The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 29, 1910, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth - Journal
t i Published Semi-Weekly a! Plattsmouth, Nebraska r
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflke at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
ii:m(mk.tic th'Kkt.
Tor l iiilcd Stair Hcnutor
Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
1'or (Joveriior
James C. Dahlnian.
Meiilenant (Jovcinor
Itatph A. Clark.
KoriHary of State
Charles W. Pool.
Auditor of Public AciountH
Thomas J. Hewitt.
Stato TreuMiiei
George K. Hull.
HiiH'i'iiit'iili'iit of SiIkmiIi
William It. Jackson.
Attorney (cucial
C. II. Whitney.
CoiiiiiilMloiH-r of Public I.aiuN
William U. Eastman.
Hallway CoimtilNsloiier
Ilcn II. Hayden.
Tor Congressman l'irt 1 In1 ilct
John A. Magulre.
IIopreMcntatlve Eighth DlMilct
M. A. Dates.
1'or Senator -Fourth 11( 1 1( t
William II. Ilannlng.
For Itrprm'ntativcH-Sevoiith District
C. E. Motnaor; W. II. Puis.
For County CotnitiMMlonc r
Charles It. Jordan.
And Taft. What of him?
And Itoosovelt! Why he's
"whole cheese" now.
Old Joe Cannon he has a standing
order from the wholo bunch to "go
away back and sit down!"
A "unique defense" la promised at
the trial of the boef trust cases In
Chicago. Going to plead Innocent?
A Id rich and Ualllnger are still con
templating what will become of them.
It ought to be Imprisonment for life
tor causing all this trouble.
Speaker Cannon's declaration that
the Payne-AMrlch tariff "needs no
defense" Is hardly borne out by the
election returns.
Durkett "Slippery Elmer" poor
fellow, he Is trying awful hard to
convince the people that he did not
mean to do wrong, but Aldrlch told
lilm to do It.
? :o:
What boots It tf a working man got
11.00 a day In 1896 and could buy
ten pounds of meat and gets 1 2 a
day now and can buy only ten pounds
of meat. Is he any better oft? And
that Is the condition that confronts
him now.
The Democrats of the state seem
to bo united In their support of ev
ery candidate on the ticket, except
Dahlman. Why those Democrats who
are opposed to Dahlman can support
Aldrlch, we can't understand, after
learning his record.
Tturkctt's only hope of re-election
la through the local option question.
He thinks that question will blind the
peoplo as to the Iniquities of the tar
Iff 1)111, for which he voted, that he
might again "pull the wool over the
eyes of the people."
The whole fight Is being made on
Jim Dahlman. The under dog always
had the sympathy of the lookers-on.
Jlra keeps right on sawing wood, and
when tho votes are counted out on
the Sth of November, it will be
found that the under dog In the fight
comes out all right, after all.
The Springfield, (Mass.) Republl
t an throws up the sponge as folows
"In this crisis of Republicanism, the
logical result of the November dec
tlons should be sweeping, one might
Fny overwhelmingly, Democratic vie
torles. The Democrats, In nil their
history, never had brighter prospects
than they have today, If we are t
Judge them by the apparent demor
allzatlou of their opponents."
It may be added that there Is noth
ing la tlife election returns to cause
Senator Aldrlch to recouslder his de
termination not to he a candidate
again. Hut how about his reliable
side partner, E. J. fiurkejt, who was
always ready to comply with Aldrlch's
every demand upon him In voting up
on the schedules in the tariff bill
that the people now of his own state
complain of?
Senator Durkett should explain to
the fanners of NebraHka why he
voted against putting on the free list,
plows, harrows, reapers, harvesters,
mowers and other farm machinery.
Surely the International Harventcr
company, one of tho biggest trusts
we have, Is not an Infant Industry
needing protection. The stockholders
of this company are the same
who form the "Standard Oil Group."
nut they must be protected. Every
Democrat voted to put these articles
on the free list and only three out
of forty-eight Republicans voted with
the Democrats. Nebraska's represen
tatives In the senate, both Durkett
and Drown, voted to "protect" the
Infants of the Harvester trust and
the Standard Oil company.
The Lincoln Star, an Independent
Republican paper, In speaking of Bry
an's letter refusing to support Mr.
Dahlman for governor, says: "As to
the 8 o'clock law Mr. Dahlman has
said that, while that law la not satis
factory to all the communities In the
state, he will not, If elected, recom
mend to the legislature that It be re
pealed, although he will sign a bill
repealing It should such a bill be
passed. In view of that statement,
It does not at all follow that the elec
tion of Dahlman would be a declara
tion against the 8 o'clock law, no
more than would the election of Mr.
Shallenborger have been a declara
tion In favor of county option. The
attitude of Governor Shallenberger
toward a county option bill was ex
actly that of Mayor Dahlman toward
a possible bill repealing the 8 o'clock
closing law, so far as the public dec
larations of these two gentlemen are
Holt County Independent: You
have always noticed that the Repub
licans will pretend to fight among
themselves for a time after the nomi
nations are made. This you will no
tice is for effect only. In a very
short time they swallow their Ire and
get together and vote their ticket
There Is hardly a Republican of any
prominence In Holt county that Is
satisfied with Mr. Aldrlch as a can
didate for governor, but even now,
they are "whooping It up," for him
and will vote almost as a unit for
him in November. The Republicans
are very busy now "shooting It Into"
the Democrats who are dissatisfied
and trying to make them sore. Their
purpose Is clear. They want to elect
Aldrlch and get the machine that
they may control the means to "oil
the cogs" In the political campaigns
to come. Aldrlch Is not a reformer
of any consequence and has not the
ability to be one. so in voting for
Aldrlch you gain nothing and you and
your party and the people are all
losers. Stay with your ticket!
The worst abused man lo Nebras
ka today is James C. Dahlman, Dem
ocratlc candidate for governor. He
Is misquoted by his enemies In order
to carry a point. Whatever may be
said In reference to our candidate
for governor no one can say he Is a
hypocrite and that he Is not honest
Here Is one of his statements upon
matters of which he has been thor
oughly misquoted:
"I was opposed to the daylight
saloon law at the time of Its passage
as a dental of the right of home rule
and local self government. I think
now exactly a 1 dIJ then. I am
Der.onat, however, and I stand on
my platform. If any effort should
be made in the legislature to repeal
this law, I should lend It not the
slightest encouragement or support,
either personally or officially. I
shall Instigate no such effort myself.
I realize that this law has given sat
isfaction In many communities, al
though it has failed to give satisfac
tion in others. I think that any ef
fort to repeal It at this time would
he Inopportune and unwise, In view
of the more important questions that
confront us. If, however, the legis
lature should, of its own motion and
without any assistance on my part,
repeal this law, I would sign the bill
repealing It."
Mayor Dahlman stands for the
strict enforcement of the laws, In
cluding the daylight saloon law, and
It is for that reason he is opposed to
county and state prohibition. He
announces his approval of the plank
referring to the Initiative and refer
endum and he states emphatically
that he is opposed to the acceptance
of campaign contributions "from rail
roads, corporations, trusts, breweries,
distilleries or saloons," for any pur
pose whatsoever.
Johnstown Democrat: When a wo
man purchases $10 worth of woolen
dress goods, $4.87 represents the
value of the goods and $5.13 the
amount of the tariff.
This Is because of the Taft-Aldrich
ad valorem tariff of 105 per cent.
Or, in other words, on each $1 worth
of woolen dress goods Imported, the
Taft-Aldrich law levies a tax of $1.05.
The consumer must pay the $1 value
and the $1.05 tariff, or $2.05 for one
dollar's worth of goods.
This is but one of a thousand il
lustrations that could be submitted to
show how the tariff affects the cost
of living.
Here Is another Illustration Tor the
tariff arithmetic class, which is com
posed of some 90,000,000 American
consumers, all of whom are more or
less dissatisfied with the awful in
crease in prices:
A suit of clothes having an Import
price of $10 and which costs an Eng
lishman $10 when ready to put on,
all wool and tailor made, pays at the
custom house an ad valorem tariff of
80 per cent, or $8, disregarding
transportation and retail profits.
Another comparison: An English
woman carpeting a room 10 feet
square with ingrain carpet, two ply,
would require thirty-six yards at a
dollar a yard flat, or would pay $36.
An American woman using the same
carpet would pay $23.76 tariff at the
custom house, which would make the
carpet cost her $59.76.
The following table shows a num
ber of common articles of consump
tion, the ad valorem tariff rate under
the new Republican tariff law, the
real value of the article and the tar
iff additions on a basis of $10 pur
chases: Amount of tariff rate Real Tariff.
Sugar. 60.80 per cent. .$6.00 $3.75
Glassware, 60 per cent. 6.25 3.75
Window glass, 84 per
cent 5.43 4.75
Soap, 46 per cent 6.84 3.16
Machinery, 45 per cent. 6.89 3.11
Tinware. 45 per cent.. 6. 89 3.11
Metal tools, 45 per cent. 6.89 3 11
Stockings, $1 dozen, 88
per cent 5.31 4.69
Shirts, 60 per cent.... 6.25 3.75
Dlankets. 107 per cent. 4.83 5.17
Flannels, 40c a yard,
144 per cent 4.09 5.91
A little study of this table by the
housewives of Plattsmouth might
help them to figure out why the
cost of living is so high. It tells an
eloquent story, and it is absolutely
Aldrlch! What of him? Has Ald
rlch a record? Well, what is It?
Good, bad or Indlferent? Was not
county option as much of a moral
Issue when he voted against It as It
Is now?
Neither the Hastings Tribune or
Grand Island Independent, both lead
Ing republican papers of Nebraska
have not fallen Into lino In support
I Ing Chester II. Aldrtih for governor,
i Perhaps they are too well acquaint-
ed with that gentleman's past career.
From the desperate effort being
put forth by not only the republican
press, but also a few of the bolting
democratic papers, they evidently
think Jim Dahlman has an immense
following and that it is the hardest
Job they ever undertook to defeat
him, which it no doubt Is.
Durkett says the tariff bill Is all
right, Teddy says it Isn't, and Taft
acknowledges now that it "needs
fixing." Great minds will differ, and
the greatest of these is "Slippery
Elmer," according to his own estima
tion. The voters will change his
mind on the Sth of November.
non. liiiuert m. jutcncocK is a
man in whom the people have the
utmost confidence. If he is elected
United States senator Nebraska can
then boast of a representative in the
upper house of the national con
gress that will prove true, and one
that will look well to the Interests
of the people o! the state he repre
"I am a democrat, however, and I
stand on my platform. If any effort
should be made in the legislature to
repeal this law I should lend It not
the slightest encouragement or sup
port, either personally or officially.
I shall Instigate no such effort myself.
I realize that this law has given sat
isfaction In many communities,
though it has failed to give satisfac
tion in others. I think that any
effort to repeal It at this time would
be inopportune and unwise." James
C. Dahlman, Democratic Candidate
for Governor on the 8 o'clock closing
The attention of all democrats Is
called to a scheme which is now on
foot among the republican leaders to
a trade in politics, which if not
"nipped in the bud," may prove so
alluring that it will catch many of
them. These republican leaders,
well knowing that their candidate for
governor will not poll the full party
vote, have devised this scheme to
offer to trade their vote for Mr. Ald
rlch If the democrats to whom the
offer Is made, will vote for their can
didate for congress, thus distract
ing the democratic voter from nation
al issues, which are of vital import
ance In this congressional election. A
trade In politics Is a pernicious '
thing, and( usually redounds to the
discredit of the trader. So, beware,
Mr. Democrat, and don't be caught In
their net.
Champ Clark, the Missouri con
gressman, so well known all over the
United States as one of the ablest
men in Congress, said in a recent
speech, that if the democratic party
was intrusted with power the demo
cratic program would certainly in
clude: "First, a reduction of the tariff to
a revenue basis.
"Second, we would Increase our
trade by reciprocity treaties with for
eign nations, particularly with Cen
tral and South America and with
"Third, we should abolish all su
perfluous offices.
"Fourth, we would cut appropria
tions to the needs of the government
economically and effectively adminis
"Fifth, we would restore our mer
chant marine to its ancient com
manding position on the high seas
which democrats once gave to it.
"Sixth, we would submit a const!
tutional amendment providing for
the election of United States senators
by a popular vote. 1
"Seventh, we would strengthen
the anti-trust lawg and enforce them
In every feature, especially enforcing
the criminal part of them so ener
getically that the violators thereof
would cease their nefarious opera
tions. "Eighth, we would enact measures
providing for a real, comprehensive
conservation of our national re
sources. "Niuth. we would provide for the
Improvement of our vast system of
waterways on an adequate and com
Sept. 28th to 0ct. 8th, 1910
Tatiaij ntt,
Oct. 4
ridattdiy ligSt,
let. 5
Grand Miliary Maneuvers Everj Daj by I). S. Rigular Troops.
prehensive plan, so as to make it a
real and most valuable factor in our
commercial growth and prosperity.
"Tenth, we would set the nine com
mittees on expenditures in the nine
departments of the government to
work in earnest and industriously
discharging their duties by finding
out and exposing the extravagances
of the republicans, thereby digging
out the facts on which to base econ
omies." :o:
What do the temperance people of
Nebraska want with anything better
than the Slocumb law? It is certain
ly strict enough if enforced, and
If that law cannot be enforced, what
is the use of bothering with others
of the same nature? We believe in
letting well enough alone.
Senator Banning has hosts of
friends in all parties who will sup
port him for re-election, simply be
cause they know he is a man of good
Judgment and possesses the ability
to look well to the Interests of his
constituents. The voters of Cass
county know that he made good in
the last session and will do so again.
He was reared among the common
people and knows well their needs
in the shape of legislation.
John A. Magulre i3 serving his
first term in congress, and has soTar
given general satisfaction to all
classes of people, and will continue
in that line if granted another term.
He should be elected for the second
term anyway, especially when he has
done so well by his constituents. He
possesses all the qualities that his
opponent can possess, and then he
has had the experience of time that
the other fellow hasn't had.
This Is the wry the Beat.!-- fun
puts it: "Chester Aldrlch, republi
can candidate for governor, is one of
the fellows who is trying to make
campaign capital out of the fact that
he has become good and is on a cru
sade to make other people be good.
A man whose chief recommendation
is the fact that his past was so bad
that he has Been fit to renounce It
and begin new a few months before
announcing his candidacy, Isn't very
well recommended."
While it Is true that Mayor Dahl
man is not the first choice for gov
ernor of a good many democrats in
Nebraska, yet it is also true that in
turning from him there Is great dan
ger of defeating Congressman G. M.
Hitchcock for United States senator
and the loss is much greater than
loosing the governor to the demo-
consisting of Kitchen Cabinets, Extension Tables,
Kitchen Tables, Stand Tables, Buffets, China Closets,
Side Boards, Dressers and Comodes, Dining Room
Chairs. Rockers, Sates, Iron Beds, Matres and
Springs, Steel Couches, Carpets and Rugs, 15 gal
lons of paint and 10 Child's Go-Carts.
mow siae Main street,
FrtJir Uctt.
Oct. 1
Herman Grcodor,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly.
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
crats. No action should be taken
that will endanger the election of the
democratic representatives and sena
tors In ths state this fall and the
party ought to present an unbroken
front. We will win if we will han
together. The greatest good ought to
be the tert 'n casting our votes this
fall, and while It may be pviiUi to
defeat Dahlman, yet such ac;lon will
endanger the legislative ticket and
also the chances ot Hitchcock for
United Urates S3nator. yaplllion
Little Girl Will Be Cared For.
Mrs. Carter's sister will arrive
here tomorrow morning from To
peka, Kansas, to take charge of the
little girl, which is left here with the
Wm. Grew Company. The little girl's
aunt will care for her for the present.
Should Mrs. Carter's wounds result
fatally, it is likely the father of the
little one will claim her, as he has
been anxious to get the custody of
his daughter for some time. Mr.
Carter is on the road as manager of
a company playing In Oklahoma, and
at Oklahoma City at this time.
Luke Wiles, the polled cattle
breeder, spent the afternoon in the
metropolis, where he was called on
LI 5-
k o as
Applied InU (h nettril
is quickly absorbed.
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects tha
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
It is easy to use. Contains no injurious
drugs. No mercury, no cocaine, no mor
phine. The household remedy.
Price, 60 cents at Druggists or by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wirrtn St., New York.
Out Sale!
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Umtn Marcocs,
Oct. I