The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 06, 1910, Image 2

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I hjuLu .mi
HOI Of I HE'S ilfl
Had Been a Sufferer For Over a
Consumption Formerly
Henry Hearing;, who has been 111
with consumption for the past eigh
teen months, died last evening at
6:80 o'clock, at the residence of hlfl
mother-in-law, Mrs. Iiillstlne, In tills
city. Mr. Dcarlng came to I'latts
mouth for the last time about five
weeks ago, having been during 'the
past two years, both west and east, In
Colorado and Ohio and New York,
seeking medical skill which could re
lieve him from the clutches of the
drtad malady.
Henry Hearing was born !n iMrolt,
Michigan, March ilh, 18GS, and was
In hl3 forty-third year, when death
claimed hi in. When he wan about two
years of age hU parents removed to
Cleveland, Ohio, where he resided un
til he was about sixteen years of age,
when ho resided in Joliet, Illinois, for
a tlni". afterward returning to Cleve
land, Ohio, where he lived for some
time. He was foreman of a bridge
construction crew on the Northwest
ern railway for twenty-one years. Mr.
Hearing removed from Ohio to Oma
ba and Council I'.lufTs In January,
1901, and came to l'liUtsmoutli short
ly afterward, and was In the employ
of the Rurllngton and ablcd in the
construction of the new bridge.
The case of Reckwlth vs. Famuel
Johnson Estate has dragged along,
since yesterday, through a night ses
sion and the greater part of the fore
noon was occupied In taking testi
mony. The case was argued this
morning, .Mr. Helles Hernlcr opening
for the claimant, and Jesse Strode
leaking an opposing argument for the
vldow. The case was given to the
Jury after argument on instructions
from the court for lta dec ision, on
the facts.
The next case for trial Is Mrs. Vesta
Clark against the Hankers. Accident
Assurance company, of Des Moines,
for the sum of $1,500.00. The peti
tion sets out that tho defendant en
tered Into a contract of Insurance on
the 28th day of October, 1 !)()!!, In
Jefferson county, Nebraska, and re
ceived from her husband the sum of
$3.00 advanced premium, and on the
30th day of October r.t Its home
offlco In Des Moines, Issued Ibt policy
for accident Indemnity with n death
benefit of $1,500.00. That the policy
waa sent to the company's an tit nl
Beatrice to bo delivered to t'io in-
The above cut shows Mr. Samuel
S. Russell, of Mills county, Iowa, and
four generations of bis lineal dc
fcee tula tits, giving us a view of live
generations. Mr. Russell was born
May 2.i, 1SIG, near lircciishornugh,
Gilford county, North Carollnn. being
in the eighty-fifth year of his age.
lie resides Juit across the river, east
of riattsniouth, on a farm, where be
has resided continuously for the past
forty-five years, coming there In the
J ear of 1805.
Mr. Russell lias been married three
times, losing his three wives by death.
He was married, the first time, nt
the age of nineteen. Mr. Russell has
thirty-nine grand-children, and forty
five great-grand-ehlldren and one
great-Krcat-grand-chlld, the latter be
ing the Infant shown In the picture,
little Charles Ilrasky.
Mrs. Kmlllne (Russell) Menden
hall Darker, the second daughter of
Year From that Dreaded Disease
Lived in Council Bluffs.
' Trior to coming to I'lattsmouth he
met and won the hand of Miss Julia
J A. Hillstlne, having become acquaint
! ed with his wife in Council Bluffs.
i After the completion of the bridge,
1 Mr. Dealing worked a year in the
local shops as a carpenter, then went
to Alliance, where he resided about
three years, when his health gave way
and he began his Journey In quest of
health. During this time he has been
in Cleveland, Ohio, where his brother
i William resides, and not regaining
I his lost health, with his wife came to
' I'lattsmouth a few weeks ago, tq see
If the climate here would not help
Mrs. Julia A. Dcarlng, the widow,
nnd one brother, William, of Cleve
i land, Ohio, are the only relatives sur
j vivlng to mourn his death.. Mr. Dear
(ing carried a $2,000 life insurance
I policy in the A. O. II. W. and he was
a member of I'lattsmouth Lodgo No.
S. No arrangements for the funeral,
which will be private, can be made
until Mrs. Hearing, hears from her
two brothers, who are In the went.
Rev. W. L. Austin will conduct the
funeral service, which will probably
occur Saturday, the A. O. U. W. lodge
No. 8, will have chargo of the service
at the tomb.
jsured, but never delivered. That on
J the 2'Jth day of October, 190'J, the
Insured, plulntlff'a husband, received
an electrical shock while In his usual
j course of employment, and while on
I a telephone pole In the village of
Union, causing him to fall to the
ground and Immediately he died. For
the loss of her husband's life, Mrs.
Clark brings her artlon on the stipu
lations of the policy.
The plaintiff Is represented by
Mdtthew C.erlng and the company by
Clark and Robertson.
Don't trifle with a cold Is good ad
vice for prudent men and women. It
may be vital in ense of a child. There
is nothing better than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for coughs and colds
!n children. It Is safe and sure. For
vale by F. O. Frlcke & Co.
Mrs. J. Nellson spent the day with
Omaha friends, viewing the big show.
I lui only hours in t tie
Uf-sl lifr ill lining is done
bv an expTi. Larueit stock
cf :pi-.v's in thi) Wt st.
t::z v;. c. Cleveland drug co.
Mr. Russell, was born Juno 20, 185G,
I t
uciu ;iuiii, .Monroe county, lowa, and
now resides near I'aellle. Junction,
Mrs. Mlnnlo Mendenhall Lee Was
born February 20, is",'., In East
I'lattsmouth, Mills county, Iowa, and
now resides on the (louchenour Isl
and south of this city, Mrs. Leo being
a daughter of Mrs. Darker and the
grand-daughter of Mr. Russell.
Mrs. Klslo Leo Ilrasky was born
March 13. 1892, In Hethlehein, Mills
county, lowa, and now resides In
this city, she being the great-granddaughter
of Mr. Russell.
Mrs. HraBky'a little son, Charles
Richard, was born November 14,
1909, In Cass county, near Rock
Illuffs, Nebraska, and as stated above,
Is the grcat-grcnt-grand-chlld of Mr.
" ; t," .,. -,. ;
:V " 1
If You Have Scalp or Hair Trou
ble, Take Advantage of This
We could not afford to so strongly
j indorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and
ontlnue to sell it as we do, if it did
I net do all we claim it will. Should
: our enthusiasm carry us away, and
Rexall "9.1" Hair Tonic not give en
tire satisfaction to the users, they
woild lose faith In us and our state
ments, and in comequence our busi
ness prestige would suffer.
We assure you that if your hair Is
beginning to unnaturally fall out or
If you have any scalp trouble, Rex
all "93" Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair
growth and prevent premature bald
ness. x
Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic Is bo strong that we ask you
to try It on our rosithe guarantee
that your money will be cheerfully
refunded If it does not do as we
claim. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00.
Fold only at our store The Rexall
Store. P. O. Frlcke & Co., Union
Last Monday evening, about 8
o'clock, while Mr. John Wiles, who
resides about two milts and a half
northeast of Murray, was seated in
his house near a window, he heard a
shot fired from a nearby corn field
and tho charge struck the screen
over the window and fell on the
rorch outside. Mr. Wiles heard the
shot strike the window. He does not
know whether the shot was aimed at
him or not, he only knows that he
was In range of the gun which was
aimed at the window near which he
was sitting reading his paper. It Is
not at all probable that at that time
in the evening anyone could have
accidentally discharged the gun, but
It Is altogether likely that some per
son bent on robbery did aim the
charge at Mr. Wiles and misjudged
the distance, and the first shot not
carrying as strong as expected the
criminal made his escape without
carrying out his Intent. The matter
was not reported, by Mr. Wiles, to
the sheriff and there has been no ex
amination of the corn field or meas
urement of the track of the. culprit
who fired the murderous shot.
A (.'( id Position.
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladles In the f!dd of "wire
less" or railway telegraphy. Since
the 8 hour law became effective, and
since the wlrelens companies are es
tablishing stations throughout the
country there Is a great shortage of
telegraphers. Fosltions pay begin
ners from $70 to $80 per month, with
good chance of advancement. The
National Telegraph Institute operates
six official Institutes In America, un
der supervision of II. R. and Wireless
officials and places all graduates In
to positions. It will pay you to write
them for full details at Cincinnati, O.,
Philadelphia, Pa., Memphis, Tenn.,
Davenport, la., Columbia, S. C, or
Portland, Ore., according to where
you wish to enter. tf
linn-nil of Mrs. Cluiis.
The funeral service over the mortal
remains of Mrs. Anna Margaret
Clans was held this morning at 10:30
at St. John's Catholic church, of
which the deceased was a consistent
and devoted member all her life. The
funeral service was conducted by her
pastor, Rev. M. A. Shine, and consist
ed of tho solemn ritual of the Cath
olic church. The floral tributes were
many and beautiful, being silent me
mentoes of the purity of tho life of
the departed. Interment was made
In the Catholic cemetery, and the cas
ket was followed to the grave by a
largo number of sympathizing friends
and neighbors. The pall bearers' were
F. O. Frlcke, William Ilassler, Thos.
Walling, Ed. Thrall, II. M. Soennlch
end and John Fight.
Jacob, tho son residing at Ell, Ne
vndu, could not be present, very much
to bis regret.
Conies In His Rnccr.
Mr. Duff, of Nebraska City, was In
tho city today, having driven up
In his Mercer, a racer which looks as
If It could split the wind. Mr. Duff
canto up to look after a business mat
ter and met Mr. Pollock and dis
cussed tho Platte river bridge enter
prise. CASTOR I A
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Dears the
Signature of
Los Angelas 0 (.cars Make Mere
Arrests in Bern!) Horror.
Attorney Earl Rogers Says It Ha
Eeen Discovered That Several Other
Attacks Had Been Planned Explo
sive 1- Identified Cixteenth Body Is
Found in Fvuins of Times Building.
S::n Francis o, Oct. 6. Tht net
thrown out by tne uutiio! itles appears
to be clo:-!ng in inpidiy on ti dyna
miters of the Iis Angeles Times.
"It is ceit, .m that thy dynamite,
which we kin'- was shewed nt Itiunt,
was taken to I.os Angelos atd that it
was the .'anie dynamite used at the de
struction of ti.e Tines building and
la the bomb:, found a. the JieehanUe
Liar anj (Jus residences."
This st;it( in- lit was made by Attor
ney Earl Uo-ud of Los Angeles, who
is In charge o! the man hunt.
"We have oniri-. I rn.':.ts," Faid
Mr. Rogers, 'Mud we have men novv
In jail tit scv.ial poInt3, loth between
lieie and I o-t AnvoL'i an. I :sl of Suo
Iio ret used to divulge the nani'-s of
the prisoners or tht placed where they
are held.
"A reign or tetter was planned for
Los Angelt-V Rogers asserted. "There
were at leaft six job. Intended to be
carried out with the 3ti() pounds o
dynamite secured at Giant."
It is estimated f.tat only 200
pounds of the total amount has been
accounted for.
The sixteenth body was found in the
ruins of the Times building. It was
that of Grant Moore, a composing
room machinist.
Supreme Court of South Dakota De
cides Against Corporation.
Pierre, S. D., Oct. 6. The supremo
court affirmed the lower court in the
cr.He of the Btate against the WeBtern
Surety company, which. was up on an
appeal from Minnehaha county. It ap
pears that one John Magnus was In
dicted on a charge of illegal selling
of liquor, and that he gave a "West
ern Surety company" hond for hl rp
pearance in the circuit court to an
swer to the indictment. When co-ir
convened Magnus had evidently ui.
cided that the surety comi&:iy va
better, able to stand tho Mnt.n , tb:
he was and he failed to show up '
court, or anywhere else where he nr.i
known. The bond was declared lev
ffited. rml the company declined tu
pay on several grounds, all of the' i
more or lci;s technical. The court
holds that none of the technicality
cpn waive the provision of the bond,
which said It was given for thn np
pearance cf Magnus In court, and Umt
tho company mrst ppv.
Two Indians Drowned.
Picric, S. D.. Oct. 6. Word reached
h-.'re oi' the drowning at Cheyenuo
a:;cncy of Isaac While Kngle and Rich
ard Left Hand, yonn Indians, wha
were utientpl In to cross the Missouri
river In a boat while a gale was blow
Heavy Buying Boosts Prices Cent and
a Hr.lf at Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 5. Illg buying rushed
up the price of wheat today. A largo
part of tho purchasing was credited ta
a prominent local shipper, who had
covered a short line of (several n'illioii
bushels a few weeks ago. Rears took
fright and there was a strong closu
nt a net advance of 1 'i (fi 1 l-jc. Latest
quotations showed a rise, too, in all
other leading staples corn, c to
4t',ic; oats, Vs&lic, and provisions,
T'.GftlOc to 32c. Closing prices:
Wheat Dec, OS'-ifrDSc; May,
J1.02-;; July. Jl.OOi'i.
Corn yec, GO'Jsif SO'-'-c; May, o3-;-j
Oats Dec, 3?,c; May, 3C',jC
Pork Jan., $ 17.72' i; May, $17.13.
I.nrd-Oct.. $12.8711,; Nov., $11.77',i.
Rlbs-Oct , $11.30; Jan., $9.42'i.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Oct. 5. Cattle Re
celpts, 7,000; steady to stronger; na
tive steers, $4.40(R7.40; cows and heif
era, $.1.00i 5.R0; western steers, $3.7!;
6YG.40; Mockers and feeders, $3.00(if
G OO; cnnnet-3, $2.73(5 3.40; calves, $3. 2S
5( 7.0(1; -bu'ls and stags, $3.00fft 4.S5
Hogs Receipts. 4,800; r.ffTlOc higher;
havy, $S 1"(v S 00; mixed, $8.25ft 8.4');
light. $S t'Offj S 00; p?s, $S.0O(Jj I).0n;
bulk of sales, $S.20iT; 8.50. . Sheep Re
ceipts, 31,7on; steady; yearlings, $130
(ff3 10; withers. $3.8."i(f?4.23; ewes
$.1.000 3.80; lambs, $'1,235 fi. S3.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Oct. 5 Cnttle Receipts,
8,000; western steers, $4.000.73;
stockots and feeders, $3.407 23;i
cows nnd heifers, $2.25(fj"().40; calves.
f7.fi0jfn.7r,. Hogs Receipts, 15,000;
5 m 1 fr- higher: llitht. $8.50(0 9.10; mix
ed. $S 23ft 0.00; heavy, $8.05(ft 8.85;
rough, $8.05(f8.3O; rgs, $8.15(ft' 8.93;
bulk of sales. $8 35(5-8.75. Sheep Re
ceipts, 40,000; Fteady to strong; na
tives, $2CO4.23; westerns, $2.75
4.20; venrllngs, $4 305.fi0; lamhs,
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Boujrht, and which has been
la use for over 30 years, has borno the signature of
nnd has been made under h!:i per
OutSyyfyfc&Lr Sonal 8uIervlsiutt "siiwo its Infancy.
i. r, "ttcL4 Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" nro but '
Kxperiments that trifle with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants und Children Experience against Expcri-ier.t.
What is CASTOR I A
Casforla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Par
jrorle, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. - It is rieasaut. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Jsaicotle Its age Is Its guarantee, it destroys "Worms
r.nd allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tiro
Stoni u h and liowels, ghinjr healthy and natural sleep.
Tlie t hll-Jrcii's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
' v.-. -( ' ' ; i
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For
Charles l'liilpot Has Apples.
Wallace Philpot, one of the jurors
at the present term of court, relates
that his father, Charles Philpot, re
siding In Mt. Pleasant precinct, is
going to have a fair crop of apples
this year, while no other orchard In
the vicinity will yield many apples
this season. The freeze In April last,
no doubt killed the fruit blossoms
throughout the county, and the only
way Mr. Philpot can account for his
father's apples not meeting the com
mon fate, is that at that time on the
north of the orchard his father had
200 head of steers In the feed pen,
and on the west a large herd of
sheep. The heat from the cattle and
sheep probably acted In the same way
that the smudge used by many Iowa
fruit growers at that time, and pre
vented the frost from nipping the
apples In the orchard adjacent to the
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's
Regulets. They operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation.
You are not experimenting on your
self when you take Chamberlain's
Coufc'U Remedy for a cold as that
preparation has won its great repu
tation and extensive sale by Its rc
markub'e cures of colds, and can
always be depended upon. It Is
equally valuable for adults and chil
dren and may bo given to young
children with implicit confidence fr
it contains no harmful drug. Sold by
F. G. Frlcke & Co.
If you want neip or nave nnyihlnt
o seii. In the Journal H
Emergency Requirement!
In a grave emergency, the value of Bell
telephone service is indispensable. In such
cases by stepping to your telephone you can
instantly call your local doctor or summon a
physician from a distant city.
The constant endeavor of this Company is to give you
the I cs t and most economical management human enge
miity enn devise. Its efficient service is due to one poli
cy and one system, resulting from years of unceasing en
deavor to meet the increasing demands for universal tele
phone service.
for Fletcher's
Over 30 Years
A Sad Case.
Miss Minnie Plaguer, who has
been acting queerly for the past few
days, was before the board of com
missioners of Insanity today and ad
judged a proper person to be re
strained at the hospital for the In
sane at Lincoln. Miss Plaguer has
been In the employ of the M. E.
Smith Shirt Manufacturing company
for Bome time, and until recently had
been very expert In the management
of her machine. And from being
quiet and reserved, she suddenly be
came very voluble In language and
very nervous. The young lady's
many friends here hope for her
speedy recovery.
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
sets you crazy. Can't bear'the touch
of your clothing. Loan's Ointment
cures the most obstinant cases. Why
suffer. All druggists sell it.
I.oncs Two Fingers.
John McKay, of Weeping Water,
while operating a corn harvester In
his field near that city this morning,
had the misfortune to lose two fin
gers by getting them entangled in the
machinery. Mr. McKay Is a prom
inent farmer and citizen, and has re
sided on a farm south of that city
for many years, but lately has lived
in the city. The details of the unfor
tunate occurrence were not given in
the brief message which came over
the 'phone. Mr. McKay was a mem
ber of the Jury which convicted Oys
enkop, and he is quite well known In
Ed. Tschirren and Lee Cole drove
in from the farm and boarded the
mornins train for Omaha.
7ns Bi hw
Nebraska Telephone Go.
Ever)' Bell Telephone is a Lond Dis
tance Station.