The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 12, 1911, Image 8

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i UUffl -
I One of the fruitful sourct 9 of I10IJ
; up legislation In past sessions has
I been the introdui lion of bills "by re
j tjut st" oa the part of nieiubxrs who
I would not themselves father ttum.
1 It id gratifying to r:ul in the opening
days of the present legislature that
! one of the senators proposes to do
I au-av u.'lth tliia nutfwwl nf i'.tLn;r
A great educational Land Show of farm and orchard products from every bills before the legislature In the
state in the West. j dark by requiring that wluuewr a
It will be an actual and authentic demonstration of what can be grown, j yu s introduced by request that it
the cost of production, the financial returns and the favorable conditions under; bhall ga). on t8 tuic .,ase the name
which crops are produced, so that interested parties can obtain practical and ac
curate information.
VARIETY OF CROPS Corn, Wheat, Oata, Bailty, Potatoes, Sugar Beets,
Alfalfa, Forage Crops, Apples, and all small Fruits.
BURLINGTON TERRITORY will be represented with exhibits. Look for them.
CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Landteeker'a Information Bureau,
' '( t $ 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
From Tuesday's Dally
C. II. Vallery, from west of My
nard, was In tho city today looking
after some business matters.
W. A. Becker, of Eight Mile Grove
was In tho city today looking after
business matters in tho county seat.
Mr. Lem Bates was a passenger to
Omaha on the early train today,
where ho was called on business.
iMIss 15inm a Kauffman returned
from llavelock this morning, where
the has been visiting relatives for a
few days.
Ed. Becker drove In Trom the
farm today and looked after business
matters In Plattsmouth for a few
tours today.
Mr. R. C. Iltll returned from the
metropolis on the morning train to
tlay, where he was called on busi
ness last evening.
Mr. W. E. Painter, of Lincoln,
Burlington freight man, was a Platts
mouth visitor, looking after business
for the company.
Mr. J. W. Barwlck spent the day
In the metropolis going on the morn
ing train today, where business of
lmportanico called him.
Mr. Phil Becker, of Eight Mile
Grove, transacted business In Platts
mouth today, having driven In from
the farm for that purpose
Mr. and Mrs. John Sharp were
Omaha passengers on the morning
train today, where they went to
spend the day with friends.
Charles Sullivan, of Omaha, ar
rived In the elty last evening and
spent tho night with his parents,
Juc!go and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Adams went to
Council Bluffs this afternoon to wit
ness the marriage of Mrs. Adams' sis
ter, which will occur this evening.
Mr. Arthur Smith and wife, who
have been spending a few days at
Marlon Smith's home, near this city,
depurled for their homo at Emerson,
lo-va, last evening.
MIhh Julia Proboska went to the
metropolis this morning to consult
Dr. Mullen relative to her eye, which
l'BH been troubling her for several
days, giving her great pain.
The county commissioners at their
annual meeting today let the contract
of grading between four and Ave
miles of road leading from Union to
Kehawka, to Georgo Folsall of this
Miss Boils Patterson, who has
been visiting her grand pnrents, Mr.
and Mrs, William McCaulley, dining
the holiday vacation, returned to her
school duties at Concordia, Kansas,
today, via Omaha.
Mr. Joseph Mines departed for
Pierre, South Dakota, where he will
r ake his future homo, Mrs. lllncs
accompanied him to Omaha, and for
the day will Join her husband ut
Pierre later.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Becker and
daughter, Miss Carrie, and son
George, departed for L09 Angeles,
California, today, where they will
spend the winter In a more congenial
"E. Blrcher, of St. Joseph, Missouri,
V8s In the city last evening on busi
ness for a St. Joe house, this being
Mr. Blrcher's first trip over the ter
iltory of eastern Nebraska. Ho de
clared himself as well pleased with
the appearance of thrift In this city.
Mr. C. A. Rawls received a second
message from his son Joe this morn
ing Informing hi mthat the physician
had advised him that an operation
would be necessary and Joe would
go to the hospital at once for this
J. E. Barwlck, the real estate and
Insuranco man, was called to Omaha
this morning to attend a meeting of
the stockholders of the Common
wealth Insurance company, which
hold their annual meeting In that
city today.
J. It. Denson and his brcuier, L
Denson, departed for Sidney, Iowa,
this afternoon, where they will ap
pear as witnesses In an Important
suit brought by Harry Treet to estab
lish his heirship to the estate of
Marsh Holloway, deceased, a wealthy
batchelor of that county.
of the party or parties making the
request. This will be a whole.-ome
change for good. There will be few
If any bills put In tJ be knocked
down after "agreements" are made.
If this policy is adopted. If foreign
Insurance Interests aim a blow at
home Insurance and its grow th which
they niay seek to check, by leglsla
tlon, when they cannot check It by
competition the blow will have to
show who Is behind It If the request
coverlid Is removed. Railroads will
not be eonfrontod by annoying bills
ulterior In their motives If every bill
shows just wiio or what Interest Is
behind It. Legislation on license and
liquor questions will be In the open
and will be understood If the request
blind Is taken down. There Is no
need to particularize in these matters
because it Is 'well known by both
members of past legislatures and ob
servers of legislative bodies that the
Introduction of bills by request In
Itself raises the question of the legit
imacy of the bill because no member
stands sponsor for It. The senator
who proposes the real reform at the
opening of the session Is Initiating a
change for the better that has .long
been due Lincoln Trade Review.
Sale Adveitifcd Xot Made.
A sale of the real e.tate belonging
io the WiUon Las'.erday estate; con
sisting of liny acres or lanu a mue .
east of Mauley, which was to have)
ivanp!red today, did not transpire, j
I t . ....... n..r'Arul l.ll' l.tlW I
KI1U III Uill ( ut II. V ovvi
wi re disappointed, and mad; uinir
eary trips to the county seat. The
clerk who drew the description for
the notice made some slight error in
ti e metes and bounds of tho innd In
the advertised notice. The land ad
wrtised. or a part of it, was not the
property of the deceased, and a part
of the farm Intended to be sold had
te 11 omitted from the notice so that
the sale was aborted. It was to
hae been made by the adnilais'rator
ard was licensed by tha district
tourt. Judge Travis ordered a new
sale and the matter will be readver
tiud and offered again in atout 60
11 ri
V X. "X - - - r
The wonder of bak-
inz powders Calumet.
v ondertul in us raising
powers its uniformity.
its never failing results, its
Wonderful in its economy
It costs less than the hieh-Drice
trust brands, but it is worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and bis can kinds
t is worth more. Rut Droves its
real economy r talking.
U CALUMET ....Modern
Biking Powddi.
At all Grocers.
The decrease In the population of
Nebraska is caused by the Inactivity
of those who have, or should have,
the Interests of the Btate at heart. In
order to bring back the activity that
once existed in .eurasKa we musi
advertise our resources to the world.
Nebraska has as good soil as any
state In the union, but there are many
easterners going to southwestern
states that don't know anything
about Nebraska. Let the legislature
appropriate $25,000 for advertising
purposes and we will see a difference
In two years Plattsmouth Journal.
The News Is In favor of the state ad
vertising Its advantages and bring
ing new settlers here. But we also
believe that what we need Is a correct
count of the people who reside here.
There are still as many quarter sec
tions, and It requires as many men
now to till those quarter sections as
It did ten years ago. In fact, the
acreaea of the farm is belne re-
You Will Make No Mistake if duced Instead of enlarged, and It does
Saved at Death's Door.
The door of death seemed ready to
open for Murray W. Ayers, of Tran
sit Bridge, N. Y., when his life was
wonderfully saved. "I was In a dread
ful condition," ho writes, "my skin
was almost yellow; eyes sunken;
tongue coated; emaciated from losing
40 pounds, growing weaker dally.
Virulent liver trouble me
down to death In spite of doctors.
Then that matchless medicine Elec
tric Bitters cured mo. I regained
the 40 pounds lost and now am well
and strong." For all stomach, liver
and kidney troubles they're supreme.
50c at l' O. Frleke & Co's.
If you wish to purennse Adeline
Plantation Land, Louisiana, where
every acre produces 35 tons of sugar
can to the acre and corn runs at
from CO to 90 bushels, . take the
Payne Special from Omaha on De
cember 20th, January 3d and 17th.
Fare for tho round trip only 32.50
sleeping car berths, meals, etc., with
out expense to you. For further par
ticulars write or call on Associate
Agents, the
Windham Investment Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
A Wretched Mistake
to endure tho ucning, painful distress
of Piles. There's no need to. Listen:
"I sufferod much from Piles," writes
Will A. Marsh, of Siler City, N. C,
"till I got a box of BuBcklen's Arnica
Salvo, and was soon cured." Burns,
BBolls, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema,
Cuts, Chapped Hands, Chlllblalns,
vanish before It. 25c at F. G. Frleke
& Co's.
You Follow This Plattsmouth "
Citizen's Advice.
Never neglect your kidneys.
If you have pain in the back, url
nary disorders, dizziness and ner
vousness, It's time to act and no time
to experiment. These are all symp
toms of kidney trouble, and you
should seek a remedy which Is known
to act on the kidneys. "
Doan's Kidney Pills Is the remedy
to use. No need to experiment. It
has cured many stubborn cases In
Plattsmouth. Follow the advice of
a Plattsmouth citizen and be cured
Mrs. John Sharp, Third and Dyke
streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, says:
"For a long time I had trouble from
my back and kidneys. There were
terrible pains In the small of my back,
often extending Into my hips and
limbs and though I doctcred and
tried various medicines, I was not
relieved. About a year ago I pro
cured Doan's Kidney Pills from Ry
nott & Co's drug store and In a short
tlmo they brought me entire relief
This remedy has my highest endorse
ment." (Statement given June 9,
Itc-cndorsr incut.
On December 29, 1908, Mr. Sharp
said:- "I gladly confirm my former
endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills.
I still think highly of this remedy,
knowing that It is a splendid one In
eases of kidney trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
not matter who owns the land. The
fact that the eastern portion of the
state has decreased in population is
something that Is unexplalnable and
unaccountable. Agricultural districts
should always hold their own Ne
braska City News.
Making Life Safer.
Everywhere life Is being made more
safe through the work of Dr. King's
New Life Pills In Constipation, Liver
troubles,..KIdney Diseases and Bowel
Disorders. They're easy, but sure,
and perfectly build up the health. 25c
at F. G. Frleke & Co's.
It Pays to Advertise.
The valuable coat left by Mr. A.
W. Taylor at the cloak room of the
Riley hotel yesterday morning and
which had disappeared when Mr.
Taylor called for It, was not stolen,
but carried away by mistake and as
Boon as the Journal appeared last
evening containing the Item referring
to the loss of the coat, the gentleman
who had Inadvertently threw the
coat over his arm and carried it
away, 'phoned to the Wescott cloth
ing store and stated that he had the
coat and would return the same to
the store.
Mr. Chopieska, the gasoline engine
man, will arrive In Plattsmouth
within the next ten days, that Is,
should nothing occur to mar the
plans now fully arranged by all
parties concerned. The building Is
now, or will be within a few days, In
readiness for him to move In and
arrange his plant for business. We
are Informed that Mr. Chopieska is
now arranging his machinery for
shipment and it will be placed on
board the cars at oncearriving here
not later than ten days hence. It
will be but a short time before we
will see the first series of engines
made and labeled "Manufactured In
Plattsmouth, Neb." Should there be
any prospective engine buyers in this
Immediate locality we believe it
would be a good thing for all con
cerned to wait Just a little while
longer and see the new machine that
is going to be made at home, then
buy one and give It a trial. We be
lieve we are safe in saying that the
engines to be manufactured by Mr.
Chopieska will be among the best to
be found on the market. We believe
this, because we know that they are
giving the best of satisfaction where
evtr they have been tried, and dur
ing the past few months be has been
working with all forces endeavoring
to partly catch up with his orders
before tearing up for moving. A
number of engines sold in this local
ity will be the best advertisement
than can be given our new Industry,
and if a number of orders can be
placed early in the esason it will have
a tendency to make Mr. Chopieska
feel as though he had made a gocd
move In coming to Nebraska.
us all Join In boosting for the new
factory and the new engine.
When Stanley arrives he will be
the second man to be released with
out giving the Cass county authori
ties any chance to protest or make a
showing for their retention. Either
the superintendent is grossly Incom
petent of there is a screw loose somewhere.
Praises Pluttfiiouth'g Patriotism.
E. S. Critchfield. deputy collector
of United States revenue, was in the
city on his monthly rounds yester
day and stated to a Journal repre
sentative that this city was one of
the most loyal to home industry in
this or any other state he knows of.
There are many cigars made In
this city and in his rounds here he
found but one place where any other
cigar than a Plattsmouth made cigar
Is sold. Only one place In the city
where outside manufacturers of
cigars can sell their goods. Mr.
Critchfield looked upon this as a good
spirit to encourage home industry,
and if cultivated along all lines will
make a booming town.
Exhibits from every western state, showing
Miiul la grown und liow to grow it Kitilblts
Iriiatlou and dry fanning methods. Exhibits
Showing how to ruUo more coru wheat
" i.V- .'. Vi''!i
oats alfalfa and notatoea. Good roaria i. f ?Vi!rt:i!' f -Af-ilh ?'A-f
nibit and lectures bow to prevent hog chol- C Alii!
era. Moving pictures and Illustrated lectures
good muslo and cleau eutertalnnient. Ad
dition 25 cents.
h"Wff-:L ' ,H.t"','i VJ, f (T.s
Come to the Omaha Land ShtwXW
Kntertahm W. II. C.
The ladles of the Woman's Relief
Corps were entertained in a delight
ful manner at the iomo of Mrs. M
Archer yesterday afternoon. The
time passed very rapidly as they In
dulged in various diversions. A
pleasing feature of this afternoon's
entertainment was a delicious lunch
eon, which was served at the proper
time, and which tho ladles likewise
thoroughly enjoyed. A large number
of the ladles of the Corps took ad
vantage of the mild winter weather
and were in attendance and enjoyed
an afternoon which will long be re'
A Wild Blizzard IIhIiiji
brings danger, Buffering often death
to thousands, who take colds,
coughs and la grlppo that terror of
Winter and Spring. Its danger sig
nals are "stffed up," nostrils, lower
part of nose sore, chills and fever,'
pain In back and head, and a throat
grlpplng cough. When Grip attacks,
as you value your life, don't delay
getting Dr. King's New Discovery.
"One bottle cured me," writes A. L.
Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss., "after
being 'laid up' threo weeks with
Grip." For sore lungs, Hemorrhages,
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough,
Bronchitis, Asthma, it's supreme. 50c
$1.00. Gurantced by F. G. Frleke &
Insane Patients Iieleased.
Stanley Hall's half brother
celved a communication from
superintendent 01 the hospital
the Insane a few days ago to
effect that, "there was nothing
matter with Stanley and that
could como home any time some one
came after him." Accordingly Lem
Bates went to Lincoln yesterday and
has been expected home on every
train since the arrival of No. 2 last
evening. The neighbors In the vicin
ity aro alarmed, and some of the
children are kept from school for
fear they will meet Stanley In the
road. It is believed that the authori
ties will place him under arrest as
soon as he arrives. There U evident
ly something very rotten In the man
agement of the asylum under the
present regime.
. Last evening as Mrs. John Sharp,
in company with Mr. Sharp, was
going to the Burlington station In
Omaha expecting to catch No. 14,
riding in a Farnam street car, the
motorman caused the car to collide
with the car In front, throwing Mrs.
Sharp to the floor and precipitating a
large man to the floor over her and
bruising Mrs. Sharp considerably
and otherwise shaking her up. It
seems that the -car in front had
dropped a fender and had stopped on
Lct l the viaduct incline near the top, and
the motorman expecting them to get
their fender up and pass on, turned
on the power to make the hill, and
was going at a good clip when ho
bumped into the car In front. Th
trolley of the.Farnum car was throw
off the wire and the car coasted back
down the grade.
Mrs. Sharp sustained quite a ner
vous shock from her contact with the
floor of the car, but thought it not
necessary to call medical aid.
the for
Do you know that fully nine out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles
due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu
matism, and require no internal
treatment whatever? Apply Cham
berlain's Liniment freely and see how
quickly It gives relief. For sale by
F. G. Frleke & Co.
II. C. Brlnkman, of Soutn Fourth
street, Is kept in his room suffering
from an attack of la grippe.
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most effectual. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It
allays the cough, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions and aids nature
in restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Thousnnds have testified
to its superior excellence. Sold by F.
G. Frleke & Co.
Moves to Craig.
Mr. John W. Lewis, a prominent
young farmer, of near Murray, load
ed his agricultural Implements and
household furniture Into a Burling
ton car yesterday, and shipped for
Craig, Nebraska, near where he will
engage In farming. Mr. Lewis and
family departed for the same place
this morning. Before going Mr. Craig
listed his name among the Journal
household and will thus be kept in
formed as to the doings in old Cass.
The Journal wishes Mr. Lewis and
family success In their new home.
Teter II. Smith, a prominent farm
er living between Weeping Water
and Manley, was among tho visitors
at Journal headquarters today, and
wo were pelased to make his ac
quaintance. Mr. Miller was here on
Important business.
When given as soon as the croupy
cough appears Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will ward off an attack of
croup and prevent all danger and
cause of anxnety. Thousands of
mothers use It successfully. Sold by
F. G. Frleke & Co.
Yy Fay in asie
Mr. Daniel Rockwell, of near Man
ley, was In Plattsmouth today look
ing after matters of business.
ATTENTION: Are You in the Market for LAND, if so Read What
Follows: THE PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. is Placing on Sale
The soil is not less than 200 feet deep; corn averages from 60 to 90
miBhels per acre. This is tho great sugar cane region. This land raises
20 to 35 tons of rane to the a ro-present price is $1.00 per ton.
The men sellinu this land want cane grown for their sugar mill and
you cn PAY YOU LAND IN CANE, 1-6 of of your acreage paying
lor your farm.
Delightful climate, cheap living, no cold, no snow, little fuel needed,
no heavy clothing necessary. Labor at 40 to 85 cents per day. All kinds
of FRUiT: Oranues, lem ins, grape fruit, peaches, pears, cherries; ber
ries irrow in profusion.
You -an buy this land at from $55 to $75 per acre, one fifth down,
balarce 10 yeitre at 6 per cent interest.
Don't take our md or it, but go with us and see It. The next
Call and ta k with us ahout it; write for further particulars.
Windhnm Enuostaol i Land Go.,
Fialtsmcuth, Nebraska, Assciate Agents.