The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1910, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
f?;?r hM Semi-Week! it Pi.ttsa.iit., le&nski
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Puetoflice t Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Always, when tne reactionary leal
era plead for harmony" and "party
solidarity." they mean party control.
Some people have not cleaned the
now from their sidewalks yet. and
It has been almost a week since It
silo wed. Shame!
Since the prlre of upper berths was
reduced a great many travelers will
discover that they always did say the
uppers were the more comfortable.
Plattsmouth merchants should en
Joy a good Christmas trade. They
have the poods and will make the
right prices, ho why not buy jour hol
iday presents at home?
Hops are nun h lower, Vul do jou
r.r.tke that pork i any lower In the
retail meat markets. Does this not
look like there is something wrong
somewhere? Well, we should say so.
What to buy for Christmas pres
ets Is what is bothering some peo
ple. It it not so much what to buy
as where to Ret the money to buy
with that Is bothering most of us.
It would have been perfidyit which is a democratic body, by induc
would now be perfidy for them to 1 ng enough democratic members to
have yielded to presidential importu- J stay away from their party's caucus
nlties and abandon In the slighted
degree any of the things for which
they fought before the election.
It Is going to take a great deal of
charity on the part of progressive
constituencies to excuse the reputed
effort of the president to lure these
Insurgent congressmen away from the
and then go into the open body and
vote for republicans to officer the
legislature. Mr. Poulson is a foxy
schemer and he has been using all his
foxy methods to disorganize the dem
ocratic majority and place the organi
lation of the legislature into the
hands of his republican friends.
path marked out for them in the re- lVm(Kratic memWrs should submit
thoroughly enforced in the Platts
mouth public schools. We hear of
several cases that the direct atten
tion of the truant officer should be
called to. One pupil Is no better
than another when It comes to en
forcing the law.
Charles W. Dryan has Issued his
edict Just before be takes his trip to
Oklahoma, and Texas, in which he
advises the democrats of the legisla
ture who favor county option what
to do. He talks to them as though
they did not have sense enough to
know- their own minds. Let us hope
hey have at least sufficient brains
not to be controlled by anyone win
less brains ban they bare.
Tin: miii sinwv sciikmi:.
There Is to be hell a general con
vention of boards of trade, chambers
of commerce and similar organiza
tions for the purpose of aiding in
pushing through congress at this ses
sion a ship subsidy bill, for If such a
bill is cot passed at this session of
congress wniie tne republicans are
still in power, there will be no hope
for It anywhere in the itear future
Such a acherxie is the most audacious
The liquor inet rests have already "" i''Tr,l,u" 'c
dan.ted the democratic party .af-! 10
f.ciectly," says ("has. W. Bryan. Vay-
r-e icere are oiaers 10 loo ut ui-1
. .. 1 .... ... . .... - r ..... ....
Tim JU LUC Li ttlifl? VI Ul't'lLIl
I freight and jiasseueers. which is not
I at all true., on what economic ground
does It follow that the few minion-
Take for granted that American
'citireLS catnut compete with foreign-
t''.''j" K.'.rht t attributed
atM.t as au'h force, a:M
: 0:
Tie aetion'jes at WactaifU'E
'uiruK i In v&lil i rt f n Ititn CVt. iiiut.
attoctce. list tbe ffMal census of j
.v - m c. . i rr should be allowed the special
the Ictt-d Flat be t"c;ily j
. , . . . ' privilege of Uih.g all the ret-t a suf-
rvs to lie pvbiic through the norn- i
, ! ficiett amount to make the business
It i;rs t-rl. Fucday. The total ;
, . .,, . , . ,.,A '!')? TLe Doleful, sentimental cry,
j'tpuliticn will reach nearly ,000,-,
thst the American flag Is no longer
'. j
; sen 1c foreign ports, la no reason
:o: 1
(by the American farmers should
ALi.ovMero'tit ttat a two-dollar;
contribute two or three dollars a year
utll' tif l uil l iq nnuiiiiuu la
isrtring. That's getUtg down with
in the fiscal world of the plain, com
xron p'-oj'!e. We are all liable to get
a tur.terfeit two-dollar bill.
Poor Hill Taft no doubt wishes be
was oft of the trouble. He Is about
as deep In the mire as be can possibly
Ket, and is working every conceiv
able plan to extricate himself. Hut
It can't be did, Hilly. Just quit when
your time la out.
A New York court decided re
cently, In a case calling for a con
struction of the tariff law, that horse
hair is "a vegltable product." This
is one of the very ablest tariff rulings (0ne can be built ln tho Unlte(, state8i
because of .the special privileges
eain to a few millionaires to get
them to put it there at a great profit
to themselves. If the products of the
American farmer are now transported
aro the seas at a lower rate than
these millionaires can do it, then the
farmer Is the gainer and not a loser
The cry that the American marine
has disappeared from the seas Is only
partly true. The American "owned"
ships are Just as numerous as they
ever were, but they are forced to sail
under foreign colors by marine laws
which forbid an American to own,
and sail under the stars and stripes,
a foreign built ship. An American
can buy a foreign ship cheaper than
cent election by the electorate.
If It became necessary for the
president to importune them at all, it
must have been with the hope of In
ducing them to do something that
they would not otherwise be likely to
do. It must bare been to induce them
to forsake some of their policies that
the people had approved by re-electing
Let the people rejoice that insurg
ents are reported to have rejected" his
Let them rejoice that such men as
Senator Cummins are reported to
have flatly advised the president that
the insurgents bad no concessions to
This summoning of the Insurgent
leaders to the white house by the
president was but an exemplification
of the old fable of the Epider and the
fly. The president had nothing to
offer ln favor of the masses.
His hope was to secure insurgent
concessions to special privilege.
It would be political suicide for
any insurgent congressman to make
any concessions now to the president.
Perhaps the president would recog
nize it as suicide to ask it if he were
not already politically dead Lincoln
The number of automobiles in the
state has increased in the last year
something over "2 jer cent. On De
cember 2, 1909, there were 8,4 89 ma-
cblLes in the state, December 2, 1910,
the cumber registered at the office
of the secretary of state was H.60J.
This shows that 6,1 1 9 cars have taken
out a license in twelve montns. Last
year In the corresponding period of
time, 1,346 new machines w.ere reg
istered. That was something over a
hundred per cent increase In the
number of machines in the state.
Figures for the three years are: On
December 2, 1908, 4,143; December
2, 1909, '4,143; December 2. 1910,
14,608. With Nebraska's population
1,192,214, as shown by the recent
cenBus, this gives an automobile on
the average to every eighty-one per
sons In the state, or an average of
nearly 159 automobiles to each of the
ninety-two counties. Early In the
to cone of his republican arrange
ments. The legislature is democratic
and the organliation of the body be
longs to the democrats, not to the
republican. Mr. roalsoni surface
purpose is to organize the legislature I only to be smothered in the senate.
goods at home for the same price
you will pay for the same articles ln
Omaha, and then ycu save railroad
fare and time.
There is some talk of taking up
the matter of the election of United
States senator by the people in the
present session by both branches of
congress. There are reasons why
United States senators are more dis
posed now than exer before to sub
mit to the people a constitutional
amendment providing for the election
of senators by direct vote. This re
form has Uva urged for sixty years,
and many bills have passed the house.
obtained since tho decision which
held that "frogs' legs are poultry."
While we regret to nee Prof, N. C.
Abbott vacate the position of superin
tendent of the School for tho Blind at millionaires Instead of granting
granted Morgan and the steel trust
under our tariff laws. What the peo
ple want to do, is to cut off some of
the privileges already enjoyed by the
Nebraska City, we are pleased to
learn that the plum falls to tho lot of
U. C, King, county superintendent of
Otoe county, who Is a most worthy
and well qualified gentleman for the
People who go to tho larger cities
to get their Christina presents must
bear ln mind that they cannot get
Hiich articles any cheaper than they
can ge t them right here at home, and
In many Instances not as cheap. And
then, deduct your railroad faro and
time lost in going and coming, and
nee where you are at. Don't you think
It is best to buy at homo and save
time and money?
The pciKon who Is ablo to solvo
the problem of how to hold the boys
ln school long enough to get a prac
tical education, will have a fortune
If he reaps tho reward that is due
hi in. Some parents In PlatHinouth
are endeavoring to solve tho problem
light now, with not the very best of
J ; :o:
The t manor law should be more
new one. But a ship subsidy will be
pushed through this congress If pos
sible. It will probably take a fllibus
tor In the senate to defeat It World-
Tin: spii)i:u axi thh i lv.
Ho It seems that the Insurgent lead
era In congress are better able to
read tho significance of the election
returns than is President Taft.
Ono must cither reach that conclu
slon or adopt tho loss charitable and
less welcome ono that tho president is
determined ln deliberate wrong-do
After the expression of the elector
ate In the recent election It would
havo been craven ln tho Insurgent
loaders, to relinquish any of tho post
Hons they took at the lust session
that were hostile to the president's
They have been returned to Wash
Ington by the approving people not
only because of the fight they had
made, but to continue that Oght and
lo carry he reform war to even
greater lengths. '
prtng the automobile business start
ed out briskly, until in May alone 813
new machines were registered. June
raised this number with the register
ing of 921. Registrations In each of
the following months up to Decem
ber were: July 673, August 698, Sep
tember 450, October 459, November
331. On some days during tho rush,
as high as fifty-one cars were regis
tered In a single day. Lincoln Jour
The Kearney Democrat speaks our
sentlmeMs right to the point, as fol
lows: "Mr. Poulson, who has been
managing the republican end of the
anti-saloon league campaign, has
evolved a brilliant idea. He is going
to organize the Nebraska legislature,
with "dry" members. But because
the majority retains control of the
organization of the legislature it does
not prevent the county option mem
bers of both parties carrying out
their ideas of legislation. Mr. Poul
son's real purpose is to place the leg
islature Into the hands of the republi
can party, and no democrat can hope
to retain his self-respect with his
party and become a party to turning
the legislature over to the republican
machine in Nebraska. The public
eye win ne upon every uemocranc
member ln regard to his action in
this matter."
The turkey gobbler, strutting proud
On top the barnyard fence,
Cuts up like sin and chortles loud
Like one bereft of sense
And this Is the burden of his tune:
"I am Immune! I am Immune!"
"The common folk can never pay
The price to lay me low!
The tariff on my goods today-
Is forty cents a throw!
Though Christma's coming soon,
I am Immune! I am immune!"
Have you selected your Christmas
presents yet ?
These slippery days suggest the
desirability of getting the horse some
new shoes for Christmas.
It Is almost time for the boys, and
some men, too, to think about swear
ing off time being so near.
President Taft says lio more anti
trust laws are needed. They don't
seem to do much good, that's a fad.
Bear in mind that Plattsmouth
merchants can supply you with nearly
anything you denlre for Christmas
If farmers got what la coming to
them out of 35 cent bacon and 20
cent beef, there would be fewer mil
lionaire packers and butchers.
but there seems a good chance that
Senator BrUtow's resolution, offered
last session, will come to the surface
lb faauin
st Very Spccul Prict
Ye, the latest mwl-L
genuine. oU reliable D
amlic Sewinf Machina
now ottered to you lor
t ha 6 r t time direct
trora factory at fc.UU a
mouth anywhere.
Tht world-faroom sewinf machin which vcrriw
krvowm ba bou the tmntircj for rwmrlf ftly ycra thinli
9t tfc H Dimrtt tfcat yajr ptMwKhaft
4 buy, NOW imm Nr4 ft y irct (tmi
thm tctry wMtlMal Hc, nrf th very
IfttMt ma ail aft that, Xb unproved bOMLIK'
TWO MACHINES IN ONI with ftrti Mftcj i.J cnala
titc ojcnpivt with the most practical avt of tts,h
mnta vr manufactured at a arte tea ta aa
traa. lo not even think of bayina a tewing machine un
til you i earn wnai an on mm reuiy m. j ou need
asala foe aatistW. with a chwtp machina, now that thcolj
miame wmmuu witmn your reach urxk-r thu re
nvarwaala aiaa a machine backvd bjriN year (Mar-
Ann, u ju wisin, wv win irwuiy arranire to take
iw-hin uff you aauU if fm mma it ahua yea vm.
'ur uid marrt
Hotter Live In a Trnt
on your own land than pay rent for
a mansion on your neighbor's land.
Think it over, talk it over with
your wife.
llerotuo Independent.
Others havo done it, why not you?
Start today. Come and Bee us and
learn what a very little ready cash
will do for you. " ; 1
Arkansas gained 262,885 in popu
lation, or 20 per cent, according to
this year's census. This seems to be
as good a time as any to quit laugh
ing at Arkansas.
A nice Christmas present for your
sweetheart will be a piece of bacon
neartly wrapped up ln tinfoil and tied
with a pink ribbon. She'll believe
you'd die for her, after that.
In the Chicago courts a Pullman
porter Is being sued tot $20,000.
Why not make the proceeding worth
while?" A Pullman porter doesn't
mind such a financial trifle as that.
Senator LaFollette so far haa not
availed himself of the president's in
vitation to call at the white house.
Perhaps he sees no political good that
he can accomplish there and he is not
looking for social distinctions.
Aldrlch's plum tree receives a
shaking every day or two, but we
have failed to yet hear of any of
those democrats who supported him
for governor getting any of tho ripe
ones. We glory ln his spunk. He
will go to work now and assist ln
building up his party by turning all
democrats out.
A dollar spent at home for goods
means that much mpre money In
local circulation. Let your motto be:
"Home first and other towns after
ward." nd then practice what you
preach. . You tan get Just at good
The democrats have a majority in
the lower house of the legislature,
and without paying any attention to
the disturbers on the outside ought
to go to work and organize that body,
and attend to matters that are to
come up before that august assembly
afterward. Poulson, the boss of the
Anti-Saloon League, is working to
get up a disturbance among the coun
ty optlonlsts and antls ln the demo
cratic ranks, and make republican
organization possible. The democrat
Ic members should keep their eyes
peeled ln the direction of this Im
ported galoot who comes here to dis
turb the business interests of Ne
braska, and the people of the state,
who desire to "leave well enough
Perhaps the world has discoursed
too long and too volubly on the
"secrets of success." Perhaps the
means of success are so obvious that
they are apt to be overlooked in the
search for the "secret." At any rate
the young man who won a prize
offered by the New York Globe for
the best short letter on success stuck
to the obvious. He believed that the
country boy had the better chance in
the city because he had more imagin
ation, because of a more open mind,
because he was not inured to the
great achievements of man, and
therefore the achievements of others
Inspired him and kept him from get
ting into a rut. That's the substance
of the prize letter.
But the lesson applies to all, almost
regardless of environment. For even
a superficial knowledge of tha world,
and espec ially of life and accomplish
ments in this country, 1a calculated to
furnish Inspiration. Even in times
when opportunities for the Individual
are becoming more circumscribed
there Is much to appeal to the Imagi
nation. And imagination is neces
sary to enthusiasm, and Emerson was
about right when he said that noth
ing great had ever been achieved
without enthusiasm.
Keep your eyes on the boy or glnl,
the young man or the young woman
filled with enthusiasm. There ia lit
tle in the blase youth, the chap who
Is never surprised, never elated, or
who has acquired a premature cyna
clsm, to reward your attention or In
spire your hopes Kansas City Star.
:o: .
Write For al- Sent Free
Writ unCkt for tnformatMtn xpiAirtmr whv th Iomtti IT uitt.
f-trr havv ftail-4 to H ycu ihf-tt. W nto 'ur ' h-r iJ wrirft v. catinnt 1.U 'KJ Her. 1 h. LIIUl.'IJtll.S
(Mara Tnaa Twa mimaa in uaa.)
Domestic Sewing Machine Company
IS Jacksaa Blvd. Dept. 1 H Chicago, Illinois
not, he was a tyrant; and his subjects
were not asked their opinions on mat
ters of policy. The University Jour
nal, published at the Nebraska State
University, reports ln the current
number a case where a referendum
vote has been taken in one of the
Chicago high schools on the subject
of partial segregation of the sexes. A
majority of both boys and girls voted
ln favor of the proposition which, '
however, is not the present point.
The interesting circumstance is that
we are getting to democracy even lu
the government of the youth.-World-Herald.
Henry Walther, Jr., Fires Fatal Shot
In Family Quarrel.
Oaniha, Dec. 9. Henry Walther, Sr.,
714 North Twenty-eighth street, went
to his home drunk last night. He
Quarreled with his family. This morn
ing his body is at the morgue. His
son, Henry Walther, Jr., sixteen years
old, is held to answer for the killing.
The son admits shooting his father,
declaring that he acted in defense of
his mother and sister.
The elder Walther returned from
Gravert's saloon, where he operates
a lunch counter, at 9:30 o'clock, much
In his cups, according to the members
of the family. About 10:15 o'clock the
family bad gone to bed, Mabel, eigh
teen years old, a daughter, disturbed
her father's rest by hunting for a
bottle of medicine. A dispute ensued
ln which mother and daughter were
subjected to abuse by Walther. Mrs.
Jalther says her husband struck her
in the breast i.nd then ran after the
Henry, the son, awakened in an ad
joining room, appeared in the hallway,
a revolver in hand. He fired five shots,
emptying the gun. His father fell, in
stantly killed. Two of the bullets pen
etrated the skull, two the chest
Governor-Elect Has to Elude
Swarm of Job Hunters.
When Jefferson assumed that all
just governmental powers depend on
the consent of the governed he re
ferred to political government exclu
sively. Dut there are other kinds of
government, formerly tyrannical,
where some spirit of democracy is
creeping in.
In the instruction of our youth, for
example, none but a mollycoddle
would have thought of giving the
governed a voice ln their government
fifty years ago. The presumption was
that all the pupils were suffering
from an aggravated case of original
sin, and that the pedagogue was per
fect in wisdom and virtue as he was
In power. Some of the people who
j were children ln those days can now
realize that the man who taught them
was sometimes an Ignorant and
bumptious brulte, who might more
fittingly have been sitting at the feet
ot his pupils as a disciple ln the
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 9. Governor
elect Aldrlch was besieged by Bwarms
of petitioners for office at the Llndell
hotel. Mr. Aldrlch had come to tha
capital to have a conferences with Gov
ernor Shallenberger concerning the ex
ecutive mansion and other Incidental
necessary to the peace and comfort of
the governor. These were the matters
which the outgoing governor had the
fullest information upon, but upon
which the incoming governor, having
been nothing more than a mere state
senator, was sadly lacking in informa
The governor-elect had determined
to spend his day in Lincoln incognito,
but he wore no mask, and the horde
of hungry ones ln Lincoln, who had
had no fair chance since election time,
bore down upon him, and he was
forced to take refuge in the hotel. The
hotel people valiantly supported him,
nnd declared he was not there, but
half a hundred men patiently waited
in the lobby, knowing by some occult
power that the report of absence was
untrue. Even when ho escaped and
went to tho governor's office, they fol
lowed him and waited In the reception
room for his coming forth.
Mr. Aldrlch declared he had picked
some men already for remaining plac
es, but would not announce them un
til Sunday, when ho expected to shako
the plum tree vigorously. Ho de
clares thnt he has had an average of
more than 200 visitors a day since his
return to the state.
Anyway, whether benevolent or ollcg.
Tabor Begins Campaign for Funds.
Tabor, la., Dec. 9. A big clock
marked "Tabor College" has been
placed In the postofflce to register the
subscriptions being made to complete
the 140,000 endowment fund for Tabor