The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1910, Image 8

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A Less Volume of Fuel Traffic
on Western Roads.
In speaking of the fuel situation
and that which Is to follow as cold
weather comes creeping on, the Lin
coln State Journal snjs:
"Railroads Kenerally report a less
olume of fuel traffic at this time of
the year than usual. With the dial
era holding a less reserve stork on
hand than usual, with the reserve at
the mines removed by the long
period of Inactivity, the fuel situa
tion Is anything but reassuring to
the people of the west. I'rices have
gone up and the supply has been de
creased. Even with the mines work
ing at full capacity from now on the
output cannot equal high outputs of
other years. The conditions in some
of the mining districts is said to be
bad. Months of Inactivity at the
mines have left some of them In an
unworkable condition. It is said
eonie of the mines have caved In so
that if reopened at all it will take
months to bring the1 production up
to normal; others are filled with
water; others will have to bo cleared
of gases before they can bo safely
worked. In the meantime the de
mand cannot be filled and coal men
see little relief in Bight.
One thing that has operated to
make conditions less serious is the
fact that there has been no shutdown
In the Wyoming and Colorado mines,
and these sources of supply have
been drawn upon by a large territory
In the west. They are working at
capacity now, the higher price added
by the operators being an Induce
ment, when coupled with the de
mand, to run the production to the
highest figure possible.
A Lincoln coal dealer, discussing
the coal situation, says: 'The rail
roads are giving fair service to the
fuel trado, but the orders at the
mines are not being filled. The price
of coal at the mines has boon boost
ed but the railroad rates fjmaln the
same. The railroads' have been mak
ing fairly, prompt delivery after
Shipments are Btarted.'
"It Is no secret among traffic men
that the situation will call for heroic
measures should an e.irly cold snap
come on."
It's the World's IWsU
No ono has ever made a salve, oint
ment or balm to romparo with liuck
len'g Arnica Salve. It's the one per
fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Hums,
BrulKeH, Sores, Scalds, Itolls, Ulcers,
Eczema, Salt Rheum. Kor Sore Eyes,
Cold Sores, Chapped Hands, or
Sprains, It's supremo. Infallible for
Tiles. Only 25c at F. (J. Fricko &
A I'roMciu to I to Solved.
With apples of a good finality
selling 1 nthe local tnurket at forty
cents a peck, while out In some- of
the orchards of tho stale, ut leant,
equally an good apples have been
totting on tho ground, It Is quito
evident that wo liavo ono problem
of considerable importance yet to
solve. Ono of our beat known farm
Journals Is authority for the state
ment that the country over, many
thousnnds of dollars worth of fruit,
berries and vegetables rotted on the
trees and vines during tho supnier.
At tho Btmc time all that were offer
ed In tho markets were eagerly pur
chased. Why is this? It is ah un
natural condition, and that menus
ono that must and should bo reme
died. Is It due to heavy transpor
tation charges? Tho railroads sol
emnly asnert thnt they do not chnrgo
enough to make their business remu
nerative, Yet the whole problem It
seems t ous, Is one of transportation
and delivery, So long as tho price Is
hot prohibitive tho consumer Is glad
to pay It. The price to tho grower Is,
therefore, generally fixed by tho
transportation charges and tho com
mlsslon men's profit. If wo begin at
the cotiHutnlhg end and trace tho
price backwards, perhaps wo may bo
able to 11 ml out where tho trouble
Iks Lincoln News.
Kills a Murderer.
A merciless murderer is Appendi
citis with many victims. Hut Dr.
KKing's New Llfo Fills kill It by pre
vention. They gently stimulate stom
ach, liver ami bowels, preventing that
clogging that invites appendicitis,
curing Constipation, Headache, Illl-
lousnoRB, Chills.
Frlcke & Co'b.
at F. CI.
Placing the Curb.
II. C. McMaken & Son yesterday
had a force of men engaged In run
ning the concrete Into 'the forms on
Iourth street north of'the alley be
tween Main and Vine stroctB. This
tlreet will bo ready for tho" leveling
process tomorrow, as the forms can
be removed from the curb before
that time.
f J' You'll be de- Sw
lighted with the ro- g 1
I suits of Calumet Haking
I'owder. No disappoints
1 no fiat, heavy, soggy biscuits,
I I cake, or pastry. I
II Just the lightest, daintiest, most I
1 uniformly raided and mtu dtli-
cious food you ever ate.
RmIim4 w.rd World's
V root Capa.ltlon, Jr f
Chioai, ior. S J
(Glen wood Tribune!)
Iluslness men In the Junction see
the need of two switch engines in the
yards. The one engine cannot han
dle the freight that is shipped In on
rush orders.
The depot is under a siege of re
pairs this week. Carpenters are put
ting In now floor in Beveral places,
several men have been overhauling
the big scales in the baggnge room
and various other minor improve
ments are being made.
Typhoid canes are numerous of
late In and around tho Junction. Dr.
Ilacon reports five cases In his care
and all seem to bo convalescing nice
ly. Word comes from north of Fol
fioin that Fayo Haynlo Is Improving
some and Will Croak Is doing nicely.
H. II. McCartney's record shows a
drop In tho mercury to 31, ono de
gree below freezing, at tho Junction,
Monday night. One man reported
finding Ico In bin water tank. A
Might 'frost was seen on tomato and
cucumber plants, but no damage
done, duo to the largo amount of
moisture in the air. Mr. McCartney
estimates that 75 per cent of tho corn
In this vicinity is now beyond any
harm from frost.
Thomas Austin, an assistant cook
on the fast west bound train, No. 0,
was stricken with heart falluro sud
denly Monday morning, whllo his car
was waiting in tho Junction, and died
soon after. He had been standing on
the depot platform and started to
board tho train but fell back and was
cnught by n man standing nearby.
Ho died before medical aid could
reach him. Tho remains were taken
the snmo day to Chicago, where there
Is a wlfo find three children.
There was a bad freight wreck last
Friday morning In the Junction
ynrds. No. 74 wns backing Into the
yards on the southeast "Y," whon a
defective flange on a wheel put a car
off tho trnck, which was followed by
live others. Two of tho cars were
badly demolished and tho others
were considerably smashed. Ono of
tho cars was loaded with bogs and
eleven bend were killed. The yards
wero badly blockaded, and tho wreck
er from Creston was hustled to tho
Depart For South.
Prom Wednesday's ln!ly.
W. E. Rosencrans left this evening
on r.utlington train No. 2 for Texas,
In company with William Shut, and
Anton Homola, both of this city, Geo.
Shackley, of Denver, Colo., Joseph
and A. Zlmnierer, of Avoca
Tho party v.H go direct to Falfttr
rln?, Texas, In view of purrhaiinp
some of the best land !o the world.
Cn their return trip they expect to
visit most of the larger cities of In
terest, find -vlll be gone about two
It would cem by the above that W.
n. Rosencrans & Son wro n ton id
of Texas etui (erg).
From Monday's Dally.
C. W. Fornoff and Fred Guenther
and J. P. Falter departed for ISeedle
county, South Dakota, this afternoon
Frank Smith, foreman of the Jour
nal, spent Sunday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Everett,
cast of Union.
Miss Martha Wetenkamp was a pas
senger Sunday to Mynard, where the
will spend a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp.
Julius Pitts and Dr. J. H. Hall went
to South Omaha this morning to look
up the purchase of a carload of
Iambs for fall feeding.
Mont Robb, of Mynard, and J. W.
Edmunds and A. W. Long, of Mur
ray, were In the city this morning,
looking after Important items of busi
ness. Mrs. Herman Smith and children,
who have been spending a few days
with J. S. Hall and family, returned
to their home, near Murray, yetier-
day morning.
Mrs. L. G. Larson and daughter,
Miss Alma, went to Union Sunday
and spent the day with Mrs. R. E.
Folter, daughter of Mrs. Larson, and
Mrs. J. E. McCarroIl. They report
a very pleasant visit and returned in
the evening.
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, of .Murray, re
ceived a message this morning in
forming her of the sudden illness of
her brother, M. P. Ferguson, at Shen
andoah, Iowa. Mrs. Edmunds depart
ed for her brother's bed side on the
afternoon train today.
From Tuesday's Dally
Mrs. A. L. Anderson was an Omaha
passehger today, going oon No. 15
this morning.
August Geise, of Emerson, Ne
braska, Is In the city the guest of
his brother, Adolph.
Miss Alice Eaton and Miss Mabel
Trussler were Omaha passengers on
the pfternoon train today.
J. L. Coleman, of Greenwood, was
In the city today looking after busi
ness of Importance.
Jesse Hlner, who has been on the
sick list for some time, was able to
go to Uellvue this afternoon.
II. P. Denning, of Wabash, arrived
today and will serve on the regular
Jury panel this term of court.
D. T. Dudley, of Weeping Water.
of the regular Jury panel, arrived in
the city on the early traih today.
Miss Ilermia Windham, who has
leen visiting relatives at York for a
week, returned home last evening.
C. C. Wescott, of the firm of C. E.
Wescott's Sons, was called to Lincoln
on Important business last night.
Dr. J. H. Hall returned to South
Opaha this morning, where he will
look into the sheep market today.
E. K. Hilton returned to Omaha
on the morning train today, having
spent Sunday with bis family in this
Em 11 Walters was called to Lih-
coln on tho morning train today,
where he looked after business mat
ters. Mrs. Carrie Mack arrived from
Los Angeles lust evening and will be
the guest of Mrs. F. J. Morgan for a
County Commissioner C. R. Jordan,
of Alvo, arrived last evening to meet
with the board in Its regular session
Tom Murphy, of Omaha, spent
Sunday with his mother and sisters
In thla city, going back to Omaha
this afternoon.
Mrs. A. S. Will and daughter, Miss
Fannie, spent the day In tho metrop
olis, where they visited the carnival
for a few hours.
Mrs. Tresa Wilkes and little e.on,
of Caldv.cll, Kansas, arrived last
cvenin;; and vill visit her brother, P.
A. McCrary, for a time.
J. C. Nlday, of Union, was a visi
tor In Plattsmouth for a few hours
between trains today, departing on
tho fat-t mall for Omaha.
Mrs. Emll Wurl and llttlo daugh
ter wero passengers o nthe pornlng
train for Council Illuffs. where they
visited relatives for the day.
J. D. Ilramblett, of Union, came
in this morning and responded to his
namo at tho roll call of tho Jury in
tho district court this morning.
Mrs. C. 11. Rlst and her mother-in-law,
Mrs. King, returned from
Omaha this afternoon, where Mrs.
Rlst went to have her ryes treated
by a specialist.
Mrs. R. A. Ostium, came down
from Omaha Saturday afternoon,
and spent Sunday with friends, re
turning to her home in tho metropo
lis this morning,
H. E. Craig and H. J. Richards,
two of Cass county citizens who get
mail at Ashland, wero In the city to
day looking after business matters
at the court house.
H. C. McMaken & Son unloaded a
flno now dump wagon at the Uur
llngton freight house yesterday, and
will put the same to work on the M.
Ford draylng contract.
Mrs. J. W. Hlckson and her grand
daughter, Llllle Hlckson, were
Omaha passengers on the morning
train today, where they spent the
day taking in the carnival.
Hob l!ris.-ey, who accompanied his
wife and children to Dunfries, Iowa,
Saturday afternoon, returned yester
day morning, Mrs. Brissey and the
children remaining for a longer visit.
John Vallery and wife, of Deni er,
spent Sunday in this city, the gusst
of relatives, departing for their home
yesterday. Mr. Vallery is general
freight agent for the C. B. & Q., at
C. M. Pitzer and wife arrived last
evening, to be the guests of his ton,
J. L. Pitzer and family, for a time.
Mrs. J. It. .?it?er returned yesterday
from a ten weeks' visit with relatives
in Illinois and Iowa.
Charles Gillilad, who has been In
the employ of John Bauer & Son for
the past fourteen months, with his
wife and daughter departed this
morning for Fremont, where they
will make their future home.
Mr. Thoma3 O'Neil, superinten
dent of boiler makers of the Burling
ton lines west of the river, returned
to his home at Lincoln this after
noon, having looke dafter company
business In this city for a few hours.
George Schanz and wife departed
this morning for Jennings, Louis
iana, where they go to visit their
bon, George, who is in a large black
smith and manufacturing establish
ment there. Mr. and Mrs. Schantz
will arrive at their destination
Thursday mornihg.
W. S. Philpot, of near Weeping
Water, arrived today and will serve
his country this week by doing Jury
duty. Wallace is one of the substan
tial farmers of his neighborhood,
and If as good a Judge of facts, as he
Is of cattle, will make a 'first-class
Mrs. George Thomas is :n receipt
of a card from Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
KIngsley announcing the arrival at
their hope a new baby boy on the
15th of September. Mrs. KIKngsley
was formerly Miss Susie Thomas, of
this city. Mr. and Mrs. KIngsley
reside at Downers Grove, Illinois.
Steve Hulflsh, a leading democartic
politician of Wabash, was in the city
last evening looking after business
matters, returning to his home this
morning. Mr. Hulflsh is an old time
citizen ahd one of the progressive
business men of his vicinity, and a
gentleman whom it Is a pleasure to
Taylor Against Stull Affirmed.
In the supreme court yesterday
the case of Lulu Taylor against C.
Lawrence Stull, with Byron Clark as
intervenor, was before the court on
a motion for a rehearing. The re
hearing was denied, and the Judg
ment of Judge Travis' court was af
firmed, establishing the lien of
Byron Clark for the sum of $485.00,
with Interest from September 10,
1901, and awarding Intervenor an
execution therefor against the prop
erty of defendant Stull. The supreme
court holding that It was not neces
sary to sue upon the bond given by
Stull and holding that the provision
of the statute which Imposes on the
reputed father tq give security to
perform order of the court. And
the further provision that If he
neglect he shall be committed to Jail
to remain until he shall comply with
tho order aro cumulative remedies
and plaintiff in bastardy suit is not
limited in the use of all means to
which resort may be made to enforce
the payment In ordinary enses.
Matthew Gering and A. N. Sullivan
appeared for tho defendant, while
the firm of Clar kand Robertson ap
peared for the intervenor.
Thieves ut Ixiuisvllle.
From Tuesday's Pally
William Stohlman, of near Louis
ville, was In the city this morning
and made tho Journal office a
friendly call. Mr. Stohlman says
that thero has been some thieving
at Louisvillo lately. Only yesterday
n man named Johnson had a watch
valued at $30.00, taken from his
person while taking a nap in an
empty grain car. The supposed
thief went south toward Manley, tome of the Manley citizens.
after being notified that tho thief
went that way, found a man in a
bo"c car near tho station, who threat
ened to puncture their hides with
bullets unless they very quickly van
ished toward town, which they did,
and the thief escaped.
Makes (iood Baskets.
Jacob Jellck weht to Omaha with
a consignment of hickory withe bas
kets which Mr. Jellck manufactures
at his home In this city. The baskets
are of substantial material and one
of them will last a life time If prop
erly handled. Mr. Jellck can make
one of the baskets In two days, and
ho retails them at $2.75 each. He
has an order for a basket of the same
material to be mnde about four feet
tall and with cover attached for a
party in Opaha, who will pay $10.00
for the completed article. Mr.
Jellck does the preparing of his ma
terial himself and weaves the basket
by hand.
C. A. Rawls was called to Council
Bluffs on business this morning.
1 will on Thursday of everv week de
liver Ice Cream, Fruit at Fresh Oysters
at your very door.
Watch for the Auto!
Bom To Mr. and Mr3. Cal. Leis,
of Murdock, on Monday morning, a
Among the large list of automobile
owners in this locality Jno. P. Cobb
and Wm. Bornemeier are late addi
tions. Ella McDonald, formerly a clerk In
L. F. Langhorst's department store,
but now of Raymond, Neb., was a
guest of Elmwood friends Sunday.
R. Deles Dernier departed last
evening for Yuma, Colo.,to look after
his land interests. He will visit Den
ver and other points before returning
Cyrus Tyson has returned from the
Big Horn Basin In Wyoming, where
he has taken up land, ahd will work
in Omaha this winter for the Deitz
Lumber Co.
Henry Standford returned last
Wednesday noon frop Elkhorn, Wis..
the place of his birth, where he spent
a week amid the scenes that memo
ry's urn holds the most precious.
H. H. S warts and A. H. Weichel
returhed Friday evening from a few
days' sojourn in South Dakota, where
they were looking at land. They say
there are some strips of soil in South
Dakota that can't be beat.
Geo. Shackley came in Saturday
from Denver for a few days' visit
with friends and relatives In and
around Elmwood. He is on his wav
to southwestern Texas, where he has
beeh allotted a fine ten-acre tract In
a land drawing.
The Goernment pays Railway Mail
Clerki $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployeet up to $2,500 annually
Uncle Sam will hold examinations
throughout the country for Railway
Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
ment Clerks and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointments
will be made. Any man or woman
over 18, In City or Country can get
Instruction and free Information by
writing at once to the Bureau of
Instruction, 79 J. Hamlin Building,
Rochester, N. Y.
D. L. KwiUer, commissioner from
the Second district, arrived last even
ing and will meet with the board to
day. J.W. HUGHES
Live Stock and General Farm Sale
Five years successful selling renders
me thoroughly competent of handling
your sale. Referfence from those I
have sold for. Graduate from Missouri
Auction School. See me at Perkins
PlatU. 'Phone 142 Green
GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers' excursions to
THE BIG HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and
see what the farmers are doinp on these new lands where the Burlington
Railroad is building new lines; where new towns offer splendid business op
ening in all lines of trade and profession.
EXAMINE THE E LANDS PERSONALLY with me. I will help you to pick
out the best. I am employed by the Burlington Railroad for this purpose
....w ... territory; ampie time to examine the lands and spend
a few days fishing in the mountain streams if you like. See the irrigated
lands where the ditches are built by the Government and also by private
companies, and the Mondell 220-acre FREE homesteads all on ene trip
Speolal prepared Wyoming literature just efT the press
iu rarnam street.
Do ycu want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this tffire cr the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rate
Got Bit.
Constable J. R. Denson got bit
last evening by cne of his pet pigs,
which had no respect for the law or
Its officers. Constable Denson wa
cleaning out the pig trough, when
one of the shoats Jumped for him
and caught the little finger of hU
right hand, giving it a severe bite.
Mr. Denson will use more caution in
future when swilling the pigs, and
will carry a sore finger for some time.
XolU-e to (ml Mom.
State of Nebraska
Cass County !fS- In CUnty C0Urt
Notice is hereby given that the cred
Li's . said deceased will meet the
. J . 1 "a,n es,ate. before me,
county Judge of Cass county, Nebraska
.I6 ,co'lnt' court room in Platts-
An?nt0 'S,ri 191.0, Jfnd on the 14th dav of
April 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m each
day. for the purpose of presenting their
allowance1" examlnatlon. adjustment and
,tX months are allowed for the cred
itors of Bald deceased to present their
claims and one year for the executor
of OcXSrf mo!'6' fr0m th 1Uh day
Witness my hand and seal of said
?h!Lntt,;0",rt t I'lnttstnouth, Nebraska,
this 12th day of September, 1910.
a., v Allen J Beeson.
'eal-' County Judge.
hlhe f0,.lwl'"? Proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Nebras-
. H...,U( ij uo vuieu upon at r hft
general election to be held Tuesday
November 8th, A. D., 1910 lue3aay'
Section one'(l) of Article seven (7) of
Constitution of the State of Ne-
thet1itFnCtv'dv,by,the Leg'8'atur. of
the Mate of Nebraska -
Ti0!t v1- (Amendment constitution
proposed.) That section one (1) of
fhi stVrisJ-i of,the constitution of
the State of Nebraska, the senate con-
followf1 80 amended as t0 read as
Section 1. (Who are electors.) Fv
ery male citizen of the United States, of
the age of twenty-one years, who shall
have i been a resident of this state six
months next preceding the election and
of the county, precinct or ward, for the
mi!iovUlM(1 .by ,aw be an elector;
provided That persons of foreign
birth who shall have declared their in
tentlon to become citizens conformably
to the laws of the United States and
are voting at the taking effect of this
amendment, may continue to exercise
the right of suffrage until such tlm
as they may have resided in tho United
Mates rtve vpur. .ft.. .i.ii. .1
- V "iiii.ii nicy Hliail
take out full citizenship papers to be
tion succeeding elec-
Secttnn 2. (Ballots.) That at the
general elertlnn nii. 1. 1
ten (1910) there shall be submitted to
... r niuu ut me uiaie ror their ap
proval or rejection the foregoing pro
poned amendment to the constitution
relating tn tlm riht ...a
such election, on tho ballot of each v.miiik mr or against said pro
posed nineiidinent, shall bo written or
printed the "wn
amendment to the ennstltutlon relating
. me limn m suuragp, and Against
said proposed amendment to the con
stitution relating to the right of sufr
Section 3. (Adoption.) If such nn
amendment bo approved bv a miijority
of all electors voting at such election
said amendment shall constitute section
one (1) of artle-lo seven t.f the con
stitution of the State of Nebraska
Appiovd April 1, 190!l."
I, George O. Junkln, Secretary of
Mate, of the State of Nebraska do here
by certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska In a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill, as passed by the thtrtv
flrst session of tho legislature of the
Mate of Nebraska, as appears from said
original bill on file In this office, and
tnnt said proposed nmenilment is sub
mitted to the i 11 n 1 1 f lol voters of the
State of Nebraska for their adoption or
rejection at the general election to be
held on Tuesday, the stli day of No
vember, A. I)., 1910.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set mv hnnri m.,1 nrrivn.i 1, n r .
seal of the State of Nebraska. Done
at Lincoln this 2!Uh dav of July, in
the year of our Lord, Ono Thousand
Nine Hundred and Ten, and of the In
dependence of the United States the
Ono Hundred and Thirty-fifth, and of
tills State the Kortv-fnurth.
c, ,v GKOBOK C. J UN' KIN'.
(Seal) Secretary of State.
you 25 days with stop overs everv-
vy rue ior it toaay.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Ajent,
Landatakert' Information Bnreau,
Omaha. Neb.