furr&y Department m For tUttey UggEi and it's attendant festivities you probably want to tone up with some bright new fur- J'KLPAKED IN HIE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. IfawtiftlunMknofthtJ'nrMlkiuMofavxMtwaoruniUm of intend in this vicinity and v ill mad vinu to this offict it vnU appear un hr this htaJina Wt Kttnt nil ituns of interest. Editor Journal. II ST. If X U " fc-' m m m mm r m m9. mm V Y. H n service tor uurn Customers! e We aim to serve each customer alike in all business matters, and give each the best bank service. A man with a small volume of busi ness receives the same attention from our officers as does large depositors. Our service means accommodation. Service in matters of consequence also means with us, service in minor deal-ingi-in every detail. We are always glad to talk over busi ness matters with you, whether you are a customer or not. We are confident that our service will giveyou entire satisfaction. urray State Bank terrr MURRAY, NEBRASKA CZD f -nt if iCli There were Christmas services at both tho churches Sunday. Remember, you can iay your per sonal tax at the Murray State Hank. Miss Lester, of Lincoln, was the guest of Mrs. Loughrldge over Christ inas. Mr. Lyman, of Montana, Is spend ing the week with 1). A. Young and family. Dr. W. K. Loughrldge, of Lincoln, ppeut Christina with James Lough ridge and family. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. nrendel enter tained Dr. U. F. Ilrendel and family at Christmas dinner. Win. Hire Is spending a few weeks In Virginia, making the trip for a visit with his mother. Clen Khoden Is still numbered with the sick. ' Miss Villa Gapen was In I'latts mouth Tuesday. Mrs. Alf Nickels has been on the sick list this week. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Creamer Is quite sick this week. George Hild was a business visitor In the county seat Wednesday of this week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapen is on the sick list thla week. Mrs. J. F. Hrendel Is spending this week with her parents la Weeping Water. John Doughty and daughter, Miss Nellie, were In Murray Wednesday afternoon. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker has been on the sick list for the past few days. Dr. B. F. Brendcl made a business trip to Lincoln Thursday morning, re turning in the evening. Miss Jessie Drost, who has been in riattsmouth for the past few days, returned home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Anna Llntner and children, who have been visiting with friends and relatives In Omaha, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Rerger, residing west of Mur ray, who was taken to the hospital In Omaha a few days ago by Dr. Hren del, is getting along nicely. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household rem- Ilome From the Hospital. Dr. O. H. Gilmore, who has been In the hospital In Omaha for the past three weeks, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, returned home on the Wednesday morning train, and although a very weak man physically, he has the appearance and feels pretty much his old self again. We understand that he will make no effort to look after hl3 practice for some time yet as it will take him several weeks to gain sufficient strength. He expects to make a busi ness trip down In Oklahoma In a few woeks, which will add much to strengthen his weakened condition. Mr. Gilmore's many friends will be pleased to know that his complete re covery Is not far distant. Miss Verna Halt spent Christmas In Plattsmouth. Grandma Root's condition remains about the same as last week. Mrs. Elbert Queen was a Platts- edy in America for 25 years, I. S. White, who has been quite sick for tho past few days, Is much Mr. and Mrs. Alwlne, of Dead wood, South Dakota, siwiit Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes. Win. Rice and John Farrls depart ed for their old home In Virginia Thursday last, to spend the holidays. Roy and Ethel Bpangler, of Mo vllle, Iowa, are spending the holidays with relatives and friends In and near .Murray. $ee Holmes & Smith about that handsome rug proposition they have on this month. They will make a valuable present. j William Duster, who was operated upon In the hospital at Elm wood, Is out of danger and getting along nice ly. Mr. Duster has many friends here who will be glad to loam that his operation was ho successful. Holmes ft Smith ran soil you a warm fur overcoat as cheap as you ran buy one In Omaha, Plattsmouth or any other town In tho west. lionnlo Grosser, Wade Porter and Miss Graeo Porter, of Plaluvlew, Ne braska, are spending the holidays I with Murray friends and relatives. Wm. Holmes and wife, of Carbon dale, Kansns, are spending the holi days with their daughter, Mrs. O. V. Virgin and family, north of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Contryman and little daughter Dorothy Elizabeth, spent Christmas day at the homo of Mrs. Contryman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver. mouth visitor Wednesday evening. Dr. n. F. Drendel and A. L. Raker were Omaha visitors Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. W. Derger and Mrs. Chas Carroll were In Plattsmouth Wednes day evening. Verna llatt was visiting with home folks In Plattsmouth Wednesday evening. H. 0. Todd was looking after some business matters In Plattsmouth Tuesday. W. J. Phllpot was looking after some business matters In Omaha Tuesday. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. James Hatchett has been very sick for the post week. Earl Wulf, of South Omaha, Is vis iting this week with her cousin, Miss Olga Minford. Mrs. Mary Carroll, of Plalnvlew, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Will Porter has Ihm n quite sick for the past few days. Dr. T. V. Davis, of Lincoln, was visiting with his father, Anderson Davis, last Thursday. James Hatchett and Col. Jenkins were in Plattsmouth Tuesday after noon, making the trip in the colonel's auto. Kiitertnin Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Young enter tained a number of friends and rela tives at dinner on Christmas! They were treated to a most excellent din ner and all unanimously pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Young to be royal en tertainers. Following were those In attendance: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young. Albert, Lena and Clara Young, Mr. Lyman, from South Da kota, Ira Wclllver, of Lexington, Ne braska, Mr. Wm. Rice, Esther, Louie and Gold Rice. Mr. Rice being ab sent, owing to his making a trip to Virginia to see his mother. We have nishings. Arrow Collars, all sizes and styles, including the new Ara notch ...ISo Each Pleated Coat Shirts, in either plain white or fancy $1.25 The new red ties in club or four-in-hands 50o Fancy Vests in white or the new stripes $1.50 Ob L UgsgoM's Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION Ends- Winter's Troubles. To many, winter Is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chlll blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Greatest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Ecze ma and Sprains. Only 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co's. better at this time and able to be up and around. Mrs. White Is about the same. Dr. J. F. Brendcl went to Omaha last Friday with Mrs. R. C whom he was taking to the hospital for an operation, which waa success fully performed on Saturday morning. Both of tho Sunday schools In Mur ray held the usual Christmas services for the little folks on Friday evening. The handsomely decorated tree was In evidence at both places, and a very Joyful tlmo was had by all. A $2.."0 Rgu for 00c. This Is what we are giving all our customers this month for a Christ mas present. From now until the 24th of this month we will give all our patrons purchasing $2.00 worth of goods for cash and 99c in cash, we will clva thorn nno nf thesn hand. Bnm !tis M r... Tr-ev are I acre tract- we" lmPved, 2 miles very handsome and would be .;heap at Farm For Sule. 160 acres two miles from Avoca. Two houses and barns In fair shape. Will sell for 140 per acre. A slxty- $2.60. You will be given a card and when you purchase the $2.00 in Bailey, I goods return the card and 99 cents ailU fcUI. IUC Uft. 1 1 1 tl uiili v. . w. j v . . on the evening of December 24, so come In and see us about it now. We only have a few hundred of them and they will not last long. Holmes ft Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Holmes and son Jlalph, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. A. M. Holmes and Arnold Holmes formed the family party that spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. C. A ltawls In Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. O. A Davis, Miss Jaclo Stover, of Corydon Indiana, and J. V. Pitman wcro en tcrtalncd' at Christmas dinner by Mr tind Mrs. Clen Perry, at their beautl fill farm home northeast of Murray Mrs. W. C. Brown's mother, Mrs Miles Hopkins, and brother Carl, of Vallis a, Iowa, and two sisters, Mrs. Hugh Slaught, of Ottumwa, Iowa, and Mrs. Wm. Sawyer, of Council Bluffs, pent Christmas and the week with Mr. and Mrs. Brown, In Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown enter tained Mesdamea Miles Hopkins, Hugh Slaught, 0. II. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, Misses Marjlo Walker, TauIIno Oldham, Messrs. Albert Young, Dr. A. H. Walker, at a six o'clock dinner last Saturday. Mrs. S. O. ntman went to Cedar Creek Wednesday afternoon for a few days' visit with her sister, Mrs. Albert Schaffer. Miss Jacle Stover, who has been Isltlng at the homo of her uncle, D. . ntman and family for the pnst three months, returned to her home In Corydon, Indiana, Tuesday. Miss Mattle Mlnnlear fell on the steps In the yard at the home of Undo Sam Latta and qulto severely Injured her anklo, by bruising and sprain. She will be unable to stop upon tho Injured limb for several days. Sam Pitman and George Nickels went down to Nehawka Monday morning to do some plumbing and tin work on the residence of Chas. Chrlswlsser. They will remain tho entire week. Will Derger, of Nebraska City, spent Christmas In Murray with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Derger. George, from near Mynard, was home also, and enjoyed a most pleasant time under tho parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, residing south of Muray were also present. Depart for Kunsu. Ernest Rlchter, son Paul and son- in-law, Frank Mrasek and their fami lies, departed from Murray over the M. P. on Wednesday evening for Ness City, Kansas, where they will make their future home. They loaded three cars with stock and household goods These excellent people have lived In Cass county a great many years, Mr. Rlchter coming here from Germany 29 years ago, where he has since lived up to the present time, and In departing for his new home In Kan sas, It Is with the deepest regret, for he leaves a host of friends and neigh, bors, all of whom regret to see these excellent families leave their midst. Both Mr. Rlchter and Mr. Mrasek had a desire for more land and have pur chased within a mile of each other. The many friends join with the Jour- from Avoca. And lots of other lands in other sections. Come and see me before you buy. Jacob Opp, 11-3-wklytf. Avoca, Neb. A Fine Lighting System. rittman & Davis have recently been I appointed local agents of the Birch j Actylene Light Co., and have already j placed several up-to-date lighting plants In homes In and around Mur ray. The Birch machine Is very sim ple in construction, having no cogs or springs to get out of order. This sim plicity of construction not only re duces first cost, but is a great saving In gas. Parties thinking of putting in a lighting system ran save money, and at the same time secure the best and most convenient system. These are standard machines and have been ap proved as safe by the insurance com panies. The same gas can be used for cooking purposes, if desired. Saved From Awful Death. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A Sehlngeek, 647 Elm St., Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed." Un equaled for Biliousness, Jaundlce'and Debility. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co's. W ood t or Mule. One hundred loads of wood, cut Into stove length, for sale. 'Also, a lot of hedge posts and corn crib posts for sale. James P. Latta. Murray, Neb. EGAN DISBARMENT LIFTED South Dakota Supreme Court Modifies Order of Suspension. Pierre, S. D., Dec. 29. By the unan imous decision of the supreme court the most spectacular case of disbar ment and reinstatement to practice ever sprung in this state has ended, and George W. Egan will again be one of the attorneys of the state, after noon the first day of next year, the right going to him as a present for the new year. Egan came into the state from Iowa t2 prosecute the Kauftuian murder case in Minnehaha county, and from that time on has been In the lime light In one manner or another. It not before the court he has been be fore the people politically asking sup port as a much persecuted man, and on the strength of such a campaign once secured a majority of votes for a county office he could not fill and later came near enough to the nomination for governor to give a number of poli ticians the shivers. Now that he has been restored to his legal standing after retraction of all bla attacks on the Judiciary In his campaign, he can build up the law practice he started and the field of his endeavor will not be handicapped. SUGAR TRUST ASKED TO PAY $1,000,000 Offer lo Settle Drawback Frauds for STOQ.OOQWillBe Refused. Horse Shoeing. John Durman desires to Inform those who need his services that he as opened a shop at the Ora Dawson place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction assured. Married at Denver, Colorado. Word has been received here that Frank Oliver, of Sallda, Colorado, and Miss Margaret Woodard, of Ap- nleton, Wisconsin, were married in nal In wishing all of these excellent Denver, Colorado. December 20th. peoplo happiness and their new home. prosperity In Daylight Robbers. Somo unknown daylight robber got In his work in great shape at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporer last week. Mr. Sporer had gone to Plattsmouth and Mrs. Sporer was at tending the bazaar In Murray, and no one was at homo. When Mrs, Sporer left home she deposited the key In the customary hiding place on the outside of the house, where It proved an easy matter for the thief to find, enter the house and help him self. He took a new pair of shoes belonging to Mr. Sporer and left his old shoes In their place, ho also found a silver W. C. T. U. medal won by Mrs. Sporer In the convention, about $2.00 in small change belonging to tho boy, an heirloom ring handed down to Mrs. Sporer by her mother, and another ring of Mrs. Sporer's. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Virgin, resld- They alno took somo eatables, such The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Woodard, of Appleton, Wisconsin, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver, of Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver will make their home In Sallda, Colorado, where the groom holds a fine position with the Denver and Rio Grande railroad. FOR KAI.K. lng Just north of Murray, entertained a number of friends and relatives on Wednesday of this week, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, of Carbondale, Kansas. An excellent dinner was served, and a most sociable and gen eral good time was had by all. Those present wero Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pitman, Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dull, Mrs. W. S. Smith, A. M. Holmes and Arnold Holme. as eggs, coke, etc. There seems to be no clue as to who the party was. KUI-Aere Farm. Two and one-half miles east of Ixmlsvllle, Nebraska, and overlooking the Platte river, we nave for sale a good farm of 162 acres at the rldlcu lously low price of $60 per acre. The land Is somewhat rough, but has good rich soil, and if farmed In tho right manner would produce large crops and greatly Increase the value of th land. Improvements small land Is all fenced. About 6(1 acres in corn, balance In hay and pasture. Posses sion March 1, 1911. If you wont to know more about this farm bargain write or call on The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 17th St, Omaha, Neb. 12-29-3tw. Murray Real Estate. I have a number of choice pieces of Murray property for sale. See me If you wish to purchase. A. L. Baker. For Sale! A number of Duroc boars with pedigree- L. H. Oldham. Washington, Dec. 29. Recent dis closures in the "drawback" frauds against the government have put the treasury department in a position practically to dictate the terms of compromise with the sugar refining companies. The American Sugar Re fining company's recent offer of $700, 000 may not be accepted In view of the fact that the government is said to have evidence to compel the return of not less than $1,000,000. It has Just become Jinown that in a recenF coriTerence with- Attorney'tTen. eral Wickersham, attorneys for the sugar company offered $500,000 in set tlement and declared that "was the last cent." The offer was declined and the $700, 000 one came on soon after. One offi cial cf the customs service is author ity for the statement that the frauds appear to grow with every day's In vestigation. Boston, Dec. 23. A denunciation of organized college cheering and "rag- We have received several copies of the Bonanza Bulletin, published in the town of Bonanza, Oregon, asking for an exchange. In looking over the paper to understand why they wanted an exchange so far away from home, we perceived the name of C. W. Sher man, sr.. at the masthead as local editor. Mr. Sherman was editor of time" by rresident Lowell of Harvard T , , j . university was tho feature of the see the Journal for many years, and of . . . . .v . . 11 - . ...Ill 1 A v. - roursfl uie reyuesi win uuve 10 ue -ro granted. National university. association at Boston -PRE-IMVENTORY SALE!- EXTRA ORDINARY! Diuti-o nt Murray, Tho Murray Dance club will give another one of their popular dances at Jenkins' hall at Murray on next Saturday evening, December 31st. The Jacobs orchestra of Omaha will . furnish the music, which fact alone Is an assurance of a good time. Every body Invltod. 12-27-3td2tw. 5 TRUSSES 1 ha only pnrgical bout in the Weit where all lilting ii done by aa eipert. Largest ttocli of lnusei in the West. THE W. C. CLEVELAND DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA BEGINNING SATURDAY for fifteen days we will ofTer the Plattsmouth buying public stupen dous bargains- bargains much great than ever offered before. See our eost window for many exceptional bargains at 10c each. See our west window for embroideries o lie red for the first time at 5c the yd. FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY! Tho VARIETY STORE THIRD DOOR EAST OF THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY