The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 17, 1910, Image 6

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Frcn Foil Harrlsw.
James Stubb Fatally Burned,
Kansas City. Oft. 13. Jms-btuba.
formerly ro rlctor of a ettaurant in
Sioux City, la., was fat ally burned Sn
a fire caused by a gas explosion In a
rooming house at '. Central avenue.
Kansas City, Kan Mr Katy Mah-t.
eighteen years old, who came hre
from Sioux City a week ago, was seri
ously (jurne-I.
Arthur Reynold of Des Moines Na
tional Bank Expresses Himself Fol.
lowing the Meeting of .the Bankers'
Association Board of Curators Re
quests Larger Appropriation.
Des Moines, Oct. 13. After mora
than a month1 absence, ten troops of
the Sixth United States cavalry, ton
tinting of nearly 800 men, arrived at
Fort Ies Moines from Fort Benjamin
Harrison, hid. Commanded by Colonel
Alexander nogeia. the troops left Des
Moines on Aug. 27 to take part In the
maneuvers held at Fort Henjumln Har
rison. Two of the troops were left at
Fort Ilea Moines In command of Cap
tain ISiyan.
That conditions are now rlpo for
tho enactment of some kind of cur
rency reform legislation by congress
Is the belief of Arthur Reynolds, presl
dent of the Des Moines National bank,
who returned from Is Angeles, where
he was elected treasurer of the Amer
ican Bankers' association. Questions
concerning currency reform were dis
cussed fit length by bankers attending
tho convention. The federal legislative
committee of the association, of
which he hi a member, was continued
and given the power to secure the en
nctincnt by congress of currency re
forms ndvocated by the association.
Think "Countess" Is Located.
lies Moines police bellevo that they
liave succeeded in locating "Counters"
Vlsgo Leroua von Hoistcin Hathlow
jind hi r husband, who separated a
number of gullible Den Moines women
out. of several thousand dollars by a
nmssasu parlor partnership graft
ing a three weeks' stay In D.'S Moines.
It Is llliely that their arrest will be
t ffected shortly.
A sixth victim of the irassaso par
lor game repotted to Colonel John
son. He believes that there are a
largo number of victims in the city
who are silent about the matter, be
cause of fear of ridicule. The names
of witnesses will be turned over to the
grand Jury next week and the opera
tions of the pair will be Investigated.
Thcjfire so hi to have worked, similar
names in a score of cities in the Unit
-d Slates.
Criticism of Barney.
Secretary 0. H. Sumner of the state
board of health sharply criticises V
n. Harney, statu food and dairy com
missioner, for the slnnd tho latter ha
taken ngalnst the claim of physician'
that the milk of all cows tlint respond
to (he tuberculin test should not be
used. Dr. Sumner asserts that this
aland is contrary, not only to all the
findings of sclent Iflc Investigations
carried on for years by tho govern
tnent, but it is also n mistake fo:
Commissioner Harney to utter such
tti't'Tpenta as a Htate official, thereby
t ritlclslnt? another state department
that Is exerting every power to check
the disease in tho state.
Historical Society Wants Fundi),
Tho report of the board of curators
of the Historical Society of Iowa.
which hns been placed tn the hands of
Unvernor Carroll, contains n recoin
incnrtntlon to the legislature that
til1!) he added lo tho annual support o
the scv lety. This Increase Is asked on
account of tho growth of the organism
Hon and tho extensive scientific his
torlrul research crnled on under the
direction of tho society.
Two Kurt'Jred and Fifty Laborers to
De Given Employment.
Muson City, la., Oct. 13. Monday
the Waverlv sugar factory will be
Hi. ii ted. Beets of this year's growth
lire testing higher in sugar than In
any year In the history of beet raisin;:
In the stale.
The capacity of tho factory will b
43,(ino tons of beets, which, when mnn
nfactured Into sugar, will make 0,om
ooo pounds. Two hundred and fifty
laborers will bo employed, beside tin
clerical force, managers, superlntcni
nts, etc. The fanners of Hie country
will bo paid for their beets In round
numbers 250.r.0fi.
Many at Dairy Show.
Waterloo, la., Oct. 15 A ronservn
the estlmato places the number of
visitors nt the state dairy and Htock
fhow In this city during the first five
days nt 4n,ono. Some are here from
Vermont and other eastern states
The Holstoln Breeders' association
lield the annual election, ns follows
President, J. 1 Julian, Alcona: vice
jiroHldetit, George McKay, Bucking
timn ; secretary nnd treasurer, R. B
Toimg. Buffalo Center.
Six Men Killed When Tralnt Mett.
Fort Wayne. Intl., Oct. 15. A freight
train on the Grand Rapids ami In
!lana dashed Inttt a worktraln nt
"Portland, Intl., killing six men and
Injuring many. Tin dead nnd Injured
lire all said lo be foreigners.
Cr, Ceorge E. MacLean's Mother Bead
Iowa City, la., Oct. 13. Mrs. Julia
Mat Lean, iiioiNt of President George
H. Macl.cnn of the University of Iowa,
In (V ail at bor home here, following a
long lllntvs.
Teachers Ow Stale Will Ba
Expected to Tell Pupils.
Sample Program Outlined by State Su
perintendent for Use Generally
Throughout State of Nebraska.
Text Book Prepared by Flrj Warden
Johnson for Distribution.
Lincoln. Oct. 15. The first Friday
In November. Nov. 4. 1910, will be
known as fire day. Every teacher wili
be requested to give the children some
information about fire risks and what
to do in case of fire. Tho work of the
teachers will be systematized and aid
ed through the use of a fire prevention
text boo!;, which has been prepaied
under the supervision of Fire Warden
A. V. Johnson. About lO.noi) copl.-a
of this book will be dWrloutod an.ous
the teachers.
"Fire day" hr.s been fixed for Nov.
4 by State Superintendent Bishop.
On this day a program devoted to
fire education will be ursd upon nil
of the teaehrrs, the program outlined
In the text hook being ns follows:
Hi'ch teacher will arrange a pro
gram from tho material at hand and
obtainable, and in accordance with
the facilities of the school. TlK'se
points should be kept In nilr.d.
1. Program iihould be such as to
Mlmn'ule fin Interest In the subject.
2. Some helpful knowledge should
be Imparted.
3. The program should hn such that
each pupil w ill feel a personal respon
sibility In taking th proper precau
tion in his own home nnd in other
plncf a where there Is occ asion for the
presence ot nre or materials which
might lead to the production of fire.
Special Invitations should be given
to school officers and patrons to bu
present "fire day."
The program may include the fol
lowing features:
Introductory remarks by the teacher
as to the origin of lire day and the
ueed of Its observation. ,
Compositions by pupils cn the fol
lowing subjects:
"Tho use and abuso of matches. '
"Use of kerosene nnd lamps; how to
kindle a fire ana now not to kindle a
fire, etc."
"Story of the orla-ln and results of
the Chicago, Baltimore and other fire.
Demissions by the school on sub
ject'! presented In compositions, and
qui iiiions by the teacher which will
bring out discussions.
These questions should be made so
direct that any careless habits in
handling fire or fire material will bo
brought to notice. Pupils will become
interested In knowing the safest and
best ways of dealing with fire.
Elder V. A. Cl:.rk of Kearney Is Ap-
pointed Vice Moderator.
Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 13. The lore-
noon session or the Presbyterian
synod was devoted principally to re
ports. Kl.ler W. A. Clark of Kearney
was appointed vice moderator. The
afternoon session was opened with ad
dresses on foreign missions by Rev.
B. M. Long and Mrs. W. V. A. Podds
of this city and Rev. I). W. Montgom
ery. Rev. l;. U Miutox gave an ac
count of conditions and the work of
the Presbyterian church in China
from the standpoint of many o"
personal experience In this field. Kt v.
!. W. Montgomery spoke of the Iv'.ln
burgh conference ns the climax of all
tho great gatherings he bad ever seen.
M. S. Paulion. superintendent of the
A nil Saloon league of Nebraska, was
granted fifteen minutes to tu 30 bis
vlewv before the synod.
From Saturday's Inlly.
Miss Beula ans went to Omaha to
day to do some shopping.
Mrs. Anna Hritt was an Omaha
passenger on the morning train to
day. H. C. and wife spent
the day In the metropolis, going on
the morning train today.
Cyril Janda and wife went to
Omaha on the morning train today to
spend Sunday with friends.
Dr. Ransom departed this after
noon for Brock, Nebraska, where he
will visit frleuds over Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Sherman, of LJacoln,
arrived last evening and will be the
guest of Mrs. Troop for a time.
' Mrs. Louis Anthony, of Galesburg,
Illinois, arrived this morning and will
visit relatives in this city for a time.
Mrs. Fred Gels and Gaug'nter,
Stella, were Omaha visitors today,
going on the first train this morning.
Mrs. John Brady and daughter,
Miss Leona, spent the day in the me
tropolis, going on the early train this
Ed. Furlong, of Steamboat Springs,
Colorado, arrived last evening, called
here by the serious Illness of his
mother, Mrs. S. L. Furlong.
Miss Blanche Robertson arrived
last evening from South Omaha and
will spend Sunday with her parep'i,
Hon. J. M. Robertson and wife.
Mrs. William Fahleson and daugh
ter, Hilda, went to Lincoln on the
morning train today, where they will
visit relatives for a few days.
Mrs. J. E. Jones an?, children,
Ellen and Glen, were passengers to
Havelock on the morning train to
day, where they will spend Sunday
with relatives.
Mr. I). C. Morgan and wife re
turned from Omaha last evening,
where they have attended the three
clays session of the Grand Lodge of
the Degree of Honor.
Jack Brlttlan went to Kansas City,
Missouri, last evening to visit I1I3
uncle, Warren McKonky, whom he
has not seen for twelve years. Mr.
McKonky was formerly a resident of
this city.
Mrs. Sarah Gilford, of Omaha, was
in the city last evening to superin
tend the combination of Mynard and
Plattsmouth camps of Royal Neigh
bors, and returned to her home this
morning. '
Mrs. G. E. Johnson, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Mc
Carthy, during her sickness, departed
for her home at Albuquerque, New
Mexico, this morning?. Mrs. Johnson
has been the guest of her mother for
seven weeks.
A. D. Despaln was a passenger to
Lincoln on the morning train today.
Miss Henrietta Martin came down
from Omaha on the morning train
Mrs. T. II. Pollock spent the day
with Omaha friends, going on the
morning train. I
Miss Johnston, of the High school,!
visited Omaha friends this morning,
going on No. 15.
Mrs. II. A. Schneider and Mrs. Pit-
zer were Omaha passengers on the
early train today.
Miss Hazel Dovey spent the day
with Omaha friends, going on the
morning train today.
William Biinkman was called' to
Omaha on business today and went
on the morning train.
Mrs. Ault nnd Mrs. Gouchenour
spent the day in the metropolis, de
parting on the morning train for that
Mrs. Joseph Wampler and son
Archie, visited tho metropolis this
morning and spent the day with
(Farmers Seginnitisto See the light
If a poor man buys poor land and pays for it. he is still poor. If a
poor man can buy good land, no matter what the price, on
terms that he can meet from sure crops, when he gets it
paid for he is no longer poor. : : : : :
Finest and best irrigated land in the west. $75 to $150 per acre, with per
petual storage reservoir water rights. Joins Pueblo, Colorado, a city of 60,000.
Reached by five trunk line railroads. Land that is located against a ci'y of this
class will sell for $5C0 to $1,000 per acre as soon as it is developed.
Come and investigate our land and water rights.
On adjoining land that is worth from $250 to $1,000
per acre we will shew orchards, all kinds of small
fruits, cantaloupes, melons, small grain, corn, sugar
beets, truck aud alfalfa of the very highest quality
and record-breaking yields. Soil is from 5 to 30
feet deep and very vertile. From this tract yotican
look into Pueblo and can see a highly developed sec
tion from most of our lands. We offer real intrin
sic values.
You can't beat this combination: Easy Terms!
Best Location! Finest Soil! Id a Climate! Abundance of Water!
Land and wafer controlled by purchasers Gef busy, young man-be a land owner
Own a
J Homo
( ???
Good I
' ' ' n
This is a Proven
Country, and Not in An
Experimental Stage!
Long Growing Seasons
Low Attitude
Makes This a Most
Desirable Investment!
Average value per acre of farm crept,
net, from the government year book:
Wyoming 40.20
Illinois ...... 22.61
Iowa 17.69
Missouri 19.91
Nebraska 19 09
Kansas 15 80
apiMWilfiwmiiii i TiMwan k
Why Waste Years on a
Farm in a Country Where
a Drouth or Excessive Rains
Can Undo the Work of
Months and Years!
Buy Where the Crops Will
Meet Your Payments!
Write fcr our free excursion p'an and illustrtted booklet. "Do It Now!" Excursion every first and third
Tuesday. One night's ride from your home to our land.
The Pueble-Rockyford Land Company
C L. TALUWACGE, P.esident. B. H. TALLMADGE, Vice President.
lUtrict Msr.ager, Ei;:t C. Clair, No. 3 Strehlow Apts., Omaha, Neb. Telephone Webster 5S64
F. C. Tallmadge, 601 North Main Street, Pueblo, Colorado
cr J. P. FALTER, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
33 d
Coronation at Kastlngi.
Hinting. Neb., Oi't. 13. TrnvH'ns
men's tiny today will wind up tin1 first
annual ftsthal nf Yt N ui" ?v.?fr
which hns been one rf t 'w mo-t puc
(M'sKful public rut rt 'lit ever
given In Hastlr.;M Tl? .t v I: in linrr.
crowdod to It lii'i!' :i!l wo'; Or- o1
tho chief CVCI'tS w?. tl i ( o -owtl ill
ball In tho n'v'c'o'.'s nn.'T".rrt It!'
at Inglosldc. lvt ii'tl-t. rt liv
Bonn 5nd Mriom Cc'vor Sivll'T
borgor wns a yw -t nf 1--Mi;ir.
Bympr I'.ilUJ by Cars.
OnrwitiT. Nrli. 0;t. ir. IVnrley
Iioymor, tvi'M years, a
Northwosteni hriiVfioui. lilll"d,
tnlxflnK 1) I h frrtiiv! nnd fulling under
tho wheels. UN l".):!y wns li:idly rut
to pieces, the head Mn nevored, ns
was n lee and tho arms, rtoymer'
brother, Howard, formerly a brake
man. Iot a lea at Went Tolut five
years ago.
Chief Millikln Is Removed.
Clnclnnutl, Oct. 15. Following the
receipt of a format rofusel to resign
as chief of police from Taut M
Millikln, Mayor Schwab removed him
from duty. The actlnK tuad of the de
partment la John Carroll, notice chirk.
Mrs. T. P. Livingston and daugh
ter, and Mrs. Livingston's guest, Mrs.
Itockhlll, were Omaha passengers
this niQvniug.
Miss Josephine Huranek, Miss
Marie Svohoda and Miss llermla Kal-
asek spent the day In Omaha, going
on the early train this morning.
William Ottersteln and daughter,
Helen, were passengers on No. 15
this morning for Omaha, where Mr.
Ottersteiu was called on business.
Mr. J. J. Lohnes and children, El'a
and Klsle, and his sister, Mrs. II. E
Pecker, and daughter, Leone, went to
Omnha this morning to do some shop
ping between trains.
W. E. Rosencrans made a flying
business trip to Omaha last evening.
George Polsall came down from
Cedar Creek to spend Sunday with
his family.
Mrs. L. E. Vromnn, son and daugh
ter, are visiting relatives and friends
in Illinois.
George Pnllance, of Lincoln, ar
rived today to took after a real estate
deat In tho city.
O. V. Virgin, of near Murray, was
In the city today looking after some
business matters.
Mr. Kauffenberger and wife, of
near Cedar Creek, were In Platts
mouth today doing some shopping.
George Hicks, of Cedar Creek,
transacted business in the city today,
coming down on No. 4 this morning.
John Kreager and son Henry, from
Eight Mile Grove precinct, transacted
business with Plattsmouth merchants
Ed. Hell and wife, and daughter,
of near Cedar Creek, were In the city
today attending to the week-end
- Mrs. E. M. Tribble, who has been
risking Mr. Pribble's parents at
Louisville for a few days, returned
this morning.
H. E. Wescott returned from the
west end of the county this morning.
where he attended a political meet
ing last evening.
Wayne Dickson, who is attending
the university at Lincoln, arrived In
the city this morning to spend Sun
day with relatives.
Frank Fight, of Cedar Creek, drove
In from the farm today and visited
his parents, and also looked after
some Items of business.
Attend the basket supper at the
home of Lonnle Todd, three and a
half miles west of this city, Wednes
day evening, October 26th.
C. E. Lohnes and wife from near
Cedar Creek, were In the city today,
and while here Mr. Lohnes paid the
Journal office a brief call.
Luke Wiles drove In from the farm
this morning and took home with him
a fine acetylene gas plant, w hich he is
going to Install at his residence.
Miss Anna Kopia, who Is teaching
school In Eight Mllo Grove Center
precinct, came In this morning to
spend Sunday with her parents.
Miles Allen, who has been em
ployed on tho Missouri Pacific bridge
at Louisville, came home this morn
ing to spend Sunday with his family.
Master Raymond Inrsou was a
passenger to Union this morning,
where he wilt spend Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. II. E. Foster.
Hy and James Gruber, of Lincoln,
who have recently moved on the John
Ruby farm, were Plattsmouth visitors
today, looking after some Important
Henry Smith and son, Victor, of
near Murray, were In the city on busi
ness today.
Ed. Melslnger and P. A. Meislnger,
of near Cedar Creek, transacted busi
ness In Plattsmouth today, driving In
from the farm this morning.
Mr. S. A. Wiles and wife, and son
Guy, were Omaha visitors on the
morning train today, where they did
some shopping and Interviewed
frlend3 between trains.
Mrs. J. A. Donelan departed for
Lincoln this morning, where she will
visit friends for a time, and go to
Ft. Morgan, Colorado, and be the
guest of friends for a short time.
Robert Mauzy came down from
Omaha this morning and will visit his
father at the hospital today, having
just come in from his run between
Omaha and Denver this morning.
Mrs. Cam Foybert and daughters,
Ina and Margaret, of Louisville, ar
rived today and will visit Mr. and
Mrs. John McNurlin over Sunday and
return to Louisville Sunday afternoon
by auto.
The regular social meeting of the
W. C. T. U. will be held at Mrs. S.
E. Kerr's home on Monday at 2:30.
There will be a nice program with
good music. Lunch will be served.
Everyone cordially Invited.
A. R. Noble, of Schuyler, conductor
between Plattsmouth and Lincoln,
Khlnned his household effects to
Plattsmouth last evening, his wife
and children arrived this morning.
Plattsmouth thus gains another esti
mable family.
William Puis, democratic candidate
for the house, was in the city today,
shaking bands with his friends and
talking politics. William is tho sort
of man to make friends and Is gain
ing ground right along, he is honest
and capable and well fitted to repre
sent Cass county In the next legisla
ture. Messrs. D. I Amlck, C. L. Martin
and O. P. Monroe carry off the first
thVe prizes offered for securing the
largest number of paid for applica
tions for the Owls nono of them
having written less than twenty ap
plications, and not one of them shows
any disposition to quit until checked
off by order of the supreme Order.
Superintendent J. W. Gamble was
called to Omaha this afternoon on
Mrs. Andy Smith, of near Cedar
Creek, was In the city today doing her
week-end shopping.
Miss Charlotte Fetzer arrived last
evening from Lincoln to spend Sun
day with her parents.
Ray Schlppiacasse came down from
Omaha last evening and will spend
Sunday with his parents.
Don't forget the Doy Scout meet
ing at the Presbyterian church tomor
row afternoon at 3 o'clock.
John Meisinger, of Eight Mile
Grove, was a Plattsmouth visitor to
day, dealing with the merchants.
H. A. Smith and wife, of Omaha,
arrived today and will visit Smith
brothers and families over Sunday.
Mr. J. A. Donnelly, who is straight
ening out the books for the Peru
banker, visited his family over Sun
day. .
Mr. Vogel Gittler, of Lincoln, mo
tored to Plattsmouth today to spend
Sunday, the guest of the G. E. Dovey
Miss Bertha Todd accompanied her
brother, Clyde Adamson to Omaha, to
see him off for California this after
noon. M. Fanger, of Omaha, was In
Plattsmouth today looking after some
collections of accounts from his for
mer business here.
A. Fornoff transacted business in
the county seat today, having driven
In from the farm for that purpose.
Next Tuesday Mr. Fornoff expects to
go to Huron, South Dakota, where he
has some land Interests.
Miss Teresa Hempel returned from
Omaha last evening, where she has
been attending the three days' session
of tho grand lodge of the Degree of
Honor, Miss Hempel having had the
distinguished honor of being elected
grand recorder for the fourth time.
Our old friend, Louis Anderson de
parted this afternoon for a three
weeks' Journey through Montana and
Oregon, stopping at Billings, Paradise
and Portland. Mr. Anderson has not
taken a vacation for some time, and
we predict that the trip will benefit
him greatly. 2;U