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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
Ilattemoutb Soum SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-! IG I IT- PAGKS VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTll, NEBRASKA. Tl I UKSD.YY DKCUMllKH 22, 1910 NO 10 UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT A! CEDAR IT CREEK YESTERDAY AETERI1 Myron Cline, a Lad Fourteen Years Old, While Skaling Breaks Through Ice and Drowns. From Monday's Dally. A most distressing accident oc curred yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock at the Schneider pond near the Burlington station at Cedar Creek, which resulted In the death by drowning of Myron, the fourteen- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kline. Mr. Kline resides on the F. It. Guthman farm, two miles east of Cedar Creek, and at the time the acci dent occurred, Mr. and Mrs. Kline were unaware that Myron had gone eo far from home. The llttlo boy was in the habit of skating on a shallow pond near home, but yesterday afternoon, in company with Forrest Smith, a neighbor boy, of about Myron's ago, together they went skating on the larger pond near : The funeral will occur tomorrow, the village. None saw the boys at ; Tuesday, at 12 o'clock, at the resi the time they went on the pond, and '.donee of the child's parents, and ln tho Ice, which appeared to be strong j torment will be made in Oak Hill at the south end of the pond, was cemetery. THE POOR AND NEEDY SHOULD BE REKEHD It has long been customary to be stow and receive gifts at Christmas time. Just how it came the custom we can not say, but it is a beautiful thing to remember those we love at Chrlstmastide, when we are able to do so ungrudgingly, and with affec tion, good will and admiration. There Is a perfunctory exchange of gifts at this time of year that does not appeal to us, and If we had our wav we would call off the plan in vogue, and adopt another which perhaps might increase the happiness of more people of the world. Those who are poor and needy, the suffering and the un happy, the unfortunate and the dls pairlng are the ones to whom we should first give our attention at Christmas time. Many of them have little or no reason to think that any one in the world has a thought of them or a throb of sympathy for them. No society Is needed or should be permitted to make the lives of such persons happy; it should become the personal duty of each of us to do unto those who have so little to make them happy. There are also those who are neither poor nor in acute trouble, whose lives have been one long, Incessant grind with heavy bur dens and anxieties. They need a helping hand, an casing of their bur dens. Manifold are the ways In which they can bo made to forget their trou bles. Then there are the children, bless them. Who would not do some thing to create another ring of joy in their little lives? And it takes so very little! The homes of the rich have all too many costly things on Chrlstn day; gifts so elaborate and constant that they become blaso to the Joy of receiving. There is where Fhould be taught the love of giving. Instead of loading them with baubles unappreclatlve, give them money with which to teach them the Joy of giving. No one would ever have grown up miserly if he had been taught in childhood to be a generous giver. The one great pleasure of life is the giving of gifts to those less fortunate. No other pleasure can equal It. Removed to Bin home. The follow ing in reterenee to W. B. Reed, who had one of his limbs re moved two weeks ago, to-ellay the ravages of blood poison, is taken from ' the Council Bluffs department of the i Omaha Bee: "XV. B. Reed, who has' been in Mercy hospital for several days, where he underwent an opera S tion for blood-poisoning, by which he j lost one foot, was removed from the f hospital yesterday to his homo on I Scott street. Dr. Cole, one of the J surgeons who performed the opera .!tlon, lost a leg a year or more ago i and Is using an artificial member so skillfully that few persons are able to discern it. Mr. Rood has taken the keenest pleasure In requesting the loan of tho leg and threatening to jnirloln it If he can catch the doctor tosloep." The Journal is pleased to note that Mr. Reed is improving so tilcely. 1 thin at the north end, where a stream of water rnns into it. The boys ven tured too far toward the north end unit both broke throuch the ice. The untor a vprv iopn In this nond and I the boys went over their heads at nee. Their cries brought a man, who was near the station to their aid. By extraordinary effort the man was able to save Forrest Smith by reaching a board to him where he struggled at the edge of the ice, but Myron was beyond his reach, and sank for the last time before any aid could bo,rendered him. Mr. and Mrs. Kline are prostrated with grief over the unfortunate fate of their son. The little boy leaves to mourn Lis sad death, besides his par ents, three brothers and five sisters. Xo Wonder John Smiled. Mr. John Crabill, the Sixth street jeweler, wore the blandest smile this morning when he opened up his store, and for the first few hours, It is said that he gave diamonds and gold watches away. The reason for the broad smile and lavish gifts is said to have resulted from a call at his house last night of the stork, which left the sweetest baby girl that the bird has ever left In Plattsmouth. Judges of beauty have seen the little lady and pronounce her the cutest ever. ONE NEBRASKA EFFIC- TiVE LIVE WIRES Henry Gering, of Omaha, is one of the live wires of Nebraska. His name and fame are well-known. Recently at a manufacturers' dinner at Omaha Mr. Cering said: "We manu facturers have been awfully hide bound about advertising. We have been awfully afraid of spending a lit tle money to let people know what we are doing. I tell you the newspapers are the biggest manufacturers we have. They manufacture thoughts." The speaker ,was a hustler at Plattsmouth in the early days. Then he went to Omaha where he Jumped Into prominence by reason of his push and enterprise. He learned there the value of advertising on the part of manufacturers. Fremont manufac turers have long since learned that It pays to spend a liberal amount in newspaper advertising; it boosts the products of every factory and helps to keep a city on the industrial map. Fremont Herald. The Clarence Case. The following special rrom i.nieoln in the Sunday World-Herald, gives the pleas upon which the defendant appeals fo the supreme court: "John Clarence, of Cass county, convicted of manslaughter after tho death of John P. Thacker from a revolver shot wound, has appealed to the supreme court, asserting that new evidence, a new witness and a prejudiced Juror are among the reasons why tho case should be reversed. Thacker was shot January 13, 1909, and died six days later. Clarence was sent to the peni tentiary for ten years." Card of Thanks. We, the undersigned, beg to return our sincere thanks to the many kind neighbors and friends, who adminis tered to tho relief of our dear de parted husband and brother during his illness and especially do we thank Mr. I). O. Morgan, Canon Burgess and tho kind friends who acted as pall bearers. Mrs. Addle Billings and family. J. C. Billings. Mrs. Harriet L. Hunter. Elizabeth I. Murphy. Ella M. Spencer. , (race D. Copeland. Mr. A. L. Todd and Mr. A. E. Todd went to Omaha this morning to spend the day Inspecting an up-to-date dairy farm near that city. PLATTSMOUTH LOST TO COUNCIL BLUFFS IN GAME The basket ball game played Satur day night between the Plattsmouth high school team and the Council Bluffs high school team was won by tht visitors in a score of 23 to 10. The game was of only ordinary swiftness, resulting probably from the deliber ation of the referee, who did not de cide the points as quickly as many referees do. This resulted In making the players impatient and their eager ness to be at the game again caused it to take on a somewhat rough ap pearance, lieece, of the Plattsmouth team, did splendid work and won the applause of the spectators. The game was refereed by a gentleman from Council Bluffs. The FlattsmouUi line-up for the first half was: Dalton c., Rcece r. f., Lynele 1. f., Schlator r. g., and Ilerold 1. g. The line-up for the second half was the same except that Noble played as left forward. Tire ball given after the game was a very pleasant fenction, the music being furnished by the M. W. A. onc-tra. IN Tcnt'aiils Bound Over. County Attonuy C. II. Taylor lie a complaint Saturday afternoon be-j foro Judge Archer, charging forgery against Tom Davis, real name un known, and Charles Peabody, real name unknown. The information was in two counts, complaining against defendants charging them both as principals, first with making the forged check on the 14th day of December for the sum of $5.90, using the name of Herman Leefers, and, second, charging them with, on the same day, of passing the forged check. The defendants were ar arralgned before Judge Archer the same afternoon and on waiving ex amination were remanded to Jail in default of ball. The jury having been discharged, the defendants will board and lodge with Deputy Sheriff Manspcaker until the next term of court, the date of the convening of which is yet to be fixed by Judge Travis. v A Wonderful Instrument. Without a doubt the finest camera ever shown in Plattsmouth is to be seen in the west window of Weyrich & Hadraba, the kodak dealers. This camera has just been received from the Folmer ft Sehwing division of the Eastman Kodak Co., and Is the high est type of camera made. It has a focal piano shutter which will work at speed of 1-10 to 1-1 00th of a sec ond, or time exposures of any dura tion. Tho most important device which It has, however, is one which enables the operator to see the imago of tho object about to be' photo graphed up to the very Instant of ex posure. This camera is suited for all kinds of photography from tho mile-a-nilnute automobile or birds on the wing, down to indoor photogra phy. It will be in the window for a few clays only, so do not fall to sou it and let Weyrich & Hadraba give you a catalogue of kodaks. I'lalntilT (iivon Verdict. From Monday's Dully. In the case pending in the district court entitled Jesse Blunt vs. the Bur lington Relief Department, the jury was given the case after argument by attorneys for both parties, which were completed about noon Saturday. The Jury was out but a few hours when it brought In a verdic t for the plaintiff for tho sum of $3 IT., the full amount sued for. The case will prob ably be appealed by the defendant to the supreme court. The Jury was dis charged for tho term. Judgo Travis excused the Jury for the term on last Saturday evening and adjourned court until December 30th, w hen business is to come before the court. Tho Judge and court re porter, Earl Travis, are In Nebraska City this week holding court. Report Corrected. Mrs. James Sago returned from Omaha last evening, whero she had visited her sister, Mrs. O. M. Streight, for a short time. Mrs. Sago says that Monte Streight is getting along very well. Tho account published In tho Journal last Frlelay was somewhat exaggerated, as Monte's leg was broken in but one place, and there had not been any danger of his losing his leg. Monte's friends hero will be pleased to know his Injury, although serious, Is not as bad as rumored. Charles Poisall Wins lYUo. The alphabetical add in the Jour nal Saturday and which Is couched in rhyme, for which a prize was of fered to the party discovering the two misspelled words in the ad, and reporting same first to John Crabill, was won by Chalrlcs Polsall. Edith Grassman was first to report, but be ing a relative of Mrs. H. A. Bates, Mr. Bates directed that the next one in with a report should take the prize, this being Charles Polsall, a duplicate of the souvenir was presented him. The ad has excited much Interest and every patron whose name appears in the ad has had his business well ad vertised. Ill US 10 IK RE IT HE ISM FiTin Tuesday's Polly Stanley Hall, who resides with his parents near Roik Bluffs, was found Saturday owning near the jail vio lently Insane and taken Into custody by :i;',U Policeman 1 1. Trout and placed in the county jail. Ho became ro Solent that straps had to be put en his arms. Tills afternoon a hear ing vr.s had before the Insanity board composed i f 1). O. Dwyer, J. M. Rob- crtso'i and Dr. Iireiulei. or .Murray. A : large number of spectators filled tlio equity court room during the hearing, and the patient was seated in a chair within the vailing usually occupied by tho counsel and parties, with his arms strapped to his side. At times in reply to the questions put to him by Mr. Dwyer, tho man would appear to give rational answers, but at one time when pressed for an an swer, he arose, walked about the room singing a religious song, lie was afterward asked If he frequently sang religious songs, and he said he did not. He stated that he had not been sick until Saturday night in the Jail, but that he had suffered at times with pains In his head, due to neural gia. Mark Furlong and Iem Bates wer,o sworn, and testified to singular actions of tho patient during the past two weeks. The board found him a fit subject for restraint at the hospi tal for the insane at Lincoln. Dr. Brendel thinks he may recover. Some of his neighbors say that he has been addicted to the use of raw alcohol and that this has got the better of him. At a hearing on the complaint of friends, the county board of Insanity commissioners thl safternoon, Iec Allison, was committed to the asylum at Lincoln as an Inebriate. Mr. Alli son was taken to Lincoln this after noon. About California. We are In receipt of a letter from George A. Hess, who formerly resided In Alvo, this county, but who is now making his home in California, In which he says ho has been receiving the Journal ever since ho has been in California and that it is a welcome visitor and asks us to change his ad dress from Ixis Angeles to Alhanibra. Mr. I less also states that ho has been a resident of California for two years, that the climate Is fine, that there Is no end of fruit, but prefers Nebraska and lias no regret for the forty years spent In this state?, llo also states t hat living expenses In California are much higher than in Ne braska and that one can make a livelihood much easier In Nebraska and bo much more independent. Ho states that butter sells at HO and 00 cents per pound, eggs .r0 cents per dozen, chickens at $1.00 each, wood $18.00 a cord, hay $L'0 per ton, most everything being much higher there than in this part of the country. May IV' Blood Poison. George Thomas, clerk at Kuns man's ft Ranige's meat market has been laying off since last Friday and his physicians think ho may have a caso of blood poison. About six wee'ks ago ho scratched his finger on a bono while cutting meat at tho block and while this troubles! him for a short time, the wound appeared to heal. Last week tho arm began to pain him and a knot has formed on Mr. Thomas' side. Saturday ho did not work and ho has not felt, liko work since, in fact his physician ad vises him to bo quiet for a tlmo. Mr. Thomas was down this morning and Is able to walk about, but may be off duty for some clays. Attorney Charles L. Graves, of Union, arrived last evening and wathere was much In tho caso for plaln looklng after some Items of business tiffs since tho goods In the shipment at the court house this moriling. not cot respond with the goods set M I FACTO RY BUILD NG I Will Probably be Completed and the Machinery Frank Boyd, the contractor, is en-1 gaged today enclosing the machine shop of the new gasoline engine build ing. Tho roof was all on this portion of the building this forenoon and .the windows on the north side were In position. This afternoon the tressel work to sustain the roof over the foundry is being constructed. The roof Is of asphaltuin, known ns the "Sun Asphalt" and is guaranteed to last for years. The roof on the ma chine shop will be supported by wood- en pillars supported by a concrete base, while the roof over the foundry will be self-supporting, bolted to-' gother with Iron rods. 1 If the good weather hoMs out, the building, says Contractor Boyd, will HAROLD STREfGHT ILK Pl'l rPOJirr Utfi LUwJ'iLi'i Harold Streight. who Is an ex press messenger on tho Burlington with a run from Chicago to Oumha, met with quite a serious accident Sunday night while on his run in which he came near bleeding to death. The accident happened a short dis tance east of Creston, Iowa, and re- suited from a cut in the wrist and ,the 8everInK ot an ortery There WBB no one in the express car with him at the time the accident happened and the blood spurted from the cut freely, only being checked by his holding his thumb over tho end of the severed artery until Creston was reached. ' Tho cut was received from the sharp edge of a glass In tho car door, against which Harold threw his hand In trying to save himself from a fall caused by the lurching of the train as he stepped from one part of tho car to another. At Creston, while the train was stopped Tor a short time, Harold had ono of the train men assist him In getting a handker chief tied around tho wound and a stick thrust hi It to twist it up tight above the arte vy, and In this way con tinued bis Journey to Omaha. The pain resulting from the tk'ht drawn bandage was terrific and In spile of his efforts to stop the How of blood Harold thinks ho lost about two quarts of blood, and by tho time Omaha was reached ha was becoming very weak. A physician was at tho station when ho arrived, and his wound was dressed at once and the artery caught up so as to prevent further How of blood. The physician says ho will have to lay olT for a month, and It may be he will have to go to tho hospital to properly care for the wound. Harold came down to Plattsmouth on No. 2 last evening and visited friends over night reluming to Omaha on No. 1 " this morning. In Comity Court. Judge Boeson was engage, 1 In the trial of a civil suit today In which the Fremont Foundry company was plaintiff and Slander ft. Slander, of Louisville, were defendants. The plaintiff claimed there was duo on an open account the sum of $120 for material, consisting of iron beams furnished defendants on a telephone contract entered Into on the 13th of July, 1910. Tho petition alleges that on the same day the company wrote Slander ft Stander confirming the 'phone con versation. Within a few clays plain tiff was called up by 'phone by de fendants ami asked the reduction in price of one beam loss, which was ae corded defendants, and the shipment made. Attorney Rawis appeared for the plaintiff In tho litigation. Tho defendants were represented by Attorney D. O. Dwyer and defend ed on tho ground that the material was not such as they had ordered, and that In fact tho goods hail never boon received by tho defendants, but left at tho freight depot office sub ject to tho order of tho foundry com pany. Attorney Dwyer did not think Ready for the Installation of by Christmas. be ready to be turned over to the 'ompany oy i nrisimas. The men in charge have kept their promise to make tho job a record breaker In point of time used to erect tho building, as the whole of the work has been done In less than a month. The building Is a fine look ing structure and will bo a source of pride to all who have contributed to its erection, and w hen the machinery Is installed by Mr. Chopleska. and the smoke begins to curl from the chimneys the hearts of all Platts- month citizens will swell with nrlde jut what the Commercial dub has accomplished. And the succ ess of 1 Ii I etitonniio will no doubt tiro tho zeal of our citizens to get still other Industries to locate In Plattsmouth. I out 111 the petition. Judge Boeson i took tho matter under advisement l!,fl(r t,le evidence wns In, and will - 'ii.Ior n 'e isl slon Thursday morning. FOra CUSS COUNTY LADY DIES IN LINCOLN From TucKilny'ii hnlly A 'phono message from Lincoln this morning was received by J. E. Douglass, informing him of the death this morning of h".s aunt, Mrs. Jesse Cromwell, wtiicn occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Esther Killon, In Lincoln. Mrs. Cromwell's husband died about two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Cromwell formerly lived near Elmwood, In this county, residing on a farm in that locality for several years. Mrs. Cromwell's ' maiden name was Miss Anna McMur ray, and she was the oldest daughter of Rev. Smith McMurray, who, with his wife and four children, all died with the cholera at Waverly, Illinois, within a few days, leaving only three of the children surviving, of which Anna McMurray was one. ' Mrs. Cromwell Is survived by three sons and four daughters, all of whom are married and have families of their own. The sons are: William ()., for merly attorney general of Oklahoma; Walter, of western Nebraska, and Thomas If., of Lincoln. Tho daugh ters are: Mrs. Jones, of Kansas; Mrs. Killon, of Lincoln; Fannie, of Kan sas, and Mamy, of Oklahoma. Tho ' funeral will occur at Lincoln Thurs day morning, Interment will take place at Elmwood by tiie side of her husband. Boy Scouts MuMcr In. From TiiPddnv'K I n II v At the mooting or the Boy Scouts Inst evening the following list of boys took tho oath of a scout beforo Scout Master Thomas and Chaplain Gade and will bo found ready for scout duty; Edward McCauloy, Evans Noble, Floyd McDanlol, Edgar Stelnhaur, (Hon Edwards, Earl Schmidt man, Carl Dalton, Pollock Parmolo, Win. K. Fox, Jr.. John Miller. David Eber- solo, David Windham, Harry B. Darl ing, Henry Perry, IYte Patterson, Le land P.rlggs, Emll llibl, Joe Eaton, Phil Campbell, Joo Chapman, Chas. Polsall. There wore others whose names are on the list who were not present Inst evening to take the oath, but will talo It at soiuo future time. Sends lie lint I'p Toelity, t'rnm Monilnv's Dally. William Holly, the clothier, went to Omaha this morning to transact Himio business with Omaha jobbers, and also to take Commissioner Fred erick's stetson to tho hatter's. Mr. Holly was requested to mako this trip today, .as It was known that At torney Dellos Dernier would not bo In town, and tho package containing tho hat would bo sure to get through without accident. (.'els Hand Ktabboel Willi Fork. Mr. J. A. Klserl, of Murray, was In tho city today. Mr. Klser had the misfortune to havo the tine of a hay fork stab his hand a few days ago bo severely as to dlsablo him from any sort of work for a time. Mr. Klser was loading fodder at the time the accident occurred.