The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1910, Image 6

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A, ' I
Paf.ot RrooiJy.1
The Kcsrai'c cf the Hour
to the Church aid
the . orld.
Tl-e i lam tSal rlli in tV ii .1-fH'n. t r
pin yc tL? w-y it uV L ti1. N.-i" u.',l in -e
dil kuhway It "uf I.. . . . Awl I' t e r i!
t' e lfd ilII be irm W. al 11 ll--.ii al II M lo-rtlf-
. . . i r. v 3 Hiu, , rthi-Ti, alii art i: gnu.
r 1 ,L Mio ltnM I trtv.t u at Lie llowrf r-l t.T li' li.
In k KiLlrl'i, li Cower laJ'tli. Utauir Ik T
int ui the I oc.l I I wlK upua . J-mrly I. ai ie J
uc grata " (laaaah l, J-7).
ooO ..... . .. . . o
London, iMulx-r C!).-Pastor K.hkc'.I
of ltn KUlyn TaliLTUfirli! tmliiy addrc-s.
rriun iiuiiliiii'cof Hourly four thmiMind
people front tlm iilne text. Ills heir-'
its were t all classes uud very Intel
ligent HiUH-iiriii;. lie bad closest "t
lentlun. Ilw Ha !1 in imrt:
G'll llilS l!lf.S;lrH fur tllt'Stf who
linvi! hcmiug car nt on i h groat DIs
I'l'lisnlinliiil rliaii't! lu earth's nlTair.i.
Tlio.o me-s:i;res have gcner:illy been
in the nature uf forewarning f emu
I.ik ilisiiTM nnd the ivasmis therefor.
in li a Message was ibeii to our first
parents when ihcy v.-re x,hIIn1 from
Kilrii - acnii M il t.ul.I I d the goutd
fi r their n::Ui's. Tin rns ami thlstha
it won!. I lulu; fiirth uato tliem. lu
Kvat of faie Cie;, Mumld eat bread
thereof tu.til th.y hlmuiU return t the
pi.uial. frma v.heaee tliey taiiie. An
i titer jrr.'itt iui'f a;,'L went forth ut the
time ( f li e ll '.; riiM'.ir befi re the
Li'siii'tiiie of Sa.'uin nml (ii);
nnotliiT ut the close of the Jewish
Afte. when Jems r.inl hii Aii..tliM eall
id ntteiitloii to t:-.e pr ;ihe -.-les which tD i :-.:.-. rejection of the
i:'.tl.a of I.:rac! fjr a Uuo naJ Ia
(land that nil things v.rit'.rn la the
Law nnd the TrophoU ooncernln
them would Imve fulilllinent, quoting
the irojilKKy which declared tliat
their house would he left desolate;
that they would have neither prophet,
nor violoii. nor prlent. imr ephod for
many years, but that eventually God's
favor would return to luraol-thnt he
Mould Rather them nsnln nnd fulflll to
tliem everliiHthiKly the bleMNliujH prom
ised both to Abraham nnd to his ile-K-endanU-'Uhe
sure lae.vles of Ia
vld." A week ago w? cont'idered the pro
f I'.ptle ineshaKe. "t'ouifort ye. comfort
jo, my ppopliH Kalth your God" (Isaiah
xl, I). Wo noted then that tin due
time has arrived for the fulilllinent to
Israel of thin comforting mesKafte
that ns a people the appointed time
for the return of favor to them Is ne
compllxhcd bcentiHO their two-fold dis
ciplines for Kin have been fullllled.
Thus our present day Is clearly mark
id nnd the words of our text follow
Inx Imply thnt now Is the time for a
Kpeclnl mcKHM;e to nil, In proporiloii
as each may have the honrlnn ear.
It Is the voice of tiod which calls
now through various channels aval
nuclides, it cries not from the "City
Iiabvlon the Great." It cries not from
the citadel of Christendom; hut from
Hi,, uiiili.iness. from those who nro
more or less separated; from those who
have heard the voice of the Lord say
luff, "Come out of her, my people, thai
ye bo not partakers of her slits, nnd
that ye receive not of her plagues"
(Kevclatlou xvlll, 4).
Prsparo th Lord'i Wcy.
The nicssace of the hour to every
henrlnu ear Is. "The Lord whom ye
neck shall suddenly come to his tcm
jile" (Mnhieht 111, I). Tor centuries you
huvo been prayiiiR. "Thy Kingdom
come; thy will be done on earth ns it
Is done In heaven." Now your prayer
Is about to be answered, whether yon
lirayed lu hliuerlty or lu hypocrisy.
The .'lory of the Lord Is about to bo
revealed. "All tlesh shall seu It to
nether." It will not be revealed mere
ly to one tuition, nor merely to one
holy class. Ills glory will be revealed
In tlamlnt? tire-In Judgments. All tlesh
tdintl see It the rich nnd the poor.
the learned nnd the luuoruut, the
luil v nnd the unholy. Hut, as the
iifro, declared prophetically of our day
that every hidden thins Khali be re
vealed (Matthew x, tVi). We nee his
prophecy fullllllnjr. The sis-rets of na
tions are being exposed. Injustice In
Its every form Is beint; brought to
l!j;ht ns never before. Inequity lu
financial Institutions nnd In politics
nnd In private nffalrs Is belnu leiinirsc
lessly muckraked mid brought to llht.
Kxpediency and pulley inlulit say.
Illile these thiiiKs from public (.ae.
I'Ut uiuliT hlvine rrovldi in e the lldit
Is bcliiK turned on everywhere and
hidden tliiaus of darkness are belli::
exposed. siu,e!lmes In the e II mid
sometimes la the p,ood. And some
times, perhaps, tho Adversary sil"-
fceiN in makini: tne pm to appear
evil. Ve are merely noting the jre'i
oral tendency-1 lu great fact so pe
culiar to unr h y. We are iyt saying
C at t v i :y i hr.rve of f:v.i:d Is lmii i !M
other Klncdora of Europe, perhaps,
the distntiie between the mountain
tops of iiutiN-riiey m:d the depths of
, ial devradatl'iu. have I U lesse:a-il.
4utl. it In Great I n iiia. Die t hanye '..
inamleil I iy i'i- n '.' K;:r-i! . li). Mes
siali"s Kindled, w i; he le.s than In
many Mh-r -miit.'ies, li.' e it U.i
'otiie l'"i! l ;ily.
Thj Cltry 1 v; Lor J raveled.
A well -sTiow n A"cr.ean air liort s
(Henry Wan! I'. 1 "s Si U. ri on. e
wrote ko'mc wor.'s w hle!i seetii pro-pheii'-:
I run h- his co-'i'ir: J'.hIi. meats, as tliey
rirelt- it 1 1 lie- i-arili.
Tho Kii.iiH nml Ktoanl.'.RS liiomlswd. to
pp't'.ilo u nei tun blrtli;
I reiel hiii riKhleoiiH ' nteni e. In the
crumlillni; llirom-s of I'arih
Oar KinK l in.ircliliiK on.
Th Onille Times' nre i lnsinK, for their
klnus hnve hail their ilny;
Ami with tliem sin urnl sorrow, will for-
rvor pa away;
For the trlh of Jinlah' Lion, now comes
lo Imlil the wuy
Oi.r Kinj in iniirehlng on.
.-5 Are V3.-k.
ITophet lalacht decl'ares, "Who nhall " not only proclaim and usslst
The gnat levelling processes men-
tloticd by the rrophet may be seen it
work everywhere In Boclety-Iu poll
ties, In lltiaiicf, lu religion. A straight
path Is certainly lielny; marked out In
the wilderness. The people ure com
inj; to see gradually what conslitutes
Justice from the I ilviuc standpoint
the path that Jehovah God will take
when ronilng to mankind to require nn
nccountliiR for the blessing of religion
and of enlightenments granted to hu
manity In this, our day. Those who
point out to mankind the straight paths
do not always wull: therein themselves.
Nevertheless, the great purpose of the
Almighty Is being accomplished In the
exposures of sin and Injustices, wheth
er made from tho Christian pulpit or
from the socialistic platform or In the
public press. Tho lHvIno edict Is.
"Make straight In the desert a high
way for your God" (Isaiah xl, 3) show
his path of righteousness; make It
known to nH the people.
We should remember, however, that
It Is one thing to know tho path of
righteousness, of Justice and of eipilty.
and another thing to walk therein.
Iet us, my dear hearers, see to It thnt
we not only recognize the Hlvine
standards of righteousness nnd that
we proclaim these to all who have the
hearing e:ir, but let us also take heed
that we practice what we preach;
thnt we bo not condemned In respect
to those principles which we allow nnd
ncknowledgiMind proclaim ns the Gold
en Hule to others. Alas for the hypo
crites who proclaim the way of the
Lord to others, yet Ignore that way in
their own dealings. Wo have every rea
son to believe that honesty Is one of the
qualities wluYh our God most highly
appreciates In his creatures; hence we
nmy bo sure thnt hypocrisy Is om
of tho most abomlnablo qualities in
his sight. Hearken to the words of the
Great Teacher, "Woe unto you, scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye
lade men with burdens grievous to be
borne, and ye yourselves touch not tin1
burdens with one of your lingers"
(Luke xl. 41 -Hi).
Let nil who have named the name
of Christ; nil who In any sense of the
word profess to bo God's people, put
far from them the hypocrisies which
appear so abominable In others, Let us
be honest. Let us practice even more
than wo ever preached. U't all who
belong to the Lord be In leed burning
and shining lights In the world exam
ples of justice nnd rluhh'ousness In
their homes, In their neighborhoods, In
t'.ia workshop nnd In the markets. Let
We have just purchased ti car load of Kokomo and American
8 Eencing, of all heights and styles, at prices that were never before
8 known on these grrdes of fencing. If you need any fencing figure
us now. uei logemer wun your neignoor ana get a speceial
1 with
one '
thousand rod fence.
abide tho day of his coming, and who
nhall stand when ho nppeareth; for ho
Is like fuller's soap (In Its attack upon
grease and dirt), and he Is llko a re
liner's lire," as It melts nnd separates
the dross of sin and Iniquity (Malachl
111. -)
Tho coiplng of a great earthly king
to u city Is the signal for a general
rleanlng up everywhere. And ao the
Iird declares that the inessago of his
fast-approaching Kingdom should In
lluencc all who have tho hearing ear
to make preparation. To each natlou
It means. Set your house lu order. An
Inspection Is at hand. See that your
laws are Just and equitable and thnt
thev are administered Justly. The
nine message conies to one!) self-gov
fining city, and lastly, and most 1m
jsirtant of all. this message comes to
:k h Individual, ami especially to all
who have named the name of Christ.
Or. as St. I'eter declares, this Inspec
tion of the King of kings nnd Lord of
lords must begin with tho house of
God (I I'eter I v. l"i. And If the In
qH-ctlon be so searching that It must
begin with (iod's saints, what could
we expect of It w hen it reaches those
who are merely nominal Christians
nnd then the world In general! Ah
we may expect Just what the Hlhlo ad
vises us will come. "A time of trouble
such as never was since there was a
nation" (Ihinlcl-x II. li. Tho message
of this hour, dear friends, elsewhere
Mated In Holy Writ. Is. "Seek meek
niss; seek righteousness. It may bo
thnt ye Khali be hid lu the day of tho
liord's nnger" (Zephanlah II. .'!.
Hidden Thingi to D Revealed
The greatest Teacher the world hns
ror known, a J w, eighteen centuries
maklnu straight before our feet the
piithwny of our God, but let us eon-
form our words nnd deeds and tin rghls
thereto. The general result of I he
uncovering of the hidden thing: ul
darkness, an I the bringing of tliem
to light, nml tho proclamation of the
straight way of the Iord, will have a
great effect, and that effect Is declared
by tho rrophet. It will mean n Revo
lution In symbolical language, an
earthquake. Note the plcturo given;
Ivory valley shall be exalted, and
every mountain and hill shall be made
low; nnd the crooked shall be made
straight, nnd the rough places smooth."
Not In one Instant w 111 all this mlghty
trnusformntlou of society bo accom
plished. Not nt once will all the de
graded members of the human family
be brought to the general standard or
Vol. Not at once will the mountains
and hills (the kingdoms and prince
dolus of the world) be brought down
to the common level. Not at once will
thus n general equalization of s H-lety
be effected. Hut it trill hr vffivhd
"The mouth of the Lord hath spoken
"The levelling process already Is be
gun. In Germany, for Instance, one
fourth of the Reichstag Is composed
of Socialists, no! withstanding the fact
that the wenllhy have several votes
to the poor man s one. Already we
see the great mountain (or nation) of
Russia yielding to the demands of the
people nnd granting them n im-nsuro
of civil rights. There we see n practl
cnl Illustration of the lifting up of the
valleys and the bringing low of the
mountains. In Great Hrltnln w see
another wonderful Illustration of this
principle; for hero, more than In any
"The seventh tremp Is sounding, and our
King knows no ilefeat,
He will elfl out tlie hearts of men before
hlH JinlKment-seat.
O! ! HWlft. my soul, to him; be
jubilant, my feet
Our King Is marching on."
The exposure of the frailties of poor
humanity-of the shams of society and
of religion and of business and poli
ties, all are constituting a great black
background, against which the glories
of the Lord are being revealed In strik
ing contrast", ns th. critics of the world
mercilessly hew to the line mid lay
I: .'.re the cankers In polities and pollu
tions of our s.'nlal system. The eli'ci t
of this primarily will bo the arousin;.'
of the masses against the classes of
privilege. Their human Idols mid
Ideals will crumble. Their confidence
in men will melt. They will give vent
to what they w III esteem to be a right
eous "Indignation. And so doing they
w 111 forget that the masses are equally
as unrighteous, unjust, as the more fa
vored classes, lu proportion to their op
portunities. Wherein they Judge oth
ers they should also condemn them
selves, and the result should be that
mercy which the Lord enjoins.
Only those who forgive others their
trespasses who thus manifest a spirit
of love and sympathy need expect t
have mercy, consideration, shown
them by the new King. He will sure
ly punish Injustice and unrighteous
ness of word and deed and thought la
the poor ns In the rich, in the Ignorant
us In tho learned, In the outwardly
religious as In tho outwardly profane.
The message of the hour to Christian.
Jew nnd Gentile Is what It was eight
een centuries ago, "Repent ye, for the
Kingdom of heaven Is at hand." Re
pent and reform respecting public In
justices, no matter of how long stand
ing, no matter by whom practised and
approved. Repent of and reform from
and disown the rank errors to be
found In so many Church creeds, dis
honoring to our Creator. Let us be
honest lu our professions of faith. Re
pent as respects wrong practises
which have crept Into our Churches.
quite out of harmony with the teach
ings of Jesus and the Apostles.
Let us return to the simplicity of
the early Church. Let us repent of
the God-dishonoring statements we
have put forth In the name of God
and religion and the Rible, by which
we palmed off bad tidings of great
misery, ns Instead of the true Gospel
of Good Tidings of Great Joy which
shall be unto nil people. Let us re
pent of and abandon tho falsehoods
nnd misrepresentations so common In
business life the subserviency of the
Truth to money. Let us repent of and
put away the dishonesties of tho Stink
Kxchauge, through which the weak
and Ignorant llnauelal lambs are de
ceived and Impoverished. Let us re
pent of the Iniquities which abound in
nearly every home, even those where
Christ Is claimed to be the Head In
justices of husbands toward wives nnd
of wives toward husbands, tho strong
minded toward the weaker-minded
falling to observe the Golden Rule.
Let us repent of the la lust Ices prac
tised by parents n;ion children, In 'vio
lation of the same Gulden Rule. Let
us repent' of the dishonor and disobe
dience to parents practised by many
children. Let us repent of the selllsh
ambitions of our uvn hearts and let
us pray earnestly to the Lord, "Create
within me a clean heart. () Lord, and
renew a right spirit within me;"
"Cleanse thou me from secret fanlts;
keep back thy servant also from pre
sumptuous sins" (Psalm 11. 10; xlx, 12,
, The Time I at Hand.
True, theso and similar exhortations
havo boon made by the Lord's peoplo
from time Immemorial. And yet the
present proclamation is different from
nil others In that It proclaims. "The
time Is nt hand;" "Tho Kingdom of
Heaven Is at hand!" Not an earthly
kingdom with an earthly king; not a
papal kingdom exhorting the world to
righteousness In the name of the Lord!
Not a Protestant ecclesiastical empire
exhorting to godliness! Rut the real
Kingdom of God's dear Son so long
promised, so long prayed for. is at
linud! It will be a Spiritual Lmpliv,
replacing and displacing Satan's em
plre in the world and using as Its
earthly agency Israel restored to li
vine favor. Men w 111 not say, I.o. here.
or, lo, there, but. Ileholdthe Kingdom
of God will be In the midst of man
kind -every where present, empowered
to bless and empowered to punish
The Great Prince of Light, the King
lu his glory, with the elect ns his
Urlde on the henvonly, spiritual, In
visible plnne, will soon take the scep
tre of earth. Ills great power nnd the
glorious majesty of his righteous rule
will be manifest In tho Judgments
which will prevnll-rewards and pun
iHhmenlM. "When the Judgments of
the lArd are nhroad In the earth, the
Inhabitants of tlw wirld shall lean
C. F. Chandler has sold his resi
dence property to A. K. Jameson.
J. C. Lehman was a passenger to
Omaha Tuesday. While working a
piece of a cold chisel flew in one eye
and he went to see the company
Wednesday, November 26, at the
home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Kd.
Jewell, their daughter, Myrtle, weds
Mr. William W. Jameson. A more
extended account will be given next
Mrs. H. J. Hitchman and children
departed Wednesday for Mt. IMeas
ant, Penn. They took the south hound
passenger for Kansas City. Mr.
Hitchman accompanied them to
M. S. McDonald, or Turtle Creek,
Pennsylvania, cousin of Jasper Tlm
bl!n, arrived last Saturday. He ex
pects soon to accompany Will Tim
blin of Alvo, on a trip wes,t to Colo
rado and Nevada, to look at land. Mr.
McDonald will po on to Washington
A. J. Kiepser and family departed
Wednesday for Ranier, Oregon, to
at Mynard one night, as he had work
men near there doing concrete work
for the county, aid started out down
the depot platform. The first thing
be knew he had stepped off Into
space, alighting on his left shoulder
and hip and tore the muscles loose!
from the leg. He says that he could
not walk but a short distance and
was compelled to stay out all night.
ones. The fountain is a large one
and 'better than Is usually found in
towns of this size.
Mrs. Ross Crabtree and son Her
bert visited relatives here Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Mary Hawkins, who U teach
ing school at Beatrice, Nebraska, vis
ited at home Saturday and Sunday.
Jasiel Forsythe left last Thursday
for Gothenburg, Nebraska, where he
will visit with his daughter, Mrs.
An eight and one-half pound hoy
arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
KJza Root via the stork route, Tues
day, October 25.
Mrs Will Horn, and sister, Mrs.
Ferguson, left Tuesday for Seattle,
Washington. Will accompanied them of Elmwood,
! to Lincoln.
make their home. The well wishes L M- 'M11enz- who is now at Dor
of a host of friends follow them, and ' "ester, Nebraska, was an Eagle vis-
thelr presence will bo missed In
Weeping Water, where they have
made their home, and where Mr.
Kiepser was horn and raised.
Dr. Elmer Hill of Waltsburg.
Washington, came In last Saturday
and visited until Sunday night with
his sister, Mrs. Thomas Murtey. He
departed for Troy, Kansas, where he
was to le married Wednesday. Mr.
Hill sang a solo at the Congregational
church last Sunday night, and It was
very much enjoyed by the congrega
tion. Wm. R. Sperry recently met with
an accident that will disable him for
several weeks. He got off the train
itor Friday morning. Oliver Adams
accompanied him and remained over
Mr. Cerdis, the new restaurant
man, arrived Saturday and took pos
session and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson de
parted the same day, but were In
town one day this week.
A. L. McDaniel engineered another
land sale Wednesday, selling the
Henry Stall farm to Oscar Olsen, who
not long ago disposed of his farm
south and east of here.
C. S. Trumble has lstalled a fine
new soda fountain in his pharmacy
and will serve hot drinks through the
cold weather as well as the usual cold
Earl Baldwin, a son of Eugene
Baldwin, is here on a visit to his par
ents. Mrs. Davidson arrived recently
from Jiqua, Ohio, to Join her hus
band. . Ray Pollard had fifteen acres of
oats that threshed out sixty bushel
to the acre, machine measure.
Mr and Mrs. Geo. Holmes of Char
iton, Iowa, are visiting at the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Humphrey.
Ceo. Ingwresen brought a load of
potatoes In this week to Dick Steffens
that were certainly fine. They were
mammoth big fellows and would
average a pound apiece. He had a
half acre in the patch and dug a hun
dred and twenty-five bushels.
Mrs. S. Humphrey entertained at
dinner last Friday in honor of Mrs. J.
P. Holmes of Riverside, California.
Those present were Mrs. E. T. Comer,
Mrs. P Ruffner, of
Plattsmouth, and Mesdames Vantine,
Carper, Klrkpatrick and Stone, of
Ray Pollard had a streak of bad
luck la3t Saturday that will set him
back a few. He was on his way
home from Lincoln in his Mercer,
when from some unknown cause
something went wrong and two of
the cylinders burst, knocking a big
hole In the crank case and otherwise
disarranging the vitals. The accident
occurred near Stewart Roughs, where
the car was left. The Duff people In
Nebraska City, who sold the car will
make it good again.
Mr. C. E. Haney, or Glenwood, was
In the city today, having been called
here on business of Importance.
We will sell at Public Auction, at the Stock Yards, at Murrav, Nebraska, on
v commencing at 1 o'clock p. m., the following property, to-wit:
18 Head of Registered Red Polled Gattie
7 Fine Bulls and II Cons and Heifers
ranging in age from six months to seven years. These cattle are part of the
original herd of C. M. Chambers and C. and J. Pierce, of McPaul, la., two of
the most noted breeders and raisers of Red Polled Cattle in the middle wes'.
Most of these cows and heifers are bred by Champion No. 17105.
Owing to the fact that one of us expects to engage in business in Nebraska
City soon and the other is already engaged in the banking business there and
not able to give these cattle the prorer attention they must be sold. None of
them will be reserved.
Terms of Sale!- Six months time on good bankable notes drawing
8 per cent interest from date until paid.
W. 0. JlOEDKER..Clcrk.
righteousness" (Isaiah mvI. 0).