The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1910, Image 2
HEED OF GREAT CONFIDENCE i THE PROMISES OF GOO light Should Net Ee Hidden, but Always Exposed. r I m :PASlCfiKU55t.L! Reward Will Bt a Portion In th Mtdiatorial Kingdom to B Set Up In tha World Shortly. Hartford, Conn., lee. IS. Pastor Russell of Brook lyn Talxmacle vas li.ira tnAaw IT 111 l V- VA f J , 1(V j addressed large audiences In the Opera House, lie had excellent at tention. We re port one of hl discourses from the following text: Cart rot away therefore your con fidence, whlrh hath gnat recomene of reard."-lleljrew I, 35. Our English word confidence Is n syn onym for fulih. It is a very pretty thought that wo should not east away our faith, but hold firmly to It and Bain a reward. This thought Is ex pressed elsewhere In the Scriptures, but It Is not the thought of our text. Here the word confidence more proper ly slgnlllcs axKuranve or out-Kimkcnnen, courageous presentation of a message not always kindly received. The Apos tle Is urging the followers of Christ to be of good courage, or. In the language of the Savior, that they uliould not put their "light under a bushel, but on a candlestick," where It would shine out for the blessing of men. There Is a practical side to the Gos pel. EvorylMii',' enjoined upon (lie fol lower of Christ and nil their trying experiences in life are wisely Intended to wink out fr them character -development of good, firm, fine texture. It I a mistake to think, ns some of us have thought In the past, that It Is the will of Cod that we should merely "hear of Christ and give a nominal as cnt to the message of Ids death as our Redeemer and turn from outward forms of alii ami then, contented with our progress, help others to the name low standard. clplts. They hail g with vain philosophies and their splr duality was at a low el.b Conditions are very shnikir today. After eighteen centuries of Divine Instruction ul 1 with the wonderful l'.ibles now at our command and with helps for Bible study, what manner of Christians ought we to le In faith, iu love, in olwdieuie. hi courage! St. Paul points out the necessity for the Lord's people to assemble Ihcin- .tten'entaheletl Lord are despised and rejected by all. He says that we are counted as the filth and offscourlng of the earth that which nobody cares for or values, but w hich all would like to get rid of. as the darkness always hates the llcht and socks to quench It and reigns com pletely only when all lights are ex tinguished. Christians, far and near, either by expressing sympathy for the Apostle or fellowslilpplng with him. or by defending hlni from the unjust and malicious slanders circulated cal i-iw til? t !itr for fellowship Hint for ......i.. ..r i.i- vv..r,l .1 to nrovokp , against him. thereby exposed them r - - - i n Bnnili. r to love and good works. The Father Does the Drawing. Quite to the contrary, the teachings of Jesus and Ids Apostles Ignore the world as a whole and merely seek for a special class with hearing ears and appreciative hearts. The Gospel mes sage set forth In the Blblo knows nothing of the ordinary mission work of rescuing drunkards and harlots and the profane. While not refusing pub licans ami harlots It did not go about necking them. It waited for them to BiH-k for righteousness and, as the Master said, "No man can come un to mo except tho rather which sent nio draw him"; "and whosoever comet h unto me 1 will In no wlso cast out" (John vl, 37, -It, ('..")). As a matter of fact, those who came to Hie Mas ter and those who have been Interested lu his message ever since, have not, In any large proportion, been the rich, the great, the learned, the noble, ac cording to the course of this world, but chlcily the poor, rich In fallli to ward our tiod. Take as an Illustration St. Paul's course when he went to Athens. We do not lind that he started a' mission Sunday School and offered the chil dren the prospects of a picnic or a Sunday School treat, lu order to gather them for a half hour's talk about noth ing, "To keep them olT tho street." Neither did he seek out the drunkard: In the slums and establish a slum mis slnn. On the contrary he sought the ear of the Intelligent classes, the think ing classes, Irrespective of their wealth or station. Why? Itecavtse he had n niessagi'-n message which children could not understand; a message whh h drunkards were Incapacitated from unilerstamllng; a message which tdiould appeal, If at all, to tho best people of Athens, whether rich or poor. Have we not had, to a considerable extent, the wrong Idea? Are we wiser than the Lord and the Apostles and able to give them pointers as to meth ods Instead of following their exam pl(, as we were Instructed to do? They proclaimed the Second Coining of Messiah and tho establishment of bis Kingdom. They preached that the very object of Ids Reign of Righteous ness for n thousand years will be tho putting down of sin In Its every form n ml the II fling up of poor, fallen hu manity. They taught that there was danger of attempting to make a prose lyte and really doing more harm than cood thereby. They taught that the special work to which Cod's people are Now enininb.slnned as ministers or serv nuts of Christ Is the proclaiming of the (;ospel-"the Good Tidings of tho Kingdom"-not the proclaiming of eter nal torment nor tho attempt to diivo the world of mankind from sin through fear. They taught that tho work of this present Age Is tho selection from amongst mankind of the Bride class, to bo Messiah's associates In Ids Klug tlom, for the blessing of all tho world. It Is this message of tho goodness of CJod that our text declares should bo proclaimed with courage, with bold liess, with outspokeimess. A Great Fight of Affliction. St. Paul Is criticizing some who had for nulto n time been Christians and w ho had been granted large opportuni ties for growth In gruco and knowl edge. He says to these, "Tor tho time jo ought to bo teachers, but yo need that ono teach you again which be tlio brut principles of the doctrlno of Christ." They had lost tho first prln The necessity for this, he suggests. Is that slu on the part of those who have received a knowledge of the Truth and been made partakers of the Holy Spirit Is a much more serious matter than the game conduct would have been before they came Into the precious relationship of spirit-begotten children of Cod. He says, "For If we fin after that we have received a knowledge of the Truth, there remaln eth no more a sncrlflce for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of condem nation and fiery Indignation which shall devour us as God's adversaries" (verses 20. 27). Have we grasped the Import of the thought? It signifies that those of us who have accepted the Divine terms and entered tho family of C.od will have no future opportunity In another life. We must either make our "call ing and election sure" under the terms of the call, as accepted, or bo rejected as unworthy of life everlastlng-as fit for tho Second Death-annihilation. He who despised Moses' Law died without mercy. P.ut he who, having rnmo to a clear knowledge of the Truth, shall bo found a willing sinner, will not only bo cut off from a further opportunity In tho present Age, but be everlastingly cut off from life, destroy, ed. "Cod Is able to destroy both soul and body"-the present life and our fu ture hope. These thoughts should make very earnest, very diligent, all who have accepted Christ and been accepted by him. Nevertheless Ds Not Diacoura'jH. These things were written, not only for the Hebrew Christians of St. Paul s dav, but Intended by the Holy Spirit for all the household f faith. We should not rock ourselves to sleep, nor give to each other ophites. While the tcortil Is not yet m trial. for eternal life, tho Church Is now being tested for life or death eternal. Tho thought should sober us. As the Apostle sug gests. "P.e diligent, bo sober," be faithful, following in the footsteps of Jesus. P.ut St. Paul or, rather, the noly Spirit through him, took cognizance of the fact that tho Lord's people are In n world that Is "no friend to grace to help them on to God." Tho Apostle recognized that we might becomo dis couraged with our own faults and weaknesses. Hence, after earnestly exhorting to faithfulness and energy and after pointing out tho dangers of slothfulnesg and of being over-charged with tho cares of this llt'o and tho do. celt fulness of riches and thus losing tho spirit of Christ, he turns from this threatening attltudo and uses encour aging words. He says, "Call to mind tho former days lu which, following your illumi nation of tho Holy Spirit, you endured a creat tight of a III Id Ions." St. Paul's selves to similar reproaches nnd dis esteem, opposition from their neigh bors, etc. History tells us of various terrible persecutions of the Christians by the Roman Emperors. It declares, for In stance, that to gratify his depraved mind Nero, the Emperor, caused a cer tain portion of the city of Home to be burned by Incendiaries and that when he found how angry tho people were he blamed tho entire matter upon the Inoffensive Christians partly, no doubt, because these had no friends, either at court or amongst the people. They could be blamed with impunity and the Emperor's own vicious crim inality would tints be hidden. On this account hundreds of Christians were publicly and brutally put to death. "Great Recompense of Reward." Toor human nature finds it difficult to stand alono with God and with the few who are on his side the side of righteousness and truth. When, addi tionally, thero comes persecution It tries their hearts, proves their loyalty. This Is exactly what the Lord designs. He Is now seeking a special class of overcomers to bo Joint-heirs with his Son on tho spirit plane as the Bride of Messiah. Through these lie Intends shortly to grant to Israel and. through Israel, to all mankind glorious bless ings of Instruction nnd restitution. To bo qualified to thus serve In the In struction nnd uplifting of humanity it Is necessary that these called ones should be of strong character copies of their Master, In the spirit of their minds. To these he says, "To him that overcome! h will I grant to sit with me In my throne, even as I also overcame, nnd am set down with my Father In his throne" (IJev. ill. 21 f. Wo can readily see how some of the more prominent followers of the Lord who suffered martyrdom because of their loyalty to the principles of righteousness nnd to the name of Je sus would bo accounted overcomers and members of the Kingdom class. P.ut sometimes It Is difficult for us to discern clearly how the less promi nent, less persecuted ones stand with I God. St. Paul's argument proves that they stand veil that God counts them In as martyrs, as faithful unto death. If they have the martyr spirit, If they are loyal, courageous for the Truth, even though they never seal their tes timony at tho stake, even though they never nro counted worthy of open, or public opposition or persecution. Uwo is an encouragement for nil nnd this Is exactly what St. Taul would stim ulate us to in the words of our lexi Wa Mutt Let the Light Shine. - Ho says, "Cast not away, therefore, your outspokenness, which hath great recompense of reward." The Lord has not promised a great reward to us for merely believing, merely trusting, and lu a cowardly manner keeping our agrea tight o nmic.t ns.- M . , u s Md Intimation Is that nt tin. tin e I lie J persecution or reproach, suffering persecutions the bre. I ron - ' ., ot ,(0 were really In n better, more alive spiritual condition than later. The prosperity, privileges, freedom from persecution enjoyed, had made them slothful and less courageous, lie would have them and us call to mind the victories won In the past, that we might have courage for tho present nnd the future. How gracious, how helpful, are all tho provisions of our God for those who now hear his call and seek to walk In Jesus' steps! To these he guarantees that every experi ence of life which his providence shall permit shall work for good, for bless ing, for valuable experlenco and edu cation along lines of righteousness and dm ruder-development. Two Claiaei of th Faithful. In time of war not nil can go forth ns soldiers. Some, unfit for such serv ice, may perform n useful part at homo supporting, encouraging, send ing supplies to those at tho front, etc. And so It Is In the army of the Lord; Jesus Is the Captain of all those who voluntarily enlist as soldiers of tho cross to battle against sin, especially In themselves lighting a "good light of faith" and overcoming the spirit of tho world which surges nil about them, threatening to overwhelm them as New Creatures In Christ. St Paul Intimates a strong persecu tion, openly manifested by the worldly spirited. Sntan-doeelved people of God. He says, "Yo endured n great light of afflictions, partly whilst ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and nflllctlons and partly whilst ye be camo companions of them that were so used. For ye had compassion of mo In my bonds, nnd took Joyfully the (polling of your goods" (verses H'J .11). St. Paul nnd others prominent amongst tho Lord's followers natural ly would receive the brunt of Satan's attacks. It Is presumed that the Epls tie Of which our text Is a part was written while St. Paul was a prison er at Rome. Fellow Jews, so far from being sympnthetlo for a countryman, reproached lilm ns a traitor, unortho dox, seeking to tear down the work of God and to Ignoro tho Divine prom ises belonging to Israel and their sa cred traditions. By tho Romnnn, too, ho was regarded with suspicion, as one giving allegiance to another King, Jesus, nnd not therefore disposed to use his Roman citizenship specially for the pride and glory of tho Empire. St. raul declares that thus himself and those who espouse the cause of the ' jj Mf Lf-&J .U V- WW KID 6L0VES 75c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25 What man is there who would not appreciate a nice fitting pair of dress gloves? We have them in a!l wool lining or silk lining. Also knit gbves and fur gloves. C. E. Ulfescott'sSons THE HOME CF SATISFACTION This is the Horns of Satisfaction fcr Chris!-, mas buyers as well is all other buyers of men's wearables. A Bp 1 It'a a question now of good assortment and quick service in the remaining week for Christmas buyers. These you will find here along with first quality and the iight price. What better jlf t than one of our superb Suits at $10 to $35 or one of our luxurious Ov ercoat at $9 to $40? NECKWEAR for CH'ISTMAS! We feel that we are es pecially strong in our show ing of Christmas ties. We have over 800 ties from 25c to $1.50 in every conceivable pattern and shode. In Christmas boxes or not, just as you like. We want to show you. Here are Some Useful Things Manhattan Shirts $1.50 to $2 Mufflers, silk or knit 40c to $3 Six Initial Handkerchiefs, all linen $1.50 Six Holeproof Sox, in Christ mas box $1.50 A Box of Munsing Underwear, two suits $3 A pure Silk Hose for men 5()c Men's Garters, in holly boxes. . . .25c Things to Please Men Folks Combination Sets suspen ders, garters and arm bands 75c, $1, $1.25 Or necktie and suspender. .$1, $1.25 Collar Bags $1.00 to $3.00 Tie Rings $1.25, $1.50 and $$.75 Gold and Silver Mounted Silk Um brellas. Men's House Coats and Bath Robes $4 to $10 I counted worthy of a place In the King dom which Is to bless tho world. St. raul elsewhere dechtrcs, "If we deny him, ho will also deny us" (II Timothy II, 12). If we havo accepted tho Lord ns our Counsellor, Guide, Captain. Teacher, Exemplar, Hrlde groom, he expects of us courage to confess him as such nnd on all suita ble nnd proper occasions to let our light so shine before men that they may seo our good works nnd glorify our Father which Is In heaven" (Matthew v, 10). Our good works are to so accord with tho Muster's teach ing that, however we mny bo repre sented by others, nil who know tis in timately will take knowledge of us that wo havo been with Jesus and have learned of lilm. They should also see that our courage, our bold ness, our outspokenness, Is not a de sire to preach ourselves, not vainglory In ourselves, but that, on tho contrary, i wo preach Christ and tho glorious message of his Word, which always has brought opposition nnd persecu tion from tho Adversary and from till who nro under bis blinding Influence. Every faithful follower of Jesus must be n confessor must show his colors. We do not mean by this that bo must be belligerent nnd fight n cnrnul warfare, either with swords or sp(:rs or 1; :i iuls or tongue. On the contrary, like Ms Master, he must ever be alert to do good. Ills orders from the Captain are, "Speak evil of no man." What he must speak forth nnd show forth by bis life Is the doctrlno of Christ tho Truth, the Eight. In contrast with the prevailing Error nnd Darkness. Tho reward which the Scriptures .told before our eyes of faith Is so prent that, to the worldly, It seems foolish to believe In It. It Is to con ilst Of n sharo with our Lord In bis Itlory, honor nnd Immortality: In his Mediatorial Kingdom soon to bo estab lished; In his great work as tho Medl iter of tho New Covenant In grunting tdvlne blessings, through the merit of tho better sacrifices, to the people of Ml 5! II LASIffilfi "The Climax" Enjoyed by a Very Fair Audience, and Com pany Are Artists. From Saturday's Dally. "The Climax" at the Parmele last night drew a very fair audience, there being quite a number present from Union, Murray and Mynard. To say that all were well pleased, but half expresses the great satisfaction given. There is a certain analogy in the case of a great Coruse and the heroine, Adelina, in "The Climax." The great tenor was losing her voice and an operation was necessary. For a time it was feared that music lov-j ers throughout the world would never again hear his golden notes. Imagine the anguish of the temperamental Italian. If a man who has the world of music at his feet can suffer near to the verge of collapse, what must a woman who Is striving to he a prima donna endure when she Is told that never again can she sing another note? Jt Is the human soul note which has been struck by tho master hand of Edward Locke that makes "The Climax" a play which appeals to all that Is good In us, and therein lies the secret of Its lasting success. Last season Mr. Weber Rent out five com panies to meet the demand of the public to witness the play; this year tho demand for It Is even greater, by reason of the recommendation which is limited to the confines of the North American continent. There were only four characters in the "Climax," and In the character of "Adelna Von llagen, the pupil of Lulpl," Miss Florence Weber was Im jnense. Sho hns a fino voice and while her "Even Fong" and "Youth's Appeal to Ago" were both excellently exexcuted, tho "Fong of the Foul" was simply grand. Tlio musical program was all that could bo desired, the piano selections by Chester Ilennett, "The son of l'letro Golfonte," dem- FffiSS OF in BORN OWE III ft SURPRISE Henry Eom was made the recipi ent of a more than pleasant surprise Saturday evening, December 10th, by a large company, about fifty-five in number, at neighbors and friends. The occasion sas his thirty-fifth birthday anniversary and the neigh bors and friends, who had assembled at his beautiful country home, four mile3 west of thl3 city, celebrated U In a manner which will long be re membered. Mr. Horn was completely surprised when the guests came In on hini, but soon recovered and proceed ed to entertain tfiem In his usual happy manner. Tho time was delightfully Bpent with various amusements, games and the like, there being several games of cards played, while sociability reigned supreme. The jolly company of invaders had come well armed with baskets filled with good things to eat and during the evening, Mrs. Horn, assisted by a number of the ladies, prepared an elegant luncheon, which was served at a welcome hour and to which all did ample Justice. It was a late hour when the guests departed for their homes, after hav ing extended their congratulations and best wishes to the host for many more such anniversaries. Those in attendance were C. F. Vallery, Fred Kehne and family, John 1 Trltsch and family, Ed. Ttitsch and family, Chris. Tschirren and family, George, Katie, Mary and Maggie Kaffenberger, Chris. Parken ing and family, Frank Steppat and wife, August Steppat, Georgo Stand er and son, George Porn and wife, Eddie Steppat, Anna Steppat, Chas. Miller and Will Coon. Miss Ellen Windliivu's Studio. Tho parenls of the boys and girls of Plattsmouth have enjoyed a treat the past two afternoons viewing the display of art from Miss Ellen Wind ham's studio, which have been on ex hibition In the front room of the hall used by the Knights and Ladies of Security, In the Coates' blork. Miss Windham has fifty-six paintings and sketches on exhibition, ranging in value from one to forty dollars. Some of the pictures have been painted from life, others are copies of the masters. Miss Windham's skill In painting faces is of the high est character, she having In the col lection pictures of members of th family which are very like the orig inals. Some of Miss Windham's work at the Academy of Art at Chicago was selected for the art exhibit at St. Louis. One of her charcoal sketches receiving much praise from her In structors. . None of the parents of the city can afford to miss the opportunity to view Miss Windham's exhlbt, which shows a vast amount of Industry and skill. In Police Court. John Miller was found last evening with a had case of intoxication. When the police judge got to him he was prone upon the Icy pavement between the postoffice and tho tele phono building at tho alley. The judge helped John to his feet, when he supported himself against the wall onslrnted that he was a master In the 'for a short distance and then dlsap art, "Lulgl Golfantl," by Mr. Arthur pea red between tho buildings, and Gollser, was also well taken. The J the court did not see him again until performance was one of the best ever .ho was brought Into court for the given In Plattsmouth, and Miss Web ber Is about the bcRt Blnger that ever appeared before an audience in this city. Tho Postal Savings Hunk. Py January 1 the postal savings bank at Nebraska City Is expected to bo ready to begin operations. Only ono of these banks Is to be instituted In each of the states of the union as an experiment. Nebraska City was chosen for the place to make the ex periment In Nebraska. The postmas ter of all tho other towns In tho United States whero the postal banks are to be Instituted, will be called to usual prescription this morning, when tho judge prescribed $10 and costs. John will have a substitute for the hack until the fine and costs are laid out In Jn 11. In County Court. In the county court today Judge Beeson was engaged In the hearing of claims against the estate of John Georgo Hansen, deceased. John Wonderlich, of Nehawka, the admin istrator of the estate, was present at the hearing, also Mrs. Simon Han son and Mrs. Carnes were In court, as well as two of the sons of the deceased. Mr. George A. Kaffenberger and dfe nnd daughters, Misses Dora anil Ola, drove in from their home this morning in time to take the early train for Omaha, where they spent the day. Wm.. Rakes was up from his home, near Union today, looking after eonio business matters, and made the Journal a brief call. Mr. Rakes for merly resided a few miles south of Plattsmouth, but sold his place and removed to his present location. While here Mr. Rakes renewed for the Journal another year. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker drove up from Murray today to do some shopping, and while here our old friend gave the Journal a brief, but pleasant call. The latest reports from bis son-in-law, Dr. Gllmore, I which were received last night, are to the effect that the doctor Is get ting along very well, which we are pleased to learn. J.W. HUGHES Live Stock and General Farm Sala AUCTIONEER Five years successful selling renders me thoroughly competent-of handling vour sale. Referfence from those I have sold for. Graduate from Missouri Auction School. See me at Terkins Hotel. Platte. 'Phone Green 142 Washington during tho present Israel and eventually through them to inionth for a conference with the au- ill mankind. Not all have a know! rdgo of this grent reward; not all. therefore, havo the encouragement to faithfulness which this knowledge lu iplres. Not all even the cars t hear. It li written, 'The secret of the Lord la with tbem that fear hlin ind he will ahow them hit Covenant" funlm ixv, 11). thorltles of tho postofflco depart ment. Instructions will then bo given the postmasters In regard to the Instituting and operating of the pos tal savings bank Lincoln Journal. "Holty Tolty," a real event of tho season at the Parmele theatre next Monday night, December It. Bob Emerson, of Elmwood, was lu the city over night, looking after some business matters, departing this morning for Omaha. Bob Is a good democrat, and will be an appli cant for some position In the legisla ture this winter. He Is a good, truBty fellow, and we would delight In seeing our old friend got a lucrative position, for ho Josorvoa It. DR Herman Greeder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly re1cphono 378 White, Plattsmouth.