Murray Department Children Cry for Fletcher's HIEPARKD IN THE INTEKESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY ANI VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. n? fa s d i in V8 icial erent or an item of interest in this vicinity and nill mail name to this oji-t it rH appear under thi heading If any of Vie ixwhr of the Journal know of a c We icant all items of inttruit. Editor Journal A Ji 5 DC DC Pi The ank Accouni- n Ii the first step toward success and for tune. Protects your family in emergencies. Educatts your children. Makes you independent. Gives you standing in the community. It is a valuable aid in any enterprise undertaken anywhere by anybody under any condition. If you do not have a bank account, let us suggest that you start one with us amediately. Murray State Bank n ' MURRAY, NEBRASKA U3 DC DC TJ S. O. Pitman was In Omaha Tues day on business. Mac Churchill and wife took In the show at Omaha Thursday. Isabella Young made a business trip to Plattsmouth Wednesday. Mrs. Adda Stokes and Mrs. O. A. Davis were shopping In Omaha Tues day. Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Fay Old ham were Plattsmouth visitors Tues day. He sure and attend the entertain ment at the Christian church Octo ber 8. Jeff Brendel and Wm. Seybolt at tended the show la Omaha last Thursday. ' ' Hear Mrs. Mllllnger Saturday evening, October 8, at the Christian church. ' Will Smith was a Plattsmouth visitor Sunday, having some dental Tvork done. Mrs. Seward of Chicago, is visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Mlnford this week. Don't miss the supper, and aluo the dinner, at the Presbyterian church, Friday, September 30. Albert Young, who has been visit ing his brother, Dal, at Beach, N. D., returned home Thursday. Mrs. Lester returned to Lincoln Monday, after several days' visit with Mrs. James Loughrldge. Mrs. A. L. Baker was an Omaha visitor Wednesday, going via the Bur lington from Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis departed for Coleridge, Neb., Monday, to visit friends and see the country. Bo sure and come over for dinner and supper at the Presbyterian church Friday, September 30. Frank Schllchtenieler, of Nehawka, shipped a carload of hogs to the youth Omaha market Tuesday. Mrs. Lute Renn'urd, who had the misfortune to fracture Iter limb three weeks ago, is now able to be up. Charles Sans, who resides near Rock Bluffs, was a passenger to Ne braska City Sunday morning, return ing In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter were Vlattsmouth visitors Tuesday, going up to look after some business mat ters. Jack Frost made his first appear ance here Monday night. But little, If any, damage was done to vegeta tion. Anderson, the borso buyer from raclflc Junction, was in Murray last week buying up some of our best 1 mules. Dr. A. E. Walker ran down from Oakland, Nebraska, for a few hours Monday, returning on tho evening train to Omaha. Mr. J. A. Walker returned from Ot tumwa, Iowa, Monday evening, after a few days' visit with his cousin, Thomas Walker. Mrs. James Allison was a business lsltor In Plattsmouth Monday. Mrs. Allison Is arranging to spend the winter In Oklahoma. Mrs. Ada Keenun and (laughter, of Omaha, came down to Murray Tues day morning for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W. Holmes and family, L. H. Oldham lins been appointed by (iovernor Shnllciibergor as a tlele- vato to the Farmers' National Con gress at Lincoln,' October C. Charles Roedcker returned from New Mexico Monday, whero he 1ns been for the past ten days. The country looks fine in that state and he was very highly pleased with what he saw. Miss Ida, who accompanied her father, decided to remain for a few weeks longer. Geo. Cook, Murray for fine buggies Oscar McDonald and wife of Mur dock, returned home after a week's visit with his mother and other friends in Murray and vicinity. You want a new buggp? If you want the best for the least money call on George Cook. Dr. 0. H. Gllmore and W. J. Phil pot made a business trip to Omaha Tuesday morning, (returning by the way of the B. & M. to Plattsmouth. Dr. G MAPLE (iUOVE. (Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Ioulo Puis and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hill left last Tuesday with Louie's Maxwell car for Hayes Center, Nebraska, for a week's visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. August Engelkemeir left Saturday for Stanton, Nebraska, with their Overland car, for a few days' visit with relatives. Quite a number from this section attended the Woodman picnic at Weeping Water, Saturday. Herman Beck made a flying trip to Nehawka Sunday with his fine Rich mond automobile. Quite a number of friends and rel atives spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hild. Mr. and Mrs. C'has. Herren spent Sunday at the home of Will Rentier. If jou want a farmer to represent you in the next legislature, vote for W. H. Puis, and if elected, he will stand by the common, every-day peo ple first, last and all the time. "Hay making while the sun shines," is now the order of the day In this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis made a trip to the county seat Saturday. Herman Beck and W. H. Puis made a trip to Elmwood Monday with Mr. Beck's Richmond car. Sam Pitman, of Murray, passed through our city Tuesday on a busi ness trip. Rev. Spiegel is hauling corn to our great cattle feeder, John Young. Johnnie Engelkemeir made a trip to Murray Tuesday. Cameron Cathey left Tuesday for a few days at Lincoln to make ar rangements to attend the State University. (I Danish Paleix-. Paleness is always a sign of a sick ness. The blood lacks the necessary amount of red corpuscles, because food is not thoroughly assimilated. This poverty of blood leads to a great loss of strength and energy and will become very serious if left with out treatment. The best blood-bulld-er and strengthener is Triner's H. Gllmore has had the American Elixir of Bitter Wine, made Birch light system of acteylene lights of pure richi rea wine and medicinal Installed in his home. This style of herb8 of great value Red wine itself light is the most efficient of any now enrlcne8 the blood, but its comblna- In Use. fin tilth thou horha Increases its Dr. Newell, the genial dentist from efficiency. In every sickness having Union, filled his regular appointment for jt8 Bymptoms paleness, decreased Here Tuesday. The doctor Is well a(petite. weakness of the body and pleased at the patronage received at ronBtant tired feeling, Triner's Ameri thls point. rnn Fiir of rjitter Wine usually has Mrs. Will Smith was in Omaha the be8t and quickest result. We Wednesday, going up on the early egpeciaiiy recommend it to pale and morning train, where she spent the 6cy ladles and to convalescents, day with friends, returning on the who ftre In need 0f new, pure and midnight train. rlrh blood. At drug stores. Jos. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody and son Triner. 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Joe, of Omaha, are spending the week Chicago, 111. with Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gllmore. ' Mrs. Moody Is a daughter of Mr. Delightfully Entertained. Joseph Campbell, well-known to Cass Mrs. Wm. Sporer entertained a county people large number of friends Saturday af- Mrs. James Loughrldge was chosen ternoon, at her home, north of town, as a delegate to the Sunday School Cards were passed and the guests convention at Greenwood, and left asked to write as many words as for that place Wednesday on the possible, using the letters that are 10:25 train. found in the words "Kensington The finest line of Baggies in Cass Club." Mrs. Chas. Spangler won the couny at George Cook's. Call and ex- Prize, a beautiful Chinese nut bowl, amine our buggies and see how low we After numerous other amusements, a are selling them. five o'clock two-course supper was Mrs. Anna White and son Francis, served, which was pronounced by all departed for their home In Callfor- most delicious. The close of the af- nla last Thursday evening. Mrs. ternoon came only too soon, and the White had expected to spend a month guests departed feeling that they had more in Nebraska, but the illness of been most royally entertained. her husband called her home. Those who were fortunate in being .tnhn n..rmn n., f tha .innmnf. numbered among Mrs. Sponer's eond friends from near NVhawka. guests on this most enjoyable occa- in iho oiiv T,.n,!n n,i nf rn.,r.a slon were: MeBaames nerger, var ni,i th in.,ri . ,,iUBnnt mil. John roll. McDonald. Allison. A. L. Baker, is one of those good old Virginia boys CooK- lA' ,e" 1 , , ' ' nH la oluiv. . ,!, v l,.nn,a via. J. W. HOimeS, (. nas. PUBUB.f.. niu,u ur ih inm0t ,noHar.or. Gapcn, Jeff Brendel, Geo.- Rhoden, TIE SWEETEST GIRL III DIXIE" The Popular and One of the Finest Plays Ever Presented at the Parmele. A very fair aidlence was present at the Parmele last night to witness the rendition of "There and Back," by the Willie m Grew Stock company. It was a ' ery funny comedy, and kept the audience in a roar of laugh ter from the time the cui tains arose lor each act until it was dropped. One evidence of the satisfaction given by this company is the fact that there Is no getting up and going out between acts, the audience being well entertained by some special act dur ing the change of scenery. Some of the people of Plattsmouth, and espe cially those who delight in witness ing good acting, are missing some of the best comedies that were ever given to the amusement loving peo ple of our city. The plays that have been presented in the past three nights are all that could possibly be desired, and worthy of a much larger patronage than they Lave received. Tonight the company will present "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie." This is a play that should be seen by all the young people, especially, and by parents, as well. The scene is laid in the south, and all know that some of the most Interesting plays pre sented in this age, emanate from the "Sunny South." "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" as the name would indicate, is a love story, with a fine moral, and this is one good reason why it should be seen, not only by the parents, but the sons and daughters, also. And the admission prices are so low as to enable all to attend, even the whole family. Be sure and be at the Parm ele tonight. The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which Las been lu uo for over 30 years, has borne tho signature cf - and lias been matfo under 1.!j pcr- jtJ&J!'2f sonal supervision since its lafanev. WctffV 4,icJitM juiow ,10 ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Just-as-good' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Casiorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Xa rootle substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays reverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlngf Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.' It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, ghir.? healthy and natural sleep. The Children Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of 3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use' For Over 30 Years THC CCNTAUN COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRCtT, NEW YORK CITY. WHAT ABOUT 24 HOUR ELECTRIC SERVICE DEEDS, NOT WORDS I Remember the name (and take no other. Doan's Plattsmouth People Have" Abso lute Proof of Deeds at Home. 2 It's not words, but deeds that prove true merit. The deeds of Doan'a Kidney Pills, For Plattsmouth kidney sufferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies in the testimony of Plattsmouth people who have been cured to sLay cured. Hermann TIekoetter, Ninth and Day streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 never used a medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's The Nebraska Lighting company Kidney Pills. My kidneys were dis- are contemplating putting ia a twen-1 ordered and there was a dull,, tired ty-four hour elertric service about ache across the small of my back that the first of the coming month, if the distressed me a great deal. If I needs of the cuy are su'JlcieEt to stooped, my back pained me severely Justify them in so doing. There and in the morning when I arose, I seems to be a demand In some de- felt as tired as when I went to bed. partments of the city for the Increase Hearing Doan's kidney Pills highly in the running hours, and the com- praised, I procured a box at Gering & pany would like to hear from the Co's Drug Store and it did not take people in general along this line, them long' before I was entirely re- especlally those who think they might lieved." (Statement given June 8, need the power from twelve o'clock 19 06.) untu nve, wnicn nours me piam is 0n nC(,mber 29. 1908. Mr. Tlek- Thls proposition oetter 8ald: ..T cheerfully confirm my former endorsement of Doan's I have had no trouble now closed down is left with the consumer, as the com pany are ready and willing to do all Kidney Pills In their power to please their patrons, from my icidneya since this remedy and all they ask Is an expression cure(t me from the public in this direction. If Son feel interested in this matter For sale by all dealers. Price 50 rents FYisrer-Mllhiirn rn . KtiffnlfV p ease can me company omce au New Yorki SQie agent3 for the United give mem jour views, anu wneiuer or not you will have use for the power between the hours of midnight and ve o'clock in the morning. Levi Single and wife, who have W. C. Drown, James Loughrldge, A i.nn v..i,.,,w f, ,inv. ( ur. Kennedy. Chas. Perry. Misses Fay .u . .... niithnm. Marble Walker, Truda uiKion, iNcorasKa, me guems 01 sirs. - - Slaglo's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank nB- BUU i,,,0 v " Hordman, returned home Tuesday While pacing through the county Stock and Orain Fawn for Sale. sent Mr. Slagle called at the Journal 222 acres Hi miles east of Mur office for a brief visit with us and In ray and 7 miles south of riattsmouth conversation with him ho tells us Good five room house with excellent that Mr. Uordman and all Cans county Utone cellar. Good $1,000 barn, and people in that section are doing well, other out buildings. Three good and that their crops this year look living springs, one right at the house much better than In old Cass, lie and everything comfortably situated likes tho country very much. While will be sold for $110 per acre, one here Mr. Single renewed his paper for another year. I.iilei'tiiiiiiiii'iit ut Murray. Miss Grace Mllllnger, with local talent, will give an entertainment at the Chrlhtlan church Saturday even ing, October 8, for the benefit of tho RtutHhlno ltmid. beginning at 8:15. He mire you attend. ' . For Sale! A number of 1 Miroc beam with peiliciee." I( H. Oldham. half down, and balance to suit pur chasers at 6 per cent. Call or ad dress me at Murray, Neb. F. M. Young Dr. Newell, Dentist. Murray every Tuesday from 8 a m.. to 5 n. m. AH kinds of first clans dental work. Satisfaction guar anteed. FOR SALE-Pedigreed Duroo-Jer ey mole pltf. V. E Perry. Mynard, Neb States Death of Little Child. Mamie Evelyn, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Rakes, residing east of Union, died Wednesday, Sep tember 14, 1910. The funeral was held at the residence Thursday. Lit tle Mamie was born May 4, 1910. The cause of her death was the closing of the open place on top of her head. She received the best of medical at tention, but it was impossible to save the little one. Mr. and Mrs. Rakes have the sympathy of their friends in their sad hour of bereavement over the loss of their little darling. Card of Thanks. To the many friends and neigh bors, who so kindly assisted us dur ing our recent sad bereavement, we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rakes. For Sale For Thirty Days. My residence on Seventh St. and Washington Ave. Seven-room house, modern, except heat, newly papered and painted. Cement walks and cel lar. Also a piano for sale at reason able price. For price and terms, see Mrs. Bertha Todd at residence. 9-27-tfd&w. Mrs. Sol Adamson. Pits For Sal. I have a number of spring- male Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale. N. Klaurenr. For Sale! One Duroc Jersey male hog with pedigree. , D. A. Young. Have you ever used the ceieDrated Forest Rose" flour? Try it when you buy the next sack. At all lead ing dealers. DC At The Christian Church.. Pastor A. L. Hill will begin a series of sermons on "How God Prepared for Christ." The first entitled, "The Making and Unmaking," will be given next Sunday evening. A large canvas chart will be used to Illustrate the theme. The morning sermon will be "The Girl that left Home." PE!M, SAL E5 OF For Sale If taken quick, 640 acres of grazing land, 50 acres cultivated, 240 fenced, sod house, cemented in side and out, well, windmill, grove, barn, granary. About 100 acres val ley, balance hilly and rough, but good grazing, all situated in Garfield coun ty, Neb. Price $3.00 per acre. A snap. Windham Investment & Loan Co., riattsmouth, Neb. We have some sizes, mostly 6 and 7 in Hand j Sewed Boots for men. They are worth $5.00 and $6.00 a pair. We have them on the bargain table at Use "Forest Rose" Hour if you want the best results in making good bread. Try a sack and you will buy no other. For sale by all leading dealers. The Ladles' Aid society and the Missionary society which met togeth er at the charming home of Mrs. F. II. Stelmker yesterday afternoon, wns very largely attended and was a very enjoyable meet. During the after noon , most deltctou luncheon .was anrv.ol 111' tllO llOStCRS. Which tllO lr.tMcs found delightfully appetizing. Also some heavy shoes at a great bargain, in and look them over. Come Gait? llM M".w!ii"'j SB