The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 02, 1911, Image 1
ttemoutb Journal SKMI-WEEKLY EDITION-KIGIIT PACKS PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY .IAXIIA1SY2. ISN1 VOLUME XXX ' XO PLAnSMOUTH COMMERCIAL CLUB Mil HOLDS IS ANNUAL ELEClil The New Officers for 1911 Chosen are T. H. Pollock, President; J. P. Falter, Vice-President; E. H. VVescott, Secretiry and Rae F. Patterson, Treasurer. Has Arm Injured. William Gravitt, employed In the I coach shop, had the misfortune, about 9 o'clock this morning, to have a heavy diaught timber fall on his left arm, breaking the bone of the fore arm. Mr. Gravitt went to the sur geon's office and had the injury dressed and will be off duty for several days. He is fortunate in not having the arm broken, as the timber which fell on him was large and of great weight. From Friday's Daily. The Plattsmouth Commercial club held its third annual election of offi cers in its hall In this city last night, the following gentlemen being eleet euTT. II. Pollock, president; J. P. Falter, vice president; E. II. Wescott, secretary and Rae Patterson, Treas urer. A resolution endorsing the commis sion form of city government was adopted. A resolution was offered by R. B. Windham endorsing New Orlans as the city in which the club favored holding the exposition celebrating the opening of the Fanama canal, and In structing members of the legislature from this county to vote for that city when the question arises this wintei The resolution was laid over to the next regular meeting and made a special order at that time. There was a fairly gooa turn out at the annual meeting last evening, and President Falter called the session to order shortly after 8 o'clock, the minutes of the October meeting were read showing the action of the club at the time the proposition from Mr. Chopleska was discussed and accept ed. Mr. Falter then stated that for the benefit of the members of the club a report from the Plattsmouth Realty company would be considered. Xlr. Schneider stated for the building committee that $5,000.00 had been raised by subscriptions, about hp.If of which was paid in and expended. That the building for the engine factory was almost completed and would be turned over to the committee this week or next. That the balance of the subscriptions would now be re ceived, and that it Is likely a little more money would have to bo rained A letter had' been received from to meet the needs of the enterprise. Mr. Chopleske stating that he had an order for six engines winch was almost out and that this would be Mr. Windham offered the following resolution: "Resolved, That the Commercial Club of Plattsmouth is In favor of the commission form of city government on principles most practicable for cities of .the size of Plattsmouth, and is In favor of other municipal reforms. "Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the president of the club appoint a committee of five on municipal legl leslatlon, and that they be Instructed to confer with the members of the legislature from Cass county relative to all questions affecting our city's welfare." After considerable discussion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Windham then proposed an other resolution favoring the location METHOQiST SliM SCHOOL OFFICERS AND TEACHERS The following officers and teachers were elected at the annual hoard meeting to conduct the affairs of the Methodist Sunday school in this city for the year 1911: C. C. Wescott, superintendent; E. C. Hill, assistant superintendent; Mrs. Howland, pri mary superintendent; Etna Crablll, assistant primary superintendent; Mrs. Emily Morrison, superintendent home department; Wanda Ramsay, assistant superintendent home de partment; Alice Tuey, superintendent cradle roll; George Morrison, treas urer: Charles Carlson, librarian: of the Panama Exposition at New jcnnings Solvers, assistant librarian; Orleans rather than San l1 rancisco, I jjalden Brown, secretary; Andrew and argued that the location of ', yl0ore, assitsant secretary; Lillian Plattsmouth on the Missouri river InJ Thnmnson. enrolline secretary: Zel which Plattsmouth was deeply inter ested in the improvement of the river which would be aided by boost ing for New Orleans, also that the jobbing interests of Omaha, and the Mississippi valley would be greatly aided by the Impetus given from a great exposition at New Orleans rath er than on the coast. Mr. Schneider was of a different opinion,' and believed that the club should go on record for that which would benefit Nebraska most, and he thought to have the exposition In San Francisco would force the travel ing public from the east to pass through the great state of Nebraska, thus giving investors an opportunity to see what advantages the state offered to capital, and in this way the resources of the state would be advertised and the whole state bene fited. Mr. TIdd wa3 not sure which city he was in favor of, but was In clined to the belief that Mr. Schneid er's view wss the correct one for the club to adopt. Mr. Farley then pro posed an au endment to the proposed ma Tuey, chorister; Hazel Tuey, organist; George Becker, door keep er. Teachers: E. II. Wescott, W. L. Austin, Laura Peterson, Wm. Winn, Thos. Glenn, Edna Wescott, Don York, George Hall, Margaret Mapes, Ilettie Cummlngs, Wm. Kirby, Virglo McDanlels, Elizabeth Kerr, Mrs. Gobelmann, F. M. Phoebus, Clara Austin, Mrs. Sybil Brantner, Zelma Tuey, Edna Morrison, Alice Tuey, Mrs. E. C. Hill, Genevieve Hayes, Miss Baugh, Georgia White and Nel lie Carlson. SEVERAL OHIOBGES GRANTED ST BT completed by the end of the second resolution by deferring action until week in January, and that tho third week in January he expected to be ready to move his plant into the new building here. Communications were then called for, and Secretary Wescott read a letter from a party in Wisconsin who operates two or three canning fac tories in that state and would locate another If conditions were favorable. The requirements would be for from 1,000 to 1,500 acres of sweet corn i-aised by the farmers in the vicinity and other products to be canned, such as pca3, tomatoes and other vegeta bles. Wescott also read a reply to tho letter assuring the manufacturer that there would be no difficulty about having the produce to can, and further Inquired as to the number of employes likely to be used, whether the plant would run the year round or only part of the season, and other matters of interest were Inquired Into. The letter of the secretary was written but a short time since and time for reply had not yet expired. In his general report the secretary said there had been twenty meetings of the club, called and regular, dur ing tho year, and that much had been accomplished toward the Improve ment of the interests of the city. Under the head of new business the next regular meeting of the club and make It a special order for dis cussion, the president to select two members of the club for each side of the question and have the matter de bated before any action should bo taken. The amendment was voted. The subject of .coming legislation on a parcels post was then called up and quite thoroughly agitated, and it was decided to have Mr. P. P. For drea, of Omaha, come to this city next Tuesday evening and give a talk on the subject at the club. Mr. A. L. Tldd offered an amend ment to the constitution to the effect that the membership fee Bliould be $5,00 per year paid In advance, or if paid monthly, it should be CO cents per. month; which wa3 adopted. The meeting was a very Interesting one, and the best of feeling wa3 mani fested throughout the discussion of the different matters brought up. Mr. P. Thlerolf moved that a committee of three be appointed to secure a new list of members and collect the mem bership and give receipts. The mo tion prevailed. It was also voted to give a banquet on the installation of the machinery In the gasoline engine factory building, which will probably occur about the time for the next regular meeting. Judge Travis held a session of the district court today and handed down decrees In three divorce cases. In the case of Luther Mead against Lu cinda Mead, the plaintiff, who resides in Union, sought a divorce from hU wife, who resides in the state of Washington, on the ground of deser tion. Personal service was had upou the defendant in the state of her resi dence. The court found the allega tions ot the petition true and made decree. The case of Charles Peck against his wife, Minnie, divorce was sought on the ground of cruelty on the part of defendant. The court took a simi lar view of the case from the evi dence and granted tho prayer of the petitioner. In tho case of Mary J. Roberts against her husband, Frank F., the plaintiff alleged that she was mar ried to defendant in 1899 and that notwithstanding the fact that she was a faithful wife, the defendant had de serted her on the blank day of Feb ruary, 1909, taking with him their oldest child, Edith, aged 8 years, and since that date had failed to provide anything toward the living expenses of the plaintiff and the remaining children, Orval, aged four, and Carl, aged two, and that" plaintiff had been compelled to support herself and chil dren by washing and other laborious work. The prayer was for absolute divorce and the custody of tho chil dren, which tho court decreed as the plaintiff prayed. Case Is Hotly Fought and Much Interest Shown. From Saturday's Daily. V hotly contested complaint before tho Cass county board of insanity was being tried before Commissioner D. O. Dwyer, J. M. Robertson and Dr. B. F. Brendel In the district court room today. The complaint was filed by Mrs. Ida Mick, of near Alvo, against her husband, Georgo 11. Mick, whom she charges with being an inebriate, and seeks to have htm restrained at Lincoln at the hospital for the In sane. The complainant was repre sented by William Dalles Dernier, the state by County Attorney Taylor, and the defendant by M. Gering. The lllc3 of the district clerk's of fice disclose that on the 5th day of December, of this year, Mrs. Mick filed a petition for divorce against her husband, alleging among other things that they were married on the 7th day of July 18SG, soon after that time defendant began tho use of lntoxl-J rating liquor to excess, and that the past three years he had drank to excess and had become an habitual drunkard. That his conduct toward her and tho other members of the family was not what It should be, that he had made threats and called her vile namesi The petition also re cites that six children were born to them, two of whom aro married, the other four residing with Mrs. Mick, and she prays for the custody of the children as well as a decree for di vorce. Veda, her sixteen-year-old daughter, was with Mrs. Mick at the trial today, and the young lady gave testimony in support of her mother's contention, stating that her father had been drunk on tho night of the 21st and also the night of the 21th of December. The young lady made a most excellent witness, her replies to tho" CTosa-examlmtlon of Mr. Ger ing being clear cut and bearing tho stamp of frankness and truth, she could not be embarrassed nor made to contradict her direct testimony. The accused had the following named gentlemen subpocnled to testify in his behalf: J. B. Blair, W. E. Pall lng, Henry Grler, Dave Affulm, Wm. Althouso and Ira Morgan. Mrs. Mick also had a number of witnesses to prove the allegations of her com plaint. From the nature of the cross examination it appeared that the de fendant would depend on the fact that he never neglected his family and that for this reason the com plaint should be dismissed. Good Bouds in ('u.vs. Cass county has long been credited with having some of the best roads in the state. This statement is made by the autolsts and the farmers. Be tween this city and Plattsmouth there were several places where the roads were always wet because of the hedge fences cn each side of the road. Harry Rolfe made a trip through that coun ty yesterday and he says that on a stretch of ten miles or more the hedges were being cut down Ne braska City News. ABOVE fit TH.IjGS POOLSGN IS REPUBLICAN A special from Lincoln to the World-Herald, under dnte of Decem ber 29, says: "If Superintendent Poulson and his republican allies think they aro going to stampede "dry" democrats into a coalition with the republican party simply to punish other democrats for being opposed to county option, they are reckoning without taking Into consideration several things, one of which la human nature. Mr. Poulson Is credited with being an average clever politician, but he has apparently made tho mis take of believing that favoring coun ty option Is akin to belrtg besotted with his plan of adopting it. "Unfortunately for his plan to dis organize the legislature he made the mistake during the last campaign ot attempting to compass the defeat of several "dry" democrats who were elected. In a number of legislative districts both candidates announced themselves as favoflng.county option. Instead of adhering to his promised policy to "keep hands oft" in such districts the Anti-Saloon league su perintendent lent aid and comfort to the republican candidates In every In stance. "Inasmuch ns democrats won in some of -theso districts the con sequence Is that they are fighting mad at Poulson, though still remain ing loyal to tho principle of county option. They want none of Poulson's dictation and will resent Interference by him just as much as they would resent Interference by brewery interests." LEE ALLISON IS FIGHTING FOB HIS FREEDOM From Friday' DaUy. Lee Allison, who was sent from here a few days since to the Inebriate asylum at Lincoln, it seems Is very much Incensed at the action of the Insanity board of this county, and proposes to fight for his liberty. The State Journal of last Wednesday con tains tho following allegations that Lee makes: "Alleging that he la being unlaw fully deprived of his liberty by Super intendent Woodward of the state In sane institution, Ixroy Allison, a dip somaniac patient from Cass eounty, yesterday afternoon asked tho dis trict court for a writ of habeas cor pus. The petitioner declares that he was commlUod to the Institution by tho board without its having valid In formation and he was not permitted to Introduce- testimony in his own be half. He asserts that he Is not a dip somaniac or "dope" fiend. He says that ho Is confined to a ward with Insane persons, and not being In gooil health, he wants to be liberated. Tho writ was presented to Judge Cornish of the criminal division of tho district court, who Issued an order summon ing Superintendent Wuodard to ap pear with Allison on December 30th at 9:. 10 o'clock to show cause why the petitioner should bo held. PROPOSED AUTOMOBILE Addison Walt, who will bo the sec rotary of st-a'e after January G, has had copies or Ins proposed automo bile regulation law printed and will be glad to place them in tho hands of any one Interested In tho regula tion of motor traffic. Tho proposed law provides for a roiriulrntlon fee of t." for automo- . ...... . . , , i jury was nresseu by the company s biles and $2 for motorcycles and a 0 . . . rest for a few days. condition are not permitted to drive an automobile. In case of an acci dent the driver must stop and give his name and address and license number or wake a report to the near est police station or judicial officer. William llalVke Injured. William Haffko, an employe of the Burlington blacksmith shop, sus tained a serious Injury to his left foot a day or two ago by stepping on a nail which penetrated his foot caus ing a very painful wound. The In Veteran Newspaper .Man Visits City, Mr. A. M. Karnes ana wife, of Burlington, Iowa, who have been vis iting his brother, Mr. L. H. Karnes, of this city, for a few days, departed for his home on the morning train to day. Mr. A. M. Karnes Is a veteran In the newspnper business, having founded the Bloomfleld (Iowa) Union Guard, In I860, which ho run for some years, selling out later and re moving to Burlington. Mr. Karnes and wife have been visiting their son-in-law, Mayor Bert Smith, of Sioux City. They also have a son working on the Slouc City Journal. Henry T. IV1I Dies at Union. From Friday's Dally. Henry T. Pell, one of the pioneer settlers of Cass county and ot Liberty precinct, died this morning at his residence near Union of cancer of the stomach after an Illness of several months. Mr. Pell was born In Missouri and camo to Nebraska while It was yet a very young territory, arriving here about 1855, shortly after coming to this-county he was married to Miss Rachel Ervln, who with one son and four daughters survlv the deceased. The children aro all married and have families of their own. They are: Mrs. Frank Hugson, Mr. Jesse L. Pell, Mrs. Art Peasley, Mrs. Ed Mldklff, and Mrs. John Nlday. Two sons, Merldcth and John, aro dead. Mr. Pell also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Nancy Ervln, ot Nebraska City, and Mrs. Lydla True, of Coleridge, Ne braska. The Strongest Man. Ono of the greatest men of the world declared that the strongest man Is he, who can always control him self, whose will power Is stronger than his passions. Some men cannot deny themselves anything. They known that their habits are Injurious to their health, but will not change them. They are ruining their som achs, their nerves, their blood. If they can he made to etop ami to use, for a short time only, Trlner's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine, their diges tion will become regular, their blood pure, their nerves strong. Use It in pll Irregularities of the dlp.tlon, lu headache, constipation, nervousness, backache, colic and cramps, as also In weakness of the body, anemia, periodical pains. Use It ns soon ns your appetite will fall yoi or you will notice some discomfort after eating". At drug stoics. Jos. Trlner, 133.1- IH.'tO South Ashland avenue, Chicago, Illinois. A beautiful wall calendar upon receipt of 10 cents In postage. $10 fee for dealers' licenses. Tho speed limit 13 fixed at between ten and twenty miles, an hour. Its most drastic provisions are con tained In a section prescribing who may drive an automobile and as to ac cidents. Persons under 16 years of age and . persons In an Intoxicated Mr. Harry Cramer, of Red Cloud, who has been visiting his wife's par ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Austin, during the holidays, deparvd for his home this morning, Mrs. Cramer re maining for a longer visit. Install Officers Sutmduy Kvcnlng. The Haymakers will hold their an nual installation exercises at their hall In tho Red men's building next Saturday night. The business for the year will bo wound up, and after the Installation ceremony a banquet ot roast pig with tho accompanying side dishes will be served and a royal good time Is anticipated. Tho offi cers to bo Installed are: Past Chief Haymaker, William Gravitt; Chief Haynraker, Frank Llbershall; Assist ant Chief Haymaker, Chas. Neuman; Keeper of Bundles, William Egcnber Mrs. W. T. Mllburn went to Omaha this afternoon to visit her soir'Ernest, who was operated upon day before yesterday, and a puss sack removed from his Ride. The appendix was not removed at this tlnje, but will be later, as swn as the lad Is strong enough to endure the operation. Farmers' Mut mil Ins, Co. Meeting. Tho annual meeting of the Farm ers' Mutual Fire and Live Stock In surance Company of Cass County, Nc braska, is called to meet at the Hcil school house In district number 88, on Saturday, January 7th, 1911, at 1:30 p. m., for the purposo of elect ing officers for the coming year, and transacting such other business that may come before the meeting. Jacob Trltscb', President J. P. Falter, Secretary. Calendar For If) I 'J. The Journal has effected arrange mcnts by which it Is able to furnish all grades of calendars for 1912 as cheap as they can bo procured from any printing establishment In the west. We filmply make this an nounccment In order that those who are In tho habit of having calendars can save their orders until they have examined our samples. Wo will have all up-to-date work and as soon as our samples arrlvo a representative will bo around to seo you. Save your orders, and wo will convince you that we have the goods to suit. 1 OK SALE p Farm. Two and one-half miles cast of Louisville, Nebraska, and overlooking tho Platte river, wo tiavo for sale a good farm of 102 acres at the ridicu lously low prlc of JflO per ncre. Tho land Is somewhat rough, but has good rich soil, and If farmed In tho right mnnner would produce largo crops and greatly Increase the value of tho land. Improvements small land Is nil fenced. About CO" acres In corn, bailee In hay and pasture. Posses sion March 1, 1911, If you want to know more about this farm bargatn write or call on Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 17th St. Omaha. Nph. M2-29-3tw. ; Mauled by (lie Judge. Roy Chapln and Miss Maud Young, both of Greenwood, arrived In tho city this morning on No. 4, and sought County Judge Becson's office, where a marriage license was pro cured and the Judge requested to Join the applicants In marriage, which he did,. MlfB Gertrude Beeson and Miss Fl.-.enco Whito -attending"' nii 'wit nesncs to tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Chapln departed for their home this afternoon, via Ashland. Mr. L. H. Hell, ot Eight Mile Grove precinct, was In the city today looking after business matters, and paid tbe Journal office a friendly rail. While here Mr. Hell renewed his subscription to the Journal. Notice of Dquullation of raving Tav. To all parties and persons Inter ested In tho Special Assessment and levy of taxes for the payment of tho cost of paving, curbing, grading, and guttering Paving District No. 3, of the City of Plattsmouth, State of Ne braska, and especially to tho owners of abutting lots on Fourth and Fifth streets, between Main and Vino streets and tho owners of abutting lots on Vino street between Fourth and Seventh streets, all of tho City of riattsmouth, State of Nebraska: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the Mayor and City Council of tho City of riattsmouth, State of Nebraska, will sit as a Board of Equalization at the Council Cham ber, In said City, on Monday, the 9th day of January, A. D., 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m. until 8 o'clock p. m. ot said day, for the purpose of equaliz ing, assessing and levying a special paving tax for the payment of tho cost of paving, curbing, grading and guttering Paving District No. 3, ot said City of Plattsmouth. You, and each of you, are further notified that estimates of tho cost ot such paving, curbing, grading and guttering, against each lot and sub division thereof, are now on file with the City Clerk of Bald City where the same may bo examined. All objections, If any, must be on file with the City Clerk on or before 8 o'clock p. m. of Monday, the 9th day of January, A. D., 1911. By order of the Mayor and City Council of tho CIty'of Plattsmouth, State of Nebraska. Dated this 2Sth day of December, A. I)., 1910. B. (1. Wurl, John P. Sattler, City Clerk. Mayor. Injured at the Siicj'JU Mr. Joshua Anarews, ono ufthe mechanics In the machine shop, had the misfortune this morning to have a heavy transom from one ot the cars which was being overhauled, fall on his ar mthls morning badly bruising It and lamlnp that member. Mr. An drews went to the company surgoon and had the Injury dressed. He will have to lay off for some time.