The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1910, Image 1

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    Nb- Mat tutors
NO 70
Secures Ranee Rosencranz Who is Wanted by United States Pen.
sion Department Charged With Forgery
Deputy United States Marshall
Hayes, formerly captain on the po
lice force at Omaha, came to this
city last evening and made an Im
portant arrest. Captain Hayes had
leen in Plattsmouth In conference
with the sheriff and his deputy fo
two or three days, but would not dis
close his identity to the press, and
declined to give out any information
when interviewed by the reporter.
It was gleaned that he was a Unit
ed States officer and that he was af
ter a party who was wanted in North
Dakota, and wanted the worst way.
He described his man to the sheriff
and tad traced him to La Platte,
where he had been engaged on the
bridge bang by Mr. Clark, the M.
P. bridge contractor. The fugitive
was finally located as having bis resi
dence In this city, and Captain Hayes
came here Wednesday last, expecting
to take his man, but when he arrived
the bird was not at home, but had
gone to Louisville to go to work
again for Mr. Clark. The deputy
marshall went to Louisville, and In
terviewed Mr. Clark, but found that
he had refused to again employ the
man wanted, for some delinquencea
Mr. Clark had himself discovered.
Again Captain Hayes came to Platts
mouth and left instructions with De
puty Manspeaker to nail the fugitive
when he appeared again at his home.
The man wanted is named Ranee
Rosencranz, and had taken up his
abode on west Main street and when
he located in this city some weeks
ago, purchased his outfit and was to
pay the balance in monthly install
ments. Deputy Manspeaker procured
Mr. Claus to go to the house on busi
ness to Bscertala.whetber Rosencranz
was at home, and finding him there,
Mr. Manspeaker went up with his
rig and brought Ranee to the jail
and 'phoned for the deputy marshall
who arrived about 5 o'clock last
evening. Captain Hayes went im
mediately to the jail and read the
warrant to Rosencranz, the warrant
being a copy of the complaint filed
An Important hearing was on In the
supreme court this week which goes
deeply into the question of competi
tive service on the part of telephone
companies. It goes farther than this.
It is a question whether there shall
be any competition In thp.r. service,
for if it is held that the sales of com
peting lines is not in violation of stat
utes and public rights, then the way
is left open for a gradual absorption
of all competing Hne3 and an ulti
mate one system that will hold the
public at its mercy in character and
diversity of service and the rates for
the same. For ten years the people
of the state have been working away
from monopoly in telephone business.
Independent lines have been construc
ted in cities and towns throughout
the state and millions have gone into
the competitive feature of the busi
ness. Not only Is competitive service
put In Jeopardy by the inroads that
the Bell monopoly has been making,
but hundreds of thousands of dollars
made in legitimate and praiseworthy
investments is also seriously threat
ened. There are many hundreds of
men who have their money Invested
In Independent telephone service who
are anxiously waiting the decision of
the court on the question of the de
struction of competition through the
purchase and merging of independ
ent lines with the Bell monopoly. In
dependent telephone service has been
of unmeasured worth to the people
of the state. It has been an efficient
block to rates measured by all the
traffic would bear and has given serv
ice, the best of service to hundreds of
towns and thousands of people who
before their building, were practical
ly denied service. Independent tele
phone lines have been great business
builders in the state and great fac
tors in the Increase of taxable prop
erty. They have put rural communi
ties everywhere in touch with the
world ; they have been of great profit
to communities and brought satisfac
miTcn in nnw (it a
by the United States pension depart
ment at Blsmark, North Dakota, and
charged Ranee Rosencranz with hav
ing on the 10th day of January, stol
en a government pension check from
one Samuel Jones and on the same
day forged the name of the payee
on the back of the check and cashed
the same. The check was in the
amount of $60. The amount, how
ever, was immaterial, as it was the
larceny of the government paper and
the forgery on the back of the docu
ment which had provoked Uncle Sam
to action.
Ranee stood by apparently uncon
cerned, and when the warrant was
read, stated to the deputy marshall
that he was not the right man, but
that he knew the Rosencranz they
were after, and that he knew of this
transaction and would give his evi
dence against the right party. Cap
tain Hayes told him to be ready to
go with him on No. 14 to the Junc
tion and they would go to Omaha on
the Iowa side. The deputy marshall
stated in the hearing of the writer,
that the accused man's record was
bad. That he and a brother who
waa now doing time in the North
Dakota penitentiary, had stolen a
load of alfalfa seed from the ma
chine where it was threshed in North
Dakota, and that while Ranee had
not been punished for this, the broth
er was serving his time for the of
fense. Another brother is now in
the penitentiary for some violation of
the state laws.
Ranee is said to have gone to At
chison recently and on the statement
that he was working for Mr. Clark
of the M. P. bridge gang, who resides
in Atchison, had credit extended to
him to quite an amount. Rosencranz
is the man accused by J. J. Babcock
as having persuaded his wife to leave
her grandmother in Iowa and come
to Plattsmouth. The deputy mar
shall departed with his prisoner on
the early train this morning and will
be landed in Blsmark for trial very
tion and comfort to thousands. Com
petition has been the life of tele
phone development in Nebraska. To
destroy this competition and to give
state sanction to the efforts of the
national monopoly in this line to
change the telephone map of Ne
braska Is a question of the most far
reaching consequence. lEditorfal
Lincoln Trade Review, September 17,
Love for Children.
A. L. Bixby in the Lincoln Journal
says: "Probably nothing finer can
be said of W. L. Pickett, the dead
Burlington agent at Plattsmouth,
than that he loved children and did
things to make them happy. That is
the grandest epitaph any man can
have, and when we die we wish it
written on our tombstone that we
think more of little children than
John D. Rockefeller thinks of his mil
lions, and the dirtier they are the
more we love them." And it is un
fortunate that the deceased never had
any children of his own to love and
Hot urns From Springs.
From Thursday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freese re
turned last evening from Burling
ton Junction, Mo., where he has been
for some time taking treatment for
rheumatism. Mr. Freese does not
feel as well ns he did when he began
the baths at the springs, but the
physician there informed him that
the treatment waa having a beneficial
effect, and whllo he did not feel so
well at present, that he could go to
his home and he would no doubt soon
begin to Improve. Charles' many
friends in this city hope to see him
out soon.
Drives to Fremont.
From Thursday'! Dally
George Ithoden who resides near
Murray was in the city yesterday ev
ening en route to his home from an
overland trip to Fremont where he
had been to take a horse belonging
to his tlster-in-law, and was return
ing home by rail. He reports a very
pleasant trip, and the crops looking
well In that section of the state. :
From Friday s Dally.
Cardinal Vannutelli, who repre
sented the Pope at the eucharistic
congress at Montreal arrived in Om
aha accompanied by a party of dis
tinguished ecclesiastics at about 8
o'clock yesterday morning. A com
mittee of fifty met the visitors at the
depot and escorted the cardinal to
the residence of Bishop O'Connell,
and his party to the Paxton hotel.
The day's program of entertain
ment for the visiting party included
an automobile tour of the various
Catholic instutions in the city, lunch
eon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. A.
Cudahy and a banquet and public
reception at the Paxton hotel last
Governor Shallenberger and staff,
judges of the federal and state courts,
Congressmen Hitchcock and Maguire
and others promient in official and
private life attended the banquet.
Archbishop Irefand of St. Taul,
Minn., who is accompanying Cardinal
Vannutelli, refused yesterday to re
ceive newspaper reporters at the res
idence of Bishop Sc&nnel until as
sured that they did not wish him to
talk on the Roosevelt-Storer dispute,
which was revived by the publication
in on the morning of certain letters
given out by Mrs. Bellamy Storer.
"I have nothing to say on that
subject," said he when approached
with a request for a statement on
the case while on bis way to Bishop
Scanners home. Later he sent his
excuses to a delegation of newspaper
men, but when a note was sent him
that the Roosevelt-Storer incident
would not be mentioned the reporters
were promptly admitted.
In the cardinal's party are: Cardi
nal Vannutelli, Archbishop Ireland,
Bishop O'Connell, Bishop Garrigan,
Bishop Keane, Monsignor Prince de
Croy, Monsignor Tampieri, Dr. Thom
as Hughes Kelly, L'Abbe Gelase Ug
ninet, Count Galileo Vannutelli.
The following news Item in the
leading Republican newspaper of the
state, the Omaha Bee, gives a point
er on the Dahlman candidacy which
has been somewhat overlooked:
Chadron, Neb., Sept. 18 (Special)
The twenty-fifth annual county
fair closed yesterday with Dahlman
day and Sheridan county day. Thurs
day was Black Hills day. Friday was
Sioux county day and Crawford day
The exhibits were a source of aston
ishment to people from the eastern
part of the state, for there has been
no drouth here.
Mayor Dahlman received a rousing
reception from all the old settlers,
who, regardless of politics, remember
how he cleared Dawes county of
horse thieves and crooks generally
in the early days, and made It safe
and possible for settlers with their
wives and babies to live here.
Dahlman wa3 sheriff of Dawes
county for three terms In his cow
boy days years ago. His attitude to
ward law enforcement didn't give
any aid or comfort to the cattle
rustlers and horse thieves that in
fested the country at that time. He
made good, and won the admiration
of the law-abiding people.
He is serving his fifth year as may
or of Omaha, and the executive abil
ity shown in his conduct of that of
fice has won him the confidence and
respect of the people.
Those who believe that nobody
but toughs and soaks are for Dahl
man in this contest are going to be
badly mistaken. Beatrice Sun.
In Police Court.
From Thursday's Dully
Charles Coggcns who has been on
a protracted drunk and lodged in
the county Jail for the past few days
to give him a chance to sober up was
arraigned before Judge Archer this
morning and pleaded guilty to the
charge of drunkenness. He was
given $1 and costs and sentence sus
pended until the man could make
his trembling frame out of the limits
of the city.
Formerly Illdel Here.
W. McCroBky, a former citizen of
Plattsmouth but now of Grand Island
was an over night visitor in the city,
Mr. McCrosky is engaged In market
ing bailed hay, he having brought a
shipment to Omaha this week for
which be received $14 per ton.
Samuel Waugh Passes Away at
Lincoln After an Illness of
Two Years From Effects
of Paralysis
From Frldny's Dally.
Mrs. C. H. Parmele received a
message informing her of the death
of Mr. Samuel Waugh, a former
prominent business man of this city,
but lately of Lincoln. Mr. Waugh
died this morning about 5 o'clock.
The deceased was for more than
thirty years prominently identified
with the business interests of this
city, and for a long time was cashier
of the First National bank, and was
rated very high 'financially, as well
as a business man of great integrity.
Mr. Waugh came to Plattsmouth as a
single man when just graduated from
one of the best colleges In the Unit
ed States, and soon had flattering
business propositions tendered him.
He was married to Miss Rawlins,
the accomplished daughter of Dr.
Rawlins at that time a resident of
Plattsmouth, but who later moved to
Washington, D. C.
Eight children were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Waugh, seven of whom survive
the deceased. Their names are as
follows: Mrs. Dr. Arndt, Mrs. Dr.
Buchtel, Miss Florence, Miss Helen,
and sons Fred, Samuel and Bryan
Mr. Waugh severed his connection
with the bank here about eight years
ago and removed to Lincoln where
be engaged in business. He has been
sick for about two years. He had a
stroke of paralysis about two years
ago, since which time his health has
been very poor. The time and place
of the funeral has not been announc
ed. It is hoped that a more extend
ed obituary statement of the deceas
ed can be given tomorrow.
The value of telephones was never
better shown than on Sunday morn
ing last when the two story home of
Emmet Crouch, who lives seven miles
north of this city, was discovered to
be on fire. How the fire started Is a
mystery, but It was first seen in the
second story of the building, and as
Mr. Crouch and some of the hired
help were at home It was not long
before there was an active fire bri
gade at work. Mr. Mason Crouch,
who Is only 82 years old, wanted to
lead the fire fighters and It was with
difficulty that he was kept in the
rear. The telephone was brought in
to commission and it was not long
before all the neighbors were on hand
and doing valiant service in fighting
the fire. That they did good work
Is evidenced by the fact that the fire
was confined to the second story,
while the first story and cellar was
deluged with water. In order to get
into the room where the fire was first
discovered Emmet Crouch was com
pelled to break the window with his
fist and as a result he Is carrying
his hand in a sling. The loss by fire
is covered by insurance. Nebraska
City News.
Another Good Citizen Dcpuits.
Mr. Hugo Asemlssen and wife and
little daughter, Margaret, departed
this morning for Castana, la., where
they will make their future home
Mr. and Mrs. Asemlssen have a large
circle of friends here who will great
ly miss them, and It is regretted by
all that Mr. Asemlssen thought best
to make the change from our city,
lie has been offered a good proposi
tion there to go in business and
thought that he could not afford to
let It go by. The many friends of
tills estimable family here wish them
success In their new homo.
Pays Inheritance Tux.
From Thursday's Dnlly
C. E. Tefft, attorney of Weeping
Water, has been appointed by Judge
Ileeson as special appraiser of the
Samuel Johnson estate, the man who
died about two years ago at Elm
wood. The estate Is worth many
thousands of dollars and will be sub
ject to an inheritance tax. The ap
praiser is to go to Elmwood on next
Friday and make an estimate of the
value of the property.
Henry Kiel of Cullora Bpent the day
In the county seat, arriving on No.
4 this morning.
Has .pK'ii(U( UIh.
Mrs. Henry Thlele of near Nehaw-
ka was taken to Omaha last evening
where she will be operated on today
at the hospital for appendicitis. Dr.
Gilmore went to the hospital today to
be present while the surgeon operat
es on Mrs. Thlele. The unfortunate
lady has a very bad case of this very
common malady, but It is the hope of
her many friends that she will speed
ily recover from the effects of the
ordeal of the operation.
Congressman Gilbert M. Hitchcock
has mailed the following to Senator
Elmer J. Burkett:
"Omaha, Neb., Sept. '20, 1910.
lion. Elmer J. Burkett, Lincoln, Neb.
Dear Sir; In accordance with the
terms of the original announcement
of my candidacy for the senate, I
write to invite you to Join me in a
series of public debates In which we
may discuss the national issues of
the day before the voters of the whole
"As opposing candidates for the
United States senate, I believe the
voters will be Interested to hear us
debate the questions now' uppermost
In the public mind, upon which the
parties are divided or upon which
you and I differ.
"It is ouly when both sides of the
questions of the day are presented be
fore an audience that a real oppor
tunity Is given the people 'to Judge of
the merits of the opposing views. The
joint debate Is a better test than a
one-sided, partisan meeting.
"I suggest two debates in each con
gressional district, the time at each
meeting to. be equally apportioned
that the opening and closing shall
alternate, first to you and then to me.
"An early answer will be greatly
appreciated. Yours truly,
"G. M. Hitchcock."
Lock Your Chicken House.
Keep your chicken houses locked at
night if you want to save your fouls
from the fangs of thieves. It Is about
the time for them to get in their
work. They have already made sev-
eral raids. Also keep your shot gun
close to your bedside at night, so
you can use it In ense of necessity.
A chicken thief is Just as bad as a
horse thief and deserves to be treated
as such. If reputable local dealers
in poultry would only pay by check,
It would soon be Impossible for the
thieves to realize on Jhelr ill-gotten
Mix. IliiggH gultc Hick.
From Frldny's Da'ly.
Mr. M. S. Itrlggs received a letter
from Mrs. Brlggs at Salem, la., which
states that Mrs. Brlggs Is nick and
unable to leave her bed. Mrs. Brlggs
was called to Salem the first of the
week to see her father, Mr Ozburn,
who at that time was dangerously
sick. The condition of Mr. Ozburn's
health was some lmpvored yesterday,
and It is unfortunate that his daugh
ter, Mrs. Brlggs, became 111 soon af
ter her father's. Her many friends
hope for her speedy recovery.
Consult Dr. Allison.
From Thursday's Dally
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neuman went
to St. Joseph hospital this afternoon
to consult Dr. Allison relative to
Mrs. Neuman's health. Mrs. Neu
man underwent an operation at the
hospital about a month ago, return
ing to riattsmouth from the hospi
tal on Labor day. Since that time
her health has not Improved as she
would like to have it and she will
consult the doctor as to whether she
will have to undergo another opera
tion or not.
Sells Good AIu-oikI.
Peter Clans, the Main street mer
chant, yesterday sold a fine bill of
goods to a resident of Hastings, la.,
and shipped them out today. Thus
It appears that prices are tho things
that brings tho trade, with a Judi
cious uso of printers ink, to inform
the public that you are in the busi
ness. The Journal goes almost ev
erywhere and is a first class medium
to get your business before the pub
lic. John Bauer & Son are engaged
today and will be for several days
putting In a large heating plant for
St. John's Catholic church in this
Miss Emma Elkenbarry returned
from Memphis, Neb., this morning
where she has been visiting friends
for a time.
From Friday'! Dally.
Mayor battler and Councilman
Weber were In the city of Omaha
yesterday and Investigated the mat
ter of 'procuring a rattler to test the
paving brick, and also to look up
the employment of an engineer.
The mayor has two men in sight
for. the engineering Job, one at Lin
coln1 and one at Omaha. The work
can be done by the Omaha man for
about three per cent on the contract
price of the paving Job. It is said
that the usual price Is about five
per cent, but while Plattsmouth is so
near Omaha and little time will be
lost In railway travel, that the Oma
ha party will do the work for three
per cent. The time required for the
engineer to work will be about two
and a half to three months work.
It will fall on the engineer to decide
the matter whether the brick are of
the quality stipulated in the contract,
also he will have to figure out the
assessment of the different amounts
to the adjacent property, also set
stakes and level up.
McMaken & Son say they are ready
to begin the curbing just as soon as
the grade stakes are set. The prob
ability Is that by the first of the
week the work on the curbing will
be commenced.1'
In a Nut Shell.
A good friend of the writer was de
ploring the fact a day or two ago
that the people of the state were to
have Dahlman for a candidate for
governor after he had placed him
self upon the platform of vetoing a
certain piece of legislation even If
the legislature should adopt it. But
look at It in Its true light. The
Dahlman Issue Is an open, plain is
sue. He says he will veto certain
measures. There is no concealment
about the fact. All the people know
It. Now, if a majority of the voters
of the state go to the polls and vote
for him and elect him governor isn't
It plain that a majority of the votors
of the state want him to veto certain
measures sTiouid tHe legislature enact
them? We think so. In which event
can we deny that a majorlnty should
not rule? Kearney Democrat.
IteiiiHikutile Apple Yield.
Some of the orchards of Pawnee
county are making remarkablo rec
ords for big yields this year, and L.
M. Kyle, of Clay precinct, reports a
single tree producing forty-five bush
els of marketable fruit. Just think
of a single tree hearing a wagon
load of first quality fruit. W. T.
Barnett has an apple tree of Snow
variety In his orchard from which he
picked forty bushels of saleable fruit
this year, and there were enough
wind-falls under the tree to have a
barrel of cider. Mr. Harnett's or
chard Is In Sheridan precinct, and
the tree in question was planted In
1898. Other Instances of trees pro
ducing as high as thirty-five bushels
have been reported. Truly this Is a
remarkablo apple year. Pawnee
The, Hogs Got Out.
From Friday's Dally.
In switching about the Pacific;
Junction yards during last night In
the rain, everything being as sleek
as grease, a car of hogs was pushed
upon a car of coal. The car gave
way In tho middle, letting the pork
ers escape to the Missouri bottoms.
There was considerable scurrying
about on the part of the employes to
prevent the herd from escaping alto
gether. The swine were finally cor
raled, and loaded In another car,
and sent on their way.
Accepts New Position.
From Friday's Dally.
Tom Murphy who for the pnst two
years has been employed by tho H.
It. Geiing company of Omaha hns re
signed his position to accept one with
another firm in the same lino of
goods and his duties will be the same,
that of traveling salesman. Tom has
mad a good salesman and we predict
tho greatest success for him in his
chosen profession. We understand
that he starts out with a good salary
and excellent chances for advance
ment in the near future.
Not no Well Yesterday.
Mrs. James McKInney visited her
daughter, Miss Hallle Jones, at St.
Joseph's hospital today. Miss Jones
was not so well yesterday, having
been allowed by the nurse to eat too
hearty at the breakfast hour yester
day morning. The patient was feol
ing a little better last night, and
with caution In her diet will soon re
gain the lost ground.