L 1! WHITE WINS THE BENNETT TP.OPI! EnilSte !:3 Ccrfe Cfl S5,000 fell P. 23. AVIATORS MKE SWIFT FLIGHTS Winner of Cud Goes at Speed That Ex rH M,l. Dfr Minute All Rt.'jrdJ I Are Smashed at International Avia tion Meet in New -York. New York, Oct 31 Claude Gra liame-White. the English Uyer, won the James Gorduu Ut-nnetl Interna tional trophy at the international avia lion tournament. With It goes a eaih prize of $5,000. The time made toi the twenty rounds of the long couise a distance Of til miles Wl.l llhe.y i-tand as a mark to bo flown at lor tome time to come He ma'ie the dls tance In a twenty-mile wind in 1 hour. 1 minute. 4 seconds This Is flyins at a rate of more than a nine a i" Pa l fc-fx:' -V: JAMLa 'ijURDOX BENNETT CUP. ered so dangerous that the visiting teams lodged a piotest against it. I Arnislronir Drexel, the Philadcl I I'M- "L. ' 1 ., . . ..,,iu r thulkn. as hereinafter set forth In full, Is pnian, iiictu sc .uu.o,.-, course in 26 nnnut'iS, 4 08 secomlS. i,b n MnU-ant nf fhiraifO cov- . ered only six rounds in 23 minutes. oc -i corr.twla .. . t i . IHlth mf-n saw mat It was nopeieas tn trv in rnmnfte acainst the fast tiliH made by OrahamoW hite , earlier in the day. when they were handicapped l.v tho necesitv of flchtintr a gale., by me mci -suy oi iibu""t a ka, Molssant was blown off the course in his last turn to the home stretch tnUino a wido circle ovpr the grand Section 1. (Who are electors.) Kv taKlng a Wiao circle over me b1""1' ery male citizen of the United States, of Stand and landing on the field. the age of twenty-one years, who shnll riiiirlet Hamilton the driver of the LliurifS lunimuu, in. uiiv-i 100-horso power llamiltontan, man airpd to eel ill Uip air twenty five min- T i . ', , , i ,i , titf-s bf-fore the bomb sounded me bour of 3:32, when ntries closed ., . v. ,i , ,,l,l tut. in thp face. of the wind, he could not cro'iS the stalling lilli; before the bomb explodod. James Hadley, the. remaining mem ber of the English team, also cot up. tut too l.itf to competo. flo returned to earth a"nln and wnt to the stabK C. E. MiTCHELL IS INDICTED Kansas -Ciy Merchant Whose Firm Failed Is Charged With Fraud Kansas City, Oct. 31. An indict ment charging fraud was reuirnc-d by tho I!n:t"cl Slates lufuvl jury against tj. .uiiciitii ui toe iiv-iuiii.i mii .... , .,..r...., XTI...1...11 Ilrv r.nrul. r omul II V. Will I Went into . .... ni n Uinnupuy uu. in, i.io.i. The indictment charges that Mr. Mitchell, as president and primal stockholder or the company, increased i t..nm irnmwi in u,e (.apii.ii scu.k ..w... $250,000 and Offered tlie preierreci -.i, c,. L.nin rhmi ibo ni-m una In n niU'-R I'JI "tivil in... .u failing condition. Tim assets of the company were sold last February to the highest bid der for $!3,150. The debts aggre gated $500.000. TRAIN RAIDED FOR LIQUORS Fifty-Five Bottles of Intoxicants Con fiscated in Kansas. Topeka. Oct. 31. The buffet car of the Golden State limited, the Iiolk Ivlnnd n tbroiiirh rnllfnrnln. train was I Mne itunarea ana irn, anu or imb in islandB ttirougn unuornia train, was . .. . .. ,,r.lted states the raided under the prohibition law when the train pulled In here. Thlrty-fiv. bottles of fancy liquors were confis cated and a negro waiter was arrested Clerin Zumwalt, a field agent of the State Temperance union, was on the train coming east ncross Kansas. He discovered that Intoxicants were being served In the buffet, car. Ho tele- graphed Ehoad to Topeka and the sheriffs ofTirers met the train. Shortaqe in French Wheat. Washington, Oct. 31,-The shortage In the crop of French crown wheat this year is estimated in a report to the United States government, by Con sul General Sharp rt Lyon, at .".,fiOO, OO'I buKhels. He adds that the French are looking to Argentina wiih the hope that the lar.'e croji them will lower the price of wheat tliion -'ior.t the world. Bailey Buys Washington House. Washington, Oct. 31. Senator Jo seph W. Pailey of Texas, apparently confident that he Is to rur.aln In Washington as the represent at we of the l)iie Star stnte In the somite, has bought a roi.idcuce at 2C20 Coou'Xtl cut avenuo. IITK K OF IMUPOITIO TO tl'l'l-2 Sl'Kl 1 L I'll. The electors of the County of Cans, In the Slate of Nebraska, will take n"tlet that at the general election to te helii on the Stti day of November, A D, 1S10, the proposition or levying a Fpeeiai lux of 2' mills on $1.00 valuation on nil taxable property of Cass County for the purpo.su of building a county Jail will be submitted to a vote or cue peo ple. The proposition Is set forth in the following resolution, to-wu: I!K IT KKSul.VKl) by the uoaru or County Commissioners of the County of Cass anil the State of Nebraska, in regular adjourned f.ession assembled this 4th day of October A. D, 1910. that for the purpose of obtaining authority bv a vote or the electors or crh County, Nebraska, to levy and colleo. a siier a tax on itil laxame property in said county for the purpose or build- i nipt Ll'UWlJ J.W tv in. , ... mouth, in -aid county and state, the question and proposition of levying and collecting a special tax for said purpose be submitted to the leiral voters or Cass County in tlie Mate or .enra- Wn. t the ireneral election to be held ,.,-.,m),i.r Klli A n 11111 rnat nam question ami proposition so to he submitted is In words una liKures as follows: Shall the Hoard or countv commis sioners of Cass County, Nebraska, or other person or persons, charged by law with tlie levying of taNes for said county, for the time being, in addition to the annunl taxes, cause to be levied a special tax or nuns on i.uo valuation on all taxable property of said county for the purpose of building a county Jail at tlie City or l'latts mouth, Onss County, Nebraska, taking RUch a(.ti()n ag tie requirements of tlie l '.".liwonlli tn lw nil th nvnnl nf in Wlicn CMnfa iiuiur nun imim mni, n mi l. 1.1 .1.11.1 I II W lllU'l pms ii i ru m itiiim v nun ii i iv. may demand, said special tax to be levied and collected ono year and one year only. PROVIDED that said special tax of rniilH be levied at the time of mak- In the year 1911. and be entered upon the tnx lists for that year, and col lected In the same tnnnner as other taxes; and that proceedings shull com mence for the erection of the sold Jail as soon after the authority Is obtained from the said electors as Is possible under the law and provisions of the statutes In such cases made and pro vided, and be continued without un necessary delay until the same shall be completed. That snld question end proposition above set forth shall be submitted to a vote of the legal voters of said county In the following form ami manner, that is to say, the form of the ballots to be used at such election In favor of said question and proposition shall be as follows: I vote for the levy and collection of a special tax for the purpose of build ing a county Jan. And the form of the ballots to be used at such election against said ques tion and proposition shall be as fol lows: "I vote against the levy and collec tion Of a special tax for tlie purpose of building a county Jail. C. is. Jordnn. Cl nlrman Hoard of County Commissioners., Attest: ) 1). C. Morgan, County Clerk. PP.OPOSFD rOXSTITUTIOXAL Anin.Mi;xT. The following proposed arnennment to the constitution of the State of Nebras Emitted to the electors of the State nf Nebraska, to be voted upon at the ireneral election to be. held Tuesday, November St h, A. D., 191D. a joint rksom'TIOM to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Ne brnska It Enacted by the Legislature of . gBptofl j (Andmenc constitution proposed.) That section ono (1) of article seven (7) of the constitution of Nehrnskn. the senate con- Uuri lng, he so amended us to read as follows: Have been a resident or this state six months next Dreeedlng the election nnd 0f the county, precinct or ward, for the term provided by law bo an elector; provided. That persons of foreign tlrtn wh0 ,1Hl, hnvP declared their la tent ion to become clt'zens conformably in me laws or iiib i nueu muni's Him are vo,n 8t ,ne tak,ns cffp(.t of th,s amendment, r.ipv continue to exercise tne rignt or sunriige until nui-n iiiiih as they may have resided In the United States five yeurs after which they shall take out full citizenship papers to he entitled to vote at uny succeeding elec tion. Section 2. (Ballots.! That at the Rcnernl election nineteen hundred and ten (1910) there shall be submitted to he electors of the stnte for their ap proval or rejection tlie foregoing pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage At such election, on the ballot of eneh elector voting for or against said pro posed amendment, shall be written or nmpn(,mPnt t0 t,,e constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Against printed tho words: for proposed ISHiil n iiiiu.irii uiiit'iiunit-ui ,u me v.tiii- stltutlon relating to the right of suf frage. Section S. (Adoption.) If such an amendment bo approved hv a mnloritv of all electors voting at such election, stltutlon of the State of Nebraska, I ADDlOved April 1. lUUil. I, Ceorge (!. Junkln. -Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska do here by certify thnt the foregoing proposed . , ' . . ,- n.nBH,..tln . ,1.- II llll. II LI 111111 IV HID V. IlllfflllUll'lII 'l III" State of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed bill, as passed py tne tnirty first session of the legislature of the Stnte of NebrasKa. as appears from said original bill on file In this office, and tnat sa d proposed amendment Is sun mltted to the qualified voters of the .State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to ha held on Tuesday, the Sth day 01 No vember. A. V., 1910. In Testimony Whereof. T have here unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 29th day of July, In the year of our Lord. One Thousand orre Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of this Slate me r nny-muri n. GliOKOR C. JUNKIM, (Seal) Secretary of State. OKDIX.XXCK XO. JHI. Ail Ordinance vacating that part of Pearl Street, between Blocks 32 nd 47, from the West line of the gtreet running North and South, on Vat ,,, nf EnI,i itwks. tn the Kast line or 'ihira btreet in mo city Plattsmouth, State of Nebraska, designating the reversion or tine thereto, providing for the sale and transfer of such title and providing for the payment of expenses connect ed with the passage of this ordinance. Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Plattsmouth: Section 1. That that portion of Pearl Street between Blocks 32 and 47, In the City of riattsniouth, State of Nebraska, and from the West line of the street running North and South on the Fast side of said Blocks, to tho East line of Third Street, be and the same Is hereby vacated. . Section 2. That the title to said Street so vacated shall revert accord ing to law, subject to all rights, liens, lneuniberanrcs or title to which anv Individual company, corporation, as sociation or society may have been entitled through said City of Platts itiouth. Section 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said city, be and they are hereby authorized to sell, quit claim and transfer any and all title or interest of :aid City of Plattsmouth In and to said street so vacated. Section 4. That any aud all ex penses made or Incurred In the vaca tion of said street, as hereinbefore set forth, and in the publication of this ordinance, shall bo pa'd by the party to whom said City of Platts niouth shall sell, quit claim and transfer said title. Section 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances heretofore In effect In conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 6. That this Ordinance be In force and effect from and after this passage approving publication - ---0 v .... . 11 costs and expenses connected herewith ns hereinbefore provided. Passed and approved this 24th day of October, A. D., 1910. Seal ) ' Attest: John P. Sattler, P.. G. Wurl, City Clerk. Mayor. Notice to llonrt Kidders for Pint I s .mouth Paving Honris. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Platts mouth at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, up to 4 o'clock p. m. of the 11th day of November, A. D., 1910, for the pur chase of the following described Plattsmouth City Paving Bonds, to wit: Seven raving Ponds of the City of Plattsmouth of Five Hundred Dol lars each, with five per cent Interest, payable annually, due In ten years after date, redeemable at any time after one year from date. Twenty-four District Paving Bonds of Paving District No. 3 of the City of Plattsmouth, of Five -Hundred Dollars each, with six per cent In terest, payable annually, due as fol lows: Numbers one to four, Inclusive, due in one year. Numbers five to eight, Inclusive, duo In two years. Numbers nine and ten, due In three years. Numbers eleven and twelve, due In four years. Numbers thirteen .and fourteen, due In five years. Numbers fifteen and sixteen, due In six years. Numbers seventeen and eighteen, due in seven years. Numbers nineteen and twenty, due in eight years. Numbers twenty-one and twenty two, due In nine years. Numbers twenty-three and twenty four, due In ten years. Any of the last above named bonds not due within five years shall be re deemable on demand of the City of Plattsmouth at any time after five years from date of issue. Pids for Paving Ponds of the City of Plattsmouth may Include one Bond, more than ono or all thereof. Bids for District Paving Bonds of Paving District No. 3 of the City of Plattsmouth must be for each subdi vision separately, and tlie Mayor and City Council expressly reserve the right to sell only such of said last named bond3 as they may select. No bids will be considered for less than par value of either series of said bonds or any part thereof. The right to reject any and all bids for either series of bonds or parts thereof is expressly reserved by the Mayor and City Council. Bids will conform to the following" forms: (Date) To tho Mayor and City Council of the City of Plattsmouth: Gentlemen: hereby offer In cash Dollars for Paving Bonds o( the City of Plattsmouth. (Signature.) (Date.) To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Plattsmouth: Gentlemen: hereby offer for District Paving Bonds of Paving District No 3 of the City of Plattsmouth as fol lows: For numbers one to four, Inclusive, Dollars.' . For numbers five to eight, Inclusive Dollars. , For numbers nine and ten Dollars. For numbers eleven nnd twelve . .., Dollars. For numbers thirteen and fourteen Dollars. For numbers fifteen and sixteen.. Dollars. For numbers seventeen and eighteen Dollars. For numbers nineteen and twenty.. ' Dollars. For numbers twenty-one and tweuty- two Dollars. For numbers twenty-three and twenty-four Dollars. Witness our hands at the City of Plattsmouth, State of Nebraska, this 31st day of October, A. D., 1010. Attest: B. O. Wurl. John R. Satflcr, . City Clerk. Mayer. ATJHE GAYETY Eilllene Sheridan Heads Com pany of Live Ones The strides that have been made In the character of the performances of extravaganza companies is exempli fied In the programme of the F.eh- man show wnicn began an engage ment at the Popular Gayety theatre in Omaha, beginning Sunday, October 30. With a roster of 53 persons, men and women picked for their qualifications and experience as enter tainers, a musical comedy with a clear cut story and diverting with the high class Broadway productions, original and catchy music, most of It contributed by the foremost compos ers of the day, and scenic novelties and ingenius stage groupings the claim of the management that the company is unexcelled In Its lines Is fully Justified. Besides tho singing, dancing and features that appeal to the eye several high class vaudeville acts are Interspersed between the two acts of the musical comedy that Is presented. Killene Sheridan is the leader of the company. She has a daintiness of style, piquancy, chlcness and sparkle that Is refreshing. In addition she has a pleasing voice, is nimble' of foot, Is clever In travesty work and in Impersonations and pos sesses the faculty of illuminating her lines by vivid expression and action that carry exery word across the foot lights. Lillian Herndon proves a capable assistant, with her dash and Insouciance. Lon Hascall, formerly of the Cecil Fpooner company, enacts the-role of a cheeky but likeable and manly fellow with true comedy spirit. Will J. Kennedy, until recent ly with Lottio Williams company, Bay J. Iargay and George Siegman I bave the other leading parts. "Palm Beach," is the title of the musical comedy. Leo. Fdwards, the most successful writer of tho day, has fur nished the music and Ballard Mac donald and Mr Hascall provided tlie book and lyrics. The scenes are lam In the Florida winter resort and In Monto Carlo, views from those places being repre sented with picturesque effect. One of tho scenic novelties Is the flight of the Wright aeroplane which skims across the stage with Miss Sheridan as a passenger across the footlights. The chorus consists of "20 so-called "show girls," statuesque and resplen- dant in a variety of harmoniously colored costumes of rich fabrics and the same number of "ponies" lithe, agile and springhlly, whose presence and movements adds to tho ensemble features. Six excellent variety num bers are Introduced between the act. MIhs Killene Sheridan is a young monologist who is a departure from the average entertainer of that class. She possesses a strong magnetism, has a pleasing persons lity and sing ing voice, tells her torles In a quizzi cal way, beside demonstrating the value of good enunciation in her original Jokes and parodies. Lon Hascall & Co. presents .lames J. Corbett's big vaudeville sensation, "Pals" staged with al lthe accesso ries etc., to make this alone a pro duction In Itself. The Behman show will bo remem bered as the first extravaganza com pany to play at tho Gayety last sea son. Ladies clime matinee uany, starting Monday. Mr. C. C. House! and wife and babe, of Louisville, arrived this morning and will be the guests of William Clements and family for a short time. THE GEHMAN SHOW Co you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Teleprnph or write ROBERT VIKINSON, Dunbar, Hcb. DatesTmade at this tffice or the Murray State Bank. Good Service Reasonable Rale RIOT IN FRENCH PARLIAMENT D5bat3 03 RarwyS!rMc;i:lt3 1:1 Scsns o: Tu:l)j!:rc3. mm issues ef;n3e. Social. stj Create Lproar in Crs-rtf cf Deputiet Vhen Brland S.. Hs Would Have Resorted to lega' Means to ae FatherUna. Paris. Oit. 31 The JL'are or. the rjiUuy sii ike, in wl.:c;i Hi-? g-jven uu iit has ben bitterly uracil u m d.'i chamber ot deputies by the j..:il'.i.i look a new and Urr.nur.ic turn. L-ur ing the ."casual, which was not cr.ly the mort violent lu the history of ti'.-' French parliament, but rivaKil r.i us order hint turbulence the btsiloui oi the national convention during tlu 1-riiich revolution, Pnr.ilor Prianj himself was the pivot on whkh th druina turned, and the ecu -ral ve: did Is that certain government vic tory has been changed lino Los.iil.l. defeat. Smarting ujider the repeated attacks of M. Jauies. the leader of tile so clallstH, and others, the premier b npn. to his feet and, defending the cab luet's suppression ot t ie strike rs a revolutionary outbreak, exclaimed: "If the actual laws had been insuf ficlent, we would not have hesitated to resort to Illegality for the purport o" preserving the fatherland." An uproar followed turse words. The socialists jumped up and were Joined by a number of radicals. With shouts of anger they moved towards the tribune, crying: "Resign! dic tator, resign!" Desks were banged nnd the chamber was a perfect bedlam with the noise of shouts and cheers. One socialist tried to fight his way to the tribune to strike Brland. Throughout all, the premier stood clam and dignified nnd for three quarters of an hour waited patiently, hut vainly, to make himself hoard. Finally M. Brlsson, president of tho chamber, nmld cries and Im precations from the socialists, ad journed the debate. When the debate was resumed, Pr? mler Brland, In accomplished oratory flayed tho socialists for their violence In forbidding him the right of speech His frank appeal for republican pup port, r suited In a vote of i onlM mk SERIOUS RIOTS IN BERLIN Crow Attempts to Prevent Purchase! by Patrons of Butchsr. Berlin, Oct. 31. Serious rlotins; broke out In connection with a stilUc of workmen employed by a butcher. A crowd, largely composed of hall' grown boys, gathered In front of the shop and tried to prevent any person from making purchases. '1 hoy even set up on and beat women. The crowd grew in dimensions to thousands, where upon the police were called out In large numbers nnd tried to disperse the multitude without the use of wean ons. The rioters snowereu mem w..a bottles aud stones and many (.e;'so;ia threw missiles from the windows of adjoining houses. The police finally were so hard pressed that they drew their sabers and drove the crowd be fore them. A number of rioters fell from saber strokes. PAY MILLIONS TO CROSS SEA Passengers Thii Year Have Spent IVJ, 000,000 for Ticket. New Yoik, Oct. 31 Figures of trans Atlantic passenger travel for tho portion of tho year already passed as sume large proportions aud are fur ahead of those for lUO'J. The number of first cabin passen gers from tho beginning of tho year to Sept. 23 was 1C8.420 and promises to break all previous records. Thi entire number of passengers carried both eastward and westward aero;,: the Atlantic to Sept. 23 was 1.4:i(!.ICn. the travelers having spent about $3."), 000,000 for their Journeys. At. present tho rush back from Eu rope, which began Aug. 1, Is still !n full swing. In all probability It will fall off rapidly after today. Rioting in Jersey City. New York, Oct. 31. The strike of express company drivers and helpers, which has been dally growing more serious, resulted In a fierce battle In Jersey City, In which 100 policemen faced an angry mob of 10,000 strlko sympathizers and fired volley after volh, at them. Tho fusillade of bul lets was! followed by an attack with clubs, In which scores of persons were laid low. Descendant of Columbus Dead. Madrid. Oct. 31. Tho Duke of Vera gua, a descendant of Christopher Co lumbus nnd former minister of marlno, died here. He was born In 1S37. II" visited the United States In 1S92 on (ha occasion of the Columbus celebra tion, ntid was receive I with hUh honors as the representative of the family. Score Hurt in Bleachers' Fall. Pittsburg, Oct. 31. A score of men were hurt when a huge bleacher stand collapsed on Hie second floor of tho old city hall. Three hundred specta tors at a boxing exhibition wero pre cipitated Into a mang'ed muss ot human bodies and splintered wood. Poultry Wanted Spring SVjC liens SUc Old KooMeis 4 Stag Boosters G'i Ducks, fat 8 Geese, fat 8 lllgest prices paid for all kinds of produce. Church Xtites Overlooked. The Christian church notes which were handed to the Journal reporter on the street, through an oversight, l ever got out of his coat pocket until Saturday evening after the paper was printed. The Items of Interest which have not already transpired are: Ladies Aid meets Wednesday afternoon with Mrs 11. McKay and lunch will bo served. Bible study class Wednesday evening at the church at 7: 4.1, and thoir rehearsal at 8:30, Ladies In dustrial meets Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with Mrs. William Balrd. Regular meeting of the Loyal Sons and Loyal Daughters at the homo of Rev. Uatcllfl'e on Thursday evening. Regular services next Lord's day, as usual. PlulntllVGets.ludgniciit. In the case tried to Judge Archer last Wednesday and taken under ad visement until last Saturday, tho plaintiff, Vondorn, was given Judg ment against tho defendant, Buttery, In the sum of $59.30. Tho prayer of tho complaint was for over a hundred dollar's, and the defendant counterclalmed for more than that sum, and the case was a rather complicated one, as the evi dence was very conflicting. There was evidence of repairs having been or dered done, and brush cut and the orchard cleared out, which was not In the written contract. Reds In the Lead. Yesterday was nut Ideal day on the water, and the ocean going ves sels left tho wharf at the M. K. church with a full head of sleain. nnd made 920 miles as against 974 the previous Sunday. The fleet was stopped In mid ocenn to take cm board seen new passengers which came to them from U'ellman's air craft. Pilot Hill was at tho wheel yesterday and saw that no slionls were, btruck. The reds came lu with the greatest number of miles to their id-edit. Watch out for the' Uucs next Sunday. Xollie of I 1 mil Sellleiiieitt. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In the matter of the Fstate of An drew Henry Peterson, deceased. To all poisons Interested in said estate, and especially Johanna An derson and Anna Peterson, non-residents, and Carl Albert Peterson, you and each of you are hereby notified that final report and petition for final settlement of tlio administrator of said estate have been liled In this office, showing receipts In the sum of $1,035. 1)0 and claims paid apd other disbursements In the sum of $704.97. A hearing will bo had on said report and petition at my office In the city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 3rd day of December, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. tn., at which time tho prayer of said petition will bo granted or denied. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 31st day of October, 1910. (Seal) Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. 10-3l-3tw. Farm for Sale 160 acres, good Improvements, House has nine (9) rooms. Large barns, corn cribs and fruit. Ono and one-half miles from a town on the Burlington & Union Pacific railways; 12 miles from Lin coln; splendid blink soil, bs crops will show. No rock, stone or gravel, has been rented to owner's son at 1-3 crop and has paid owner nine hundred dollars annually. Price $90 per acre. Address C. II. Barstow, No. 1243 Q street, Lincoln, Neb. ltw Farm for Saio. Tho NWli, 29, 11, 12. Any ono looking for a first-class, well im proved IfiO-acre farm In Cass county, can find It In this. Enquire of John M. Leydn, Plattsmouth, Neb. 1 0-27-1 Otdw. Pi For Sale. I hive a number of sprin,? male Duroc-Jersey pip;s for sale. N. Klavkenr CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought ' Boars the Signature of LCcisfa Ml & ion