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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1910)
emno and the WITH SOME INCIDENTAL RELATION TO THE WOMAN By Cyrus Townsend Brady Illustrations bp Dearborn Me bill lD..trWUt. IVOR, br MoBkU TrU A Co. ' CHAPTER III. 8oclety Bursts Upon Mr. Gormly. Enter at last. Miss Haldane, accom panted by her father, her mother, net brother, Miss Louise Van Vleck Stew art (one of her Intimate friends and a possible sister-in-law), Dr. Warren Deveaux (a retired physician, an old bachelor and an old and intimate friend of the family.) The newcomers were all dressed In winter automobile garments. It was young Haldane who broke the somewhat awkward pause consequent upon their entrance. "Mr. Goodrich," he began unbutton ing his coat and slipping it off as he advanced ' "Your pardon, sir," said Gormly, "but Mr. Goodrich is no longer the owner of this place." "Why, Mr. Gormly," burst out Miss Haldane impetuously, as she turned at his Tolce and recognized him, "this is a great surprise! We didn't know that you were to be one of our neigh bors." She had been in the background and bad not observed their host until she heard him speak. As she spoke, she stepped forward Impulsively with outstretched hand. "Eleanor," exclaimed her father In great surprise, surveying Gormly as he spoke, with a stare as cold as the winter weather, "do you ah know this gentleman?" . "Certainly I do," returned the girl. "It is Mr. George Gormly of the Gorm ly store, you know." "Ah, Indeed," began her father. I have known him for " she paused uncertainly. "Seven months yesterday. Miss Hal M aane, answered uormiy, wno was nothing if not accurate. We have er bought things at your shop for a longer time than that, I fancy," here interposed Mrs. Haldane vaguely with an air of great condescension. You have been on my books, madam, as one of my most valued customers ever since I moved to Broadway twenty-one years ago," re turned Gormly, who was by no means ashamed of his business, else he would sot have continued in it "Yes," said Haldane at this Juncture, "I have been making out checks with monotonous regularity to your firm ever since." "My good roan-.-" began Mrs. Hal Jane still somewhat vaguely, and evl dently rather at a loss how to plac this irreproachably clad and fine ap pearlng gentleman who had soiled hit hands with trade and yet did not seem to be at all embarrassed or ashamei of it "Mother!" exclaimed the daughter, blushing with vexation. 1 "Mr. Gormly, forgive me, I forgot that you did not know my family." "I have seen them often In thi store, Miss Haldane, and have evei waited upon some of them in othei days myself," replied Gormly, quite ai cold and formal in his manner as an) one in the room. "Nevertheless I want the pleasur of presenting you to my mother. Mr George Gormly, mother, my very goo friend." Mrs. Haldane drew herself up Gormly bowed himself down in a bon most carefully calculated to express i proper degree of appreciation of thi honor and nothing more. "My friend, Miss Stewart; my fa ther, and my brother, Mr. Llvlngstom Haldane; Dr. Deveaux." The persons mentioned bowed cool ly, except that Livingstone Haldani infused a little more cordiality in hit recognition than the others did, whllt Dr. Deveaux actually stepped forwan and extended his hand. "My dear sir," he said genially, hli old face beaming with good natun and genuine admiration, "I am de lighted to have the privilege o shaking you by the hand. Anybodj who has the courage to attack thi Gotham Freight .Traction company ai you have done in the papers may bi regarded as a public benefactor whoa It is an honor to know." "Thank you," said Gormly, gratefu for this recognition. "Sir," began Hildane, "an unfoi tunate accident to our machine hat thrown us upon your hospitality. I dli not know that my friend Goodrich hai sold this place or" "Let that give you no concern, sir,' answered Gormly; "I pray that yoi will consider the place and all In t as your own. I beg you will take o your wraps and make yourselves en tlrely at home." "That's very handsome of you, I an sure," continued the elder Haldane slowly removing his coat; "but mj own place lies but six miles beyoni here, and if you will permit us to tela phone my stables, I think we thai have to trouble you but little." "The telephone is In the Hbrarj yonder, Mr. Haldane, and is at youi service a Is everything In the house I regret that my own stables are not ytt furnished. The small sutloi wagon and pair which brought you u are the only horses I have on th place just now." "And Jolly well crowded we were!' said young Haldane. i "Meanwhile." continued Gormlv -may i asc nave you had dinner? ii i I ofTer you anything to eat. or" j "We thank you." answered Mrs. Hal dane, "but we dined at the Braddons a place five or six miles back befort we started." "A cud of tea or a glass of wln after your cold ride, then?" sai4 Gormly. "That would be very nice Indeed." said Miss Haldane. "Louise, aren't, you simply dying for a cup of tea?" I "Perishing for lack of it," answered Louise promptly. I Gormly summoned the butler, gavi the necessary directions, showed Hal dane where the telephone was. Invited the other men into the library also, where there was a well stocked buffet and excellent cigars; after which hi showed the women into a small recep tton room on the other side of th hall, and left them to divest them selves of their wraps. The men refreshed themselves ac cording to their fancy at the buffet, lighted their cigars, which, as Chal oner had been careful to send a sup ply of Gormly's favorite and prlvaU brand, they found excellent, while Hal dane vainly endeavored to get in com munication with his own bouse. Such was the severity of the storm for a country ill prepared for it, however, that the wires were broken in every direction. Even that to the lodge waa found to be out of order at last Gormly had not waited In the li brary to hear the result of the tele phoning. As soon as he had the men comfortably provided for, he had gone back to the great hall, which waa more of a living room than anything else. The first of the women of the party to present herself was Miss Hal dane. She was in full evening dress. Her noble head rose grandly from her exquisite shoulders. In her dark hair she wore a diamond coronet. Her dress, soft, shimmering stuff of white, trailed behind her. He had never seen her except in the quiet conventionality of a street dress. He had Imagined her in all sorts of guises. When she burst upon him that way however, the sight dazzled him. It was so far beyond any dream he had ever Indulged that he could scarcely comprehend it. He stopped and stared at her. For once his iron control deserted him. There was that frank, open admiration in his glance of which no one could mistake the meaning. "You must pardon my surprise," said Gormly; "I have never seen you in an evening gown, and I confess my imagination unequal to" "Do you like it?" said the girl nerv ously. . "1 am scarcely conscious of it, Miss Haldane," he returned directly. "I see ' only you." 1 "How singularly unobservant," she I said lightly, recovering her equipoise, "for a man whose business It Is to buy I and sell such things not to notice ' them." "In your presence tonight, Miss Hal-' dane, business Is as far from me as , if it was on the other side of the . world. It is on the other side of the world," he continued swiftly; "for this Is a different world from any In which I have ever moved, and I " His speech was broken by the en trance of Mrs. Haldane and Miss Stew art. The latter waa a fragile, grace ful, charming girl, who would have attracted Instant attention and notice anywhere, except beside her regal companion and friend. Mrs. Haldane was a not unworthy complement to the other two. These two also were wearing elaborate dinner gowns. At this moment Haldane, followed by the two other men, came in from the library. "Mr. Gormly," began Haldane, sen ior, "I am unable to get anybody over the telephone." "I am sorry to hear that I suppose that the wires are down on account of the storm." "Exactly. Meanwhile, I scarcely know what to do. Could you send a man on a horse over to my place?" "I should be glad to do so, did I pos sess the horse." "The pair that brought us up from the lodge?" "Neither is broken to saddle, I be lieve, and but I can send a man over on foot I have no doubt " "I hardly think that would be pos sible," interposed Dr. Deveaux. "I should not like to be responsible for any man on foot in such a storm as this." "I'll go myself," said Gormly quick ly. "You, Mr. Gormly!" exclaimed Mrs. Haldane. "Why, we couldn't think of such a thing. The danger!" "Madam, I have been afoot In worse storms than this," he answered, "when I was a mere boy in the far west." It was the first intimation anybody from New York had had as to any period of Gormly's life outside of New York, end one of the company at leant pricked up his ears at this remark and listened attentively. "We couldn't think of allowing you to do so," said Miss Haldane. "I suppose that pair you have could hardly take ns over?" questioned Liv ingstone Haldane. "I am afraid not," answered Gormly. "TJiey have bcn driven rather ha;rd uaay, ana tney are a light pair at best, as you notice." "Well, we are' thrust upon you, then, marooned as it were." "I hope you won't And my house the typical desert island," answered Oorm ly, smiling. 'Indeed, I scarcely know what the resource of the establish ment are, having entered Into posses sion only today; but whatever they are, they are at your service." "There's no help for it I sunn." answered Haldane somewhat gloomi ly. "1 guess you will have to keep us until morning." "Think how happy you make a lone ly old bachelor." returned Gormly, "by beln? his Christmas guests. And if you will accept this situation, as In deed I fear you must, I shall make ar rangements & that you can be taken to your own place on Christmas morn ing. Let me consult my butler, who was Mr. Goodrich's major domo before I bought the place, and see what can be done." A brief conversation with that func tionary threw some little cheer over the situation. Gormly's own ward robe, which had been sent down, would amply snpply the men with whatever they needed, and the butler Imparted the cheering news that the lodgekeeper was a married man with two grown daughters, and ha had no doubt that such things aa the women required might be secured from them. "Send at once," said Gormly quick ly, "and ask Mra. Bullen to come up to the house and be of what service she can to the ladles. How are we off for bedrooms?" "Plenty of them, sir, and all ready for guests. "Well, see that they are prepared, and have Mrs. Bullen here immediately.- As the butler went ol to attend to these orders, Gormly re-ontered the room and found the whole party com fortably gathered about the Are. He explained that he had found a wom an on the place, the lodgekeeper's wife; that he had sent the station wagon for her; and that she would be present doubtless within a halt hour with such indispensable articles of at tire as might serve to make the wom en guests at least comfortable. "If you were only in communication with your shop, Mr. Gormly," said Mrs. Haldane and whether she meant to be offensive or not Gormly could not tell "we would lack nothing." "I am sorry for your sake, madam, that I am not As it is, we shall have to do our best with the limited re sources at hand." Conversation ran on desultorily this way for a short time, when the butler1 announced the arrival of Mrs. Bullen. As he did so, the tall clock musically chimed out the hour of nine. "Now that your woman is here, Mr. Gormly," said Mrs. Haldane, rising, "as I am somewhat fatigued from the ride and the experience, I shall retire to my room. I suppose you young people won't think of going to bed at this unearthly hour?" "No, indeed," answered Miss Stew art "I think I'll stay awake until Christmas." "Will you go, Beekman?" said Mra, Haldane, addressing her husband. "Why er my dear " "I was about to propose a table of bridge," said Dr. Deveaux?" "An excellent idea," returned Hal dane quickly; "but there are six of us here and " "I don't play," said Gormly quickly. "I'll stay out also," said Eleanor. "I Ther Waa Frank, Open Admiration In His Glance. don't care much for bridge at best" "Good night," said Mrs. Haldane, moving away, escorted by the butler, and met outside presently by Mrs. Bullen. "Mr. Gormly -md I will watch your game," said Eleanor.. CHAPTER IV. Mlsa Haldane la Charmed and Charm ing. "Mr. Gormly," began Miss Haldane, 1 have not seen you for some time." "Not for two months and eleven days, Miss Haldane," answered Gorm ly quietly. "Gracious!" exclaimed the astonish ed girl. "How pat you have the time! Do you keep a calendar of my visits to your officer "I have a marveloua memory for de tails which I wish to remember," said the man. "And I am so much Interested In the settlement house that How does it progress, by the way?" be contin ued, gravely as If bis recollection of anything connected with her waa a mere matter of course. "Oh, beautifully. You aee, there is nothing to consult you about now. It la all In the architect's and builders' hands. You have been so helpful to me I really don't know what I should have done without you." "And you have, of course, respected my confidence? No one knows any thing about my connection with the enterpriser "No on at alL" "Not even your father?" "Certainly not I never discuss busi ness with my father, nor doea he discuss business with me." "And yet." said Oormlr oulcklr. " shou!d think he might discuss busi ness with you to advantaKe." "What do you mean?" asked the girl. "I am a business man. Miss Haldane. accustomed to deal with nu n and women in a business way, and much depends upon my ability to estimate the capacity of tbose with whom I won. i nave not orten seen a woman, or even a man, with a better head for business than you hare." It was the deftest thing the man could have said to her. Women, she knew, were not naturally business like, and to have such qualities at trlbuted to her was the subtlest kind of flattery. It came, too, from a man who was a power In the business world, and waa therefore the more valuable. "It la very good of you to aay that" said the girl, smiling pleasantly in ap preciation, "and I am more proud of it because everybody says you are such a One business man yourself." "I should like to do something real ly worth while," said the girl after a little pause. "I like people who do something worth while." "So do I." said the man, with obvi ous meaning. "Mr. Gormly," she exclaimed im petuously, "why don't you do some thing worth while?" Gormly smiled. "My dear young lady," he answered really, he waa old enough to be her father, he thought half sadly, as he noted his form of speech "I have the largest store in the world. I have agents in every civilized country and many that are uncivilized. I own and control a fleet of steamers. I have my private woolen mills, and silk mills and fac tories. I suppose there are ten thou sand people in my employ. I can give jou a check for another million for your settlement work as often as you II u il winn il, ana v "These are all very well, Mr. Gorm ly," said the girl gravely. "They spell tremendous material success; they show your ability and acumen; In the eyes of the world they count for a great deal; indeed, I find lately that they are counting more and more; but they don't really amount to any thing after all What is money, what are power and Influence? My father, for instance, waa born with more than he could possibly spend, more than be knew what to do with, inherited from thrifty ancestors who had the wit to buy land when It could be bought for a song. He has influence, power, What doea it amount to? I want him to do something, really to do some thing in the world for the good of mankind. I am preaching to you Just as I preach to him." "Do you look upon me as you would a father?" asked Gormly quickly. "Why, no, not exactly. Certainly not," answered the girl. "I am forty-four, you know." "No, I didn't know; but what If you are? You are still a young man. My father Is fifty -Ave, and I don't call htm old.""- "Wonderful consideration from twen ty-two!" said Gormly smiling. "Well," resumed the girl, "I was saying that you ought to do something In life. You have made yourself. You started with little or nothing, if I may believe the newspaper accounts of you." "Have you been reading them?" "Every word," answered the girl. "I was quite proud of being able to say to my friends that I knew you and what they said about you was true." Never In bis life bad Gormly been happier than at this frank, spontan eous expression of approval. "You ought to put these great tal ents of yours at the service of your fellow men; not In buying and selling, but In doing something for them," she ran on. -uont you think that In selling them honest goods at a fair profit In telling them the strict and only truth about what you have to soil, in allow ing them the utmost freedom of re turn fl"d exchange, In providing gen erously for employees, Is doing serv ice to your fellow men?" "Certainly, it Is. It Is doing service to the little world which yoj touch, a larger world perhaps than most of us can touch. But I want you to do something, I want every man and every woman who baa the ability to do something, in a great, splendid way. "But what would you have me do?" "I don't know," answered the glrL "I don't know what I would have any body do; but there are so many things to be done, so many wrongs to be righted, so many things to be achieved. The great man goes out and makes opportunities. Part of his greatness, I take It consists In aeeing what there Is to do. Ruskln says somewhere that the greatest thing anynody can do is to see something. If I were a great woman, I could answer your question better; but I am only" "I think you are-a great woman," said Gormly softly, "and I would be perfectly willing to take your answer and abide by It." "I would not have It that way," an swered the girl dreamily. "When my father asks me what I woutd have him do, I aay to him, 'Go and see.' He laughs at me; most people laugh at me. You don't, Mr. Gormly." "Never!" said Gormly. "And I con fess to you that of late I have hid similar thoughts. I want to do some thing for humanity," be went on slowly. "There are certain people who stimulate ua to achievement, who awaken our ambition, who quicken our hope, who Don't you comprehend? Yon have put something Into my life which It lacked. Now I want to do something for you. Miss Haldane." "For me, Mr. Oormly?" "For you and my fellow men; for your approval and their. Yon sea you have brought to In touch with a state of .being qf which I knew little. I was not onrn into your society, rn til 1 aw you. I had nj desire to mln e'e In It. 1 have not tsken a voca tion, except business trips aboard, for tw?uty-flve years. For Instancu, this Is tht first time in all tl:at long period that I have stood alone In a roira and talked socially, by her gracious privt- ce. on terms of outward euualitr. witn a liner, nign bred, capable, wom an. Can't you understand how you exert a new influence, bow you have brought a new force into my life, and that from my acquaintance with you results are certain to come?" He sat down on a chair on the other side of the fireplace as he spoke. bringing himself on a level with her. She looked at him with curious inten sity. She saw hla smooth shaven face seamed and lined with thought and care. She marked the strength, the Intelligence, the resolution, in his countenance. It lacked completing touches of tenderness, It lacked the woman's Influence; but aside from that it waa altogether admirable, vir ile, and strong. "I want to do something," he said, "to make me worth," his voice trem bled, "the respect of," he looked at her "of people like you," he went on, "and I am going to do something, too." "You frighten me," said the girl, appalled aa we often ax by the grant lug of our prayers, the acceptance of our suggestions, the realization of our hopes. "I dont like to feel that what you are doing is for for " "Say it Miss Haldane. For you." "I can't assume such a responsibili ty," she protested; "and such a motive is not the highest, the best" "Nonsense!" said the man almost roughly. "The best things in life are done for the sake of good women, and there Is not a human being in the world who possesses your powers and capabilities who does not thrill to responsibilities. In your heart of hearts you are glad or you will be glad If through your Inspiration some thing is accomplished, by whatever way or means it may be even by me for mankind." And the woman knew that the words were true. She thrilled even then to the strength of his protesta tion. "You see I know humanity. I dont know society; you observed that by my awkward reception of you all her tonight" "Indeed." said the girl; "It was most graceful and kindly hospitality, and we deeply appreciate It" "It Is good of you to say so. These things I could learn," he hesitated, "if I had some on who knew to teach me; but other thinga I know myself. I am at a discount Ith women; but I can handle men nd I know men. Every human being is glad to ally himself with succeaa. If yon and I together do aomethtng, you will be happy If we succeed." i "And miserable If w fall?" queried the girl with a nervous laugh. "We will not fall." "You are proposing a partner-shin?" "Ther Is a quasi partnership" exist ing between us now in the settlement house. Your devotion, your generous thought for those people, with my business back of you for it is back of you, Miss Haldane, In that or anything else to the last limit Is going to pro duce results ther that nobody dreams -of." j "Are you going to devote yourself to that?" "No." said the man quickly. "I have something higher and greater In view, ! That's your part of the partnership; mine la to help you, and " "And what are you going to dor asked the girl. Intensely Interested, leaning forward, her breath coming quicker. "I am going to be mayor of New York, for one thing. Miss Haldane." "Yes. And then?" It touched him immensely to see i the matter of fact way with which I she accepted hla stupendous declara. tlon. "And then, I am gotng to be the best j mayor New York ever had, an hones! ! mayor. The administration shall b conducted on business lines, and busi ness with me doesn't spell chicane. There Isn't a dishonest dollar in my fortune. You will forglv my personal talk? I don't often resort to it; but you make me tell whatever you wan! 'to know." How did this man divine that these things were things she wanted to know? thought the girl, as she nodded gravely to him. "Go on!" "I am going to suppress graft; I am going to break up the gangs that rob the city; I am going to bring the trac- j tlon companies, the freight and the 'others, to terms. I am going to make them give the people good value for the franchises they enjoy; I am going 'to reform the police force and stop jits taking toll of crime, Its connivance with sin! New York Is going to be free, and I am going to tell It the truth and make It so!" He stopped and, not trusting him self to look at her, stared Into the fire again. There waa a long pause. ! "Well," said be, flashing a direct jlook at her, "what do you think of It, I Miss Haldaner 1 "It is the greatest dream that ever entered a human brain," said the girl quietly. 1 "It Is my business, it has been my business all my life, MIbs Haldane, to make dreams come true, and I am dreaming now a greater dream, dearer to m than that I have outlined before yon." i What could he mean? She strove to meet his glance fairly; but her own 'eyes fell before his own direct gas, j "Do you think I can do It mak my i dream com true?" he asked. 1 "Which dream, Mr. Oormlyr "That you can be mayor of New York; that you can redeem the city; that you can restore to the peopls their liberties I don't know. Othei men have tried it and have failed." "And I may fall, too," answered Gormly v?ry quietly. "Such achieve ments are not the results merely of one man's efforts. The people them, serves must respond. Whether I can make them do that or. not will de termine the Issue." "I think you can, Mr. Gormly. You, have made me respond." "And will you help me?" "I! What can I do?" "Do what you have done tonight; listen to me, believe in me, insplre me, be my silent partner In my en deavor as I have been yours in your endeavor." "And after you have succeeded?" "That's the other dream, and " "Mr. Gormly," she said resolutely "if you mak that dream come tmw you will have done mora service to humanity than baa ever been don br a citizen of this republic, and yout will be the greatest man on this sld of the world." "And if my other dream cornea true," said Gormly, "I will bo the hap piest." "May they all come true!" said th girl Impulsively rising and giving him her hand. "Do you mean that?" eagerly asked, the man, gratefully taking her prof fered hand in his own firm, resolved clasp. ( "I don't know." she faltered, "what your other dream is; but if it corr spends with the one you have told torn. 1 repeat the prayer." "At the proper time," said the man, "you shall know. Meanwhile, tomor row we shall get to work." . "Tomorrow will be Christmas," said the girl, smiling. "My Christmas present to you, Mlssj Haldane, will be the beginning of th campaign." "And mine to you, Mr. Gormly," shei returned laughing, "will be my good wishes and hearty encouragement ln your labor." "I could wish nothing better h went on lightly, glad and relieved al this change from the Intensity of th Interview. "I shall announce myself as a candidate for the mayoralty at the next? election. Representative ot th minority party have already ap proached me on that subject" "And what did you aay to them?" "Nothing yet You aee this la all new work to me, and I must consider my way carefully." i "Have you ever made a pubUt speech r "Never in my life." "Well, If you can talk to the peopte as you have talked to me tonight, 1 am sure you will win." . The girl said it artlessly, carelessly; but his heart leaped to the assurance "That's to be determined," he said. "Most men would say It was eaatel to talk to on woman than to a thou sand people. I have had experience with neither. At I told you. It baa been a quarter of a century sine I talked alone with, a woman." "Waa that In the west of which yon. spoke?" I "I am glad to tell you. It waa I tthe west. She wasn't a good woman, 'Miss Haldane," be said simply, "and 1 have never seen her since thai night." "Didn't you know that she waa not a good woman?" asked the girl. She had no right whatever to con tlnue this conversation; but some 'thing impelled her. He had been verjt I frank. Ills Interest In her waa now matched by hers In him. j "Not at that time; I did not suspect. I that ta, I was only a boy ot nineteen. I "And is it because of that woman that you have seen no others until I met you?" "Yes, Miss Haldane.- "Poor man!" said the girl half ta herself. j "Not at all" answered Gormlyt "you were quite worth waiting for." "Eleanor," said her father at thla moment, "won't you take my hand? 1 want to talk to our host a little my self." And although Eleanor, as she had said, cared nothing for bridge, the Im terruption at this Juncture waa vsrji welcome to ber. To he continued Card of Thank. To the kind neighbors and friends who so thoughtfully assisted us dur ing the sickness an ddcath of our Ie babes, we desire to express our sincere thanks, and especially to th Young Men's Blblo Class of the Meth odist church, who sent floral tributes we are grateful to you all. Harry L. Krugcr and Wife. EVERY MONDAY at the C, B. & Q. Freight Depot. Th highest market price paid. Bring in your poultry. Clarinda Poultry, Butter & Efl C