The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 17, 1910, Image 2

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Collier' Weekly Give Valuable
Information on Disease
Vlo following fciigsc.sttons of
Hutchii.s llapgood, In Collier's Week
ly, are given to the readers of the
Journal in the hope that they will
prove of great benefit to parents of
small children. If these suggestions
are followed, they niay be of great
relief to affected children:
"The most Important thing that the
public needs to know about the ter
rible disease, poliomyelitis, oalled In
fantile paralysis, is that it Is conta
gious. The certain knowledge of this
fact is very recent, and is, conse
quently unknown not only to the
general public but to the great ma
jority of even good physicians.
"Th disease has recently been
shown to be caused by a living organ
Ism bo small that it can pass through
the finest bacterial filter. Experi
ments on monkeys, in the Rockefel
ler Institute, under the direction of
Dr. Flexner, have succeeded in Isolat
ing the germ, which Is so small that
It is doubtful If by any device it has
Von seen. That it Is a living organ
ism Is shown, however, Dr. Flexner
points out, by the fact that extremely
minute uantitlos of the virus "suf
fice to t arry Infection through an in
definite series of animals. We have
propagated the virus now through
twenty-five generations, representing
' twenty-five separate series of mon
keys, and as many removes from the
original human material supplying It,
and the activity of the virus for the
monkeys hafl Increased rather than
diminished In the course, and as the
result of, the successive transplantations."
"For all practical purpores, there
fore, the germ, though unsoen, is dis
covered. They can inoculate moir
keys with the dlsenso and can pro
duce In them Immunization, much In
the snme way as the smallpox virus
Is used on human beings. As yet,
however, the discovery has not affect
ed the direct treatment of tho ills
ease, since tho preparation of i
eerum antidote sufficiently strong to
overcome the virus has not yet been
made. What these experiments on
monkeys have surely accomplished,
however, Is to establish beyond doubt
the infectious and contagious nature
of the disease; and when this fact Is
ufflolently realized by the public,
the dtocase will bo greatly lessened
in extent and possibly stamped out by
quarantine and generally preventive
"A large percentage of the cripples
one sees is the result of this disease
You hear someone say that a certain
child was dropped by Its nurse and
so developed a "hump" back; that a
certain man with a wasted and use
less arm "caught cold" when a child
, that some deformity was duo to the
effect of malaria or some other dis
ease. Such "accidents" and alleged
effects from illness are now thought
to be largely tho result of this germ
"It Is probable that a very largo
jiereentage of the worst of these de
formities may be averted by proper
treatment. The disease ltself.cannot
as yet be treated. For that we must
wait for the preparation of an anti
toxin and for more knowledge of the
symptoms, so as to bo able to make
a dlngnosls before the paralysis
occurs and the damage Is dono.
"All that can bo dono at present Is
to treat the effects of the disease.
The paralysis results from the de
struction of nerve cells iu tho spinal
cord. A function of these cells Is to
supply nutrition to tho muscles. With
tho destruction or disturbance of the
cells, the nutrition of tho muscles Is
cut off and they tend to wither and
. die.
"The essential treatment Is direct
ed to keeping the affected muscles In
as good a state of preservation as
possible until the spontaneous im
provenient In the nervous systeqi
takes place and the cells resume their
function of supplying nutrition. It
Is essential that when- the nervous
force returns It should find sound
muscles to affect. Drugs are soniO'
times given, but the essential treat
mcnt consists of massage, electricity.
and muscular exercises. Some physl
clans place great reliance upon eloc
trlclty, properly applied, but mas
sage and exerclso are relied upon
especially by the majority of prac
titioners, as a means of keeping the
muscles Intact until tho cord resumes
its activity. It Is probable that all
theso aro of use in some cases and at
certain stages. The general care of
tho child Is extremely Important
should be kept as much as possible
in tho open air and should have tho
most nourishing food.
"Tho theraputic valuo of hopeful
ness is decided. If the parents, nurse
or child Is discouraged, the effect Is
Lieut. Governor
Secretary of Stute
State Treasurer
Supt. of Tub. Inst.
Attorney General
laml 'oiimiihlorici'
Kuilway Com.
To lill Vacancy
Fills ,
County Attorney
Taylor ,
County Com.
For Jail
Against Jail ....
115 03 91 162 124 49 68 74 135 80 57 50 109 117 29 77 72 43 73 45 55 67 96 52 27 1962
109 79 102 103 85 60 63 9,3 131 75 79 160 66 102 49 99 , 126 23 18 7 92 150 137 92 57 2157 195
124 113 109 201 143 5.1 69 78 159 99 70 53 107 128 35 108 91 57 86 35 61 .69 99 " 46 27 2218 256
101 64 88 68 73 62 63 90 108 57 68 158 72 96 39 72 109 15 9 20 85 150 133 102 60 1962
106 96 101 168 136 f.O 67 79 146 85 60 51 1 13 125 29 85 76 45 79 34 64 72 98 53 30 2048
111 77 87 95 75 60 64 91 117 67 77 159 64 96 51 91 117 20 12 18 80 143 131 92 55 2050 2
113 97 98 168 131 48 72 77 143 84 58 51 112 129 29 87 77 41 73 41 58 68 100 54 28 2037
108 76 94 98 77 61 59 93 119 69 78 157 65 93 50 88 1 15 23 18 11 83 145 129 84 56 2049 12
121 99 106 170 140 49 73 79 149 91 60 52 119 132 28 86 78 44 72 43 71 73 110 63 28 2138 171
101 75 88 99 72 59 56 90 113 64 76 158 58 86 50 87 113 23 21 11 73 140 121 77 56 1967
111 94 102 165 126 47 71 81 144 83 57 52 113 124 26 85 76 41 73 40 65 71 102 55 28 2034
110 Kl 87 101 81 61 58 89 117 68 79 157 62 96 52 91 116 25 19 11 81 142 128 87 66 2055 21
129 98 121 192 129 58 79 86 147 92 6fi 53 115 141 28 101 85 53 82 46 79 82 111 62 30 2265 395
92 79 72 78 80 55 1,0 85 115 61 72 157 60 83 51 76 108 16 12 8 67 136 122 79 56 1870
110 91 107 171 137 50 69 83 146 87 59 54 115 126 27 86 75 43 75 41 66 70 104 54 29 2075 97
106 76 82 90 71 60 59 86 114 68 76 155 62 93 50 88 1 14 23 17 10 78 139 124 81 56 1978
112 92 100 171 134 55 69 81 149 83 60 53 116 128 28 88 76 42 75 43 59 ' 73 104 54 25 2070 48
107 83 89 96 74 56 61 88 lift 70 77 157 61 94 50 87 111 23 18 10 83 140 125 85 57 2022
109 91 101 173 134 49 69 81 149 86 62 53 118 128 28 90 77 46 75 42 64 69 98 53 28 2073
114 83 90 91 74 62 58 88 113 67 77 157 61 94 0 84 114 23 17 .10 81 142 130 85 57 2022 51
81 89 73 99 70 33 76 47 77 60 27 19 65 61 17 42 34 24 38 19 83 42 62 25 18 1271
116 91 99 166 123 48 74 76 143 95 60 52 115 124 28 85 76 45 76 44 62 69 99 55 27 2050
112 84 97 105 86 62 57 91 119 62 79 159 64 103 50 93 123 25 19 10 87 148 133 86 56 2110
103 89 89 169 131 48 67 71 150 81 56 47 83 95 27 83 73 45 77 34 56 67 99 47 23 1910
117 84 107 104 80 64 65 98 122 75 81 165 97 136 54 97 124 25 19 20 90 152 135 92 62 22bo 355
104 90 94 169 133 49 70 71 117 79 43 34 98 124 32 78 78 45 75 34 65 69 105 56 25 1937
92 72 77 149 108 37 61 64 106 81 40 40 111 112 22 73 73 41 79 31 39 57 89 46 20 1720
114 72 109 103 81 65 61 95 155 70 77 173 65 102 47 97 120 26 16 21 94 156 140 92 61 2212 275
92 60 82 78 65 49 58 84 116 63 100 165 70 91 51 98 1 14 20 14 14 78 145 124 85 56 1972 35
111 99 107 175 142 47 70 79 145 98 67 56 131 138 29 99 81 52 81 39 63 68 98 53 26 2154 185
108 67 84 92 67 59 61 86 1 15 56 70 156 48 89 51 78 1 16 18 13 12 83 154 135 93 68 1969
129 113 122 186 142 50 81 91 160 103 60 56 129 164 33 101 85 49 88 44 84 92 123 62 33 2382
134 70 86 128 107 36 64 72 135 81 65 60 1 16 121 24 85 70 42 72 37 53 66 96 51 25' 1886
96 106 106 73 95 74 62 87 119 64 71 161 58 101 54 89 122 22 19 17 80 151 123 88 58 2096 210
1 2 72 12 1 3 8 2 6 1 4 4 3 1 2 1 3 2 9 3 8 3 2 157
43 68 85 23 39 34 8 6 27 29 21 135 33 59 30 45 1 48 1 5 1 131 196 184 131 64 1546
85 38 35 94 94 22 83 132 112 75 86 14 69 62 22 48 16 63 74 35 3 13 12 8 12 1306
unfavorable. Belief that a limb may
ultimately bo properly used tends to
have a direct muscular result. The
concentration of the child's mind,
and Its cheerful concentration, on the
exercises, Is helpful.
"The fatalistic attitude toward
paralysis, so long held, forms a bad
moral atmosphere for the stricken
child. He shouid believe that he will
get entirely well, and should bei
cheerful, Interested, happy, and free
from all posslblo nervous Irritation."
Tho Whole Truth.
No business man In any town
should allow any newspaper publish
ed in his town to go out without hli
namo and business being mentioned
somewhere In Its columns.
This applies to all kinds of busl
ines general stores, dry goods, gro
ceries, furniture dealers, lumber
dealers, implement dealers, manufac
turing establishments, automobile
dealers, mechanics, professional men
and In fact, all classes of business
men. This does not mean that you
should have a whole or a half page
or even a quarter of a page ad in
every issue of the paper, but your
name and business should be men
tioned In every Issue of your town
newspaper, even If you do not use
more than a two-lino space.
A stranger picking up a newspaper
should bo able to tell Just what busi
ness Is represented In a town by
looking at the business mentioned In
the paper. It is tho best posslblo
town advertising.
Tho man who does not advertise
his business does Injustice to himself
and Injustice to his jlown. He Is the
man who expects the nowspaper to
do the most free boosting for the
The man who Insists on sharing
tho business which comes to a town
but refuses to advertise his business
Is not a valuablo addition to any
The life of any town depends on
the live, wide-awake, liberal, adver
tising business men. Fill any town
with selfish, penny-squeezing non-advertising
business men and business
stagnation, death and decay Is cer
tain to be the fate of the town
Marysvllle, Kansas, News.
Herman Breeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S, Department
Licensed by NebraskalState
Calls Arswcrcd Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
dent, J. L. Russell; secretary, Jesse
Perry; treasurer, Charles L. Martin;
Indicator, O. P. Edmonds; past presi
dent, John Corey; warden, William
I liner; outside picket, O. P. Monroe.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss.
In the matter of the estate of John
H. Walllnger, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the administrator of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, at the county court
room In Plattsmouth, In said county,
on December 12, 1910, and on June
14, 1911, at 9 o'clock, a. m., each
day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said decensed to present
their claims, and one year for the ad
mlnlstrator to settle said estate, from
the 12th day of December, 1910.
Witness my band and seal of said
County Court, at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of November,
(Seal) Allen J. Deeson,
County Judge.
Ward of Court Goes to School.
Judge A. J. Beesoii went to Omaha
this afternoon to accompany Master
John Peterson to a Sister's school.
The little fellow has lost his father
and mother and does not like the re
straint of strangers, and has been
quite a care to his guardian, who
threatened to resign the guardian
ship of the three children, of which
John Is one, If he were required to
look after the custody of John. The
boy has a bright mind, and no bad
habits except the one of disobeying,
and escaping from the custody of the
person intrusted with his care. Judge
Beeson made a trip to Omaha a few
days ago and arranged with one of
the private schools there to take
John, and today the Judge goes to
Omaha to deliver John Into the hands
of those who make it a part of their
life work to care for friendless chil
dren. The lad will be left with thera
until spring, then if a good home can
be found for him he will be placed
in It.
Mrs. Cummins Fiiteitains Auxiliary.
The hospitable home of Mrs. E. D.
Cummins on West Pearl street was
the scene of a splendid afternoon en
tertainment yesterday, when she en
tertained the Ladles' Auxiliary of the
Presbyterian church in a very pleas
ant manner. There were a large
number of the ladies in attendance,
who spent a most enjoyable, as well
a3 profltable afternoon. A business
session was held at which time con
siderable business of Importance was
transacted. A delightful feature of
the afternoon entertainment was the
short Impromptu program rendered,
In a very Informal way. Mrs. Wil
liam Daird, Miss Anderson and Miss
Mildred Cummins contributed a num
ber of readings, which were most
thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs, J. W.
The Best Flour in The
Negotiates With lluilinglo.
Bert Pollock Is doing his utmost to
Gamble rendered several vocal solos ' make the Platte river bridge proposl-
1 In her usual pleasing manner, which
were also very much appreciated by
the ladies present. Then, too, there
were Instrumental selections by Miss
Frelday and Miss Emma Cummins
executed In a very finished style and
manner. This program assisted in
making the afternoon entertainment
such a splendid one. A dainty lunch
eon was served.
"I am pleased to recommend Cham
berloln's Cough Remedy as the best
thing I know of and safest remedy
for coughs, colds and bronchial trou
ble" writes Mrs. I II. Arnold, of
Denver, Colorado. "We have used It
repeatedly and It has never failed to
give relief." For sale by F. (1. Frlclte
& Co., Union block.
Fred Gorder, mayor of the city of
Weeping Water, was a Plattsmouth
visitor today, having motored from
his home city this morning, leaving
tho president of tho council and Joe
Corely to run tho city until ho re
turns. -
OwIh Aro Organized.
Last evening, at the A. O. U. W.
hall, Mr. L. II. Helllg, national dep
uty of the order of Owls, assisted by
J. G. Egerton, socretary of tho Ham
burg nest, succeeded In perfecting an
organization of the order of Owls.
Mr. Edgerton brought with him the
paraphernalia of the Hamburg nest,
as that ordered for the Plattsmouth
organization did not arrive until this
A large attendance greeted Mr.
Helllg at the lecture he delivered
and the speaker gave an interesting
talk on the object and grow th of the
order, saying that it had been an in
stitution but six years, and had ac
quired 2,000,000 members In tha.t
short space of time. The order was
both mutual and fraternal, though a
member need not take both branches
of the work unless desired. When
tho organization was ready to be
effected, thoso not members were
asked to retire, w hich they did, leav
ing fifty-two members present to
organize the nest. Tho following list
of officers were chosen to serve until
the end of the year, which occurs
next month:
Notice of Final Settlement.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss.
In the fe estate of J. Glen Royal,
deceased. To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that a
petition has been filed In this Court
praying for final settlement of this
estate, by the administrator thereof;
that a hearing will be had upon said
petition on the 19th day of Novem
ber, 1910, at 2 o'clock, p. m., in my
office at the court housa, in Platts
mouth, Nebraska, before which hour
all objections thereto must bo filed.
Witness my hand and official seal
this 10th day of November, A. I).,
(Seal) Allen J. Beeson,
William C. Ramsey, County Judge.
Attorney. 11.-1 0-1 w
Captures Large Grey F.agle.
Walter Sans and Ted Barrows,
from south of the city, were in town
a few days ago with the large grey
eagle they captured a few weeks ago
near old King Hill. The bird was
a fine one, and although young, meas
ured seven' feet and one Inch from
tip to tip of the wings. This is the
first one seen In this locality for a
long time.
tlon a "go, and yesterday was In con
ference with Mr. Charleston, of Lin
coln, the Burlington's real estate
man, concerning a roadway over a
portion of the Burlington right-of-way
in the vicinity of Oreapolis. Mr.
Charleston came to Plattsmouth, and
together w 1th Mr. Pollock went over
the proposed route and noted where
It crossed the Burlington's roadbed.
It Is not at all likely that there will
be any opposition on the part of the
company, since the proposed route
will cross the right-of-way, the pro
moters of the wagon bridge did not
want to proceed arbitrarily without
consulting the Interested parties. Mr.
Charleston will make his report to
the company and the bridge company
will then proceed with its plans.
Meet With Mrs. Geo. Falter.
The ladles of the St. Mary's Guild
of St. Luke's church were delightful
ly entertained by Mrs. George Falter
at her charming home yesterday. The
first part of tho afternoon was taken
up in a business session. Several
plnns were laid for promoting the
work of this splendid organization.
The time was then spent in a social
way, various diversions being In
dulged in by tho ladies. Mrs. Falter
served a delicious luncheon, which
the ladles found delightfully appetU'
lug and pleasant and which material
ly aided In the social good time,
Many of the ladles of tho Guild were
In attendance to participate in the
delightful time.
The pictures aro getting
President, D. L. Amlck; vice presl- every day at the Majestic.
Farm For Sale.
160 acres two miles from Avoca.
Two houses and barns in fair shape.
Will soli for 140 per acre. A Blxty
acre tract, well improved, 2 miles
from Avoca. And lots of other lands
In other sections. Come and see me
before you buy.
Jacob Opp,
Jl-3-wklytf. Avoca, Neb.
DlsastroiiH Fire at llavclock Shops.
At noon today the Plattsmouth
Telephone company received a mes
sage to the effect that a disastrous
fire had broken out In the mammoth
threo-story brick Burlington store
house at Havelock at 11 o'clock this
morning, and at noon was still rag
ing. The Havelock fire department
being unable to cope with tho fire
demon, the Lincoln department was
sent for. The building was new and
Just completed this year, and only a
short time ago dedicated with cere
mony and speech making. The build
ing cost the Burlington company a
great deal of money, and will be a
serious loss. The details of how the
fire started were not known at the
! Havelock central office.
Chamberlain's Stomaen and L4er
Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and
may be taken with perfect safety by
the most delicate woman or the
youngest child. The old and feeble
will also find them a most suitable
remedy for aiding and strengthening
their weakened digestion and for reg
ulating the bowels. For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. E. Dashner, of Glenwood, ar
rived today and will be the guest of
Mrs. T. M. Carter for a few days.
Poultry Wanted
Spring 8VjC
Hens SVjc
Old Roosters 4
Stog Roosters 6',j
Ducks, fat '. 8
Geese, fat 8
Digest prices paid for all kinds or