The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1910, Image 8

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    II THE SOKMy SOOTH: Every first and third Tuesday very low homeseeker'a
excursion rates are in effect to the South with 25 day limits, and every day
the winter tourist rates are in effect with all winter limits.
TO CALIFORNIA: Daily excursion rates with attractive condition?, limits,
stop over privileges, side trips, etc., are in effect. The annual Winter
movement to Southern California by thousands of A mericans who desire
to escape the rigors of the North is now under way.
COLORADO: A two or three weeks sojourn in the Winter climate of Colorado
ie recommended by physicians as one of the best up-buildings tonics avil
able. The great National Western Stock Show is held in Denver, Janu
ary, 16 21. n ,., .
The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California, either in
through standard or through tourist sleepers withconductors in charge;
-via Denver, Senic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXHIBIT will be held in Omaha, January 18 to
28th. All new Western localities should be represented; all farmers and
prospective farmers should see this extensive exhibit.
L. W. WAXELEY, General PaaienrAent, Omaha, Neb.
Porn Saturday, Dec. 3, to Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Mlncrt. a fine boy.
Karl Mayfleld returned from Stan
ton where he went to spend Thanks
giving. John Eller has purchased the Gib
bon Houho at Weeping Water and
will take charge In a fow days.
Jack rabbits are more plentiful
In this vicinity than they have been
for years and many are being bag
ged by the local Bportsmen.
Miss Louise Hums went to Omaha
Thursday morning to spend the day
with her sister, Flora, who Is
taking treatment In a hospital.
Andrew Schocman and family ex
pect to leave the 20th for a three
week's visit with George Frampton
and family In Lawton, Oklahoma.
Grandpa Jackman Is lying very 111
with brlghts disease and Is growing
weaker dally and It Is not expected
that he can live much longer.
Miss Hattle lirunkow returned this
week to her home In Ipswltch, South
Dakota, after an extended visit with
her cousin, Mrs. S. C. Keckler. Miss
Brunkow made many friends In this
vicinity who will miss her greatly.
County Clerk D. C. Morgan and
wife celebrated their twentieth wed
ding anniversary Sunday by giving
a dinner to their near relatives. The
Courier hopes that they may live to
relebrate many more anniversaries.
wi:i:i'ix; watkii.
It Is not very nice to receive
notice from the county treasurer that
you are In arrears for taxes, and
Christmas coming the same month.
Mrs. Itoy Mayfleld and daughter,
of Johnson, Neb., sister of Mrs. Fred
II. Speck, Is visiting here since Mon
day, expecting to remain the week.
Mrs. Thomas Martey received a
message Tuesday that her father, Dr.
n. 11111, of Waltsburg, Wash., had
died. Mrs. Murtey ami daughter de
parted for Washington Wednesday
D. W. Foster, of Union, and K. A.
Klrkpatrlck, of Nehawka, were visi
tors In town Saturday, and attended
the (!. A. it. Tost meeting.
0. K. Stoner went to Lincoln Sat
urday. Mrs. Stoner had been there
for some time assisting In taking
caro of MrB. William Stoner, and the
new baby girl that arrived a few
weeks ago, but since has been very
The Itlverdalti hotel has changed
hands. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ltlshop
departed for their former homo In
Omaha last Friday and they Bold the
furniture and fixtures to Max Fisher,
who now has charge. Mr. Fisher
came here from Klmwood. The River
dale, under Mr. Bishop, did a fine
A trap door In A. II. Jones barber
nhop, opened so they could read the
meter, was responsible for Clifton
Hay stepping in, and In the fall he
received a broken arm. These broken
arms we hope will get to bo a habit
with Clifton as they are painful, ex
pensive, and Inconvenient.
Miss Anna Hubbard met with a
serious accident last Wednesday that
will cause nor to be housed up for a
few weeks. She was out raking
leaves and tripped over something,
In trying to regain her footing she
tore the ligaments of her right limb
The Injury made it necessary to use
a plaster. As Miss Hubbard has
been lame In the other limb for years
it will require a long wait before sbe
can walk.
T. E. Futlon went over to Shen
andoah Saturday and returned Sun
day with a man to help him In the
John Swartz, who has been out In
Gosper county for the past three
weeks painting, came home Monday.
There Is not much corn being
marketed, the price Is hardly attrac
tive enough to the average farmer.
Ray Pollard has traded his Mercer
automobile to Ralph Harrington of
Tawnee City, for a largo slice of the
western half of Kansas. This doesn't
mean that Ray has entirely given up
the seductive sport but simply that he
Intends to chango cars.
George W. Tanner was down from
Omaha Sunday for a short visit to
his mother and sisters. Mr. Tanner
has but recently returned from the
Panama canal zone where ho spent
two years as a member of the fire
deportment down there and has some
Interesting tales to tell of that great
J. M. Stone came home from
Wichita, Kansas, Tuesday with his
son, L. K., who was operated on at
one of the hospitals there about three
weeks ago for appendicitis. He has
almost recovered from the effectB of
the operation but Is still pretty care
ful how he gets around.
Obe Miller came home Monday
from Bancroft, Neb., where he has
been for the past three weeks husk
ing corn. He reports having met the
Rev. C. A. Burdlck who occupied the
U. n. pulpit here for two years and
who Is at present a minister In the
Methodist church at that point.
( Deacon.)
Porn To Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Caddy, Thursday, Dec. 8, a boy.
Jatiper Fads was taken sick last
Thursday evening and was forced to
lay-orf Friday but was back to work
again Saturday.
The gang of Greek laborers who
were working here for the Missouri
Pacific have been laid off for the
winter and left here Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Walch who has been very
ill the past week was taken to a Lin
coln hospital Tuesday evening. Mr.
Walch accompanied her, returning on
Mrs. Hotchklss of Clay Center who
will be remembered by some Eagle
people a a musician of ability, visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Manspeaker
from Friday until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Manspeaker enter
tained at dinner, Sunday, In honor of
Mr. O. H. Morris, county superintend
ent of Lancaster county. The Misses
Mayme McAllister and Clara Crabtree
were the Eagle guests.
A very pleasant family gathering
was held at the home of Joe Allen
Sunday. Those present were: Mrs.
J. W. McCHntock, of Furnas county,
a sister of Mr. Allen; and brothers
Jessie, Nelse and Tom, of Lincoln;
Charles Allen and son, of Eagle. Mrs.
McCHntock will visit at the Allen
home for a time.
Is'amce and wife are the parents of
new 8-lb. son, born Tuesday, No
ember 1st.
The Missouri Pacific was so anxious
to complete the new siaewaiw to
town that they had the crew worn
on Sunday. The new walk Is a good
one and will be highly appreciated
if the freight conductors do not
block it with a box car.
Mauley SblH racks Have Peen Ituilt.
The Manley elevator case, one of
the oldest on the docket of the Ne
braska Railway commission, has been
settled and wiped oft of the docket.
The case was filed by the Farmer's
Elevator company of Manley, ask
ing the commission to require the
Missouri Pacific Railway company
to build a sidetrack to It's elevator
October 21, 1007. '
Paralell with the commission's
work, a stubbornly fought case was
taken through the Cass county dis
trict court, and the Nebraska su
preme court and the federal court,
the elevator company losing In the
federnl court, but won before the
railway commission. In tho mean-
Imo tho sidetrack has been built.
Mrs. Nelson Applegate departed
Tuesday for Severance, Kansas, where
she will make a visit with her mother
Charles Jenkins, who Is employed
by the Missouri Pacific at Auburn,
made a Sunday visit with his family
In this village.
Undo Henry Pell's health has
been unite poorly the past several
weeks, but bis many friends hope to
see him out again soon.
Tom MeQuinn came in Wednes
day night from Laurel, Neb., to spend
a few days visiting with Union rela
tlves and friends.
J. P.. Roddy and Duke Frans, In
company with a land representative,
departed Tuesday for Monte Vista,
Colo., to look over the land prospects
In that country.
Moss McCarroll, one of the hust
ling farmers, Is keeping "bachelor
quarters" at his home while Mrs. Mc
Carroll Is visiting with her parents
at Lawrence, Kansas.
Mrs. Charles McNamee and two
daughters arrived on the Sunday
forenoon train from Brush, Colo., to
make an extended visit with rela
tlves and many Union friends.
W. u. Glasgow went to Peru on
the Sunday forenoon train to attend
the funeral of bis brother, S. P. Glas
gow, whose death occurred In Om
aha, the remains being taken o Peru
for Interment.
W. C. Bartlett returned Monday
from Webster county, where he has
been doing carpenter work. He says
the natives fare lots better out there
than here.
William Duster is home from a so
ourn In other parts. His son, Bert,
and family are occupying the Buster
residence for a time and Mr. Buster
Is staying with them. They expect
to move to Ashland In the near fu
Philip Henderson, wife and two
children, returned Tuesday evening
from a two weeks business and pleas
ure visit to his old home ajt Thurman,
Iowa. Thjs was 'Mr. Henderson's
first visit to his old home in ten
Albei t Tighe lost a valuable heifer
Wednesday. The animal was shot by
a hunting party. Henry Panning
bad the same misfortune some time
back. Such work as this will lead
farmers to post notices forbidding
hunting on their premises.
The large new Mosler Manganese
steel safe has been installed in the
American Exchange bank. It oc
cuples the corner of the room facing
the north and east where It Is plainly
visible to all passersby, through the
large plate glass windows.
William Malone and Miss Nellie
Gamble were married In Lincoln
Thursday of last week, and Saturday
Rill was sporting the cigars on our
streets. The bride is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Gamble residing
southwest of town. She Is a pleasant
young lady and has numerous friends
with whom the Leader-Echo Joins in
well wishes for her future happi
ness. Bruce Rosencrans was out from
Plattsmouth a few days the forepart
of the week talking "fire-proof safes"
and "Texas." His convincing argu
ment, with illustrations, was put be
fore the village counsel Monday even
ing, that body having decided to pro
cure a good fire-proof safe for the
books and valuable papers belonging
to the village.
If you wish to purchase Adeline
Plantation Land, Louisiana, where
every acre produces 35 tons of sugar
can to the acre and corn runs at
from 60 to 90 bushels, take the
Payne Special from Omaha on De
cember 20th, January 3d and 17th.
Fare for the round trip only 32.50
sleeping car berths, meals, etc., with-
We regret very much that we mis-! out eXpense to you. For further par
ticulars write or call on Associate
sed an Important Item of news last
week, but nevertheless, Winnie Mc-
Tho quicker a cold Is gotten lid of
the less danger from pneumonia and
other serious diseases. Mr. 11. W. L.
Hall, of Waveiiy, Va., says: "I firmly
believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to be absolutely the best preparation
on tho market for colds. 1 have rec
ommended It to my friends and they
all agree with me." For Balo by F.
(5. Frlcke & Co.
Horse Shoeing.
John Durman desires to Inform
those who need his services that ho
has opened a shop at the Ora Dawson
place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders
laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic
OJ1. Takes the sting out of cuts
burns or bruises at once. Pain can
tot stay where It la used.
Agents, the
Windham Investment Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb,
Mrs. J. R. Hunter, of Omaha, ar
rived today to be the guest of rela
tives in this city for a few days.
The Goernment pays Railway Mail
Clerk. $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployeet up to $2, 500 annually
Uncle Sam will hold examinations
throughout the country for Railway
Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
mont Clerks and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointments
will be made. Any man or woman
over 18, In City or Country can get
Instruction and free Information by
writing at once to the Bureau of
Instruction, 79 J. Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
M ill Go to Chin.
Judge William Hayward and fami
ly have gone to China to spend the
winter. Their son, Lcland left here
Sunday to join them in Portland,
Oregon, from which port they sail.
They expected to spend the winter
In California, but have changed their
minds and have gone to China, where
they will try a rice diet in a warm
climate for the winter Nebraska
City News.
I ! alaHlB a 9 au Ml mm
Vv A
. w
yYou'll be dXS-l 1
If lighted with tha re- I
If ...i. l n . tii I
Im m .una vi viumci liaKlUg
Towder. No disappoints
1 rto flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, 1
I I cake, or pastry. I
I 1 Just tha lightest, daintiest, most I I
l uniformly raised and ma.1 dull-
ciout food you ever ato.
Iw Mla(mi.rWarM't
Children Cry for Fletcher's
n i
The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which Las been
In use for over 30 years, has horn's the signature of
nnd has been made under l '.s per
sonal supervision since its Infancy.
Allow no one to deeelve rouln this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro hut
lixieriuicnts that trifle with and endanger tlie h alth of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Casiorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphino lior Other Narcotic
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays Fevcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho.
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
m jm I a mm m w
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Senli'il nrniHiNHl will lit- ipcrlvod by
tlie rounty clerk of Cuss county on or
before noon Jnnnnry 1st. l'JIl, for fur
nlxblnf the following Rookx, IllnnkH
anil Stationery for tmll county clerk
ilurlnff tlie venr 1911:
Hiiro mccl. CommlHHlonern Record,
fiulre nied. liecd Record (printed
iiulre mod. Index to lollnuent
l.nnclM ( printed beadl.
quire med. le d Record ( I.ooho
quire med. MortKDKP. Records
(printed panel.
quire med. Mlncelluneous Deed
Record (l,oone leaf).
quire med. MtK. RecordH (Loose
quire med. Appearance liocket
(printed bead),
quire med. Court Cnlendnr.
1-S quire med. Probate Fee Rook
(printed pane).
Canvan covers encb.
1-8 quire med. Court Journal (printed
bend ).
Patent Rnck per quire.
1-8 quire med. Trial liocket (printed
Index per book.
All records to bo extra bound of No.
1 Linen LedRer paper, Ryron Wes
ton's Ledger Ruper or Whiting
Ledger paper.
T5 u liber Hands, No. 11, per Kross.
Penholders. No. 3278, per doxen.
Writing Fluid blue-black, per quart.
F.rasers, No. 1085 R. Fnbor's, per dor.en.
Ksterbrook's No (MR pens, per (rross.
Congress Tie envelopes, No 10 1-4,
tblck. per 100.
Fsterbrook's No. 79 penR, per (rross.
Congress Tie envelopes. No. 10-1 1-2.
tblck, per 100.
ConRi-ess Tie envelopes No. 10-2, thick,
per 100.
Mucilage, Carter's Arabian, per dozen
Consress Tie envelopes No. 10-1, thick,
per 100.
Penlson's Notarlnl Real No. 21, per 100
Congress Tie envelopes No. 10 3-4, per
Pencils, copying, per doiien.
Penholders, No. Crown, per dozen,
(llllott's No. 601 Pens, per Rross.
Congress Tie envelopes, No. 10 1
thick, per 100.
Tenclls. No. 690 Kberlmrd Faber, per
Globe Reversible envelopes, No. 10, per
Rubber Rands assorted No, 100, per box.
Red Wr tlnir Fluid, per nunrt.
Separate bids must be made on each
class of supplies In the estimate.
The Commissioners reserve the right
to retort snv or all bids.
Kids will be addressed to County
Clerk and marked proposal for Hooks,
liinnk. .ml Stationery.
ltl.Mnra moat file EOori Rnd Sufficient
bond for the faithful performance of
thole rnnlnrt
Hlds will be opened the first meeting
in January D. C. MORGAN.
County Clerk.
From Monday's Dally.
Mr. Carl Itlsman and Mr. Fred
Klemme, of near Murdock, were in
the city looking after business mat
ters today.
Mr. John Iloinemeler, of Murdock,
was a Plattsmouth visitor today,
looking after business matters be
tween trains.
Mr. Vern Perry drove in from the
tarm today and boarded the after
noon train for Omaha, where he was
called on business.
Miss Alma Larson was a passenger
to Union yesterday morning, where
nhe spent the day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. It. E. Foster.
O. M. Streight, of Omaha, spent
Sunday in Plattsmouth, having come
down on Saturday afternoon to look
after business matters.
Mrs. Hans Kemp and Mrs. Peter
Mummwent to Omaha on the morn
ing train today where they spent the
day looking after some Items of business.
Mr. C. H. Schleicher, of Brady,
N'eb., who has been visiting George
Miller and family for a short time,
departed for his home this morning
via Omaha.
Mrs. Claude Everett, who has been
spending a few days at the home of
,r. G. Richey, in this city, returned
to her home near Union yesterday
Mrs. J. E. Wiles and her sister,
Miss Elizabeth Spangler, and their
mother, Mrs. II. Spangler, spent the
day In Omaha, going on the morning
train today.
Mrs. J. P. Thacker and children
and son, Lee Thacker, departed for
their home Saturday afternoon, hav
ing spent the week attending the
district court.
Ryron Clark and wife arrived from
Lincoln last evening, Mr. Clark being
called to Plattsmouth to look after
the trial of some civil cases in the
district court this week.
Mr. G. P. Melslnger, of Cedar
Creek, was a Plattsmouth visitor to
day, having come down on No. 4 this
morning, to look after some items of
business in the county seat.
Mr. Henry Guthman, the Murdock
banker, and wife, came in Saturday
evening and were guesta of Miss
Minnie Guthman over Sunday, re
turning to their home via Omaha
this morning.
and boarded the fast mail for Omaha
and Council Bluffs, where business of
importance called him.
Mr. W. H. Hell drove in from hi
home this morning accompanied by
his daughters, Misses Mamy and
Adella, who boarded the morning
train for Omaha to spend the day.
Murlal McDonald, of Omaha, aa
in the city today attending court a
a witness. Mr. McDonald's home id
in Murdock, but has been attending?
school in Omaha the past winter.
George Harshman, of Avoca, ar
rived this morning and was looking
after business matters at the court
house, where he is a party to some
litigation arising from the rental of
one of his farms.
B. F. Wiles drove in from the farm
this morning and caught the earl
Burlington train to Omaha. B. F'
friends smiled when he told then
that he missed the M. P. train thU
morning, and if B. F. had not alway
been a very truthful man he coubt
not have made anyone believe the
extravagant tale of missing an M. P.
Mr. William Mueller, of Elmwood,
was summoned on the jury this week
and arrived yesterday. Mr. Mueller
is one of the substantial citizens of
his bailiwick, and while in the city
dropped in and looked the Journal
plant over and was well pleased with
what he saw. Mr. Mueller had hi
name placed on the list with the
Journal family, and left the price of
a subscription, which is appreciated
by the publisher.
From Tuesday"! Dally
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Campbell, of
near Murray, were in the city today
doing some early Christmas shop
Henry Leuchtweis, of Cedar Creek,
came down this morning on No. 4,
and transacted business in the county
Mr. M. W. Moore, of Murdock, and
Joe Allen, of Eagle, were in the city
last evening and while here were
guests of the Plattsmouth hotel.
Mr. F. II. Nichols, of Louisville,
was in the city today, having arrived
on No. 4 to look after business of
importance in the county Beat.
Mr. Frank Marler, of Mynard,
rme to Plattsmouth this afternoon
Wants to Help Sonic One.
For thirty years J. F. Boyer, of
Fertile, Mo., needed help and couldn't
find it. That's why he wants to help
some one now. surrenng so ions
himself he feels for all distress from
Backache, Nervousness, Loss of Ap
petite, Lassitude and Klndey disor
ders. He shows that Electric Bittern
work wonders for Buch trouble.
"Five bottles," he writes, "wholly
cured me and now I am well and
hearty." It's also positively guaram-
teed for Liver Trouble, Dyspepsia.
Blood Disorders, Female Complaints
and Malaria. Try them. 60c at F.
G. Frlcke & Co's.
Martin O'Brien, of Cedar Creek,
rame in yesterday ana is visum
friends in the city while a guest of
the Perkins house.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hare Alwap Bought
Bears the
Poultry Wanted
Highest market price paid
for poultry and all farm
t -