The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 24, 1910, Image 2

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    100 F A HlilD
South (Jmaha Commission Men Expect the Prices to Go Much
Lower Before Many Days.
The predictions of the hog men in
the live stock commission business in
South Omaha are that the price of
hogs will continue to drop for some
time. They bay that this Is generally
conceded by most of the dealers and
packers, and even the raisers and
feeders and that It is only a question
of what will be the bottom price
reached, and this they believe will all
depend on the supply. It Is the gen
eral opinion among these men that
there will be 23 per cent more hogs
on the market for the year 1910-11
than there were In the year 1909-10.
Some few doubt that there will be any
prices materially decline.
. While the commission men watch
ing the situation believe that hogs
will drop to the $G mark they do not
look for an extreme decline at pres
ent as they say there isn't the supply
In sight to warrant a great slump.
They say, however, that another year
of good corn crop In connection with
the Increase In breeding and raising,
will send the prlco downward per
haps to the $5 mark. When the $6
mark Is reached as they say it will be
before long, they maintain the packer
will be able to offer the meat to the
public at a price much more satisfac
tory price than at present.
It is held by the commission men
that with the prohibitive prices of
meat the past year was a very un
satisfactory one to the packer as well
as to the public, whllo the raiser and
the feeder were the only ones that
actually profited. "The extreme high
price reached," said ono South Omaha
commission man yesterday, "was
caused by the big shortage of supply
at all- tho markets compared to the
ordinary years. Hut the situation Is
fast adjusting Itself as wo near the
new crop now in sight. There is more
liberal marketing, and notwithstand
ing the decline to some extent each
day in price, the six markets for the
past week showed an Increase In re
ceipts of 6,200 over last week, and
13,800 increase over the correspond
ing week of last year. Monday in
South Omaha the bulk of the hogs
sold at $7.10 to $7.23, while In Chi
cago the price ranged from $7.20 to
$7.30 with the top at $7.40.
It Is reported that there are 20 per
cent more cattle and 30 per cent more
sheep fed this year than last. Re
ports from the country continue to
show corn yielding better than was
expected, and this Is taken to mean
that all stock fed this year will be
finished out In good weight.
Commission men feel that It Is er
roneous to charge the cause of high
or low prices to the big packers as
does Dr. Wiley, who viewed the pres
ent decline with suspicion and said It
would be but temporary, Whllo Dr.
Wiley's theory was that the packers
view of driving some Independent to
were manipulating prices with the
cover, commission men take the point
of view that the independents are
more anxious than anyone else that
tho prices be reduced, as they have
had a tough time of It since it has
taken ho much money to handle their
business. They hold that now with
the prospective increase in cattle,
hogs and sheep, and with the prices
of corn from 10 to 15 cents lower
for next year and the decrease of 20
per cent In consumption brought
about by last year's high prices, lower
prices will immediately be brought
about without any manipulation on
the part of either the big or little
Our Reputation and Money are
Back of Thi. Offer.
We pay for all medicine used dur
ing the trial, if our remedy fails to
completely relieve you of constipa
tion. We take all the risk. You are
not obligated to us In any way what
ever, if you accept our oiler. Could
anything be more fair for you? In
there any reason why you should
hesitate to put our claims to a practi
cal test?
lhe most sclenune, commonsense
treatment is Uexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. They are very
pronounced, and particularly agree
able In every way. They do not cause
diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping
or any Inconvenience whatever. Rex
all Orderlies are particularly good for
children, aged and delicate persons.
We urge you to try Rexall Order
lies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c and
3c. Remember, you can get Rexall
Remedies in this community only at
our store The Rexall Store. P. G.
Prlcke & Co., Union Block.
We Guarantee to Cure Dyspep
ia. IfJWe Fail the Medicine
Costs Nuthing.
To unquestionably prove to tho
people that Indigestion and dyspepsia
can be permanently relieved and that
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will bring
bout this result, we will furnish tile
medicine absolutely free If It fulls to
give satisfaction to any one using it.
The remarkable success of Rexall
yspepsla Tablets is due to the high
degree of scientific skill used In do
vlslng their formula as well as to tht
tare exercised In their manufacture,
whereby the well known properties of
Rlsniuth-Subnltrato and 1'epsln have
been combined with Curmiuatlves and
other agents.
llismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are
constantly employed and recognized
by the entire medical profession as
Invaluable, In the treatment of indi
gestion and dyspepsia.
Tho Pepsin used In Rexall Dyspep
sia Tablets Is prepared by a procen
which develops Its ggeratest efflel
ency. Pepsin supplies to the digest
Ive apparatus one of the most Import
ant elements of the digestive fluid,
and without it the digestion and as
similation of food are Impossible.
The carminative possesses proper
tics which aid In relieving the dis
turbances and pain caused by undl
gester food. This .perfect combina
tion of these ingredients makes a
remedy invaluable for the complete
relief of Indigestion and dyspepsia.
We aro so certain of this that we
urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets on our own personal guaran
tee. Three sizes, 25 cents, CO cents
and $1.00. Remember, you can ob
tain Rexall Remedies only at The
Rexall Store. P. O. Prlcke & Co
Union Rlock.
If you want help or navo nnytnlnf
o sell, advertise In the Journal
'1 lie only mreical houe in tht
Went wlirra till tilting is doni
bv n eiutrl. Largest nock
of trusses in the West.
Opera Singer
To Wear Tights
As Lady Godiva
Food Ah Medicine.
For keeping the body in health and
strength no better and more agree
able medicine can be found than food.
As long as we are able to accept and
digest the necessary amount of nutri
tions food we enjoy good health. In
disturbances of the digestion of food,
you should use at once Triner's
American Elixir of Hitter Wine. It
is composed of mature red wine and
medicinal herbs and Is a great tonic.
It cleans up the stomach and the In
testines and stimulates them to their
regular activity. The first sign of re
turning health Is a good appetite. We
wish to recommend Triner's Ameri
can Elixir of Hitter wine in ail dis
eases characterized by . loss of appe
tite and of strength or of distress
after meals. Use it in diseases of the
stomach and the bowels, as also in
nervousness, weakness and melan
choly. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner,
1333-1339 South Ashland Ave., Chi
cago, III.
Juries Pollock's Friends Uneasy.
James Pollock, who has been in
Cannenea, Mexico, is In the heart of
the Mexican revolution, and as he
has not been heard from fo. some
time, his brother, Mr. Rett Pollock,
of this city, has felt quite uneasy as
to his safety. Today he sent a tele
gram to the proprietor of the hotel In
Cannenea, where his brother last
wrote from, and inquired for him,
but up to the hour of going to press
no tidings had been received. The
press dispatches give an account of
an Indian uprising in tho Immediate
vicinity of this town, so that there
seems abundant reason for alarm on
Mr. Pollock's part.
ESSIE AROTT, who Is to make
nu American tour this season
lu "Ysobel," au opera by Mas-
cagnl, founded on Tennyson's
poem describing the ride of Lady Go
diva through the town of Coventry,
does not expect to make any consid
erable display of her personal charms
on tho stage.
It will be remembered that Lord
Tennyson had bis heroine ride through
the tow n "clothed only with her chas
tity" and that she was observed by
"one low churl, the fatnl byword of
all years to come." He became in
famous as "Peeping Tom of Coven
try," though the poet did not bestow
that nicknumo n him.
When Miss Abott wn asked how
she would dress or undress In her
new opera she explained that the role
would not require her to repeat the
performi! nee of Tennyson's heroine.
"YsolH'l's ride on the palfrey Is not
shown on the stage," Miss Abott said,
"but she appears for an instant before
she is ready to make her sacrifice. A
long cloak conceals her a wonderful
cloak of dark blue and gold, exquisite
ly embroidered and one of the most
beautiful garments I have ever seen.
It fastens tight around the chin, but
It Is the only garment Ysobel is sup
posed to wear.
"Now, in my opinion such sceues,
which reach the height of poetic beau
ty, too often are made ridiculous be
cause the actress is fully clothed un
der the clonk. This shows not only In
occasional gestures as well as In the
folds and contour of the garment, but
lu the demeanor of the actress herself,
who, knowing that she really is cloth
ed, feels none of that real modesty
which enhances tho part.
"I Intend to have this scene as near
ly as the poet Imagined It as is possi
ble on the stage. Under the cloak I
shall wear nothing except silk skin
tight fleshings. Then I'll bo mighty
sure not to make too many gestures.
Just as I start to go off the stage to
take that wonderful ride two maids
will take my cloak from me.
"While the ride is In progress the
tenor, who Is transformed from the
Peeping Tom of the story, throws flow
ers as I pass. lie is madly in love
with Y'sobel and takes this means of
defying the king, who has forced his
daughter Ysobel to take the ride. In
stead of being the vlllulr. Peeping Tom
Plattsmouth, Like Every City I
and Town in the Union,
Receive It '
cured. When one suffers the tortureB
of an aching back, relief is eagerly
fought for. There are many remedies
today that relieve but do not cure.
Here is evidence to prove that Doan's
Kidney Pills cure, and the cure is
Frank S. Rrinknian, Eleventh St.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I can
vouch for Doan's Kidney Pills, know
ing them to be a good kidney remedy.
My back at times became so lame
that the simplest movement was pain
ful and I had frequent headaches and
dizzy spells that caused me no end
of annoyance. Mornings on getting
up, I could hardly drag myself about.
In spite of the many remedies I tried,
I found no relief until finally I began
using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured
from Gerlng & Co's drug store. They
effected a prompt and "permanent
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Deny Being
Doodle Wits
.Irs. Tidd Entertains St. Mary's Guild.
The ladies of the St. Mary's Guild
of St. Luke's church, were very pleas
antly entertained yesterday afternoon
at the charming home of Mrs. A. L.
Tidd. There were a large number of
the ladles In attendance, they having
taken advantage of the beautiful
autumnal afternoon. A most inter
esting, as well as profitable, business
session took up the first few hours of
the afternoon, after which the ladles
enjoyed a social time. A pleasing
feature of this occasion was a most
delightful luncheon provided by the
hostess and which the ladies likewise
thoroughly enjoyed.
For pains in the side or chest
dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Liniment and bind it on
over the seat of pain. There is noth
ing better. For sale by F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
has provoked a storm of dis
sent because be lets a charac
ter lu his latest novel, "The
Man's Story," call American women
"doodle wits." Just now he Is busy
saying that ho does not himself be
stow that title on his countrywomen,
that the word tomes from the mouth
of one of tho characters in the book
and that he is not responsible for what
his characters say.
The Federation of Women's Clubs in
New York took otliclal notice of Mr.
Phillips. Dorothy Dix, a clever wom
an writer, was detailed to answer the
novelist. She did not know exactly
what a "doodle wit" was, but she
thought It was something bad, and she
went after Mr. rhilllps.
Mr. Phillips read what Mrs. Dix had
to say and then explained that the
w omen w ho were condemning his book
had never read It, thus Implying that
bis harsh criticism of the sex was
Justified. While denying that he was
responsible for what his characters
said, Mr. rhilllps was willing to be
responsible for a few things on his
own account.
"The American woman, speaking
broadly, is hanging on the man, keep
ing him down. She is a burden ami
not a help in the domestic problem," he
"The fault lies largely -with the
wealthy, and middle class women who
have the opportunity and yet who do
not embrace it to be of some account
in tho world. The majority of people
who do not have to do will not do.
Laziness Is the inherent tendency of
most human beings. If you and I had
the money to spend that Is put In the
hands of most American women we
perhaps would not do more than they
do vegetate. The remedy lies hi the
necessity of work for woman. She
should be bred to feel the same eco
nomic Independence of men.
"Women are brought up to believe
that they are created to be supported
by some man. At least two men do it
for her from babyhood the father
6 "fp i n bo
i HSgiuing y nensi
b Q
We are showing Extra Good Values in Table Linen X
O for Th inksgiving. ft
& &
8 Homespun half bleached table linen (our leader) Q
guaranteed to outwear any two ordinary V
V table cloths 65 inches wide 65c per yd V
x Ex'.ra good values at 40, 50 and 75c per yd V
X Plain Table Linen, 72-inches wide (no pattern) X
very suitable for embroidering $1.25 per yd K
Q Keady-made Table Cloths, r lain or hemstiched Q
two and one-half yards long $2.50 each
Nice line of plain and figured Huck Towl'mg K
for fancy work. 25 to 50c per yd O
8 8
Attend Funeral of Hrolliei'
Mr. and Mrs. George Tarns drove
In from the county farm this morn
ing and boarded the early train for
Omaha, where they went to attend
the funeral of Mr. Tarns' brother-in-law,
Mr. Theodore Grapenglser, who
died a few days ago. Mr. Grapen
glser had been sick only a short time,
having had an attack of pneumonia
which proved fatal within a few days.
He was well known to many Platts
mouth people, having visited Mr. and
Mrs. Tarns here at different times.
Removes to liutlsmoiidi.
Mr. G. W. Rhoden, who formerly
resided on one of his farms near
Murray, was a pleasant caller at this
office yesterday afternoon, and In
formed us that he and wife had re
moved from his farm to this city, hav
ing rented the property belonging to
Mrs. A. E. Qulnn on Ninth and Mar
ble streets. We aro very much pleased
to learn that these most estimable
people have concluded to make their
home In this city.
'Possum and Sweet Potatoes.
Boy Scout Master Thomas was on
the Iowa side of the river yesterday
and last night, and succeeded in bag
ging three large 'possums, which he
exhibited on the street this morning.
Mr. Thomas knows how to serve the
game with sweet potatoes as they do
"way down South," and his friends
may expect to receive an invitation
to a 'possum barbecue on Thanks
giving day.
"I do not believe there is any other
medicine so good for whooping cough
as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
writes Mrs. Francis Turpln, Junction
City, Oregon. This remedy is also
unsurpassed for colds and croup. For
bale by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Mr. Joe Mullen, a democratic lead-
ler from Elmwood, and William Dalles
Dernier, of the opposite political
faith, arrived last evening and assist
ed in the initiatory at the I. O. O. F,
in this city. .
Notice to llog llreeders.
In regard to the many inquiries
about the O. I. C. '(white) boar I re
cently purchased from Ohio, 1 wish to
say that this hog was two years old
August 27, 1910, breeding weight 600
pounds; guaranteed to weigh 1,000 to
1,200 fattened. Also have one April
boar same stock, not related, weight
175. Service fee for either $3.00 to
Insure little.
Frank L. Rhoden,
ll-3-4t-w. Murray, Neb.
Farm For Sale.
1C0 acres two. miles from Avoca
Two houses and barns in fair shape
Will sell for $140 per acre. A Blxty-
acre tract, well Improved, 2 '4 miles
from Avoca. And lots of other lands
In other sections. Come and see me
before you buy.
Jacob Opp,
tl-3-wklytf. Avoca, Neb.
A number of
Duroc boars with
he becomes in tho opera a hero, for
Tennyson's story Is changed in many
'When I come back I am again
wealing the clonk.- Hut this sceno
may be changed to have my entrance
on a palfrey, In which case, of course,
the clonk would have to be dispensed
'The story of Y'sobel is so beauti
ful, so spiritual, her character Is so
pure, I don't believe nny audience will
find In the scene anything suggestive,
but, instead, will accept It as poetry
realized on the stage."
Of courso It was necessary to give
tho tenor a more important place in
the opera than Peeping Tom has in
the poem. This prominence proves
disastrous, for he Is punished by Y'so-
bcl's father, and this makes the op
era n tragedy. Tho form of punish
ment i",ds one of tho days of the
Spanish Inquisition.
Those who have heard the music of
"Ysobel" declare that It Is all that a
singer could desire.
Miss Abott expects to break all
grand opera records In a whirlwind
tour which embraces numerous one
night stands. She expects to show
how often a prima donna can sing in
a single season.
"Rut," she protested, "I won't slug
seven times In a week, as has been an
nounced. No singer alive could do
that. Rut I'll slug five times every
week no more. Then, too, I want to
sing 'Iris In America before this tour
ends. Never have 1 been Impressed by
nn opera ns I have by 'Y'sobel,' but I
want to do something more than sing
ono part for a whole season. 'Iris' Is
benutl'ul. I'm going to try to make
ray maungcra let mo sing It."
'r- '
1 tT.l.Kt
JV V' :
STYLE 56 AT $2.65 IS
Extra heavy stock, two full double
soles, patent tip, large eyelets, rein
forced stay. A hea y dressy s hoe
suitable for needs of wet weather and,
rigorous wear.
'Tis best all rouna snoe ior neatness
and service, and to see it will be to ap
preciate it as a money saver, for it is
two shoes in one. A good Bchool and
dress up shoe combined.
Child's sizes. . .
"Quality Shoes" at Trade at
Home Prices!
and later the husband. They are born
as well to bo made to feel that the
woman is their burden. There's where
the trouble lies lu Its Inslplcncy."
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Ctitt, eminent
suffragist, was ono of the many wom
en who took up a cudgel to lambaste
the author.
"Now, I will tell y.m the trouble with
Mr. Phillips and with all men." said
Mrs. Catt. "Men do not consider wom
en as Individuals. They never think
of a woman unless they think of her
as n wife and mother. They never
Judge her by nny other standard.
"If she is a good Yifc and mother
then she Is a good woman. If sbo U
not a good wife and mother then she
is a bad woman. It is a very simple
way of figuring the problem, but It has
one drawback it Is not true.
"There is no more reason why a
woman should bo a born wife and
mother than there Is that a man should
be a born husband and father.
"Nevertheless, if I ask you what a
man Is you will reply he Is a mer
chant or a soldier or a politician. If
you ask a man whnt a woman is he
will reply she Is So-nnd-so's wife. Sup
poso when somebody asked me about
a particular man I replied he Is So-and-so's
husband wouldn't it sound
rather strange?"
When Mrs. Catt was asked whnt
she thought of Mr. rhilllps' criticisms
of Amerlenn women because of their
handling of money she answered:
"I am afraid when Mr. rhilllps
speaks of that he Is thinking of a type,
and a typo of which there is a very
limited number. As a matter of fact,
the proper handling of money Is one
of the things at which women have
been most, successful. Tho Amerlenn
homes aro founded on the economy of
the American women. There would
be no homes if it were not that Ameri
can women spend the money given
them so wisely and so well.
"No, I am willing to admit some
American women may be criticised for
mme things, but financial Incompetence
Is not among their faults. "
L. II. Oldham.