The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 26, 1910, Image 2
For CSoIiday UgqEi and it's attendant festivities you probably want to tone up with wrre rr:'srht rex fur nishings. We bare- ? ' i' ft Fy V V . -. . ' i 0.1. Uoscoft's Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION CHRISTMAS FEMES HI 1HE The Litl!erdO!d Alike Enjcjr Being Reminded That Christmas Truly Bring! Forth Good Cheer. The Ctr:!m festivities itb most of c-Tsr ;p er.ded with the tloe of the day. Monr'ay. Fire Christmas 'u. ca F aid ay there was plenty of; Cm for all to telebra'.e. Sunday ex ercii being Urgfiy of a religious latere, while Monday was Bore secu lar 5s its thara'-ter. l!&st of the lusl tes Iolws tloMri the entire day Jx.!y. aid the err.pioyes given an j cpporttiLity to ukbrate as they pre-i frrd. The weather ws all that aiyoie ol!J lave desired, the sky W.if o clear and bright, that "Old Sol" i.'ir.i)f - aed ia the LeUht of ait glory. Saturday een!ng th vari oci ch'jr'hes held exercises for the thilircrj, a in;al re;rt of whlth tte Jc-rra! it tr.abled to print, a r-.i:ci: rrt-O.itriian CliurcJi. A rl liTt Christmas tree and a tte trofrara was gin by Fuperin tetJert Farley of the Presbyterian Funday hool. Tbe program as greeted by a large audlen't of par ents and friends cf tbe children par ti' ipating. Fanta Ciaui ap;x-ared after c'h gitglicg of sielgh bells and talkiLg t) phantom reindeers, mu(h to the delight of the little peo ple, who received their treat eagerly from Lis outtret'bd hands. fvngs by the infant das as well as the Intermediate grades, were well receded and lustily- clapped by the delighted i:ter.ers. "Bobby's ChrUtmas Tree." a play let in to a'ts, was well rendered by Ce or six bj, who labored tinder the difficulty of having to go on lth one of the star actors at home. Tbe live Chrinma tree was a fine tab-' leaux, composed of members of the school arranged on a sort of amphi theatre, l'h some of the smaller members of the school at the top Bear the celling, and the older mem bers ranged below In tiers, the entire tree bursting forth In song as Fanta Claus came upon the stage. The en tertainment was much enjoyed by all present. The performanre closed by giving the children of the S'hool a treat composed of bags of candy, nuti and popcorn. At the Mi-thixlixt Church. The entertainment at the Metho dist church Christmas eve, was one of the most sucresnful ever given by the Sunday school, and the program though quite lengthy, and composed of twenty-nine numbers, bad been so thoroughly well drilled that only an hour was used in giving the program. Mil's Zelma Tuey, who had the pro gram in charge and attended to drill ing the little folks. Is to be congratu lated on the very excellent manner In which the little people acquitted themselves before tho audience. A mammoth Chlrstmas tree almoxt filled the arch bac k of the pulpit, be ing twenty-five feet in height and fifteen feet In diameter, rcfering to the foliage. Tho tree was decorated in tinsel, cotton, sparkles and colored lights, and presented a beautiful ap pearance. The program was opened by a tpeech of welcome by the youngest member of the infant row, Doris Arrow Collars, ail sires and ti !-. ir.cladirg the new Ara robch ...15c Each titer plain w h i t e o r 25 Tie new red ties ia dub cr four- in-tands 50c Farcy Vests in white or the r.ewitriit $1.50 H Smith, ar.d mas followed by songs, redtations, drilis and selections d- mSrahly rendere! by the children. The Iat number was song by the children entitled "Fanta 1$ Coming," and as the last verse was being sung the north window was hoisted up from the out.slde and Santa appeared at the window and announced himself with a whoop that siartled the little people and some of the older ones and sent the blood tingling through the veins. The old fellow failed o get In at the window but clambered down and went round to the door and came down tbe aisle much to the amusement of the children. A half pound box of candy was distributed! I to every boy and girl in the room Eery one left feeling happy. At St Paul's Oiurth. Christmas Eve at 7:20 found a large crowd gathered at St. Paul's German Evangelical church to en'oy the usual c-xerc;es given by the chil dren cf the Funday nool at this Joy ous and s'jr.ific an tirr.e. After the singing of the ever beautiful "Ftille Nat hi" ar.d a prayer. Rev. Ftexer opcn-d the program with a few re marks. He spoke concerning the origin of the observance of Christ mas and cope lally its being celebrat ed with the appropriate evergreen tree. He showed this custom to have originated in Germany and to have j been brought to this country by our German forefathers. An excellent program was then given, alraott entirely by the chil dren. The program was made up of songs, short readings and dialogues. The readings showed good work and honest effort on the part of each In dividual. BesldeB this should be men'Joned a short play. This showed a very poor family In their home on Christmas Eve. They were expect ing very little in the way of gifts and the like to make them happy; yet their beautiful contentment and their thorough reliance on God's goodness brought them at the close, the hap- ' plest of Christmas. Throughout the entlie play, enough humor was min gled with seriousness to make the whole highly enjoyable. With the signt of the brilliant tree and the reception of the usual Christ mas bag, each child was happy. At the Christian Church. A program consisting of songs, recitations and drills given by the children of the Sunday school occu pied the attention of a well filled church Faturday evening. Christmas eve. The program was under the management of Mrs. Radcllff. Mrs. Rhln and Mrs. Funk, and the excel lence of the performance given by the llttlo people reflected credit on the committee who attended to the drill ing for the occasion. A tastefully decorated cedar as a Christmas tree occupied a plao on the platform and added to the beauty of the scene and Inspired the Christ mas spirit which was in evidence on every hand. There was not a hitch In the well prepared program, every number passing off smoothly, which speaks well for the members of the I I ' CIS Fan: was prs-rt at the t'.o-e ' cf the trteruirmer.t anJ arrived in time lo distribute tfrat to u h , xtsU-r cf the school. The exer ires j were rr.o-t successful f.'OTi itart to the erl cf tie propria. Everyone 'tsjoti the evening to tie fullest. At Maonlc Home. Tte residents of tbe Masonic Hoxe tl their Christmas tree nl distri bution cf gifts ia the large dining room of the Home Christmas eve. Tte room s tastefully decorated in eergreen and tolly. Tte tree u I beautiful cedar mounted on one of tte talks, and decorated with can ili and tinsel, from this table the rifts were distributed. Each resident was remembered with a substantial token from the Grand Lodge, and cards were received from the O. E S. lo:l and other loJges. The grand chapter also ttzl a gift to eeh nseaj ber of the Home fmily. . A sofa pillow was .-resentei to each cf thecale residents of the Hose, Mrs. Vndercook ma Vic g the prestation spef.h. which was couched In'pcetr.T. The Christmas diner was served on Christmas day t the Loon meal. There was about fifty round of roast turkey, and other viands of deli-ious favor. 5fH, veeetable-s. fruits, nurs and can'ies in pre f usion, and tte cherry pie was an attractive part of the Cera. Three b xs of clrars tt ps-.sei f:r the beneJt of those who imoked- The entertainment and the ? dinner were very enjoyable alTai:. and the mileru cl the Hje cer tainly hai a tery enjoyable Chriit m a s. ITHE NIGHT MADE HIDEOUS BY CISTURBERS OF THE PEf.CE Last nigh!, or rather thii r. erring early, several yo-rg ir.ea retlere-i their hldeois with their pro'.rg. cursing ar.d yellir ?. There can be to obje'tion to tek-bratirg Chri-tmas in any manner young men see proper, so long as they do not disturb the peace of others. Hut this was not the caHe, by any means, this morn ing, and it Is a shame that young men who think anything of themselves or their parents, should thus act We could give the names of tho lyoung men to whom we refer, but to save tins stigma which It would cast upon their mothers and siHters we 'decline to do so. While we feel Jus'ilPod In making their names public, we have ,, . . ' ,,, , compelled to stiller the humiliation caused those who are not in the least to blame for the actions of their bo.s. Ei..Mvoi. (leader-Echo.) Mr. Otto Ftege, who has been in a h'j9,,.'i at Omaha, returned home li-rt evening. Carl Schroe-der and wife, of Avoca. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K Hen-! rl-k, Sunday. A baby daughter was born to Mr. j and Mrs. Geo. Hopkins on Faturday evening, Lec. 17. Elmer Iiettman left Tuesday for New York w ith a car of horses which he is taking to the market for a big eastern bnyer. Mrs. G. W. Blessing came In from Ruskia the forepart of the week for a .visit during the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tolhuret. Flie was met in Lincoln by her father. I. H. Hollenbeck and wife h-ft Wednesday to visit relatives and friends at Diller and Beatrice, Neb., and Huron, Kan. They will also vUlt at other points In the youth be fore returning home. II. O. Ueber, of Monteveido, Minn., brother to Mrs. H. O. Miller, is here on a visit until a'tcr Christmas. Mr. Ruber lost both lower limbs In a flour mill RnniA Hm ipn Bn iriniiht sif ... . .... v- n"i i - ' u u I. I 1 1 which was puunstied in these col- umns soon after the accident. .nller will take a course in a Mr-1 bUB! .. ...11 . i i i . . t I .uiifSB . Liuroin wun me nope oi preparing himself for some useful o cupatlon. That the burglar alarm system re cently installed by the First National bank will do all tnat is clalmed-for it was demonstrated on last Friday night, when promptly at ten o'clock tho bells began to ring calling the at tention of the bank officials to the fad that they had failed to properly lock the bank vault. The ringing of tho gongs drew quite a crowd at the bank to ascertain the trouble. Mat ters were soon set right and the peo ple went home satisfied that the burglar alarm Is a decided success. Submitted to An 0cratlii. George Thomas, w ho has been suf fering from an abcess on the side for several days, had Dr. Cook open the same yesterday, and let out a con siderable amount of puss that had formed. Flnce the operation Mr. Thomas feels considerably relieved, and strong hopes are entertained that he will have no further trouble. ! t- hcol taki.-.g part. nun n in II Miss Minnie McKay United in Marriage to Mr, V. H. Pick ard of Wichita Kansas. A very preuy home wedding oc curred yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mc Kay, when their daughter. Miss Min Eie Elizabeth, was Joined la marriage with Mr. William H. Piikard. of Wichita. Kansas, in the presence of fifty guests, relatives and friends of the contracting parties- The cere mony was performed by Rev. Rat ciiff. pastor of the Christian church, who -d the beautiful ring form of service which .was rer7 impressive. The parlor was decorated in green and white, and the dicing room in Christmas festcons. The bride wore a blue siik, ar:d carried white-chrysanthemums, and wxiAattended. by M:? Lillian Piciard, sister of the ; recta- The' groom wore conveMional black, ar.d was attended by Mr. Wal lace, of Witchita, as best man. The rtarriare vows mere said unier a duster of wedding bells. Af:er the ceremony and congratula tions of the guet. a two-course !,r. heos was serve!. The tri'e ! . the accomplished dijirhter cf Mr. and Mrs. Kcmer Mc Kay, a r. i wj born ai reared in this c'ty, a graduate of the Platuiouth V.'.i s-ic-:!, a-l a taknted jo'-ng 1!t. Fhe is? , in the eTElcy cf the Tk'.l Tt'.;t-:-e v:.iz;.aiy here fcr the ;at fo.r years. The grrra is a riser r yr-rc : i:i-ss iris f.f W-idita ari tie rtrc will r? a tit vet!i g :. s l:ky. Tie .&t cf tri fi-ft'f nrt: Mr. Jfiej;L ye-s-M-rsmitl it J dai Golix: Mr. ax J Mr. G-f-crxe Ai ?: i. Mr. ari Htk Jc1;! CarTicti, ir2 Kr. B. L. Itltrr. cf Mtrtl:.:k; Vrs j Wfiiitrs Ma:lerr ari jica. r-tili.j iof Orraha: Mr. L C- C.r. s. cf I'tios: Mrs. William Friuhrriii. cfj Dluffs; Mr. and Mr. I. J. Beard and son Roland, of Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clifford and daugh ters, Nona and Ruby; Mr. and Mrs. William Hunch and Bon and daughter, Howard and Ha.el, of Omaha. The Journal joins with the large circle of friends of this popular young couple In extending congratulations and best wishes for their future hap piness. 1 . Wll ISVII.LM. (Courier.) Mrs. Fred Krecklow went to Berlin Wednesday to visit her brother Henry and family. Miss Olive Ftander left Tuesday for a ten days' visit with her brother Louis and family, at Archer, Neb. Will Lenhoff came down from Lin coln last Faturday to look after busi ness ma'ters. He returned home the ame day. Mrs. Geo. Reichart went to Omaha Tuesday to meet her mother, Mrs. I. DePuy, who returned from an ex tended visit at Knife River, Minn. Mrs. Chris Backemeyer and two children came in from Hooker coun ty Wednesday to spend Christmas at the home of her father, August Panska. Mrs. Margaret - Ossenkop and daughter. Miss Mabel, left this week for Ft. Joseph, where Mrs. Ossenkop ill visit with her brother. They will also visit the family of Chas. Schlafli, in the same city. Wesley Blair while playing with some of the boys after school Mon day evening, fell on a stick which made a wound in the side of his face great enough that it was necessary for the doctor to dress it W. A. Anderson, C. M. Seybert and Chas. Reichart went to Cedar Crock . ... i I 1 1 . . c . 1 i ' . n I .i rw an, .... ron,irfint tmrt ,n . Uast ,... h the A. (). C. W. lodge of that place. j T, pv tlma anil fea.t fit for tDe R0(ll Disturbed the Peace. A complaint was filed in Judge Archer's court yesterday charging Fred Ohm with disturbing the peace. A warrant was issued and placed in the hands of Chief Ralney, who went out and brought tbe offender In. At a hearing before the court this morn ing it appeared that the accused had been making a general nuisance of hlmsedf, threatening to kill by blow' ing holes through his wife and step children. The objectionable language and threats have been going on for some days, until he has thoroughly frightened his wife. Ji'dgo Archer gave the accused $23.00 and costs, and In default of payment committed the prisoner to the jail of the county. Mr. Henry Taistch and wife, of Floux City, arrived Christmas eve to spend tho Christmas vacation with August Tarstch and wife and Wm. Balance and w Ife, parents of Mr. and Mrs. Tarstch. MOTH GAPTURE fen I 1 etm ALCOHOL 3 PLK CIST. Ac5dalic PrcpartbnCrAs siinilai in ite FuotfanfRc gtia lin Ik Stonack aaiDcAvds i Prontolcs DieslionJCkeifur rtcss and Resi'lontains ncittur Opium.Morphiiie nor Miami. Not NAnc otic. 43. StxJtiaa j:dktSt1: S.iuSttd Pmrrmnt -JiilaitmuHia I'jm SrrJ t'cnfrtl Sjyrr . hutarftaitkmt -7 Ancrfecl Itemedv forCoiBfipa tion , Sour Stoituch.Diarrlutt Yorras jComtj!sions.mtrisfr ncss and LOSS OFSliXP. racStfwIe Sifiarare of NEW-YORK. rTSlt) Guaranlei Exact Copy of Wrapper. WEEPING WATER. c Republican.) Ki-.f Ella Bites suffered from an at:x;k of lumbago, the Erst of the wi, i at is able for duty now. Krrr.a Kkitsch started out Mon f ay lo irate a trip around the horn, Nebraska Ci:y. Auburn and stations t-etwt'en on the branch line, selling Sour and feed. Mis Edna'Hammer departed last week for Francitas, Texas, where she expects to remain if 6he can find something lo do while taking care of the ranch she drew there at the re cent drawing. The announcement has been made of the marriage this Wednesday of Troy L. Jewell and Miss Stella Horn, at the ranch Lome of the bride, near Broken Bow. Mls3 Stella Jewell is In attendance at the wedding. The bride and groom came to Weeping j Water to spend Christmas. J. A. Eller, the new proprietor of the Gibbon house, is now serving customers. Tatrons will find that Mr.-Killer will give them good treat ment and will conduct the hotel In a business way that will be an induce ment to all to come again. Last Tuesday one of C. C. Bald win's teams, hitched to a wagon, got scared down by E. F. Marshall's ele vator and ran away, stopping against a tree near Wm. Dunn's barn. One horse was so badly Injured that death was considered the kindest manner In which to end its suffer ings. Wednesday noon Sidney Marshall, while riding a horse at a gallop on the street, at Ambler Bros', corner the animal ran into Stella Spangler, knocking her down and bruising her face and limbs. No bones were broken. Sidney had nothing but a halter to guide the horse and Stella dodged in front and did not notice its approach. 11AGL11. (Beacon.) Miss Mayyme Price visited father In Lincoln Wednesday. her A. T. Hinshaw died Tuesday after a few hours' illness." The funeral was held Thursday at the home. Miss Mayme Donahue returned Sat urday from Havelock, where she has been visiting Mrs. Geo. King. Miss Clara Crabtree visited from Friday until Monday with Miss Myr tle Bryant, of University Place. Misa Llllie McKay and Miss Lottie Renner are working in Lincoln, be ginning the first of the week. Miss Pearl Johnson went to Weep ing Water Friday for a visit with her parents until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and Jay and Jeanette attended the Adams Davis wedding at Elmwood, Wednes day. Miss Ora Scheuert, of llclle Plains, Iowa, arrived Monday evening to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sehcffort. Ivan Burdlck, who has been trap ping along tho Missouri river, arrived here yesterday. Ivau started several weeks ago from his homo In Dakota and came down the river. Harry West made tho trip with him. Mr. John Campbell, of Murray, was in the city today, having boon called here on business. JunatTtheToM II n f ?) Ji a yiii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlio Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years lo) mi TMt CINTAUH COIt.tMT, Htm TO.H CITT. I XION. (Ledger.) County Surveyor Patterson came down from Plattsniouth yesterday to do rome surveying. WlllRTm Stotler, one of our old friends, went to Omaha Tuesday evening to have his eyes treated by a Fxeoialist. W. E. Stanton came in from South Dakota yesterday forenoon to spend a few days visiting with his numer ous friends in Union. Mrs. E. 0. Barker and son Arthur of Dorchester, departed for their home last Saturday, after a few days' visit with the former's brothers, the Hathaway boys. There haa' been a little scarlet fever scare the past few days, but fioni all the information we have been able to "dig out" we suppose no serious results are expected. J. M. Stone, of Nehawka, and son Lester, changed cars here Saturday, going to Nebraska City. We are very glad to report that Lester is recov ering nicely from his recent opera tion. Charles Anderson and wife are the proud parents of a fine new baby girl, born yesterday morning. Chas. says Santa Claus need not stop at his house, as he has already secured his present. Frank Slagle and wife of Panama, who have been visiting with Mrs. Margaret Mldkiff, departed last week for Homer, Nebraska, to make a visit with George Midkiff and family. Mrs. Simon Gruber and daughter. Miss 'Leona, departed on the mid night train last night for Coffeyville, Kansas, to make an extended visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Julius Johnson. Gilbert M., the two months old sen of Ell M. Smith and wife, died at the home east of here, last Friday. The funeral services were held Saturday at the Mt. Hope church, conducted by Rev. W. A. Taylor, and interment took place In the Union cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the entlie communltyy In their loss. Died at Yakima. William Bratner received a mes sage from Walter Cummins at Ya kima, Washington, Sunday Informing him of the death of W. II. Bratner, his son, which occurred last Thurs day at that place, from pneumonia fever. Mr. Bratner had not heard or his son's slokness until the message of his death was received. The de ceased leaves a wife to whom he was married about a year ago. DR Herman Greeder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with II. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth. AW-