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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1910)
Ooo COO PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Paitor Brot dyn Tabcrat e Ooo PULP 0 c ! II The Seas In the Hollow Of God's Hand "Who hath measured the seas in the hollow of lu hand" (Isaiah xl, 1 2). ooO t Lis right hand of favor. they will enjoy pleasures for evermore. T!.e Ravelation of Our Cod. On t.t ::".:!y God .Mil :..-. 1.") tl I. - u by Wl'J- TJ i :.'. U .7 Ui li... V.. i a he : :; L. oi .' - .;.7 : IUit we u. . ' lug when j:!! 1 rleiirly. "A 1 live. tu'. .ill. "Thou art a flf (Uaiah xlv. .:!t the world O.-. I Is : ..J I e. yet fcj .'. s;- v pvi s i : . '. p n't.." i:v T LOitf. Un GOL. ROOSEVELT OPENS CAMPAIGN ifeistaaan State ccmmlt- ; ,j OutCnas Plan. f9 Ivy On the Ocenn, October lfl.-rastor Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle is en joying hla usual henlth. en route for London. He expects to he buck In Brooklyn the first Sunday In Decem ber. Ills Sundays In Great Britain win be given to London, filling ap pointments with ns ninny as possible of the smaller cities week days. Ills discount for today from the foregoing text follows: The wonderful force, and Immensity of the thought of our text, cannot be appreciated by those who have never been upon the great Ocean. As we travel through the water at railroad speed and keep watch In every direc tion, yet seldom see a vessel, largo or smnll, day after day, we begin to get a llttlo conception of tho world In which wo live. It is so much larger than previously we were able to com prehend. Yet by the nld of tho tele scope and the mathematical calcula tions we perceive that our earth and Ha seas are small, In comparison to many other worlds. We perceive that our solar system (our nun and his plan etary satellites) constitutes but a small fraction of God's great creation. As tronomers tell us thnt by the aid of sensitive photographic plates they nro able to count about ono hundred and twenty-five millions of suns, around which planets are revolving, as our earth revolves around our sun. And they estimate thut probably only a portion of these aims Is visible to our naked eye so far distant ore they. Astronomers estimate that there are millions of other suns so far distant that their light cannot even bo dis cerned by photography. We stand appalled at the Immensity of space and the law and order which everywhere reign. We heartily assent to the words of the Trophet David. "Day unto day utteretb speech, and Bight unto night nhowetb knowledge; there Is no place where their voice Is tot heard." The person who can look upon this wonderful display of super human power and who can believe that these worlds created themselves, shows to the majority of us that. If he has brains, they are sadly disordered, unbalanced. The person who. after In telilgent thoucht, concludes thnt there Is no Ood. that everything came to be wbnt it Is by chanco or by the op. eratlon of some blind force thnt per son Is described In the Scriptures In the following words. "The fool hath stild In bis heart, There Is no God" (rsalm xlv, 1). "The Half Was Never Told." On first rending our text some of us tnlght have been Inclined to say, Ah, t beautllul poetic extravagance! But not so. dear friends! As sclent Klo In strument demonstrate to us the Im mensity of the universe we perceive that the Prophet used very moderate language Indeed In his description of the majestic nver nnd greatness of the Creator, representing him ns Weighing the mountains lu his bal ances an 1 holding the seas In tho hol luw of his hand and that, from his standpoint, n thousnnd years nro but as. u watch In the night. How Insig nificantly small wo nil feel In tho presence of our God! No wonder some great men have been Inclined to say that humanity Is too Insignificant from tho Divine standpoint to be worthy of the least consideration much less to bo objects of Divine caro and provi dence! The Scriptures encourage u to reason from tho known to the un known. They tell us that although God Is so great, so wise, so powerful, he Is also Just and loving. And tho more we consider tho matter, the more' this l'.lhlo description of the Almighty appears. Ills power we see demonstrated. Tho wisdom of One no great cannot bo doubted. Then Wo como to consider, Could One ho wise and so powerful be unjust or un generous? Our hearts answer. No! No ono Is really great who Is devoid of Justice nnd love. So surely ns our God Is Jehovah ho must possess theso qualities. When we cunie In contact with the Bible, and particularly after we learn ed something of lis teachings mid get rid of, the misrepresentations which gathered about It dining th, dark ng 's then we began to recognize It as the tnessaire of Jehovah to his ereature. It Informed us that the great Creator of the universe is n it only Aluih'My and All-wise, but loving anil kind, with Ju-tlee as tho very foundation of his Kinplre. Prom the I'.H le we learned, too, that our Creator hud been pleased to make us lu his own Image, In bis own moral likeness, to the In tent that we ml'.'ht enjoy Mm and tho fruits of his righteousness to nil eter nity. From this standpoint we began to realize that the loftiest sentiments of the human mind nnd heart nro merely tho retlectlons of this Creator. Thus coming Into sympathetic ae. cord with our Maker we can compre hend the principles of his chancter rhat Justice signifies, nnd mercy and kindness what Is wisdom as contrast ed with foollshnevs. From this stend point we were enabled to see tli" frl -!-ous perfection of our Maker's charac ter and attributes, which Justify the name which he has taken to himself when he declares through his ambas sador, "God is Love." As we come to realize this more and more, we are grasping the Infinite; we are getting near to the heart of the great Eternal One, who weighs the mountains as In a balance nud measures the seas lu tho hollow of bis hand. "Liko Unto Your Fathar." Codllkeness Is love-likeness, and, ns the Scriptures dilnro, "Love Is the fulfilling of the (Divine) Law" (Hu mans xlll, 10). Our grent Creator, the only living and true God, Is thus seen In contrast with nil the gods of the heathen, who are pitiless, merciless, vengeful, devilish. From tho Bible we learn that Jehovah, the True God, takes delight In doing good In the ex ercise of his Almighty ower and wis dom In the creating of beings In whose everlasting life and enjoyment forever ho takes pleasure. With such glorious Intentions his creatlvo work began with the celestial beings, who nre still enjoying his favor. With similar be nevolence ho created man a llttlo low er than the angels, crowning him with glory and honor as the king of nil creatures, on the animal, tho human, plane, tho likeness of his Maker, who la a spirit. Hearkening to the explana tions of tho Divine purposes by tho Apostles nnd Prophets, wo have re ceived assurances that nothing has befallen humanity In all tho dire ex periences of the past six thousnnd years that tho great Creator did not foresee. Further, we have the assur ances that Divine Wisdom purposes eventually thnt the teors and sorrows, crying and dying, the peualty for Original Sin, under which man has suffered all these centuries, the great Creator purposes shall work no renl disadvantage to his creatures. Instead, the end of the Divine Program will at test the various elements of the Divine character as nothing else could have done. The holy angels, who have known no sin, will In mankind rend to eternity a valuable lesson of the ex ceeding sinfulness of sin and the wis dom and blessedness of righteousness. And even mankind, although at pres ent suffering seriously under the weight of Divine dlsplensuro and con demnation to death, will ultimately be ao blessed nnd the weight of Blessing so outweigh the sorrows of the curse. that every creaturo shall bow tho knee and every tongue confess to Dlvlue Justice, Wisdom, Love and Power. In connection with tho Dlvlue dealings with humanity. "Joy Cometh In tha Morning." A night of weeping six thousand years long, Involving suffering and sor row to twenty-thousand millions, Is an awful thought. But tho proposition Is vet a different ono when wb remember that the majority of Adam's children die lu lafnncy and thnt to thoso who live their three score years and ten with labor nnd sorrow, thero are pleas lug nnd happlfylng experiences, as well ns tears. And when we rend that even the tears of n few years nro n part of the disciplines, Instructions nnd experi ences which God designs shall bo vnl uablo lessons In preparation for n glorious nnd Joyous eterulty then tho whole matter begins to have a new ns pect to our minds.. If tho light uflUe lions of this present tlmo will work out blessings for eternity then wo can rejoice in them for ourselves, our neighbors and all Immunity. And this Is tho Dtviiio proHsltlou. Not that God has ever proposed eternal life for a single, rebellious soul, but that ho has prepared blessing for nil of Adam's race who shall come Into full harinonv with himself. At present ho Is teach lug great general lessons to humanity as n whole by the exceeding sinfulness of sin. It would be too bad If, as the; lessons nro learned, there should bi no opportunity of profiling by them. But there will be nu oppoitunlty of profiting, nnd this. Is the great inessa which Ood has sent to mankind and which, Sciipturally, Is styled Tint Gos pel (hu "good tidings of great Jov which shall bo unto all people," through Christ. Tlio night of weeping, sis thour;.ini years long, Is about to bo f ilowed by the morning of Joy. The New Day, In which darkness and sin will be nbol ishod and lu which the Sun of lllglit- eoiisness will bless and lieul lire world of mankind, Is n Thousand-Year Day for the blessing and uplifting of our race (It Peter lil. S). The Blhie uV scrlbes that day in most glowing tvrms. It Is the day of Messiah, the day lu whlrli God's Kingdom shall conio and his will be done on earth ns it Is done In heaven, tho day in which the ior nnd needy will be lifted up from the dunghill of superstition nnd depravity, tho day lu which the knowledge of the glory of God shall till tho w hole earth. And there shall bo no more fear. That day will not end ns do others. It will not be followed by n night, but lead on to n glorious eternity for nil of God's creatures who appreciate Divine goodness and. using the Divinely pro vided opportunities, will return to full harmony with their Creator. Such he -III lu turn recognize us bis sons and, while earth dial! l,e fU!i-. .. ,U r.y glory," "The knowledge of the gio.- ' ! God shall Lil the whole earth ns the waters cover the great deep" (Ha'mk kuk II, Mi. Then all shall see what God hath wrought and our temporary blind ness will but accentuate tho glorious brightness of his Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power: "Blind unbelief Is sure to err, Ami scan hla work In vain; Cod Is )ili own Interpreter, And he will make It plain!" In tho end It will be seen that the Divine permission of tho reign of sin and death in the earth, instead of be ing a blot uion Divine character an J demonstration of Divine uuwisdom and Incompetency, will reveal the great Creator to his subjects, LI chil dren, as nothing else could have done. Besides, the experiences of mankind during tho seven thousnnd years from dam's creation to the end of Mes siah's mediatorial Kingdom will dem onstrate traits of the Divine charac ter which could not otherwise be man ifested to nngels or to men. For Instance, without tho permis sion of sin, tho element of Divine Justice and the unalterable opposition of God to all sin would never have been known to his crentures. His wn tence upon father Adam and his race nnd the permission of tho reign of death nnd sin for nil theso centuries have demonstrated the fnct that Di vine Justice cannot bo trifled with. And this reign of sin and the strength of the Divine opposition to sin, nnd the sentence upon sinners, In turn gave opportunity for the exhibit of Dlvlno mercy, compassion, sympathy. love. Undoubtedly God's love was known to the nngellc hosts before, but not to the snme extent. Ills dealing with humnnity will prove the depth of his sympathy to angels and to men. God commended his love toward ns, In thut while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Komnns v, 8). Surely, as the poet declares, we have In this a manifestation of "Love Divine, all lova excelling." More than this; some of us nt one time were, perhaps, Inclined to criti cize our Maker and to say that he hnd no right to redeem us at the cost of Calvary; that It was wrong to cancel the sins of ono nnd require their pay ment of another. But we erred. It was not thus. Rightly understood, the dealings of tho Father with the Son add still further to his glory-magnify still more hia Wisdom, Justice, Love and Tower. With all power nnd au thority the Almighty would not com mnnd the denth of his Son. For Jesus to become man's Redocmer meant lis voluntary sncrlflce of himself. And how shall we understand this the Iteedeemer's willingness to be man's ransom-price? The Scripture, replv lug, tell us thnt it wns because of his great love for the Father, his great confidence In him nnd his wU'ilncn'ss to submit to the Divine will and pur poses nnd arrangement lu everything, Yet, notwithstanding tho willingness of tho Redeemer, the Father would not permit hltn to engngo in this great undertaking which would ccst himself so much, unless ho would gie him tho corresponding reward. Thun we read of Jesus, that "for tho Joy thnt was set before him he endured the cross nnd despised the shame." "No! It Is Just Liko Him." Tho Divine Plan being set firth to nn old colored woman, she was asked If It was not strnnge that Go.l should do such great thltv.s for ns. 1 1 -r an swer was, "No. Masler: it Is u..t like him!" So we say ro.':p, 'ti:i; the gr-it 0d who made the Leaven: '.A the i-,:nh nnd sun and stars, It Is net s' rouge that he should have a p'orioii.. Plan for nil of his creatures a I'h.n which will fully exemplify ills character- Ms Justice, Wisdom. Love anil l'ow&r! And amongst these wonderful tLiugs of the Divine P.irposo none 1j more wonderful than that which relate to the Church class, "the elect," drawn nnd called nr.d begotten of the holy Spirit during this Gospel Age. These. Justified by faith Instantly, nro a scp nrato class from the world, who will bo justified, perfected, through works during Messiah's glorious rc-lgu. The arrangement for their falth-justlticn-tlon through the merit of the Redeem er In advance of the world's Justifica tion is for the purpose of nllowing these, who by nature arc "children of wrath even as others," to bec i:iK mmis of God on the spirit plane, "purtakevs of the divine nature." Dealing on II:mm of Impartiality. God's offer to there inetulu rs of Adam's race, a "little fioeU" In til!. U that. If they Join with their IVJcm er In sacrifice mid walk In his! foot steps, his merit shall cover their blem ishes nnd they may become for a)! eternity his glorlocs I'.iid: and Joinl helrs with him In lis Kingdom-that they may sit with Mm In his Throne ond be associated In the prent work v uplifting the children Pf men. How wonderful Is oar God, rnflntte In nil his qu.illtli! "Who hath Irnxvr the mind of the Lord; who hath boon his counsellor?" iT'omans it, tli.) Hw enme nil theo woadnrfoi hlngs which are written In hW V, ;o!na by hts own knowldf? tt bow before h!m and don bttii M be faithful followers In Dm ftwciffeps of Jcs::s until th end of the reeniUl wo rcVvo the ,rw Ufa T. tUP AT TJUHUN HALL Declares Thit If Dx Should Be Elect ed Governor He Would Be "Power less in the Grip of His Masters." Denounces the New York State De mocracy. New York, Oct. 15. Theodore Roose velt returned this morning from bis southern trip. On his arrival here he met several members of the state committee and outlined with them a plan for his campaign speeches in the state. He expects to cover the state as thoroughly as he can without making too great demands on hU strength and is planning a fight which will make the campaign a lively one. After meeting the state committeemen Colonel Roosevelt left for Oyster Bay to rest over Sunday. He hopes to have his brief respite from politics In abso lute quiet and to see no visitors. Early next week he will start out again. In his speech at Dunkirk, where he opened his campaign for the Republic an state ticket, Colonel Roosevelt de nounced the New York state Democ racy with all the emphasis which he could command. "Wall street and Tammany Hall struck hands," he declared. "We are fighting for the rule of the people against the most shameless combina tion of crooked politics and crooked financiers our state has seen since Tweed was driven from power." John A. DIx, Democratic candidate for governor, he dismissed with a few words as the "respectable and unim portant figurehead of Tammany Hall," to elect whom, he said, Wall street was doing all In Its power because It knew him and the people did not. "If elected he would be utterly pow erless In the grip of his masters," said the speaker. "The delegates to the convention represented nobody, not even themselves," he shouted. "Mr. Murphy was everything." JESUITS DO GOOD WORK Secretary Dickinson Gives Out Infor mation on His Observations. Washington, Oct. 15. According to information received here, Secretary of War Dickinson, who recently visit ed the Philippine Islands on his round the world trip, highly commended the work being done by the Jesuit fath ers at the Manila observatory. He ex pressed his own appreciation and that of this government of the services of these men who gave up their Spanish citizenship to serve the United States as its official weather forecasters In the Philippines. At the time of American assumption of the reins of government there, the Jesuit fathers were the only men in the Islands cnpnhle of carrying on sci entific weather investigations. ROADS BUSY IN MISSOURI S3 I vt if The New Pencil Curl Hat, In all the Latest Shades, $3 Manhattan Shirts, all sixes. I3j to 18, guaranteed colors You can tie to our "QUALITY LINE" of re, dy for . ervice tailor made clothes. They're the sa est clothing you can buy Thirty years o! totir ha? proven our claim for the?; clothes They cost $20 To;35 just enough to be GOOD clothes. The materials are cold water shrunk, cut and tailored individ ually and by hand. When you buy them you get the BEST that's made. Our $30 special Blue Serge Serge is equal to any $40 custom made. We want you tq see it. Also the new styles in browns. G.E Uoscoit's Ions THE HOME OF SATISFACTION Petition to Be Presented Protesting Against Any Reduction In Rates. Springfield, Mo., Oct. 15. When tho state railroad and warehouse com missioners meet at Jefferson City next Tuesday to consider the reduction ( railroad freight rates in Missouri, the railroads will present a petition signed by f.0,000 persons protesting against the proposed action. It is Bald a majority of the em ployees of nil tho railroads operating in the district signed the petition. The petition states thnt a reduction of rates will cause the rai'ronds to adopt a policy of retrenchment that will de prive many shopmen nnd trainmen of employment. The petition wns signed by 1 1 .000 business men In the vari ous cities of the s'nte. RIED IN SOUTH DAKOTA The following interesting article Is clipped from the Belle Fourche, Butte county, South Dakota, Northwest Post, published by Rush Fellows, for merly a resident of this city: "One day last week a man stepped up to the writer and asked: 'Didn't you use to live In Plattsmouth, Ne braska?' We replied in the affirma tive, and he then said, 'I know your face, but can't remember your name; now, see if you can tell who I am.' After looking him over we said to him that he looked something like Sena tor Sam Thomas. 'Well,' he replied, 'you came pretty close, for I am his brother, Thomas Thomas.' After ten or twelve years' absence It was quite a coincidence that one man should recognize another in a strange land, but the meeting was nevertheless a pleasant one for both, we hope. Mr. Thomas was practically a young man when we first knew him, something like thirty years ago, while today he Is as white as snow. "Mr. Thomas had filed on a claim In Stanley county, this state, and had proven up on the same. Recently he made the acquaintance of a Mrs. Mary Hayes, who had filed on a ranch in the vicinity of Newell, and was coming here to commute on the same. Mr. Thomas accompanied her here after the papers had been a!l fixed up they went to the office of the clerk of the courts, secured a marriage license, repaired to the home of Rev. J. N. McCurdy, pastor of the M. E. church, and were then and there made man and wife. They left the following day for Newell, where they will make their future home for a time and then go to Omaha, where Mr. Thomas has been making head quarters for some time past. We were pleased to renew acquaintance with Tommy, as he was known when a young man, and to make the ac quaintance of Mrs. Thomas." Itepait For Calfoi nla. Senator S. L. Thomas went to Omaha this afternoon to see the Plattsmouth colony off to California. Those taking the train for Los Ange les this afternoon were Frank John son and wife, T. E. Todd and wife, Clyde Adamson, Stephen Buzell. At Omaha the party will be joined by others, among them Mrs. McCaleb's sister, from Clarinda, Iowa. Harry Horn and his brother, George, of Eight Mile Grove precinct, drove in from the farm this morning and met their father, Mr. Henry Horn, who returned today from a three weeks' visit at Plainview and vicinity. CATTLE RATE CASES HEARD Railroads Seek to Set Aside the Inter state Commission Order. St. raul," Oct. 13. Judges Sanborn, Vandevanter and Adams of the United States circuit court are hearing tho cattle rate case. This action is participated in by nearly nil of the western railroads, ex cept the Great Northern nnd Northern Pacific, nnd Is an attempt to Bet nsido nn order Issued by tho Interstate com merce commission nhout two years nc;o, making sweeping reduction In the cattle carrying rates from nil points went of Chlcngo and St. I.oiiIh. The order Is In effect now nnd gov erns schedules In nhout fi.ono hauling rates for the west. ... I Cardner Under Indictment. New York. Oct. 15. Frank J. Gard ner of Brooklyn, a former state sena tor who was arrested in Scranton, charged with attempted bribery of Congressman Otto 0. Foelker, also n former state senator, to vote against the nntlrace track bills In Albany In 1!)08, was Indicted by tho New Y'ork county grand Jury on tho charge of nn attempt to bribe a fhihlle official. Lincoln Man Dead In Morning Fire. lnd. S. t., Oct. 15. Frnnk Asklns, a miner, lost his life In a fire in a re sort here. Three women Inmntes were Injured find several were enr rted out by firemen. Asklns recently enmo here from Lincoln, Neb. - IV V " too f . V aPs ALCOHOL, 3 PER CEN T. AVcgclaWcPrpparalionfor similaiinrthcFoo(faii(Il?c(!u!a lin$lltcSio:n2c,,isaii(lJ3uwcIsi IVomolcs DistioruClif erful ncss and IlretXontaliis neiliier Opiimt.MorjJhinc nor!iacraL INotNakcotic. r.rv!n S cd Sl'xJ nM l'iia-ti utr. ieJa ilrmSfrl- Clt'Hit.1 '.ifP. .r)crrl Hemeilv forCVmslipa lion.ScurSloii'ach.Dlarrtaa'vcrish ni'ss and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature ft .Irv in f 1 use For Over Thirty Years a " ' 41U'HIJ1HW mi 1 II II II II II II 11 TMt !TU IIINIfi HI ITT. Exact Copy of Wrapper.