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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1911)
if ViHEH GOO WiS ALGHE! BEFORE GREATIUN WAS BEGU'rl THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE ONE Pestor Russell Discusses, "Befors th Beginning." Prince of dory," the redeemer, tbo Kegciicrut'ir f Ail.iiu and bi rife. And finally, from the st::u lpolnt of the completion of Jehovah's Kicut pur : pesos and deiiliii.s with in. in mid In respect to him, will slum! revealed the foreknowledge und Wisdom of God who knew the cud from tin? Inclining nn 1 who fop-Jiiw how even the pcruils- j t-lou of u reign of hhi und death could; he made eventually to work out to hl own clory und to the blessing und In-j ntnirilim of his creatures on both the From fvcrlRHtlnn to everlaittlns. thou fcrt Ood" (I'KUlm xc, 2). "1 am Jehovah, that la my name uml my Klry will I not iv to another" (lealah xlll, ). "To us Iher Is one (iod, the father, of whom nrs all thhiKs" (I Thessolonlnns vlll, C). "1 Icar, O Israel, the Lord our (Jud Is one-Jeho-Vh" (Deuteronomy vl, 4). liuniiin and the uugelle planes. Then ' '"' "' l 0:v,r j. AD) St. Petersburg, Flu., Jnn. S.-These and oilier St1i tures tell us of a personal God, tho Father or Life (Jlver of all, the Grout One who In habits li Identity. St. I'ii ul declares tlmt to (lie heathen "there are lords many and gods ninny, but to us there Is but one God, the Father," and one appointed Agent of hU In dealing with humanity one Lord Jesus ChrlHt "and tlmt every tongue shall confess that Jesus, Messiah, Is Lord, to tho glory of God the Father" (Phillpplnns II, 11). The Scriptures tell us of "the le Klnnlng of tho creation of God," hence there was a time before that beginning of creation when Jehovah God was alono-"ho tlint InhiiMlcth Eternity." Not even tho great Michael was with Llm, the great Messiah, whom he hath so highly honored and whom ho de clares he will still further honor throughout a glorious eternity. Ho was not with the Futher before tho beginning of creation, because ho him self was "the beginning of tho crea tion of Ood-tho first born of every creature" (Itevclatlons 111, 11; Coins elans 1, IS). Ho was the first expres sion or manifestation of tho Dlvlno attributes (John I, IS). This mighty God, Jehovah, self-centered, self-contained, Is ours, tho same yesterday, today and forever, ho changes not. Divine Attributes Glorious. Every attribute of the Divine char acter was the same millions of years ago that It Is today, but that character was unrevealed. F.vcry step of crea tion has tended to display the IMvlne character more and more, and each successive step and development of creation has brought forth new crea tures cupablo of comprehending tho Eternal One. We deem It not unrea sonable to asHiimo that Jehovah's cre ative power will continue to be exer cised throughout all coming time. Astronomical photography now re veals nearly rjr,(HKi,(KiO suns, around which circle systems such as the one which circles around our sun, and of which our earth Is n part. We deem ll not unreasonable to nnsi'iiio, from the Ncrlptures, that the great work of or dcrltig nil hundreds of millions of planets stretches forward Into eter nity, mid that (he work of Divine grace, begun on the planet. "Earth," will be couilnued throughout the ('Di verse, not. only In conjunction with the planetary systems we can discern. but probably with millions of plan etary systems too far removed from us to be discerned even by pholog raphy. Doubtless Mlne methods 111 con nectlou with oilier worlds and other Inhabitants will display the manifold wisdom of (iod.. For Instance, we tin derslaud tho Itlhle to Indicate that while the permission of evil In tin earth was wise, It will not necessarily be wise or expedient for any reason to permit a similar relgu of Slit ami 1 Ma tli In nwy other of the minimis of Worlds, In connection with their order ing or development and their peopling with glorious creatures who will dhow forth tho praises of the great Creator without their passing through experiences with sin mid death such OS have been penult ted iu connection with the humanity of earth. The Permission of Evil. Can we not see a broad reason for the permission of evil on the earth- fur the permission of tho reign of Slu and Death, which for six thousand years has apparently disgraced tho Creator, degraded humanity, astonish ed tho angels and constituted our race a groaning creation? Only when we discern that Messiah's Kingdom wl'l surely bring order out of this confu tdon, do wo begin to get tho propr focus upon our subject and realize something of the greatness of our God. From the slandpolnt of tho comple tion of tho Dlvlno purposes In connec tion with humanity, and from that Standpoint alone, can wo pee illus trated Divine Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power. The primary l.-sson was Justice that fin brings suffering and eventually death. The second lesson was that of Dl vlno oompassluii, sympathy Love. This lesson wu" manifested In tho pending of the Itedeeincr and his suit sentient rewind of cxaltnllon, and bis ' -tiherlug of an "elect" Church to bo his associates In glory and In the blessing of tho redeemed race. The relu'ii of glory, tho reign of Messiah, soon to bo Introduced, will lift up poor humanity from sin and sorrow, from degradation and death, and give to each and all tho fullest opportunity to ' return to human perfection mid to Dl vlno favor and everlasting life, In all that work of human, restitu tion, which will Include the awakening f mankind from tho sleep pf: death, will be revealed to all the glorious! character of their Creator, and the ne-1 cesslty for his requirement of absolute righteousness ami perfection. Surely, the result eventually will be, as the Scriptures declare, that all shall learn righteousness, and hate Iniquity, and that every creature In heaven and In earth and under the earth shall nc- lalm both Jehovah, who sitteth upon tho Throne of tho Uul verse, and the Lamb, the Redeemer, forever. Were we to allow ourselves to spec ulate respecting the future respecting the Dlvlno purposes In relation to the millions of worlds around us, our spec ulations would run thus: Those In structed and used of Jehovah In con- Junction with tho Initial development of tho Divine Han In the earth will thereby be fitted and prepared to be the Divine Agents to other worlds. The, Great Redeemer and his "elect" associates, after dealing with human ity for their uplift out of slu and denth conditions, will surely bo qualified for further servieo In other worlds: to show forth the praises of him who called them out of darkness Into his marvelous light." And what shall we say of humanity when perfected at I ho end of Messiah's glorious reign? Will not all bo well prepared, not only to approve right eousness In themselves, but to tell In other worlds, to other rnces, the story of the fall and of the reign of Sin and Death result In?; and of tho redemption accomplished by God's love; and of the great restitution; and of tho les sons thus learned? l-oll'-nlly In the of I!.-o!;!-n In that vision tiie Throne ot tie V.'fT-U Mil One is graphically poiiray -d its ihe seat of Divine .over u"d n.itt:.l!'y for the Universe, with tel-e's-terhig spirits. 'I hcr ilc-c i lned a scroll, hi the rhi-iiand of JeNov, th in Divine -7 n ml to:-; in;.-. Tl-it scroll, written Inside find outside, was "seahd with seven se;K" repre-umt-lug the complet" s; re y of the D:vh purposes related in that 'roll. Fro!;! before the foundation of the world I' II -REML OF I. F. S. E of the great Eternal. Ho had given hints respecting It and h."d caused 1 to be symbolized In the Law end t" wane exteut to be described by thi Prophets. Hut still It was a Hidden Mystery, been use the prophets under stood not the things which they wrote: nor could any understand them until the Father's "due time," which he had purposed In himself. Not only was the Divine Program thus sealed and safely secreted, but It was the Divine determination tkrt II should be given only to the one who would demonstrate bis worthiness to be Jehovah's honored Agent for the carrying out of those purposes pre destinated before the world was. The honor of being the Agent, the Repre sentative of Jehovah, to curry out the Divine purposes, should bo disclosed In advance only to the one who would demonstrate his worthiness to bo the great Messiah, the great . Deliverer, the grent Prophet, Priest, Judge, King of Israel. The Unchangeable One. Tho qualities of tho Divine character which wo have Just considered Wis dom, Just Ire, Love and Power be longed to our Creator In tho great eter nity preceding creation. P.ut there was no one at that time to appreciate God -It requires a full view of the perfected Plan of tho Ages to make known to any and to all the glory of tho Lord. As we have Just seen, thus far the secret of tho Lord and tho glories of his character nro known only to bis "sons," begotten of his holy Spirit. P.ut tho tlmo nears when "the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the great deep." He and his glorious government will then b; "H" desire of nil nations;" The glory of tho Lord shall bo reveal ed and all flesh shall see It together" (Haggal II, 7; Isaiah xl, G). St. Paul assures us that every fea ture of the Dlvlno Plan which we see In process of execution was known to Jehovnh from before tho foundation of tho world. He declares that these things God purposed In himself before the foundation of the world. Tho creative processes, which have been operating for thousands of years, were all sun l.v elaborated in the mind of Jehovah before the creative work be gan, in mat purpose angets nan a part of how many grades wo may not surely know, but. they are various ly dot'lunatcd In the holy Scriptures as anrels, principalities ami powers," Ijiter came the creation of man, "a little lower than tho angels" and crowned with earthly honor, dignity ami power, In the Image and likeness of his Creator's glorious powe.'. These creations varied not In dorroes of perfection and Imperfection. Each was perfect on Its own plane. Each Intelligent creature wa's a free, moral agent, and hence, whether on the an gelic or human plain, was created In tho likeness of God, unblemished, but with different capacities and abilities. Almighty God, tnllnlto In WNdotu, Justee, Lovo and Power, purposed tho orderly exercise of bis Infinite powers, as n great Father, desirous of giving life and happiness to his creatures. These Intelligent ones were desig nated "Sons of God" so long us they maintained their attitude of perfect loyalty to him, their Creator and Fa ther. Not only was It the Dlvlno Intention thus to give pleasure to millions of creatures to be created, but It was also tho Divine will to manifest to his creatures his own greatness and tho perfection of his own goodness that they uiljdit enjoy him and he en joy them everlastingly. We are not to understand that Al mighty God was lonely In that great Eternity before creation began. On the contrary, human loneliness Is lar.vely be n o of human deficiency. What we l.u k we seek for In others. P.ut the j..tvat Jehovah lacked nothing; ho was lo.iiplele In himself; he needed not conn a il nishlp to complete or to his happiness. It was his pleasure 'o iivulo that his creatures might have Joy by rellectlng as a whole his Divine qualities Implanted In their eon .'dilutions. The wre U of Hie human race pro duced by sin he well foreknew. Nor did this wrecking of human hopes de feat, nor was It In danger of defeating, the Dhiue purpose. It merely demon strates to angels and to men the graces of the Divine character and shows unto all tho more fully the qualities of (iod proper to be appreciated and copied. The Seven-Sealed Scroll. When Opd,wiul4 Illusjrato to us bl ... ... . it, I... ....'...l.l High as the Redeemer xtood In the Dlvlno counsels nnd fellowship before he came Into tho world to be laan's Redeemer. It was not then granted even to him to know all the mysteries of the Divine Program. Put by vir tue of his high station, his perfection, his obedience, the privilege- was given to li I m first to become man's Redeem er, at tho cost of personal humiliation nnd death, and then, 1 faithful in this redemptive work, It should bo his to bo glorllled, exnlted to the divine na ture, and to execute the Dlvlno. Pro gram to its completion. First, he must manifest hla devotion nnd loyal ty to the Father, ere he could be trust ed even with the knowledge of tho Divine Program. The Ceremonies Attended by a Large Number of Masons and Sympathetic Friends. The funeral services over the re mains of the late Francis S. White occurred at the Masonic temple In this city at 2 o'clock this afternoon. A large concourse of his fellow citi zens followed the casket which was borne by the four sons and two son-In-laws of the deceased to the temple, where the funeral rites were ob served. The funeral was conducted by Canon Burgess, of St. Luke's Epis copal church, and the Masonic frater nity, the blue lodge and the Knights Templar, both lodges attending In a body, and In regalia. The solemn burial service of the Episcopal church with Its responsive readings was observed. St. Luke's choir sang "Asleep In Jesus," In a most Impressive manner, after which the burial service of the Knights Templar lodge was read and Canon Burgess offered a prayer. The floral tributes were profuse and beautiful, and were silent mementoes of the pure life of the deceased. The Ma sonic temple was crowded with the old time neighbors and friends of the deceased, who had come to pay a last tribute of respect to one they had known for many years. Thus one by one the pioneers of this community are gathered to the multitude in the great beyond. .The life and charac ter of Francis S. White can well be the pattern for the young men of this city. THE NEXT THING ON THE PROGRAM IS OUR Will fmi ialo! An event looked forward to by all timers of this useful ar. icle. The prtsent season finds us with more left overs from our high grade lines than in the the medium class. Our 5, 6 and $7 trousers have been "shot to pieces" as it were by the selling of the past few months. We propose to clean up on these first and offer them to you at the very low price of Ml -i . (ptosis Easy in Any Position. S3 and $4 Spot cash no discount tickets. Those of you who are in the habit of buying good trousers, ! better get in on this sale while picking is good. Will put our medium pants on sale as soon as these are closed out. GREENWOOD BANKERS IN DEEPER THAN SUPPOSED Some few weeks since the Journal printed a report of how the Green wood bankers had gotten themselves Into serious trouble, and then, again, that It was not so serious as at first stated. According to a special from Lincoln, under date of January 7, the facts In the case seem to be a great deal worse than at any time re ported, and the bank taken charge of by N. II. Meeker, who has always been the chief owner of the bank. The special Is as follows: "The fed eral grand Jury this evening returned Indictments against A. D. Welton and Lawrence Daft, respectively, president and cashier of the First National bank of Greenwood, Neb. President Welton is charged with embezzlement on eighteen counts, and Cashier Daft with aiding and abetting embezzlement. The men were recently arrested and brought to Lincoln, where they were bound over by a United States commission er. The bank has been taken In charge by N. II. Meeker, and Is de clared to be sound financially." ,the ouo great lesson will bo the great- oyu great t.e.rsoniuny. wnen no wouui Bess of the IMvlne Power which will, to hi creatures how he Is work- to exorcised thnigh Messiah, tho God- li'K n'.f things according to the conn- like One, Mh Prince of Life, "the sel of his own will, he pictured It sym- "Worthy Is tho Lamb." All this Is declared In the account (Itevelationa v). Tho proclamation was made, Who Is worthy to receive the scroll and to break Its seals and to execute tho wonderful purposes of (Jod? None was found worthy! Final ly, one demonstrated his worthiness he left the courts of ghry, be hum bled himself, ho "was made fledi." More than this, being found in fashion as a man, bo conseerated his all to I he doing of the Father's will, even unto death, the death of the cross. Where fore, says tho Apostle, "(Jod nl ;o high ly exalted him" and gave him a stand ing, a rank, a title above nil others (I'hlllpplans II, 7, S). He commission ed li 1 m to execute' all the Diviiio pur poses and to til in ho handed over. t!n scroll wllh the privilege of oS'iilm: Us seals and comprehending to tlx full Ilf message. In the symbolic picture John saw a freshly slain lamb at the same time that the angelic messenger declared that the Lion of the tribe of Judah had prevailed. Jesus proved himself worthy and therefore the privilege "f understanding the things of tho Diiiii. Plan, and the privilege of ce;-utiu-; them rightfully belonged to him. The Lamb slain represented the wiiii; of Jesus from the day he wax thirty years or age and made bin co-.ise ra tion. There he became dead to si If ami to the world. When be suece-ti- fully finished this great contnn-t. In? rled on Calvary, "It Is llnl.ihed." This glorious vhior was then ac knowledge by (Jed and by the holy an gels to be the worthy One to whom the Father would entrust the execution of every feature of the Divine Program, "Worthy Is the Lamb that was slahi to receive glory and honor, dominion and might." lie has not yet completed his great work there and then entrust ed to lil in. The Father glorllled him and set hlni at his own right band the plnco of Divine favor when he fin ished his demonstration of loyalty even unto death. As yet he has Only begun his great work. The Kesslu:? of tho Church ns "the P.iide, the Lamb's Wife," li the llrst step in the glorlms Program, and It Is not yet completed. Following II will come the blessing of tho world, all the families of tho, earth, not only tho living but the dead. Ills declaration ." those now called to be his Pride Is, "To him that over come! h will I grant to sit with me In my throno even as 1 overcame and am set down with my Father In bis throne" i.Uevelatlon li, 211. "To us there Is onn (iod," says the Apostle. All wisdom and power are his. Uecent electrical Inventions assist us greatly in apprehending bis great ness. What man can do llmlledly with the telephone nnd wireless telegraphy merely hint to us of the lnlinlle re sources of the F.ternal One from ever lasting to everlasting, (Jod. Put our knowledge of the Dlvlno Justice and Lovo sallslies our hearts-our (ileal Creator becomes "Our Father, who iv:i In heaven." Next Lord's Day, D. V., 1 will have something more to say to the la rue Congregation of millions whom i ad dress weekly, respecting the mellioU by vhh h the Almighty Cod Is work ing all things according to the '-ouusel of bin own will, using b's glorious Pon, Messiah, his First Begotten, as Ibis honored agent in the .;--i'mvui Ion of every feature of the c-reat Plan which he purposed In himself bef-Tv the world was when he was alone. I suggest to Interested readers of my sermons participation in the '7 'c-;'.' Horn? MisxhimirH Mufnin ni" i f brinttoi.' them to the attention 1'iv'r filend-. ( pf ! In thu V Hind neighbors who dj ni'. 'i't' THE W. G. CLE tutsissnssz . UoSGOif S THE HOME OF SATISFACTION ions FARMERS WHO LIVE IN TOWN FARM BY TELEPHONE Charles Chrlswlsser, cow feeder and shipper of Murray, Nebraska, says that he Intends to give up stock and grain farming In a short time and move to one of the small towns on the Missouri TadAe, says the South Omaha Drovers' Stockman, i jeiay In the County Court. Judge Beeson's docket shows that last Saturday was a busy day In the couuty court. Administration, was granted to J. G. Rlchey on the estate of Mrs. Isabell Richel, deceased. Final settlement was had In the estate of W. L. Street, deceased. In this case, the short for mof adminis tration provided by statute wa3 fol lowed and the estate closed without Legal Notice. t , Theodore D. Duck, defendant, will take notice that, on the 3rd day of December, 1910,. The First National Hank of Plattsmouth, ' Nebraska, plaintiff, herein, filed Its petition In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant et al, the object and prayer or which petition are to recover a money Judg ment on a certain promissory note executed by said defendant and an other to plaintiff for the sum of $200.00 with interest from date at 10 per cent per annum and payable within eight months after date, and also subject to the payment and satis faction of such Judgment, the attach ed property In this action to-wit: The undivided one-fifth (1-5) of ihe North Halt (14) ot the Southwest Quarter of Section Three (3), Town ship Ten (10), Range Thirteen (13), In said Cass County. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of February, 1911. Dated this 29th day of December, 1910. First National IJank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. D. O. Dwyer, Plaintiff, Its Attorney. 12-29-Stw Charley has been a regular patron of tho South Omaha feeder market for many years, so that his retirement will be a source of keen regret to his many friends at the yards. While here this week he dropped a few re marks regarding the exodus of farm ers vlllageward that aptly apply to this movement a3 viewed from one end of the state to the other. "After he has made his pile, the average farmer can hardly be blamed for wishing to settle down In some thriving village," he said. "The germ ot easy living is not alone confined to Individuals who are engaged In com mercial and Intellectual pursuits, as is proven by the many fine homes In various towns, most of them built and occupied by - retired farmers. The old-time 'dle-In-the-harness' attitude of farmers Is giving place to a better philosophy and as long as up-to-date machinery, the automobile and the telephone are possible, Just so long will farmers continue to move to nearby towns and direct the manage ment of their farm holdings from dlftunee." Murray Pum lug Club. The Murray Dancing Club will give another one of their pleasant dancing events at the Jenkins hall, In Murray, on next Saturday evening, January 14. The music will bo furnished by the Jacobs orchestra, of Omaha. The usual good time is In store for all who wish to attend, so make the lUtc now and keep It. CSS) TRUSSES 1'-I 'I ha only urgical houfe in tht West whrrs all fitting is dont . by n eipcrt.- . Lurjest stock ha West. ,, CLEVELAND DRUG CO church m-r li-cs. OMAHA, Nili KASHA Charles C. Farmele was appointed administrator of the estate of A. E. Gass, deceased. Subscribe for tho DaJJy Journal. Married by Judge Peesoii. Ulva L. Wilson and Miss Lillia M. Henry, both of Omaha, appeared before Judge Beeson this morning and procured a license to wed. Th Judge then produced one of his best ceremonies, which he retails at $3.00 per, and in the presence of two wit nesses as well as bystanders mad the two as one. Henry Horn, of n .r Cedar Creek, 'ransatted business In Plattsmoutfi today, having cone down on No. 1. J.W. HUGHES Live Stock and General Farm Sale AUCTIONEER Five years successful selling renders me thoroughly competent of handling your sale. Referfence from those 1 nave sold for. Graduate from Missouri Auction School. Dee me at Terkins Hotel. Platts. 'Phone Green 142 0 H it w w w POULTRY PAK-A-CE-A ON TRIAL! o Did you know thnt you could feed Dr. Hess Poultry Pan N balance of the Winter, nil Spring", in fact until first day then if you are not satisfied that it has paid and paid big (IE SILL IffiO EVERt CEKI till HE MID IIS -a-ce-a the S of August, K i n - - and strong, to cure gapes, chol b Of course you are expected S for that purpose wo know of no U M.i. lnr-k PaaH fnr Mnr cholera and roup, to keep your poultry free from lice and f nothing better than Instant Louse Killer. 8 It is is to mflKe your hens lay, to mako your chicks grow fast, healthy i i O 8 1 K Hess Stock Food for Horses and Cattle 12 pound Sack 75c. LET UG HAVE YOUR ORDER NOW! C Tfie CO., OWsJUb Store IND. PHONE 186. I -1 Dei I rt Bkt rr i n "4 O J