1 SIXTH AND .1AlfrSTREET wm $ mm I" ' ' "jHshaiftlfeaymm If -- V ....". T , -.fr-l, I 21 kinds iJfcfcSSSJi- 7 VERY I J fel Wcsav complete stock of the "21 kinds". And every other kind of groceries. ST. L EllllI Event Is Held at the A. O. U. W. Hall and the Youn Folks Have Time of Their Lives In the Coming of Santa Claus The Journal expresses regret that previously It has been unable to give a write-up of the Christmas entertain ment of St. Luke's Sunday school, which occurred Monday evening. The only excuse we can give for not pro ducing this earlier Is the rush of news matter which crowded In on Tuesday and kept the force so busy that the matter was overlooked until last evening and then the data was procured too late for last night's Issue. The Christmas carols were sung on Sunday at 10 a. m., and the entertainment Monday evening, which partook of the nature of a Christmas party, was held in the A. O. U. W. hall and was by far the most enjoy able event of the Sunday school year. The preparation of the program was placed In the hands of Miss Barbara Oerlng and Mrs. C. V. Baylor, and the almost perfect rendition of each number on the program showed much skill and perseverence on the part of the committee. There were some good. recitations by the smaller members of the school, and a song by Miss Nora Livingston wnicn evoKea me nearty applause of the audience. Mr. II. S. Austin gave two readings, one entitled, "The Night Before Christmas," and the other, "The Night After Christmas." The latter being a parody on the old German St. Paul's Church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Divine service at 10:30 a. m'. On Sunday evening, New Year's night, we will relight our Christmas tree. An evening service composed of a ehort address by the pastor, and a special program will be held. ORDERING SUPPLIES tyTELEPHONi The Dell Teleprone serves the retail merchant not only as a salesman, but as a purchasing agent. When the merchant's line ol goods runs low he can stud for a rush order by telephone and explain his nteds. If the consumer cannot find what he wants in his own town, the Lonp Distance Lines of the Dell Sys tem permit him to buy anywhere. 10c a can 'BODYsavsthatCtfk,i 'omato Soup is "just right". f so too. Of course we carrv a L poem given in the first reading. Mr. Austin Is a finished elocutionist and his rendition of the selections was very fine indeed, and added very ma terially to the enjoyment of the even ing. Mrs. Jay Selver3 executed a beauti ful and difficult number on the piano, which was well received and enthusi astically encored. One of the amusing features of the entertainment was a snow ball fight between the girls and boys of the school. The balls were ot the con fetti kind and the contest excited the mirth of the entire audience during several minutes that it lasted. The girls were finally declared the. vic tors. A guessing contest next occupied the attention of the merry makers, this was participated In by the whole school as well as members of the au dience. In the conflict of wits Miss Harriett Clements secured the prize, which was a candy chicken. At the close of the party Old Santa made his appearance amid gingling of bells, and distributed candy and pop corn to each member of the school. , Those who were present declared the party to be the most enjoyable Christmas party ever held by the Sun day school. Mr. Henry Buford, of Galesburg, Illinois, arrived this morning and will visit E. P. Davis and family for a time. Mrs. Bessie Deuel and daughter, of Omaha, spent Christmas with County Surveyor Fred Patterson and family, returning to her home yesterday. CHRISTMAS m Nebraska Telephone Company C. L. CLARK, Local Managers ALVO NEWS A. J. For ma u was iu Omaha Tins-1 day. Mrs. J. A. Shatter was iu Liucolu j Friday. Harry Parsed was a Lincoln visitor Tuesday. Miss Orpha Mullin came down front Lincoln Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Manners were doing trading in Lincoln last Friday. Jlmmle Foreman went to Lincoln to visit relatives Wednesday morning. Dr. L. Muir and family ate Christ mas dinner with Mrs. Liza Craig and son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook spent Christmas with relatives in Weeping Water. Mrs. A. Weichel and children, of Elmwood, visited Christmas with rel atives. Sam Cashner went down to Omaha on business Tuesday, returning home Wednesday. Mr. ad Mrs. Delbert Ieseley, of Greenwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vlckers Tuesday. Henry Snoke came in from Doug las, Nebraska, Friday evening to be at home for Christmas. Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr., went up to Lincoln Wednesday to visit rela tives, returning home Friday. Ceo. Cook and brother Will Cook left Friday for a Christmas visit at Alma, Nebraska, with relatives. Mrs. Mary Vickers and family took Christmas dinner at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Leseley, at Green wood. Geo. IJraun, our genial K. I. agent, returned the first of the week from his visit to his parents at Chicago, Illinois. C. G. Anderson and family, of Litchfield, Nebraska, are spending Christmas week with Mrs. Anderson's parents. Miss Taylor accompanied by little Clayton Ingwerson, left Friday for a short visit with relatives at Ulysess, Nebraska. Jack Curyea, of Omaha, spent Mon day night with Clarence Curyea and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, of University Place, and Miss Nellie Dreamer, of Lincoln. Miss Stella Sheesely and Fay Par sed left Sunday for a few days' visit at Blair, Nebraska, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarns and children. Mrs. S. C. Boyles'and her brother, Ceo. Skiles, left Tuesday for a Bhort visit with their sister, Mrs. Joe Prou ty, at Des Moines, Iowa. Wilbur Van Cleave and sister, Miss Metta, and Miss Bolten, of Lodl, Ne braska, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, sr. A ChristniPw urogram was rendered nt the M. i5. church Saturday evening, December 24, 1910, which was well attended by an appreciative audience. J. B. Clyde came In from Des Moines, Iowa, Saturday to spend Christmas with the family of M. C. Keefer. He returned home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt and daughter Hazel, of Lincoln, returned home Tuesday morning. They were aceompanleu by Charley and Aurel Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. James Howell, of Burwell, Nebraska, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis a few days and spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea. Mrs. Joe Armstrong returned Wed nesday, last week, from Redding, Iowa, where she has sftent the past several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Barrett and family. Mrs. II. Hellmer and son and daughter came In Wednesday noon from Wymore to visit her brothers, J. II. and Ed Stroemer and families. They will remain several days. Visiting at the home of John Quad horst Christmas were his daughters, the Misses Delia, from Lincoln, Fre donla and Matilda, from Nora, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hamel, of Nora. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, of Uni versity Place, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stone and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jordan and family took din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner, Monday. Mrs. Pearl Fetrow and infant son, and Miss Agatha Tucker, who have been visiting Parsed, left Thursday for their home at Hebron, Nebraska, Mrs. Parsed accompanied them as far as Lincoln. Those who enjoyed Christmas din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Curyea were, Mr. and Mrs. Mord Curyea, Mrs. Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Curyea and daughter Lillian. Miss Ollle Foreman, her brother Will and friends, Maud and Edith Cole and brother Earl Colo, came down from Lincoln Sunday, visiting at the home of Miss Olllo's parents until Monday evening when they re turned to Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles gave a Christmas dinner for their children nnd families. Thoso present were: M. C. Keefer and family and J. B. Clyde, S. C. Boyles and family, Chas. Skiles and family, of David City, Ne braska, and Geo. Skiles. of Colville, Washington, whom they had not cen for several years. T. N. Bobbitt and wife entertained their children Christmas, all of whom were present. There being their sons, L. E. Bobbitt. wife and daughter, of Lincoln; Chas. Bobbitt, wife and laughter, Ltncolu; Win. Bobbitt, wife and son, of Tekamah, and Geo. Bob bitt, wife and son, of this place. CLUB ENTERTAINED BI MSSEDm 5H0PP A number of young people of this city have formed a club for the win ter months, this club to meet at the homes of the members two or three times a month. The purpose of the club is that of having a social time. Consequently, the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Shopp, on West Rock street, was the scene of frolic last evening when the members of this club met with their daughter, Miss Edna. During the evening various games and amusements, Interspersed with music and social conversation were Indulged In. One of the amusements was the dressing of a peanut doll, which produced much merriment for the young people Miss Mildred Johnson succeeded In getting her doll dressed the best and was awarded the prize. Another diversion was the matching of a puzzle. Just prior to the close of this de lightful entertainment, a delicious two-course luncheon was served, which was likewise thoroughly en Joyed. It was a late hour when the members of this nub departed for their homes, voting Miss Edna a splendid entertainer. The guests of the club last evening were Misses Coralle and Mildred Stewart, of York, Nebraska. "I had been troubled with consti pation for two years and tried all of the best physicians In Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. MURPHY GOES FOR THIRTY DAYS James Murphy, of Cedar Creek, was arraigned before Judge Archer today charged with being in "an un lawful state of Intoxication" while then and there being In the county cf Cass and State of Nebraska, and against the peace and dignity of the state during the greater part of the last six months. After hearing the evidence Judge Archer then and there considered and adjudged that the of fender should recline In the county Jail for thirty days and pay the costs. The court goes on the theory that If there Is anything which will "give us pause" It Is to observe the activi ties of life from within the CaBS coun ty prison, and he knows of no remedy which will cure the drink habit so effectually as about a month In this resort. On the other hand, the court hesitates to commit a sober criminal to .ne Jail, for fear the conditions there will drive him, the criminal, to drink. IiONt. A lady's gold watch, on December 2nd, on the road between the Amlck school houBe and Murray. The watch was open face and bears the letter "V" on the back of the case. Finder will please leave same at the Journal office or with Lloyd Gapen, In Mur ray, and receive reward, Miss Villa Gapen being the owner. Mr. Edwin Sprleck and wife, of Stanton, Nebraska, have been In the city for a few days, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlln, departing for Cullom last evening, where they will visit friends for a few days, then go to Louisville for a short visit with friends before returning to Platts mouth to finish their visit here. Si ' Vim WAH00M11IS iDSESI ROSE Wahoo.ncb. Sold by all Leading Deal, crs. Try a Sack and if notsatisfactary Money Refunded vir'fi'owM'o t-w-w f ili i hi. inn. nun ., ....... , u-i"'-i"'' iTi ilt .,- - - r --i ft, 1 i i r AU'OUOL 3 PER I EN r AVc8cl;il)lePrfpnntiionrcftk slmilailiiS ihr FoodamlRnhib imUtcSuraacItsaiullMsi bo ProraolcsDitlcsttonfltffrful ncss and Rcsi.Cnnlalns nc tow Opittm.Morphiac norMncraLI fcOTNAUCOTIC. Jx-itma Jxrnnml - liirmSrft Chnhnt Stmr Mafejmw tkmr. ADorTcrl Rem? dv forCansftea is. t Ion , Sour Stonur h.Uiarrlioca Worms ,CoiMtlsions.rcvcnsh ncsstuulLossoFSLEEP. Facsimile Siijnaturtnf NEW YORK. Guaranteed under ihe fowTnj Exact Copy of Wrapper. BASKET BALL GAME The basket ball game Friday even ing between the riattsmouth High school team and the team represent ing the German Turners, deserves the attendance of all those who are lovers of good, clean, manly Bport. The members of both teams are all home boys and the Interest that Is shown In the game will show whether the people desire to have athletics In Plattsmouth that will be a credit to tho town and the citizens. A social dance will be held after the game, bo that a most pleasant evening can bo spent by all present. The line-ups of the teams are as follows. High School: Heece, forward; Egenberger, forward; Dalton, center; Falter, guard; Herold, guard. Turners:Mann. forward; Scotten, forward; Frlcke, Rawls, center; Ileal guard; Hall, guard. Nt rayed or Stolen. From my blacksmith shop In My nard, a small bay mare, with white spot In face, and one hind foot slight ly smaller than the other; also had a blanket on her back. Finder please notify Frank Svoboda, at Mynard, or Tim Kohoutek at riattsmouth. lT. H. TrooN Vuhh TIii'oiikIi. This forenoon at 11:15 a Bpeclal train carrying United States troops en route from New York to San Fran cisco, passed through Plattsmouth over the Hurllngton line, going from this point to Lincoln, McCook and Denver. The train consisted of one baggage, two kitchen and five sleeping cars and It was received from the Lake Shore route at Chicago at 4:15 yesterday afternoon. The train would carry from three hundred and fifty to four hundred troops. r You Pay ATTENTION: Are You in the Market for LAND, if so Read What Follows: THE PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. is Placing on Sale The Great ADELINE PLANTATION (10,000 ACRES) IN LOUISIANA The soil is not less than 200 feet deep; corn averages from GO to 90 bushels per acre. This is tho great sugar cane region. This land raises 20 to 35 tons of cane to the aero present price is f 1.00 per ton. The men selling this land wunt cunejfrown for thoir sugar mill and you can PAY YOUR LAND IN CANE, 1-6 k,1 of your acreage paying lor your farm. Delightful climate, cheap living, no cold, no snow, little fuel needed, no heavy clothing necessary. Labor at 40 to 85 cents per day. All kinds of FRUiT: Oranges, lomans, grape fruit, peached, poars, cherries; ber ries grow in profusion. You ran buy this land at from $55 to $70 per acre, one fifth down, balance 10 yeare at 6 per cent interest. Don't take our word ior it, but go with us and see it. The next EXCURSION DECEMBER 20th. Call and taik with us about it; write for further particulars. Windham Investment 1 Land Co., Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Assciale Agents. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years p 111 Legal Notice. Theodore D. Duck, defendant, will tako notice that on the 3rd day ot Docember, 1910, The First National Dank of Plattsmouth', Nebraska, plaintiff, herein, filed Its petition In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant et al, tho object and prayer of which, petition are to recover a money Judg ment on a certain promissory not executed by said defendant and an other to plaintiff for the sura ot 1200.00 with Interest from date at 10 per cent per annum and payable within eight months after date, and also to subject payment to the satis faction of such judgment the attached property In this action to-wlt: Th undivided one-fifth (1-5) of th North Half () ot the Southwest Quarter of Section Three (3), Town ship Ten (10), Range Thirteen (13), In said Cass County, You are required to answer Bald petition on or before tho 13th day ot February, 1911. Dated this 29th day of December, 1910. First National Hank of iPlattsmouth, Nebraska, D. O. Dwyer, Plaintiff, Its Attorney. 12-29-8tw Head the Dally Journal. OR Herman Grccdor, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Stale Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth. in ane! AW M fl WfC