The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1910, Image 3
V TT 7 1.1? 3 t f" Absolutely Free of Cost The People's Common Scrse Medical Advisor, in iVin English, or Medicine Simplified, by R, V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- ..a $1 , ical Institute at Buffalo, book of IMS .ti pages aad ever 700 ill-it tration, in strong paper covers, to v.yf one sending 21 one-cent tamps to cover cost of mailing tn!y, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 (tamps. Over 6S3.000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book vere sold in cloth binding at regular price of Jl.Si). Afterwards, one tad half million copies were iven atvay es above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all tre gone. Address Wokld's Dis fENSARY Medical Association, It. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Bullulo, N. Y. DR. MUUCIJ'S FAVORITI2 PRESCRIPTION THE ONE RF.MFOY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough that its inukers are not afraid to print on Its octsido wrapper U every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots of well established curative value. ClUaam.t Joe Sihuck.'who was marshal Use fprji ,ti!ne, but who Is now a police man, ia .West vim olu, , as it town . t between .trains Tuesday.? f Will Hudson and Austin Trimble' returned Sunday morning from a j ,1BIHER BUGK AGHESlAro You in ilia Filfosn- A Woman Finds AH Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away. riiittstnouth w onion know hov the 0. it'll. A 1 A liuillil OAIKA U'Hlld - 1 visit to Alliance. Rox Butte county.!"1"" "u ia'"a . .. . . . ,,,n., ,-.,. kidneys fall make life a burden. ihere they have been looking alter, . ... , ... . , liackache, hip pains, headache, dizzy their farms. ., , , . , , , , . . , .. : spells, distressing urinary troubles, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Peterson are I . . . . . ... v i. u . ,,,. j all tell of sick kidneys and warn you moving their household goods here 1 , , , will occupy the!"' l"v "'''""" to-Fifty Glass? LOCAL NEWS From Wednesday's Dally. Myron Wiles visited toe big show at Omaha this afternoon, going on the fast mail. J. E. Wiles and wife were OmahP visitors on the morning train today, viewing the carnival. F. H. and W. A. Stoll, of Nehawka, were Plattsmouth visitors yesterday, looking after business matters. William Haberman, who has been In Oklahoma City for the past year, returned to Plattsmouth Monday. Mr. J. Bullard and jwife and two children took in the sights at Omaha today, going on No. 15 this morning. Fred Olenhausen and wife depart-i ed for Wymore this morning, where they will visit relatives for a few days. .... John Isbell and H. Wilson went to Omaha this morning for the day, where they will visit Ak-Sar-Ben for the day. Ed. Fitzgerald returned last even ing from Bridgeport, Nebraska, where he has been looking after mat ters at the ranch for some time. Mrs. F. D. Lenhoff and daughter, Miss Tillie, have been visiting rela tives at Lincoln for several days, re turning to their homes in this city I last evening. John Buck and Julius Buck ar rived last evening from the west, where they have been visiting rela tives and looking after business matters for several days. Mrs. Joshua Gapen and grandchil dren, Elsie and Oscar, were Omaha visitors today, where they visited the carnival grounds. Oscar Gapen, sr., went to Omaha over the M. P. earlier in the day. Juror J. F. Ham, of Weeping Wa- ter, was excused yesterday by Judge Travis, on the ground of sickness in his family. Mr. Ham will not be re quired to attend further at this term cf court. J. T. Porter and wife and Miss Mary Bergen, of South Dakota, a sister of Mrs. Porter, came up from Murray this morning and boarded the morning train for the metropolis to view the carnival for a day or two. F. Neuman and Rev. Steger de parted for Lincoln on the morning train today, where they go as dele gates to the convention of the Ger man Alliance. Miss Minnie Born and Miss Sophia Kreager, came In from the country and took the fast mall for the metrop olis this afternoon, where they visited the electrical show. John Kanabe and wife and chil dren came up from Nehawka this morning and took the train for the metropolis, where they will visit friends and the carnival for a few days. Mrs. W. A. Becker and children, Viola, Floyd and Earl, accompanied by Ola and Mina Kaffenberger, were Omaha visitors this morning, where they will spend a few days at the carnival. Col. M. A. Bates spent the day yes terday in Nebraska City, shaking hands with his old friends and mak ing many new ones. He made a trip to Murray this morning to look after bus'ness matters. E. 0. Drexel, of Omaha, who has been the guest of the Parklning home for a few days, departed for his home this morning, accompanied by John Parklning and his sisters, Misses Anna and Clara, who will visit the Ak-Sar-Ben for a few days. Rev. Father John Duffie, of Sheri dan, Wyoming, who ha3 been the Ruest of Rev. Father M. A. Shine for a short time, departed for his home tills morning. These gentlemen were classmates, and had not met for six teen years. W. J. Grosser and wife, of Wausa, it-turned to their hone this after noon, having visited relatives near Hurray for a few days. Mr. Crosser s an old-time Chkb county citizen and one of the Journal's most valued renders. Miss Emma Bauer and Miss Jessie Robertson went to Omaha on the af ternoon train, where they will meet Miss Blanche Robertson and together they will visit the Ar-Sar-Ren this evening and witness the electrical ', parade. JoIt. Hennlngi, of near iVn.l;vl!lc, wps i. Plattsmouth visitor today hav ing come down on No. 4. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Smith went to Omaha on the afternoon train today to visit the Ar-Sar-Ben parade this evening. J. W. Haffke and wife were Omaha visitors on the morning train today to visit the carnival and visit friends for the day. Ldvln Jeary, the Elm wool and I Ineoln banker lawyer, was ii the dty today, Attending the district i'ourt lawsuit. Jacob Buechler and wife and two daughters went to Omaha on the morning train today to view the parade and isit the carnival. Mrs. M. A. Dickson and Mrs. Wil liam Bchlater went to Omaha to visit friends this morning, and will take In the carnival for a day or two. B. B. Worthing and Harry Worth Ing went to Omaha on the afternoon train today, where they visited the electrical display this evening. There were 105 tickets for Omaha sold at the Burlington station this morning by Cashier Lyle. The sale this evening will no doubt be large. trom Brock and Geo. Smith house. Ed. and Ella Peterson accompanied them to Brock Saturday to assist them In packing. August Rumble came in Monday from Sparland, Illinois, to visit rela tives and friends for a few weeks. August Is looking well and brings good reports of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell, former residents of this community. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoff man, a boy, Wednesday, September 1. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dietrich, a girl, Friday, September 16. Adaughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Francke, Tuesday, Sep tember 20. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGee of Iowa, have been visiting at the John Froh Itch home the past week. Mr. McGee is a brother of Mrs. Frohlich. They have been visiting in the northwest ern states and passed through the region where the big forest fires were turning. Henry Wiggins of Morrow, Okla., a former merchant of this town, ar rived here Sunday evening for a visit with old friends. Since leaving Eagle, Mr. Wiggins has spent most of the time in California. Rev. Don egan, who makes his home with Mr Wiggins, is in very poor health, hav ing suffered a paralytic stroke about a year ago. dropsy and Blight's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills permanently cure all these disorders. Here's proof of It In a Plattsmouth woman s words: Mrs. James Hodgett, 1102 Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 suffered a great deal at times from dull, heavy pains across the small of my back, especially severe when 1 stooped or brought any strain on the muscles of my loins. About two years ago I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and they brought me such prompt and positive relief that I have since ued them whenever I have felt in need of a kidney remedy. I procured Doan's KiKUney Pills at Gerlng & Co's drug store and do not hesitate to recommend them." The above statement was given in June, 1906, and on December 30 190$, Mrs. Hodgett said: "I still hold a high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I am glad to confirm all hove previously said about the rem edy." For sa'e by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Funeral of Anton t'lioloupka. The funeral of the late Anton Chol oupka, who died last Monday night, at his residence in this city, occurred this morning at 9:30 from the Bohe mian St. Rosary Catholic church, Rev. Father Velcek, pastor of the church, conducting the same. A large audience of friends and neighbors of the bereaved family filled the church. The Society of St. James, and the Catholic Workmen, and the Catholic Sokol, attended the funeral, each society In a body, thus showing the high esteem in which the deceased was regarded by his associates and friends. Many out of town relatives were present from Omaha and Crete. Interment was made In the Holy Sepulcher cemetery, the pall bearers being selected two from each of the lodges of which deceased was a mem ber. The pall bearers were Frank Havl cek and Ton Janda from the Wood men lodge, Joe Abersalon and Adolph Koubek of St. James lodge, and Joe Holly and Joe Racek from the Catholic Workmen lodge. MA CLOTHES Owl Hoot". -the charter Trying Case to l.loven Jurors. The case of Charles E. Beckwith against the administrator of the estate of Samuel Johnson, is on trial today to eleven jurors, Mr. F. H Goodfellow, of Greenwood, having been excused by the court after the Jury was empanneled. The reason for this unusual proceeding, was that a 'phone message was received h Mr. Goodfellow after the Jury was selected, Informing him that his lit tie rrlrl had met with an a'dden wheieby her leg was broken. On this unfortunate occurrence bein;; re lated to the court, Judge Travis e cused the Juror, and the partie then consented that the cause be tried to eleven men Instead of the ejstomary twelve. The members of the Jury sjlectel try the case, a.-e: C. A. Hsi'vey tl. L Perry, John Fowler. C. F. :!ery, II. P. Dt hnlng. F. H. Goodfellow. (.. cased), W. S. Phlloot, John Sjhs. ti e Allen. George Kaffenberger, O T Dudley and Elmer 'Iirchln". Use "Forest Rose" Flour if you want the best results in making good bread. Try a sack and you will buy no other. For sale by all loading dealers. Large Burn Iiurne.1. Henry Lopp, a farmer residing five miles southwest of Murray, had the misfortune to lose his barn by fire, last Wednesday evening. The origin of the fire is shrouded In mystery, as no one was about the bar nat the time, that Mr. Lopp knows of. There was about $200.00 worth of hay and corn in the barn which could not be moved and which went up in smoke. Neighbors assisted Mr. Lopp In tak ing out his harness and machinery and the horses. There was some In surance on the barn, but not enough to nearly cover the loss. The Jour nal is Indebted to Dr. Gilmour for such facts as could be gleaned con cerning the unfortunate occurrence. IP Jfjgh Forced to Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is cost ly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New Dis covery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the King of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LnGrlppe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Warning the charter will soon close. C. L. Martin, the popular livery man, found time to write five appli cations for the Owls yesterday. Several prominent citizens of Cedar Creek left their applications for mem bership in the Owls yesterday. O. P. Monroe, the Sixth street mer chant, is doing some splendid work for the Owls and wants his friends to call and Investigate the proposition. D. L. Amlck returned from Mynard yesterday with a half a dozen appli cations for Owls In his pocket. D. L. gets there. Mr. Hugh R. Norton, the efflclenj and popular Mo. Pac. R. R. agent, Is one of the latest "jlners" of the Owls and realizes he made, a good move in the right direction, ask him. J. E. Mason, the wide awake Main street confectioner, is an Owl with authority to receive applications for membership and wants to tell his host of friends about it, see him. For the benefit of those In doubt there Is no age limit or medical ex amination to charter members and the charter fee is nominal Join now and save dollars. Apples lit $1.00 IVr Bushel. Mr. J. E. Glasgow, from Peru, Nemaha county, is in the city and will remain for a few days with a caiioRd of apples that he Is selling at $1.00 per bushel. They are choice winter apples and can be seen at the Burlington depot. Come and get your winter apples now. While In the city Mr. Glasgow will he a guest at the home of his friend, Will Rainey and family. If so you want to laiv our "Quality Clothes" for men younjj-in-years and young-in-spirit. Our Oualitv Clothes" me particularly for young men FROM FIFTEEN TO FIFTY. ' They are really and ideally YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES with every thought and stitch centered upon mak ing them youthful cheerful poiseful. Our Fall lines are the ".-supreme achievement" of garments which are conceded to be the top notch of quality. e want YOU to see them. We want you to apply to them the unfailing eye-and-finger-test. We'd like you to judge them simply as "GOOD MERCHANDISE" inside, outside, top side and bottomside. "We know that if they get your eye, we get your business. Will you step in and see the new models? Our Quality line $20 to S35. Others not so good, but good as others show S5 to SIS. If you want the best Blue Sorga value In Nebraska for the money, ask for our $10 advertised Blue Serge all wool. mm THE HOME OF SATISFACTION In Making Flour there is just as much difference as there is between mills and millers. Some mills are equipped ho make oor flour others gond Hour, and a very few Buch flour as "forest Hose." At great expense we have installed tne most modern machinery and are fully prepared not only to "P,eat the Dutch" but most American millers aa welt. Wahoo Mill Co. The best plaster. A piece of flan nel dampened with 'phamherlaln's Mnlment and bound on over the af fected parts is superior to a plaster and costs only one tenth as much. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Mr. ami Mis. Mci-intfcr Entertain George Melslnger and wife, resid ing west of the city, enterta'ned a .lumber of relatives and friends Inst Sunday in honor of Mr. George 'el- sir.'.fr. of Green Valley, Illinois, who litis been visiting his Nebraska rela tionship for a few weeks. A fine din ner was prepared by Mrs. Mehii'ger which was serve 1 In the large Ji'..'.:ni mom !' their cvumodloiia residence The !'H':'ii consisted of rcisi meats hfpd chicken, and every "Ici'oncy wh:ih a farmer's good w' !) knowr jo vc ' how to prepare ij temrt ire ippf.tite. Games and nusic and soMol conversation enlivened the af ternoon. Thos.3 present wore: Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Melslnger, of Louisville, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Melslnger, Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Melslnger, Mynard; Mr. and Mrs. Kd. LohneH, Cedar Creek; Messrs. Jno. Kopla, Plattsmouth; George Melslnger, Green Valley, 111.; Jno. Kraeger, George Gradevllle, Jesse Long, Adam Melslnger, Louis Melslnger, Emll Melslnger, Will Melslnger and Ed. Melslnger, of My nard; Misses Mary Vetter, Green Valley, 111.; Anna Kopla and Miss lsabelle Todd, of Plattsmouth. Col. McMukeu Returns, Col. II. C. McMaken, who has been absent from the city for two weeks attending the national G. A. It. en campment at Atlantic City, New Jer sey, and visiting friends In Pennsyl vania and Indiana, as well as Wash ington, D. C, returned this morning looking hale and well kept. Mc. has suro enjoyed the time lie was in the east, and It kept him on the Jump to attend all of the pleas ant features which were going at the places visited. Miss Helen Horn, Miss Nettle Mel slnger, Mr. George Horn and P. A. Horn and daughter, P-erniee, spent tho afternoon and evening viewing the Ak-Sar-Hen parade. Made His liKcnpc. Cam Seybert, the Louisville mar shal, was In the city today looking after business matters. Mr. Seybert stated that the thief who got tho watch at Louisville Monday, came to Cedar Creek, where he took the train for the west going through Louis ville on an extra freight. Marshal Seybert .'phoned to Cedar Creek and tried to Induce the men there to hold tho thief until he could drive to Cedar Creek for him, but for some unaccountablo reason the Cedar Creek men declined to do this, and the thief escaped. I'MOX. (Ledger.) Uncle Reuben Foster has been on the sick list the past several days. Dr. M. L. Thomas and wife of Palmyra, who were here several days this week to be at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. William Frans, left for home Wednesday. G. K. Fitch, of Luray, Va., who has been visiting for several days with R. II. Frans and family, depart ed for home Monday. Mr. Fitch Is an uncle of Mrs. Frans. A. S. Frans, of Kingfisher, Okla., arrived Tuesday evenlhg to spend a few days visiting his parents, Wm. Frans and wife, and other relatives and friends. Mr. Frans was a pleas ant caller at this office yesterday forenoon. Geo. Stltes, Uncle Sam's efficient rural carrier on route 1, has decid ed to be up-to-date and purchased an automobile of Addison Johnson, and George Is busy getting acquaint ed with the machine. Miss Illanche Mougey, who was taken to the Clarkson hospital In Opaha a few weeks ago for treat ment, returned home Sunday, ac compahied by her mother. We are pleased to note that she Is much Improved In health. A. N. King, of Nebraska City. Is a new addition to our busincw directory, having purchased the barber shop of Wes Clark Tuesday. Mr. King appears to bo a first-class gentleman and comes highly recom mended as a tonsorial artist. A. V. Clarence of Vale", S. D., ar rived last Friday night to make a visit with his parents and other rel atives and friends. "Lon," as ho Is familiarly known here, is well pleased with South Dakota, but likes to visit around his old home ome In a while. Attorneys II. H. Wilson and M. V. Ilcgthol, of Lincoln, were here Wed nesday taking depositions in tho case of Vernle II. Cheney vs. Wood man Accident Association. This is tho caso In which Mtb. Cheney sued In tho Lancaster county district court to recover $1,000 on a policy held by her father, the into Thomas G, Ilarnum, the company resisting payment and claiming that the poli cy had lapsed. Lame back is one of the most com mon forms of muscular rheumatism. A few applications of Chamberlain's Liniment will give relief. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Fred Weld man arrived from Plain view this morning and will visit plattsmouth friends for a tlme LOUISVILLE. (Courier.) Quite a heavy frost fell here Mon day night, but did no damage to even the most tender plants. E. Sturznegger and son, of South Bend, left last week for Doston, where the latter will enter the Har vard law school. Mlsa Jessie Spence, of Chicago, who has been visiting her father, C. W. Spence, of Havelock, la in town. the guest of Miss Flora Duma. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cor nish, Friday, Sept. 30, a girl; born, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lefler, Sept. 20, a girl; born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ora Edwards, Sept. 23, a girl. A numbV of cases of scarlet fever are reported In the vicinity of Platte. The public schools have been dosed for an indefinite period, atl public gatherings postponed and its people urged to remain at home. Rev. and Mrs. Jung, who started on their way home to Texas last week, were called back on account c f the serious Illness of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rohrdonz. Tt. little fellow Is much Improved, hov -ever, and Mr. and Mrs. Jung depar -ed Friday. Six hundred United States cavalr; - men under command of Col. R. I.". Hunter from Fort Riley. Kansa passed t'.rough town Wednesd;. r morning en route to Fort Omar..', where they will take part in the A.-Sar-Iicn parade. A son of Generrt Fltzhugh Lee was among tho nu. -her. For Salo If taken quick, 640 ai res of grazing lain!, 50 acres cultivated, 240 fenced, sod house, cemented In side and out, well, windmill, grove, barn, granary. About 100 acres val ley, balance hilly and rough, but good grazing, all situated In Garfield coun ty, Neb. Prho $5.00 per acre. A snap. Windham Investment & Loan Co., Plattsmouth, Neb. Shower of Fruit. The Industrial ladles of the Chrl -Ian church yesterday afternoon ga K fruit shower In honor of .Mrs. A . T. natcliffe. There were about fllv person" present, and each la')y brought a jur of fruit. Refreshmen t were served and a social time c joyed. The meeting was a succc. , and was a most interesting sesslo'v.. CATARRH - i 1) a a ? a 2 3;?4 05 E5. 3 a jtin i TFri HAY FEVE Cecil Thomas and wife, and Mrs. S. L. Thomas and Mrs. Stholnian and Miss Dora Will, motored to Omaha today, leaving Plattsmouth at 8 o'clock this morning, going via the ferry and Council IllufTs, expecting to witness the electrical display at the Ak-Sar-I!en this evening. ELY'S CREAM BMW Applied Into (h noitrllt I quickly absorbad. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It clonuses, soothes, heals and protect t'. diHfliwed ninmbruiK) resulting from Cutnir'.i and drivt'HRwuy a Cold iu the I load quickly. Restores tho Souses of Tnto md Knell. It is easy to use. Coiitiunn no injur: drugs. No mercury, no eocidno, no r phiuo. The household remedy. Price, CO eents at Druggists or hj m. .1. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warrn St., Nw Yi..