Soc. tMattsmoutb outnal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAG ICS VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Til U US I) AY OCTOliKR ; , 1J)I0 NO 7.i f linn i mi a niinninr MnD. AH HH GALLED TO Severe Attack of Heart Trouble Results in Death of This Most Estimable and Highly Respected Lady. From Tuesday's Daily Last evening at near tiie hour o' 10 o'clock, Mrs. Anna Margaret Claus was attacked with acute heart trou ble from which she died within a few minutes. Her son Peter had just gone down to his store to replenish the (oal in the furnace and was only o short time. He talked with Ii is mother just before leaving the nouse and she was then apparently in her usual health, and had just gone to bed, when he returned to the house less than thirty minutes after ward, Mrs. Claus was no more. Anna Margaret Hurt was born in Auskerchen, Rien Rifiance, Prussia, about June 14, 1837, and resided there with her parents until her mar riage to William Claus when she was of about the age of twenty-eight years. She emigrated to America with her .husband about 1865 and Settled in IHinois, the next year the young cou ple removed',t.o Chicago, where they E The Mellowness and Gentleness of the Fall Season Sinks Into Our Very Souls "The melancholy days have come, the saddest of the year," was written by a poet, and poets are optimistic, lie who beholds the grandeur of na ture at this season and sees only a melancholy sadness is a born pessi mist. Only those with hope, who do not understahd immortality, could pass through such a season as this, and fail to be Joyful. The mellow ness and gentleness of the fall season sinks deep Into our soul and invigor ates It. Spring is riotous. The buds seem to shout their joy when they first be held the sunlight; the birds newly arrived from the southland are noisy with their lovo songs and their pal ings; streams and rivers murmur loud and long their gladness in being freed from winter bondage, and in eprihgtime everything seems to un bridle in mirth and sing a hallelujah that reaches to heaven. But if there were no morning, even ing would be a sal affair. If there were no hope tomorrow, today would be dreary In its aspect, and so in the haziness and drowsihess of the early autumn, we find indications of the day's work well done. The rustling leaves do not spell death; they tell of another life to be lived at another timeof glories yet unseen building for our enjoyment after a season of peaceful meditation. We could not have endless spring no more than it would do to have endless youth. And there is no need for strange or weird feelings about the falling of the flow ers or the droop of the foliage; noth ing is connected wit h the fall season to cause a melancholy thought. We are only aware that in the coming of the fall we are ushered one day near' er to the open grave, but what of that? Were we not born to die? And by dying, do we not live again? At last, have we not the right to expect to live again? Only those who have not accomplished the daily task need regret the approach of the evening of the year. The fall season ought to be considered the buoyant season the season when wo may sit in medi tation, and contemplate the task well done, and plan the task for tomorrow in the light of the mistakes we have made today. Lot us be conscious of tho fact that what Is, is best; firm in t ho faith that God, who made the earth and arranged the seasons, bullded wisely and for our eternal happiness. For Sale. 264 aero farm, 4 miles west of riattsmouth one and half miles from grain elevator, well improved, and known as the Jacob Horn farm. For further particulars see Mrs. W. Hass ler, riattsmouth, Neb. GRANDEUR OF AUTUMN TIM T HE GREAT BEYOND resided for three years, when they removed to Missouri. From Missouri they moved to Crete, Nebraska, In 1879, and three years later came to riattsmouth in 1S82, where ever since she has resided to the time of her death. About seven years ago her hus band, Mr. William Claus, dide, since which time she has resided with her sons Peter and Frank and her daugh ter, Miss Bertha Claus. Nine chil dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. Claus Ave of whom survive to mourn her death. Two daughters and two sons died when young. The surviving children are Peter, John, Frank, re siding in this city; Jacob, a son resid ing at Eli, Nevada, and Miss Bertha, her daughter, residing in Platts mouth. Mrs. Claus was a devoted Catholic and will be buried according to the ritual of that church. No arrange ments for the funeral will be made until Jacob, of Nevada, can be heard from. CHARLES BECKW1TH ASKS FOR SHARE OF ESTATE From Tuesday's Dally The Jury arrived today and from the regular panel twelve men were selected to try the rights of the par ties In a case appealed frop the pro bate court in which Carles Beckwith sought to establish a claim for f3.400.00 against the estate of his uncle, Samuel Johnson, the wealthy gentleman who died at Elmwood a few years ago, leaving a will giving the bulk of his property to an Elm- iwood banker and lawyer, Mr. Jeary. J The estate has been in court for some j time and has been the subject of much interest In legal as well as lay circles. The burden of carrying the estate and looking after the mainten ance of the widow was more than Mr. Jeary cared to continue, and he finally released all right he held un der the will of the deceased, turning over some $15,000. 00 In cash and quit claim deeds of the half section of Cass county land as well as nu merous pieces of Elmwood residence property. The plaintiff in the action now be fore tho court sets out in his petition In substahce that he is the nephew of the deceased, and that he resided with the deceased and worked for him for a period of twenty years, and as a consideration for such ser vices, his uncle agreed to make him a beneficiary in his will and devise to him an eighty-acre farm, which j agreement his uncle failed to copply with. The claim is opposed by the widow and brother of deceased. The widow has been represented In the litigation by various members of the bar, at one time in the early stages of the litigation Mr. Byron Clark, of Lincoln. The estate was one of the largest in the vicinity of Elmwood, as the deceased was the owner of a large amount of personal property beside valuable farm lands. The interests of the heirs are repre sehted by William Delles Dernier, of Elmwood. The case is set for trial tomorrow morning, at 9 o'clock. Reception to Xew Officers. The Knights and Ladies of Securi ty, local Council No. 372, held a re ception last evening and enjoyed a general social time In honor of the newly Installed officials who are to serve durlhg the coming year. After the regular order of business was dis posed of and for the "good of the order" Miss Ellen Windham gave a very entertaining reading, which was warmly applauded by all present. After which Vice President II. B. Windham read a humorous selection from "Bill Nye" on the subject of "Comets." Several vocal selections were given by the choir, after which a social time was had. Refreshmehts consisting of sandwiches, pickles and coffee, and Ice cream and cake, were terved. There was an excellent at tendance and an enjoyable evening wag passed. Mrs. Byron Clark spent the day In the metropolis. GIS IS HAS iK TROUBLE Mil MOBILE Mr. Gus Hires, the genial postmast er at llavelock, recently purchased a new automobile, and last Sunday morning, in company with his wife and Superintendent Griffith and wife, who is in charge of the construction of the llavelock shops for the Church Westinghouse Keer Co., started in Mr. Hires' automobile for Omaha. After taking in the sights and what ever else Mr. Hires could get a hold of they started late in' the evening I for llavelock and got caught In the i rain close to Louisville. In ascending a short grade Mr. Hires' automobile slipped and instead of going forward went backward, and Mr. Hires being full of resources de cided that if the machine was so food in going backward he would try it going that way up the hill. He backed down to the bottom of the grade and turned the machine around and started backwards up the hill. Unfortunately the machine took an other notion and refused to back up the hill, but ran forward down. Mr. Hires had to go to a farm house and get them out of bed and hire a team to pull them up the hill. Along In the wee small hours of the morning the party was seen making their w ay the best they could into South Bend, where they caught a train for Have lock. Mr. Hires, after he had rested up, hired a team at llavelock and went to South Bend and towed the machine home. The friends of Mr. Hires are surprised that he would buy a cheap machine, knowing he always wants the best there is to be had of everything. ' Burglars Near This City. Last Saturday afternoon, wnile the family were all away from home, f.ome bold thief broke the screen from a window at the residence of Julius Pitts, south of this city, and entered the house through a kitchen window, and rifled the house. The thief secured from Miss Pitts' trunk $30.00 in money, overlooking an other purse which contained $25.00 more, in another part of the house the burglar got two watches, four rings, a breast bin and Julius' shoes. No clue to the robber's Identity is in sight. Mr. Pitts was away from home thenshing, his sister and their little neice left the house about ten o'clock in the forenoon and did not return until about ten in the even ing. A stranger was seen in the neighborhood about twelve o'clock, and the same party was seen be tween Plattsmouth and Mr. Pitts' residence about two o'clock, and the supposition Is that this is the guilty party. If found the party can be Identified. Mr. Pitts made a trip to Omaha yesterday, but could get no trace of tho missing property. The county officers will have the matter In charge, and the probabilities are that the thief will be landed soon. In the Court, Ih the county court today Wllllap J. Streight was appointed administra tor of the estate of Mrs. Shera, the lady who was murdered at Rock Bluffs a few weeks ago. W. S. Shera was in court and informed the court of the nature and value of the estate. Mabel Oliver obtained a decree of divorce in the district court this morning in tho case of Mabel Oliver against Ceorgo W. Oliver. The grounds alleged in the petition were cruelty and desertion. William Dulles Dernier appeared for the plain tiff, who was in court personally with the witnesses. Mr. E. C. Tefft was al'lattsmouth visitor today looking after business matters in the district court. Judge Travis listened to the argu ments of attorneys oh a demurrer In the case of tho State of Nebraska against Noxon, a case where the de fendant skipped his bail and left his security to pay the bond, which Noxon forfeited. Clark and Robert son were for tho state, and I). O. Dwyer for the surety on the bond. Makes Another Trade. C. E. Haney, of Glenwood, Iowa, was In the city yesterday, and made a trade for the Bauer property In the west part of town, exchanging there for 35 1-2 acres of land west of Glenwood. The consideration being $4,437.50. Mr. Haney has proved quite a booster for Plattsmouth, this making the seventh trade he has made for property In this city. He evidently believes an investment in Plattsmouth property will bring forth good results. Mr. Haney is a hus tler, and ho mistake. GERMAN DAT . HAPPY WEDDING BELLS fill FOE JWOLII YOUNG PLATTSIUTH COIPLE Capital City is Host for the Meet- ing of German Alliance. The Gereman day at Lincoln, which will be held in the capital city Thursday, the 6th inst., is in remembrance of tho first German gmigrants under I'astorius, A. D., The National German Alli auce is not a political body, as the first paragraph of the constitution shows, the society only stands and works for the Americanizing Ger man self-conscloushess, furtherance and preservation of the German lan guage, the German customs and manners, recognition of the German merits, and for the whole prosper ity of a great and free nation. The program of the German day at Lin coln Is in short as follows: Wednesday, October 5th, business meeting of the delegates of the dif ferent German societies. Thursday, October 6th, business meeting In the forenoon. In the af ternoon, parade begins at 1st South of G street. In the capltol building addresses and songs will be held as follows: 1. Music. 2. Addresses by Hon. A. C. Shal lenberger, the governor. 3. Chorus of United German Singers Societies of Nebraska. (A) "Under the Double Eagle by Das DeutschLled." 4. Address by Mayor Don L. Love. 5. Music. 6. Address of Julius Moersch, of Minnesota. 7. Song by the Chorus (a) "Wenn die Schwalben Holmwert zieln;" (b) "Ewlz llbe Heipat." 8. Addresses: 1 Prof. Fossler, of the State University, theme. "German Culture;" 2 Rev. Allen boch, "The German School;" 3 Rev. Neuman, "The Ethical Influ ehm and Mission cf the German Nation." 9. Music. 10. Songs by the Chorus: (a) "Dcr Tag des Herrn;" b) "Er Evening Song." 11. Music. In the evening the guests are In vited by the different German socle tics of Lincoln. Duty of Parents. Now that the city schools have got ten Into thorough running order, wo must not forget that our chlldreh aro still our children and tho moro In terest we show In their school the more its efficiency Is increased. There Is no teacher worthy of the name who is not pleased with tho Judicious ad vice and assistance and Fympatby from tho parents. Tho gulf is loo wide between the home and the school, and the more we help to bridge It over the more wo are Improving not only our own children, but the gen eral tone of the school. If the chil dren see that the parents appreciate their teacher, they aro much more apt to appreciate her themselves, lend cheerful and willing obedience to her wishes, and have a certain pride in tho success of the school. Death or Mis. Ilmkiiis. Mrs. Henry Huckins, aped forty eight, died at her home at Eigh teenth and O streets at fi a. p. Sun day. Mrs. Huckins has been afflicted with tuberculosis. Mrs. Huckins, whose maiden name was Olllo Golds berry, came to Nebraska in 1872 ahd settled with her parents in Nebraska City, attending school there. Later she graduated from tho Peru nor mal. She has lived in Lincoln for over twenty years. In April, 1904, she married Mr. Huckins. She leaves a daughter, Venus Jones, by a former marriage, and an aged father, whoso home Is Ih Omaha Lincoln News. Operated On Today. From Tiiosdny's Dully Virgil Mullis was a passenger to Omaha on the morning train today, where he visited St. Joseph's hospi tal, to be present while his wife un dergoes an operation for appendicitis. The operation was to have been per formed some days ago, but tho doc tors discovered an abcess which had to be given time to heal beforo the operation for appendicitis could bo undertaken. C. M. Manners and wife and chil dren, Harold and Josephine, visited the Omaha carnival this afternoon. Mr. Philip Rhin and Miss Minnie Fry are United in the Holy Bonds of Wedlock at Home of Bride's Parents. From Vednenduy" Daily. At the residence of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fry, just north of this city today, at ulgh noon, occurred tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Minnie, to Mr. Philip Rhin, the popular young clerk at E. G. Dovey & Son's store. Tho wed ding was witnessed by the relatives and a few friends of the contracting parties. Tho ceremony was per formed by Rev. W. T. Ratcllffo, of the Christian church, and consisted of the beautiful ring for in of service and was very impressive. Arthur Evans, of Glenwood, was best man and Miss Pearl O'Nell, of Glenwood, was bridesmaid. The bride wore a beautiful white messl line silk, and the bride's maid, a blue silk. The decorations throughout the parlors and dining room were white and green. After th eceremony and congratu lations of tho happy couple, a sump He So States in a Speech at Lincoln Monday Night. The following is a report of a re publican meeting held in Lincoln last Monday evening, at which William Hayward, republican candidate for congress, addressed seventy-five members of the Union Veterans' Re bublican club: "William Hayward. first district republican congressional candidate, and candidates on the state and local tickets, addressed seventy-live mem bers of the Union Veterans' Republi can club at G. A. R. hall last even ing. Expressions of endorsement of republican policies, office-holders, and candidates were given vigorous applause, Senator Burkett coming In for a largo share of attention. Reso lutions favoring tho republican can didates were pnssed. President Win. Gilford presided. "Candidate Haywara rnmo out em phatically In endorsement of the Taft administration, characterizing Taft as the "best progressive of them all." In this sentiment he was backed by Grant Martin, nominee for attorney general, who gave a de tailed review of what he considered the salient accomplishments of the republican party in Nebraska, and In tho nation during the past four years. "Mr. Hayward declared that In his trip of last week through the First district he found the people thor oughly loyal, none trailing after strange gods, lie found them be lieving In Theodore Roosevelt, Presi dent Taft and Senator Burkett. No dime novel hero was thel" choice for governor of tho state. Mr. Hayward thought it strange that the most abused congress of recent years should be that of the past session, which enacted more progressive leg islation than any fivo congresses In the history of the nation. In support, ot this statement ho analyzed the postal savings bank law and called attention to tho passago of a rall load bill in which sixteen of tho nineteen recommendations of Presi dent Taft wero embodied exactly as written by tho executive office. He declared his belief that the only ulti mate fair solution of the tariff ques tion would be by the action of a non-partisan commission, the begin ning of which was authorized by tho l ayne-Aldrh h law. Slock and (.'rain l'nmi for Sule. 222 acres 1 '4 miles east of Mur ray and 7 miles south of Plattsmouth. Good five room houso with excellent stone cellar. Good $1,000 bnrn, and other out buildings. Threo good, living springs, one right at the house, and everything comfortably situated. Will be sold for $110 per acre, one half down, and balance to suit pur chasers at 8 per cent. Call or ad dress me at Murray, Neb. U I in F. M. Young. tuous wedding dinner was served, prior to taking a hack for the Bur lington station. Mr. and Mrs. Rhin departed at 1:58 for Omaha, and from thence they expected to go to St. Louis and Illinois to visit rela tives for a month, and they will be at home after November 1st In Platts mouth. These popular young people are well known In this city. The bride being the beautiful and accom plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fry, and has lived In Platts mouth most of her life, having been an attendant at tho public schools In this city. Mr. Rhin Is an active young business man of Plattsmouth, having been employed for a long time In the grocery department of E. G. Dovey & Son's store, where ho has made many friends by his honorablo bearing and gentlemanly treatment of customers of the store. The Jour nal wishes Mr. and Mrs. Rhin a long and prosperous career of doubte blessedness. PLANS TO IMPROVE THE MISSOURI RIVER Claude F. Anderson, of Pacific Junction, desires tho names ot all land holders o rothers along tho Mis souri river who desire to go to Omaha next Monday, Oct. 10, to at tend an important meeting that has to do with the Improving of the Mis souri river. The plan lif to attend In a body and you should let Mr. An derson know at once. It Is a good move and should Interest every bot tom farmer. As large an attendance As possible is desired. Spiaklng of the meeting, the World-Herald says: "Cable and sand methods of im proving the Missouri river, compell ing the stream to retain its channel with sufficient water in it to insure safe navigation, will doubtless bo given a trial between Omaha and Plattsmouth following a meeting of the board of engineers to bo held In Omaha, Oc tober 10. "Major Schulz of the engineering corps has given notice of this meet ing and Invited all parties to bo i present or send any communications they desire on the plan proposed. 'Those who will attend are Major Charles KeKller, Major M. L. Walker and Major E. 11. Schulz, all of tho United States army corps of engi neers. The official (all for tho meet ing recites that It Is for the purposo of 'considering and reporting upon cable and sand methods of river im provement with a view to trial be tween Omaha and the mouth of the Platte river.' This Is believed to be the first step toward practical Improvement of the. stream." Glenwood Tribune. Doings on Clio Mlxsoini Paciiic. Atchison Globe: Dick Smlthsen, who has been In the employ of the Mis souri Pacific many years, does not be lieve the Missouri Pac ific will do any thing to hurt Atchison. "The com pany may move a few crews to Falls City, but not enough to hurt," said Mr. Smlthen. "Tho company needs a big round houso at Falls City. Every railroad man knows that Auburn needs a new round house and the Im provements at Falls City will take the place of a new round house, at Auburn. The engineers all over tho west are preparing to ask tho rail roads for overtime when they work over eight hours. If this rule Is adopted, It will shorten the runs, and undoubtedly result In more crews be ing stationed in Atchison. I cannot see where Atchison is to be injured by tho Missouri Pacific. Five years from now I believe there will bo more Missouri Pacific employes living In Atchison than there aro at present." Thirty Days and Cot. From Wednesday'! Dnlly. Chief of police, Cam Seybert, of LotilBvllle, came to tho county Beat today to bring Will Glrard, who had been beforo Judge Lewis, ot Louis ville, for drunkenness, and given thirty days and costs. Thus it la we sometimes get tho undesirable citizens of other municipalities.