The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 19, 1910, Image 1

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Kb. BUt Ilfitoriwi M.
'llattamoutb Journal.
Errors Allow Manley to Secure
Tabor Hangs One on
From Friday's Dally.
The second day of the base ball
tournament opened with good weath
er with Plattsmouth vs. Manley In the
first game and Tabor vs. Union In sec
ond game. On the toss up Manley.
took the field and Plattsmouth to
The Plattsmouth Red Sox won the
second game of the tournament which ,
was exciting till the seventh Inning
88 the game was a tie up to that
time. Fitzgerald hit to left field for
a home run which won the game.
The feature of the game was th
batting of Droege, Fitzgerald, Mc
Cauley, Mason, Rockwell and Keck
ler, the fielding of Herold, Beal, Ma
son, Fahnestock, Rockwell and
Krecklow. One fast double play was
made in this game, Mason to Fitz
gerald. Plattsmouth used three pitchers to
hold Manley as they made too many
Mason made a good one hand catch
off Klepser hit In the seventh in
ning, and also got four chances in
left field that cut off runs.
Story of the Game.
Beal, first man up for Plattsmouth
was nervous and struck out. Droege
singled to center for a base, stole
second, Fitzgerald sacrificed, Klep
ser to Rau, while McCauley was at
bat, Droege tried to steal home and
was out to O'Brien at the plate.
O'Brien, first man up for Manley
fouled out to Herold, Rau walked,
and stole second, Murphy walked al
so, but Lorenson hit into a double
play, Mason to Fitzgerald, retiring
Rau and himself.
Second Inning McCauley struck
out, Herold reached first on four bad
balls, stole second, Peterson flew
out to Rockwell, Mason doubled to i
center for two bases, Herold scoring, i
Lotz walked, Mason stole third, Lotz'
stole second, Bardwell walked, while
Beal was at bat, Mason scored, Beal
out Keckler to Rau two runs. J
Rockwell flew out to Fitzgerald,
Krecklow skied to Beal, Keckler trip
pled to center for three bases, but
died there as Klepser was an easy
out, Bardwell to Mack.
Third Inning Droege hit to center
for a base, and stole second, Fitz
gerald flew to Keckler, Mack sin
gled over third for a base, Herold hit
to Murphy who threw to O'Brien,
catching Droege between thjrd and
home. Peterson singled, the ball
hitting Herold going to third, and he
was out, being hit by a batted ball.
McCauley lost a run on the play.
Peterson now pitching for Platts
mouth and Bardwell on third, Fah
nestock out, Bardwell to Mack, both
O'Brien and Rau struck out.
Fourth Inning Mason singled to
center for a base, but was out steal
ing, O'Brien to Lorenson. Lotz skied
to Rockwell, and Bardwell fanned.
Murphy struck out, Lorenson out,
Peterson to McCauley, Rockwell flew
out to McCauley, a good one hand
Fifth Inning Beal walked, and
stole second, Droege sacrificed to
Rau, Krecklow dropped Fitzgerald
hit to center, and Beal scored, Fitz
gerald going to third on the play.
Mack struck out and Herold skied to
Krecklow, leaving Fitzgerald on third
base. '
Krecklow reached first when Mc
Cauley dropped Fitzgerald's throw to
put him out, Krecklow Btole second,
Keckler fouled out to Herold, Herold
threw to Bardwell to catch Krecklow
stealing, Bardwell failed to get the
ball, going out to left field, Krecklow
scoring the first run for Manley.
Klepser struck out, Fahnestock flow
out to Dropge--one run.
Sixth Inning-Peterson reached sec
ond when Krecklow dropped his fly in
center field, and stole third, Mason
singled over short for a base, Peter
son scoring. Lotz sacrificed, Fahne
stock to Rau, Bnrdwcll sacrificed,
Lorsensen to Rau, but Mason died on
third as Beal skied to Krecklow.
Manley tied the score in this in
ning through errors. O'Brien, first
man up fouled out to Herold, Rau
walked, Murphy hit to Beal who
threw to Bardwell, getting Rau at
third, Lorenson filed to Beal, who
drorped the ball, Murphy scoring.
Lorenson went to Becond on (he Any.
Rockwell doubled to center for two
Four Runs While Platts Gets Five
Union, Seven to Three.
bases, Lorenson scoring, Krecklow
singled to center for a base, Rock
well going to third, and scored when
Herold muffed a throw by Peterson.
Keckler fanned, ending the agony
three runs tleing the score.
Seventh Inning Droege skied to
Fahnestock, Fitzgerald hit to left
field for a home run, the crowd cheer-
jng. McCauley singled to center, Her
old forced McCauley, Klepser to Lor
enson, Herold stole second, Peterson
flew out to Rockwell.
Connors now pitching for Platts
mouth, Peterson on third, Klepser
flew out to Mason, a good one hand
catch. Fahnestock beat out a bunt,
O'Brien out, Peterson to McCauley,
Fahnestock reached second when
Mack muffed Connors throw to catch
him stealing, Rau was an easy out,
Connors to Mack.
Eighth Inning Klepser goes In the
box, and Fahnestock to short. Mason
out, Lorenson to Rau, Lotz struck
out, Connor singled to left for a
base, and Beal grounded out to Rau
Murphy fanned, Loreson skied to
Mason, Rockwell out, Fltz to Mack.
Ninth Inning Droege strueK out,
Fltz out, Klepser to Rau, Mack end
ed the inning by, hitting to Murphy
who threw to Rau, getting Mack at
Both Krecklow and Keckler struck
out, Klepser reached first when
Droege dropped his hit, and went to
second, after Fltz getting the ball,
trying to run him down between first
and second, hit him with the ball,
the ball going past first, Fahnestock
ended the game when he hit to Con
nors who threw to McCauley for the
put out.
A.B. R. II. 0.
2 4 1
Droege, ss 4 0
Fitzgerald, 2b. . .4 1
McCauley, lb. . . .5 0
Herold, c 3 1
Peterson, 3b. -p. .4 1
Mason, If 4 1
Lotz, rf 2 0
Bardwell, p.-3b. ..10
Connors, p 1 0
Total 32
5 10 27 8 7
A.B. R. H. O.
O'Brien, c 4 0 0 8
Rau, lb 2 0 0
Murphy, 3b 3 1 0
Lorenson, 2b. ... 4 1 0 4 1 1
Krecklow, cf. . . . 4 1 1
Keckler, p 4 0 1
Klepser, ss.-rf. . . 4 0 0
Fahnestock, rf.-ss.4 0 1
Total 33 4 4 26 10 2
Herold out, hit by a batted ball.
Score by Innings:
Platts 02 0 0 1 1 1 0 05
Manley 00001300 04
Two base hits Mason and Rock
well. Three base hits Keckler,
Home run Fitzgerald. Stolen bases
Beal, Droege, (2), Herold (2),
Peterson, Mason, Lotz, Rau and
Krecklow. Sacrifice hits Droege,
Fitzgerald, Lotz and Bardwell. Base
on balls off Keckler (4), off Bard
well (2), off Peterson (1). Struck
out by Keckler (6), by Peterson
(5), by Connors (3.) Double play
Mason to Fitzgerald. First base on
errors Plattsmouth (2), Manley
(3.) Left on base Plattsmouth (7),
Manley (a.) Umpire Faber. Time
of game 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Scorer Gross.
Talior vs. I'nion.
The second game started ns usual
after the first with Doth teams get
ting a chance to limber up. Union at
bat and Tabor on the field. Union
was outclassed, Anderson the pitcher
bad no support or the game would
have been more exciting.
Tabor defeated Union In tlio sec
ond game 7 to 3, through errors In
the first part of the game, the game
being one sided. The feature of the
game was the batting of V. Shuffler,
Redeiibaugh, T. Johnson, I). Eaton
and McKcan, the fielding of Hume,
Case, Bauer and I). Eaton.
D. Eaton got a home run In the
fourth Ir.r.Ing.
Both pitchers struck out 8 men.
Story of the (unto.
First Inning Case, the first man
! up for Union was out, T. Johnson to
Redenbaugh, Keithley out, Hume to
Redenbaugh, D. Eaton out the same
Glen Johnson was first up for Tab
or, bunted and was out, Anderson to
D. Eaton, R. Johnson flew out to
Case, Redenbaugh struck out.
Second Inning Anderson fanned,
Bud Hall out, T. Johnson to Reden
baugh, McKean out, Hume to Reden
baugh. W. Shuffler out, Keithley to D. Ea
ton, Hall singled to center and stole
second, both F. Johnson and J. Shuf
fler fanned.
Third Inning Graves flew out to
Redenbaugh unassisted, Bauer walk
ed and stole second, B. Eaton forced
Bauer, Hall to Johnson, Case out,
Hume to Redenbaugh.
Barbour reached first when D. Ea
ton muffed his hit, Hume hit to An
derson, who threw to Graves who
threw to D. Eaton, both failed to get
their men, as Umpire Faber called
them safe, spoiling a double play.
G. Johnson hit to Anderson who
threw to Bud Hall, getting Barbour
at the plate. Bud Hall threw over
Keithley head trying to get Hume
stealing, Hume scoring, G. Johnson
going to third. R. Johnson hit to
Keithley who threw to Bud Hall; get
ting G. Johnson at the home plate.
Redenbaugh bunted, Bud Hall tried
to get R. Johnson at third but he was
safe. W. Shuffler singled to center,
R. Johnson and Redenbaugh scoring,
B. Hall fanned ending the comedy of
errors and poor head playing with
three runs.
Fourth Inning Keithley out,
Hume to Redenbaugh. D. Eaton
caught one of B. Hall's swift ones
and rapped It to left rieid for a home
run, the crowd went wild for a mo
ment. Mr. Hall was mad as both
Anderson and Bud Hall struck out.
Bud Hall dropped T. Johnson's
third strike, the ball got away from
him, T. Johnson made first, J. Shuf
fler hit to Keithley who threw wild
to D. Eaton, J. Shuffler going to sec
ond base, D. Eaton tried to get J.
Shuffler stealing at second, T. John
son scored, J. Shuffler going to third.
Barbour fanned, Hume grounded to
D. Eaton unassisted and J. Shuffler
scored, G. Johnson flew out to Mc
Kean two runs.
Fifth Inning McKean hit to T.
Johnson who pegged bad to Reden
baugh and he was safe, he went to
second on a passed ball, Graves hit
te Hume who threw to W. Shuffler
and got McKean at home, Graves go
ing to second. Bauer hit to G. John
son who threw to W. Shuffler, too
late to get his man, Graves scoring,
Bauer stole second, D. Eaton out, R.
Johnson to Redenbaugh. Case foul
ed out to W. Shuffler.
R. Johnson out, McKean to D. Ea
ton, Redenbaugh out the same route,
McKean to D. Eaton. W. Shuffler
trlppled to centerfleld for three bases
but was left there as B. Hall went
out, Keithley to D. Eaton.
Sixth Inning Keithley flew out to
G. Johnson, D. Eaton struck out, An
derson hit to T. Johnson who threw
to Redenbaugh but he dropped the
ball and Anderson was safe, he stole
second. Bud Hall singled to center
for a base, B. Hall threw to Reden
baugh to catch Bud Hall but caught
Anderson at the plate and he was
out to W. Shuffler.
T. Johnson doubled to center for
two bases, J. Shuffler out, Anderson
to D. Eaton, Hume singled to right,
T. Johnson scoring, Hume out to D.
Eaton, caught off the bag.
Seventh Inning Both McKean and
Graves were easy as both struck out
and Bauer ended the Inning by going
out at first, J. Shuffler to Reden
O. Johnson skied to B. Eaton, R.
Johnson fanned, Redenbaugh doubled
to center for two bases, W. Shuffler
singled to center, Redenbaugh scor
Ing, V. Shuffler out stealing, D. Ea
ton to Graves.
Eighth Inning Redenbaugh muf
fed B. Eaton hit and he went to sec
ond, Case fanned, Keithley walked,
11. Eaton out stealing, W. Shuffler, to
T. Johnson, 1). Eaton fouled out to
W. Shuffler.
Hall out, Keithley to I) Eaton, T
Johnson flew out to Bauer, J. ShuT
fler reached first when I). Eaton
dropped the throw, Barbour walked
and Hume struck out.
Ninth Inning Anderson struck
out, Bud Hall out, Hume to Reden
baugh, McKean doubled to center
field for two bases, Graves singled to
center, McKean scoring. Bauer end
ed the Inning by flying out to Hume.
As Tabor was ahead seven to three
they did not go to bat and the game
was ended.
TABOR, la.
A.B. R. H
O. A.
G. Johnson, 2b. . . 4 0
R. Johnson, rf. . .4 1
Redenbaugh, lb. .4 2
V. Shuffler, c. . .4
B. Hall, p 4
T. Johnson, 3b. . .4
J. Shuffler, rf. . .4
Barbour, If 2
Hume, ss 4
Total 34 7 7 27 13 3
A.B. R. II. O.
A. E.
0 0
5 1
Case, If 4
Keithley, 3b.
D. Eaton, lb.
Anderson, p. .
Bud. Hall, c.
McKean, ss. .
Graves, 2b 4
Bauer, cf 3
D. Eaton, rf 3
Total 33
3 4 24 10 6
Score by innings:
Tabor 0 0 3 2 0
Union 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 7
0 0 0 13
Two base hits Redenbaugh, T,
Johnson and McKean. Three base
hit V. Shuffler, Home run D. Ea
ton. Stolen bases B. Hall, Ander
son and Bauer (2.) Sacrifice hit
Barbour. Base on balls off Ander
son (1), oft B. Hall (2.) Struck out
by Anderson (8), by Hall (.8)
Passed on balls-W. Shuffler (1.) 1st
base on error Tabor (3), Union (3.)
Left on base Tabor (5), Union (5.)
Umpire Faber. Time of game 2
hours. Scorer Gross.
Standing to Date.
W. L.
l'lHttStlllMllll 2 0
Tabor 2 0
Union 0 2
P. C.
Manley 0 2
From Friday's Dally
The mortal remains of W. L. Pick
ett lay In state at his residence on
Vine street this morning from ten
to twelve o'clock and his many
friends In this city availed them
selves of the opportunity to take the
last look at one whom they loved
and respected.
At 1:15 Canon Burgess, pastor of
St. Luke's church conducted the sol
emn funeral service of that church.
The floral tokens were banked on
the casket and about the room and
were beautiful and profuse, and were
silent mementoes of the purety of the
life of the deceased. At 2 o'clock
the procession left the residence and
slowly wended Its way to the Bur
lington station where 60 many years
of faithful sertlce had been rendered
by the deceased In his life time. The
honorary pall bearers were: Dr. E.
W. Cook, O. C. Dovey, J. M. Robert
son, G. M. Spurlock, C. C. Parmele
and T. H. Pollock. The active pall
bearers were: I. C. Lyle, William
Clement, Charles Johnson, Dr. J. S.
Livingston, Carl Frlcke and A. E.
Gass. The Masonic fraternity as a
body acted as an escort to the fun
eral procession.
At 2:40 the funeral party left the
station for Pacific Junction where
the remains were transferred to the
K. C. 'south bound train for Evans-
ville, Ind., via St. Joseph and St.Louis
Interment will be made at Evansvllle
near the old home of Mrs. Pickett.
Culled to Alliance.
From Friday's De'ly,
Judge Beeson and wife and C. E.
Tefft and wife of Weeping Water
motored to Omaha this morning, leav
ing Platsmouth about 9 o'clock. Judge
Beeson boarded the train at Omaha
for Alliance where he was called on
Important business. During his ab
sence Miss Gertie will hold full sway
and attend to nil necessary duties of
the. office, except perform the. cere
monies for marriages, and as there is
several magistrates In town having
Jurisdiction In such cases no ono need
fin unmarried on account, of tho ab
sence of the county Judge.
Tor Sale.
261 aero farm, 4 miles west of
Plattsmouth one and half miles from
grain elevator, well Improved, and
known as the Jacob Horn farm. For
further particulars see Mrs. W. Hass
ler, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Smoke "Acorns" the cipar with
reputation. Made by I'tak & Bajeck
A Good Attendance of Members
Discussed Including the
The commercial dub held an in
vesting meeting at their dub rooms
in the Coates block last evening and
considered the number of other at
tractions demanding the attention of
the public a fair sized crowd of the
membership were present. After the
reading and approving of the min
utes of the previous meeting the club
got down to business and disposed of
some pending matters and discussed
some prospective enterprises which
are headed this way.
A communication was read by Mr.
Tidd from Mr. J. II. Houck, the pro
moter of the new factory, stating that
he had shipped at the request of Mr.
Tidd for the new corporation, one ap
proved gasoline engine of the latest
model, the same having been loaded
at the factory on the 12th and en
dosed Instructions how to operate
the machine. On motion of Secre
tary Wescott, it was voted to secure
the engine men of the city to make
an examination of the new engine
when it arrives, and get their opin
ion of the same in writing.
And If favorable, to then make the
final hustle for the balance of the
funds required. The engine will prob
ably be here tomorrow and will be on
exhibition at John Bauer & Son's
hardware store.
The ferry road was discussed to
some extent and the matter will be
From Friday's Dally.
A .Woodman Circle lodge,, the Ja
dies auxiliary to the Woodmen of
the World lodge In this city, was or
ganized last evening by Mr. J. J. Cass
ldy of Lincoln, state organizer of the
W. O. W. Mrs. Hattle M Miller
deputy organizer has been In the city
the past week or so Interviewing par
ties as prospective members and as
a result of her efforts, Mr. Cassldy
was able to organize a Woodmen Cir
cle lodge In this city with quite a
membership to start with. After the
lodge had been properly organized,
the following officers wert elected:
Mrs. Jos. Silence, gv.rdian; Mi". (Sua
Olson, past guardian; Mrs. Peter Val
lery, advisor; Miss Nettle Vallery,
banker; Mr. Jos. Silence, clerk; Mrs.
Charles Peterson, attendant; Mrs.
Zuckweller, chaplain, Mrs. Ed. Krug
er, Iner sentinel ; Miss Nellie Bates,
outer sentinel. The following were
elected as board of managers: Mrs.
Johnson, Mrs. Levi Miller and Mr. H.
An Old Virginia Town.
From Friday's Dally.
Steve Copenhaver from near Mur
ray accompanied by his uncle, S. N.
Copenhaver, from Marlon, Virginia,
were Plattsmouth visitors today, driv
ing up from the home of Steve this
morning. They were also accompan
ied by John Farris, son-in-law of Mr.
Copenhaver, and at whose home he
has been visiting for the past few
months, the guest of his daughter.
Mrs. Copenhaver and Mrs. Farris
spent the day In Omaha and return
ed to Plattsmouth In the evening.
L. V. Copenhaver of this city Is also
a son of this excellent old Virginia
gentleman, with whom he was spend
ing the day.
Her Father Doing Fine,
Mrs. A. J, Hansell and baby, Eva,
returned last Sunday from a two
weeks and a half visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Standlsh,
living near Garrett, Kas. Miles Is do
ing fine In his new home, has a good
crop of peaches, pears and apples,
Mrs. Hansell likes it down there re
markably well and she says Mr. Han
sell and herself contemplate moving
there In the spring. .Mr. and Mrs,
Hansell live near where Mr. Standlsh
formerly resided near Murray.
T. J. Pickett, editor of the Wa
hoo Wasp, called hero on account of
tho death of his brother, W. L. Pick
ett, made the Journal a call yesterday
afternoon, Mr. Pickett Is ono of the
old printers, having been In the busi
ness a long time and a very clever
gentleman, and we were pleased to
make his acquaintance.
coin CLUB
and Several Important Matters
Gas Engine Manufactory.
kept a live Issue until the commis
sioners take action on it. The com
missioners have not yet viewed the
road, but the matter will not be al
lowed to slumber, and some action
will be had before winter.
Mr. Tidd reported that a committee
from Ft. Crook would be In Platts
mouth soon to look over the proposi
tion of a location for a rifle range.
That the matter probably would not
be pushed until the wagon bridge.
contemplated being built by Pollock
and Duff, was In.
Mr. Falter then got. the floor and
stated that a real estate concern in
Omaha which had. been buying up
real estate and selling It in five and
ten acre lots to persons who wished
to do truck farming. That the firm
had been here and liked the territory
about Plattsmouth, and only waited
the completion of the wagon bridge
to push their enterprise in this lo
cality. The firm was especially well pleas
ed with the bottom land north of this
city as a fertile sandy soil well adapt
ed to truck gardening.
The commercial club received this
statement with some Interest and an
effort to Induce the firm to come this
way will be made. It was also sug
gested to have another feed for the
merchants some time soon. The club
then adjourned.
From Frlday'a Dally.
Last evening at the residence of
tho brlde'B parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Budig In this city, occurred
the wedding of Mr. Ralph Sherwood
and Miss Alice Budig. Tho cere
mony uniting the lives of these pop
ular young people was performed by
Rev. V. II. Steger of St. Paul church
anil was witnessed by the relntlves
and friends of the contracting par
ties. The marriage took place at
the hour of 8 o'clock after which tho
guests were Invited to partake of re
freshments, consisting of luncheon,
Ice cream and cake. The ring form
of ceremony was used and was very
simple and Impressive. The groom
was attended by Herman Fischer of
Creston, la., and the bride by Miss
Freda Sanders of Grand Island. Mr.
and Mrs. Sherwood departed this
morning for Grand Island and Den
ver, their trip to accupy a couple of
weeks. The out of town guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer of Cres
ton, la., and their son, Herman, and
Miss Freda Sanders of Grand Island.
The Journal Joins their many friends
In wishing the newly wedded a long,
happy and useful career, and may
their pathway through life be strewn
with the choicest of flowers.
Ileutli of Little Child.
Emll Philip, the little Bon of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman liekotter, residing
on north Ninth and Day street, died
f heart failure yesterday morning
about 10:30. The funeral will be
held at the residence Saturday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock. The little boy
had been sick but a short time and
his death is a sad blow to the fond
parents. The little fellow was born
November 10, 1907, and passed away
September 15, 1910.
Will Ik Home .Monday.
Hon. Matthew Gerlng arrived In
New York yesterday from hla trip
abroad and will bo at home next
Monday. Mr. Gerlng has been absent
about three months, and will be very
warmly welcomed homo by his many
friends. Ho no doubt lias enjoyed
his trip In the older countries across
the seat, and will feel much better by
III visit abroad.
In District Court.
Attorney William IielesDernler fil
ed a petition In the district court this
morning asking for the partition of
tho half section of land belonging to
tho Lucy Bahr estato ,lylng near
Eagle. This Is a fine farm and worth
about one hundred dollars per nrre,
and will bo divided among the heirs
of tho deceased lady or It that can
not equitably be done, then It will bo
Bold and the proceeds thus divided.
I j