The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 13, 1910, Image 5

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& She
I "Silver
. 1 8 the Kiin slanted op between
A I the southward hills out from
lW the gossamer haste that lay
' like filmy forest smoke above
the ocean came a snow white yacht
To Boyd Emerson she seemed like an
angel of mercy, and he stood forth
upon the deck of his launch searching
her hungrily for the sight of a wo
man's figure. When he had first seen
the ship rounding the point he had
uttered a cry, then fallen silent watch
ing her as she drew near, heedless of
his surroundings. Ills heart was leap
ing; his breath was choking him. It
seemed as if he must shout Mildred's
name aloud and stretch bis arms out
to her. Of course she would see him
as the Grande Dame passed. She would
be looking for him, be knew. She
would be standing there, wet with the
dew, searching with all her eyes.
Doubtless she had watted patiently at
her post from the Instant land came
into sight. Seized by a sudden panic
lest she pass him unnoticed, he order
d his launch near the yacht's course.
Ills eyes roved over the craft, but all
he saw were a uniformed ottlcer upon
the bridge and the bronzed faces of
the watch staring over the rail. He
saw close drawn curtains over the cab
in windows. Indicating that the pnssen
gers were still asleep. Then as he
stood there heavy hearted, drooping
with fatigue, his wet body chilled by
the morning's breath, the Grande
Dame glided past, and be found the
shell beneath his foot rocking In her
George Bait balled him and brought
his own launch alongside.
"What craft is thatr he Inquired
"She is the company's yacht with
the N. A. P. A. officers aboard."
"Some of our boys is hurt pretty
bad." be observed. "I've told them to
take In their nets and go buck to the
"We nil need breakfast."
"I don't want nothing. I'm going
over to the trap."
Emerson shrugged his shoulders list
lessly; he was very tired. "What Is
the use? It won't pay us to lift It."
"I've watched that point of land for
five years, and I never seen flsb act
this way before." Bait growled stub
bomlv. "If they don't strike In to
day we better close down. Marsh's men
cut half our nets and crippled more
than half our crew last night" He be
gan to rumble curses. "Say. we made
a mistake the other day, didn't we?
We'd ought to have put that feller
away. It ain't too late yet."
"Walt Wayne Wayland Is aboard
that yacht. I know him. He's a hard
man. and I've heard strange stories
about him. but I don't believe be
knows all that Marsh bus been doing.
I'm going to see blm and tell him
"S'pose he turns you down?"
"Then there will be time enough to
to consider what you suggest. I don't
like to think about It."
"You don't have to." said Bait, low
erlng his voice so that the helmsmen
could not bear. "I've been thinking it
over all night, and It looks like I'd
ought to do it myself. Marsh is com
ing to me anyhow, and I'm older than
you be. It ain't right for a young fel
ler like you to take a chance, if tbey
get me you can run the business
Boyd laid his hand on bis compan
ion's shoulder.
"No," he said. "Perhaps I wouldn't
stick at murder I don't know. But I
won't profit by another man's crlnio,
and if It comes to that I'll take my
share of the risk and the guilt. What
ever you do. I stand with you. But
we'll hope for better things. It's no
easy thing for me to go to Mr. Way
land asking a favor. You Fee, his
daughter Is Well, I I want to see
her very badly."
Bait eyed hlra shrewdly.
"I see! And that makes It dead
wrong for you to take a hand. If It's
necessary to get Marsh I'll do It nlone.
With him out of the way I think you
can make a go of It. He's like n rat
tlersomebody's got to stomp on him.
Now I'm off for the trap. Let me
know what the old man says."
Boyd returned to the ennnery with
the old mood of self disgust and bitter
noRs heavy upon blm. He realized that
George's offer to commit murder had
not shocked hint ns much as upon Its
first mention. He knew 'lint he had
thought of shedding human blood with
as little compunction as If the Intend
ed victim had been some noxious ani
mal. He felt. Indeed, t tin t If his love
for Mildred made him u criminal she.
too. would be soiled by his dishonor,
nnd for her sake he shrank from the
Idea of violence, jet he larked the
energy nt tlmt time to put It from him.
Well, he would go to her father, hum
ble himself and beg for protection. If
he failed then Marsh must look out for
himself. He could not find It In his
heart to sparp bis enemy.
At the plant ho found Alton Clyde
tremendously excited nt the nrrlvnl of
the yacht and eager to visit his friends,
lie sent him to the launch nnd after
a hasty breakfast Joined him.
Horde I
Author of "The Spoiler" and
'The Barrier"
On their way out Boyd felt a return
of that misgiving which had mastered
blm on his first meeting with Mildred
In Chicago. For the second time he
was bringing ber failure instead of the
promised victory.
Willis Marsh was ahead of him,
standing with Mr. Wayland at the rail.
Some one else was with them. Boyd's
heart leaped wildly as he recognized
her. He would have known that slim
figure anywhere. And Mildred saw
him, too, pointing him out to her com
panions. . With knees shaking under him he
came stumbling up the landing ladder,
a tall, gaunt figure of a man in rough
clothing and boots stained with the
sea salt lie looked older by five years
than when the girl bad last seen him
His cheeks were hollowed and his lips
cracked by the wind, but bla eyes were
aflame with the old light His smile
wus for her alone.
He never remembered the spoken
greetings nor the looks the others gave
him, for ber soft cool bands lay in his
bard, feverish palms, and she was smil
ing up at him.
Alton Clyde was at his heels, and he
felt Mildred disengage her hand. lie
tore his eyes away from her face long
enough to nod at Marsh, who gave
him a menacing look, then turned to
Wayne Wayland. The old man was
saying something, and Boyd answered
hlra unintelligibly, after which he took
Mildred's hands once nioro with such
an air of unconscious proprietorship
that Willis Marsh grew pale to the lips
and turned his back. Other people
whom Boyd had not noticed until now
came down the deck men and women
with fieldglasses and cameras swung
over their shoulders. He found that
he was being Introduced to them by
Mildred, whose voice betrayed no
tremor and whose manners were as
collected ns If this were her own draw
ing room and the man at her side a
casual acquaintance. The strangers
mingled with the little group, leveled
their glasses and made senseless re
marks after the manner of tourists the
world over. Boyd gathered somehow
that they were olllcers of the trust or
heavy stockholders and their wivs
He led Mildred to a deck chair and
seated himself beside ber.
"At last!" he breathed. "You tin
here. Mildred. You really came, after
"Yes. Boyd."
"And are you glad?"
"Indeed I am. The trip has been
"It doesn't seem possible. I can't be
lieve that this Is really you-that I
am not dreaming, as usual."
"And you? How hare you been?"
"I've been well I guess I have. I
haven't bad time to think of myself.
Oh, my lady!" Ills voice broke with
tenderness, and be laid bis hand gently
upon bers.
She withdrew It quickly.
"Not here! Remember where we
are. You are not looking well, Boyd
I don't know that 1 ever saw you look
so bad. Perhaps It Is your clothes."
"I am tired." be confessed, feeling
anew the weariness of the pnst twenty-four
hours. He covertly stroked a
fold of her dress, murmuring: "You
are here, after all. And you love me.
Mildred? You haven't changed, have
"Not at nil. Have you?"
Ills deep breath and the light Mint
flamed into his face was her answer.
"I want to be alone with you." he
cried huskily. "My arms ache for you.
Come away from here; this Is torture.
I'm like n man dying of thirst."
No woman could have beheld his
burning eagerness without an answer
ing thrill, and. although ' Mildred su:
motionless, her IMs drooped slightly
and a faint color tinged her cheeks.
Hor Idle hiiuds clasped themselves rig
idly. "You are always 'the same," she
smiled. "You sweep uie uway frott
myself nud from everything. I bnv
never seeu any on like you. There
are people everywhere. Father is
somewhere rluse by."
"1 dou't aire"-
"I do."
"My launch Is alongside. Let me
take you ashore and show you what I
have doue. I want you to see."
"I can't I promised to go ashore
with the Berrys nnd Mr. Marsh."
"Now don't get tragic! We are all
going to look over his plant and have
lunch there. They ure expecting me.
Oh, dearl" she cried plaintively, "1
have soon and heard nothing but can
neries ever since we left Vancouver.
The men talk nothing but flsb and
packs and markets und dividends. It's
all deadly stupid, nnd I'm wretchedly
tired of It Father Is the worst of the
lot of course."
Emerson's eyes Rhlfted to his own
cannery. "You haven't seeu mine
ours," said he.
"Oh, yes. I have. Mr, Marsh pointed
it out to father and me. It looks Just
like all the others." There was an In
stant's pause before she ran on. "Do
you know, there Is only one interesting
feature about them, to my uotlou, and
that is the way the Chinamen smoke.
Those funny crooked pipes und those
little wads of btbncco ifTe (on rii'.Vti- :
lous." The lihf-e-is of her word
damped his ard-T anJ brought back
the scoe of failure. j
"I was down with the fishing fleet nt '
the mouth of the bay this uiornh:? j
when .von came In I thought I n:l:ht '
see you." he said.
"At thai hour? Heavens! I was
sound asleep. It was hard enough to I
get up when we were called. Father I
might have Instructed the captain not
to steam s: fast."
Boyd stared at her In hurt surprise,
but she was smiling ut Alton Clyde In
the distance nnd did not observe his
"Don't you cure even to hear what I
have done?" lie Inquired.
"Of course." said Mildred, bringing
her eyes back to him.
Hesitatingly he told her of his dis
appointments, the obstacles he had met
aud overcome, avoiding Marsh's name
and refraining from placing the blame
where It belonged. When he had con
cluded she shook her head.
"It Is too bad. But Mr. Marsh told
us all about It before you came. Boyd,
I never thought well of this enter
prise. Of course I didn't say anything
against it you were so enthusiastic,
but you really ought to try something
bis. I am sure you have the ability.
Why. the successful men I know at
home have no more intelligence than
you, nnd they hnven't half your force.
As for this well. I think you can ac
complish more Important things than
catching fish."
"Important!" he cried. "Why. the
salmon Industry is one of the most Im
portant on the coast. It employs lO.lKX)
tYiiin I V 1'icl'it ti !jww unit Him? nriuliii'ti !
$10,000.1)1)0 every year."
"Oh, let's Lot go Into statistics." said
Mildred lightly; "they make my head
ache. What I mean Is that a fisherman
Is nothing like an attorney or a bro-
ker or nn architect, for Instance: he I
Is more like a miner Pardon me.
Boyd, but look at your clothes." She
legan to laugh. "Why. you look like
a common laborer!"
"I might have slicked up a bit." he
acknowledged lamely, "but when you
enme I forgot everything else."
"I was dreadfully embarrassed when
I Introduced you to the Berrys aud the
rest. I daresay they thought you were
one of Mr. Marsh's foremen."
Never before had Boyd known the
least constraint In Mildred's presence,
but now he felt the rebuke behind her
careless manner, aud It wounded him
leeply. He did run speak, nnd after
a moment she went on with nn abrupt
change of subject
So that funny little house over there
against the hill is where the myste-
rious woman lives?"
' ho?
"Cherry Malotte."
"Yes. How did you learu that?"
"Mr. Marsh pointed It out. He said
she came up on the same ship with
"That Is true."
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did
not you write me that she was with
you lu Seattle?"
"I don't know; I didn't think of It."
She regarded uim coolly.
"Has anybody discovered who or
what she Is?"
"Why ure you so curious about her?"
Mildred shrugged her shoulders.
"Your discussion with Willis Marsh
that night nt our house Interested me
very much. I thought I would ask
Mr. Marsh to bring her around wheu
we went It would be rather
amusing. She wouldn't come out to
the yacht aud return my call, would
she?" Boyd smiled at her frank con
cern nt this possibility.
"You dou't know the kind of girl she
is," he said. "She Isn't at nil what
you think. I don't believe you would
be able to meet her in the way you sug
gest" "Indeed!" Mildred arched her brows.
"She wouldn't fancy being 'brought
around,' particularly by Marsh."
From her look of surprise he knew
that he bad touched on dangerous
ground, and be made hnsto to leed
the conversation back to its former
channel. lie wished to impress Mil
dred with the fact thnt if be had not
quite succeeded bo had by no means
failed, but she listened indifferently,
with the air of humoring an insistent
"I wish you would give It up and try
something else," she said at last "This
Is no place for you. Why, you are
losing all your old wit and buoyancy;
you are actually growing serious, and
serious people are not at all nintiHlng."
Just then Alton Clyde and a group
of people, among whom was Willis
Marsh, emerged from the enMn. (lik
ing nnd laughing. Mildred nio-e. say
t'...- I'.e; r -i. re u'.y to go
1 K.-e ycu aaia":
'V"U : :y ";
I'.U e;e 1 -i:
' ecr tu evivilu:,'."
tl as lie iitiswen d.
! U..i! ci't'.'e.
As the nt hers ciine up she said:
"y.r F.;:ier-iHi can't a vompuny us.
He v.Uaes to see father." .
"I Just L'lt hl:u It) the cabin." said
Marh lie li!;e,l the ladies to the
laOtler. and a moment later Emerson
waved the party adieu, theu turned to
the salimu In search of Wayne Way
laud. to bi cojrnnuTD.)
Mrs. C. D. St. John visited from
Friday until Monday at Peru with her
daughter, Miss Violet, who is attend
ing school there.
Miss Louise Stange, of Eagle, was
down last week for a short visit to her
mother, Mrs. Francis Stange. Mrs.
Stange is keeping house for her
brother, R. Kettlehut.
J. W. Magney went to Plattsmouth
Sunday, after his wife and daughter,
who had been spending several days
with Judge Newell and family. .
Uncle Ben Hoback batched several
days last week while his wife visited
the children out on the farm.
A bunch of citizens from near Mur
ay, stopped here for dinner Saturday,
on their way home from Syacuse,
where they had been for apples. There
were nine teams In the outfit.
Rev. Roy Warthen, of Plattsmouth,
substitute preacher for the U. B.
church, who had a tentative appoint
ment here, resigned at the quarterly
conference held here Monday and was
appointed to a charge at the town of
Pleasant Hill. Rev. Warthen, how
ever, will preach here both morning
and evening, a week from Sunday.
Frank Sheldon and party, who left
here last Thursday' morning for a
few days In the western part of the
state, returned Sunday night. They
had a delightful trip, traveling some
thing over five hundred miles without
a uncture or a minute's delay on ac
count of the car, and at an average of
over twenty-five miles per hour dur
ing the trip. One stretch of twenty
miles Into Kearney, was made in
thirty minutes, after night. They
speak very enthusiastically of the
roads out In the central western part
of the slate.
. (Ledger.)
James A. Talklngton, of Platts
mouth transacted business in this vll-
tlage Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Clarence Crissman arrived
home last week from Alliance, where
she was called by the death of her
John Woods and wife, residing
southeast of this village, are the
proud parents of a 10-lb daughter,
horn September 21.
W. H. Rainey, of Plattsmouth, was
down last Friday to visit his brother,
James P., and look after some busi
ness matters.
Our friend J. W. Pittman, brought
a "bumper" pumpkin to this office
yesterday morning, the big yellow
fruit weighing 38 pounds, big enough
to make our winter supply of pies,
The many friends of J. W. Taylor
'u 111 roirrof in tianr ihat ho l Vflrv alck
having been confined to his bed the
past several days. We trust that we
may see "Uncle James" out In a few
F. W. Young went to Omaha Wed
nesday morning for the purpose of
meeting Mrs. Young, who returned
from a two months' visit with rela
tives at Placervllle, California. This
accounts for the big smile our good
friend is wearing, as Fred says he was
tired of "batching."
Clarence Crissman and family, who
were residents of this village for some
time past, Mr. Crissman being em
ployed as a Missouri Pacific brake
man, packed their household goods
last Friday and moved to Nebraska
City, where they will make their
future home.
KusiiilsH (ioihI iii XorliwcHtcrii lowu. I
From Tuesday's Dally
Mr. J. L. Pltzer and wife, of Spen
cer, Iowa, are In the city, guests of
their son, J. A. Pltzer, aud family.
Mr. Pltzer says business Is flourishing
In his section, that the corn crop will
be a bumper, wheat In some neighbor
hoods made a yield of from 25 to CO
bushels per acre, and hay and every
kind of farm products are heavy, ex
cept potatoes, which will be about a
quarter of the usual crop. His home
town of Spencer Is a live place with
cement shingle factory, cement block
and tile factory and other manufac
turing Industries. In his town strict
sanitary measures are observed, aud
a man is arrested for spitting on tho
sidewalk, or for throwing cigar stubs
or scraps of paper on tho walk or
street, and receptacles are kept at the
crossings for all such rubbish and
tho citizens are required to observe
the ordinance and deposit their rub
bish In tho receptacles. The popula
tion of tho town is not quite ns large
as Plattsmouth, but there are several
miles of cement walks.
Strong Healthy Women
If a woman it Mrong and healthy in womanly way, moth
erhood meant to her but little uffering. The trouble liei
in the fnct that the many women suffer (rom weakneoi and
disease ol the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted
for motherhood. This can be remedied.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Cure the weakness end disorder of women.
It act directly on the delicate and important
organs concerned In motherhood, making them
health?, strong, vigorous, virile and elastic.
"Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the
period of expectancy and muket (why's advent easy and
almost painless I. ---i.-ls -na and vitalize the feminine
organs, and in. c ' and robust baby. Thousand of women hev
testified to it m irvl,). its.
It Mk .1 Strong It Mttken Sick Women Well.
Honest 0" 'uk:-' co uvt ouer substitute, and urge them upon you a " Kmc
good." Wept no secret nostrum in place of this uon-stcrrt remedy. Ik
contain not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious,
drug. I a pure glyceric extract of healing, native American roots.
Congressman Hitchcock's Re
cord is an Open Book, and
He Defies Edgar Howard
to Cut Loose.
"Yes," sold Gilbert M. Hitchcock
In reply to a question, "I have read
Edgar Howard's Insinuations that I
had borrowed Btate funds fifteen or
twenty years ago and that I still
owe money to the state.
"I have also rend his statement
that the insinuation he makes will
force me to retire from the ticket.
"Both statements are false,
"I never borrowed state funds and
do not owe the state treasury any
"Howard may, or may not, bo sin
cere when he gives utterance to this
falHe Insinuation. .
"When, however, he says that I
will retire from the ticket, he utters
what he knows to be false.
"Six weeks ago, after the prima
ries, he wrote me complaining that I
had branded him as a liar and In
sinuating that if I would withdraw
the statement he would support aud
defend me from the very charges
he now publishes. His offer of de
fense was In these words:
" 'Do you not now realize that, by
advertising me as a falsifier, you
have done much to detract from the
power of my appeals which I shall
ask the people to believe not at all I
the wkked charges which may be
laid at your door during the cam-
"Knowing Howard as I do, I re
jected his proposal of support in
the following letter:
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 23, 1910.
Mr. Edgar Howard, The Telegram
Columbus, Neb., Dear Sir: Your
letter has been received. Your sup
port Is not wanted and your attack is
not feared. You have posed as a
purist, but there are enough people
who know your real life to appreciate
your hypocrisy. Start the attack if
you want to. My life, private as well
as public, Is an open book.
Yours truly,
G. M. Hitchcock, M. C.
"He, therefore, knew six weeks
ago that I did not fear his false
charges. He knew I would make no
terms with him. lie knew I would
continue my campaign whatever he
did or said. He, therefore, lies when
he expresses confidence that I will
retire from the ticket.
"Ills attack on me Is personal,
Just as his attack on Judge llol
comb, Congressman Latta and others
In times past have been, and his as
sertion of devot ion to public duty Is a
pretense. He has been a hypocrite
so many years, In both public and pri
vate life, that be can not escape from
the habit. He Is one of the breed of
sanctimonious reformers who open a
poker game with prayer and wind up
by falling to pay their poker debts
6maha World-Herald.
Here From Neliuwku.
From Tuesday' Dally
An automobile loaded with a num
ber of the best citizens In and near
Nehawka were In tho city today look
ing after some business matters, com
ing up from that flourishing little
south Cass city in Just one hour,
driven by Otto Carroll, the up-to-date
liveryman of Nehawka. The party
was composed of Henry Behrns,
Henry Hecbner, Chas. Ralls, C. D.
Keltner and Otto Carroll. While here
Mr. Behrns, who Is one of the Jour
nal's staunchest friends, called at tho
office and renewed for his paper, also,
for J. F, Behrns and Mrs. Sophia
Fleishman, of Avoca. Mr. Behrns is
one of the finest old gentlemen in the
county, and we are Indeed pleased to
number him as one of the largo Jour
nal family.
Doan's Rcgulets cure constipation,
tone the stomach, stimulate the liver,
promote digestion and appetite and
easy passages of the bowels. Ask
your druggist for them. 25 cents a
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Schro
der, Wednesday, October 5, a girl.
. Philip Schaefer went to Benkelmaa
last Saturday to look after his land,
w hich is near that place
Rev. Ceoige M. Jones loaded his.
household goods and departed for
Elk Creek, Thursday, to enter upon
his new charge.
John Eller has bought the old
livery barn on Main street of Ben
Dunn. He says he will erect a build
ing on the lot next spring.
The new steel bridge across the;
Cedar creek, near Joe Smaderer'
farm, was completed Tuesday and
work on a bridge out near John
Spangler's will commence at once.
Jake Relchert went to Plattsmouth
Tuesday morning to begin work on v
new garage for T. E. Parniele. It la
to be built of Louisville sandstone,
and will he 24x60 feet In size.
C. E. Metzger, democratic candi
date for representative, J. 11. Noyes
and Eugene Rose, live Btock commis
sion merchant of South Omaha, left
this week for Metzger Bros.' ranch la
Cherry county to hunt ducks. They
will be absent about a week.
Local milk dealers have raised the
price of milk to 7 cents a quart and
may increase the price to 8 cents.
With hay at $14 per ton and pros
pects of it going still higher, and
other feed stuff in proportion, It takes
a good cow to pay her way even at
the Increase In the price of milk.
Miss Sylvia Suiter, of this city, and
Mr. Clarence Ackles, of Elgin, Ne
braska, were married In Omaha Wed
nesday. The bride Is a daughter of.
: Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Suiter and a most
excellent young lady. The groom la
a former Louisville young man, bright
and Industrious and takes bis bride to
a good farm near Elgin, where thej
many Louisville friends of the happy
couple wish them happiness and &
long, useful life.
Wm. Dunn says we cheated hla
new son out of four pounds in our
write-up last week. Instead of a tea
pound boy he was a 14-pounder.
Forty-three years ago last Friday,
Steve W. Orton came to Weeping
Water and ate his first dinner at ths
little store of K. D. Clark's. It was
crackers and chee..e for Steve that
day. No, he did not carry the same
The official train caller and lunch
vender at Weeping Water is certainly
alive to business. How is this. "In
coming train for Wabash, Elm wood,
Eagle and Lincoln, get your lunch
now, you don't know when you will
get there."
Ray Spencer Is able to get around
now since his injury. While working
at the quarry, he was riding a borne
In from work and In Jumping off one
foot caught In the harness. The horse
dragged him nearly 100 yards whea
the strap broke releasing him, and
the horse kicked him on the knee.
Last Monday the body of Henry
Ossenkop was transferred from the
Lincoln to the Omaha train and takea
to Louisville for burial. Mr. Ossen
kop died at his home at Alvo. A
large number of the relatives of the
deceased accompanied the remains.
Mr. Ossenkop was well advanced la
years, a highly respected citizen and
well known In the county.
A detective from Lincoln was down
here Tuesday and gathered in an.
Italian whom he said was a forger.
In a short time he picked up another
one accused of the same crime, and
landed one of them in the lockup,
while a third man was gathered in,
searched and then released. The.
prisoners were taken to Lincoln oa
the evening train.
Our friend, Postmaster Aaron Jen
kins, of Manlcy, is improving rapidly
after quite a serious sick spell. About
one week ago he was not feeling well
and was taking some tablets to get
relief. He took them a little too fre
quently and in going down stairs at
his home, fell. He lay unconscious
and was thought for a time to be
dead, but prompt medical relief has
brought him around, although a very
close call.