WANT STATE TO HELP ROADS Highway CcnYen!Ion Vi:i Be Held at Des Molces Dec. 29. TYPHOID CONTAGION KEEPS UP Woman it Found Murdered at Van Wert and Police Are Holding Five Young Men on Suspicion of Com plicity in Killing. Iks Moines, la., Dec. 10. A meet ing of men in the state Interested in good roads 111 the southern part of Iowa was held here tor the purpose of arranging a program for a highway convention to be held here Dec. 29. Many members of the legislature will be Invited to participate and an or ganization will bo effected to secure a state appropriation In aid of good roads. A similar convention held last t-piing came to naught, but it la be lieved that now some results can be tecured through the legislature. Woman Mysteriously Killed. Mrs. Iiee Znrneg lies dead at Van Vert with a crushed skull and five young m n are In Jail ad a result of a drunken quarrel In which Zarnes was sittacked and his wlfo rushed to his as sistance, only to bo knocked down with a club nud killed. Sheriff An drews rounded up five young men. two brothers named Young and three brothers named Teale, under suspi cion. They admit having been at the Zanies home, but nay they bad nolh lug to do with tho killing. Three Deaths From Typhoid. While tho city health officials claim 1 hut the typhoid fever epidemic is on the wane, three deaths have occurred in Des Moines In twenty-four hours. More than 100 cases are under treat merit In local hospitals. Coal Rates Lowered. The Iowa board of railroad commls h loners announced a material reduc tion in freight rates on soft lump and nut coal within Iowa. The rates on steam or slack coal remain unchanged Why U the Pole Not Kemovcd? At tie last nuking or tne city council an order was male requiring the Bell Telephone company to re move a pole which obstructs tne elec ilc light for a block west of the cor ner of Eleventh and Main streets, but up to the hour of going to press to day nothing had been done toward omplylng with the order of the coun- 11. notwithstanding almost two eeks has elapsed since the order was made. It may be that the manage ment has been too busy preparing 'hrlstmas presents to attend to the matter, or It may be that the company thinks the council only makes orders for a sort of pastime with no Inten tion of enforcing them. There Is no doubt but the pole Is a ulsance, and was placed there only within the past few weeks, and if the company will not move it on being requested to do so, then the city au thorities should pay some one to hop the pole off and get rid of it summarily, if it can be done In no other way. The citizens of the town are taxed for the maintenance of the light and it is exasperating for a cor poration to arrogantly place a screen In front of the light and refuse or neglect to remove It when attention Is called to It. CORNELL COLLEGE FUND of Dean Freer Has Secured Pledges 4130,000 to Half Million Fund. Mount Vernon, la., Dec. 10. Tho Cornell college canvass for $500,000 Is progressing with a satisfactory degree of success. Dean Freer, who has charge of the campaign, Is giving his entire time towards the raising of the fund. All of his classes are being conducted by Professor Hudson ot Halter university during the time which he Is engaged In the raising of tho fund. Itev. J. O. Dobson, D. D., of the clfiHB of 1883, Is busily engaged In as sisting with the proposition and to Kether with several others on the com mittee, are entering most heartily Into the work. Already there have been unconditional pledges to the extent o' $130,000, which In addition to the $100,000 donated by the Educational board, make a total of nearly one half f the required sum. , WILL POND LEAKS IN SHAFT One of Largest Properties In Wlscon , sin Wrecked by Water. Dubuque, In., Dec. 10. The Baxter mine, one of the largest cine producers In tho Wisconsin district, located at Cuba .flty, twenlj miles Wt of here was the scene of an accident which nearly cost tho lives of twenty-five miners. The men were ready to do mend In the mine to work when I was found (he mill pond was leakfh Into the shaft. The walls of the dam quickly gave way and in a few mln tites the mine had been filled to th lop of the shnft. The damage will ru into thousands of dollnrs. BALLINGER ON LAND PROBLEMS Secretary of Inferior Stalls His Annual Rapart. ESCRIBES METHODS OF WORK Cilia llycr for KlioiilT. A. A. llyers was endorsed for the offlco of sheriff of Lancaster county at a meeting of tho Lincoln and Have- lock branch of the International As Hoslatlon of Machinists, in Lancaster hall at Havelock Inst evening. Mr. llyers Is now postmaster at Have lock. The annual election of officers was to have been held last night, but was postponed until after the special meeting Sunday afternoon. At this meeting to be held at 3 o'clock in tho Lancaster hall, the Havelock ma chlnlsts may try to break away from the joint organization of Lincoln and Havelock railroad men and form a separate organization of their own Nearly the full membership of 120 men were present at the meeting last evening Lincoln Journal. Resigns PonUIoii. Miss Nettle Moore, who has been employed as stenographer and book keeper for the Olson Photo company for the past year, resigned her posi tion a month ago, which resignation went Into effect today, having secured position as stenographer at the storehouse ot the local Burlington shops. This position was made vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Bertha Todd, who will depart on next Monday for Long Beach, California, where her parents now reside and where she will make her home in the future. Miss Moore entered upon her new duties this morning. Miss Moore Is a most estimable, as well as popu lar young lady, and we wish her all the success possible In her new post tion. Mehan Will Case Compromised. Ida Grove, la., Dec. 10. The contest if the will of the lute Benjamin Me ban was settled by an agreement en tered Into by the parties. Benjamin Mehan died April 20, 1908, and left a $50,000 farm and his city homo to his nn, Arthur. The other children were left legacies of from $500 to $1,000 and they pued to break the will. The two ulsters, Kate OBrecht and Mary O'Meara of Ida Grove, and James Me han of Wnverly, Kan., were the plain tiffs. By the agreement Arthur Me han, the executor, agrees to pay Mrs. OTlrecht $4,000, James Mehan $3,000 nnd Mrs. O'Meara $500. In exchange they agree to give him quit claim deeds to the farm. guile ft Billiard Content. Quite an interest was manifest last night at Arrles' billiard parlor over game of billiards between Hon. Matt Coring, ot this city, and Max Koehn of Nebraska City. Matt. Is qulto lover of the game and always enjoys setting good billiards played, but in this contest It could be readily Been that he was no match for Mr. Koehn and Matt of course lost. Mr. Arrles parlor Is quite a favorite resort for those who love the game, and th proprietor Is becoming very popular on account of the manner in whloh ho treats his patrons. Advances Recommendations for New Legislation or Amendments to Ex isting Laws Favors General Leas ing System of Oil and Gas Lands. Washington, Dec. 9- In his annual report, Just made public, Secretary Balllnger of the department of the In terior devotes a large amount of space to public land problems. After reciting the history of the public domain and jiving statistics to show that there Is now remaining unappropriated and un reserved 711.98C.409 acres of public md in continental United States and Alaska, the secretary says: "Heretofore, as will be seen, It has been the policy of congress to dispose of the public lands to those who were deposed to make the best use of them, none of which were disposed of Ith a view to securing revenue for governmental support. Under more conservative theories the question now is of saving the rem nant of the public lands from mon opolization or misuse without aband onlng the old policies of encouraging development. The highest productive use of these lands Is the concern of the people. The methods of securing this use are the concern of national and state governments. New Amendments. "New or amendatory legislation re- pectlng our public lands should be di rect, simple, effective and relate prln clpnlly to the proper form of disposi tion of the withdrawn lands water- power sites, oil lands, coal lands and rights-of-way over public lands. "As has been shown, the unapproprl ated public lands of the public land states and territories amount to about 712,000,000 acres and as compared with the private lands In these various states are but a small percentage of the territory thereof, and the federal gov ernment should not undertake or as sume the entire burden of the conser vation of the natural resources of the states In which they are situated, for has been demonstrated that the states are capable of taking care of these questions In a large measure, as s shown by the legislation effectual Ing these purposes In states like Mas sachusetts and Washington at the ex tremltles of our country." The secretary reports marked ad vances In administrative methods and efficiency within the department dur ing the year. He also reports that the recommendations made from time to time by the committees appointed at the Instance of the president to sug gest economies, and changes to Im prove the service are being put Into effect wherever existing law will per mit, without waiting for legislation. rvt i.an'1-. Referring to oil lands the secretary HURT IN QUEER ACCIDENT' Two Mason City Men Have Nosei Broken While Driving in Auto. Mason City, la., Dec. 10 A peculiar accident occurred here In which B. P. Moore, head machinist, and C. A. Tyr rell, superintendent of the Colby Motor company plant, had their noses crushed and broken. While driving an auto the machine ran over a high bump in the road which threw the occupants of the car against the top of the car, driving their hats, which were ttfff, down over their faces. Mr. Tyrrell had his nose broken by the Impact against the au to top, while Mr. Moore's nose was crushed and lacerated. COL. P. W. CRAWFORD DEAD Aged lowan Was Commander of Guard at Execution of Mrs. Surratt. Dubuque, la., Dec. 10. Colonel P. W. Crawford, eighty years old, com mander ot the guard at the execution of Mrs. Surrat and others for complic ity in the assassination of President Lincoln, died here. He had served several terms In the Iowa legislature and was a resident of the state for seventy years. WATER FAMINE IN SOUTHEASTERN IOWA Burlington Railway Is Hauling Water In Tank Gars. i cub" mi ABSORBING PHI M US1C, and With mental Burlington, la., Dec. 10. The lowest stage ever known In the Mississippi river is now recorded fllteen and one half inches below low water mark of 18C4. This unprecedented stage is caused by tho drought which has dried up .many contributory streams throughout the noithwest. This fail ure of the water supply is menacing the stockmen and the railroads. The latter are compelled to haul water In tank cars for many miles to suppiy their water tanks which have become dry. At the West Burlington shops wooden tank water cars are being con structed at the rate of six a day and are being used to haul water from the Mississippi here to Mount Pleasant, la., and other cities to the westward and as far east as Monmouth. It is feared that Rice Lake at Galesburg may fall and the company Is preparing to haul water from here to that point. The water, tanks are composed of two Inch planks tongued and grooved and bolted together with long rods. They are placed on flat ears for transpor tation and long trains of them move In and out of Burlington every day. Mental Suggestion, Love Devotion Play Their Varied Parts. the powerful elements of suggestion intertwined with the series of delicate situations and love parts, "The Climax" which comes to the Parmele Friday, Decem ber 16, should. If precedent Is any criterion, be greeted by a large and enthusiastic house, as it was last season. This quaint dramatic document, Glled to overflowing with interesting and verile elements, touching to the quick every emotion in tne human make up, tells a story of a woman, youthful In years and experience, who early In life, as a legacy from her famous mother, aspires to honors on the operatic stage. Her suitor of puritanical. Ideas, a prominent physician, and a friend of her childhood, to prevent her from accomplishing her life's dream, sets out to ruin her God-given voice, not from a desire to be malicious but through a selfish desire accentuated by her unswerving devotion. After an operation on her throat, preparatory to her receiving a hear ing before a great impressarlc, he treats her voice, and by mentally sug gesting to her that she Is unable to sing, her voice becomes hopelessly lost to her. By an accidental disregard of the suitor's prescription, "an atomizer," the girl's voice Is restored. The doc tor suitor confesses. Such Joy both op and off the stage is seldom notice able In the theatre. The plot, peculiar to the stage, give. the principals excellent oppor tunities to show their musical and dramatic talents. One of the de llghtful charms of the play Is the In cidental music especially written for the play by Jos. Carl Brlel, a promt nent organist or a Fifth avenue church In New York. Miss Florence Webber plays the part of Adelina, and her voice and personal charm, (apthaled the most blase of the great metropolis, where the play ran for eighteen months. SEC. DICKINSON WANTSAIRSHIPS Says Arm) Needs Dirigibles and Aeroplanes. CITES EUROPEAN EXAMPLES. Poultry Show at Iowa Falls. Iowa Falls, la., Dec. 10. The Indica lions are that the annual poultry show to be held In this city next week will be the biggest meet lug ever held by the Northwestern Poultry association and Secretary If. 8. Dixon states that the number of Inquiries and entries are unprecedented in the history of tho association. Death of Mrs. Tlulie. Dan Rourke, of Manley, received a message announcing the death of his sister, Mrs. Charles Tighe, at Bancroft, Nebraska, and loft at ones tor that place to attend the funeral, which was held Monday. Mrs. Tlghe was a resident of Springfield for a number of years while her husband was engaged In the grain business there. They moved to Bancroft eight years ago. She is survived by her husband and six children, and also by a number ot relatives in Cass county. Louisville Courier. leasing sbum oi oil buu gas ucunuii lands, such a system as will promote legitimate development of this indus try, prevent monopoly and conserve one of the great natural resources ot the country." Other recommendations for amend ments to existing laws or for enact ment of new laws are as follows: "Amendment of existing desert land laws so as to limit the maximum of area which may be entered to 160 acres; to extend the time within which final proof may be made to sev en years, but Impose the additional con dition of actual cultivation ot not less than one-half the Irrigable area of the entry for a period of not less than three years prior to final proof. "Repeal of the commutation pro vis- Inna r 9 Vt A KnmnnlAAil Invar mm I tklai una ui iiiu iiuuit-Diruii tan, ui )i tuia i I I J A l a be deemed Inadvisable, modification of j vlBUea Amcnca' the present laws so as to require two years' actual residence, cultivation, and Improvement as a prerequisite to commutation. Also provide that no potent shall Issue under any commut ed homestead entry herenfter made except to citizens of tho United Slates." TIMOTHY HEALY JSJEFEATED Independent Irish Leader Brown Out by Nationalists. London, Dec. 10. Totals show that the coalition parties have thus far se cured 241 seats In the new parliament and the unionists 207 seats. The unionists have gained twenty-one con stituencies, the liberals fourteen and the labor party four. News of special Interest was the defeat of Timothy Healy at Louth, which constituency he has represented In the house of commons for eighteen years. The Redmonltes brought all their forces to bear In turning out the man who may be said, almost, to be a more bitter opponent of the Irish lead er than O'Brien himself. Healy 13 known as the Ishmael of nationalist politics and has followed an independ ent course since the downfall of Par nell, to which he largely contributed Another Interesting development was the capture of the only nationalist seat In Belfast by Joseph Devlin, one ot the Redmond party, who recently CmbNtone Joshing. I If you'd be happy, gay and free, And not be glum and surly, ust up and get a move on you And do your shopping early. The larger the bird the tougher it is. The fellow with set habits seldom sets 'em up. The open season for cakes and asses is now on. When you look for romance go mong strangers. A little mystery makes a whole community gossip. It's the dead game sport who thlnk's he's a real live one. A man In a millinery store feels like a bull In a china Bhop. When you start to run a bluff make It strong then stick to it. The man who looks for luck to help him out is always In a rut. If it wasn't for money there would be no use for penitentiaries. The more life insurance a man has the larger will be his funeral. If you understand a boy you'll have no difficulty In understanding a man. There in nothing quite so pleasing to the sterner sex as a little con salve. The only time a girl is real com fortable Is when she has on her old shoes. .1 Wanted Her Body Burned. Mount Pleosant, la., Dec. 10. The dying request ot Mrs. Charles D. Walk er, wife of a promluont Mount Pleas ant man, who died ot cancer of the stomach, was that her body bo cre mated and the ashes consigned to the Mississippi river. The body was tak en to Davenport today for cremation. Benign Her PonUIoii. Miss Daisy Twlss, for several years manager of the local telephone ex change, resigned her position last Saturday and left Sunday for Cali fornia. Mrs. Miller of Greenwood was Installed to fill the vacancy. The Courier takes pleasure In Introduc ing her to the people ot Louisville as a lady ot high standing In her home community Louisville Courier. Mr. J. B. Vallery, ot Murray, was a Plattsmouth visitor this morning doing the weekend shopping. CAMPAIGN EXPENSE BILLS Congressional Campaign Committees File Reports In Washington, Washington, Dec. 9. The Republic an congressional committee received 177,461 and disbursed $74,373, while the Democratic congressional commit teo received $27,790 and disbursed $27,771, during the recent campaign, according to the reports filed with the clerk of the house of representatives The largest individual co.trlbutlon to tho Republican fund waB wade by Representative William B. McKlnley, which amounted to $5,000. A contrlbu tlon ot $5,750 was received from the treasurer ot the Union League club of Philadelphia. The Republican state committee of Louisiana contributed i $2,000; formor Secretary of the Treas ury Leslio M. Shaw, as treasurer of the Manufacturers' club of Philadel phia, $1,630, and John Pltcalrn of Pittsburg, $1,000. The national com mittee gave $887. The largest Individual contribution to the Deraocratlo fund was $1,000 from W. 0. Deer of New Tork city. ( ALLEGED KIDNAPERS HELD Eight Men and Two Women Arrested In Brooklyn Asked to Give Big Bond, New York, Dec. 10. Ten alleged kidnapers, eight men and two women arrested In Brooklyn in the raid on a tenement which resulted in the recov cry of GluBephe Longe, the eight-year- old boy, who was stolen from his par ents on Nov. 19, were held In $10,000 ball each for examination next Mon day on the charge ot kidnaping. Marie Rappa and Antonetta Monilo, the two women under arrest, carried babies In their arms. Information Wanted. - If any reader of the Journal knows of the whereabouts of Frank Cherry, whose home Is near Akron, Colo., please notify me at once. Will pay all postage. N. W. CHERRY. 2t-w-12-9 Harrlsburg, Colo. Young Creel Held as Hostage. San Antonio, Dec. 10. Bernabe Ellas, a courier from Mexico to the family of Francisco I. Madero, brings tho information that the revolution lata have captured Enrique Creel, Jr, son of Enrique Creel, minister of for elan relations to Mexico. They are holding him as a hostage. Creel I held in the mountains near Chihua hua City. , Rents Pesthouse for Home. Granite City, 111., Dec 10. Under an agreement to vacato on a day's notice, James Smith, a mill worker, moved his family into the Granite City pest house. Scarcity of houses caused Smith to rent the pesthouse from the city for $12 a month. If a smallpox rase appears here Smith must give his home to the patient. - Mr. Vern Perry and wife, and Mr. G. Klser and wife, drove In from their homes In Eight Mile Grove this morning and boarded the morning train for the metropolis to look after some business matters during the day. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write nnocRT wiiriNcniJ nuuL.il i it irvi iiuuiif Dunbar, Neb. Dates'made at this office or the Murray State Bank. ( .Good Serviet Reisoniblo Site Secretary of War In Report Says That France and Germany Have Made Big Progress in Aerial Work While Unit, ed States Has Stood Still. Washington, Dec. 10. J. M. Dickln- ton, secretary ot war, In his annual eport recommends that the govern- nent provide the army with both diri (ible airships and with aeroplanes for nstruction purposes and for field vork. He Bays in part: "Aerial navigation is attracting worldwide attention. Marked progress las been made in this art during the ast year. Its possible influence upon :l art of war is much discussed imong military authorities the world ver. Recently In Berlin and Paris pportunity wa3 afforded me to Wit less aviation tests that were belne nade there by the military, and I was mpressed with the Interest and activ- ty displayed In the development of '.his new art with special reference to ts possibilities for use in the military icrvlce. "Information from abroad indicates hat at the present time Germany pos- lesses fourteen military dirigible air mips and a number of aeroplanes and France seven military dirigible air- hips and thirty aeroplanes. France Orders Dirigibles. "Late Information received from Prance indicates that the French gov jrnment has recently ordered eleven lew dirigibles of different dimensions, whose delivery will take place at dif ferent times within the next twelve nonths. 'The following is an extract from a eport of an officer of the United States army on the autumn maneuvers )f the French army from Sept. 15 to 3ept. 18, 1910: But the most striking thing was he aeroplane. The French have made wonderful progress in this respect. I law Lieutenant Bellenger in his mon- plane rise right out of a wheat stub- ale field. The biplanes and mono planes were everywhere. They trav eled with great speed and must have leen everything except where the :roops could be concealed in the woods. An efficient aeroplane corps b certainly Indispensable to an army.' "The United States, which was the Srst nation officially to recognize the leroplane for military purposes and which conducted at Fort Myer In 1908 the first public flight of a heavier than xir machine, has since that date made no addition to its aeronautical equip ment, which at present consists of one small practice dirigible balloon, one nTwIrrtii MAinr1onA an1 rhroa amoll nan. tive balloons. It is contended by some that dirig ible balloons and airships will at best prove to be of doubtful utility in war fare. The fact remains that all Eu ropean first class powers are devoting a great deal of attention to the sub ject of military aeronautics and are displaying marked activity In the de velopment and supply of both the dirigible and the aeroplane for war purposes, while the United States Is practically at a standstill In this matter. 'In my Judgment the time has oome when It would be wise to make ap propriations adequate for providing the signal corps with a reasonable number of the better type of machines for Instruction purposes and for field work. Strength of the Army. "At the date of the last reports re ceived from the military departments (Oct. 15, 1910) the actual strength of the regular army was 4,310 officers and 67,459 enlisted men, a total of 71,769. As compared with the strength reported last year this shows an in crease of 101 officers and a decrease of 4,381 enlisted men, making a net decrease of. the regular army during the year of 4,280. These figures do not Include the 3,486 men of the hospi tal corps excluded by the act of March 1, 1887, from classification as part of the enlisted force of the army. There were also in the service 166 officers and 5,100 enlisted men of the Philip pine scouts. Enlisted Men. "The total number of enlistments In the army during the fiscal year end ed June 30, 1910 (exclusive of the hos pital corps and the Philippine scouts), was 17,973, of which 7,268 were re enllstments and 10,705 were original enlistments. "The death rate from disease Is the lowest which has ever occurred in the rmy. Seacoast Defenses. "During the past fiscal year three ten-Inch guns and forty six rapid fire guns have been added to the number of guns actually available for service at our seacoast defenses." Bedouins Massacre Turkish Garrison. Constantinople, Dec. 10. A tele gram from Jerusalem states that Bedouins have massacred the Turkish garrison at Kerak, a town in the Turk ish vilayet of Syria, and killed more than 100 Christian Inhabitants of the place In revenge for the execution of a Bedouin chief.