The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 27, 1910, Image 6

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Jenkins : Opera : Mouse!
If uny of tlu rcHkrs of th Jnunul kMO of a 'iil tiviri or un ittm of intend in OiU vkUlty ami will mail same to this office it mil appear umhr this heading
Wt taint all iUnm of interest. Editor Journal
-Bank Account-
lqulte a task for him to be housed in
a Hospital ior some two weeks, ills
many friends hope that he may re
turn home entirely cured.
Is the first Btep toward success and for
tune. Protects your family in emergencies.
Educates your children.
Makes you independent.
Gives you standing ir. the community.
It is a valuable aid in any enterprise
undertaken anywhere by anybody
under any condition.
If you do not have a bank account,
let us suggest that you Btart one with
u? amediately.
Murray State Bank
1 ir U ri W U
Geo. Cook, Murray for fine buggies
. Lay aside November 12 to attend
the Home Talent play.
Miss Alyce Tuey was the guest of
Bessie Brendle Wednesday.
Albert Young and Harve Gregg
were Omaha visitors Tuesday.
There will be a "Rally Day" at the
Christian church Sunday, October 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilex Young attended
the play at the Parmele Saturday
Mrs. S. O. Pitman Is spending
the week with her sister, Mrs. Albert
lie sure to attend the rally at the
Christian church Sunday morning
and evening.
You want a new buggy? If you want
the best for the least money call on
George Cook.
llano Gregg left for Plalnvlew,
Nebraska, Tuesday evening, to bo
gone several weeks.
, W. B. llannlng and Crls Metzger
were calling on their friends here
Timtulay and Wednesday.
The finest line of Buggies in Cass
county at George Cook's. Call and ex
amine our buggies and tee how low we
reselling them.
Misses Isabella Young and Fay
Oldham made their customary trip to
Plattsinoutli Wednesday,! where they
are studying music.
II. L. linker, of LaCroas, Kansas,
and It. 1). .McKlnloy, of Ness City,
Kansas, were calling on F. M. Young
Monday In behalf of Mr. Young's
Flf twnl li Wedding Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. James Loughrldge
celebrated their fifteenth wedding an
niversary last Wednesday evening. It
was not the Intention of this most
estimable couple to make any great
demonstration In honor of the event,
and they were content to spend the
day in quietude. But this was not
the Intention of their many frlends-ln
Murray, and as the shades of night
were drawing near arrangements
were being made to give Mr. and
Mrs. Loughrldge a complete surprise,
which was carried out to the letter.
At the proper hour their friends
bounced In upon the unsuspecting
couple and made the evening one of
great enjoyment, not only for Mr.
and Mrs. loughrldge, but for every
one present. Delicious refreshments
were Berved, and when the hour of
departure arrived, the entire party
returned to their homes wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Ixwghrldge the return of
many more such happy events, and
all feeling ."that it was good to be
there." '
farm Interests In Kansus.
The reading class met with Mrs. J.
A. Walker Monday, Mrs. Lloyd (Sop
pen, leader of tho class, Is studying
"Industrial and Social History of
England," by Edward P. Chenncy.
Warren Wiley spent a few hours
with his father, Mr, Win. Wiley, east
of town, this week. Warren was on
his way to his home at Plalnvlew,
after a business visit to Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown will
upend a few weeks with Mtb. Brown's
parents at Yallscn, Iowa. Mr. Brown
Is so miserable that the change Is
made w ith the hope of bencllttlng his
On Saturday evening, October 29th,
tho ladles of the K. N. K. K. will give
a bazaar at the Kenosha Christian
church. Dainty refreshments will be
served. Everybody Is cordially In
vited to attend.
Celebrate Golden Wediiiiig.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, living
west of Murray, celebrated their
golden wedding on Tuesday, October
2T,, 1010. All their children and
grandchildren were present to enjoy
'.ho event. Al.-o, many of their neigh
bors were present. Mrs. Fltzpntrlck
baked the wedding cake, which Is
sufficient to know that It was most
delicious. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are
among tho best people In Cass county,
and their friends are legion. The day
was very pleasant and the enjoyment
of all present was perfect. The
Journal trusts that Mr. and Mrs.
Davis will live to enjoy the comforts
of this life many years, and that the
home-coming of their children and
grand children, may bo attended with
as much pleasure as this event was.
Ciwne, Kverjinxly,
Come one, and come all
Desert care and labor,
'Tls the chance of your life
To shake hands with your neighbor
They want, they need you,
Then do not betray
Their love and their friendship,
By staying away.
We know you are busy,
But do not forget,,
There are others as busy,
Or busier yet.
We Invite you to come,
'Tls the theme of our lay;
To greet one and all,
At the K. N. K. K.
If by chance we should meet,
You doubtless will say,
"What means this ado,
This K. N. K. K.?"
Content will be yours,
If lucky you be;
To guess out our sec ret,
With one, two and three.
Day In and day out,
We assemble together, N
It matters but little,
If foul be the weather, '.
Our hearts are made cheerful
By each pleasant face,
All busy at sewing,
Each one in her place.
To our fair, and bazaar,
On Saturday night,
We Invite you to come,
'Tls our greatest delight,
To eat toothsome goodies,
'Twill be a great pleasure.
Cakes, candles, and coffee.
We'll serve with good measure.
To the art needle work
We'll Invite your attention,
By skilled hands prepared,
We need but to mention
For the "proof of the pudding"
Is not 'till we try it, ?'
So the proof of our work, J
Is not 'till you buy It.
Capes, aprons and dusters, T'
You'll see them galore, j "
'Till you'll think you've stepped
Into "St. Nicholas " store.
We hope to see you r
At the K. N. K. K.
So we bid you adieu.
A Surprise Cliavirai.
'Last Monday evening the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Vallery
gathered at Mynard and drove out to
their new place of abode. On arriv
ing all was quiet until two reports of
a shot-gun were heard, then all were
tremendously noisy for about one
half hour, then John and Margaret
appeared at the door and all were In
vited In.
The remainder of the evening was
spent more quietly, in playing various
games, popping corn and making
candy. During the evening refresh
ments were served. Those present
were: Misses Eva Porter, Jennie
Livingston, Anna and Mildred Snyder,
Let a Lair, Janet Clements, of
Plattsmouth; Pearl Ilenton, Rachel
Livingston, Mayola and Edna Probst,
Muriel Ilenton, Harriet, Lillian and
Mabel Richardson and Helen Living
ston; Messrs. Arthur Vilas, Dwight
and Willie Probst, Myron Elbert and
Glen Wiles, Otto Lutz, Will, Elmer
and Arthur Wetenkamp, John Living
ston, Boyd Porter, Bryan Snyder and
Willie Richardson.
Big Jubilee luy.
Special services will be held at the
Murray Christian church next Sun
day In celebration of that organiza
tion's freedom from financial obliga
tion. Special music and spicy ser
mons will grace the program. Har
vest decorations will beautify the
church house. You are cordially In
vited to attend the following services
10 a. m., big bible school rally.
1 1 a. m., Jubilee service.
7:30 p. m.. the mortgage will be
Next Sunday.
German St. Paul's church 23rd
Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school
at 9:30 a. in. Divine service at 10:30
a. in. No service In the afternoon or
evening, as the pastor Is invited by
tho oldest of the First German Pres
byterlan churches In Omaha to preach
there In the evening on account of the
Reformation Sunday that church cel
ebrates. We will have our Reforma
tion Sunday on Sunday, November 6,
according with the church in Ger
many. The same day we will cele
brate our -Harvest Home feast. The
How to tell if Your Hair is Dis
Even If you have a luxuriant head
of hair you may want to know wheth
er it is in a healthy condition or not.
Ninety-eight per cent of the people
need a hair tonic.
Pull a hair out of your head; If
ihe bulb at the end of the root Is
white and shrunken, It proves that
the hair is diseased, and requires
prompt treatment If Its loss would
be avoided. If the bulb is pink and
full, the hair is healthy.
We want every one whose hnlr re
quires teratment 1o iry Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic. We promise that It
shall not cost anything If It does not
SqMqv M. Dm.
W 0
Young People of the Christian Church will Give
Two One-Act Plays
. TL
"A Case of Suspension!"
Dorothy....) ( Edith LaRue
Alice V Young ladies of the Seminary Loretta Carroll
Mildred....) ( Olga Minfor.i
Harold j ( joftn Jenkins
Tom . . V Undergraduates of a College near by I Chas Vallery
tfick'A u r t ji . iL n, , I " Harry Creamer
Miss Ophelia Judkins, of th Facultr .....Marie Davis
Prof. Emilius Edgerton,' of t le Faculty Guy Stokes
Kathleen, a Celtic maiden Clara Copenhaver
James, the Seminary man Wayne Lewis
"Mis Model Wife!"
Arthur Everett, an artist Everet Thamason
Robert Parks, hiachum Guy Stokes
Ropresentative John II. Potts, a Rough Diamond Wy. Seybolt
Miss Agnes McPherson, Everett's Aunt Bessie Brendel
Mrs. Munford-Wells, a Society Matron..., Ruth Thamason
Miss Eleanor Perry, Purks' Cousin Isabella Young
Mips Bella Potts, a Nouvelle Heiress Lela Vallery
Wilhelmir.a, a Model, commonly known as "Willy" Villa Gapen
Patsy, whose Mother "washes" Clara Copenhaver
Mary, a Maid Tressa Stokes
Time-Present. Place Washington, D. C.
25c, 35c
Home From North Nebraska.
From Tuesday's Dally
Mrs. F. L. Rhoden, who has been
visiting with old Cass county friends
in the northern part of the state, re
turned home last evening, being met
here by Mr. Rhoden and drove to
their home near Murray. Mrs. Rho
den has been gone about three weeks
and visited with friends in Cedar,
Knox and Pierce counties, where
there is fully fifty families residing
that at one time, were residents of
Cass county, and rr.any of whom left
here a good- many years ago, bought
j land at a low price and have grown
give satisfactory iibults. It is de- quite wealthy In the Increased value
signed to overcome dandruff, rellexejof the land, while, others have pur-
scaip lrriia.iou, ro smuuiaie uie nair ri.asen ai a wen aavanceu price, Dut
i oots, tighten the hair already In the have made a good per cent upon their
!eed, giov; he ir and cure baldness, j Investments, and their lands are still
It Is becaus-e of what Rexall "OH"! on the rise. One old resident in the
Hair Tonic has done and our sincere
faith in Its goodness that we want
you to tiy it at our risk. Two sizes,
r0c and 1.00. Fold only at our
store The Rexall Store F,
Frlcke & Co, Union Block.
Flftf men and women as charter
members for tho adult bible class that
will be organized at the Murray
Christian church next Sunday at 10
a. m. This Is no child's play. It Is
a mighty movement. It Is something
new. Come, visit the class. Class
pins will be furnished free.
Isabella Young. Pauline Oldham. PollwUon on thftt dny u UH(ially for
. ..... i f ti.... I
Margaret Connor, Lela Vallery, Res
ale Brendle, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bren
dle, Mrs. D. C. Rhoden, Adda Stokes;
Messers. Guy Stokes, Tom Tllson,
Harve Gregg and Albert Young at
tended the play at the Parmele Sun
day evening.
11. L. Oldham was one of the guests
at the Banning banquet Thursday.
Mr. Banning entertained a number
of his friends at dinner Thursday In
honor of Governor Ashton C. Shell
enberger and Congressman John A.
Maguire. The entire party then
motored to Plattsmouth, where Gov.
Shallenberger made his address at
the Parmele theatre
It's the World's Best.
No one has ever made a salve, oint
ment or balm to compare with Buck
len's Arnica Salve. It's the one per
fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Bolls, Ulcers,
Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes,
voiu sores, snapped lianas, or
Sprains, It's supremo. Infallible for
Piles. Only 25c at F. G. Frlcke &
For Sale!
A number of Duron boars with
pedigree. L. It. Oldham.
our Theological
Louis, Missouri.
Seminary at St.
Mr. Nickels Improving.
Mr. William Nickels, one of Cass
county's most excellent farmers, re
siding near Murray, who has been In
the hospital for the past two weeks,
where he underwent an operation for
his eyes. Is getting along nicely and
will be able to return home In a few
days. Ills daughter, Miss Etta, who
has been with him all the time, was
In the city this morning, coming
down from Omaha, and returning at
noon. She says that Dr. Glfford has
stated that they could return home
the latter part of the week. This is
about the first Illness that Mr. JsM'k-
els has experienced during his life,
and at his advanced ago it becomes
For Sale.
Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels
11.00 each. Inquire of Mrs. John
Hendricks, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Route 1, 'phone 3L Murray Ex
change. 10-17-2tw
Wood For Sale.
One hundred loads of wood, cut
into stove length, for sale. Also,
lot of hedge posts and corn crib posts
for sale.
John P. Latta,
Murray, Neb
Dr. Newell, Dentist.
Murray every Tuesday from 8
to 5 p. m. All kinds of first
class dental work,
Satisfaction guar
IX. L. Propst Surprised.
Saturday evening, Oc t. l.", friends
and neighbors gathered at the home
of W. B. Porter at Mynard and at an
early hour all marched to the resi
dence of Robert Probst, that gentle
man having readied the fifty-sixth
mile-stone in life's Journey on that
About seven o'clock In the evening
Mr. Probst not being aware that he
was to receive ca.iers in a snort tipie,
as Bitting In the parlor, not in his
veiling dress, but in his two-piece
ult, and the ringing of. the front
door bell failed to move him. How
ever, the call was answered by some
member of the family and returning
to Mr. Probst Informed him that a
party at the door wished to see him.
Arriving at the door he was amazed
to find an army of friends. Needless
to say, he made a hasty retreat and
was finally captured by the crowd.
After he was allowed to retire to the
dressing room and don other gar
ments hand-shaking In the true style
occupied some time. Conversation,
music and games made the evening
pass In a pleasant manner. At the
proper time supper was served by
Mrs. Propst and daughters, and at a
late hour all departed for their
homes wishing Mr. Propst many more
birthdays and declaring that they had
never spent a more happy evening.
Those present were: Messrs and
Mesdnmes S. D. Cole, Nelson Murray,
C. L. Jean. W. B. Porter, Wm. Mur
ray, Frank Marler, J. II. Adams,
J. E. Menese. G. W. Snyder, Oscar
Gapen, I). J. Lair, W. T. Richardson,
Mrs. Mattle Miles, Mrs. Ida Cole;
Misses Eva Torter, Gertrude Cole,
Leta Lair, Buenlta Porter and Fearl
Henton, Messrs. Elbert Wiles, Lewis
Crabtrce and J. R. Meuer.
person of Dave O'Brien, who at one
time conducted the old Pacific House
ln,this city. Mrs. Rhoden says this
gentleman has grown quite wealthy
from his investments combined with
stock raising. She also says the peo
ple in and near Bloomfield are at
present greatly excited over the pros
pects for gold being located while
boring for oil. Several tons of this
valuable ore has been taken out and
Is being tested at the various smelt
ers. One ton shipped some time ago
went $20.00 to the ton. A ton was
shipped to the Omaha smelters on
the same train that Mrs. Rhoden
came home on. She reports the en
tire Cass county colony doing well,
happy and prosperous, and the coun
try generally la on the boom.
Ion Beckinan Injured.
A very painful accident occurred
last Saturday afternoon as Mr. Ben
Beckman and daughter, Mrs. Lintner,
and her little son were returning
from Plattsmouth to their home,
which might have been even more
serious than it was. Mr. Beckman
was driving a single horse "Little
Fritlze," and had proceeded out on
Lincoln avenue to a narrow stretch
of road on the hill northeast of Au
gust Gardner's residence, when he
met Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker com
ing in from Elmwood with a plsoner
In an auto, the machine was coasting
down the incline and Mr. Beckman's
horse became frightened and unman
ageable and turned the buggy over,
throwing the occupants to the
ground. Mr. Beckman alighted on
his head and was rendered uncon
scious for a short time. Mr. Man
speaker halted his auto as speedily
as possible and went to the assist
ance of Mr. Beckman and his daugh
ter. Mr. Beckman was badly shaken
up and was assited to a nearby house
and Dr. Livingston summoned. He
recovered sufficiently to be taken to
his home that evening. Mrs. Lim
ner and son fortunately escaped
without injury.
Glen Boedeker, Dr. GHmore and
Charles Herren, of Murray, and Dr.
Newell, of Union,, motored from
Murray to Plattsmouth in 18 minutes
this morning, which is a mile every
2'4 minutes; over tl
now, is going some.
Mr. Ben Horning and his sister
were Omaha passengers this morning,
Miss Horning to look after some shop
ping and Ben expected to attend the
short-horn sale at South Omaha,
where Dr. Bremier, one of the most
capable breeders In the state, will
offer some good stock for sale.
I LOST BA(a(aA(aE!
When your trunk has been lost and you
are in a distant city without clothes, the quick
est way to find your luggage is to use a Bell
You can reach the station agent a thousand miles away just ns
easily as your local baggage-man.
The Bell Telephone System in this State unites 600,000 Nebras
kans by means of 120,000 telephones, and connects with five million
other Bell Telephones in 40,000 towns and cities.
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Every Bell Telephone is a Lond Dis
tance Station.
C. L. CLARK, Looat Manager.