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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
I 1 i r- i See That Your Fire Insurance Policy Reads "Farmers and Merchants" There are many good and substantial clear and convincing reasons why you should insure in the Farmers and Merchants Company. Fire insurance docs not cost much that is why many a business man cannot even tell you what companies he is insured in without looking it up. But, when a fire occurs when without warning your valuable property meets destruction then those policies suddenly assume deep significance. " You expect a prompt adjustment of your loss without quibble or question. Delay is often expensive to you. It is then that you, will know and appreciate what an advantage it is to held a policy in such a company as the ' ViercJoants Farmers 'and I Insurance Co I Your Christmas Shopping S will be easy if you do it at our s tore. Our stock is K complete and we can give you good service. b HANDKERCHIEFS! b SAre the moot suitable gifts for ladies, gentlemen and children. St You will find hem on display the best selected stock and the very best W A values-1 to 75o EACH! A O DRESS GOODS! t 5 X Wool Drejs Goods are more in demand now than for many years. Jt M We have got an entire new Htock only the latest and most desirable A goods. Why not Rive a Waist, Skirtvr press Tattem-nothing more A useful. See our line. ' b GROCERIES! " ; SOur grocery stock is very complete. ' You will find here just what you want for your Christmas dinner: lYanhrrries, .Oranges, Sweet V A Potatoes, Celery Grapes, Apples, Caulillower, Grape Fruit, Lettuce, A 2 Figs, Dates and Pop Corn. -, ,.,'. 1E. a.wukl-& .- OPEN EVENINGS THIS WEEK! THURSDAY FIVES NT m 10 BE U THREE LAWBREAKERS mpany Chartered under the laws of Nebraska la ws made for your protection. The Farmers and Merchants is a safe and solid institu tion its prompt and ready payment of two million dollars of claims constitutes an indisputable certificate of character. The Farmers and Merchants is a Nebraska company. Your dollars paid to it will be placed in Nebraska securities or used to pay Nebraska help. The Farmers and Merchants offers you a policy that , you can tuck away in your safe and forget unless catas- , trophe overtakes you then you will rejoice that it is an F. & M. Our local agency will be more than pleased to give you all of the time that you require to make the import -ance of this matter plain to you. And remember that this aeencv carries other lines that may interest you. B. C. MARQUARDT,. Agent, . Avoca, Neb. You will find that I MARQUARDT'S GENERAL STORE Everything that the can guide you right TELEPHONE H44 ordinary household in your general merchandise purchases as well as in the matter of insurance. requires is at Marquardt's in the best quali ties and at the lowest prices. it.ri The Avoca epartmemit News Items Gathered Each Week by a Speolal Reporter for This Department of the Seml Weekly Journa W. I. Smoots was here from Berlin, Sunday. Mrs. L. J. Marquardt was at Omaha Monday. Chas. Royal was over from Ne hawka Monday. J. W. Waldrip was at Omaha the first Of the week. Claud Fahnestoek Is working at the Bank of Avoca Mrs. Eugene Harshman Is reported as being on the sick list. G. A. Malcolm spent Sunday with his parents near Talmas ' ' Peter Jorgenson was at Omaha Tuesday with a car of cattle. Miss Viola Lehn, of Berlin, was the guest of Miss Lydia Benecke Satur day. A. Zimmerman and son Adolph, were over from Nebraska City Tues day. Earl Schroeder and family were visiting relatives near Elm wood Sun day. L. F. Dunkak and f im'.ly moved Monday to the W. I. Smoots resi dence. A ' box social and watch meet ins will be held at the town hall New Years eve. Miss Birdie Fahnstock lias re turned home from a visit with Kan sas relatives. A Christmas tree and entertain ment will be held at each church Christmas eve. Miss Louise Ruhge Is at Berlin for a few days assisting her aunt, Mrs. Fred HUlman. Miss Elsie Jensen, of near Klm wood, was visiting Avoca friends Sat urday and Sunday. . , ... Misses Lola and Marie Malcolm, of jear. Talmage, was the guest of, -M,!, May Royal. last week. - , yj " Clyde Jenkins, of Manley, has been aylatln.hla brother. In hla.tongorlal ijalofor.a few days,'. f. Ceo. Harshmah, sr., has. returned from Kansas, where he has been at the home of his son Floyd. T. S. Plttman was unable to work this week, being Injured while at work for the M. P. last week. Wm. Kohl and family are busy moving into the big new house just completed on the Henry Straub farm. Follow the crowd and you will land at Copes' drug store, where you will find Christmas gifts for every one. .Vlss Eda Marquardt, v. ho Is teach ing school at Douglas. Wyoming, Is spending her holiday vacation lu Avoca. Clarence Fleishman, from near Ne hawka, has been at the James Fleish man home to assist In caring for his brother. Chas. HInze and family moved In from the farm Tuesday. They occu py the property recently purchased from L. F. Dunkak. Miss May Bogard gave a very pleas ant social dance at her home Friday evening. The Harmon Bros, orches tra furnished the music. Edward Shackley and wife left Monday morning for Denver, where they will visit with George Shackley and family during the holidays. Ed. Mohr and Jos. Sherfey were hurt one day last week by being struck by pieces of a circular saw, which broke while they were sawing wood. Peter Jorgensen bought the II. J. Bebrns farm of ICO acres Tuesday, consideration $15,050. If Pete keeps up the gait he has been going the past few years he will own most of Cass -county. James Fleishman, who was so bad ly Injured, last .week -by a Btumn ....11,.- i ..I . ... ... nicely, with ;ut . even :haiKclfopfc- coyery, A trained nurse is caring for him since the, op'eratfbnT' t , 1 .,MrB- a,mut1. J.8Pn?on,-w9 tfown town Saturday afternoon for the' first time In seven months.' Her" limb was broken by being struck by the auto mobile and she has been unable to walk any distance. Santa Claus Is working over time at Copes' drug store filling the orders that are pouring In. Dolls, doll cabs, tables, chairs, dishes, wagons, stoves, carpet sweepers, books, every thing a little girl could wish for. Fred Ruhge.'Jr., got a little shak ing up Sunday evening and escaped what might have been a serious acci dent. As he was driving with a lady friend, the neck yoke broke, letting the tongue down and the team start ed to run. Fred turned them into a telephone post and saved the day, but had to borrow another buggy. The last call If at the last moment you are at a loss as to what to pur chase for a present, run In and we can fit you out. Something In Jewel ry, books or chlnaware, silverware, or toilet articles, Christmas cards, pocket-books and other things which we will show you when you call. Ora E. Copes. Walter has been In very poor health for more than a year, at times seeming to be much better and at other times suffering terribly from Blight's disease. Walter was one of our brightest and best beloved young men and will be sorely missed by his many friends and sorrowing relatives. Walter Nutzman, son of Ernest Nutzman, sr., was born in Otoe coun ty, Neb., being aged at the time of his leath, twenty years. About one year agd another son of the family, a few years older than Walter, died. There are left to mourn hla death, the father and mother, the sisters, Mrs. Lydla Van Debcrgh, Mrs. Ida Rugbe, Mattle, Ruby and Merna Nutzman, brothers, Fred and Oman. The funeral was held at the Congre gational church Wednesday afternoon. Judge Travis Sentences Jack Crawford to Five Years in the Peni tentiary for Grand -Larceny Davis and Peabody Receive Sen tence for Passing Worthless Checks. Judge Travis convened the district ( court for a short timo this morning; for the purpose of accepting 1'lcas of ; guilty in any criminal cases which might bo on the docket undisposed of. County Attorney Taylor prepared in formation in the case of the Stato vs. Davis and Tcabody for forgery and In the State vs. John J. Crawford for grand larceny and had the same Berved by the sheriff upon the de fendants, who all three are confined In the county Jail. The law provides that the Information shall be Berved on the defendants twenty-four hours before he Is arraigned In court, but as all of the defendants had talked the matter over, with tho county at torney and had practically agreed to plead guilty, and as there would bo no Jury term before April, the pros pect of lying In the Cass county shell and vermin Incubator Is to say tho least not Inviting, the men all Btuck to their promise to plead guilty when arraigned before Judge Travis. There have been several cases where the accused made the promise- to plead guilty, and some sympathetic attor ney got an interview with the prison er before arraignment and convinced the criminal that he had a good case, and when the prisoner would be ar raigned, the county attorney would bo disappointed in his hope, but not so In tho cases before the court to day. The offense wltn which Davis and Peabody were charged was the for gery and passing of a forged Instru ment, In the amount of $5.90 at Edward Donat's Baloon last Monday afternoon. The check purported to have been signed by Herman Slocfert, a farmer residing many miles In the country, and was drawn on a First Farm For Sale. 160 acres two-miles from Avoca. Two houses and barns In fair shape. Will sell for $140 per acre. A sixty acre tract, well Improved, 2 miles from Avoca. And lots of other lands I In other sections. Come and see me before you buy.' ... . Jacob Opp, 11-3-wklytf. ' Avoca, Neb. Ladle)' Aid Kociety Ilazaar. The ladies of the Congregational Ladles' Aid society gave a bazaar and social at the town hall Saturday af ternoon and evening. Aprons, quilts and fancy work of every description were sold. Coffee, sandwiches, pickles popcorn and home-made candy were dispensed from the different booths. A short but interesting program was Tendered in the evening. "The Court ship of Miles Standlsh" was given by Mrs. John Busch, Klslo Opp, Rev. KokJer and Fred Ruhge. Something over eighty dollars was realized. Mr. John P. Melslnger, of Eight Mile Grove precinct, was in the city doing business with tho merchants today. Walter N'ut.tnan. The sad news reached Avoca Satur day thai Walter Nutzman had passed awajKat the home of hl 'sl'ster, JIjs. Ida' Ruhge, In Tejas.where. he had gone hoping to be benefitted by the change In climate. DR Herman Greeder, H l-'.y.- Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with US, Department . , Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State - Board - " , Calls Arswered Promptly Telephone 378 White, I'lattsniouih, National Rank check blank, but no town designated. At tho timo of their capture Davis had In his pos session other checks on the same par ty for smnl 1 amounts. The defend ants were arraigned before Judge Archer, pleaded not guilty, and wero bound over to the district court and in default of ball placed In Jail to await tho coming of tho Jury next April. A few nights In the Jail con vinced the men that years In the penitentiary was to be preferred to four months spent In the Jail. The offenses charged against Crawford was the stealing of 100 bushels of R. L. Propst's wheat, to which with a four months' Bloge In the county Jail staring him In the face, Crawford was willing to enter a plea of guilty and begin his term In the penitentiary. The penalty for either offense waa the same, from one to seven years In tho penitentiary. All three men pleaded guilty before Judge Travis this morning, and tho sentence In each case was that the prisoner be taken lie nee to the penitentiary and there confined at hard labor, Sundays and holidays excepted, for a period of five years. Sheriff Qulnton took the men back to Jail, and will prob ably escort them to the penitentiary next week.. Stanley Hall, ordered restrained at Lincoln by the county Insanity com mission, has not yet been taken to Lincoln as the Institution cannot find room for him. He Is violent at times ant It Is necessary to keep him In the cage. Mr. August Noltlug and family, of Eight Mile Grove precinct, were In the city today doing their Christmas shopping. aim AnnAHTi imiw MIM UlrlrXJux I iilNJI I I f T ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T ? y y y y y y y y . y . y y ,y SELDOM, IF EVER, EQUALED! ONE-HALF! Saturday at 4 p. m. all Toys and Holiday Merchandise We do not wish to carry over will be placed on one larpe bargain square and sold at i the regular price. Remember Saturdiy 4 p. m. i the Regular price buys toys and holiday merchandise of every description. In wishing- you a merry Christmas we extend to you and yours the season's the greetings, and our wishes, that you ami yours may enjoy a happv holiday season, as you bid farewell to l'JIO. As you take the measure of it's three hundred and sixty-five days, we hope you will find there has been more Joy than sadness, more sunshine than shadow and more prosperity than misfortune. To those of you who have given us your business, much or little, we are truly grateful. We have worked hard, tried to treat you as we would wish to be treated; made mistakes for which we are sorry, yet enjoyed one of the most prosperous years;thnt wo have had in our business experience hero in l'lattsmouth. . ' rtiu r- . ..-.-7 rvr ,mM !r r.- ' -W :itt THIRD 000R EAST OF BANK OF CASS PLATT SMOUTH I1 - - NEBRASKA y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y