The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1910, Image 1

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NO 77
War Department Has Taken the
Matter Under Consideration
About two weeks ago the Journal
reported a meeting of the Commer
cial club that President Falter had
secured an option on a large tract of
land north of the city which would
be offered to the United States gov
ernment for a rifle range, and It now
appears that the authorities at Wash
ington have made a move in that
direction for a new board of officers
has been appointed to investigate the
situation with reference to purchas
ing a rifle range in this state, con
gress having appropriated $25,000
for that purpose.
Some time ago a board was ap
pointed for that purpose, but special
matters connected with maneuver
camps and military tournaments de
manded attention, and the old board
was dissolved. The new board con
sists of Major W. P. Burnham, chief
of staff; Major D. B. Devore and Cap
tain Martin of the Fourth infantry.
They will take up the matter at once.
Several propositions have been sub
mitted, one offering a site near Fort
Crook, another being at Palttsmouth,
and still another In the western part
of the state. For the last two years
the troops at Fort Crook have been
sent to Ashland, where a range for
Infantry practice was laid out along
the Platte. The state rifle range Is
located there.
Plattsmouth citizens should take
the matter up at once and ascertain
whether or not a definite statement
as to whether the proposed bridge
over the Platte river will be built, as
the site for the rifle range near this
city and Its selection by the govern
ment will depend largely on whether
this wagon bridge goes in or not.
It is believed that If the proper
steps are taken on the part of this
city that the range can be secured,
and it would be a feather in the cap
of the Commercial club should it suc
ceed in landing the range. -
While coming into Omaha on the
Bock Island last Saturday, the writer
met Mr. and Mrs. Henry Guthman,
who boarded the train at Murdock,
going to Waterloo to spend Sunday.
In conversation with Henry he told
us that he had bought the Union
State bank, and that the business of
that bank would be merged with the
Bank of Murdock. A lew months
since the building occupied by the
former bank was destroyed by fire,
and will not be rebuilt at the present.
We were well pleased to learn that
our friend, Henry Tool, had been In
stalled as assistant cashier in the
Bank of Murdock. This makes a
strong team in the business depart
ment. The two Henrys are both good
business young men, and very popu
lar with all with whom they do busi
ness. The Journal wishes both of
them success.
Senator Manning In Town.
From Monday's Dally. 1
Senator W. B. Banning came up
from his homo at Union this morn
ing, and spent the day In the city in
terviewing his friends. Senator Ban
ning has hosts of friends in Platts
mouth, who will give him a big
boost at the election. Ho was a
leader In the senate, and was instru
mental in securing several important
measures adopted. Ills record Is one
that any man should be proud of,
and he should be re-elected. He has
proved himself a clear-headed, sound
representative of the people of Cass
county, and'iiot a fanatic on any
question, and the people will vote
for him because they know Do will
not let prejudice control him in his
arts In the state senate.
Willi the Sitk.
From Monday's Dally.
Mrs. Miner, who is still at the hos
pital, is reported as gaining and get
ting along fine.
Miss Aroonda Sattler, who Is suf
fering with an attack of typhoid
fever, is better today, her tempera
ture being lower than for several
Mrs. Elizabeth Fitch, who is at the
home of her parents, Jacob Mason
and wife, where she has been sick
for some time, Is much better today
For New Orleans.
The Journal is in receipt of a pos
tal card from our old friend, W. J.
Stadelman, from Santa Monica Bay,
California, booming San Francisco
for the site of the Panama exposition
in 1915. We are sorry we can't help
William in his enterprise, but as New
Orleans is nearer to us and at the
same time nearer the canal zone, we
will cast our vote for the city of the
A Great Musical Production at
the Parmele. Saturday Night
October 22.
From a ranch In Montana to a
leading role in a metropolitan musi
cal production sounds like a big
jump. The mere thought of it la
enough to set awhirl the head of any
ambitious young girl. In "The
Flower of the Ranch" company, a
musical comedy which ran at the
Garrlck theatre, Chicago, 200 nights,
and is to visit this city soon, Is little
Nellie Watters, and the part she fills
is the most important in the play.
Two years ago she was a little
seventeen-year-old girl attending
school at Billings, Montana. Her
father, a ranch owner in the south
eastern part of the state, made an
nual visits to Chicago in the interests
of the stock market. It was during
one of the visits that Miss Watters,
accompanying her father, became ac
quainted with Miss Mabel Barrlson,
who at that time was playing the
part of "Flower" in "The Flower of
the Ranch." As the acquaintance
became stronger, Miss Barrlson be
came attracted by the young woman's
beauty, intelligence and refinement,
and approached her father to allow
her to enter the profession.1 At the
parent's approval, Miss Barrlson saw
her manager and there was room
made for her in the chorus, where
she developed into a graceful singer.
It was not long thereafter that the
understudy role of Flower was en
trusted to her, and when Miss Barrl
son left the company to enter vaude
ville, Miss Watters was assigned this
most Important role. From her first
performance she proved a decided
success, not only in her dances, but
she captivated the audience with her
grace, magnetism and gingery dash
throughout the play. Miss Watters
will be seen as "Flower" in "The
Flower of the Ranch'' when that at
traction visits this city and will ap
pear at the Parmele theatre Saturday
night, October 22.
Salllnn Good Yesterday.
From Monday's Dally.
The around the world excursion at
the M. E. Sunday school yesterday
made about a thousand miles, the
actual mileage by both sides being,
10!)6 miles for the Reds and 1060
miles for the Blues, the attendance
being 253. Four new classes in grad
ed work were started out yesterday,
the same having completed the work
previously given. Rev. W. L. Austin
having accepted an invitation to
speak at a temperance rally at Louis
ville Sunday evening, his pulpit was
filled here by Rev. Lowe, of Louis
ville, who spoke entertainingly to a
large congregation.
The official board of the church
yesterday authorized Rev. Austin to
make all necessary arrangements
with Rev. Lewis, commonly known as
"Farmer" Lewis, to come to Platts
mouth with his singer and hold evan
gelistic services In January.
Insanity Hoard Culled Together.
From Monday's Dally.
Thomas Ferguson, who has been
making his home In South Park and
working In the shops for about a
year, this morning, when he went to
work complaining of not feeling well
and left the shops soon after going
to work and went, as he claimed to
consult a physician. He returned
after a time, and when he removed
his coat revealed a new 38-calibre
revolver, and as the man had been
talking queerly of late, the matter
of his possession of the gun was re
ported to Foreman Hayes, who sent
for the sheriff.
Sheriff Qulnton brought Ferguson
to town and placed him in jail and
set the machinery of the law to work
to get a meeting of the board of In
sanity, which was called for 4 o'clock
this afternoon.
Boy Scout Meeting at Presby
terian Church Yesterday.
From Monday'! Dally.
The "Boy Scout movement" re
ceived quite a boost yesterday from
the meeting held by its promoters In
the Sunday school rooms of the Pres
byterian church. The meeting was
well attended by the boys who are of
the required ages, viz: between
twelve and eighteen years, to qualify
thera to become members of the or
ganization. The meeting was called
to order by Scout Leland Brlggs, who
called on deputy postmaster, M. S.
Brlggs, to discuss the movement and
its relative bearing on good citizen
ship. Mr. Brlggs occupied about
thirty minutes in a lively talk for
the movement, and gave the nine
leading principles of the "Scout
Law" which the boys would be re
quired to observe. The drill the boys
would receive In these would tend to
make good citizens of them. Mr.
Brlggs brought out the thought that
while from his view point American
cltizensshlp was already of a high
standard, yet it could be better, and
the way to better it was to have the
coming generation improve upon
what the former ones had been. Mr.
Brlggs' speech was well received by
the "tenderfoot" as well as the
Superintendent Gamble was then
called upon by the chairman to tell
what benefit the movement would be
in an educational way. Mr. Gamble
arose and made an excellent talk,
saying in substance, that the move
ment was one that had been on the
increase in this country as well as in
England, and it was a move in the
direction to solve the "boy problem,"
or rather, along the line of conserva
tion of resources which was so much
talked of lately, concerning natural
products, as coal, forests, gas and
the like. The scout movement was a
move to conserve the physical forces
of the boy, to turn in a proper chan
nel his surplus energy which un
guarded, was expended in doing all
sorts of things which were not use
ful, and on the other hand were
sometimes destructive. It was the
aim of the promoters of the boy
scouts to have this surplus energy
directed in a channel of helpfulness
to the boys and the community. "The
boys were continually cllnmbing trees
which the teacher and parents did
not want them to climb, and this
movement would have them climb
the right trees." They would as
scouts get out in the camp and learn
about birds and animals, and trees
and brooks, and all such things as
were Interesting. The speaker sug
gested that In the next ten years the
course of study in the High schools
may be entirely changed from what
It now Is, and instead of the dead
languages, students would be re
quired to know some of the more
practical subjects met with in every
day experience.
Rev. Gade was called on to discuss
the relation of the movement to the
parents, but the number of parents
present being few, he occupied the
time in a general talk to the Bcouts
Mr. Thomas, an ex-soldier, and one
well versed in the manuel of arms
who will act as scout-master, next
addressed the boys, telling them how
the movement was brought out in
Kansas City and vicinity, where they
now had over a thousand scouts en
rolled. He promised the boys to put
them through the drills and get them
started In the worV.
Mrs. C. C. Parmele then explained
the details of the organization and
the steps necessary to become a scout,
the oath ench boy subscribed to, and
the nature of his first month's duties.
Each patrol should consist of tight
scouts, which would bo under the
charge of a drill master. The list
was circulated and tight patrols or
ganized. The boys are Interested and expect
to make the movement a success, and
before many days hope to have the
organization In full swing In Platts
mouth. Potatoes, Potatoes!
H. M. Sonennlchscn will have three
carloads of northern grown New
York Rurals on the track next week
at 90 cents per bushel. These pota
toes are matured and will keep.
The pictures now at tha Majestic
are great.
At the Maxtuic Home r-unday.
The Rev. Austin, having exchanged
pulpits with another minister for
Christian work, could not fill his
usual appointment at the Home. The
old people concluded to have a meet
ing of their own, Mr. Sallee. by re
quest, filling the ministerial chair by
reading a chapter and a very able
speech. The old folks stood up and
repeated the Lord's Prayer. After
beveral hymns were sung, Mr. Sallee
gave over the meeting to the people,
and this being Temperance Sunday at
the churches, several of the old peo
ple gave short talks and sang tem
perance songs. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Moore having been 'phoned for, kind
ly responded. Their daughter bring
ing a roll of music and Mr. Howard,
Mrs. Martin and Miss Eversole (vis
itors at the Home) all being accom
plished musicians, a rare musical
treat was given and followed by old
time songs "we used to sing," the old
folks joining In the chorus greatly to
their delight. We hope we may be
again visited by the good people, who
assisted in our entertainment.
J. E. T.
Resigns at the Postofflce.
Miss Frances Weldman, who has
been employed at the postofflce for
the past few months, resigned her
position this morning to accept one
In some other capacity at an Increase
in salary. While the position in the
postofflce did not pay the salary that
Miss Weidman has been capable of
earning, she has held the same and
performed her duty to the entire sat
isfaction of all the patrons of the
office up to this morning, with the
expectation of securing something
better. Her resignation takes effect
immediately, and as yet the vacancy
has not been filled. Miss Weldman
has a host of friends who will regret
very much to learn of the step she
has taken, and will greatly miss her
at the usual post at the general de
livery window.
Big Crop of Corn.
From Monday's Dally.
Carl Holmberg ana wire returned
from Loup City yesterday, where
they visited several days. Mr. Holm
iHiig owns 80 acres within four .miles
of Loup City, on wnich he has a corn
crop that will make from forty to
forty-five bushels to the acre, and
from the sample he brought to this
office it shows exceptionally fine
quality. There are a number of for
mer Plattsmouth people living in
that vicinity, all of whom are pros
perous and happy. While there he
met Rev. Henry Bloom, a Swedish
minister, who preached here about
fifteen years ago. Carl is well
pleased with the outlook In that
country, and says he could sell his
farm for nearly double what he paid
for it, and land Is still advancing.
Re-elect OMccih.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Platte River Bridge
company was held at the council
chamber Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock. The secretary's report was
read which showed the company's
business in first-class shape, C. A.
RIchey was re-elected by acclamation
as a member of the board of direc
tors for a term of seven years.
A ten per cent semi-annual divi
dend was declared and has been paid
to the stockholders.
There being no further business
the meeting adjourned.
The directors then held a meeting
and closed for the year's business.
The old officers were re-elected with
the exceptions of one vice-president,
J. J. Derlght, of Omaha, being elect
ed in place of J. P. Ellis, of Crete
Louisville Courier.
M. Ford People Arrive.
C. F. Harkness, of Omaha, came
down today .with Mr. Roily E. Jack
son, member of the firm of M. Ford,
and together looked after some of
tho preliminaries for the paving,
which will be commenced at once.
They brought with them Air. Charles
Treibel, their expert concrete man,
who has Just finished a jog at Sew
ard. Mr. Treibel will have charge
of the concrete work here. A force
of men will bo hero to begin tho ex
cavation of Vino street tomorrow, and
the work will bo pushed right along
until it Is completed. The surplus
dirt, says Mr. Harkness, will bo used
for filling in low places and leveling
up for the sub-base for the paving
and for filling in behind the curb.
The Turners' Dancing club gave a
very pleasant dance at tho German
Turner hall Saturday evening. The
young folks enjoyed themselves until
a late hour. The music was furnished
by Miss Gladys Marshall.
It Is unlawful for any person to
sell intoxicating liquors without first
obtaining a license. Where the busi
ness is to be carried on in a city or
village, the license must be obtained
from the municipal authorities; if
outside a city or village, It must be
obtained from the county board.
The first step In procuring a license
Is to obtain the signatures of the
requisite number of freeholders; If
In a city or village, the petition must
be signed by thirty freeholders of the
ward or village where the business
is to be conducted, but In case there
be less than thirty freeholders there
in, then it may be signed by a major
ity; if outside a city or village, then
it must be signed by a majority of
the freeholders of the town, If the
county be under township organiza
tion, otherwise, by a majority of the
freeholders of the precinct.
Estimate Cost of Structure Will
Be About $4,000 Another
Meeting Tonight.
The executive board of the Com
mercial club met last evening at the
office of President J. P. Falter, there
being present the full membership,
except Mr. G. E. Dovey, who was un
able to attend.
Mr. J. A. Chopleska met with the
committee and also Mr. L. G. Larsen
and Emil Walters also were present
to furnish an estimate of the cost of
a building, the dimensions of which
were to be 100 feet long by 50 feet
wide and the side wall 16 feet above
the surface of the ground, with three
or four side openings for double
doors, and the side walls to have 30
windows, and the building to have a
brick partition throughout the full
helghth of the walls. The estimate
cost of the building was a trifle over
14,000.00, and as the bonus required
to move Mr. Chopieska's foundry ma
chinery was to be $2,000.00,. the
board was up against the proposition
of sufficient capital stock to meet the
expenditure of the estimate. The
matter was thoroughly discussed and
U was the sense of the gentlemen as
sembled that the proposition was too
good a one to let Blip for the differ
ence In the amount subscribed and
the amount required, and it was sug
gested by some of the ablest finan
ciers of the city that the building be
built and If necessary, to Increase
the stock, to do so.
Mr. Chopleska stated that he was
willing to remain In Plattsmouth for
two days more, if the matter could
be gotten Into shape, that he was
willing to come here and uiing bis
machinery and make the ffase of the
building for three years, and In good
faith begin the manufacture of the
engines. It wns suggested that may
be after the building wns erected and
Mr. Chopleska came, ho mlnt not
feel like staying, then the question
of what would be done with the foun
dry building, to which Mr. Larson
suggested that It would bo an easy
matter to dlspposo of It as a ware
room for the "Owls."
It was decided to have a meotlnjr
of the stockholders tonight and tako
the requisite steps to Incorporate and
get the building under way. A com
mittee composed of T. H. Pollock,
Lee Sharp, H. A. Schneider and
Philip Thelrolf was appointed to get
a definite, plan of tho building, then
get estimates of the cost from dif
ferent builders in the clly, and have
tho committee report to the builders'
committee of the new corporation.
A site has been secured south of
the Egenberger wood yard cast of
Third street, and the consent of the
city will bo obtained at the meeting
next Monday night, so that tho whole
matter Is now assuming definite form
and before the cold of winter conies
on, the building will be up.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry rfelffcr, of
Philadelphia, arrived today to be
guests of the Gcrlng home for a few
days. Mr. and Mrs. Pfelffcr having
been spending some time on the coast
and are now enroute to their home.
1 00 U MO
The proposed plan of comity option
provides for the submission to the
voters of counties the question
whether the county shall be "wet"
or "dry." If the majority vote "dry,"
the county noes dry hh a whole; but
If tho majority votes "wet," then
each city, village and township may
still vote "dry," ami be dry, liotwitli.
standing the vote of the- county.
The result of a vote thus taken
bars another election for the same
purpose for twenty-three months. At
the end of that time another vote
may be taken.
Such election must be called upon
the presentation of a petition pre
sented to the proper body, signed by
15 per cent of the voters of the sub
division for which it Is asked, at least
sixty days before an election.
T. H. Pollock received a communi
cation from Major General of Staff
W. A. Burnham, of the war depart
ment, headquarters department of
Missouri, under date of the 14th Inst.,
inquiring when it would be conven
ient for the Commercial club to show
the purchasing board over the tract
of land north of the city, proposed
for the target range, Mr. Pollock
called up the major general yester
day, but he was absent from the
headquarters, presumably out inspect
ing the other sites. An effort will be
made today to get Into communica
tion with the board at Ft. Omaha,
and set an early date for the Inspec
tion of the land. If the range in
secured at this place, it will mean
that all of the target practice for
both forts will be held on this ground.
This point would be desirable from
i the standpoint of economy to tho
government, as the troops can march.
j down from the forts each day that
the pracltce Is put on. Every en
couragement for the location of the
range should be put forth by our peo
ple, as it will mean a great deal for
the town.
- ,.f
In Honor of Alof Johnson.
The hospitable home of Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Wallengren was the scene
of merriment and frolic Friday even
ing of last week, when a number of
young people were most delightfully
entertained at their home In honor of
Alof Johnson, who formerly resided
In this city, but who Is now a resi
dent In the vicinity of Royal, Ne
braska. The evening was very pleas
antly spent In various games, inter
spersed with social conversation and
at the proper tlnio delicious refresh
ments were served, to which all did
full justice.
Will Undergo Operation.
From Tin'Hilny'g Dully
Mr. W. T. Richardson, of Mynard,
drove up from that village with his
daughter, Miss Pheam, this morning
and boarded Burlington train No. 15
for Omaha, where his daughter will
enter St. Joseph's hospital and under
go an operation for appendicitis.
Miss Pheam was In the hospital for
the same purpose two years ago, but
on the advice of the physicians, tho
operation was deferred until she
should gain more strength, and as
her health has not been the best
since, It has been decided to 'go
through the ordeal at this time. The
young lady will bo in the hospital
for about ten days.
Motored From I'nlon.
From TiU'mlny'H 1 mlly
J. E. McCarroll, George Everett
and Florence McCarthy motored to
this city from Union this morning In
Mr. McCarthy's car, making the trip
In forty minutes. They camo up to
attend to some business matters at
tho court house. Mr. McCarroll was
a pleasant caller at this office and
while here handed us the prlco and
ordered the dally sent to him, which
was very much appreciated by us. On
account of ttie rain, they were com
pelled to return to their homes this
morning, otherwise they would have
remained in this city until this after
noon. Mr. 'Cecil Amlck,- of Veoplng
Water, transacted business In the
county Beat today.