The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 12, 1910, Image 2

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Sermon by
Paitor Brooklyn
O Ooo
rortland. Me.. Sept 11. The Inter
national liible Students Convention la
Is session here with an excellent at
tendance and dep Interest manifested.
Fsstor ItUHHell of Brooklyn Tabernacle
delivered two addresses today, one be
ing In Jefferson Theatre. We reMirt
tone of them from the text foregoing:
Three weeks ago today Christendom
Was startled hy a communication
hlch announced that the Christian
Alliance had lifted a collection of $00..
000 In a few minutes $300 In cash, the
balance In promises. Then followed
the startling announcement of Brother
Blmpson. Its 1'reKldent, that the col
lection lifted would probably be the
last at Old Orchard, because the Camp
Grounds' Directors had rented Its Au
dltorlutn for three days for the use of
our Association. He declared that he
disagrees with our theology. This, of
course, was a veiled threat that the
Mrectors of the camp ground must
ireak their Contract with the Bible
Students. This they promptly did, and
ve accepted back the money paid In
advance, rather than go to Law. It Is
for this reason, dear friends, thnt we
are having our Convention "outside
the camp." We are glad thnt Its fence
does not separate us from our great
Redeemer uud Teacher, the Joy of
whose blessing I see In your faces.
Secular editors were astonished
They had been congratulating Chris
tlan people thnt the days of the rack.
the thumb screw and the stake were
past and that from every quarter were
coming appeals for Christian Union
Which. It was hoped, might even ulti
mately 'Include all denominations of
Catholics and Protestants. Yet here
they had to listen to tho contrary a
suggestion thnt Christian people in al
liance were so opposed to Bible Stu
dents that even a year would not be
Bufflclei-.t to purify tho air of Old Or
cbard and to permit them to meet here
next year to tnke up another collection
It seemed funny, too, to theso editors,
that anything could drive a Christian
Alliance meeting away from a $X),000
Explanations Surely In Order.
Since Brother Simpson may not care
to tell the wholu truth ubout the mut
ter and since tho Christian public is
Interested and ought to know the facts,
1 must tell them. The unpleasant duty,
however, will not necessitate my say
ing an unkind word concerning Mr.
Simpson and the Christian friends who
are in alliance with hi in.
There are two rensons why Brother
Simpson thought It doubtful If be
could come next yenr following our
three days of this year.
1 He knew Instinctively that bis
collections would bo smaller, hardly
worth coming for, if the people should
begin to get tho eyes of their under
standing more widely opened respect
ing w hat really constitutes the Gospel
of Christ.
(2i The $00,000 "raised" was not cash
and a lurge proportion of It never will
be. Some of It is promised over and
over again und telegraphed over and
over, as was the case with the young
wotuuu who In the sKctucular niuuner
offered her Jewels from time to time
and had It mentioned In the papers.
Such repetitious of charitable work are
1-ousldered eutlrely proper by many In
connection with religious work In vari
ous denominations, "for the good of
the cause." Subscriptions are given
publicly without bopo of payment, to
Influence others who are more slucere
-ouie of whom In the excitement give
tnore thau they can afford.
Chicago 8tockyard Msthod.
This same method is illustrated In
the Chlcugo Stock Yards. A Que, lurge,
trained bull gallops out to meet tho
cattle designed for slaughter. He
waltzes before them and becomes their
leader. Following III in in a grand rush
(or a narrow passage they crowd one
another to the executioner, who knocks
them senseless. A scclal place Just
large enough for himself is provided
Tor the decoy bull, who, later, goes out
JtV lend oo auother herd for the slaugh
ter We do not mean to say that those
who give their money are slaughtered
or otherwise Injured. We believe that
they are blessed that everyone Is
blcbsed who sacrlllces anything hearti
ly unto the Lord, or to what they sup
pose to be his service, whether It Is
or uot It Is the method of getting the
money from the people and the decep
tion practised which we deplore. How
ever, the Alliance has plenty of com
pany in this method In larger Chris
tian denominations. It Is part of the
"business" method of recent years.
Some who did not understand this
"business" method wondered where all
tho money apparently contributed to
the "Christian Alllonce" work was
spent. An investigation of Its financial
accounts was made, which revealed
the fuct that they were chaotic, and'
other "business" method were ud
Vlsed. "The Darkness Hateth ths Light."
Some one inny Inquire why the
Christian Alliance should fe;ir us and
Whether or not w have ever done
them harm. We reply. Never Imve we
Injured them In tin xlkhiesi decree.
Bor ever even publicly nteiinnneil thi'lr
"I am not ashamed of the gospel
di Christ" (Romans i, 16).
ooo Q
name before. Their opposition to v.
is on the liues of general principle
mentioned by the Great Teacher. "The
darkness Imteth the lilit:" "All thin
that are reproved ure made nianlfesi
by the ll'ht (Lphesluns v. 13 Our
work Is to proclaim the true Gospel
to Incite Christian eople to Bible
study In the light of the Bible's
testimony and without sectarian spec
tacles, which. In the past, have so dis
torted the Word of God and set It
forth In false colors.
As Christian people come to see the
grossness of the errors by which thev
huve been blinded, the light not onlv
has a blessed and transforming effect
upon their minds, but it Influences
meir pocKcitiooks also. Tney no
longer apprec iate the "business" meth
ods of the Alliance nor the brand of
Gospel which It sets forth. The more
God's people come to a correct under
standing of the teachings of his Word.
the smaller will he the collections of
the Christian Alllunce. Thut is the
real secret of their opposition. I would
that It were true that they would nev
er take up unother collection at Old
Orehnrd: The heathen have already
had too much of their Gospel of dam
nation. God's name has already been
Blundered and blasphemed enough by
the false Gospel message that nine
hundred and ninety-nine out of every
thousand of humanity ever born are to
suffer eternal roasting because of fa
ther Adam's sin nnd the Ignorance, stu
pldlty und meanness which have re
Let the Truth Prevail.
If the Intelligent men connected with
the Alliance ready believe the horri
ble nightmare of the Dark Ages which
they nre proclaiming as the Gospel of
Christ, then, of course, they nre ex
cusablo for preaching It. It Is not for
others to Judge of their honesty In this
matter, but It Is for others to deckle
that they will no longer assist or co
operate In the spread of such horrible
travesties upon the Divine cbnrncter
no longer assist financially or otherwise
In binding upon the poor heathen at
home nnd abroad Increased Ignorance
and superstition.
Everybody knows that the word Gos
pel sonifies "good tidings." And every
body ought to know thnt. es Christian
people, we have for centuries misused
tho word, applying It to the bad tid
ings of great misery to all people, ex
cept tho mere handful of the elect. We
did this because It was banded down
to us by our forefathers. What Jesus
said to the Jews has been true of us
as Christians. "Ye do mnke void the
Law of God through your traditions."
Thank God that, as In the natural
world he Is sending us now the electric
light Instead of the tallow candle, so
through Bible study helps, concord
ances, etc., his Word (the Lamp to his
people's footsteps until the day dawni.
Is uow shining brighter thnu ever be
Which Is the True Gospel?
Catholic and Protestant orthodoxy
have set forth for centuries two gen
eral views of the Gospel of Christ. To
whatever extent they now disagree
with those they should publicly dis
own and abuudou them. Until then
they ure besmirched with whatever
odium attaches.
The Catholic Gospel (Good Tldlngsi
Is that all the heutheu, all Catholics
aud all Protestauts. except a mere
handful, go to a I'urgntory of nwful
suffering, terrlblo anguish, lasting for
decades, centuries and thousands of
yenrs, roasting, boiling, agonizing, and
thus purging away their sins and dross
that they may ultimately attain to
heuvenly bliss for the remainder of
eternity. If that Is good tidings It can
be considered such only In contrast
with something more horrible. If thut
be Imaginable.
Our ProUstant Goiptl.
Our Protestant Gospel, of which we
are so proud that we want to thrust
It upon Jews nud Catholics and heath
ens everywhere, we Bhould thoroughly
understand, enjoy nud appreciate be
fore we waste good time aud money
giving It to others. Here It is: Pour
centuries ago our forefathers were not
Protestauts but Catholics aud believed
In Turgntory. etc., as above. Then
what wus known as the Reformation
Movement set In. Catholics, Jews and
Infidels will admit with Protestants
that n great blessing of enlightenment
and civilization has come to the world
In the train of the Reformation Move
ment. But none of us Is prepared to
ndinlt that the Reformers were ner-
fect, nor tbclr work perfect.
The Reformers criticized the Catho
lic teachings which thev had former-
y believed. They examined thel.1
Bibles and found nothing there to the
effect thnt Mary was the mother of
God. nor that we should piny to saints,
nor thut we should use pictures or Im
ages In our worship, nor that their
sacrifice of Christ In the mass was
proper, nor that there was a Purga
tory anywhere. The Reformers threw
out these things as unscrlpturul. They
completely demolished Purgatory In
their minds, declaring thnt It had nev
er been anything more than imnglna
tlon. Then came another thought, viz;
What must v do tvlih the thousands
of millions of mankind that we and
onr fathers for centuries supposed
were In Purgatory roasting, stewing,
tortured, but hoping for heaven. They
looked at one another In consternation.
They bad hearts and sympathies and
felt that as it bud devolved ukd them
to smash I'urgntory, it must also de
volve upon them to re-locate all those
thousands of millions whom they had
on their hands. They felt the weight
of the responsibility. Could they de
mand of God that they should be put
Into heaven? Surely not! Surely only
the saintly few are fit for heaven;
They, us well ns all, recocnlzed that
fart. Then, with blank consternation,
they determined that they must crowd
the entire mass Into a hell of eternal
torture and shut the gates upon tbem
forever ai;d writ upon the gtes.
"Who enters here abandons hope."
Brother Calvin to the Rsscus.
Taking from practically all humau-
Ity all future hope made the Reformers
for the time heartsick. It would te
awful to do that for one person, but
to thus "do" all humanity seemed ter
rible. And then to be obliged to label
thnt gospel "Good Tidings" must cer
tulnly have been a trying experience
fr the Reformers.
But Brother John Calvin helped
them amazingly and took from tbem
their burden. He told them that they
Bhould not worry, because It was all
God's fault and not theirs. God had
predestinated tbem to that awful fu
ture long before he created man. Now
they should merely try to think r
themselves as tho "elect" and try t-
forget everybody else. Of course, It
seemed horrible to charge all these
things against the God of all Justice.
Wisdom, Love and Tower. But It was
the only solution which occurred to
them. John Calvin's theories were
afterwards embodied In the "West
minster Confession of Faith." And
thnt confession of faith been me the
foundation of nearly all Protestant
creeds. Brother John Wesley after
ward objected, but admitted thnt only
tho saintly went to heaven nud every
body else went to eternal tormeut.
Ills protest wo s that. Instead of this
being by Divine foreordinntion and In
tention, It was. on the contrary. le-
cause of Divine unwisdom nnd Incom
petency. ,
"Good Tidings of Great Joy."
Surely no sane person can any longer
defend any of the above "Gospels" as
tho true one. of which St. Paul was
not ashamed! Surely St. Paul never
preached any of those Gospels, nor did
any of the Apostles nor does tho Bible
support such theories, except by the
turning and twisting of language, mis
translations of the original and misin
terpretations of some purnbles. The
plain statements of the Scriptures are
all directly to tbe opposite.
The Bible tenches that "the .wages
of sin is death." not Purgatory nor
eternal torment. ''The soul Unit sin
neth, it shall die." Adam, the perfect,
was placed ou trial for life eternal or
death eternal. He sinned and the sen
tence against him was, "Cursed is the
earth for thy sake; thorns and thistles
shall It bring forth unto tbec. In the
sweat of trfiy face shalt thou eat bread
until thou return unto the ground froiu
whence thou wnst taken" (Genesis ill.
17-10). St Paul declares tho same:
"By one man's disobedience sin enter
ed Into tho world; and thus death
passed upon all men, because all ure
sinners" (Romans v, 12). 1
Looking about us we find this true.
Everybody who la not dead Is dying.
As the Bible says, we are living un
der a reign of Sin and Death. Nothing
that man can do can cither eradicate
sin or lift us out of our dead and dy
ing condition. God alone can help us!
He proposes to help us and the mes
sage respecting that help is, in the
Scriptures, called the Gospel. Its an
nouncement by the angels ou tho night
of Jesus' birth Is full, complete, sat
isfactory, viz; "Behold, we bring you
good tidings of great Joy which shall
be uuto all people? for unto you Is
born this day In the City of Dnvld a
Savior (life-given which Is Christ the
Lord" (Luke II. l()i. t
Ah. now we have the Truth! The
pennlty of sin Is death. And the "good
tidings" Is that God has provided for
our recovery from sin and death. The
Savior gave his life for the cancela
tion of our sin, for the satisfaction of
Justice, thut in due time Adam und all
his condemned and lmcrfect race
might be released from the condemna
tion and be lifted out of the Bin nnd
death conditions which now prevail.
That uplifting Is Scrlpturally called
the resurrection of tho dead. Heuce
tho preaching of tho early Church was.
'Jesus and the Resurrection" the Re
deemer and his work.
Still More Good Tidinas.
The good tidings for the race lu cen-
erul Is that the Redeemer In God's due
time trill become King of kings nnd
Lord of lords the Messiah of clorv.
God's glorious Representative. For
a thousaud years tho reeoneratlnir
work for Adam's race will progress
(Matthew xlx. 28; Acts 11!, WZU.
God's Chosen People, Israel, will be
tho earthly agents of the heavenlv and
Invisible King of glory. By the close
of 'his reign tho whole earth will have
been transformed Into the ParudLm of
God. "Ho will mnko the nlace of his
feet glorious." And mankind will nil
be perfect again. In God's lrunue.
There will bo no more sin, no more
sickness, no more dying, becnuse all
tho things of sin and death will have
passwl away and he who sits unon
tho Throne Will Imve ronnuml nil
things (Revelation xxl. 5). All who.
after coming to n full knowledge of
the Truth of God's love and gracious
provision, still love sin and hnte right
eousness, will be destroyed in the Sec
ond Death, from which there will tie
no redemption, no resurrection, no re
covery; as St. Peter snys. "They ihall
perish Uke brute beast "
3 . 1
r-O fm
mm a
Forepaugh and Sells Brothers
Will Be fhere on That Date.
The Forepaugh and Sells Bros.',
big united shows will on Monday,
September 19 give two performances
In Omaha.
Not since the beginning of time
has an amusement enterprise so tre
mendous in size been organized as
this one. Its magniture Is almost be
yond belief. It conies this year after
an absence of several seasons, with a
complete new equipment from start
to finish. It cost the management
$3,200,000. Every corner of the
earth has been searched by the for
eign agents of the show for novelties.
The result Is a performance brim full
of sensational acts, the largest and
the only complete zoo in America and
a three mile parade. This parade Is a
veritable world's fair arid a panoramic
history of the earth from the days be
fore the flood up to the last tick of
the clock. . I
This great circus Is fifty years old.
It has always stood at the top among
all the amusement enterprises of the
world. This year it returns bigger,
better and more attractive than ever.
On its list of performers there are
350 names. These great stars have
been gathered from Eurpean arenas.
Among them are the three Tybell
sisters who present a "Human But
terfly' 'arelal spectacle which electri
fied all Europe last winter; Karl
Handley and his company of German
acrobats; Paul Alvarez of Spain, the
greatest head acrobatsetaolshrdluet
greatest head balancer on earth; the
Avalons from England, the best of
all high wire artists; Captain Webb
and his two troupes of trained seals;
Nellie Welch of Australia, the only
woman double somersault equestrian
in the world; Ada Bel Edwards, the
world's strongest woman, and the
wonderful Alvo family of aerlallsts
from Italy. The greatest trained ani
mal act In all history Is presented
by sixty-one horses. They appear at
one time in one ring. There are also
the fifteen best educated elephants
We secured by a fortunate chance this week, a small
lot oi Children's Knickerbocker Suits, in sizes 4 to 12
nice medium dark patterns, stylishly made, and
while not strictly all-wool, are very strong and ser
vieable. If you will call for the advertised iuit either
SATURDAY or MONDAY you can buy them for
ius 0)(fl
This is a seasonable bargain and one you I
should not miss.
At the same time we will sell you men's wool pants in
sizes 32 to 40 waist at $1.40 good, strong and durable.
Browns and gray mixed. Ask for the advertised pant.
The new Fall goods are here and we shall be glad to show you any
time. Notice our windows for some of the new models.
inni Aiij toe brinosicc ii s aioi: uust i miner bnnaer
saies Tint
Luther's FARM Special
is one of those indispensable farm tools. To the farmer
who is discriminating, and looks at quality instead of
price, who wants the BEST whether he buys machinery,
clothing, shoes or food stuff. To such a one, LUTH
ER'S FARM SPECIAL will strongly appeal. Up to
the time we put out this great labor saving tool he had
a u. A-l-J-a...
to be content with the
unsatisfactory emerv grinder, but now he can have the
service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device
ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm
that is superior to our FARM SPECIAL GRINDER as 0
a labor saver. It sharpens everything in one-twentieth S
iuc nine: lb nuuiu ka&c mu iuc iiuusiunc. lilitl
stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a
dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD
WORK of keeping tools sharp on it.
IT IS EASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special.
Your ten-year-old hoy will tell "you it is fun to sharpen
everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRINDER.
on earth. They perform In company
with three companies of trained dogs.
In the menagerie there are 7S0
wild animals. Scarcely a one of them
has ever been seen in this country
before. The menagerie alone repre
sents an expenditure of a million dol
lars In money. When It comes to the
street parade a description Is Im
possible. The great free pageant must
be seen to be appreciated. It Is
natural to expect this circus, above all
others, to present the best open-air
spectacle. Never In its splendid his
tory has It displayed such extrava
gance as it shows this year.
The organization now numbers
1,000 employes and has 600 horses.
It travels on a train over a mile In
length. Thi3 train Is divided into
several sections. When under can
vas the show covers ten acres of
ground. Its many tents and the
grounds are lighted with 4,000 In
candescent lamps and arc lights. The
circus carries Its own lighting plant.
The greatest holiday of a lifetime
is near at hand. Without a doubt
many from this city and its vicinity
will see the newly organized Adam
Forepaugh and Sells Bros, shows.
From Saturday's Daily.
George Mapes, a young Greek nine
teen years old returned from Omaha
last evening and went to Murray this
morning where he will work during
the fall months to accumulate funds
to pay board this winter while he
attends the Plattsmouth school.
George Is an industrious young Greek
who came from Athens about two
years ago, and Is determined to get
an education sufficient to enable him
to go into some line of business. He
attended the school here for a few
months last winter, going in the
eighth grade, and it is his wish to
go again this winter. We predict
that the young man's energy and in
dustry will land him at tbe top of the
ladder before many years.
Mr. John Bauer of Wabash was in
the city today looking after business
matters at the court house.
lit- 4M Jt t t P
old, slow-cutting grindstone or x
From Saturday's Dally.
Our old friend James A. Walker,
accompanied by his son-in-law, Dr. G.
H. Gilmore, came up from Murray
this morning in the latter's auto,
returning before noon. Both ewer
callers at the Journal office. Mr.
Walker Is 72 years of age today, and
has been a resident of Cass county
over half that time. He Is one of the
best citizens of the county and has
alwaj'3 bore an honorable upright
career of which anyone would be
proud. He was In business at Rock
Bluffs In connection with the late
James M. Patterson, deceased, when
that place was one of the most pros
perous towns in the county. Since
that place went to decay and Murray
sprang up he purchased a farm near
that town upon which he has since
resided in comfort, happiness and
peace. Our old friend has been ailing
at times during the past year or
two, but hla appearance this morning
denoted that he was much Improved.
May he live many years to comfort
his excellent wife and children in
the future, the same as he has been
in the past is the sincere wish of the
Frinds Cni! on the Journal.
From Saturday's Dally.
Charles Murphy, M. J. Tighe and
P. W. Tighe, all of the vicinity of
Manley, were visitors in the city to
day. While here they were pleas
ant callers at this office. We enjoyed
quite a chat with Mr. Murphy and Mr.
P. W. Tighe while M. J. Tighe re
newed his faith with the old reliable
for another year which was very
much appreciated by the editor. All
three gentlemen also attended the
refere's sale of the Bauer farm which
was held at the south entrance of
the court house today.
Miss Rachael Bell BIscboff of Bur
lington, la., who has been the guest
of her cousin, Sheriff Qulnton and
wife for a short time, departed for
her home this morning. Miss Bis
choff has been visiting friends in
Kansas City and Lincoln while on her
trip of a month or more.
I (
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