The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1910, Image 1

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    Mb. Stat Historical Boc
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Governor Shallenberger Urges Support of the Democratic Ticket
in the Interest of Good Government.
From Friday's Dally.
The democratic rally at the Parni-
ele last evening was a success. In
point of numbers attending and en
thusiasm created by the speeches of
lion. John A. Maguire, candidate for
congress in the First district, and
Governor Ashton C. Shallenberger,
the large auditorium of the theatre
being comfortably filled, considering
the sudden change In the weather the
crowd was a good-sized one.
Prominent party leaders and local
candidates occupied sestj with tha
speakers on the stage. Among those
seen on the stage were Hon. W. II.
Banning, candidate for the state sen
ate; Col. M. A. Bates, candidate for
float representative for Cass and Otoe
counties. Both gentlemen are run
ning for a second term; Mr. C. E.
Metzger and Mr. William Puis, can
didates for representatives to the
state legislature; also Mr.' D. O.
Dwyer, who presided, and lion. W.
D. Wheeler, ex-sheriff and ex-county
treasurer; and II. L. Oldham, of
Mr. Dwyer introduced Mr. Ma
guire with a few well chosen re
marks and when the distinguished
congressman arose to address the
audience he was greeted with ap
plaiue. Congressman Maguire pre
faced his remarks by briefly sketch
ing the history of the two dominant
parties, stating that he believed par
tics were necessary ' and that the
m form and being a rapid and
eloquent speaker, soon had the audi
ence enthusiastically with him. He
referred to the able speech of Con
gressman Maguire, as having dealt
with the national issues, and while
the tariff question and the transpor
tation questions were of vital im
portance, the speaker expected to de
vote the most of his time to state
and local issues. The governor said
that before he was through he would
touch on the local option issue, and
that he usually left that for the last,
as he knew that all would stay to
hear that Issue discussed. The gov
ernor dwelt briefly on the importance
of having the next Nebraska legisla
ture democratic, that the fine record
made by the last democratic legisla
ture had not been excelled by any
former one In the state. Out of the
207 laws which the last democratic
legislature had enacted, but three
had been declared unconstitutional.
That, notwithstanding the republi
can press of the state had made state
ments to the contrary, it was a fact,
that more good wholesome laws had
been enacted by the administration
now in power in the state, than any
previous one.
For this rcp.son the speaker urged
the election of the legislative ticket.
He urged the demon ats who felt a
degree of disappointment over the
governor's defeat at the primary, to
forget their disappointment and get
Fair Trial Fan Re Had.
Four.ty A'ttorney C. II. Taler was
in town Monday petting affidavits in
the case of Clarence vs. Thaeker. At
torney for the defense asked for a
removal of the case to another coun
ty, claiming they could not get Jus
tice in Ca?3 county. It is the belief
of numerous citizens that a fair and
Impartial trial can be had in Cuss
county Weeping Water Republican.
nearer the parties were together in!0,lt aml support the ticket
numbers, the better it will be for the
public, as each party served as a
check to the other, and made the
officers entrusted with the execution
of government more careful In the
discharge of their duties to the people.
H hi
The governor then enumerated
some of the beneficial laws passed
two years a?o, stating that W. R.
Banning In the senate, and Col. Bates
in the house, were in a large way,
responsible for these beneficial laws.
The bank guarantee law, which had
In substance the congressman said I been in Kansas and Oklaho-
' m fl Dtlil hnM lin.n ti 1 I r ft,- rift 1
Hiii nt4 i'vi. a Hint iw o i uiinii"
One Icier is to Conveit Church
Into School and Erect New
Edifice for Church.
Trustees and pastor of St. Peter's
parish know nothing definite, it Is
stated, about the use they will make
of the $25,000 to be paid them from
the estate of the late Joseph A. Con
nor, the grain dealer. Settlement
with his heirs-at-law and beneficia
lies under the agreement provides
for $25,000 to be turned over to the
parish within two years. This may
be used either to build a memorial
parish school carrying out Mr. Con
nor's will in that line, or it may serve
to erect a new church, says the
Omaha World-Herald.
St. Peter's, which was built twenty-five
years ago, is a substantial
building but is small for the needs
of the parish, both as to school and
as to house of worship. The school
occupies its high basement where
four rooms are partitioned off. Two
rooms more might be made of the
church proper, It .Is suggested, if the
church is converted into a school and
this would suffice for a long time.
In that event a new church would
be put up.
If the present church is retained a
new school building will ue con-
structed. In either event the parish
that he had been elected to congress
on a platform which had pledged a
revision of the tariff as well as a
change of rules of the house of rep
resentatives and against a ship sub
sidy. His opponent, while pledged
to a revision of the tariff downward,
was opposed to a change of rules and
in favor of a ship subsidy.
Mr. Maguire- spoke at some length
explaining the manner of the trans
action of business in the house. The
tariff bill was framed by a committee
appointeed on the ways ami means,
by speaker Cannon, and was com
posed of twelve republicans and
seven democrats. The twelve repub
licans took the responsibility of
drawing up and framing the tariff
schedules. Chairman Payne of the
ways and means committee had the
bill named for him while the sched
ules were prepared, not - by the
twelve republican members of the
committee, but by the Interested
trusts. The harvester trust dictated
the sc hedule on machinery, the bind
ing twine trust, the schedule on
twine, and so on down the long line
of trust-manufactured articles. The
speaker had only recently read a
letter received by a Swede in his dis
trict, from a farmer brother in
Sweden, telling the price the" Swedish
farmer had paid for a McCormick
harvester, laid down at his home
town, which was $27.00 less than the
same machine could be purchased for
In Nebraska.
Congressman Maguire gave as a
reason for opposing ship subsidy,
that he was opposed to any bounty
being paid out of the public treasury.
He was in favor of changing the rules
of the house so that the representa
tives of the people should have an
opportunity to act in the Interests of
the people, and to get the machinery
of congress out of the hands of the
The speaker dosed his speec h by
referring to his own candidacy, and
stating that if re-elected he would
continue the fight already begun at
Washington. He was vigorously ap
plauded when he resumed his scat.
Mr. Dwyer then introduced Gov
ernor Shallenberger, whom ho said
needed no Introduction, that the gov
house was too well remembered for
him to dwell on a preliminary speech.
Governor Shallenberger stepped
iorwani and was greeted with a
tutional in the federal com-: or ap
peal, 'while our own court had de
clared the law unconstitutional on a
slightly diffeient phrasing, the mat
ter was in th hands of the supreme
court of the United States, and the
question was yet to be decided. The
legislature had passed the non-partisan
judiciary law, which would take
the courts out of politics, as well as
the schools, this, the speaker said,
was a move in the direction of need
ed reform, that although this law had
been declared void, yet the passage of
It by the democratic legislature
showed that his party was working
along lines demanded by the people.
That the action of the last legisla
ture on the liquor issue was better
tht.n any local option law which had
been proposed. The last legislature
had gene a step beyond the option
8nd had closed the saloons on pri
mary day, which Was absolute prohi
bition on that day. The legislature
had enacted the 8 o'clock closing
law which had not stopped with
option, but had given the state abso
lute prohibition for 11 hours out of
the 24 In the day.
The speaker urged 'the re-election
of a democratic legislature for the
reason that the party stood for the
moral and material advancement of
the people. Governor Shallenberger's
speech was listened to with the
closest attention, and' was a strong
endorsement of democratic candi
dates and principles, and was one of
tho best ever made at a political
meeting in the Tarmele theater.
Governor Shallenberger and Con
gressman Maguire were well pleased
with their reception in Plattsmouth,
both staling that their meetings
everywhere were as equally well at
tended at all points.
people say they have nearly two
years to decide before getting and
using the Connor funds.
1 By a settlement. under the tenuis of
which St. Peter's Catholic church is
to receive $25,000 for a memorial
parochial school or church, Bishop
Scannell, Edward It. Duffle and Pat
rick Duffy dismissed their appeal to
the supreme court.
The balance of the estate will be
divided between Mrs. Ellen O'Con
nor, a sister; Grace Connor, an
adopted daughter; Mrs. Mary Lamb,
a niece, and Franklin Lamb, a
nephew, who came in for $G0,000
under an agreement made w ith Con
nor that he live with him during his
Agreement of church and heirs
ends litigation of two years' duration.
Mrs. Vernie P. Chenev of Union,
Given Full Amount j
The Lancaster county district court
jury which tried the case of Vernie
P. Cheney vs. the Woodmen Accident
association, after deliberating for
several hours Wednesday afternoon. H
returned a verdict in favor of the
plaintiff and fixed the amount of her
recovery at $1,101.50.
The plaintiff In this action was the
daughter of the late Thomas G. Bar
num, who was killed in a railroad
accident at Union. February 14, 1909,
ho b ing a resident of that town. He
carried an accident policy In the de
fendant company for $1,000 and the
testimony was to the effect that he
and other residents of Union had
been in the habit of making their
payments to a local agent, or col
lector. The defendant declined to pay the
amount of the policy on the ground
that at the time of his death Barnum
was not In good standing. The reg
ular payment of his policy had not
reached the home office and he was
under suspension by reason , of the
by-laws which provided that when
assessments were not paid on the day
due, the iimired should stand sus
pended. The testimony showed that Bar
num had paid his assessment to the
local collector and that the money
had been sent to the head office prior
to the time Mr. Barnum was killed.
It was also shown that the collector
had been In the habit of giving the
members several days after the pay
ments became due in which to make
them, and the, company had received
tlieso payments without protest or
The Jury gave the plaintiff the full
amount of the policy with Interest In
the sum of $101 .50.
Neighbors Discover the Flames Bursting Out on the Roof and
Lend Their Aid to Save House.
From Thursday's Dully
The fire alarm was turned In this
morning about 8 o'clock when
neighbors discovered thr.t Mrs. Me-
Elwain's residence on North Seventh
street was on fire. Within a remark
ably short space of time the fire de
partment were on the scene, and soon
will probably be covered by the In
surance. The neighbors had carried
most of the furniture out before the
water was turned on, and Chief Kou
bek estimates the loss on the house
hold goods at about $ too. 00.
The origin of the tire Is not defi
nitely known, It is thought it origin-
had a stream of water playing on the ; ated in a defective gas fixture Mrs.
burning structure
Tho tiro had gained quite a head
way before It was discovered by the
neighbors, and the w ind being strong
and the roofing dry, the bla.o spread
rapidly. Nearly all of the kitchen on
the north of the house and the raft
ers and roof of the main dwelling
wero burned before the fire could be
checked and subdued.
Chief Koubek and the fire boys
are entitled to much credit In getting
on the scene as soon as they did, as
a very few minutes delay would have
resulted in a total loss of the build
ing. The building was valued at some
thing near $1,500.00, with Insurance
In the sum of $1,000.00, and the loss
McElwaln was not up when tho fire
started, and was alarmed by the
neighbors when they made the dis
covery of the lire blazing out at the
kitchen roof, ller son. 11. A. McEl
waln, had started a fire In the stovo
In the dining room and had gone
down town, so that no one was about
the kitchen when the fire broke out.
Mrs. McElwaln was nearly prostrated
from excitement, her escape was a
narrow one, and the inconvenience
of having to occupy another dwelling
while the injury to her own Is being
repaired, Is no doubt annoying. Mrs.
McElwaln and son have the sympathy
of the community in the unfortunate
circumstances in which they nro
10 II Fill
Has Injured.
George Grebe went to Omaha this
afternoon with his son Connie, a lad
of fourteen, to consult with Dr. Gif-
ford about an injury to the boy's eye
which he sustained last night.
Connie was with several boys of
(lie neighborhood, about 8 o'clock
Inst evening, engaged in playing the
game of "wolf," and had run to a
lump of bushes and attempted to
hide In them, and In stooping In tho
darkness Jabbed the sharp end of a
brush Into the lid of the left eye,
almost putting the eye out. Mr.
Grebe took his son to Dr. Living
ston's office, who dressed the injury,
and this morning called Mr. Grebe
up at. the shop and advised him to
.Almost, a Wreck.
From Friday's Bnlly.
A small wreck occurred In the
I yard north of the station at the up
per crossing as No. 4 came In this
morning. The train was nearly
thirty minutes late, and as it came
into the yards, a freight was pulling
north on the east bound track, and
was about to make the cross over
when No. 4 came down the main line
and the engine struck the tender of
the freight engine, lifting It from the
track. There was no serious damago
and the tender was soon adjusted
without the help of the wrecker. No
4 was delayed but a short time.
Mayor I II. Brown In Town.
From Friday's Pnlly.
Mayor L. H. Brown, of Kenosha,
was in Plattsmouth today, doing the
week-end shopping for tho family,
and found time to drop In ami pay
the Journal editor a brief visit. We
are always glad to welcome Mayor
Brown to our sanctum, as ho Inva
riably brings us In the news from the
"deserted village."
Alf Nickels, of near Murray, was In
the city today with somo fine turnips
storm of applause. Tho governor was for the market.
Change of Venue Denied.
From Friday's Dally.
The motion for change of venue In
the ease of tho State against John
Clarence was argued to the court this
morning and by the court denied. At
2 o'clock this afternoon, in the same
case, a motion for continuance was
argued and submitted to the court.
A motion for a new trial in the
rase of tho State against Grant Blunt
for grand larceny, was submitted to
the court this morning and over
Tho motion for continuance over
the term was denied, but the court
granted that the case should be post
poned until December 10th.
Will Have New Opera House
and Othet Improvements.
The committee appointed to solicit
funds to dam the Weeping Water and
make a lake In front of the city park
is meeting with great success. Lib
eral subscriptions are pouring in auU
the amount necessary will lie raised
to make a lake even more extensive
than at first planned. The Commer
cial Club held a live wire meeting
Tuesday night and a popular chord
has been strue k.
Don't think tho elec tric liht prop
osition Is going to lag. The same
j boosters are going to do things now
and if It is not possible; this fall aud
winter to begin operations, " next
spring will see a start made. Lights
we must have to light up that
lake next year and bo In every busi
ness house and nearly all dwellings.
And that isn't all. We are going
to have an opera house. Bert Phil
pot says that on nccount of not get
ting the title to their lots In shape
take the boy to Omaha this after
noon pnd let Dr. Glfl'ord examine the this fall In time, they will commence
Injured eye.
Will Remove From i'lattsmoiilli.
Mr. J. A. Talklngton, who recently
moved here from Union, where he had
been in the mercantile business, will
remove his family about the first of
November, to Surprise, Nebraska,
where Mr. Talklngton has purchased
a stoc k of merchandise. He has been
running the store In his new location
for three weeks, and Is'well pleased
with the manner business is opening
up. The crops in Butler county are
excellent this year, making the farm
ers good traders with lots of produce
to exchange for merchandise.
a new garage In the spring. The
brick they occupy as a dwelling (Old
First National bank building) will be
extended in the rear, making It about
100 feet long and the lot west will
bo built over, making a garage 41
feet wide and 100 feet long. Above
Ihey will have an opera house. Mr.
Phllpot says they planned to have a
garage long ago, and the same roof
will cover the opera houso at a small
additional cost. That Is the proper
spirit. It Is coming Weeping Wa
ter Republican.
Teachers' Meeting at Louisville.
Miss Maud McCulloch, who has
been teaching near Louisville, has
been taking a short vacation, but
returned to Louisville this afternoon
to bo present at a teachers' meeting
which will take place there tomorrow.
An interesting meeting is anticipated,
as some very important topics con
cernliif; school management will be
up for discussion, and papers read by
pome of the best talent In tho county.
In the County Court.
Judge Beeson was engaged this
morning In hearing tho testimony on
the probate of an Instrument pur
porting to be tho Inst will and testa
ment of Cyrus Alton, deceased. Mrs.
Alton, tho widow, and her son, Dr.
Cyrus Alton, were In court looking
after tho probate of the will. , Jesse
Strode, of Lincoln, acted as counsel
for tho estate.
Receives Painful Wound.
Whllo at work in the Burlington
shops this morning, Henry Steln
hauer, tho plpo fitter, received what
might easily bavo been a very serious
wound. Ilo and another workman
wero engaged in repairing an air
pump, when a largo steel bar, that
they wero using, slipped, striking Mr
Steinhnuer on the head, Inflicting s
painful cut. The wound was dressed
by the company surgeon and Henry
insisted on returning to his work.
Church Fair Tonight.
From SHtunlny'i Pally.
This evening will be the Inst of the
three days church fair held In tho
Catholic Sokol hall. Tho fair com
menced Wednesday evening and was
held that evening and Thursday even
ing. The efforts of the membership
In raising funds to pay for Improve
ments at the west Pearl street Catho
lic church have met with fine success.
The attendance at the fair has been
good both evenings and a good crowd
Is expected this evening. Tho im
provements at tho church and at tho
priest's homo have been extensive
cement walks, an addition to tho resi
dence of Father Vleck, with bath,
electric light and modern fixtures In
every way, which will mako tho sur
rounding at tills houso of worship as
pleasant ns any In tho city.
Hayrack Hide and Camp lire.
From Pntimliiy's Dully.
The members of the Senior cIush
and Instructors of the Hlght school
chartered a huge hay-ruck and wagon
hist evening for the purpose of enjoy
ing a ride in and about this city and
vicinity The entire party were well
armed with class yells, songs nud the
like, so that residents along the wny
were reminded thut the re was some
thing doing. After spending an hour,
or ro driving about the country they
started for the woods In tho vicinity
of Mynard, where they unloaded and
proceeded to build a huge open flro
and prepare a supper in regular camp
style. A most de licious supper was
spread a little ' later and with
appetites whetted by t Do open air
and exercise, the merry company fell
lo and soon made the Improvised
camp table nothing but a memory.
An hour or so spent In more or less
frolic and then the company took
their places In tho rack and were
driven about tho country for some
time, after which they dispersed,
having spent a most delightful even
ing. Funeral of Mix K. I. Slioil,
From Slit u id ii y's Dully.
Tho remains of Miss R. D. Short
arrived from Hartley, Nebraska, yes
terday and tho funeral occurred this
morning from the undertaking rooms
of M. 1 1 ltd.
The 'deceased was formerly a resi
dent of this city, and owned several
properties here. About three years
ago Miss Short went to Omaha to re
side. At the time of her death, she
was stopping at Hartley, Nebraska,
where she had gone for the benefit
of her health. Miss Short was ubout
70 years of age at tho time of her
denth, and leaves surviving her ninny
relnllves in Nebraska and elsewhere.
Among her surviving relatives are
her sisters, Mrs. M. A Vosburg, of
Hartley, Nebraska; Mrs. R. U. Car
lyle, of Omaha, and her brother, Mr.
Will Short, formerly of this city, but
now of Hartley, Nebraska. She also
leaves half sisters, Mrs. Cook, of
Hlalr, Nebraska; Mrs. Brlggs, of Ann
Arbor, Michigan, and Mrs. March, of
Brldgewater, Novla Scotlu.
Tho funeral 'service was had at
Bartley yesterday- and only a short
service was had at the grave today,
Rev. W. L. Austin, of the Methodist
church, conducting tho service.
Presldi'iit Tuft Joins Hoy Seoul.
Press dispatches from New York,
under date of October 27, say: A
letter of President Taft, through Sec
retary Norton, In which ho accepts
tho position of honorary president of
the Boy Scouts of America, was made
W. F Gllllsple, tho mayor of My-ipnhllc at national hend(uarters of
nard, was In tho city today. 'the scout movement tonight.
Out For Road Overseer. ,
From Friday's Dn'lv.
.Mr. E. H. Smith, of near Murray,
who Is running on petition for road
overseer in district No. 10, was In
tho city today and made tho Journal
oriice a pleasant call. Mr. Smith Is
one of the Journal's valued subscrib
ers, and somo weeks ago filed a peti
tion signed by a great many citl.eiis
of tho road district asking for Ms
name to be placed on the regular
ballot by petition for this Important
C. II. Vnllery, of Eight Mtlo Grove
precinct, was in the city doing somo
shopping and talking politics today.