The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1910, Image 4

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The - Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Fur United State Senatoi
Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
For Governor
James C. Dahlman.
Lieutenant Governor
Ralph A. Clark.
Secretary of State
Charles W. Tool.
Auditor of Public Accounts
Thomas J. Hewitt.
State Treusurei
George E. Hall.
SiiM'rlntciilent of School
William It. Jackson.
Attorney General
C. II. Whitney.
Coiiiini.HNioner of Public Lands
William D. Eastman.
Hallway ConmilNsloncr
Ben II. Hayden.
For CongressmanFirst Iilstrict
John A. Magulre.
Representative Eighth District
M. A. Dates.
For Senator Fourth District
William B. Banning.
For Represents! I vcH-.Kcvcntli District
C. E. Metzgcr; W. II. Puis.
For County Coutiu'ssloner
Charles R. Jordan.
:: '
Republican congressmen failed to
down the robber tariff, and many of
them are now getting what they fail
ed to give tbt tariff.
Tho ptand patter congressmen are
going :lown in defeat much like pral
rlo dogs fall Into their holes at the
eight of nn approaching object.
The Iowa Taft 'dub, of Des Moines,
a republican stand pat organization,
has closed its doors and quit business.
There Is absolutely nothing doing.
Hi: Siiiiduy State .' nal devoc s
n wh. tto io of Buthr
rounty, recommending C. II. Aldrlch.
That is all rl;lit. We suppose that
Jim Dnhlninn tculd fill the whole
eight pages ot the Journal with such
recommendations from Omaha and
Douglass county,
past iccord.
" Jvm can buy liquor or let It alone
The Journal would advise you to let
It alone. But when It comes to grub
and clothes and a place to Btay, it's
different. You have to have those
things, yet they are cornered by cap
italists. Which Is the greater Issue?
Farmers' Journal.
:o: .
The publication of Mayor Dahl
man's early life by the Lincoln State
Journal will have a tendency to quiet
tho nerves of those venomous curs
who are cntcmally barking at his
beds. Has not his opponent a past
career? if he has, pray tell us what
it is. .Mm Dahlman Is keeping noth
ing back. Aro the friends of Mr.
Aldrkh afraid of their candidate's
past career? Out with It.
Give us Aldrlch's
Tho Saturday Evening Post, one of
the oldest and most popular publlca
t'ons In tho world, pints an excel
lent lialf-tono picture of Congress
man Hitchcock, and under a heading
of "Who's Who, and Why," gives the
democratic candidate for United
States senator from Nebraska a great
se;id-ofT. Mr. IMviv ock Is a gentle
man of national r nutation, and by
the leading fuldl r'.i.T.s cf tho co la
try Is considered one of the ah'vi
n:t bers of the i-iotiont hrune of u-.o-
rptitn'i' eii.
George W. Wilder, publisher of
Everybody's Magazine and head of
the Butterlck company of New York,
epitomized his opinion of former
President Roosevelt at Denver the
other day: "Theodore Roosevelt Is
tlio greatest politician we have In
America, lie Is also a great preach
er. But ho Is not necessarily a great
statesman. On tho contrary, I be
lieve he Is a curse, the way ho is act
ing now. And I have always been
what you may call a strong Roose
velt man."
The uimpalgn of Senator Hurliett
is Vhoily defensive vu! apologetic.
t'on?rcssmau Hitchcock has no apolo
gies to offer none aro called for
and his campaign Is precisely the kind
Milch has brought success to demo
crats and progressive republicans In
all the states which have thus far
held elections. Hitchcock has been
honest and cont-clentlous In serving
the people ot Nebraska in the lower
national house, r.nd he will represent
!ils Nebraska constituency In the
United States renate as it should be
Burkett Is ni.iklng his campaign by
goinif Lack into democratic times of
the early 'l0s vhtn the money power,
created by the lepubllcan party when
in power, taraiyzed business and In
dustry from ceun to ocean for what
there was in It to them, and the re
publicans had BU'leu the treasury
dry, as the democrat;! did before the
war. Ella Wheeler Wilcox says,
'Come out of the jutf-t; it's haunted."
Burkett will find It is haunted If he
continues such school boy campaign
methods. Anyhow, he's a very small
screw for such a laige hole, as was
demonstrated 'Alien fenator Rayner
played football vlth Mm In the sen
ate not long ago.
The Illinois Republican state con
vention gave Speaker Cannon some
thing of a black eye by electing Gov.
Deneen for chairman, the plac hav
ing been aspired to by the elements
favorable to the czar of the house.
Likewise, his name was left out of
the platform, undubtedly as a sop to
the insurgents. Reference to Sena
tor Lorlmer was also omitted. Illinois
republicans don't quite know what is
going to happen to Lorlmer when the
congressional Investigating commit
tee gets through with the task of
looking Into the charges that he
bought his renomlnatlon, and are
therefore shy about committing them
selves. Mr. Cannon, who was allowed
the privilege of the floor, made a
speech In which he lauded Taft and
the tariff and took occasion to say
real "sassy" things about the press
of the country. When this same press
used to pat him on the back, quoting
his stories, telling how many cigars
he smoked a day and putting him up
to an admiring public as a good old
homespun statesman of the Lincoln
type, nothing was too good for the
fourth estate. But times have
changed, and the policies represented
by the speaker have become so obnox
ious as to raise a national revolt. The
press may always be depended upon
to accurately mirror public sentiment,
and when It Is practically unanimous
as It is In this Instance, It may be
taken w ithout reserve as representing
the great majority of public scntl
ment. The dispatches report his lan
guago during the day as so hot that
tho newspaper boys had to wear
chunks of ice In their hats for fear
of being overcome. He may have a
chance to go Into cold storage after
the election.
In a letter explaining why he has
withdrawn as a candidate for re
election, County Attorney J. II. Gros
venor of Hamilton county enunciates
some wholesome truths that are en
titled to tho widest circulation. Mr
Grosvenor, who for many years has
boon an earnest fighter In the reform
ranks, Is frankly disgusted over the
manner In w hich a local issuo, county
option, has been permitted to dlstrac
attention from and diminish lnteres
In those vital Issues which concern
tho entire country and for which the
reform forces In every stato aro so
earnestly contending. Ills letter
again recalls tlio memorable com
plaint of gallant Tom Johnson of
Ohio, that bo "never yet had got 'Th
System' backed Into a corner an
hollering for help but some crowd o
nthuslasts came along beating the
rohlo'tlon drum, demoralizing his
rmy and allowing the enemy again
to escape
In Ms letter, Mr. Grosvenor says:
"Grat w rongs cry out to be right
ed. Great and progressive reformers
re Imploring the common people to
rally to the banners of real reform
In the nation. In the noise and din
of the fight on option the call Is un
heeded. The time is ripe for victory
for the plain people but the occasion
duds the people divided and distract
ed over a local matter
"It Is a time-honored custom of
he plundering and predatory in
terests to save themselves In critical
rues by raising some so-called moral
ssue and causing a great hue and
cry to go up about some frivolous or
transient matter, or concerning some
question which by reason of the ln-
nereni aimcuutes it presents can
never be finally determined. The
liquor question Is as old as the hu
man rare, it must forever remain a
ubject of dispute, controversy and
haggling. It is now being used to
befog the man behind the ballot
"I caunot share In the great excite
ment on this option issue nor can I
believe that, meritorious as it may
be, such a measure will be a cure-all
for the trouble sought to bo reme
died. County option Is at best a very
limited remedy. It can make com
paratively few changes In this state.
It only leads on and on to further
warfare and more drastic legislation
ill follow when the small results of
county option become apparent to
tho advocates of the measure.
"I concede the right of the people
to rule end to that extent recognize
the rights of the majority, and yet I
should deplore greatly the further
plundering of the people and the ex
ploitatlon of the nation's resources
bile we are devoting ourselves sole
ly to a minor and transitory issue
"Finding myself thus believing I
prefer to work In the ranks. I shall
personally continue the fight along
those lines which to me appear most
Important and urgent. I realize the
great need of electing our candidate
for senator and for congress. I am
not resigning this nomination on ac-
lount of any personal animosity to
ward any one on the ticket. I Bee no
reasou to vote the republican ticket
or any part of it. I And that the
democratic platform Is on all mate-
lal matters satisfactory and I shall
support the nominees.. I am for
Hitchcock for senator, Good for con
gress, Dahlman for governor and for
the entire state and county ticket. I
believe the nominees without excep
tlon to be courageous men who will
perform the duties of their respective
oflices with credit. I know of no ob
ectlon that can be raised by any
democrat or populist to any of these
men except as to their attitude, pro
and con, on the option issue, and I
do not think that should control our
udsment or our votes. I am for the
ticket and I shall not bo Induced to
desert It by the alarms of any extrem
1st on a sumptuary question
This is the voice of a loyal demo
crat, u good and , true man, and a
patriotic citizen. All over Nebraska
the friends of reform will regret that,
holding these views, Mr. Grosvenor
did not stay on the ticket instead of
withdrawing from It. For he Is ex
actly the kind of man, sane, cool
headed, not to be stampeded, and
sincerely devoted to the principles of
democracy, who of all others should
bo chosen to carry the democratic
It seems a pity and a crying shame
to see a man like Grosvenor ot Ham
ilton, driven in disgust from his place
on the democratic ticket because of a
dispute w.ther the legislature shall
enact a county option law next win
ter or whether It would not be better
to wait and let the people decide the
question, directly, for themselves, un
der tho Initiative and referendum.
Democrats and populists all over
Nebraska owe It to themselves and to
tho principles to which they are do
voted to ask themselves anew If they
ore willing to forget those principles,
to fall out of tho ranks of the forces
of reform, to abandon the efforts of a
life-time, and march off after tho
"army of enthusiasts who are beating
tho prohibition drum."
Only five more weeks till election,
and tie candidates must soon get a
hustle on themselves.
Vote for candidates for represent
ative who favor the people's voice in
electing United States senators.
Burkett has not yet accepted Hitch
cock's challenge. But will he? Well,
now, it doesn't look much like it.
If the democrats fail to carry Ne
braska this year they will have no
one to blame but the party leaders.
Governor Shallenberger has issued
his election proclamation, stating
what officers are to be elected this
year, and the date on which such
election is to occur Tuesday, Novem
ber 8.
The Ah-Sar-Ben will occupy the at
tention of the people in eastern Ne
braska this week, and It Is of but
little use for candidates to get out
in the rural districts, they might not
find the one they desire to see at
home. But next week they can start
out o nthelr tramp.
The report comes from Washing
ton that the President has forbidden
postmasters taking any active part In
politics. Evidently such an order
has not reached Nebraska yet. If It
has, the postmasters In this section
are payihg no attention to it.
W. II. Puis, the young German
farmer, who Is the democratic candi
date for representative, has been In
various sections of the county In the
past two weeks and has met with con
siderable encouragement. Billy should
make a fine race. He is one of the
finest young men In Cas3 county, and
while reared on the farm, possesses
all the requirements to make an hon
est representative o fthe people.
, :o:
Charley Jordon, democratic candi
date for re-election to the position of
county, commissioner In the Third
district, hs made an excellent offi
cial, and should be elected for an
other term. Mr. Jordon has been a
clcse obsener to the Interests of the
people of his district, and in general
to the county at large, and it will bo
impossible to secure a rr.ah who cau I
or will do better.
consistng of Kitchen Cabinets, Extension Tables,
Kitchen Tables, Stand Tables, Buffets. China Closets,
Side Boards, Dressers and Comodes, Dining Room
Chairs, Rockers, Sates, Iron Beds, Matress and
Springs, Steel Couches, Carpets and Rugs, 15 gal
lons of paint and 10 Child's Go-Carts.
South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
no time for any actloh that would
tend to revive them. The South had
its brave men and great generals as
well as the north, and it Is fit that
in a reunited country all should join
in doing honor to the high qualities
of American manhood.
Maduon Star-Mail: James C. Dahl
man said he was opposed to the repeal
of the 8 o'clock closing law and that
he would use his influence, if elected,
to prevent the legislature from re
pealing it. Now we all know that Mr.
Dahlman is a man of his word, so why
don't those Christian Temperance
people of this state be fair and not be
continually harping that Dahlman's
election means the repeal of the day
light saloon law.
Coal has advanced 25 cents to
$1.00 a ton. Another twist of the
republican screw to make more divi
dends for the coal barons. Winter is
coming on and the poor, as well as
the rich, have to have coal, and the
poorer you are the worse its effects.
The Payue-Aldrich tariff law is re
sponsible for the advance In the price
of everything you use. And Mr. Bur
kett is one who helped to make this
tariff. Vote for G. M. Hitchcock for
United States senator, and you will
have a representative who will prove
true to the people.
Wynot Tribune: There Is little
doubt that Congressman G. M. Hitch
cock will be the choice of the people
for United States senator at the com
ing election. Burkett's slippery
record in congress has lost him the
support of all insurgent republicans,
and he does not seem to be improving
his chances In the campaign by at
tempting to defend his votes on the
tariff bill against the best Interests ot
tho people. Burkett Is too much of a
trimmer in politics, and the voters
will not fall to register their condem
nation of such methods.
The national encampment of tho
G. A. R. at Atlantic City very sensi
bly concluded to Indefinitely post
pone action on the motter of placing
tho statute of Robert E. Lee in statu
ary hall in the capltol at Washlngtoh.
This Is a conservative and highly
commendable rourse. The bitterness
and sectional hatreds of helium days
have long ceased to exist, and this is
Casual Thoughts From a Republican
Who Knows Chester II. Aldricli.
(From the Haveiock Times.)
Havelock, Neb., Sept. 27 To the
editor of the Times: No man realizes
except one who has kept a reasonably
close tab on the democratic party, Its
acts, affiliations and environments for
the past sixty years, how truly repul
sive It Is for a life-long republican to
be compelled through a true sense of
honor and duty to turn down a candi
date on his own ticket, but this is go
ing to be done by easily one-fourth ot
the republicans of Nebraska this fall
on Mr. Aldrich.
Party lines are being badly disrupt
ed all over the country this fall on 1
account of too much dishonesty, gen
eral crookedness and graft, and there
can be no reason why Nebraska re
publicans should shoulder the respon
sibility for the inevitable worthless
dlsli-rag or possibly worse administra
tion of the next two years. It Is folly
to talk about a precedence this fall
with the material In sight that we
may be able to carry the state two
years hence. Many republicans will
feel very blue to see the state go dem
ocratic this fall, and a very much
darker blue to realize the responsi
bility should they win. Nebraska Is
normally safely republican and It Is
only fool friends that have ever
allowed the situation to arise that
turned it over to the democrats. It
we have not as good men In the re
publican party as there are in the
democratic party, we had all better
become democrats.
What claim has Mr. Aldrlch on the
republican party anyway? A few
newspapers and campaigners are
making a paper flag fight against Mr.
Dahlman, but what is being done for
Mr. Aldrich? Ills county option
plank is considerably tilted and not
very dry much of the time. It has
been said by republicans that could
scarcely see a way to forsake their
duty as republicans, that Mr. Aldrich
has held municipal oflices and served
in the legislature of 1906-7 at the
hands of his neighbors they ought to
know him best. True he has, and
true they know. How many times
these minor offices beg for ability and
honesty. They are neither remunera
tive nor honorary except the Incum
bent Is over zealous and philanthrop
ic. Mr. Dahlman has served his party
all his life from mayor down to con
stable. Members ot the committee that for
mulated those great railroad rate and
espouses dadyshlp, aro frank In their
expressions of Mr. Aldrlch's utter
worthlessness as a member of that
committee, (am not at liberty to pub
lish authority, but can furnisn It
abundantly If wanted). That he
lounged, smoked, Joked, and occasion
ally offered some radical suggestions
too wild-eyed to be considered; that
when the bill reached the senate, with
his oratorical machine, the only asset
he has worth mentioning, he stole the
credit. He has always been a faction,
stripe, dissentlon breeder in local
affairs; was twice a candidate for con
gress with about the same success he
had with his New York divorce case,
but usually got home sooner. As a
candidate for governor he stole the
pole a year In advance and with no
opposition until the last heat which
he lost by over 2000 In Omaha, by
some "cantrup slight" he won the
In the name of all decency what
claim has Aldrich on the republican
party of Nebraska or w hy should the
party be held responsible for Aldrlch?
There are crimes which we may be
cognizant of but can't prevent; yet we
need not become implicated or a party
The old guard machine convention
relieved the ordinary voter of any
part of interest in the nominations
except to vote. 'This present predica
ment ought to arouse all good citizens
to a sense of duty at the primaries
and the next opportunity rally to the
primaries sufficiently Informed to
nominate a ticket that can be elected.
Yours for party honor and success.
O. A. Keith.
The Bulletin of the National City
Bank of New York, the Standard Oil
bank and one ot the institutions in
sisting upon the establishment of a
central government bank, gives the
first intimation that the policy ot the
present administration will be to es
tablish but one or two postal savings
anks In each state, presumably in the
larger cities, to begin operation of the
new system under the present law.
This will be somewhat disconcerting
to the smaller cities and the rural
communities, who were looking for
ward to the postal bank as a much
desired convenience. This may in
part be due to the fact that the pres
ent law, designedly or otherwise,
made no provision for the general
adoption ot the system, appropriating
but $100,000 for the purpose, scarce
ly sufficient to prepare the necessary
stationery. The postmaster general
is quoted as saying that it will be
January 1 ot next year before the
first bank Is started.
"My child was burned terribly
about the face, neck and chest. I
applied Lr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. The
pain ceased and the child sank into a
restful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M. Han-
antl-pass bills, of which Mr. Aldrlch son, Hamburg, N. Y.
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