The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1910, Image 2

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Sermon by
Pwtor Eroollyn
Detroit, Mich., September lS.-Pnstor
Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle preach
ed twice here today to the local
branch of the International Bible Stu
dents Association. He hud uu excel
lent hearing and large and intelligent
audiences. One address was entitled
"The Great Hereafter." The other we
now report. The speaker said:
Our test has not yet been fulfilled,
but we believe the beginning of its
fulfillment to be near. It pictures Mes
siah's Kingdom, for which Christian
people have long been waiting and
praying, "Thy Kingdom come; thy will
be done on earth as In heaven" the
narue Kingdom for which the Jews no
long waited and are still waiting. Our
text relates, not to the spiritual part of
the Kingdom, which the Gospel Church
Is called to share, but to the earthly
part of the Kingdom, which belongs to
the natural seed of Abraham. A
great mistake has been made by many
of us In the past, in that wo have not
discerned and acknowledged tho two
Israels, spiritual and natural, and the
wpnrate rewards and blessings appor
tioned to th.-se by the Divine promises
of the Scriptures. Both are to be used
of God In fulfilling tho promise made
to Abraliain-ln blessing all the fami
lies of tho earth.
After the completion of Messiah, Head
and Members, on tho plane of glory,
the New Covenant will be inaugurated
with Israel, as the Scriptures distinct
ly teach (Jeremiah ml, 31-31). Our
text, therefore, waits for its accotn
pllflhment until the last member of the
elect Church of Christ shall have pass
ed beyond the valL
Israel the Earthly Rapreaentativa.
In the symbolic language of the
Scriptures a mountain is always sym
bolical of a Kingdom. Hence the
mountain of tho lord's house means
the Kingdom of God and that royal
house or family recognized by him.
For Instance, we read that David sat
upon the throno of tho Kingdom of
the Lord and that God made a Cov
enant with him, "even the sure mer
cies of David" viz.; that none but his
Seed, his posterity, would ever be rec
ognized as the Divinely appointed rep
resentatives of God In kingly author
ity and power. In other words. Mes
slab wan to bo the offspring of David,
the great antltyplcal David (Beloved),
who must "reign from sea to sea and
from tho river to tho end of the
The Messiah-King on the spirit plane.
the Sou of God (and like God invisible
to men, as are also tho angels), Is the
antltyplcal David and tho antltyplcal
Solomon, tho wise, tho great, the rich.
In tho days of his flesh our Lord was
the Son of David according to the
flesh, though ln-gottcn of n divine life
tot tainted by any human itnperfee.
tlon. He was, therefore, holy, harm
less, undented nnd separate from sin
ners. His faithfulness to the will of
the Father inado hint subject to nil
of the experiences of suffering and
death, as expressed In his own words,
The cup which my Father hath pour
ed for me, shall I refuse to drink
it? Ills obedience unto death, even
tho death of the cross, demonstrated
his loyalty to tho last degree and ho
received the high reward appropriated.
"Mm hath God also highly exalted
and given a name that is above every
name, that at the name of Jesus every
knee should bow. both of things In
heaven nnd things In earth."
Exalted to tho right band of Divine
favor he waits only for tho Father's
time to take to himself ids great pow er
and reign (Revelation xl, 17). Meantime,
in harmony with tho Divine will, pur
jwsed before the foundation of the
world, be acts as advocate for such as
have tho hearing ear and tho obedi
ent heart and will now respond to the
special invitation of the Gospel Ag".
That call is to leave tho world, Its
sins. Its pleasures nnd Its hopes, nnd
to walk by faith In the exceeding great
and precious promises of God the
things which rye hath not seeu nor
ear heard, neither hatli entered Into
the heart of man. These are the heav
inly things promised them as the
llrido nnd Jolnt-helr with their Redeem
er in his glorious Kingdom to come ami
Its blessed work of uplifting Israel
and the world.
In tha Top of the Mountains.
Wo have before our minds the null
typical house of David, Messiah's king
ly household, the royal priesthood Dl
Ylnoly prepared. As a Kingdom It will
he at the top. abovo all the kingdoms
of earth. Not only will this be true
of the spiritual Kingdom (Invisible to
men as the angels aro invlslblei, but
It will include also nn earthly Kingdom
composed of "Israelites Indeed." At
their head as princes In all the earth
will stand the resurrected Ancient
Worthies, perfected as men and sam
ples of what all mankind, by obedi
ence to the laws of the Kingdom, may
attain to, with eternal life. These An
rlent Worthies are enumerated In the
Scriptures Abraham, Isaac. Jacob, the
prophets, etc.. and described by BL
Paul In riebrews xl. 38-40. To these
belong the earthly promlres of the Old
Twtament. They never heard of the
hearenly or plrltunl promises. Their
loyalty wlil find Ita reward In the fact
The Lord's House
In the
Top of the fountains.
"It ilull come (o pau in the Lst djya, thai
the mountain ol the Lord I houie ahall be ei
Ubluhcd in the top ol the mountain, and
shall be exalted above the hills ; and ail na
tiotia (hall flow unto it" (luiah u, 2).
ooO "
that they wiil come forth from t!:e j
tomb no longer blemished nnd 1 inner
feet, but fully, completely rosk red to
the petfoction originally enjoyed by
father Adam. Additionally these will
have the special guidance and In
struction ( f Messiah (Head and mem
bers) in all the affairs of mankind.
Thus as the Master said, speaking of
that time. "Ye shall see Abraham.
Isaac, Jacob and the prophets In the
Kingdom" (Luke xlil. 28).
God's Kingdom will be represented
In the earth by Israel especially by
these saintly men of Israel, resurrect
ed perfect, who will be the special up-
pointers nnd representatives of the
glorified Messiah's rule. As It Is writ
ten, Instead of thy fathers (the an
cient saintly ones were styled "the
father," as Jesus was styled the Sou
of Abraham and David) shall be thy
children, whom thou mnyest make
princes in nil the earth (Psalm xlv,
Hi). These princes, nctlng under and
continually In contact with the spirit
ual Kingdom nnd rulers styled In the
Scriptures "the royal priesthood," wlii,
of course, be so superior in their wis
dom and power as to command the
obedience of the whole earth. The na
tion of Israel, with whom they are re
lated, would naturally respond more
quickly than others to the New order
of things, which will be Just that for
which they have been waiting and
praying for more than thirty centuries.
All Nations Flow Unto It.
In these words the Lord through the
prophet assures us of the wonderful
success which will attend the estab
lishment of the New Empire of earth,
the dominion of the I'rince of light.
which will supersede the dominion of
the Prince of darkness, when Satan
shall bo bound for a thousand years,
thnt he may deceive the peoples no
more. Messiah's Kingdom will bo
high altove all other Kingdoms, not
only In Its grnndeur. majesty nnd au
thority, but also In the lofty principles
which It will represent. Thus It Is
written. "He shall lay righteousness to
the line nnd Justice to the plummet
nnd the hall Truth shall sweep away
the refuge of lies" (Isaiah xxvlll, 17).
Nevertheless, ns the world shall come
to appreciate the new order of things
all nations shall How unto It, flow up
to It contrary to the' downwardness
of fallen human nnture. It will make
manifest such wonderful rewards for
righteousness and obedience to God and
It will so make manifest the stripes
thnt must attend all willful disobedi
ence to the Dlvlno nrrangenu-at that
tho Script m o will bo fulfilled which
declares that when the Judgments of
tho Lord are abroad iu tho earth, the
Inhabitants of tho world will learn
righteousness (Isaiah xxvl. 0).
Humanity for six thousand years
has been learning "tho exceeding sin
fulness of sin." Its downward tenden
cy In every sense of the word. Every
form of government has been tried In
an endeavor to secure tho greatest
amount of blessing. Hut the uniform
results have been that those exalted to
lace and Influence and power have
roved themselves unequal to the op
portunities and temptations of the io
sltlotiH and have abused them selilshly.
Whoever Is acquainted with history
realizes the truthfulness of nil this.
If some of us have hoped that the gen
eral education of the masses and the
general enlightenment of the race
would abolish sin and selfishness and
demonstrate tho truthfulness of the
Proverb, "Honesty Is tho best policy,"
we are willing to confess that this has
been n mistake. We perceive that the
greater the wisdom and Intelligence
granted to a sottish mind and heart
tho greater will be its opportunities
for evil and Incitement thereto.
Evtry Man Against His Neighbor.
As n consequence the world Is losing
rotitlilettce lu Itself. All. whether poll
tlchins or Judges or governors, great
or small, of one party or another, of
one nationality or another all nre ae
cused of being tarred with the same
stick of selfishness. The Hlble clearly
Indicates that this distrust Is not with
out reason and thnt the great time of
trouble soon to come upon every nation
(Daniel xll. It will be the direct result
of this loss of eontldt nee. The Bible's
description of the matter hrlctly sum
mod tip Is, Every man's hand shall be
against his neighbor (.echaiiiih vlll
10; xlv. lilt. It wiil be nfier that gtvtt
time cf trouble shall Icive thoroughly
sickened huuiaiiiiy as rwpivis itself
nnd any hope it it,!:;!;t have Ir.d of
bringing a In ut si Mlib ;r.ilu:ii by Its
own ctiVrts- that Gi d iii uri u! r -t his
Kingdom In t'.v !;i of the mountains
higher than all ot'ier UlumhuiiM every
way, ani i.ll people shall tbw toward
It. As It 1.1 written. "The desire of all
peoples slm II come illaggal II. it.
This Is described In the verse follow
Ing our text which reads, "And ninny
peoplo shall go nnd say. Come ye, le
us go up to the mountain (kingdom) o
the Lord, to the house (temple) of the
God of Jacob; and he will teach us o
his ways and we will walk In hi
paths, for out of Zlon the spiritual
unseen Kingdom of Messlabl shall go
forth the Luw and the Word of the
Lord from Jerusalem the seat of
earth's empire to be. And he shall
Judge among th nations rewnrdlsg
and punishing Justly, and shall re
buke many -opie; and thrv shall beat
their sword Into plowshares and their
spears into prunin-j hooka Nation
shall mt lift U sword ag.iins nation,
neither shall th''.v learn war unj move."
All Christians a-ree that these words
apply to the Mos.-iah's Kingdom. They
tell us clearly and distinctly of hrw
the Judgments of the Lord will be
abroad Iu the earth, causing wars to
cease an 1 the knowledge of the Ird
to tlil the whole earth as the waters
cover the great deep (Isaiah xi, 0).
O, House of Jacob, Comal
We have already noted that this
f r-pliecy b. !ui;gs to natural Israel and
not to spiritual Israel. As the first
Vvne declares. It concerns Judah and
Jerusalem. I'.y the time this prophecy
will have begun to be fulfilled, spir
itual Israel will be beyond the vale.
It is in full harmony with this that
we read in the fifth verse. "O house of
Jacob, Come ye and let us walk In the
light of the Lord." This Is particular
ly the time when this message to nat
ural Israel should go forth. We un
derstand the Scriptures to teach that
during the next few years the Lord
will have sjiecial dealings with Israel
In connection with this call. He will
point out to them the way of righteous
ness nnd the great privileges that are
theirs as a people, because of Divine
prondses to their fathers, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob, etc. But only those
who respond by turning to the' light
of God's Word to walk In It will be
In the. proper condition of heart and
ol)odlence to promptly get the blessing
at the beginning of Messiah's reign.
Those most prompt to respond will get
the greater blessing.
Verses C-10 portray some of the rea
sons why God's favor has been with
drawn for a time from natural Israel
aside from the fact that his special
favor was for the time to be given to
Spiritual Israel. Then follows n de
scription of the time of trouble, in
which present Institutions will suc
cumb, to be followed by Messiah's em
pire. Let us read some of these verses
and note their applicability to our day
and the correspondence between these
statements and very similar pro
nouncements lu the Book of Revela
tion, applicable also to the time in
which we nre living. We will quote
and paraphrase from verse 11 to the
end of the chapter.
What tha Trouble Will Accomplish.
The lofty looks of man shall be
humbled and the haughtiness of men
shall be bowed down; and the Lord
alone shall bcexnlted in that day. Oneof
the greatest obstacles in the pathway
of humanity, hindering nppronch to
truth nnd righteousness, Is pride. The
Almighty God Is not sufliclently rev
erenced. The very learned men of all
our Colleges seem more nnd more to
doubt that there is a God and that
tho affairs of earth are subject to any
other regulations than those of chance.
except ns tho learned enn regulate
them. The time of trouble when the
various theories of man will be tried
nnd found wanting will demonstrate
most thoroughly that the wisdom front
niove is neglected in favor of earthly
wisdom. The Lord says In another
place, The wisdom of their wise men
shall perish nnd the understanding of
their prudent men shall disappear.
For the day of tho Lord of Hosts
shall be heavy upon every one that Is
proud and lofty, and upon every one
that Is lifted up, and he shall be
brought low, and upon all the cedars
or Lebanon that are high and lifted
tho ecclesiastically great and
upon all the oaks of I'.nshan (the po
litically strong; upon nil the high
mountains It he kingdoms of the world I
ud upon all the hills that nre llfte.l
up tho smaller princedoms;' and
upon every high tower nnd upon every
fenced wall representing human or
ganizations for strength and protec
tion nnd upon all the ships of Tar
shlsh labor organizations nnd upon
nil desirable prospects and Ideals of
earthly ambition, the arm of the Lord
will be heavy. The result will be that
the loft lues shall be humbled and the
haughtiness shall be made low and the
Lord alone shall be e::alted In that
day; nnd the Idols shall lie utterly
abolished. God r.:ut be first under
the new order of thin r. No pence or
blessing will otherwise result.
Hiding In Rocks and Cavat.
Those In distress and perplexity will
In thnt time of trouble flee to tho holes
and the rocks nnd the caves of earth
for fear. As Revelation (vl, 10) ex
presses It, they shall call to the rocks,
"Fall on us nnd hide us from the face
of him that altteth upon the throne."
We are not to understand this more
literally than Its context. It does not
signify that people will be so foolish
as to literally pray for rocks to fall
upon them, when they could more
easily destroy their lives In another
way. The thought Is the very con
trary of this that they desire protec
tion, shielding, hiding, covering from
tho trouble of the coming day of tho
Lord. These shelters of the locks nnd
caves of tho earth symbolically repre
sent the attempted protection of hu
man organizations-Insurance cotnpa
nles, secret societies, etc. Hut none
of these will be able to protect from
the trouble which Is coming which
will be world wide nnd Involve every
earthly thing and Interest, religious
and secular, financial and political.
This will take place when the glory
of the Lord ami his majesty are manl
fested In connection with his standing
up to assume command of the world
and when "He will shako terribly the
earth society, thnt everything con
trnry to righteousness aud holiness
may be uprooted nnd overthrown. St
Paul pictures that same time of trou
ble and declares that the only thing
tlint will not 1m shaken will be what
prer Is in harmony with God's King
1 doui of righteousness (Ileb. xll, 2rV2fli
The "highest scoring" clothe in town are to be found in our "QUALITY LIXE"
from $20 to $35. They are "safe" on all points necessary to good clothes.
There are no "false motions" and no "errors" made in the manufacture of our
"QUALITY CLOTHES" no "sacrifice" of quality to price. They always make
a "home run" and "score" every time they are given a "chance." You are the
"umpire" in this game and we are perfectly willing for you to decide the merits
of our playing if you will but give us a show down.
A Three Bagger. This week we offer a strictly all wool boys suit
Knickerbocker pants, for $3 cash. And with each suit we will give a
good oak ballbat free. "Time!"
Trum i nnrT rii
Morvelous Growth of the Lead
ing Cities of the State.
Yoakum, Tex., Sept, 13, 1910.
Editor, Journal:
A northern visitor to this country
who remains here long enough soon
finds that he is in almost another
land. It Is true that the people are
all American and Imbued with the
same love of country which our own
folks possess, but with all that, there
are quite a number of differences.
The old feeling left by the civil
war Is still here and the "Yankees,"
as they are known and universally
called, do not meet with the warmest
reception. There is a distinct feeling
of antipathy which may be concealed
at times, but which crops out every
now and then. This state of feeling
can be easily accounted for as the
south suffered untold loss from the
ravages of the great war and its hor
rors sank deep into Its people. With
the great influx of northern people
Into this country this feeling will soon
chance, but even now more than
half a century since the war closed,
its recollections are still strong and
Its passions are deep.
The northern emigration into this
land has been very heavy in recent
years. Texas has gained in popu
lation during the past decade at a
truly marvelous rate. Its cities have
all doubled and trebled in population
and they rival those of what are
commonly called "old states," not
alone In size but In imposing struc
tures and in public improvements.
And yet they are but In their swad
dling clothes. Houston, Dallas, San
Antonio and Fort Worth are a quar
tette of cities which have a marvel
ous future before them. But they are
not alone, as there are a myriad of
smaller cities which will grow into
real cities of Importance before many
ears have passed.
Of the larger cities, Dallas is prob
ably the largest with San Antonio
likely a very close second, and these
wo positions, may be reversed by the
census. Houston is mira wun io,-
000 people In its limits and probably
well over the 100,000 mark, if its
Buburbs are included. Fort Worth is
treading upon Houston's heels ana
will Bhow very close to it In this
In time to come, It looks probable
Houston will be the metropolis of
the state, owing to its location. It
will become within a few years the
seaport of the great southwest, ana
through which will flow a great com-;
merce to the Beat. Should the Pan-1
ama canal amount to all it Is expect-1
ed to, the commerce of Houston and
Galveston will be among the largest
figures of the world. Houston drains
what Is In reality a great empire cap
able of sustaining millions, and this
empire Is yet hardly touched. It's
commercial history remains to be
San Antonio perhaps will rank
among tho greatest wholesale and
Jobbing cities of this empire, in ad
dition to being one of the greatest ot
winter resorts of the country. It
has a great trade already establish
ed and the country which Is now on
the boom Is all its territory. As a win
ter resort San Antonio will unques
tionably Increase In poularlty, and
each succeeding season will almost
certainly see an Increase In the al
ready large number of visitors.
Dallaa and Fort Worth are making
iraitant fiitht for suoremacy, with
Pallas holding the advantage, be
cause of a big start which It got In
early yean. It Is a great Jobbing
and wholesale center and recently has
secured a number of manufacturing
The Home of Satisfaction
enterprises which have added large
ly to its population.
Fort Worth is pre-eminently the
railroad and packing center and its
growth has been little short of mar
velous. In addition to its mainstay,
many small and some large factories
have been Becured and these have
helped very materially in city build
ing. All In all, the future looks very
bright for these cities and there are
a number of smaller ones which will
also leap ahead with the progress of
this southwestern empire. The en
tire garden of the southwest will be
cultivated and yielding ere many
years, and when that time comes Tex
as will he in truth and In fact, the
empire state of the union.
Chas. D. Grimes.
From Saturday's Dally.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Clugey was the scene of a very pleas
ant birthday party last evening when
a number of little people and parents
had been invited to come to the
Clugey home to assist their little
daughter, Hazel, in properly celebrat
ing her fifth birthday anniversary.
The little folks spent a very happy
evening playing several games and
indulging in various pranks, all of
which created considerable merri
ment for them. At the proper tinie a
delicious birthday luncheon, consist
ing of ice cream, cake and fruit, was
served by the mottier of the little
hostess, after which all departed for
their homes, having spent a most
delightful evening. Little Miss Hazel
received a number of pretty gifts
which will remind her of this most
happy event.
Those In attendance were: Mr.
and Mrs. David Eaton and daughter,
Mamie Josephine, of Union; Loren
Drum, of Auburn, Xeb., a cousin of
Hazel's; Esther Godwin, Ruby Win
Bcott, Beulah Parker, Dorrls Wln
scott, Viola Parker and Frank Got
Da es dem Allmaechtlgen Gott ge
fallen hat, insern Bruder Julius
Doeh- and unsere mitte abjurufen,
see es beschlossen, das wir die Ger
mania Lodge No. 81, zee der er ela
gutes Mitglied war, der traunden
Famllie, Bowie den Vernandten unser
herzliches Betleld auszudruecken.
Ferner sel es beschlossen das elne
Absebrift dleser Reshluesse in das
Protokoll der Loge elngetragen wlrd,
und elne Ahschrift der trauenden
Famllie uebergenben wird.
William Ottersteln.
John WIckman.
Joe Droege.
Live Heal Estate Men.
A $27,000 land deal was pulled off
in Union last Thursday by two live
real estate agents in the persons of
C. F. Harris and J. u. uouay, wueie
by John Hansell became the owner
of the 80 acre -farm upon which h
now lives, and Hugh Warden of Ne
hawka, gets title to the southwest
quarter of the Wessel farm, one and
one-half miles north of Union. These
are both excellent farms and the price
paid is considered very low. The
80 acre tract sold for $ 125 per acre,
and the 160 acre farm Bold for $110
per acre. Harris, Roddy and Mc
Carty have other fine lands near Un
ion for sale. They sell on the thirty
day plan quick sales and small pn'
Miss Florence Comer, Alma Clo
ments. Minnie Sunderland of Elm
wood and Lottie W. Wunderllch of
Nehawka were taking teachers ex
amlnatlon at county superintendent's
; office today.
From Saturday's Dally.
At a special term of the district
court the matter of State vs. John
Clarence for the murder of John P.
Thacker was before the court a few
days ago and Judgment on the man
date of the supreme court reversing
the district court's verdict and Judg
ment of guilty. Deputy Manspeaker
went down to the farm yesterday and
brought the defendant In to court. ,
The court was convened this morning
by Judge Travis, and John C. Watson
appeared for Clarence and asked that
the court fix a bail bond bo that his
client could have his freedom until
court sits October 3. The court refus
ed to accept bail and consequently
Clarence was remanded to the cus
tody of the sheriff.
In a civil suit pending before the
court in which Clara Davis is plain
tiff and W. C. Carraher is defend
ant, the court gave the defendant
thirty days to answer the petition of
An information was filed in the
district court by the county attorney
this morning, charging J. Lawrence
Stull with assault with intent to do
great bodily harm upon his sister,
Mrs. Monroe.
Conventions Meets Sept 28
One week from next Wednesday
will be the opening of the tenth an
nual Sunday school convention of
Cass county. The session this year
will be held at Greenwood and will
be in full swing for two days. Dr.
Ilamil of Chattanooga, Tenn., and
other noted workers in the Sunday
school will be present each session.
The date is the 28 and 29 of Sep
tember, and any desiring programs
can get them by writing to the secre
tary, Miss Edith Clizbe, at Weeping-
ng Water.
From Saturday's Pally.
Convict Harrison sent up from this
place April 10th of this year with
his pal, Wilson for burglarizing a
bunk car in the M. P. yards here, es
caped from the penitentiary yester
day. Harrison was sent up for one
year and had by his genteel actions
impressed the prison authorities fa
vorably. He was being worked out
side the prison walls yesterday after
noon when he made his get away.
Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker received
the Information Immediately and a
sharp lookout for tne escaped convict
is being kept.
The offense for which he was sen
tenced happened last Bprlng, when,
he, in company .with two others, one
Wilson and a youth from Omaha
broke into a boarding car at the M.
P. station In this city. The Omaha
youth got a Jail sentence while both
Wilson and Harrison were sent to
the penitentiary for a year.
Is Full-riedged Sailor.
Mrs. J. W. Gamble Is In receipt of
a communication from her son, Cedric
Eaton who is a gunner on the battle
ship Pennsylvania, stating that he has
been constituted a full-fledged sailor.
He snipped with the first division ot
the Pacific fleet near Seattle, August
14, sailing for Chill, South America,
expecting to land at Valparlso Sep
tembcr 10 where the fleet was to take
part la the centenlal celebration of
the Chilian government. The ships in
the first Pacific fleet are the Califor
nia, Colorado, Pennsylvania and
Washington. The fleet Is due to re
turn to San FranclBco October 22.
John Klaurens of Union was In the
city today looking after business.
f. ' i 1 1