The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1910, Image 2

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The Mystery, Covered So Long,
Is Now Made Plain.
Isaac, tht Second Son of tha Patri
arch, Pictured tha Hcavanly Seed.
Ishmaal, tha First Son, tha
Earthly Sead.
ioT at her' twn.' Isaac, ton yean. ' Flnt .monirst these saluts
the bof.dmald. her substitute, uu W4
to Hie Luvine nuie; as lue DTiiiur
set forth-"to tho Jew Hist." This,
hud brought forth l.-hmnel. When
Isaac was born, S.iruh repudiated Ish-
uiael and no louder acknowledged Mm
Bride class has been selected from ev-
.1 . I I. t...1 -...1 ...! .
as her son, but. Instead, claimed every , y unu i p.e.
IhiiiK fur Isaac. The antitype of thU ; )t 1" "11 will be but a little fl.N k
b that from the time that i.,d began ! "rVar nut, little thick. It Is your l a
the development of the Spiritual Israel1 thor's good pleasure to give you the
and set forth the "Covenant bv sacri-"-the spiritual, unseen KIub
tlce" through which this Spiritual I-t- !" Messlah-Jolut-belrshlp with
rael would be develop d-from that I ulm I" Lis throne-not the earthly
time It wa:m to be clearly manifest I Kingdom which has been promised
I that the chief portion of the promise Uoiiuiteiy to iruci,
in 1 1 T-'-SaCaXt'
" - - ' . i .
Omaha, Neb.,
Hoc. 11. I'antor
ltussell of Brook
lyu Tuberuade vis
ited our city yes
terday iih the guest
of the Interna
tional Bible Stu
dents Association.
He gave two pub
lic addresses,
which were heard
by large and in
telligent audiences.
We rcKrt his nd-
flresH from these words of Scripture:
"Anfl Isiino brought Itebecca Into hi
mother Humh's t-nt. and nho beeanin bin
If a and lie loved her." Genesis xxlv, 67.
When we sometimes speak of Abra
ham, Isaac und others as types wo
I, ho u M not be understood to mean that
they were merely types that the Iti
ble stories respecting them are no
tions. A person or thing Is a typo
when, in addition to tho actual expe
riences, tho Scriptures lndlcato thnt It
prefigures and Illustrates on a small
ecalo Bomo person or things yet fu
ture. As, for Instance, Adam In cer
tain respects, as tho liend of the race,
was a type of Messiah, tho Second
The first Adam was the liend of our
race, but failed to give (he eternal life
deal red. In (!od's providence Messiah
Is to be tin' Second Adam, In the hciiso
that he will regenerate, lis his chil
dren, ull the posterity of tho First
Adam. Messiah Is thus declared In
prophecy to be tho lOverlasting Fa
ther of itinuklnd-tlie Father or life-
giver, better than Adam, and who will
give to our race everlasting life. In
stood of a heritage of weakness, Impel
f eft Ion and death.
similarly, Moses not only was n real
tharacter, tho lender of tho nation of
Israel, but, additionally, ho was a typo
of a greater Mediator Messiah. As
Moses mediated tho Law Covenant for
Israel, ao Messiah, tho Prophet lllto
unto Moses, or nntltyplcnl of him
(Aets 111, "..'ll, is to bo tho Mediator of
Israel's New Covenant, under which
the Abrahamlc blessings will reach
them and through them roach all the
families of the earth Uor. xxxl, 31).
Similarly, Aaron was a type of tho
higher priesthood and lis better sacri
fices cotuieeled wlh the New Cove
nant. So, also, the tindcr-prlests and
the Levi! os, additional to their own
experiences, nerved, In Clod's provi
dence, as types of the higher Institu
tions by whl( h the New Covenant w ill
lie Inaugurated shortly.
On this occasion we ask your atten
tion to Abraham, known In the Scrip
tures as the friend of tlod, n tho
father of the faithful, and to his son
Isaac, the Sou of 1'i'omlso, bom out of
the natural order, miraculously, when
his mol her was old; also to Isaac's
wife, Itebecca, selected by Abraham
to be the companion and Joint heir
with his son Isaac In his Inheritance.
These personages lived their lives
wholly unconscious of I lie fact that
Ood was using them and overruling
their alTairs no as to make of them
prophetic pictures of his own groat
l'lan of tho Ages. These type pictures
are always to be read In full harmony
with the Inspired writings of the Bible
and never to be understood In contra
diction of the same.
Abraham a Typa of Cod.
Not everything that Abraham did,
however, Is to be esteemed typical. In
a general way this grand man of the
past looms up before our minds as a
monument of faith and Integrity und
Justice. The blessings promised to go
through 1 1 1 in to his Seed, which would
constitute him the father of many na
tions, made of him, as St. Paul points
tint, a type of tho Almighty, from
whom (lows every good and every per
fect gift -from whom proceeds the
Messing which ultimately Is to How
through Messiah, his Sou, and through
Israel, his people, unto all the families
of the earth.
All Christians, presumably, are awuro
of St. Paul's Interpretation of Abra
ham and his family as types. As
of c;k1 to bless the world was not to
be fultllled through tho lshmael Seed,
natural Israel, but through the Isaac
Seed -Spiritual Israel.
Tha Wall-Spring of Hops For tha Jaws.
From the nrst there was manifested
a couiN'tltion for the Abrahamlc bless
ing. And as lshmael mocked at the In
fant Isaac, so the Jew, In his consider
able development and strength, mocked
at the Antltyplcal Isaac Jesus and his
omparatlvely Ignorant and unlearned
followers and persecuted them. In or
der to continue the type, that Abraham
might typify Ood, he was commanded
to send forth Ilagar und her son into
tho wilderness. That sending forth
typified the Divine disfavor which
nine upon the Jews eighteen centuries
ago and w hich has made them outcast
from (Sod's favor, us Ilagar and lsh
mael were cut off from Abraham's
presence and family and care. Tho
bread and water which Ilagar took
with her, by which Bhe and lshmael
were nourished la the wilderness for
a time, pictures and types the promises
of Clod through tho Law and the,
prophets which still belong to the Jew
and upon w hich, for eighteen centuries,
be has been nourished, and without
which the hopo of tho notion would
have perished.
Now wo come to tho dire moment
pictured In Clenesls xxl, 15 10. Tho
water provided by Abraham had been
consumed. No more was to bo had.
lshmael was dying. Ilagar, his mother,
separated herself from him. At the
opportune moment tho angel of the
Lord appeared to her and pointed her to
a spring of water, whoro alio refreshed
herself and Ishinael with new life.
The antitype of this Is now to lie
seen before us. The Jewish people,
Tha Brida Class and tha Graat Com
Other Scriptures have shown us that
there are two classes amongst these
saints. A few, peculiarly devoted, will
constitute the Itrldo class. Aud a
lurger number, not so courageous of
the Truth and righteousness, will con
Btltute her companions, her servants,
as Itebecca travelled accompanied by
her servants. These two classes are
particularly specified In the Scriptures
(loth Psalm), where we read of the
Messiah -Itrldo and Queen. In her
resurrection glory she Is pictured as
tha Queen robed in gold of Ophlr with
fino needlework-the glory representing
the divine nature which will be grant
ed her and the lino needlework repre-
Hcnting her glorious righteousness, em
bellished with the fruits of the holy
Spirit. The Psalmist tells how alio
Bhnll be brought into the presence of
the great King Jehovah and then adds
that tho virgins, or companions, that
follow her ahull also be brought Into
tho presence of tho King, showing that
there will always be a difference of
rank on tho Bplrltunl plane. These two
classes are again pictured in the Law
as Trlests and Leviles, the Itrldo class
being represented by the Trlests, ow
ing to their willing snoiifleos of tho
earthly portion in favor of the heuvenly.
We are not to Identify tho Bride class
with tho nominal Christian Churches
of today any more than wo would iden
tlfy tho Apostles with tho Jewish
Church of their day. Tho Apostles
wero a aolect few, und almlhtrly all
tho members of the Church through
out tho Age have boou a aolect few
out of a nominal many. "The Lord
knoweth them that nre his." The true
Church has been Delected, not only
separated more and morn from tlte froln nU of ti,R tw,.ive tiilx-a of Isrn'l,
Law und the Prophets, are becoming
weak and faint us respects hope. They
are about to die! ltut no, the Lord
graciously points out a well-spiing of
tho water of life at this rrltlcal mo
ment. As lshmael was rescued from
death by this water, ho the nation of
Israel, whom he typified, Is now about
to find In tho providence of Clod that
their portion of the Abrahamlc Cove
nant Is tho earthly one, not the heav
enly one, not tho Hphituol. They are
about to be refreshed and to enter
upon a new career. That career, how
ever, will not mark them as lshmael
Ites, nor will their New Covenant re
lationship bo Hjinliolled by Ilagar,
the Old Law Covenant. Thenceforth
they are represented under a new type.
Isaao Waa Hair of All.
If, at tlrst, our Jewish friends might
be Inclined to feel disappointed that
they wero represented in lshmael, and
not In Isaac, by tho Ilagar Covenant,
the Covenant of bondage to the Law,
Instead of being formed free from the
Law, there Is a consolation. Their
consolation Is that Isaac lyplfed the
Messiah and that Israel Is pictured as
the nation on whose behalf Messiah
will mediate the New Law Covenant.
The Messiah must be spiritual, In or-
dor to ho able to confer the groat
blessings Indicated In the Covenant
made with Abraham. The nation of
Israel never expected to be spiritual
and had no audi promise In the Bible.
To the Jews will come exactly what
they have always been expecting
greatness as an earthly people, honor
as the elect nation through whom tho
New Covenant blessings will be open
ed up to all (lie world of manklud-thc
(lent Ill's.
As already polnlcd out, Isaac1, the
sun of Abraham, typified the Messiah
of glory, the Son of Cod and heir of
all the promise the one through
whom alone eternal life may bo ob
tained and restitution to that perfec
tion which will enable Israel and the
world to keep the Plvlne Law perfect
ly and merit the gift of Cod, eternal
life, according to their New Law Cove
nant by and through Its great Media
torMessiah. Eleaiar Typa of tho Holy Spirit.
In due time, Abraham sent his trust
ed servant (typical of the holy
Spirit) to select n P.rldo for his aon
Isaac. Ftea7.ur might not go anywhere.
He was directed to go only to those of
Abraham's family, thus Implying that
none would bo called to bo the Itrldo
tbe most popular, practical and most appropriate gift for men or women. Can
you think of anything more uncomlortable than a pair of hose with holes in
them. With Holer roofs no holes, no darning till next July. 0 joy! What
could be more delightful? We have them in beautiful Christmas boxes. No
wrapping or marking necessary. Just now we can show you a full line of sizes
for men and women.
Men'a Holeproof plain black or as
sorted colors, 6 pair in box
Ladies' Holeproof plain black or brown
double garter top, 6 pair in box
. E.
Abraham typllled Cod, ' so his' wife "f Ml11'1' "'l't ucl. as were already
' I I.. I.t-. A... Mt At I 1.1
lypllled tho Covenant through which
the vitality of tho promise ultimately
develops the Seed of Promise- Istric In
type, and Messiah In tho antitype.
St. Paul also explains that Sarah's serv
ant, Ilagar, at Surah's wish, became
or a time her representative with
Abraham and brought forth lshmael,
Ilagar, St. Paul explains, typllled tho
Ijiw Covenant, vitalized by the gru
clous arrangements of tho aaino Clod
aud Father. And Ilagar's aon, lit
entlly Abraham's firstborn, typllled
tho Jewish nation, tho first develop
ment under tho Covenant.
As Abraham loved Isaac and desired
a blessing upon htm, ao God lored Is
rael and desired a blessing upon Israel,
the offspring of the Law Covenant.
Nevertheless, ns lshmael, tho offspring
of the bondwoman, was declared not
to be tho primary heir of tho Abra
hamlc promise, but a secondary one,
ho tho children of Israel, tho offspring
of the Law Covenant, wero not Intend
ed to be the Spiritual Messiah through
whom the promise declared that tha
blessing should first proceed.
In the typo, we boo that Sarah, Abra
ham's wife, who represented the orlgi
tinl AbmVaintc Covenant, brought forth
In relationship to (iod through faith.
obedience and Justification. When tho
aervimt had found Itebecca he put
upon her certain Jewels, explained to
her und her relatives the nature of his
mission, and asked her If alio were
willing to mine and be Isaac's Itrldo.
He said, My master, Abraham, Is very
rich and all that he hath he hath given
unto Isaac.
Thus the great riches of Cod are
again illustrated in Abraham and tho
but from every other nation, people
and tongue, even ao many as tho Lord
our God has called.
Kebecco's leaving her father's house
typified the personal consecration of
each one who, led of the Spirit, ac
copts tho Ilvlno Invitation to Joint
heirship with Christ. The firat Jew
elry given to Itebecca, when first she
heeded tho Invitation and invited the
servant to her home, represents the
earliest blessing received by believers,
Tho Jewelry she received after she hud
decided to go to Isaac and become his
wife represents the blessings of tho
Holy Spirit which come upon the fully
consecrated, those who determine to
walk lu the footsteps of Jesus hf the
narrow way Into tho Kingdom, under
the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Arrived at the end of her Journey
alio found herself In tho presence of
Isaac, and immediately alighted from
her camel and covered herself with a
veil. Thus, pletoiially. Is represented
tho fact that tho Church, when having
experienced tho change of the First
Hesurrccllon and in tho presence of
tho heaven v Ilr degrooin. will no i
l longer need the guidance of the holy
Spirit, through the Scriptures. This
part of the picture, of course, Is yet
future. Tho Scriptures, however, In
dlciile, and outward conditions cor
roborate tho fact, that the time of
this glorious change Is nigh at hand.
To Da tha Mother of Thousands of
Isaac Immediately received Itebecca
and took her Into his mother's tent.
Sarah had died and Ueheccu became
I her successor. Thus Is beautifully
pictured the fact that when tho Itiide
of Messiah shall be complete on the
plane of glory, the Sarah Covenant
will be at an end and her place, as a
channel of blessing, will be taken by
tho glorified Church. Then will bo
fulfilled the prophetic blessing of her
relatives, "Ho thou tho mother of
thousands of millions." Those thou
sands of millions represent the world
of mankind, which will be regenerat
ed, or granted new life by the great
Messiah during the thousand yours of
his reign us tho Mediator of the New
Messiah will be the regenerator and
his l'.iide will be tho nourlsher, In
structor, helper of ull mankind under
tho New Covenant, becunso It will he
this antltyplcal Isaac und his l'.iide
that will mediate for Israel, and
through Israel for tho world, the New
Covenant of Prostitution blessings
(Acts III, 19-21). "In thee and In thy
Seed blmll all tho families of the earth
be hl.msed," applies primarily, as St.
Paul shows, to Messiah and his
Church In glory tho sacrifices being
past, tho spirit mil nature being attain
ed as a reword for the sacrifices (Gala
tlans III, Id,
Whoever will first receive Messiah
and come into harmony with the
righteous laws of his Invisible King
In Accordance With the Terms
of the Two Opposing Fac
tions in Contest.
Some ten weeks or so ago the
members of .Mrs. L. W. Gade's Sun
day school class of the rresbyterian
church decided to. enter into a con
tost for the purpose of enlarging the
class. Tho class was divided into
Uo aides, known as the Red and
line. Each new member, visitor, or
the largest number in attendance,
each, making a point. Each side en
tered Into the contest with much in
terest and enthusiasm. It was fur
ther determined to close the contest
the first Sunday of December and fur
ther decided that the losing side
would banquet the winners, the ban
quet to he held the first Friday night
alter the close of the contest, at such
place as the losers might choose. It
was, also agreed that Just the mem
bers of the class should be Invited to
attend the banquet, all visitors being
excluded. This accounts for one of
the happiest Sunday school class af
fairs ever held In this city and con
risled of a banquet held in the cluh
room of the Presbyterian church last
evening at 7:30. For the occasion,
two long tables had been arranged
in "T" shape In the club room, the
table being very prettily, yet s!mply,
at ranged and decorated with crystal
candlesticks, candelabra and hand
some ('.ollies. Every effort had been
put forth to make the aft'.ur one
which vould live forever In tho mem
ories of those participating In It.
Covers were laid for thirty-three. It
Is needless to say aught of the ban
quet Itself, other than that it was
quite an elaborate affair and simply
swell. In addition to the superb
quality of the baniuet, tho service
was thoioughly up to the standard. It
being In the hands of the sisters and
friends cf the members of the Red
oidc, who devoted themselves to mak
ing the dinner pass without a flaw,
and they acquitted themselves grand
ly. Thcfo serving were Mlssea Edith
Wandorholm, Margaret Wohlfarth,
Emma Cummins, Pearl Moore and
Helen Hunter.
Following the dinner an im
piomptu program of toasts w.-u had,
a mimter on both the Red and Blue
a'ries tcng called upon for brief
toasts i ml responding In a most hap
py vein. Rev. L. W. Gado acted as
toastmnster an I ho Introduce 1 each
ot the speakers in his own pleasing
and volished manner. The toast re
sponded to were ai follows:
' Our Class"Miss Raugh.
' The Joy of Conquest" liiss Clara
Wcyrh h.
"The Sunday After, As Viewed
From the Reds' Standpoint" Miss
Clara Wohlfarth.
"Our Leader" Miss Crete firiggs.
"Tho Sunday After, As Viewei
From the Blues" Standpoint" Miss
Helen Chapman.
"The Burial of the Red and Blue"
Miss Frances Weldman.
One of the best features of the
affair was the feeling of good fellow
ship which the occasion aroused, and
the event throughout was ascribed
the most enjoyable of Its kind ever
given here.
The members of the Red side are
very much Indebted to Mrs. W. H.
Newell, Mrs. E. D. Cummins and Mrs.
Gade for their untiring efforts in
making the event a success and for
their most kindly assistance through
out the entire evening.
The members of the class In attend
ance were Misses Lillian Terhune,
Madeline Miner, Fannie Will, Nettie
and Jessie Moore, Crete Brlggs, Miss
Baugh, Alma Larson, Clara Wohl
farth, Miss Julyan, Bernese Newell,
Frances Weldman, Clara Hunter,
Gertrude Morgan, Edna Shopp, Mil
dred Johnson, Angle McCarroll, Mario
Robertson, Ruth Johnson, Helen
Swarthout, Elsa Thlerolf, Ruth and
Helen Chapman, Clara Weyrlch; Mr.
and Mrs. Gade.
In County Court.
Attorney D. K. Barr, of Louisville,
filed a petition in Judge Beeson's
court this morning praying for a
dispensing of the administration la
tho estate of Mary E. Gullion, who
died seized of a vacant lot in Louis
ville. The proceeding is under a
statute which is of recent enactment.
ii:ki:m wis wnnsi; iii.m-
l)i:.M KH AKK I KOW.
County, Nebraska.
William It. Ralney, rialnttlT. vs. A,
M. Jonten, (tirst name iinnown)
CeorRe W. Jorden, James R. Jorden,
James U. Jorden, Challsta Jorden,
Charles O. Jordan, Mary K. Jordan,
Jasper A. Ware, Smlthten H. Iavls,
Sarah K. Davis, George M. Robert
son, and Mrs. Francis A. Parry, De
fendants. To O. M. Jorden, (first name un
known), Oeroge W. Jorden, James E.
Jorden, James O. Jorden, Challsta Jor
den, Charles O. Jordan, Mary K. Jor
dan, Jasper A. Ware, Smlthten H.
Davis, Sarah K. Davis, Ueorge M.
Robertson, and Mrs. Francis A. Parrr:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 22d day of Novem
ber, 1910, William H. Ralney, plain
tiff, tiled his petition In the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you, the object, purpose and
prayer of which Is to remove clouds
from and quiet title of record by th
decree of said court to the east half of
the northeast qunrter of section twenty-four.
(24) In town eleven (11) north.
In range thirteen (13) east, and tha
south twenty-live and one-fourth
(25 1-4) ncres of the southwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of sec
tion nineteen (19) In town eleven (111
north, In range fourteen (14) east of
the Sixth 1. M ., In Cuss County, Ne
braska, In plaintiff, William 11. Raln
ey, as agalnnt you, and to exclude you
and each of you from ever asserting
o:- claiming any right, title or Intercut
therein, or to any part or parcel there
of, and for such other and further re
lief as may be Just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the th day of Jan
uary, 1911, or the allegations contain
ed In said petition will be taken a
true and a decree rendered according-
Dated: November, 1910
Ry John M Leyda, Ills Attorney.
fact that Messiah Is his Son and the !" lll be tho first to bo blessed
heir of all the nromlses of Cod. thn There will be no partiality In this
One through whom Israel and all mau-1 matter, for God Is no respecter of per
kind shall bo blessed. Rebecca prompt
ly responded und thus betrothed her
self to tho unseen Bridegroom and
hasted with the servant to Isaac. As
her kinsfolk bado her good by they
wished her a blessing In these words,
'Bo thou tho mother of thousands of
millions" (Genesis xxlv, 00).
We read that "Kobeccn arose and her
damsels (maids, servants) nnd they
rodo UHn tho cnmels and followed tho
man Kleazur."
Hero we find, tu harmony with other
Scriptures, a picture of this Gospel
Age, and Its work of bringing to Mes
lab a
This Jet of
Cooking Ware
Sons. However, because of their past
experiences and earthly hopes and
trust In the Law and the Prophet!,
the Jews will bo tho first amongst the
nations to accept the new order of
things and ally themselvea with It;
therefore, to them will the blessings
go first and through them, as Instru
ments of the Kingdom, tho blessings
will extend to nil.
While thanking God for the glorious
prospects of that glorious time which
is nenrtug, let us, dear Mends, seek to
make our calling nnd election sure to
membership In tho Body of the Bride
special Bride class of saintly .of Christ
ft -
Magnificent No. 200,
large, seamless. Savory
toutrr, with a capacity
for a larg turkey or
two loin chickens.
Larire, Muilin Kettle
for stewing, equipped
with a heavy tinned
"New Kink" Pot Coer.
. r- ' tt"T-'
MaowwtajiiB.iivuijjfvesaMMiieiuH 1 iri,ta.uwggaiir,awa
i& m s a Mil i
m. 0U KM W W B7 A W Am Jkf J AM AW BSf SB
l Jim. - y V-C LsJ b
This feige
Tho South Bend Mai leublo g
. furnkli &(J3iiSTS eytitVI Two Iarre cloeets, B
V-rrV f7" 3 Sl : ; frf m with saiuUry drop I
1 wt&op feljlll-'blf Reinforced... f
yTFr'Ffi-T Fifteen- I
draft. -, t uSEba? i H .LLi- voir. I
com- $ I I11 T?LS i S iuS com.
Under ash-pan lining of ubcatos for floor haulatfon. Large lower
I r rif.-4 warming closet
Comblna tlon
Lava Enameled
Ware Cc.-eal Cook
er, PuoJini: Pan
and Slew Kettle.
The large bot
tom piece la a No,
9, extra heavy
(tamped atew pot The piece which aeta
in it la an extra heavy stamped Pud
ding Pan, with holca around the top for
ateaming, when it is used in that capa
city, Thia vessel la equipped with a
heavy tin "Now Kink" Pot Cover,
13 of. Copper
Handsomely Nickel
plated Romi Tea
Kettle, heavily tin
ned on inaide.
Two Patent Anti-
Burn Drip Pane. r
X 12", madeespe- U
eially for thia let
Large Patent
Anti-Burn Drip
Pan. 14 1-r s 20",
made especially for
thia iet
14-01. C op-
per Handsomely Nickel -plated 6-pint
Fomt Code Pot, heavily tinned on Inside.
Plaltsmiiii, Nebraska