The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1910, Image 4

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Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at Plittunoutb, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Why not give "old guard" a' pen- f ut being called down for hla Indlscre-
Blon and retire em from active service?
The contest between Shallenberger
and Dahlman will probably be ended
lf the Republican party Is not for
ced Into political bankruptcy It will
be through no fault of William How
ard Taft.
After reading James Schoolcraft
Sherman's remarks In St. Louis the
phbllc has conceived a strong prefer
ence for his "I have nothing to say."
The more we see of the results
of the present primary law the more
we believe the same should be re
pealed, and that as quickly as It can
be done.
The cotton corner which has sent
the price of that staple higher than
It has been since the civil war, Is
for the benefit of the gamblers, not
the growers.
"Home first the world after
wards," should bo the battle cry of
every voter In Nebraska. If they
will vote this way Mr. Durkett's
name will be Dennis after the No
vember election.
The colonel spoke a good word for
Hurkett because ho had aided him as
A member of the house in some mat
ter. The colonel has been In Africa
since new conditions came to put
Burkett to tho test of loyalty to "my
policies" under which Burkett wob
bled painfully. Sioux City Tribune.
i. :o: '
There are thousands of Republi
cans In Nebraska who will vote for
Honorable 0. M. Hitchcock for Unit
ed States senator, because they know
lie has "stood up for Nebraska" at
11 times and under all circumstances,
whllo "Slippery Elmer" has come
nearer representing Rhode Island
than he has the state he professes to
What about this new weapon of
tlon. And so It Is with all of them.
They must talk about the past or
keep quiet; the present furnishes
only texts that are too hot for them
to handle.
If there are good reasons for the
Republicans kicking Joe Cannon
down stairs, and we don't dispute it,
the same may be applied with equal
force to Son-in-law Longworth, who
deserts the old man In bis hour of
need. Mr. Longworth has a more
refined personality perhaps, but he
stands for precisely the same things
that Speaker Cannon represents. Men
with red blood In their veins must
have supreme contempt for a puerile
pettifogger who will desert one of
his kind to save his own political
otfonBo, tho beautiful red-haired wo
man, employed by Standard Oil to
encompass the downfall of competi
tors, make Standard Oil senators and be necessary to avoid the necessity
President Taft's letter, to the
chairman of the Republican congres
sional committee must be regarded,
of course, as a campaign document,
not as a state paper. It Is merely
a presentation of the claims of the
Republican party on the approach
of the congressional elections. The
best possible face in the last two
sessions. It Is the review of the
politician rathejr than the states
man. The president's denfense of the
tariff law shows less enthusiasm than
was manifested in the Winona speech
made before the country had reveal
ed its utter dissatisfaction with the
measure. The qualifications attend
ing the approval are general. No
specific rr.ent'.on Is made of the sen
sational disclosures of tariff Jobbing.
In this section of the letter the most
hopeful thing Is the stress laid on
the tariff board and what Mr. Taft ex
pects of It. If the president can car
ry out his declared purpose In this
regard to the extent of procuring
the honest revision of even one Im
portant schedule the country will
take heart in the commission plan of
adjustment, and It might even hope
that the commission would be ex
panded to whatever proportions may
lican contention of that state.
At the national Republican con
vention in Chicago which nominated
Blaine for president in 1SS4, the na
tional committee met and agreed up
on Powell Clayton of Arkansas for
temporary chairman. The support
ers of Blaine carried everything be
fore them in that convention, and in
the national committee Blaine was
equally strong. Clayton had come
to the convention as an antl-Blaine
delegate. But after reaching Chicago
and finding the sentiment for Blaine
vastly preponderant, be managed to
turn his coat to good account, by
working the committee through the
Intrigues of friends as unscrupulous
as himself, who procured his flop over
to Blaine and his selection for tem
porary chairman, both at the same
time and by a single deal.
When, however, Clayton's name
was reported to the convention, the
announcement was received with a
storm of resentful opposition The
convention promptly amended by sub
stituting the name of John R. Lynch
of Mississippi, who was as black as
any other sable son of Africa. He,
however, proved himself to be an ex
cellent presiding officer.
Again in 1896, the Democratic na
tional committee with William F.
Harrlty at the head, chose and re
ported the name of David B. Hill.
The convention, after a tremendous
contest, substituted the name of John
W. Daniel of Virginia. The Missis
sippi valley triumphed and Daniel
took the chair.
The yoemen of New York are yet
to be heard from. Revolts are con
tagious this year, and Theodore
Roosevelt may yet be the first presi
dent of the New York convention.
In the matter of hanging on, a
Bummer cold has all of the tenacity
that characterizes Richard A. Ball
Inger. :o: i
Most any Republican, unless he
wants a postoffice, will admit to you
that Taft is the poorest excuse the
country has had for a president for
a generation.
The stoppage of the recount in
Omaha will now delay the result of
the primary on governor. The mass
es of the Democratic party In the
state are getting very tired of Huch
monkey business.
"Sunny Jim Sherman," the man
who holds down the vice presidency,
is receiving about as "warm recep
tion" throughout the southwest as
Cannon did In Kansas. He is the
same kind of a "critter."
lng, and if elected, they will vote for
the choice of the people for United
States senator as declared at the
November election.
It is a pitiful and humiliating spec
tacle that the president of the United
States presents when, in effect, he
goes down on his knees before his
predecessor in office with apologies
and explanations- Sagamore Hill
will not come to Beverly so Beverly
goes to Sagamore Hill.
And what has Mr. Taft gained by
prostrating himself before Colonel
Roosevelt and impliedly begging for
his distinguished consideration? It
does not yet appear that the inevit
able breach in the Republican ranks
has been closed up thereby. Mr.
Roosevelt is decidedly cool, notwith
standing the conciliatory advances of
the man he made president. There Is
no indication of a return of the
"Will" and "Theodore" days of yore.
On the contrary, in spite of the presi
dent's plea for peace, Roosevelt has
served notice that it will be a fight
to the finish between him and the
"old guard" who sought to eliminate
him from the political situation in
New York. He admits that, as a
result of the fight, party success may
be endangered, but the "old guard"
having seen fit to force the Issue,
the consequences must be on their
President Taft is probably sorry
now that he permitted himself to be
placed in a position where seemingly
he endorsed the movement to humil
iate the man who forced the Repub
lican party to accept him as presi
dent. But his regrets are not going
to mend matters. His unexcelled
capacity for blundering and Incurable
habit of permitting the worst ele
ments of his party to "run the admin
istration" must reap their reward.
compose International scandals In
volving octopus capital? Is It true, as
Mr. Thomas Lawson says, that No.
26 Broadway has on its payroll an
Irresistible agent of destruction, beau
tiful, red-haired and clever? If so,
let Stubbs and Murdock of Kansas
look to their aureoles. Here is rival
ry of tholr own complexion unex
pected tribute to those who have been
fighting the devil with fire!
Tcrhaps, after all, some considera
tion should be glvou to those stand
patters who conflno their campaign
speeches to the flag and the tradl
tlons of the Republican party. If
they try to defend the tariff law,
even their personal friends and fac
tional sympathizers come to them
and whisper admonitions against this
policy. If they talk of tho progress
Blvo legislation enacted in tho last
Bc-ssion of rongress, Bomcone Is like
ly to Interrupt and remind them that
tho legislation was due to the lnsur
Kints and not tho standpatters. If
they assail the Insurgents they ai
told that they are driving votes out
of the party. If they hurrah for
President Taft, they may bo rudely
asked why they did not suport him
If ther "deploro" tho alliance of
Democrats and insurgents In th
liouso rules flKht, they may bo ro
minded thnt Cannon himself made
an alliance with Tammany Democrats
1o nave the old rules. There Is Mr
fchcrmnn, for example Although ho
is tho vice president of tho United
mates and a standpatter of tho first
rank, ho lias been unable to stand
up for his school of politics an
tlntcRmiuiFlilp tor five minutes with
of ever again making a log-rolling
revision of the tariff.
The president Ignores entirely the
changes In the house rules, one of the
greatest accomplishments of congress
In recent years.
Mr. Taft does not overstate the Im
portance of the progressive legisla
tion enacted in the last session of
congress, which he claims as the pro
duct of Republican effort. Speaking
as the head of the party, he makes
no distinction In this campaign paper
between Republican members. No
reference Is made to reactionary oh
Btructlon nor to Insurgent help
though the prime merit In every act
of which he boasts was due to the
Insurgents' refusal to be dominated
by tho "regular" program. No one
Is read out of the party. All Repub
licans look allko to the president for
the time being and all Democrats
It Is something of a novelty to have
an old fashioned partisan statement
of this kind from the president of the
United States at a time when the
country Is vastly more interested In
the differences between progressives
and reactionaries than In the differ
ences between parties.
If tho president has not given tho
progressives their due, he has, at
least, not repeated his aspersions on
their loyalty to tho party. Kansas
City, Star, Rep.
Sept. 28th to ct. 8th, 1910
6ct 4
fUllUlT I lit,
let. I
Tiirtfir iftinm,
Oct. I
Grand Miliary Uaneuvirs Eterj Day by U. S. Rigolar Troops.
i;i:Yoirs v, coT.(;ioi s.
It Is not nt all certain thnt Mr.
Roosevelt, notwithstanding tho bnd
bump administered to him by tho
Republican ntnto committee of New
York, will not Reno as the tempor
ary chairman of the coming Itepub-
McKlnley of California has been
repudiated by the voters in his own
party in the recent primaries. This
fact is proof positive that he is not
taken seriously at home, or else his
constituency has lost confidence in
"Roosevelt or Taft," is the battle
cry with the Republicans. Already
a sectional fight has begun. The
west Is up In arms for Teddy, while
the east will stand by its tool, Billy
Taft. He has stuck to the promises
he made the eastern manufacturers
and they dare not go back on him.
The Democrats are wasting a great
deal of valuable time in the guber
natorial contest. They had better set
tle the question as soon as possible
and get down to business If they
expect Buccess at the general elec
tlon. Everything in the way of cam
palgnlng Is at a standstill awaiting
the result of the contest.
President Taft's letter to congress
man McKInley Is an able plea for
party harmony. However, party bar
mony Is not a thing that will come
running when you whistle for It. Not
with Roosevelt preaching one kind
of doctrine and Taft another. Of tho
two, Taft Is still in the lead. Roose
velt is all right with the west, while
Taft holds the money power.
:o: .
Chris Mctzgcr and Will Puis are
both, farmer boys, with good educa
tions and reared in Cass county. They
are the Democratic candidates for
tho legislature, and If elected they
will guard the Interests of the people
of Cnss county well in the legislature.
They are In favor of the people rul-
Crand l3!ar.3 Independent, (He?.)
The Independent has, as presist-
ently as conscientiously, protested for
the past year or more agaln3t the so-
called county option plan either of
regulating the liquor traffic, if thai
were the purpose, or of prohibiting U,
If that Is the Intention. It has point
ed out what to It has been the most
objectionable feature of the entire
matter the Juggling of the fran
chise and of governing units.
Much has been said on one hand
of the fanaticism Imported in the
person of Rev. Poulson, leader of
the county option forces, from Ohio,
and the ministerial oligarchy at Lin
coln and Its alleged and some times
apparent attempts to dictate to the
people of Nebraska as to what they
must do in order best to govern them
selves. Much has, on the other hand,
been said of the alleged attempts of
the brewers to control the legislation
and the government of this state. A
decisive division of opinion is but na
tural, with such an old question be
fore the people. But it does not, by
any manner of means, follow that he
who believes in further regulatory
measures with reference to the liq
uor traffic is a fanatic, nor that he
who opposes county option Is a bar
tender or a minion of the brewers.
Some times the Judgment of the clear,
earnest thinker of the distance, dis
interested in any personal features of
the campaign, and Interested only in
the one main object, the best for so
ciety In general, is the most valuable
In tho matter. The Independent
wants to quote here, and asks its
readers to give careful consideration
to the following from a magazine pub
llshed almost exclusively for the edl
flcatlon of ministers of the gospel
and circulated among them and pat
ronized by them almost entirely:
The savage outbreak of tho mob
another. These wet towns in a dry
county are typical of many where
county option is tried. The latter
is a town of 30,000 people. It cast
a large majority against prohibition,
but the county option prevailed by a
bare majority. The county, however,
has no power to enrorce prohibition
in Jackson. That city elects its own
officials. In view of the actual senti
ment it would be useless to expect
that the majority would elect men
intent on enforcing a law that the
city lias emphatically repudiated. It
Is, of course, easy to condemn re
creant officials, but the practical sit
uation is the thing that must be view
ed, if local option were left to the
vote of this and many other cities
similarly situated, prohibition would
be longer in coming, no doubt, but
if ever attained, it would have a ma
jority of the votes and minlit have a
hoard of enforcing officials that
would favor and enforce the law.
This is exactly the objection that
has been voiced by the Independent,
the danger that has been pointed out
frequently, the thought that led to
the suggestion that if the county has
the right to regulate In the city, it
should also elect and pay the officials
to see that the laws are enforced.
As proposed, however, the county is
the unit if it goes dry; If it goes dry
the county is the unit as to making a
law, the city the unit to enforce it
and to meet the expenses of such en
forcement. The magazine quoted is the Homl
letic Review, devoted to the discus
sion of theological question. It is
edited by one of the ablest divines In
tue country. Or will it likewise
In his ca?e be contended that merely
because he does not indorse the new
ly contrived scheme at a gulp he is
necessarily a bartender or a brewer's
There is thus the testimony of
high ecclesiastic sources that the Hall
county Republicans, In pledging their
legislative candidate to vote against
county option and expressing a pre
ference for a fair and square vote,
took the safe and the better side of
the proposition.
Charles Beverldge, George Berger,
John Ferris and William Schmidt
mann, in company with T. M. Pat
terson, all returned from Ness coun
ty; Kansas, where they had been to
look after some land business, some
of them with a velw of purchasing.
Ness county Is one of the best coun
ties In Kansas and this season will
harvest a grand crop of everything.
They Join on the west one of the
greatest producing counties In the
state. Last season this county pro
duced more wheat than any other
county in the state. These gentle
men are all very favorably Impressed
with the country and it would not be
surprising to see them purchase land
in that county.
Changes in the Storehouse.
fc'rum Friday's Dally.
Yesterday in our item :n reference
to the changes made in the Burling
ton storehouse, on account of the de
parture of Mr. A. O. Low, we made
a mistake. Wherein the statement
was made that Mrs. Thomas took the
place of Mrs. Bertha Todd, promoted
to Mr. Low's place, it should have
read that Miss Leona Brady was pro
moted to the position formerly oc
cupied by Mrs. Todd. We are pleas-
ed to make this correction, as Miss
Brady is of our finest young ladies,
and deserves promotion. '
that lynched a detective in Newark
O., followed by the defeat of Mr
Bryan in the Nebraska Democratic
primaries and state convention calls
atteutlon to some of the difficulties of
that kind of prohibition. In New
York, Massachusetts and some other
regions the unit for local option Is
the township or municipality. In thin
system a unity is reached between the
law and the official machinery on
which the law depends for Its enforce
ment and hence for Its officlcncy. The
majority that votes dry also elects
the officials charged with tho execu
lion of the law. In county option
on tho other hand which has been
on tho whole eminently successful
the county goes dry lnit each town or
any elects Its own officials. Newark Is
a cnee In point. Jackson, Mich., Is
Ella, Elsie and Harry Lohnes and
Leora Becker are in the city the
guests of their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Guenther and other
1 will on Thursday of every week de
liver Ice Cream, Fruit at Fresh Oysters
at your very door.
Watch for the Auto!
gass Oounty
The Bauer farm, consisting
of 209 acres in Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Situated about one mile east of
Wabash, four miles from Manley
and four miles from Murdock, will
be sold at a Referee's Sale at the
south front door of the court house
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to the
highest bidder for cash on
SEPTEMBER 10, 1910
at one o'clock p. m. The land s
smooth, has good improvements,
including a school house, and is
described as follows: The north
west quarter, containing 169 and
87-100 acres, and the southwest
quarter of the northeast quarter,
all in section 30, township 11,
range 11, east 6th P. M. For par
ticulars address
James Robertson
Clerk of the District Court, Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
StWK J ,W-.310.T