
"Clean Up" price
Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $30,
"Clean Up" price
Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $35,
"Clean Up" price
.A lazy Jiver leads to chronic dys
pepsia and constipation weakens I
the whola tystem. Doan's Itegulets
(25 cents per box) correct the liver,
Speolal on
Flauntl ShlrU
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts , ' " Stetson fats
See Ou
Windows. for
... January
tone tho stomach, cure contlpatlon.