PUBLIC SCHOOLS I The Duty of Parent in Order to Aid the Superintendent and Teachers in Doing Their Respective Duties. Next Tuesday the Plattsmouth public schools will open for another year's work, and the boys and girls 111 gather the little bundle of books and move toward the place that Is to shape his or her destiny for the future. Do we realize the Import ance of that picture? Do we appre ciate the meaning of the school and its relation to the life of the chil dren? It Is there tbey are to receive the mental discipline that shall make them successful and desirable citizens or that discipline is going to be abus ed and they will start the career that shall make them other than desirable citizens. Rut whether and what this discipline? It comes from the school, but what is the school? The school comprlKes all those things that con tribute to the mental, moral and phy sical development of the child and this means the parent, the teacher, pupil, asHoclatlon, the school board, the tax payer and the school build ing. , Here you will observe the teacher la not the entire source of the child's development, but Is only one of the many factors In the school organism and hence Is no more responsible than the parent, which Is another fac tor. Children will not develop right ly unless their evenings are properly spent. The parent who permits the children, either high school or grade pupils, to spend their evenings upon the street where they congregate, of ten with the worst society, learn pro fanity, the use of tobacco and other Indulgences, is setting a net t lint will entrap his own children. The rela tion of the purcnt to tho child ami the parent's Influence over the child 1s much greater than that of the teacher, therefore the parent hns no right to hold the teacher wholly re sponsible for the conduct and career of the child. Cooperation with the teacher In Securing home study and see that the pupil spends his evenings at home where the environment is wholesome snd pure. Assist the teacher In training the child so that the right habits will be formed. Who Is re sponsible for the child's proper devel opment? Who should have the most concern about the welfare of your child? The whole school organism should work In harmony. Each member tnuBt perform his proper function or the whole school must suffer. We are glnd to know that the people of riattsmouth are proud et their schools and they have just reason to be. No town the size of l'lnttsmouth offers better educational advantages Hoys and girls should take advantage of the opportunity of attending a first class high school In their midst, fully accredited by the state department of education and by the state univer slty. A town Is always Judged by Its standard of Intellectuality and Its In tellectuallty .never rises above Its school opportunities. With a thor oughly eiulKd Institution, maintain ed and supported as It Is, Halts mouth hns reasons to bo proud. As we aro now about to begin a new scnool year ami to add one more chapter to l'lattsmouth's school It tn- tory, let us make this one of tho best In its history. We bespeak the sen tlinents of the entire faculty and board or education, when we say no time and effort will bo spared In giving to your child tho best and highest that Is possible. Let us be' gin to look after the pupil's equip ment. The board of education has already looked after the sanetary condition of the buildings, and prepared every thing for the reception of the pupils. Now let the patrons aid In tho main tenance of the best public schools of any town in tho state. SMALL WRECK IN THE Frnm Friday's Pally. While switching In the yards south of the station this morning, shortly before 8 o'clock the local switch crew met with an accident which re sulted In u small wreck. A few box cars were being run In on the shop track, when a draw bar dropped down and struck a cross bar on a switch nnd threw a bad order car off the trucks, and tho trucks off tho track; also tho trucks of a largo freight car went off at tho same time. No one wns Injured and the damage to the trnck was soon repair ed. H. A. Schneider visited tho me tropolis this morning, taking the ear ly train. MQUIRY INTO HARDY MURDER;!) Marthalltcwn Crand Jury to Inveiti- gate Triple Killing Marsha:;town, la., Sj,t. 2. Tfci gjaiid Jury which meets next wcck is. to make an exhaustive Investisatio'i c. the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Janus Hardy and their younger son, Earl who were beaten to death in thel. borne, in the extreme southern pari of the county, on June 6. It Is sale that many minor details of evidence have cropped out from time to Unit In the weeks since the active search for the murderer was practically abandoned. People who live In the lonely neighborhood which was the scene of the triple killing are clamor ing that the grand Jury investlgaf be very searching. The son, Kaymond, who was arrested and who later was released, Is still living In the neighbor hood. Poisoned by "Ropy" Bread. Fort Dodge, la., Sept. 2. "Ropy bread," not poisoned or spoiled flour, is asserted by the flour manufacturing company to have been the cause of poisoning In the Brooks family of Fort Dodge recently. The remainder of the sack of flour used by Mrs. Ilrooks was sent back to the company and they now have returned a loaf of bread made from the same flour, this loaf being perfectly good. "Ropy breud" Is a common occurrence in warm weather when care Is not taken In making bread, and especially when potato yenst is used. If warm water Is used, or utensils are not sanitary fermentation at excessive temperature begins, which is not oblltei-Ried by the degree of heat which is required to bake bread. Fermentation continues after baking and such trotililo as ropy bread" results. Old Soldier Fatally Hurt. Marslialliown, la., Sept. 2. John Kane of Dubuque, an Inmate of Iowa's soldiers' home here, was fatally in jured at Gludhrook when he got off a j.asscngi'r train that had carried him by Marslialliown on his way home from the statu fair. He was struck by a freight train coming from the oppo site direction. He was brought to tho hospital here, where one arm was am putated. Interurban Gets Franchise, Mason City, la., Sept. 2. Ily a vote of K!i3 lor to 2G7 against, Mason City voted a twenty-five-year franchise to the Mason City and Clear Lake Wee trie Hallway company. DES MOINES MAN kited to Kava Written Love Letters to Mrs. McCormlck. Des Moines, Sept. 2. A divorce trin of three weeks' duration entered into by Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormlck ol Denver, the former of whom is now an agent of a brewing company, !b given local color here by the name ol Uverett Pratt, a Des Moines boy, who is alleged to have written love letters to Mrs. McCormlck, used later by the Denver husband as a basis for his sep aration. Young Pratt Is the, son of W. J. Pratt, millionaire partner of the Prrtt Mendsen Paper company of Den Moines. Putrid Beef Seized. Des Moines, Sept. 2. Iowa pure food Inspectors seized "HO pounds of putrid beef at the state fair. It Is alleged that the beef bad been refused In sev eral cities and was sent to the fair as a final means of disposing of II. Sev eral arrests were made for the sale oi adulterated cider. Alfalfa Successful In Iowa. Oskaloosn, la., Sept. 2. Edward Ed lis of this county has proven that alfalla can be grown to advnntago In Iowa, llo planted live acres live years ago and the crop has Increased every year. This season be has cut three crops from the live acres, and each crop avetaged seven tons. LAUNCH BOOM FOR SMITH Georgia Democratic Convention In dorses Him for President. Atlanta, Gu., Sept. 2. The Demo cratlc state convention met with aboul 2,000 delegates In attendance. Tlu adoption of a platform was the piinci pal business scheduled. The couven Hon also nominated formally the statu candidates, who were chosen In lasl weeks primaries, including Hoke Smith for governor. A resolution indorsing Hoke Smltl; for president of tho United States In 1012 was adopted by the convention It declared him eminently (It tod tr perform the arduous duties of the high office of president and was submitted by T. R Patterson of Spalding. Baby Drowns In Ice Cream Tub. St. Louis, Sept. 2. Drowned in an Ice cream freezer tub while neighbor were searching for hi in and while hi mother was four miles away, the bod of Harry Krumrle, two years old, wn found In the rear of n drug store neai his home. He had climbed upon a bo beside the tub, apparently to get ho;ih of the melting Ice that was left, .1 had lost bis balance. Bride Ij Eleven Years Old. Pine, U., Sept. 2.-Ruth Harllnv of llognlusii, La., Is one of the young cut brides on record. She Is ilen years old and was married to Willlun Pirelaud, aged nineteen. onrn IILUULU 111 L05JIIGELES; The Bride a Niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robertson, and Well Known in Society Circles. The following acceunt of the mar riage of Miss Etta Hasemeir to Mr. William A. Gordon is taken from the Los Angeles Examiner, a news paper published at Los Angeles, Cal., the bride and groom both being resi dents of Los Angelas. "Miss Etta S. Hasemeir and Will iam A. Gordon were married at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the beautiful home of the bride's par ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Hasemeir, Glrardo street and Evergreen avenue, Euclid Heights, the Rev. D. McCunn, pastor of the Euclid Heights Presby terian church, officiated, using the ring ceremony. "Attractive and exquisitely taste ful In all its appointments was the wedding. For the occasion the spac ious house was decorated charming ly, the music and living room in yel low and green, while the dining room was in pink and green. "The bride, a tall, handsome bru nette, was attired In a tailor-made traveling costume of gray, and was given away by her father. During the ceremony the bridal couple stood In the music room, beneath an arch formed of asparagus vine and golden glow. Following the marriage lunch eon was served In the dining room where decorative color scheme of pink and green had been carried out. The place cards were decorated with hand-painted sketches of brides, and the general table effect was very pleasing. Relatives and a few Inti mate friends only were In attendance. "At 8 o'clock the couple started over the Panta Fo road for a tour of the Atlantic coast cities and Can ada. Their trip will Include a visit to Mr. Gordon's sister, the wife of Professor McCune of the Toronto uni versity. After three months' ab sence from Los Angeles they will return here to reside. "The bride is the accomplished eldest daughter of Dr. Hasemeir, an old resident and well known physi cian of this city, while Mr. Gordon is a successful young business man, largely interested in mining and oil. Both have a wide circle of friends here." Miss Hasemeir is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robertson of this city and for a number of years resided at Louisville and Lincoln. She has visited at the Robertson home a number of times and 13 well known to Plattsmouth young people whose best wishes will ever attend her. ROPS EXCEEDINGLY GOOD NEAR BURWELL, NEB. Samuel Reed of Garfield county came in last evening to transact business with J. P.. Falter and C. C. Pamiele. Mr. Reed purchased a fine ranch from the aforesaid gentleman about a year and a half ago. Mr. Reed Is well pleased with his Gar field county investment, having been a merchant at Perclval, la., prior to going to tho west Nebraska country. The crops about Ilurwell on the north where Mr. Reed's ranch la located has fine crops this season, and Mr. Reed has corn which he estimates will go seventy-five bushels per acre. Whllo somo of his corn Is not so good, but on the average he thinks It will go from forty to forty-five per acre. The hay crop will bo good also. But between Omaha and Bur well or, between Plattsmouth and Burwell, there are many fields of corn which will make very little. Mr. Reed left this morning for Perclval where he will visit relatives for a few days. Miss Ruth Johnson went to Omaha last evening to visit her brother, Frank and family, ami to see her nep hew, Frank Walker Johnson. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Uena Johnson of Lincoln, who has been visiting Plattsmouth relatives for a few days. Miss Hena expects to visit Omaha friends for a day or two before returning to her homo at Lincoln. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this fl ee or the Murray State Bank. Good Scrvic Reasonable Rate DR Herman Grcodor, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth. PROPOSED COXSTITUTIOXAL AMENDMENT. The following proposed amendment to the conxtitutlon of the Stale of Nebras ka, an hereinafter set forth In full. Is submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, to be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday, November Kth, A. P., 1910. "A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend Section one (1) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska. Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State oi Nebraska: Section 1. (Amendment constitution proponed.) That section one (1) of article seven (7) of the constitution of the State of Nebraska, the senate con curring, be so amended as to read as follows: Section 1. (Who are electors.) Kv ery male citizen of the United States, of the ape of twenty-one years, who shall have been a resident of this state six months next preceding the election and of the county, precinct or ward, for the term provided by law be an elector; provided. That persons of forelKn birth who shall have declared their In tention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United States and are votlnp at the taking effect of tills amendment, may continue to exercise the rltrht of suffrage until such time as they may have resided in the United States five years after which they shall tnke out full citizenship papers to be entitled to vote at any succeeding1 elec tion. Section 2. mallots.) Thnt at the Benenil etectlnn nineteen hundred and ten OHIO) there shall be submitted to the electors of the state for their ap proval or rejection the forepolnt? pro posed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of sulYraire At such election, on tho ballot of each elector votlnir for or nsialnst snld pro posed amendment, shall be written or printed the words: "For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to the right of suffrage," and "Agninst said proposed ametxlinent to the con stitution relating to t lie right of suf frage." Section 3. (Adoption.) If such nn amendment be approved by a majority of all electors voting at such election, said amendment shall constitute section one U of article seven 1,1 of the con stitution of the State of Nebraska. Appioved Anrll 1. 190tt." I, George C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of the State of Nebraska do here by certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed hill, as passed bv the thirty first session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file In this office, and teat said proposed amendment is sub mitted to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesdav, the Sth day of No vember, A. I)., 1910. In Testimony Whereof. I have here unto set mv hand and affixed the great atVncoVn8 th.VVth Idyr"f ajulJ!0lS the year of our Lord, One Thousand V ' I n 1 1 .. .1 n.. J r. ,1 Kn.l r f Ikn In. inc IlUHMiril anil nuu ... 111. n dependence of the Vnlted States the One Hundred and Tnirty-rinn, ana or this State the forty-fourth. GEORGE C. JUNKIN. (Seal) Secretary of State. MITICK OF HF.FF.REEV SAl.K. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of court made by the Hon. Harvey D. Travis, Judge of tho district court. In and for ("ass countv, state of Nebraska, In a suit pending therein, wherein Sarah Matilda i'eterson Is plaintiff and John Albert Bauer, et al, are defendants, which order was sign ed and entered on the 30th day of July, 110, confirming tli report of the re ferees and to make the sale of such land Involved therein without unneces sary delay and in the manner and form as it sold by the sheriff upon execution. In pursuance thereto, we, the under signed referees, will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, ut tho south front door of the court house In the city of riattsmouth, in said county, on the 10th day of September, lltlO, at 1 o'clock p. til., of said day, the following described real estate to wlt, The northwest quarter (contain ing 1(19 87-100 acres) nnd the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, all In section SO, township 11, range 11, east of the p. 111. In said Cass county, Ne braska, containing 201) Si-100 acres more or less. Said snlo will be held open one hour and at the time of declaring tho bid, 20 per cent of the purchase price must lie paid end the balance of such pur chase, money shall be paid upon the confirmation of the sale by the court, anil the making of the deed. Dated this 4th day of August, 1910. 1. O. Dwver. J. S. LIVINGSTON, James liobertson. lleferees. I.i:; w. o i k 1:. State of Nebraska,) )ss. Cass Ooii,it', ) IN THIS MATTER OP THIS ESTATE OK EUGENE LEWIS, DECEASED, To all persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there hns been filed In this court an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Albert Eu gene Lewis, deceased, together with a petition, praying therein thnt said In strument be allowed and probated as the last will and testament of said deceased, and that Charles Jordan be appointed executor of said estate. You are further notified that a hear ing will be had thereon before this court In the county court rooms, at riattsmouth, in said county on the 6th day of September, 1910, at 10 o'clock a., 111., and that all objections, if any, must bo filed on or before sold day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand nnd the seal of tho county court of said county this 18th day of August. l!)lrt. AI.T.EN J. T1EESOV, (Soul) County Judge. J.W. HUGHES Live Stock and General Farm Snlo AUCTIONEER Five years successful selling renders me thoroughly competent of handling vour sslo. Refcrfence from thoso I have sold for. Graduute from M issouri Auction School. See me at I'crkins Hotel. HAD SEEN ROBERTSON, THE Hugh Astmlssen, of the E. Wurl general store, is of the opinion that he has seen the man who was myster iously drowned Tuesday before the day of the tragedy. If Mr. Asemissen is correct In his opinion, Mr. Robert son has a daughter living In Castan, la. About eighteen months ago, Mr. Asemissen was clerking In a store at Castan, and formed the acquaint ance of a man by the name of A. Rob ertson, who came there from Illinois and resided with a married daughter named Mrs. Mills. Mr. Asemissen is Investigating the matter and will know definitely. He Is positive he had seen the face before, and feels quite sure that it was at the Iowa town he knew the man. He bought groceries several times for the daugh ter's family and at that time had money with which to buy. Ailing for Nearly a Year. From Friday's Dally, Mr. A. P. Chriswis6er of near Mur ray was in the city today having come in to consult Dr. Cook as to his -health. He has been 111 for more than a year with smyptoms of ap pendicitis and the doctor has advised hiui to undergo an operation but this Mr. Chriswisser has so far, refused to do. He has withstood the attacks which come on him periodically, but the pain has increased with each re currence of the disease, so it Is al most unbearable. The pain is so sev ere at times as to take away the suf ferer's breath. Mr. Chriswisser re ports the heaviest rain for a long time, It being eight and a half inches Sunday night. JN OLD TIME RESIDENT From Thursday's Dally The many friends of William Xev 111 were surprised when he stepped from the early morning Burlington train today. He was called here on account of the illness of his sister, Mrs. McCarthy, who is In a very precarious condition. Mr. Nevlll now resides at Chehalis, Washington, and reports the family well. Billy Is an old landmark In Plattsmouth, and represented Cass county one term In the legislature. The Journal editor always had a warm spot in his heart for Billy Nevlll, and was more than I delighted when his well known coun- tenance entered our door. Mr. Nev- ... . - i" M remain for Some time. His many friends were all pleased to greet him, although his mission may prove a sad one. Handsomely Entertained. The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Thompson yes terday afternoon and after the reg ular business meeting, the annual election of officers occurred. Mrs. Elma Kuhney was elected president; Mrs. T. W. Glenn, vice president; Mrs. Laura Peterson, second vice president; Mrs. Luella Leesley, sec retary, and Mrs. Margaret Mauzy, treasurer. After the business meet ing, the hostess served a nice lunch eon and the large and Jolly company of ladles departed, having had a very pleasant afternoon. Our friend Frank Laughliii of Greenwood was down today on busi ness of importance, but found time to pay his respects to the Journal gang. Mr. Laughlln says they had plenty of rain in his section of the county. Mr. Lnughlin is a staunch friend of the Journal and we are always pleas ed to meet him. Ed . Huffman went to Omaha this afternoon to look up a Job and to mix with the big crowd. :WATCH THE FARM DEVELOPMENT IN WYOMING! THE RICHEST DEVELOPED STATE IN THE WEST GO WITH ME on one of our personally conducted landseekers' excursions to THE BIG HORN BASIN the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and see what the farmers are doing on these new lands where the Burlington Railroad is huiiding new lines; where new towns ofTer splendid business op ening in all lines of trade and profession. EXAMINE THESE LANDS PERSONALLY with me. I w ill help you to pick out the best. I am employed by the Durlington Railrotd for this purpose. OUR HOMESEEKERS TICKET allows you 25 days with stop overs every where in honieseckers' territory; ample time to examine the lands and spend a few days fishing in the mountain streams if you like. See the irrigated lands where the ditches are built by the Government and also by private companies, and the Mondell C2U acre FREE homesteads all on ene trip. 1 mm STATEMENT OK THE CONDITION or THE PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND BUILDINS ASSOCIATION. Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on tbe 30th day of June, 1910. ASSETSt First mortgage loans rs.nM 43 Stock loans iaiTT 70 Heal estate 1.... Kt 17 t'a,,, 1.7a7 47 Delinquent interest, premiums, fine and dues 419 96 Other axsels 170 SO Total 3.S79 83 LIAIILITIESi Capital stock paid up. t&IAS 0 Keerve fund. 1.31 00 Undivided profits 2.oe 07 Matured stock ,3u8 M Total tV,3.M9 S3 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES for the year ending June 30, 1910 RECEIPTS Pues 13.921 00 Interest, premiums and fines 5.W7 27 Loans repaid so.sS) S4 Heal estate sales :is h4 Taxes repaid :7 w Bills pay able 2.000 00 Total. :.7T5 S9 EXPENDITURES Cash July 1, 1910 f 1.635 58 Loans 16.3HO 00 Exiieiises Brtd 02 Stock redeemed 20,045 t7 Cash on hand 1.757 47 lieal estate 91 71 Taxes advanced 275 n liillspayable 2.004 33 Total H2.775 H9 State ok Nehiuska, I Cass County. I I, T. M Tatterson. Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of said association, Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief T. M. 1'ATTBKso.N, Secretary. Approved: W. J. Whitb. I .1. E. Bakwkk, -Directors U. II. Windham I Suhscrllied and sworn to before me, this VMi day of August, 1910. Zktta Hhown ISEALI Notary I'ublio. The Goernment pays Railway Mail Clerk $800 to $1,200, and other em ployeea up to $2,500 annually Uncle Sam will hold examinations throughout the country for Railway Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart ment Clerks and other Government positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in City or Country can get Instruction and free information by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 79 J. Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. Statement of tho Condition THE LIVINGSTON LOAN AND BUILDINS ASSOCIATION of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 30tb day of June, 1910. ASSETS First mortgage loans I W.402 Pt Stock loans 15.318 W Heal estate contracts .. 3.013 HO Cash S.KM 7& Delinrinent interest, premiums, fines and dues 3.404 83 Other assets. Insurance and taxes paid and advanced 81 00 Total 1131.903 10 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid up.... I 90.169 f Heserve fund 4.45 9S Dividends declared, 2H..W 12 Total ;i:il,()93 10 itkceipts and e.xpe.npitche8 foh thb yeak Ending. June 30, 1910. KEOEIITS. Balance on hand July 1, IIK19 1.(04 .Vt Dues 25.,1-Jl W Interest. fi.MW 03a nd fines 17.3(1 f.trjT : I. ouiis repaid lll.l:.''.' IX) Membership fees lil ( Transfer fees 11 (H lieal estate contracts 277 4 Total J M.t22 3t EXl'EXlllTniES Loans 5 lii.l'W fH l.:Ci.(H Stuck redeemed Jti.PM l." CiikIi on hand Mi'Jtl 7( Insurance and taxes paid and ad vanced 3ti 4. Total.... j 5is:.'2 3d I. Henry R. Cierlng, secretary of the ahovei named bssih-IkI ion, do solemnly swear that tin foregoing statement of the condition of said as sociation. Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1IEXKY K. GEHlNli. Approved: Secretary. D. It. SMITH. I II. M. SoK.NNICHSEN. Directors. C. A. MARSHALL, I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12tU day of August, 1910. Thom Wai.mno. seai..1 Notary I'iiIiUc. f PROGRESS OF Special prepared Wyoming literature just ell" the press. Write for it today. D. CLEM DEAVER. General Agent. Landteekert' Information Bureau, I0O4 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.