The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 05, 1911, Image 1
8UU Hlitrttal . .If A A uriouib j-ourn SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTH, XHHUASKA. lIIUliSDAY JAXlT,l!Vt5 l!Ml Plane 3 XO 2 OSCAR 110 Accident Occurs Near the Water Company's Pumping Station Where He Was Engineer. At about 8:30 Sunday morning Burlington train No. 6 arrived at the station a halt hour late, when the engineer reported a man lying dead near the pump house, a half mile north of the station. Sheriff Qulnton was at once notified and with a party of men with Conductor Johnson and the switch crew and an engine and baggage car went to the place where the corpse lay and found the dead man to be Oscar G. Wanderholm, who has been In the employ of the Plattsmouth Water company as engi neer at the pumping station. In the absence of the coroner the sheriff empaneled a jury of the following named gentlemen: Carl Weber, Sam Archer, Henry Zuckweller, N. K. Peoples, Nelson Jean and Jesse War ga, who viewed the corpse and the surroundings. Evidently the man had been struck by a west bound train, as the corpse lay about a hun dred feet north of where the coffee had been thrown out of his dinner pail. He was lying about six feet west of the track with bis head to the south. Roth legs were broken, his skull on the left side of the head crushed, and the neck appeared to be broken. The body was then taken to -M. llilil's undertaking establish ment, where Dr. J. S. Livingston ex amined the body In the presence of the Jury, finding the injuries as above described. The inquest was then post poned until 9 o'clock Monday morn ing, so that the crew of No. 15, the engine of which train was supposed to have struck and killed the man, could be present. On Monday morning, when the hearing was resumed, the train crew of No. 1.", being J. If. Uocker, con ductor; A. N. Young, engineer and S. M. Palis, fireman, were present and sworn, and each testified that they were running about eight minutes late Sunday morning, that the train was running at about thirty five miles per hour, west bound on the east bound track, that at the curve where the body was found the wind whipped the smoke and steam about the engine cab, and that Mr. Wunderholm was not seen by any of REUS OF GRANDMA BRAMTHER HID AT REST The remains of Mrs. Sarah Jane Brantner arrived Saturday night on the midnight Missouri Pacific train and were taken to the residence of the deceased lady's granddaughter, Mrs. A. J. Beeson, from which place they were taken to the M. E. church and the funeral service held yester day afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. L. Austin. The music was furnished by a quar tet of ladles consisting of Mrs. H. E. Wescott, Miss Etha Crabill, Miss Zelma Tuey and Mrs. R. B. Hayes. Three familiar hymns, favorites of the deceased, were sung, being: "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "Rock of Ages," and "Aselep In Jesus." Interment was made at Oak Hill eemetery by the side of her husband, who died some years ago. The pall bearers were: Henry Mauzy, Mike llauzy, James Selvers, A. S. Will, Andy Snyder and W. K. Fox. Notwithstanding the Intensely cold day a good sized audience of old time neighbors and friends of the de ceased assembled at the church at the hour of the funeral. The floral offerings by the Ladles' Aid society of the church and also by the Social Workers attested the very high esteem In which this estimable lady was held by those whom she had known In life. Commissioners Meet Today. From- Tuesday's Dally Commissioner C. R. Jordan, of Alvo, arrived last evening and will convene the board of commissioners this morning for the last time as chairman of the beard during his first term. At the next session of the board Commissioner Swltzer will pass to the head of the desk, while Com missioner Jordan will whirl around to tho foot again. the crew. After deliberating for almost an hour the Jury brought In a verdict that "the man came to his death by being struck by a C. D. & Q. engine, running west on the east I bound track." The deceased is survived by his wife and daughter, about fourteen years of age; also his mother, Mrs. Christina Wanderholm, of Sham baugh, Iowa, and two brothers, Hiram, of Essex, Iowa, and Charles Wanderholm, of Camden, Washing ton. Mr. Wanderholm came to Platts mouth from Omaha about one year ago, and was the engineer of the water plant, running the engine and pump at Its station. He was a faith ful employee, always punctual at his tasks, using the best of judgment about all of his work. He was on hi3 way to the pumping station at the time he was run down by the engine. He had often cautioned his wife about going to the station, telling her that on the east bound track at the "hour he went to his work was always unsafe. But the orders fur the west bound train on Sunday morning had been changed on account of two freights being on the west bound track at that time. Mr. Wanderholm's funeral occurred in Omaha this after noon. The Omaha Pee yesterday In re porting the accidental death of Mr. Wanderholm. says: "Mr. Wander holm was for many years a resident of Omaha. He was formerly em ployed as engineer at the Hoard of Trade building." The remains were taken to Omaha on the early train this morning, ac tompnn'ed by Mr3. Wanderholm and daughter, Mrs. Wanderholm's sister, Mrs. J. F. Anderson and husband, of Essex, Iowa, and Mr. Wanderholm's brother, H. Wanderholm, of Essex, Iowa. The mother of the deceased was unable to attend the funeral of her son. Mr. Carl Weber and Mr. August Peln also accompanied the remains to Omaha, where the funeral was to take place from the Jackson under taking establishment this afternoon. Restrained Under Incbrlute Law. A complaint was lodged with the Cass county board of Insanity by Jno. C. Schlater, of Louisville, charging his son Edward, with being an Inebri ate and praying an inquiry. Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker went out last evening and brought the young man in and a hearing was had before the board this morning at the sheriff's office. Cam Seybert and F. W. S. Schlater were subpoenied as wit nesses and appeared and gave evi dence. Young Schlater did not resist the complaint and seemed willing to go to the hospital at Lincoln. A sim ilar complaint was made against him last spring, and the order made and the accused paroled by the board during good behavior. A new complaint was filed Blnce Edward has violated his parole and the findings of the board were for the complainant, and the young man was taken to Lincoln this afternoon. Jim Hoover Has a Grievance. In Louisville precinct for the office of road overseer James M. Hoover claims he was not given a fair shake by the Louisville election board and that votes cast for him were not counted, and as a result Jacob Kelser received the sheepskin. Mr. Hoover bases his claim to the office on the failure of the election board to count a number of votes for him where his name had been written on the ballot and tho voter failed to place an X after the name written. He says that in writing the name on the ballot It clearly showed the Intention of the voter and that such votes should have been counted for hlra Louisville Courier. Parcels Vost Lecture Pontponed. Mr. E. II. Wescott, Becertary of the Commercial club, received a 'phone message from Mr. P. P. Fodrea last evening, stating that on account of the serious illness of his wife, he would have to postpone his visit to Plattsmouth to a later date. Holiness Meeting. The members of the Holiness con gregation, of this city, will hold a series of meetings this week, com mencing w ith tonight and continuing every evening throughout this week. The services will begin each evening at 7:30 and will be held at the homes of the members of the congregation. Tonight they w ill meet with Grandma Petty. MRS. DUDLEY SUCCUMBS AFTER LONG ILLNESS In speaking of the death of Mrs. Dudley, well known In Plattsmouth, and an account of which appeared In the Journal several days since, the Havelock Times says: "After a lingering Illness extend ing over many months, Mrs. Abble Flansburg Dudley passed to her re ward Friday, December 23. "Mrs. Dudley was born January 8, 18o2, at Saratoga, N. Y., and at an early age was taken by her parents to Illinois and Jater, in 1872, settled In Cass county, where in 1875 she married Edward J. Dudley. For a number of years they have been resi dents of Havelock, "The deceased left, in addition to a husband, two sons and one daughter, a brother and two sisters, and a host of warm and loving friends. "At en early age tho deceased united with the Methodist church, but more recently she joined the Christian church, of which denomina tion she was a member at tho time of her demise. "The funeral was hold Monday from the M. E. church and the ser vices conducted by Rev. T. A. Hull. Interment was at Wyuka cemetery." Farmers' Mutual Ins. Co. Meeting. The annual meeting of the Farm ers' Mutual Fire and Live Stock In surance Company of Cass County, Ne braska, Is called to meet at the Hell school houso In district number 88, on Saturday, January 7th, 1911, at 1:30 p. m.,-frr tho purpose of elect ing officers for the coming year, and transacting such other business that may come before the meeting. Jacob Trltsch, President. J. P. Falter, Secretary. SERIOUS INJURY HONDA Yesterday morning about 6:30, Mrs. Levi Goldlng while dressing her self preparatory to beginning the day, became dizzy and fell on tho floor. Her son Byron was asleep In the next room, and he being deaf did not hear her fall, and his mother could not acquaint him with her need for help. Mr. Golding finally recovered suffi ciently to drag herself Into her son's room, but could not rise or use her lower limbs. She managed to tug at the bed clothes sufficent to awaken him, when he also arose, and placed Mrs. Goldlng on the bed and sum moned a physician. The doctor at first thought the In jury was that of a broken hip, but on a more thorough examination such was found not to be the case. About three weeks ago Mrs. Gold ,Ing slipped and fell on the ice, and the next day she fell down a flight of Etalrs, but sustained no Injuries which were apparent at the time, be yond a few bruises. She now complains of pain In her lower limbs, and has lost the use of her limbs. She can take nourishment and her eon thought she was some better this morning. Mrs. Goldlng Is may be the natural falling of physl now seventy-two years of age, and It cal powers, her son thinks. He wired his brother yesterday and expected him' to arrive this morning. Starts tho New Year Right. Robert Shrader and his son, Mont, of near Nchawka, were In the city to day on business and gave the Journal a call. And while here Mont added his npme to our large Nchawka list of patrons, which shows that he Is starting out on the new year about rlirht. The young man has Just at tained his twenty-first year, Is a voter and his own man until he enters the matrimonial state, to which event we happened to mention, and caused him to blush a little. Come again, gentle men. Jako Ilild drove in from his farm In Eight Mile Grove pieclnct today and attended to aomo business with the Plattsmouth merchants. PROF. N. G. ABBOTT HIGHLY SPOKEN OF The New Superintendent of the Plattsmouth Schools a Fine Educator. . The board of education of Platts mouth held a meeting last evening at which time they accepted the resig nation of Supt. Gamble and elected Supt. N. C. Abbott, of the institute for the blind, of this city, as the superintendent of their schools. He la to take charge of tho schools on the 7th, which naturally necessitates a rapid change in the affairs of the in stitution for the blind, which Is to bo In charge of County Superintendent R. C. King, who will be appointed some time next week and will take charge of the school on the 7th so as to enable Superintendent Abbott to get out and get to Plattsmouth to take charge of the schools at that place when they open on the 9th. Supt. Abbott and King had a talk with Gov. Aidrich this morning, oer the 'phone, and County Superin tendent R. C. King will tile his resig nation to take effect on the 5th of January. Ho will go to Uncoln on the Cth and get an order for tho beard of trustees to turn over the affairs of the institute for tho blind to him on the 7th. Supt. Abbott will leave nt oiue for Plattsmouth and take charge of the affairs at that plure. Mr. King and Mrs. King diked Mrs. Abbott to remain a week or more to assist them In tho matter of getting things properly transferred without anything out of tho ordinary occurring. So the transfer of the nffalr3 of the institute will be done In a quiet manner and none except those who aro aware there is a change will notice anything out of the usual. , Supt. Abbott has certainly won honors since ho took charge of tho affairs of the Institute and brought it up to the highest standard that it has ever known. Ho Is one of the ablest educators In the slate and tho good people of Plattsmouth have reason to bo proud of having secured his ser vices. In the affairs at the institute Mr. Abbott has been ably assisted in j the management by his most estima ble wire, who is one of the nicest Indies In the land and as matron, saw to It that everything possible was done for the unfortunates who attended the school during the past two years. She Is highly educated and a most pleasing lady. There Is a great satisfaction In knowing that In the transfer of the Institute to Supt. King It Is one of the best things I that could have happened because ho will maintain the high standard and will be ably assisted by his wife, as matron Nebraska City News. STARTS NEW YEAR BY GETTING PUT IN JAIL From Wednesday's Dally, Judge Archer's court had one com plaint for drunkenness Hied yester day, and this was not a resident of Plattsmouth. One Charles Miller, who had been working at Fremont, finished his year's work at that place last week and started for dry terri tory, expoctlng to Btop off at Vallsca, Iowa, and take employment there, and arriving In Plattsmouth, tho last point at which he could slack his thirst for the ardent, the unfortunate fellow took on board more than he could tote and fell Into the clutches of the law. The Judge gave him five dollars and costs, which Miller did not have tho money to pay, nor did he have sufficient to liquidate for his trans portation over the river, and In con sequence of such deficit he will tarry with Mr. Manspeaker for a period of six days, and by that time it is hoped that the ico on the river will bo of sufficient thleknesB to bear a man'B weight. Married at Dallas. Mr. Silas Jacks and bride arrived today from Dallas, South Dakota, and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anbury Jacks, for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Jacks, Jr., were married yester day at Dallas and are taking their wedding trip, after which they will be at home on their farm a few miles north of Dallas. KE6E1 ffi GUARANTEE UK UPHELD Bf U. Governor Shallenberger and Membera cf the Legislature Who Supported the Law Feel Greatly Elated Over the Decision. A member of the Journal family having been a member of the legisla ture that passed the guarantee bank law, It makes us feel good to know that the United States supreme court has decided In faor of tne common people, most of whom favored the measure. The following editorial from the World-Herald meets our endorsement so well that we appro priate the entire article In reference to the action taken upon the matter: "Governor Shallenberger has good occasion to rejoice In the Uecesion of the United States supreme court, which ha3 held constitutional tho Ne braska law for the gauranty of bank deposl.s. Because of his early and enthusiastic advocacy of this meas ure, because ho mado It tho "para mount Issuo" lu his campaign two years ago, and because of the thoughtful and able assistance ho lent In tho formulating of the law. Gov ernor Shallenberger might Justly be called tho father of guaranteed de posits In Nebraska. "The members of tho legislature who passed the law, and Judge Al bert, who gave the assistance of a learned and alert legal mind to its draMng, have bIko i t anon for re joicing, fo, by tho same token, have the rank and tile of Nebraska demo crats, as well bb tho thousands of re publicans who patriotically Joined with the democrats at the polls to elect a governor and a legislature who would make this great measure of reform a law of tho state. "It Is the Irony of politics that the establishing of the system of guaran teed deposits In this state must now (o:i!' from an -.administration repre senting a party that has opposed It. It would be better for the law, better wv.m mm THE EPffOBTH LEAGUE; The annual meeting of the Ep worth League, which Is held always at Sunnyside, was given on Saturday, New Year's eve, and was largely at tended Ly members of the society and their friends. The rooms were tastefully decorat ed with pepper berries and orange blossoms from California. During the time the guests were assembled Mr. C. E. Wescott regaled the com ers with a few cholco selections on the phonograph. The program was under the man agement of Miss Zelma Tuey, who opened the entertainment by having Miss Violet Freeso give a vocal solo. This was followed by Mr. Don York, who Bang, "Mavourneen" In his usual pleasing style. A reading by Mrs. R. II. Hayes brought forth applauso both for the happy manner In which It was given as well as for the sentiment expressed touching the New Year. Piano solos were rendered by Miss Mina Thlerolf and Miss Jennie Tuey, the latter being a teacher of music In Redfleld college, South Dakota. The annual address was delivered by Mr. C. A. Rawls, and was entitled, "A Review," and was up to the usual high Btandard which that gentleman's discourses achieve. The entertainment was brought to a happy close by a short address by Rev. W. L. Ausiln, on tho topic of "Watch the Old Year Out Meeting." Tho entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by all present and adjourned to meet one year hence. Andy Snyder Reports Mortgage. Register of Deeds Andy Snyder has filed his annual report with the coun ty clerk, showing farm mortgages filed during the year of 1910 to be 241 In number, aggregating !n amount the sum of $519,532, and of tho same kind relcasod the number was 197, and aggregating the sum of 488,C01. On city property there were filed during the year 112 mortgages, amounting to $95,052, while there were city mortgages released to the number of 116 and In the iura of $74,650. S. SUPREME COURT for the people of Nebraska, If this law could be guided through its early years by the hands of loyal demo cratic friends. Since this Is not to be, we can only look hopefully toward Governor Aldrlch and those republi can officials who will bo associated with him in putting this policy Into effect. They have it In their power, perhaps, If not to wreck at least to cripple, by hostilo administration, this popular enactment. They cannot fall to he sensible of the fact, how ever, that it represents what the peo ple of Nebraska want, and that any hesitancy or , disloyalty In its strict and Impartial and honest enforce ment would bo disloyalty to the peo ple. "Municipal and state and national deposits, as well na the deposits of many largo corporations, are already guaranteed, some by utautory law, others by private agreement. The guaranty Inw merely gives to tho great body of tho people, who Indi vidually are too weak to demand and obtain this protection from the banks, the same degree of safeguard that the big depositors and tho public deposit ors have. So far ns Is possible, it places all depositors on nn equality. "The Nebraska statute was careful ly and conservatively framed. Wisely and fuiiiy administered It will prove an unmixed blessing to the state. Tho sneering campaign cry that a demo cratic legislature could not draft a constitutional law has been given the lie by tho BUpremo court of the United States. It now remains to be seen whether a republican htaio administration can give as excellent service to tile people In making thl.-s law nn actuality its a ilemoevntlc leg l.sluttue pave In framing and passing It." J0L OFFICE HAS A S!!ALL FLOOD From Tuesday's Pally The Journal experienced a narrow eseapo of great loss from the burst ing of a water-pipe last night, be tween 8 and II o'clock. Tho accident happened about an hour after U. A. Hates had, locked up and gone home, and had It not been for J. C. Throop, our linotype operator, who had Just come In on the Missouri Pacific train from tho south, and who came direct to the office, finding the door locked and the floor covered with water, the accident would have proved a serious one In the way of damaged stock, etc. As soon as he could reach a telephone he apprised R. A. of the condition of things, and he Immediately rushed to the office, and he, together with Mr, Throop, on Investigation found that the pipe on the upper floor, occu pied by the Olson Photograph com pany, had burst and water was run ning through tho ceiling In several places. Mr. Hlatt, of the photograph company, was also sent for and ar rived as soon as possible and assisted In the stay of the Hood. The water was turned off as soon as possible and before any great damage had been done, with the exception of a few bundles of paper which had be come pretty well soaked. Hut had It not been for the timely, and we might say, accidental, arrival of Mr. Throop, there Is no telling what the damage might have been. Will Admeasure Dower. Charles L. Graves, as attorney for Jcj-se Dysert, recently commerced :i it u it In the district court against Nari'V J. Dysert and fifteen other de fendants In which tho pialutirt seeks t) 1 the dower and homestead rkht of .Mrs. Dysert a Jinoa.trcd iiTa" farm of about one hundred and forty Ri yhs near Union. H.c plaintiff alleges as u reason for his cult that he desires to purchase tho Interests of all of tho heirs, exclu sive cf the dower aud homostcad right, of James Dysert, deceased, an t that the heirs desire to tell their In- j toreflls. And In order U' sell the land: ; Mrs. Dysert'i Interest shoull be certained. j