The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1910, Image 3

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    !H industry
111 PLAT T S T ,1 LI U T H
Mrs. Sitzman, Mother of One of the Prisoners, the First Witness
fcr Defense, Tells of Threats by Geno.
From Suturday's Pally.
The state rested its
case about
2:45 Friday afternoon and the de
fendants' witnesses were called, the
mother of Sitzman being the first
sworn for the defense, and it soon
developed what the defense would
be. Mrs. Sitzman is an elderly lady
of about sixty or sixty-five years of
age, the mother of ten children and
she speaks very broken English. It
was apparent from the questions put
to Mrs. Sitzman that the defendants
would rely on self defense to get
them out of the trouble.
After detailing the relationship of
the defendants to her she told the
jury, in reply to Interrogatories of
the defendants' counsel, that Isadore
lived w ith her, that he was her main
support and acted as porter at her
hotel in Cedar Creek; that Keezer's
wife, her daughter, helped her in
keeping the house, and that she and
her husband lived at the hotel. The
w itnes also detailed the whereabouts
of the two the afternoon of the trou
ble In which Geno was killed, saying
that the young men were at the
saloon near by most of the after
noon, and that Isadore was drunk
when he came home about 7 o'clock,
and wanted to lie down and rest, but
that she sent him for the cow, and
that Keezer went with him.
The witness was then asked when,
if ever, she had seen Geno, and she
replied that she had seen him at her
hotel two or three days before, and
that he had made a disturbance there
and threatened to shoot Isadore.
Here an objection was raised by the
prosecution and it moved the court
to strike out the answer and rule
this evidence as immaterial. Quite
an argument on both sides of the
matter was entered into, and Judge
Baker offered to state what the de
fendants expected to prove, that
threats were made and that Geno had
behaved boisterously at that time.
The state objected to such matter
being discussed in the presence of
the jury, and the court ordered the
jury taken from the room while the
matter was under discussion.
Defendants' counsel then stated to
the court that he would prove by
four witnesses that about two or
three days before the trouble in
which Geno was killed occurred, that
Geno came to the Sitzman hotel at
the noonday meal and was served In
the dining room, that he was in an
intoxicated condition and became
boistrious, throwing the plates and
dishes about the table, and that
Keezer and Isadore Sitzman, at the
request of Mrs. Sitzman, got Geno
out at the door, when he cursed
them and went away, going to
the saloon, and came back with a
revolver in his hand and began curs
ing the defendants, pointed the revol
ver at Isadore, saying, "I will get
you, if not now, I will get you some
time." That Keezer pulled Isadore
back into the dining room and closed
the door.
Judge Travis ruled that any state
ments on the part of Geno, in which
a threat was made, or an action on
his part tending to prove a threat
was competent, but the row in the
dining room, if any occurred was not
a part of this case, and could not be
detailed to. the jury. Judge Baker
pleaded with the court not to confine
him to proving only the bare threat,
as he apprehended that learned coun
sel for the state would argue how
impossible it would be for Geno to
make a mere threat, stripped of sur
rounding circumstances leading up
to the threat. For several minutes
the counsel argued for his conten
tion, but the court said he would ad
here to the ruling, that nothing out
side the threat should go to the
The jury was then recalled and
Mrs. Sitzman went on with her testi
mony, detailing the visit of Geno to
her hotel about two days before he
was killed. The witness testified to
the evidence outlined by Judge Ba
ker, saying that Geno cursed her,
and also the defendants, calling
the s of a b , with "swear
words' preceding in which the con
demnation of the deity was Invoked.
On cross-examination, Mrs. Sitz
man stated that she had never seen
Geno before that day, that she did
not remember whether he had a full
beard or not, she could not tell
about his appearance, except that he
was a tall man, much larger than
Isadore. She did not see the boys In
the saloon the afternoon of the trou
ble, but knew they were there as she
could hear their voices.
Mrs. Keezer was called and testi
fied to the same state of farts, given
by her mother, aud in addition de
tailed a conversation claimed to have
been had with the county attorney,
In which the county attorney had
said that It would be much better for
the boys If they would confess, and
that they would not need an attor
ney, and If they did confess, they
would get off with a very light sen
tence, and maybe none at all. On
cross-examination the witness said
the conversation had occurred In the
room occupied by her and her hus
band on the evening of the 3rd of
September, when Chris Metzger and
the county attorney were there
searching for the money; that Mr.
Metzger had left the room, probably
two minutes, that the door was open
leading from the room.
After Mrs. Keezer testified, Anna
Price, the twelve-year-old grand
daughter was sworn and corroborat
ed both Mrs. Sitzman and Mrs. Kee
zer as to the occurrences In the din
ing room and also what occurred on
the outside, some two or three days
before the trouble In which Geno
was killed.
Her statements In language cor
responded so nearly with the other
two witnesses, that the court said he
would like to know who had talked
to' this witness. Attorney Tidd cross
examined Anna Price, and when
asked with whom she had talked
about the case she stated that she
had talked with her grandmother,
Mrs. Sitzman. She was next asked
what her grandmother had said, and
replied that she had been told by
her grandmother to tell the truth
about the occurrence In the dining
room and at the door. The cross
examination of this witness did not
affect her testimony, but seemed to
strengthen It, If It had any effect at
The court then took a recess until
9 o'clock Saturday morning.
When court convened this morning
Max Price and George Sitzman were
sworn and also the defendants.
During the direct examination of
Chris Metzger It was developed that
the pieces of a quart bottle were ob
served on the railway track, near
where the trouble occurred. George
Sitzman testified to a conversation
which he overheard in one of the
saloons of Plattsmoutb, in which one
of the men who had been identified
with the affair, stated that there
would have been nothing of the trou
ble if Geno had not thrown the bot
tle. The cross-examination of this
witness by Attorney A. L. Tldd on
the part of the state was searching,
but elicited no new facts.
Louis Keezer was ;aen placed on
the stand In his own behalf and de
tailed his version of the trouble, In
which he has been proven to have
administered the blows which caused
the death of Mike Geno. The story
of Keezer was to the effect that when
the trouble occurred he and Isadore
Sitzman were going after the cow
when they overtook the three men
going toward the quarry, and passed
them that when they passed Geno he
yelled, "There goes one of the 'g
d s of b s," and threw
a quart bottle at Isadore; that Geno
and Isadore clinched and he, Geno,
getting the better of Isadore, who
called for help, that the men were
down when he got to where they
were, and that he struck Geno two
blows on the head with a small stick.
The witness was 'subjected to a
searching cross-examination by At
torney Tldd.
On the cross-examination he stated
that Isadore was In the lead when
they passed the men, that the men
were walking between the rails, but
at one side, Martin In the lead, with
Sanders next and Geno last, and he
thought Geno was about thirty feet
behind Sanders, that neither he nor
Sitzman said anything to Sanders,
that as he passed Sanders, he thought
Sanders struck at him and he
knocked Sanders down. At that time
Geno and Sitzman were struggling,
and about that time he heard Sitz
man calling for help, when he went
to his assltanee. As soon as Sitz
man was free from Geno's grasp,
they ran, having heard some one call
from John Gauer's orchard.
The only rurgical houia in the
West where all fitting is dons
by so eipert. Larveit stock
of triikse in the West.
Poultry and Chicken Business to
Be Established in City by ,
Hatt Produce Company
For many years it has been a
mystery to us as well as many others
in this locality, just why poultry,
butter and egg and general product
houses could not be made to pay in
Plaitsmouth, and during all this
time no one has ever attempted to
make It pay. But, now we are to
have an Industry of this kind, and
will be known as Hiatt & Co., and
workmen have Just started to erect
a cement block building in the rear
of the store of Hatt & Son In which
to carry on the business. They ex
pect to dress all the poultry bought
by them right at home, and will ship
to the eastern markets, thus enabling
them to pay the highest prices for all
kinds of produce. This enterprise Is
expected to grow and grow rapidly,
as the highest possible price will be
paid for everything, and they have
adopted the motto, "Let Us Grow."
A well conducted produce house
means much to us all; the farmers
for miles around will have a market
at all times and a top notcher, too;
It will produce employment for more
men In the dressing department.
This firm has been buying a great
deal of poultry for the past year,
and have made no great effort to
Increase the business, but now they
are going Into It right let all give
them a helping hand and see if
Plattsmouth cannot have a poultry
company as large as some of our
neighboring towns in Iowa. To our
farmer friends we would ask that
you give them a trial when you have
anything ready for the market.
Xo Xew Jail at lMattxim nth.
The voters decided, by a majo'Uy
of 1,500, that they do not re to
have a new Jail In Cass county. The
old ramshackle building which is
now used for a Jail Is utterly unfit
for a stable, and the officers of the
law are In a quandry what to do.
Cass county has had numerous Jail
deliveries during the past few years,
and Otoe county officers have beet
called upon Beveral times to aid In
recapturing prisoners. It will prob
ably cost Cass county a great deal
more to pay out money to recapture
criminals than it would to build a
new structure Nebraska City Daily
To all owners and parties Interest
ed in lots located In the Horning
cemetery: There will be a meeting
held at the Horning school house on
December 3rd, at two o'clock in the
afternoon, for the purpose of elect
ing trustees for said cemetery. Also
to transact such other business as
may come before the meeting.
' Geo. W. Snyder.
j Will T. Adams.
Fire at 1'nlveislty BullctlnR.
Word was received in this city this
forenoon, that a disastrous Are in one
of the university buildings at Lin
coln this morning totally destroyed
one of the large buildings. It is
thought to be the university building
proper, and one of the first erected
on the present site.
St. Lukes Choir.
Use Our
An especially medicated pre
paration for corn buskers
Manufactured and sold
clusively by
Druggists and Kxpcrt
Awaiting D3ii:lcjin3nls la Illness
of r.illionaire Husband.
Reports Say Other Arrests Will Be
Made Suspects Expected to Cast
Light on Purchase of Poison Ac
cused Woman Asserts Innocence.
Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 12. In a
room in the tower of the county jail,
fitted with comforts from her palatial
home, Mrs. Laura Far ns worth Scheuk
is detained without privileges of bail,
awaiting developments In the illness
of her husband, John 0. Schenk, a
millionaire pork packer. Arraignment
of Mrs. Schenk n charges of attempt
ing to poison her husband by putting
arsenic in his food will be delayed
pending the outcome.
At the North Wheeling hospital,
where he was taken two weeks -ago,
he Is reported as Improved, but still
critically 111. Despite his weakened
condition the authorities ventured to
tell him of Mrs. Schenk's arrest, but
he is said to have oaly remarked:
"If all these things are true, she is
where she ought to be."
That furthej arrests are to be made
was admitted by Prosecuting Attorney
Haudlnn and Chief of Police Hastings.
The suspects are expected to cast
light on the manner in which arsenic
or any other drug might have found
Its v.'ay Into the Schenk home.
Laws Forbid Sale of Poison.
The state laws expressly forbid the
sale of poisonous drugs without regis
tration of the purchaser. In this con
nection it is said physicians will be
At the Jail Mrs. Schenk was ques
tioned anew, but she repeatedly de
clared her Innocence of any attempt
on her husband's life. Attorney Hand
Ian said Mr. Schenk's illness might
be Bald to date back nearly a year.
In January he fell suddenly 111 and
took a trip abroad for his health, go
ing alone. Following his return, much
Improved, he fell 111 again and Dr.
Ackerman was called In and diagnosed
the case as poisoning. He was soon
afterward discharged from the case.
Dr. Lemoyne was then summoned
by relatives and he returned a similar
diagnosis, but his opinion was kept
from Mrs. Schenk until the expert
Analysis had been made and her hus
band removed to the hospital.
Wife Former Domestic.
iJMira Farnsworth Mienk Is the
daughter of a poor family In Marietta,
O. Hhe came to Wheeling twenty
three years ago and found employment
as a domestic. She worked as such
In several homes here until ten years
ago, when Mr. Schenk, who was then
twenty-seven years old, and wealthy,
married her.
They have two children, who have
been placed In the care of relatives
and who are kept In Ignorance of the
charges against their mother.
Coarse Grains Fail to Respond and
Close Shade Lower.
Chicago, Nov. 11. Improving mill
ing demand had much to do with a
strong upturn In wheat the last hour
of trading today. There were also re
ports that a large percentage of seed
planted In Kansas had failed to ger
minate. At the close, prices ranged
from Vic higher to c below last
night. Corn finished VifiVic down,
oats off u chade to c and provisions
unchanged to u decline of 12'ic. Close:
Wheat Ucc, flOi.jc; May, Uc.
Corn Dec, 4ii?,04Gi..c; May, 48c.
Oata Dec, 31l-j& Glc; May, 34
e34'jc; July, 34",c.
Pork-Jnn., $17.45; M.-y. $10.37'.,.
Iinrd Jan., $10 32',; May, $9 55.
Chicago Cnsh Prices No. 2 ha d
wheat, 9194c; No. 2 coin, BO'a5l3;
No. 2 onts, 3131'jc.
Omaha Cash Prices.
Omaha, Nov. 11. Wheat lc high
er; No. 2 hard, No. !
hard, 8288c. Corn lc hlgherj No.
2. 46(&4fii,c: No. 3, 464CjC. Oats
8c higher: No. 3 white, 29
30y4c; No. 3 yellow, 2929jC.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omahn, Nov. 11. Cattle Re
celpts, 1,400; steady to strong; na
tlve steers. $4.2507.00; cows and
heifers, $3.0005.25; western steers
$3.50(56.25; stockers and feeders, $3.00
f25.60: calves, $3.2503.75; bulls and
stags, $3.0004.50. Hogs Receipts, 3,'
300; 10015c higher; heavy, $7.50
8.00; mixed, $7.7507.85; light, $8,000
8.25; plt?B, $7.00(98.00; bulk of Bales,
$7.6507.85. Sheep Receipts, 2,300;
10c higher; yearlings, $4.0004.50;
wethers. $3.2504 00; ewes, $3.00
8.50; lambs, $5,500(5.40.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Nov. 11. Cattle Receipts
2,500; steady; beeves, $4.5007.50;
western steers, $4.1006.75; stockers
and feeders, $4.1005.40; cows and
heifers, $2.2506.25; calves, $6.60
10.25. Hogs Receipts, 15,000; 5
10c lower; light, $7.6008.05; mixed,
$7.6008.20; heavy, $7.4508.10; rough,
$7.4507.65; pigs, $7.2007.80; bulk of
alep, $7.850 8.25. Sheep Receipts,
14.000; wonk; natives, $2.5004.25;
westerns. 12.6004 25; yeai lings, $4.30
5.B0; lambs, $t.7o6."0
ling (lie Sioaiaclis aiulDowisl
Promotes Ditjeslionflrr ifi'
ncss and Restrontalns ncittw
Opiitm.Morphinc norJfiacraLi
- sfnarSttd
7 4
(WW 'Suqtr
Ancrfecl Remedy forfonsflM
tlon , Sour Storaach.Dlarrlwca
Worms jCom-ulsionsJevcrish
' Facsimile Signature of
rJi20 Guaranteed undVrtliTooffni
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
A Frltfitful Accident.
A 14-year-old eon of Herman
Kupke, living one-half mile east of
Murdock, met with an accident on
Friday of last week. He went to
step over a tumbling rod that oper
ates a com elevator, when his cloth
ing became twisted around the rod
and before the team could be stopped
he was frightfully injured. His body
was so badly cut, bruised and torn
that the local physician ordered him
taken to a hospital. Andrew Stohl
man, a relative of the unfortunate
boy, visited him at the hospital on
Wednesday and tells the Courier that
III ---Lt 1 li r-r.
a iv vi I i i r ni w . . i -
iii v cwmir . - j&wZhjz-
ffg3f JSP
I Copyrljbt Mart Scbiffner & Mr -j?" R
E sold more Suits and Ov
it possible to seil in a single day in Plattsmouth.
The largest one day's business since our opening.
It was really a joy to see the look of satisfac
tion on the faces of our customers, when they saw
what a large showing cf good suits and overcoats
we had to offer.
New styles, new weaves, new colorings
and patterns; special thing for young men.
Suits and Overcoats $10 to $35.
7 he Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Just received
Shipment of
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
he Is getting along as well as could:
bo expected Louisville Courier.
Ship Liwit Coii.siKiMnent Today.
Patterson & Thomas, the enter
prising syrup manufacturers of Rock
Dluffs, Bhtppcd out the last of their
output for this season this afternoon.
These gentlemen have made and sold
three hundred gallons, and could
have sold twice as much more, which
Bpeaks well for the quality of th
goods. The firm hns already begun,
to book orders for next year's output,
and it is advisable for anyone desir
ing syrup for next year'a consump
tion to get their order In pretty Boon.
ercoats Saturday than we had thought
$1.25 to $4.50