The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1910, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth - Journal
rrra Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmoutti. Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
In the lint of foodstuffs), the price
of which Ib subsiding, the name or the
toothsome and seasonable turkey does
not appear.
:o: .
Vtah alw) rejected prohibition last
week, probably on the theory that a
man who has a whole flock of wives Is
entitled to take to strong drink.
The reduction In meat prices Is to
be gradual, not abrupt, the packers
explain, Such reductions are never
what would be called precipitate or
; :o:'
Now that my enemies are subdued,
I will lay aside the sword, and en
deavor solemnly by my good offices,
to gain over thOHe who continue to
hate me Caesar.
Klng George finds himself with an
uncomfortable cabinet crisis on his
hands, although there are no Hallin
gcrs, no Wlckershams and no Hitch
rocks among Ills ministers.
riattsmouth has Increased 20 per
cent or morn In population. We can
now boast of 5,975 population, and
ere the winter passes away we can
easily gain the other 25, making an
even 6,000.
An old soldier remarked the other
day, that the only condolence Mur
kett received after his defeat for the
senate was from the postmasters
throughout Nebraska. We guess the
old veteran is about right.
V. II. Smith, editor of the Seward
Independent-Democrat Is a candidate
for re-election to the secretaryship of
the state senate. Mr. Smith filled this
very responsible position at the last
sesHlon and there was no kicking on
the efficient manner In which he held
down the position. Mr. Smith is a
good, clever gentleman, and we trust
he w ill be re-elected.
l.eo Mathews, chief clerk of the
governor's office until ho was promot
ed to the private secretaryship, Is a
candidate for chief clerk of the house.
Mr. Mathews Is competent for the po
sition, and that Is Just what Is needed.
The chief clerk's office Is a very dif
ficult position to occupy, and the leg
islature should be very careful In
selecting the right man. We believe
Mr. Mathews would (111 the bill to the
The opponents, as well as the
cspouscrs of county option, are still
at sea as to how Hartllng, the senator
elect from Otoe county, will vote on
the matter. He "carried water on both
shoulders" during the campaign, and
now refuses to tell where he stands.
The antl-optionUts are counting on
his vote to a dead moral certainty,
and If he fools them, woe bo to Hart
llng. It Is always a safe plan to vote
for candidates who are out and out
for Just what they advocate. Such
men can ho depended upon.
For a time at least we shall be com
pelled to flnd other topics for editorial
comment than the vagaries of Pahl-
man, the virtues of Aldrich, the popu
larlty of Hitchcock, or the selfishness
of lUirkctt, but there always remains
iho great and glorious state of Ne
braska, with her hills and valleys,
fertile farms and broad ranges;
mighty rivers; her flocks and herds;
her grass and grain, her mighty pro
ductions and big bank deposits;
her men and women, her growing
towns, her schools and universities
and first and last we shall probably
find more things to talk about than
our patrons care to read.
(New York World.)
It Is morally certain that when rep
resentatlves of the Meat Trust "feel
it in their bones" that food prices are
to come down they will come down.
The packers do not dream dreams
and see visions to no purpose.
Simultaneously with this revelation
the officers of the Sleeping-Car
Trust announce that they entertain a
strong suspicion that their company
is properly subject to regulation by
the interstate commerce commission,
and it has Just occurred to them that
there should be a reduction In prices.
We have an abiding faith, therefore,
that resistance to regulation will soon
cease and that presently an upper
berth at least can be had for less
In view of these declarations, It is
not rash to expect that In some prov
idential way It will be suggested to
the Rubber Trust, the Cotton Goods
Trust, the Woolen Goods Trust, the
Sugar Trust, the Steel Trust f.nd a
few others that the necessity for ex
tortion has passed. To sin against the
light is a grevlous thing, and there is
no mistaking the fact that tht privi
leged plutocrats have seen an exceed
ingly great light during the last few
The new congress is to be con
trolled by democrats and Insurgent
republicans. Its out-and-out stand
patters will not be numerous enough
to dictate a single tariff schedule or
to attach a solitary Joker to a bill
supposed to be In the Interest of the
public. What has happened to the
Heef Trust and the Sleeping Car
Trust has had Its effect also upon the
existing congress. It is suspected In
Washington that even the men re
sponsible for the Payne-Aid rich tariff
may conclude to do something for the
people at the short session this win
Those who occasionally doubt the
efficiency of self-government should
find In these signs and tokens a good
deal of encouragement. Last week's
demonstration at the polls by repub
Means as well as democrats, was a
notice to every monopolist, forestaller
and extortioner In the land that the
wide-open season for public plunder
has ended. There Is to be investiga
tion. There Is to be reform. There
Is to be an approach to Justice. The
cost-of-living Issue Is marching on
Crockett's coon is reported to have
said that he would come down if the
hunter would not shoot. The. men
who have taken refuge in extortion
ate laws or under cover of favoring
public officers are doing well to fol
low his example. The guns of this
reformatory movement are aimed at
nobody else.
(Indianapolis Star.)
It seems to be the hope of Governor
Marshall and of every good citizen to
take the saloon question out of poll
tics, and this Is both a wise and a
patriotic wish, for nothing could be
more unjust than the attempt to
make all republicans "dry" and all
democrats "wet." In two campaigns
now it has prevented many good re
publicans from voting their convic
tions on national Issues, and has put
many temperance democrats In the
attitude of alliance with the liquor
County option as it now exists Is so
obviously doomed, from the demo
cratlc pledges, that any demand for
Its retention In Its present shape
would be Ineffective. The governor
has promised to veto any repeal of
county option that does not carry
with It the enactment of township
option. Now, it may develop on In
vestlgatlon that township option In
Itself Is a clumsy and undesirable
arrangement that might be even
more unpopular than county option
has been, A medium course might be
County option has caused no trou
ble In Indiana In two classes of coun
tU-g those that are hopelessly "wet"
and those that are practically all
"dry." The trouble arises in those
intermediate counties where titles
that are "wet" are surrounded by the
rest of the county that Is "dry." In
these the Irrepressible conflict be-
ween city and county has proved a
source or constant irritation ana
sometimes of opprobious and dis
tressful scandal. In what way might
these counties be provided for, so as
to settle the question and remove It
from party politics
They have a law in the state of
Washington under which, if the coun-
y goes "dry" and the city goes "wet,"
the city remains "wet." The rural
districts get rid of their saloons, but
they escape the odium of having
forced their standards upon the city
where those standards are unpopular.
The city Itself can go "wet" or "dry,"
as it likes, and if the choice is regret
ted it can be changed at the next
election. They have a law something
like this in the state of Massachu
setts, where cities go "wet" one year
and "dry" the next, or vice versa,
with untrammeled freedom. The law
Itself stands as It Is, for the city has
home rule and can do as it likes.
It seems clear to the Star that (in
some moderate course like this all
hope of permanent settlement for this
question must lie. Yre cannot make
our laws for the extremists of either
side and expect them to stand. We
have seen how unrestricted county
option creates dissensions and pro
vokes its own repeal. Nothing is more
certain than that unqualified repeal
of county option will put the saloon
back In unrestrained dominion and
precipitate another battle. The only
law that can hope to stand Is one
that the great body of reasonable
ltlzens will approve, leaving the mal
contents on both sides out of the ac
count. :o:
Teddy Is a mighty lion hunter but
he failed to bring down the tiger.
However, reduced meat prices in
the news dispatches are about as
serviceable as a railroad built only on
Those who control the price of
food products may be wlley. but the
head of the federal bureau of pure
foods Is also Wiley.
People In ordinary circumstances
will have to content themselves with
turkey for Thanksgiving. The rich
can have a bacon dinner.
Stockmen have long complained
that cattle feed costs too much and
now a Spartansburg, S. C, calf has
gone and swallowed $118.
The call to do Christmas shopping
early should make a strong appeal to
all shoppers except those whose
Christmas appropriation is not avail
able until Saturday, December 24.
The Dally Journal will not be
Issued on Thursday Thanksgiving.
Those havlog advertising or notices
of any kind will please take notice
and bring such In for Wednesday's
Those who desire notices or adver
tising in the Thursday's weekly will
please understand that the paper will
be issued on Wednesday on account
of Thursday being Thanksgiving.
Please bear this In mind.
The Journal would like to see Sen
ator W. D. Banning elected president
pro tern of the senate. Mr. Banning
was one of the leaders in the last
senate and possesses excellent quali
fications for the position.
Make room for Montana In the gal
axy of states that will send a demo
crat to the United States senate to
succeed a republican. Complete re
turns show that the next legislature
will stand 52 democrats and 50 re
publicans; thus blasting Senator
Thomas H. Carter's hopes of re-elec
The glass trust, which made more
than one million dollars In illicit
gains, pleaded guilty In the federal
court In Pittsburg and was fined a
total of $10,000 by Judge Young
ho thereby handed a merited
buke to his colaborer on the bench,
Ktncsaw M,
Coincident with the democratic
sweep of the country, announcement
comes from the beef barons that food
will begin to come down. Thus do
the people's oppressors anticipate the
inevitable, foreseeing the end of the
special privileges and Immunity from
prosecution on which they have
waxed fat at the expense of the poor
for lo, these many years, under re
publican rule.
Caleb Powers, republican member
elect of congress from Kentucky, may
be denied a seat In the 62d congress.
The house has the power to refuse to
seat him and may do so. It would be
a fitting rebuke to the brazennes3 of
Powers and the constituency behind
him. Three Juries have convicted
Caleb Powers of conspiracy In the
successful plot to assassinate Gov
ernor Goebel. A republican governor
pardoned him, Just as a previous re
publican governor issued advance
pardons to other conspirators and
then fled, himself a fugitive from Jus
tice. Powers' innocence or guilt we
do not propose to discuss. We do
not pretend to know. But it is au
affront to decency to force upon the
highest legislative body in the land a
man thrice convicted of a capital
crime and whose Innocence has never
been proven, and congress ought to
resent the attempt. Let Powers'
neighbors "vindicate" him, if they
wish, In some manner less offensive
to the sensibilities of the nation at
There will be a lively time when a
county option bill comes up In the
legislature this winter. There are a
few fellows In both the senate and
the house, who signed an agreement
with the Anti-Saloon League to vote
for county option, and then promised
many or the Herman voters tney
would vote against such a measure.
How are they going to get out of "a
bad llx?"
Hon. John Kulil for Speaker.
The first booster for John Kuhl,
representative from Cedar county,
who wants to be speaker of the house
In the coming legislature, reached
Lincoln Thursday forenoon In the
person of Phil Kuhl, elected to the
house on the democratic ticket from
Wayne county. Kuhl says that most
of the democratic members from his
part of the state will support Kuhl
The latter has served in the last two
legislative sessions and was one of
those mentioned for the speakership
two years ago, although he made no
canvass for the honor then. He is
now reported to be asking votes for
"We think Kuhl has the ability and
the level headed Judgment to make
an Ideal presiding officer," said Kohl
'His record in the legislature Is first
class. He was the man who moved
in the caucus two years ago that a
committee be appointed to name
standing committees of the house, in
stead of leaving them to be selected
by the Bpeaker. This proposition
carried, and Kuhl Is in favor of the
same plan now, although himself a
candidate for speaker."
The above Is taken from the Lin
coin Star, and we can vouch for every
word as being true. The writer
served with Mr. Kuhl In the last leg
Islature and besides being one of the
leaders In the house, he demonstrated
by his work in that body, that he was
a gentleman of more than average
ability and one who was always at
his post of duty. He possesses every
qualification that goes to make a
capable and reliable presiding officer
with fairness to all members alike,
Has htd several terms' experience In
the hojse, which, among his other
excellent qualities, well fits him for
the position.
The cost of living hits everybody
It benefits a comparatively small
class, but this class Is abnormally
enriched. This is why the cost of
living is on everybody's mind. It is
the leading subject of thought and
discussion and many conflicting
theories are advanced as to the chief
causes of excessive prices and of the
re-present downward tendency of food
uui mere m'viiis iu uc a ui ,'-i-tion
to ignore or minimize the great
est cause. The relations of supply
and demand, the costly system of re-
tall distribution, the habit of buying
in small quantities, ordering by tele
phone and accepting whatever the
butcher or grocer chooses to send,
habitual waste, concentration in
cities to the hurt of productive farm
employments all these are factors,
but most of them cannot be reached
except by fundamental changes. They
are susceptible to education, practi
cal proaganda and demonstration and
the gradual evolution of the social
order. But the fact remains that
prices have been much lower with all
of these factors having substantially
have had In the period of excessive
the same inherent force that they
The greatest cause and the one
cause that a progressive government
can reach and should reach promptly
and effectively Is the burdensome
volume of excessive profits. .When
the cost of living rises out of all pro
portion to the average Income, some
where, somehow, the people are rob
bed. Somebody Is getting more than
his share. Somebody Is exercising
coercive power over the consumer.
And even If the people knew nothing
of the processes by which they are
robbed they would know the benefl
claries of the robbery.
The fortunes that are made by the
chief manipulators of the various
food combinations, by the heads of
the big Industrial trusts and by the
men behind the big transportation
corporations and systems these are
the evidences that are open to every
one, f or no man can jusuy mane a
vast fortune by manufacturing, buy
ing and selling, or transporting artl-
les of common necessity, nor for that
matter in making, selling or trans
porting any article closely affecting
the cost of necessities.
But the people also know, in a
general way, the process by which
they are robbed. They are bled by
monopolistic combinations, which de
mand that they shall have large
profits on both their legitimate in
vestments and on stocks that cost
them little or nothing. A govern
ment has no right to tolerate any
nystem by which one man or set of
men Is enabled to extort tribute Trom
another man or set of men. But the
governments of this country have not
only failed to reach these extortion
ists effectively when they have tried,
but in the matter of the protective
tariff the federal government actually
licenses extortion by giving It legal
shelter Kansas City Star.
At the conference of governors of
the states to be held at Frankfort,
Kentucky, the last of November, the
proposal is to be made that concerted
action be taken by all the states ask
ing congress to call a constitutional
convention to amend the federal con
stitution to provide for popular elec
tion of senators. The secretary of
the conference has sent out a bulletin
showing that twenty-nine legislatures
have adopted resolutions on the sub
ject, acting Independently. But the
resolutions In sixteen cases he be
lieves were defective, bo that only
thirteen states can be considered as
having acted. The constitution re
quires action by two-thirds of the
states, or thirty-one.
The trouble with this plan Is that
If a constitutional convention were
called It could not be restricted In Its
amendments to the single Issue of
popular election of senators. When
public sentiment Is not sufficiently
advanced as regards other desirable
changes to warrant a general over
hauling of the constitution. There
has been a feeling among the progres
sive leaders In Washington that a
constitutional convention at this time
Is not to be desired.
Why wouldn't It be better to trust
to an amendment to be submitted by
congress! The only difficulty In the
way of such an amendment has been
the conservatism of the senate. But
no effort has been made for nearly
ten years to obtain the senate's con-
Twill on Thursday of every week de
liver Ice Cream, Fruit at Fresh Oysters
at your very door.
Watch for the Auto!
sent. With the spread of the popu
lar election idea in the last decade it
is reasonable to expect that the sen
ate of the next congress would acqui
esce in a reform which everywhere
has demonstrated its popularity.
The agitation ror tne establishment
of the parcels post has gained Impe
tus by the expressmen's strike In New
York. The express trust, in Its arro
gant disregard of public loss and in
convenience, is setting forth some
very convincing arguments against
the further existence of this private
monopoly. John Wanamaker's four
reasons why we did not have a par
cels post in his day the Adams,
American, United States and Wells
Fargo Express companies remain
the only arguments against the estab
lishment of this highly necessary gov
ernmental service.
:o: .
Goes to South Daokta.
Mr. Robert Troop departed for
South Dakota, this afternoon to ascer
tain what his tenants had 1. and
t ) dispose of the crops. Mr. Troop
has something near 700 acres of
farming land in the vicinity of
Crookston, Nebraska, and another
large tract across the line in South
Dakota. He has heard that the small
grain crops were very good, and he
will look after his Interests himself
rather than entrust everything to an
I. Pearlman, of Omaha, came down
today to look "after his real estate
Interests in this city.
OF Til K
Plattsmouth State Bank
of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. "86
Incorporated In the stale of Nebraska, at the
clone of business, November 10, 11)10.
Loans and discount (121.010 00
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 2.KC4 HI
Hanking house.f urulture and fixtures 1,471) 00
Real estate other than banking
house a ll.OnO 37
Current expenses and taxes paid l.9u M
Cash Items - H9 19
Due from nat'l state and private banks
and bankers 19,01 5 40
Checks and Items of exchange TIT 14
Currency I.OuOOO
Hold coin 2.040HI)
silver, nickels and cents sun 30
Total IIOJ.578 3
Capital slock paid In &0.000 00
Surplus fund 500 00
1'ndivtded profits 3.441 4:
Individual di-toslts subject to check, 70.irK 04
Demand certificates of deposit 7M 40
Time certificates of deposit ST.&rr 70
Total $l6i.57S 1
ir'TATB Or NltnUASKA, ta
County orl'Ass I I, J. M. Roberts,
cashier of the alove named bank, do hereby
swear that the above statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to the State
banking Hoard, J. M. ROBERTS.
- Cashier.
A1,.Ei.J W. II. Niwki.i,. Director.
At,e!rt- IJ. II. Hkckbk. Director.
Pubscrllied and sworn to before me this Isth
day of Novemlier lino. R. B. Windham.
ISeall My commission expires Oft 11), 1413-
The Genuine
at a Very Special Price
Yea, the latest model,
genuine, old reliable Do
medic Sewing Machine
now offered to you for
the lint time direct
from factory at $J.00 a
month anywhere.
That worlri-fYunntM ecwlng machine which everybody
knowe tun been the atnmlitril for nearly fifty year, thlnh
I the loud old Domestic that your irandmothere
used buy, NOW helne; viler to you direct from
he factory at eeeeatlonal price, and the very
leteet model at that. The improved 1 ( lei hiil It)
TWO MACHINia IN ONI with loch etlch and chain
etlteh, complete with the moet practical aet of attach
ment ever manufactured at e price toe teed te be
V" 004 vn think of buying a eewwg marhme un
again bo MtiaHerl with a rheup machine, now thet theokl
reliable DOMKSIIG ii within your reach under thie re
markeble plan a machine backed by a year guar,
antoo. Ami, if you wmh. we will alailly arranire to !!
rur old nwrhiM off rour ttamle If roe ewuuua It when roe wnt.
It te a aeuvahHU) oltar.
Write For iXZEE!!l Sent Free
Writ Imtey fof Information plntne why th pnteMttr Mtnu.
firturKn hare cWi.i-d to aril rou Jirct. Wrtu'or oihrr if,"!
MiK-rm-nt whlrh wo rannot Irll you hero. Th t'IKl'tlMKH
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'(Mere Than Two MIIMea la Uee.) "
Domestic Sewina Machine Company
48 Jackaea Blvd. Dept. X H Chieege, UKaoie
to 7iu learn wnni an oner thia really te. Iml neeil a