The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1910, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth - Journal
e Published Senl-Weekly it Plattsmcath, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Todtoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Tor I'niled Hates Senatoi
Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
l-'or Governor
Jame3 C. Dalilnian.
Lieutenant Governor
Ralph A. Clark.
Secretary ef State
Charles W. Pool.
Auditor of Public Accounts
Thomas J. Hewitt.
Stain TrcaMirei
George E. Hall.
Superintendent of S hool
William R. Jackson.
Attorney (.'eneiul
C. II. Whitney.
CoimiilNsioiier of Public Land
William D. Eastman.
P.ailway Commissioner
Ben II. Haydcn.
For C'oniirexKiiian Pliht District
John A. Magulrc.
P.cpreMentativc Eolith District
M. A. Pates.
lor Senator Fourth District
William D. Panning.
For KcpreHcntallvoH-Scvcntli District
C. E. Metzger; W, II. Puis.
For County CoininiHslotier
Charles It. Jordan.
Do you want prohibition? If you
do, let the fanatics inveigle yort Into
voting for county option, and you
will have it.
Muvbe Edgar will havo money
enough to get his hair cut after the
election, if Ilurkett pays him accord
ing to the dirty work he has been
doing for him.
Newport Republican: Mr. Uurkett
Is trying to explain why he refuHes to
meet Mr. Hitchcock In a public dis
cussion of certain things. It doesn't
listen good.
Drown County Democrat: No, It is
hardly worth while for "Slippery"
Elmer llurket to meet 0. M. Hitch-
rock In Joint debate. Slippery real
izes that he would bo trimmed to a
I :o:
V. O. Whedon continues to pour
hot shot Into "Slippery" Elmer Uur
kett, and produces the proof that
Uurkett has sold out the people of
Nebraska In his voting on the Payne
Aldrlch tariff.
:o: .
Nellgh Register: Of course, Hitch
cock has nil the postmasters against
him for United States senator. Hut
all the pout masters don't cast all the
votes that's where Gilbert has an
other chance.
It Is Bald that the republican state
candidates will be sacrificed to save
Uurkett. There is no question as to
"Slippery" Elmer resorting to such
tactics, and he Is the fellow that
needs watching.
Newport Republican: A vote for
Gilbert M. Hitchcock Is a protest
against corporate legislative control,
Men of all parties should remember
this fact when they go to the polls In
November next.
Aldrlch's trip through Omaha was
rather . "frosty," as he might have
expected. In fact his meetings every
where have been such failures, that
some of the other republican state
cmdldates demand tliat he get off
the ticket.
Since the voters have been posted
on the true character of Aldrlch, the
republican candidate for governor,
the slnnderous articles published
against Mayor Duhlman fnde into In
significance. It was ever thus,. with
the party who first lunula out such
The republican candidates for the
legislature in Casa rounty are very
much scared, even if they have, as
they claim, "the better clement of
the voters with them." The Journal
would like to know Just what they
mean by the "better element."
P.mkett, Hartley t Howard, deal
ers In defamation of characters. Ad
dress the first at Lincoln, the second
nt Denver and the last at CoUuiibi's.
Nebraska. The company will be en-
gaged In their chosen occupation un
til after the 8th day of November,
when a dissolution will take effect.
The dastardly attack upon Con
gressman Hitchcoc k by Uurkett, Hart
ley and Howard, Is reacting, and
"Slippery" Elmer Is now trying to
call off his dogs of war, Convict
Hartley and Ms companion, Edgar
to find therein a single thii.g which
leliicu upon him as a man, a citizen,
a representative or the people.
Just one question: Have ou read
the names on the democ ratic ticket
which hae been printed in this paper
for the pa.-t several weeks? It's a
good plan to get familiar with them,
so you'll not be stumped when you get
into the dark voting booth election
day. Too many voters get over
whelmed with the size of the 'job the
moment they see the big ballot, the
narrow shelf and the stubby pencil.
Hut that Is the time to be cool and
do business deliberately, for It Is the
only work that really counts.
Prices are still going up. As a
result of the upward revision of the
entire cotton schedule In the Payne-
Aldrlch law, the prices of women's
and children's dress good have In
creased considerably. The John V.
Forwell company says In a review of
the wholesale dry goods trade that
still more advances may be expocted.
The review declares that "almost all
manufacturing agents are advancing
prices on staple- manufactured cot
A vote for C. E. Metzger is a vote
for a young man who Is In every
way fitted to serve the people of Cass
county In the legislature.
Neligh Register: Howard's threat
ened bomb that was to blow Hitch
cock to smithereens has exploded and
nobody hurt unless it be Howard.
Newport Republican: Are Nebras
ka politics ko corrupt that ex-Convict
Hartley can blast the reputation
of nn honorable and useful man like
G. M. Hitchcock?
If the county optlonlsts got any
comfort from Governor Shallenber-
ger's speech at the Parmele theatre,
they are welcome to It. He certainly
didn't mince matters on the county
option question.
Since the republican campaign
management has fallen into the
hands of Uurkett, Hartley and How
ard, a number of independent and
republican papers have rushed to the
support of Congressman Hitchcock
for I'nited States senator.
It Is reported that two of the re
publican candidates, one for senator ,01S As lt lookg now rke8 w, eon
and the other for representative, tinue t0 grow nrmer an(j higher In
have said in one or two places that Ltanlo cotton good3
, .... .... ...
iney cuci noi care ior me votes oi i ;0;
those who were opposed to county DAIILMAX AXD THE I'lll'UCil
option. What do anti-county option- The Chicago Examiner, one of W.
' '
StS III 111 K Of tliat: II llpnrHrn minora nrlnc,l lu ii
,.rv.., - niuu-
:o: day an Interesting report of a sermon
f III i .... . 1 II .1 I
i.ouiswne i; wigar noa,u preached in St. Paul s Episcopal
is saying some pretty hard tniugs or i church in McCook, Nebraska, Sun
Senator Hitchcock. Edgar has liar- ,iflV. Tha rtnnrt tj ,nlnrnt,n ,,
bored tho political bee In his bonnet ( ause Alayor Dahlman atten(.ed
for so long that to be turned down d,vlne 8ervies at that church, and
as he was this year has made him the Bermon plainly had reference t0
Horn In scvernl mints and now he. is I . .. ....
ine democratic candidate ror gov-
golng to try and get even. Lrnnr Bn(1 th. ..... thnl
...... - - - - . ..III. 1 4 IIIUI 1U
:o: being made upon him. We quote
The prohibitionists have adopted from the dispatch sent by the Exam-
the county option plan to bring lncr's staff correspondent who Is ac
about what they have been working rompanylng Mayor Dahlman on his
for for years. And bear In mind, I campaign tour:
dear voter, that when you vote for The subject of tho rector, the Rev
county option you are In reality H. K. Goldsmith, was based on
vntinv f,.r ,vif mwi m.t urnh i lit i inn a Christ's kindly tolerance of his ene-
i limine of name, that's all.
The republican candidates for the
legislature in Cass county only want
the best element" of the voters to
support them. We believe they will
need the votes of all elements ere
the campaign Is ended. Most eandi-
iatcs are not particular what eie
ment supports them, so they get the
proper number to elect them.
C. E. Metzger, the young German
farmer, who Is a candidate for rep
resentatlve on the democratic ticket
understands the want3 and desires of
the people of Cass county, so far as
legislation Is concerned. He Is well
educated and well posted on all mat
ters In which a member of the legis
lature should he posted. In voting
tor a young man reared in the county
of hla birth, and one who will refleU
credit upon the people who elect him.
Col. M. A. Bates, candidate for
mles. The minister drew a lesson
from the present political campaign
In Nebraska. He deplored the un
W. H. Puis ceserves the support christian animosity that has been
of every farmer In Coss county. He rampant in certain quarters
may net he as polished in dress as
some of his opponents, but he is
level-headed and If elected will see
In view of the fact that Omaha's
executive was In the audience, and
has been made the subject of numer
oils venomous attac ks on tho part of
that his vote in the legislature will his political opponent", the colmi-
he ast In the direction where it will dence was striking
be of the most benefit to his brother "We should strive to emulate the
example of Christ," said Dr. Gold
smith, "and exercise a more generous
and broad-minded tolerance toward
Don't you forget that..
Republican papers aro endeavor- those who do not ha,,pen to (.onform
lug to give the Impression thot Hitch- to our beliefs, whether religious or
cock Is giving Dahimnn "tho cold political. The standards that const.
shoulder." Any reader of the Omaha tute right and wrong are not fixed
World-Herald can five- tho lie to and unchanging and In the eyes of
such an Impression. Mr. IMtcheuek yUr br0Ucr yoU may be as far from
c.' lis
the right path as you think he Is.
tlia W'nt'1.1 .1 tnm 111 nnrl
. V ....... i a . ... . i . ,,. .1. ...
ii is me oici siorv or me moat ana
,h(ih ever gave a candidate a heart- he boam u ,8 a deplorable 8tate of
lor iiipport than Him democratic can-1 - . . ... , ,
affairs when one man w 11 rival an
ii . i . .. 1. 1.... t i
mu m 8u. .,., . icmcuig "" other, try to ruin his character and
tnot IP per. besmirch the name that he must
leave to his children, all for the sake
of somo fleeting temporary advant
"First and foremost to be consld
cock by nurkett, Hartley and How
ard, they have resolved to fall Into
line and vote and work for Congress
man Hitchcock for United States sen
The Fremont Herald says: Con
gressman Hitchcock lias told the
consisting of Kitchen Cabinets, Extension Tables,
Kitchen Tables, Stand Tables, Buffets. China Closets,
Side Boards, Dressers and Comodes, Dining- Room
Chairs, Rockers, Sates, Iron Beds, Matress and
Springs, Sttel Couches, Carpets and Rugs, 15 gal
lons of paint and 10 Child's Go-Carts.
P. JO,
South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
There were probably a Tew demo
crats and populists In Cass county,
who, for reasons best known to them- ered la sincerity, and he who fights
selves, would have voted for Uurkett, with his whole bou! even for a lost
but since the slimy attack upon the and wron ca,ll,e lf more t0 b re
well known character of G. M. Hitch- spected than the hlrlte."
ineseare brave and true and
Christian words, and It Is well that
they should be spoken, right at this
tlmo. from the pulpit of a Christian
church In Nebraska.
The harsh bitterness with which
Mayor Dahlman has been assailed
from many Nebraska pulpits, and In
the name of the Christian church and
the Christian religion, does not re
float representative, is not begging
votes on both sides of the county
option question. The people khow
where he stands. In the legislature
;e worked Incessantly against county
jptlon and voted against It eveiy
inie the measure came up. When
you vote for Col. na'.es you know you
are voting for a man who will do
just as he did In the last session of
the legislature oppose county option
every day in the week.
Congressman Hitchcock Is doing
the proper caper by paying no atten
tion to the snarlings of Uurkett,
Hartley and Howard. Uurkett was
too cowardly to meet the democratic
candidate for United States senator
In a decent discussion of the issues
before the people, but instead, has
placed the management of his cam
paign In the hands of Convict Joe
Hartley and Renegade Edgar How
ard. 0. 0. Whedon, former republican
candidate for United States senator,
Is right after "Slippery" Elmer In
reference to some of that gentle
man's false statements In this cam
paign. In fact, Mr. Whedon has
Burkett cornered, and he won't an
swer, the references made from the
Congressional Record, where he
shows that Uurkett voted for a tax
on articles In which the consumers
of Nebraska are directly Interested. !
Governor Shallenberger's compari-j
son between Kansas and Nebraska ;
certainly showed up bad for prohibi
tion. Kansas, a prohibition state,
has over 1,100 prisoners In the peni
tentiary, over 500 of whom attribute
their trouble to drink, while In the
Nebraska penitentiary only 200
attribute their trouble to drink. Kan
sas enjoys prohibition and Nebraska
has open saloons. This comparison
made some of the county optlonlsts
wiggle In their seats.
Senator W. R. Banning should be
re-elected because he has made a
record that is creditable not only to
himself but to the people of Cass
county. In the senate he was a
leader, and commanded the respect
and confidence of every member of
that body. A vote for V. B. Ban
ning means a vote for one who will
reflect credit upon the county he
represents. No one will make any
mistake in voting for W. B. Banning
on the 8th day of November. It Is a
duty you owe to yourself and your
:o: .
Herman Breeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by NebraskaStafe
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
(Seotts Bluff Star, Rep.)
We are firmly convinced that the acCusatlons against Hitchcock, which
up. It seems to us that an infantile
Intelligence should have foreseen
that the result would be to make
every democrat in the state madder
than a hornet Just mad enough, in
fact, to go and vote her straight,
Dahlman and all. If Jim Dahlman is
elected governor on the 8th of No
vember, he will be a base lngrate if
he fails to return devout thanks to
the Omaha Dee and the Lincoln Jour
nal and the Uurkett bureau.
As to the effect on the senatorial
campaign, it will probably be small,
but such as it Is will undoubtedly
operate to the advantage of Hitch
cock. Dirty politics always turns
out that way. In the case of these
height of political folly was reached
by the republican campaign mana
gers when they worked up the great
spectacular scenic production of Joe
Hartley. We are convinced that they
then and there did the most effective
are given out as being composed by
Bartley, edited and fingered by How
ard, and published by Rosewater,
they have already fallen of their own
weight within less than a week after
the grand unveiling. The original
story of his borrowing from Hartley,
the banker, a straight forward, clean
business transaction. Men wUo " either the methods or the pre
were in debt in the hard times of
cepts of tho Man of Galilee. What-
1890 and years following can better jevcr the,r t may. be,
appreciate tho situation than others. 1,1080 cruel a,tatk3 a,e R servlie
There were struggles in those days, nelther to sodety ,lor t0 rellB'on
but thero Is nothing In the record so Tholr l)('rmap"t effect on the church
far disclosed but what show that ltHC,r wlU bo more "armful, by far,
Gilbert M. Hitchcock acted as an thnn tlie tto"t on Ma'or Dahlman o
honorable man in all ways, and 0,1 tho deni0("ratlc party, whose stan-
Hnrtley was a dfalter to the state of (1ard Maytrr I'ahlman carries In this
Nebraska for half a million dollars. (n'palgn. Not content wUh cover
Few men thero are who believe that ,r'B Mayor Dahlman himself with
Hitchcoc k was Indebted to the state al)Use. nie of his assailants, notably
of Nebraska a Blnglo penny, and 11,9 opponent. Mr. Aldrlch, who
thousands upon thousands express l,oll9l that he is a pillar of the
themselves that if Hartley was a do- "hrch, bus even gone outside tho
faulter, the fault was that of Joe ,lm8 of flvllUed warfare to assail,
Hartley and no one else. Dirty poll- fay Innuendo and slighting reference,
tics are part of tho state campaign, niembori of Mayor Dahlman's famfly
but the reader who Btudles tho state- Unchristian wickedness could go no
ment of Gilbert M. Hitchcock will fall further than this World-Herald.
When you speculate on margins you
are like the fellow hold in on a bears
tail as it runs around a tree-if you lose
vour hold the bear will get you. Invest
in real estate. It is the true basis of
wealth and if you want to play a sure
crame buy land that produces things.
We have land of this kind for sale In
Parrita Ranch, four miles from Talfar
rias, Texas. It is land on which you
can at any time borrow 75 per cent of
it a value.
service that has so far been done information that charged Hitchcock
had "borrowed large sums of money
from the state treasury, and still
owes 85 per cent of it to the state
treasury." Not a line or a picture
that has so far been published by
the Bee and Journal would be admit
ted in any court of law as competent,
relevant or material to the charge
contained in the information. Dirty
personal attacks on a man whose
whole life has been cleart, and whose
only offense is that he is a candidate
for office, Invariably help him in
stead of hurting him, and that re
sult is already manifest In this case.
As to the moral question involved:
Nobody expected anything better
from the Bee, but we hope to be
believed when we say that we did
not expect such a course from the
Lincoln State Journal. It Is one
thing for newspapers to call eaen
other vile contemporaries and yellow
sheets, and the other familiar names.
In the affectionate and impersonal
journalistic way, as we all do more
or less. Hut when It comes to a mid
night conspiracy with convicts and
gamblers to steal a man's good name, '
It Is quite a different thing. The re
sponsible editors of the Omaha Bee
and the Lincoln Journal cannot piead
that they don't know Hitchcock, for
they do. And they cannot plead that
they don't know Hartley, or that they
don't know Howard, ror they do.
lt Is a dirty business, and In re
spect to the object which lt must
have been Intended to accomplish,
tho success of the republican state
campaign, lt Is suicidal. We regret
It for the sake of Mr. Aldrlch.
toward the election of Jim Dahlman
as governor. We arrive at this con
clusion by the following simple
In the first place Dahlman has
15,000 or 20,000 republican votes to
start with that Is conceded by
everybody. The only possibility of
beating him lay In taking an equiva
lent number of democratic votes
away from him, and there was a
reasonable probability that this
would be done, for many democrats
throughout the Btate were reported
to be dissatisfied wltn Dahlman as a
candidate and disposed to scratch
their ticket In favor of Aldrlch.
Obviously this was the only hope of
electing the republican candidate for
With matters In this condition,
and with every democrat in the state,
from Dryan down, united in support
of Hitchcock for United States sena
tor and confident of electing him In
place of the misfit Burketi, a dirty
and libelous pesonat attack on
Hitchcock is framed up on the au
thority of Jail birds and published
In the two republican state dallies,
the same papors that are furnishing
the journalistic end of the campaign
against Dahlman. All tho circum
stances of the publication, the pre
liminary announcements for two or
three weeks, the careful working up
of tho public curiosity, tho engraved
plates prepared In advance and ready
In tho press rooms In both Omaha
nd Lincoln, tho Interviews with
prominent but anonymous citizens
all set in typo and ready In the com
posing rooms In both Omaha and
Lincoln, and then the simultaneous
publication of the story in the Omaha
Bee and tho Lincoln Journal at what
was deemed to bo the psychological
moment In the campaign all togeth
er plainly Indicate that the scheme
was carefully and deliberately cooked
For Sale.
204 acre farm, 4 miles west of
Plattsmouth one and half mllca from
grain elevator, well Improved, and
known as the Jacob Horn farm. For
further particulars see Mrs. W. Hass
ler, riattsmouth, Neb. .