The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1910, Image 7

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Commodity Tails Will B3 In
quired Into Oct. 10.
Rates on Grain From Iowa and
Adjoining States to Southern Points
Are Held Up Pending Inquiry Into
Reasonableness Commissioners Lis
ten to Testimony of Smaller Roads.
Washington, Sept. 24. Certain im
portant commodity tariffs filed witn
the interstate commerce commission
by western and northwestern railroads
are to be Inquired into by the com
mission and their reasonableness ot
unreasonableness determine! before
definite action Is taken by the com
mission respecting them. An inquiry
into proposed advances of grain rates
from points in North Dakota aud
South Dakota to St. Paul and Chicago
will be held at Aberdeen, S. D., ou
Oct. 10.
Advances in rates on flaxseed and
flaxseed products from St. Paul, Min
neapolis and Missouri river transfer
points to Duluth, Minn., and Superior,
Wis., will be investigated at St. Paul
on Oct. 13.
At Kansas City, Mo., on Oct. 5, a
hearing will be held as to the reason
ableness of recent advances on cement
made by certain railroads.
More Kates Suspended.
An order was issued by the com
mission suspending proposed advances
In grain rates from points in Illinois,
Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska
and Minnesota, destined to stations in
other states along the line of the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Railway company. The commission
also suspended tariffs filed by the Mis
souri Pacific, St. Louis, Iron Mountain
and Southern and the Texas and Pa
cific, proposing advances in both class
and commodity rates of the carriers
Testimony of Smaller Roads.
Chicago, Sept. 24. Interstate com
merce commissioners listened to offl
cers of the Iowa Central and Minneap
olis and St. Louis Railroad companies,
which together operate only 1,600
miles of road, tell of the hardships
they had encountered.
William Bierd, general manager, told
the commissioneis they did little more
than local carry lag.
He disagreed with Counsel Ellis of
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
road when he said Increased business
did not add to the cost of operation
per unit
The proposed rate would yield $36,
000 per year to the Iowa Central, he
said. His road has a $300,000 surplus
after forty-five years operation.
Taft Goes to Washington.
Cincinnati. Sent. 24. President Tal't's
visit to Cincinnati ended this after
noon, when he left for Washington.
World Shipments for Week Placed si
15,000,000 Bushels.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Overshadowed
by a forecast of world shipments
reaching the huge total of 15,000,01.0
buEhels for seven days, the wheat mar
ket weakened this afternoon to the ex
tent of a net decline of :. Corn
closed unchanged to c lower and
oats unchanged to a loss of Vic. Pro
visions were evenly poised at the fin
Ish, 10c below last night's figures to
10c above. Closing prices:
Wheat Sept., 97e; Dec. fl-00.
Co-n Sept., 53' jc; Dec, 51-S.c.
Oats Sept., 33Ue; Pec, 34-sc.
Pork Sept., $19.00; Jan., $17.S0.
Lard Sept.; $12.47',!-; Jan., $10.63,
Ribs Sept., $11.60; Jan.; $9.50
Chicaeo Conn Prices No. 2 hard
wheat. 9(J;99:!ic; No. 2 corn, 54','jc;
No. 2 white oats, 33(g3a'ic.
Omaha Cash Prices.
Omaha. Sept. 23 Wheat Firm;
No. 2 hard. 9G:!icn$1.01V.; No. 3 hard,
94040 $1.00. Corn i!;ic higher
No. 2 white, 50-"-i51'4c; No. 3 white
50 50"4c. Oats Vift'jc higher; No,
3 white, 31'4(g31!)ic; No. 3 yellow
31 ft 31' ic.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Sept. 23. Cattle Re
celpts, 1,404 ; feeders slow end lower
beef steers, $3.637.23; cows and heif
ers, $3.00(&5.25; stockers and feeders,
$3.256 4.50; calves, $3.50(77 7.00. Ho;,-
Receipts, 1,200; 5ffil03 higher
there were few light hogs Included in
tlm run. JO. 13 buying best baron
welKhts: heavy hops sold nround $S.3
08.40. Sheep Receipts, 8.213; slow
and weak: strong weight lambs sold
around $'..25, bulk of good ewes nround
$3.50 and good wethers around C4.0).
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago. Sept. 23. Cattle Receipts,
2.000: steady; beeves, $4.90fj8.30
western steers, t4.40fft7.10: stockers
and feeders. S4.30(ft6.00: cows and
heifers, $2.2506.50; calves, $7,004
10.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000; 510c
higher; light, $9.10 9.50; mixed, $8.40
69.45: heavy, $8.259.30; rough
$8.258.45; plgB, $8.5009.40; bulk of
Mies, $8.6509.05. Sheep Receipts
15,000: steady; natives, $2.6504 40
wenlerMi. $4.7505.70; lambs, $5,250
G. A. R. Veterans
Use (toller Chairs
ft Annual Reunion.
Thoto bv mprlran Press Assoclallon.
Action on Controversy Over Lee's
Name Postponed Indefinite!;.
Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 24. After
a debate of over three hours, the an
nual encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic at its final session on
the steel pier, indefinitely postponed
action on the whole matter In relation
to the controversy over the placing of
the statue of Robert El Lee In Statu
ary hall in the capltol at Washington.
The vote was 133 to 102, a small total
compared with the vote of 887 cast
for commander In chief.
The encampment rejected the propo
sition that congress be asked to grant
each Union veteran of the civil war a
pension of $1 a day for life, but in
dorsed the McCumber bill, now in
congress, relating" to pensions of wid
ows. It was recommended that the
pensions for veterans Bixty-slx years
old be increased from $12 to $16 a
month; seventy years of age, from $15
to $20, and seventy-five years of age,
$20 to $25 a month.
Bosen Chosen President.
East St. Louis, 111., Sept. 24. The
National Association of Live Stock
Exchanges closed its annual conven
tion here to meet next year at Sioux
City, la. Sol M. Bosen of East Buf
falo was elected president. Other of
ficers are: Secretary, Frank Stryker,
Omaha, Neb.; treasurer, A. L. Dalley,
St. Joseph, Mo.
India's Sugar Yield Large.
Washington, Sept. 24. India Is now
one of the greatest sugar producing
countries In the world, Its output
amounting to four or five million tons
annually, according to Consul Dennl
son of Bombay.
General Charles R. Brayton, the
blind leader of the Rhode Island Re
publicans and the Rhode Island mem
ber of the national Republican com
mlttce, died at Providence.
Announcements of the meeting of
the Transinlssissippi Commercial con
gress are being scattered broadcast
through the country. It will be held
In San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 22 to 25.
There has been a rupture between
Colombia and Venezuela. The Vene
zuelan government telegraphed the
members of the Venezuelan legation
to leave Bogota and await instruc
tions at Panama.
The death rate in the United States
In 1909 was fifteen In each 1,000, ac
cording to a bulletin about to be Is
sued by the census bureau, and this
Is the lowest average ever recorded
for this country.
During target practice of the At
lantic fleet off the Virginia capes, one
of the big 12-Inch guns of the battle
ship Georgia hurst on the first range
shot. The muzzle Jacket was blown
off. The crew escaped Injury.
American League.
At Cleveland: It.H.E.
Cleveland 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 1 7 18 0
New York 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 7 0
Mitchell Smith ; Hughes-Mitchell.
Western League.
At Sioux City: R.II.E.
Lincoln 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 03 5 0
Sioux City 50030000 8 8 1
Fox Kruger; OToole-Mlller.
National League.
At New York: U.H.E.
Chicago 0 2 0 0020 004 8 2
New York 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 6 11 0
Cole-Kllng; Crandall-Myers.
At Philadelphia: R.H.E.
Philadelphia .. . .2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 0
Pittsburg '.. .0 0000000 11 4 J
Moren-Dooln; Ferry-Gibson.
At Boston: R.II.E.
Cincinnati: 6 00000 1 1 08 11 2
Boston 0000200002 7 2
Beebe-Clark; Frock-Rarlden.
At Brooklyn: R.H.E.
St. Louis .0 0 0 00 2 48 2 1
Brooklyn 0001 0012 I 1
Alberts Bresnahan; Burke-Bergen.
Peruvian Makes Trip Frcm Switz
erland to Italy.
After Completing Dangerous Part of
Trip, Gust of Wind Overturns Ma
chine Thirty Feet From Gound and
Aviator Is Buried " Wreckage.
American Fails In Trial.
Domodossola, Italy, Sept. 24. To
George Chavez, the Peruvian aviator,
belongs the honor of being the
to fly across the Alps.
The daring feat was accomplished
In an attempt to win the prize of $20,
000 offered by the Italian Aviation so
ciety of Milan, for a flight from
Switzerland, to Milan.
Chavez, however, was unable to
complete the trip, having sustained
painful injuries when he alighted hero.
His machine was overturned and he
was buried in the wreckage. At the
hospital to which he was removed the
phvsieians found that both of the avl
ator's legs were broken and that the
left thigh was fractured. Other parts
of the body revealed bad contusions
The general condition of the air man
however, is not considered grave.
Weather Is Excellent.
iThe weather for the competition
wns excel ent. cnavez goi away ai
29 o'clock and rose to a height estv
mated to be nearly 7.000 feet. He
passed over the mountain tops, clear
ing the summit of Simplon pass at
1:46. At that time his monoplane
was moving as steadily as a railroad
After negotiating Simplon pass,
Chavez followed the route over Gondo
gorge, one of the grandest and at the
same time one of the most savage of
the Alps. He reached there at 2:11
As the airman was seen slowly de
scending a great crowd gathered. Slow
and gracefully he neared the surface
and was about thirty feet above the
ground, when a gust of wind caught
and overturned the monoplane. It fell
heavily, carrying the aviator beneath
It. Chavez was pinned under the
motor and painfully hurt. He had
fainted on striking the ground and
was bleeding profusely when released
from the wreckage. The machine
was ruined.
But for the mishap in alighting
there la little doubt that he would have
successfully continued to the goal, a
the remainder of the course presents,
comparatively little difficulty.
There Is a general regret that fate,
which permitted him to make what
has been described as the most reck
less flight ever attempted, should have
dealt less kindly with him when he
had reached the zone of easy flying
and the prize was In sight
Weymann Turns Back.
The American aviator, Weymann.
also attempted the flight, leaving the
tableland at Brig at 1 o'clock. He de
scended after being In the air four
minutes. Two hours later he made an
other attempt to cross the Alps, but
was unable to reach the summit of
Simplon and turned hnck to Brig, land
ing twenty-seven minutes from the
time that he started.
With the exception of Chavez and
Weymnn, the aviators abandoned the
competition. The time limit ot the
contest expires todav.
George Robertson Is Injured on the
Long Island Motor Speedway.
Mlneola, N. Y Sept. 24. George
Robertson, the automobile driver, was
thrown from his automobile while tak
ing a trial spin on the Long Island
motor speedway. He was unconscious
when picked up nnd was rushed to a
Robertson wns going at an estimat
ed rate of seventy miles an hour In
the new Benz car which he was to
drive In the Vanderbllt cup race a
week from today and which he was
giving an Initial tryout. When he
struck the Mnssapequa curve, consid
ered the most dangerous In the course,
the car gave a jump, swerved from
the course and was completely over
turned. Robertson nnd Stephen Reyn
olds, a New York man whom he was
carrying as a passenger, were thrown
thirty feet or moro clear of the wreck
age. Both Robertson ami Reynolds were
unconscious when another enr came
along and they were picked up. Reyn
olds wns found to be suffering from
Internal Injuries.
Harvester Again Lowers Mark.
Columbus, O., Sept. 24. To the
track that for nine years held the
stallion trotting championship because
of the 2:02' mile by Cresceus, there
came hnck the title again when The
Harvester went a brilliant mllo In
2:01 flat, nnd thereby took a quarter
of a second off the time he made last
week at Syracuse.
Death of Samuel Waugh.
Lincoln, Sept. 24. Samuel Waugh,
formerly of Crete, died here at the
age of sixty-six years. He was a
prominent banker, a graduate of
Princeton snd from 1876 to 1880 vice
consul to Germany. He has lived in
Lincoln five years. A widow, three
oni and four daughters survive.
Commissioner Valentine Satisfied
With Conditions.
Omaha, Sept. 24. "The two things
upon which I would lay the greatest
stress are, first, the improvement ol
the physical health of the Indians In
every possible way, not only by the
cure of disease, but by Its prevention
and the building up cf strong Indians;
second, industrial and farming work
and day laboring. If we can accom
plish these two things we shall solve
the Indian problem, make the Indian
self supporting and self respecting
and fitted to be a taxpayer."
This was the statement of Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs Valentine,
when speaking of his impressions of
the Indian reservations he has visited
during the past two weeks. Accom
panied by Major James McLn ighltn,
Inspector of the department, he is
making his annual tour of the rest r n
tions. He expressed general satisfac
tion with the conditions he found nirf
taking the country over he said he
very much rncouraeed with the pro,-?
ress the Indians were making.
M Valentino emphasized the effort-'
being made to make farmers of tl.e
red men by having practical farmr
acquainted with local conditions, live
on the reservations.
Desperate Ercouatsr Takes
Flace al B lings, Hon.
Alliance, Neb., Sept. 24. A colored
porter named Franklin, employed by
the Burlington, ran amuck with a g.n
in Billings, Mont., with fatal result.
While drunk he went to sleep, during
which time he was relieved of $ii
cash. When he awoke and discovered
his loss he got a revolver and ran
around looking for the person who had
robbed him. As he was flashing the
gun In a dangerous fashion the sheriff
interfered, whereupon Franklin opened
fire on him, the bullet taking effect In
the left lung. The sheriff fired back
with fatal effect, shooting Franklin
through the heart. The negro's bul
let, however, was fatal also, and about
three hours later the sheriff died.
Forestry Department of Government
Busily Engaged Gathering Cones.
Deadwood, S. D., Sept. 24. No more
pine cones will be purchas'ed this year
In either the northern or southern dl
visions of the Black Hills national
forest. For several weeks past the
forestry force haib'een inspecting the
piles of cones brought in by men nnd
hoys who gathered them In the hlllt.
and sold them to the government at
73 cents a bushel.' In all about 25,001
bushels of cones were purchased In
the Black Hills. All the cones from
hero were shipped to Custer, where
the" were stored In ' a warehouse
where a high temperature was main
tained. This causes the cones to
spread and drop their seed, after
which a fanning mil' Is used to sep
arate the seed from the chaff. The
seeds thus secured will be distributed
by the government In the national
forests throughout the west, where
the yellow pine thrives and will b
planted next spring In reforestation
of burned areas.
Braves Electric Current and Shuts Oft
Meat Grinder as It Crushes Hand.
Pittsburg, Sept. 24. While an elec
trie meat crusher was grinding off the
hand of Raymond Gulll'oyle, aged fit
teen, Charles Iimpus, aged fourteen
Jumped on a butcher bench In the LMa
mond market and, tearing down the
high voltage wire at the peril of hie
own life, broke the circuit and stopped
the machinery. The wire swung ubout
the floor and sputtered like pieces of
fireworks until electricians arrived
Lompus escaped Injury.
Shot by Holdup Men.
Lincoln, Sept. 24 F. J. GarrlHon
employed by the Missouri Pac'flc as a
conch wiper, was Bhot because be ran
when highwaymen demanded him to
hand over his money. The bullet en
tered his mouth nnd passed out
through the left cheek. The holdup
occurred under the Tenth street via
duct. Garrison was on his way to
tho depot from the roundhouse when he
was accosted by two men and ordered
to throw up his hands. Inntead he
ran down the track.
Vannutelll Goes to St. Louis.
Omaha, Sept. 24. Cardinal Vannu
telll's departure from Omaha for St.
IxiuIh, wh'tre. he will stop next, wa.
mnrked by simplicity. A number ol
his friends and of Archbishop Ireland
were on hand to say goodbye. Tlu
only sinn of farewell was n kindly
wave of tho hand made to Omaha and
tho few people standing on the plat
form of the station as the train pulled
Donahue Case Up.
Lincoln, Sept. 24 Whether Chief
of Police Donahue of Oinalia Is to be
tried by the supreme court for his of
fice Is being argued In the court today.
Through his attorney the chief ha
taken exceptions to the Jurisdiction of
the court r.nd denied that the petition
of the nttorney general constitutes n
cause of action; Theae will be the
questions argued.
Children Cry
1 M ml m IS B
The Kind You Have Alwayg Bought, ami which lias boon
in uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been lniulo under his per-
f567 sonal supervision ulneo its infancy.
-uS7ft JiCAXK Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health ot
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Casiorta'ls a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It La Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine or other Narcotic;
Mih.stancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays revcrlshnoss. It cures Dlarrliun and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Itowcls, glUiijr healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's lanacea-Tho Mother' Friend.
(Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Clsaster on Rock Island Road
In Western Kansas.
Passenger Train, Running at Fun
Speed, Plunges Into Swollen Stream
- Whera Bridoe Had Been Washed
Out Most of Dead and Injured Were
In Smoker and One Day Coach.
Clayton, Kan., Sept. 24. Sixteen
persons lost their lives and eleven
uther8 suifered liiJutieH In the wreck,
two miles east of town, of westbound
Rock lsitiiid pussenger train No. 27.
Dead: F. Piekeiil.augh, (ioodland,
Kan., engineer; A. V. Huffman, Kan
sas City, baggageman; J. W. Usher,
Denver, conductor; William Mills, 11 re
man; Herman Mueller, Smith Center,
Kan.; John Sloop, Boyle, Kan.; W. K.
Shlvely, Agra, Kan.; Gilbert M. Yums,
Fullerton, Neb.
Injured: O. D. Bracken, lineman,
Goodland, Kan., arm Injured; Mrs. II.
F. Scott, IViinlngs, Kan., right arm
broken; Victor Knglc, Birmingham,
Ala., bruised and cut, not serious; Mrs.
T. H. ISvuiis, l.anglon, Kan., head cut;
John Zigler, Stratton, Colo., head and
faco cut; D. Duges, sl;le cut; A. H.
Avis, Blue Knplds, Kan., left leg brok
en; Mrs. Anna Smith, Colorado
Springs, head and rhest cut; C. A.
Smith, Colorado Hprlngs, hand nnd
wrist cut; Henry Ahlers, Meta, Mo,
light; Helen Benson, Colorado
Springs, slight.
The wreck was tho result of a cloud
burst, which carried out a steel bridge
over what is normally almost a dry
bed, turning the lntter into a torrent
mnny yards wide and twenty feet deep
and washing out nearly 1,000 feet of
track In the vicinity of the wreck. Tho
train, running at full speed, plunged
Into the gap, the engine and mall cat
going down into twenty feet of water
and tho chair car almost telescoped
th smoker ahead of It, many of the
passengers in these two cars being
almost instantly killed. Others were
carried Into the raging strenm wltfi
the weckage and It was manf hours
before their bodies could be recovered.
Passengers In the Pullman and other
day coach, hurled from tho berths and
chairs by tho shock, hurried out Into
the storm nnd rendered what aid they
could to the Injured and In extricating
the mangled bodies of the dead.
cqultted of Bribery In Lorimer
Election Overlooked.
East St. I-ouIb, 111., Sept. 24. Lee
O'Nell llrowne, recently acquitted of
bribery In connection with tho election
of United Suites Senator Lorimer,
was refused recognition twice on tho
floor of the Illinois Democratic state
convention here. As a member of the
resolutions committee, ho was told not
to assert himself. The second rebuff
came to Drowne Just as tho conven
tion adjourned, after the adoption of
the platform. With the motion for
adjournment pending, Drowne stood
with his friends In the center of the
hall demanding recognition. He was
Aftr Ibe. convection, was brought to
for Fletcher's
If 1 s
Signature of
a close ha made his way to tne iti.ui
man and explained that he wanted to
say hi could not approve of that part
of the platform which referred to
United States Senator I.orlmer
The Democratic party, nccord'ng to
the platform, admitted that Senator
I.orlmer was elected by the votes of
some of its party, does not nssumo
that It has any political Interest In
Rm."tor I.orlmer and !t does not con
sider him as representing the princi
ples of the party. The election b de
plored. The orlelnal draft condemned "bath
room tactics" and "Jackpot" legisla
tion. These words were eliminated
by tho cnmmltt" as objectionable.
Lorimer Inquiry Proceeds.
Chicago, Sept. 24 Ti e -senatorial
sub committee on privileges nnd elec
tions, which convened here to Investi
gate the alleged fraud In the election
of United Stales S"iiator Willhm I.or
lmer, derided to proceed nt this time
with the taking of testimony nnd not
to postpone action until after he No
vember elections, as urged by the
senator's attorney.
Taft and Tariff Indorsed.
Springfield, III., Sept. 24. Tho Re
publican state convention adopted a
platform approving of tho administra
tion of President Taft and Governor
Deneen. The tariff plank follows tho
lines laid down In the president's cam
paign letter to Chairman McKlnley of
the Republican congressional commit
tee. Payne Defends Tariff Law.
Lyons, N. Y., Sept. 24. Representa
tive Sereno F. Payne, chairman of the
ways nnd means committee of tho
house of representatives, and author
lof tho tariff law bearing his name,
made a warm defense of Hint measure
before tho congressional convention
which rcnomlnatel him here.
Fatality In Mammoth Cave.
Mnmmoth Cave, Ky., Sept. 24. Mrs.
Helen Day of Wyoming, Pa., fell from
a precipice In Mammoth cave, fractur
ing her skull. She died 'ater.
Officials of Seven Roads Meet In Oma
ha to Discuss Valuations.
Omaha, Sept. 24. Railroad meu
representing all of the seven railroads
of Nebraska met at tho Burlington
benduuarters In Omaha for tho pur
pose of discussing the question of rail
road valuations. And as a side Issue
it developed that tho railroads are be
tween two fires tills year.
The greatest argument that tho
roads now being heard In Chicago
make Is that the reason for an In
crease of rates Is their expenses are
enormous nt present because of tho
great, amount of property each road
Is obliged to keep In order to supply
tho public willi the proper service.
On the other hand, If a road de
clared itself to be In possession of a
hugo amount of property as they must
have to make such a large expense
bill the taxes on this property de
clared will be just so much greater
and oil the profits will go In this way.
Thus they stnnd; If a largo amount
Is declared the taxes are heavy, If a
small amount Is declared the argument
for Increased freight rates Is of no
London, Sept. 24. A link with
Charts Dickens hns been severed by
the death of Mrs. G. M. Hayman, one
of the novelist's close personal friends.
Bhe was asserted by her family to
have been the original Little Dorrit.
She would have reached her eighty
flrit birthday next month.