The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1910, Image 7

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Avoca 0
News Items Gathered Each Week
Alarm clocks at Copes drug store.
Asa Johnson a u toed to Lincoln
Mrs. Lulu Buss was at Weeping
Water Friday.
Miss Opal Lewton Is attending
Bchool at Peru.
Ralph Graham arrived home from
Omaha Saturday.
M. M. Straub was a visitor at
Omaha Tuesday.
Herman Rolofr will hold a public
sale October 20th.
Ellis Lew ton was a business visitor
at Omaha Thursday.
W. W. Anness, of Dunbar, was a
visitor here Saturday.
Henry Franzen and wife were Lin
coln visitors last week.
Miss Florence Wilkinson was an
Omaha visitor Saturday.
J. II. Seacat and son, Willie, were
here from Berlin, Monday.
C. E. Tefft and family were down
from Weeping Water Sunday.
D. C. Wrest, the Nehawka banker,
was here a few hours Monday.
Henry A. Straub and family were
Weeping Water visitors Sunday.
Now is the best time to , paint.
Sherwin Williams paint is the kind to
Departs For Idaho.
Emll Droege departed this after
noon for Murphy, Idaho, where he
has accepted a good position with the
Murphy Lumber Co. This company
is under the able management of a
Plattsmouth-made young man, and a
mighty good one, too, in the person
of Mr. Chas. Guthman, and is pros
perous in every particular. Emll
Droege is also a mighty fine young
man, the kind that Plattsmouth re
grets to lose, but at the same time
the many friends wish him abundant
success in his far away western
home. If early training counts for
the future of Emll Droege, he will
surely reach the top round of the
ladder, for all his years at home he
has been one of the most steady and
energetic young men of this city, and
we venture the assertion if he fol
lows the guiding hand of Mr. Guth
man he will continue on the road to
success. Success to Emll is the wish
of all.
Lame back is one of the most com
mon forms of muscular rheumatism.
A few applications of Chamberlain's
Liniment will give relief. For sale
by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Matches are still 200 for 1c, 5,000
matches for 2Sc. Come In and take
your winter's supply.
Edw. Rynot & Co.,
Sue. to Gering & Co.
In the front of the store. It is your chance
to get a short length of good goods
at a small price. You will
and Cotton
of most anything you arc
looking for.
by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
use. Copes sells It.
Mrs. Jacob Lehn and daughter, of
Berlin, were visiting at the home of
John Benecke Wednesday.
October 28 is the date of the next
number of the Lecture Course.
Fred Bartel and wife have re
turned from their trip to California.
Mrs. Louise Shelton has moved to
the Mrs. Buss property in south
T. S. Pittman is visiting relatives
and old time friends at Corydon, In
diana. Mrs. M. M. Straub is entertaining
relatives from South Dakota this
BenJ. Betts and wife were at Sioux
City last week, visiting J. B. Frey
and wife.
Mrs. M. G. Keedy spent Friday
and Saturday visiting her parents at
Wm. Miller and family, of Lincoln,
were guests of W. A. Hollenberg and
wife Sunday.
Ora E. Copes and wife were at
Omaha Friday and Saturday, buying
holiday good3.
John B. Carter left Tuesday for
Valentine to look after his real estate
Interests there.
Mike Mauzy Undergoes Operation.
Mr. Michael Mauzy yesterday urt
derwent an operation at the hospital
Mr. Mauzy has not been feel
ing first rate for some weeks and
has been losing weight for some
time. He went to Omaha Tusday
and entered the hospital, where the
operation was performed yesterday.
It Is hoped that he may now speedMy
regain his former good health.
A Painful Accident.
Father Hlggins, of Manley, had
the misfortune to break his leg a
day or two ago, while alighting from
a Missouri Pacific train at Auburn.
The accident occurred unexpectedly
to Father Hlggins, and was caused
by him stepping into a ditch as he
stepped from the coach to .the
ground. The fracture was a bad one
and will keep his reverence Indoors
for some time.
Builders' Class, Attention!
Every member of the Builders'
class of the Fresbyterian Sunday
School is requested to be In attend
ance Friday evening, October 14th,
at 7 o'clock at the Presbyterian
churcn, to effect the organization of
t'vo patrols of Boy Scouts, under the
direction of Mr. Thomas Darling, re
cently connected with the Scout
movement in Kansas City.
- Y
Don't Lose
Don't carry that old, shabby-looking
pocket-book or
bill book. You may lose
money out of it.
We have a fine line of
morocco and seal leather
purses and pocketbooks for
men and women, well made
and durable, with two,
three and four convenient
compartments, some with
metal trimmings. Also
handbags and bill books
all at prices that will sur
prise you. Call and see
S Druggist and Jeweler O
,t AVOCA, : : NEB. 6
Notice to Public.
There seems to be some misunder
standing in the Are alarms given and
for the information of the public
and citizens generally, the following
rules will be observed in giving the
alarm by whistle: An alarm for fire
on Main street will be all long blasts.
In the Burlington shops, by all
short blasts.
Fire in the First ward, one long
blast and many short ones. And so
on for the remaining wards, as many
long blasts as correspond with the
number of the ward, and many short
ones following.
For Burlington shop practice, three
short blasts.
In case of lost child the Are bell
will ring by taps of three in succes
sion. Anton H. Koubek,
Chief of Fire Department.
Napoleon often referred to the fact
that with only 25 horseman he sur
prised the hostile army and won a
great victory. You can see such at
tacks on yourselves. A few microbes
make an attack on you in unprotect
ed, weak spots and, if you are not on
your guard, will win their battle; If
you will watch your body you will
win. Should you notice some irre
gularity, do not postpone the treat
ment. Be punctnal! If the irregu
larity is in your appetite or digestion,
Triner's American Elixir of Hitter
Wine will speedily cure It, because it
gives you strength to the digestive
organs. It has a decidedly good ef
fect In nervousness, povrty of blood,
palness, exhaustion, acute and chron
ic constipation, dull headace and all
disorders of the stomach aid the in
testines. At drug stores. Jos. Trln
er, 13:13-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chi
cago, 111.,
biliousness is due to a disordered
condition of the stomach. Chamber
lain's Tablets are essentially a stom
ach medicine, intended especially to
act on that organ; to cleanse it,
strengthen it, tone and invigorate it,
to regulate the liver and to banish
biliousness positively and effectually.
For sale fy F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Tiled the Murudimi Road.
James Robertson, clerk of the dis
trict court, returned from Louisville
and Omaha last evening, where he
had been on business. Mr. Robert
son went from Louisville to Omaha
by auto, having accompanied Mr. T.
K. Parmele in his touring car. The
road is macadam for ten miles out of
Omaha, and it is the intention of the
commissioners of Sarpy county to
complete the roud as far as Spring
field next year.
We still have a few more of the
new style pocket books left. If you
have not got one yet, come In and
;ork them over.
Kdw. Rynot & Co.,
Kuc. to Gering & Co.
In From Colorado.
Chas. Cherry, of Akron, Colo., Is
visiting with old Cass county friends
and relatives, being a guest at the
home of his sister, Mrs. C. T. Miller,
at Weeping Water. He was also
spending a few days with friends and
relatives in Lincoln. He spent a few
hours in Plattsmouth last Friday and
while here called at the Journal office
and renewed for his paper.
Basket supper, basket supper, bas
ket supper at Lonnle Tood'a, Wednes
day evening, October 26th.
Curtis Og!e went to Lincoln Tues
day. Mi.-s Grayce Wilson spent Sunday
with her folks ntar Greenwood.
Warren J. Llnch came in Monday
noon to visit relatives a few days.
A public sale was held at Mrs.
Stiles, southwest of town. Monday.
Henry Craig went to Lincoln Mon
day evening, where he has a position
Mrs. Liza Craig went to Lincoln
Saturday evening to visit daughters.
Mrs. E. J. Mower and son visited
at J. A. Shafer"s Saturday and Sun
day. Paul Frolich spent Thursday at
Eagle, enjoying German day festivi
ties. Schuyler Kellogg shipped a carload
of cattle to South Omaha Monday
Henry fr.noke went to Lincoln Mon
day evening, returning home Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl John
son, Sunday, October 9, 1910, a
Mrs. Nervla Knott, of Elmwood,
visited friends from . Saturday till
Miss Minerva Toole, of Omaha,
spent Saturday and Sunday , with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Blakeman and son,
of Norfolk, visited S. C. Boyles and
family last week.
Miss Ollle Foreman and Mrs. Edith
Williams were out horseback riding
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Margaret McMahon and Mr.
and Mrs. Will Casey spent Saturday
and Sunday In Omaha.
Mrs. Nettle Powell and Miss Violet
Ough, of Lincoln, vlBited their father
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Austin and chil
dren, of Lincoln, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer.
A new concrete walk has been laid
at the crossing between the M. E.
church and the school house.
Congressman Jno. A. Magulre, of
Lincoln, was circulating among
friends in Alvo Wednesday.
Chas. R. Jordan and J. A. Shaffer
drove to Wabash Thursday after
noon, and to South Bend Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rasp left Sun
day evening for Beatrice to attend a
district meeting of the U. B. church.
Mrs. Mary Vincent, of St. Joseph,
Missouri, came Friday evening to
visit her daughter, Mrs. Luther Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pratt and
daughter Frances, of Lincoln, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Casey, Sunday.
J. H. Stroemer left Saturday morn
ing via Eagle, for Barneston, Ne
braska, to visit his father a few days.
Morgan Curyea, Frank Davis and
J. E. Parsell left for Kansas Sunday
evening to look after business in
terests there.
Rev. Heckler and Rev. J. Suavely
left Sunday on No. 17 for Beatrice,
to attend a district meeting of the U.
B. church.
Mrs. M. Curyea, Mrs. Minerva Cur
yea, of Waverly, went to Lincoln
Monday evening, and from there they
go to Waverly.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Gulllon went
to Lincoln Sunday evening, returning
home Tuesday noon. They brought
their little son, Raymond, homo with
Fred Dreamer and family and Dr.
L. Mulr and family went to Lincoln
Thursday in Mr. Dreamer's auto to
visit relatives and attend the Ger
man picnic.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Curyea enter
tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. I.andis and Mrs. Minerva Cur
yea, of Waverly. They came over In
their auto.
Fred Dreamer took Mr. nnd Mrs.
Isaac Wolfe and Miss Mary Wolfe In
his auto to Greenwood Monday, to
take the train to Red Cloud for a
visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stone and fam
ily and Mrs. C. R. Jordan, left Tues
day morning for Cairo, Nebraska, to
attend the wedding of Miss Fern Tur-
ney, which will occur Wednesday,
October 12.
The U. B. church of Alvo
will begin a series of gospel meetings
October 22, which will be conducted
by Elder A. Hutchinson, of Mcpher
son, Kansas. All are cordially in
vited to attend.
Mrs. Mary llossernian and daugh
ter, of Albion, Nebraska; Mrs. Mabel
Long and two children, and Mrs. Bes
sie Bates and son, of Superior, Ne
braska, are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Luther Earl, having come on No. 18
The Royal Neighbors of the Mur-
dock Camp, attended the Initiation of
new members into the Rose Camp,
No. 2937, at Alvo Saturday evening,
October 8, 1910. After the business
of the camp was finished the mem
bers' families were Invited In to par
take of a dainty lunch.
Now Is the time to paint your
house. We have Patton's Sunproof
paint. Guaranteed to you.
Edw. Rynot & Co.,
Sue. to Gering & Co.)
GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers' excursions to
THE BIG HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and
see what the farmers are doing on these new lands where the Burlington
Railroad is building new lines; where new towns offer splendid business op
ening in all lines of trade and profession.
EXAMINE THE E LANDS PERSONALLY with me. I will help you to pick
out the best. I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this purpose.
OUR HOMESEEKERS' TICKET allows you 25 days wita stop overs every
where in homeseekers territory; ample time to examine the lands and spend
a few days fishing in the mountain streams if you like. See the irrigated
lands where the ditches are built by the Government and also by private
companies, and the Mondell C20acre FREE homesteads all on ene trip.
I v.
J . 1 1. 1 . k
Looking for land when at sea is said
to be an interesting pastime. If you
are "all at sea" in your endeavor to lo
cate some land for your home or an in
vestment, let us point out to you a few
pieces that are really desirable. Our
oxpert knowledge of values in at your
command, and if you will use our ser
vices you will make money.
Prominent Fanners Call.
Last Tuesday the Journal was
favored with a call from our old
friend, W. H. Schoemaker and his
son, F. C, of near Nehawka. Mr.
Schoemaker is one of the prominent
farmers and stock raisers of Cass
county, and his son is "a chip off of
the old block," and a follower in the
footsteps of his sire. He is a promi
nent young farmer and one of the
finest young men In Cass county. The
Journal is always pleased to meet
them, and hopes their prosperity will
never cease.
Pigs For Sale.
I have a number of spring male
Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale.
N. Klaukknr.
For Sale.
284 acre farm, 4 miles west of
Plattsmouth one and half miles from
grain elevator, well improved, and
known as the Jacob Horn farm. For
further particulars see Mrs. W. llass
lcr, Plattsmouth, Neb.
I'M. Oi'tmnn, of Glcnwood, wns In
the city today to look after his real
estate po:-;"VifonH.
1 1 . v. t.
r I . . .a0
Unexpected Guests!
When the Lonp Distance Lines of the Bell
System tell you a friend is coming from a dis
tant city, use the Local Lines to order supplies
in a hurry.
The problem of the empty refrigerator ani? the unexpected .guest
is solved by the liell Telephone Service.
The modern housewife is prepared to meet any emergency if she
has a Bell Telephone, for every market in the country is within her
Special prepared Wyoming literature just eft" the press
Write for it today.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Landieekers' Information Bnreau,
1004 Famam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Marcus L. Furlong, of Rock Bluffs,
was in the city today, and filed a
petition with the county clerk on
which was signed the names of fifty
freeholders of Road District No. 27
petitioning the clerk to place the
name of Marcus L. on the ticket as
a candidate for road overseer for
that district.
We have a full line of toilet arti
cles and perfumes. If we have not
got the articles you w ant, we will get
them for you.
Edw. Rynot & Co.,
Sue. to Goring & Co.
STYLE 56 AT 02.65 IS
Extra heavy storK, two full double.
Boles, patent tip, large eyelets, rein
forced stay. A heavy dressy s hoo
suitable for needs of wet weather nnd,
rigorous wear.
'Tis best all round shoe for neatnesB
and service, and ti see it will be to ap
preciate it as a money saver, for it is
two shoes in one. A good school and
dress up shoe combined.
Child's sizes $1.05
Misses' " 2.25
Quality Shoes" at Trade at
Heme Prices!
v" S vv
Nebraska Telephone Go.
livery Bell Telephone is a Lond Dis
tance Station.
Looal Manager.