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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1910)
Oco PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Ptitor Brooidyn Tabemacie. Ooo Brooklyn. Sept. 4. Pastor Russell preacbod today In the Academy of Mu sic, our largest Auditorium, tbe "Tab ernacle" being of Insufficient capacity. Ho bad a very attentive bearing. Tbero were many Hebrews In tLe large audience. lie said In part: "Coming events cast their shadows before." Startling shadows are all about us. A great change In the af fairs of men Is Indicated and acknowl edged by all thoughtful, intelligent jieople. The world's pace during the jmst fifty years astonishes everybody. Js'cw condition meet us on every hand. The majority of books written half a century ago along sclentlUe lines are considered rubbish today. Rules and customs and theories of tint past, sup posed to lie Immovable and absolute, are abandoned as worthless In chem istry. In manufactures, In art. In finance and commerce. All these changes necessitate a new view of so cial conditions and n re-examination of tbe relationship of religion and the I'.llile to man and his conditions, a seen from the present viewpoint. The business and social world have been compelled to Keep pace with the steps of progress, some of them gladly and some of them reluctantly, liut reli gionists have been placed In u most awkward position. Religion and mor al sense constitute the backbone and fiber of the best progress in civiliza tion. The perplexity of religious thought, and Its manifest Inability to adjust Itself to tho changed conditions, Is working a serious disadvantage to all disposed to look to tho Almighty for guidance In life's affairs. The Increase In worldly wisdom, tho Improved human conditions, tho ad vancement along sclentlllc lines In ma terial prosperity hnvo turned many of the world's brightest Intellects awny from God and from tho Bible. Many of tliese. still professing Christianity In an outward, formal manner have really abandoned it In favor of a theo ry of "civilization." They have wan dered from the Divine Revelation, the Bible, into paths of speculation their own and other men's. They have cogi tated that the reverse of the Bible statements lu the Truth-that Instead of man falling from the imago of God Into sin and death, be Is rising from a brute or monkey piano upward, grad ually, to Divine belghU. Instead of looking for a great Deliverer, Messiah. Savior, Life-Giver, they are hoping to be let alone by any outside Influence, that certain fancied lawa of Evolution might help them upward and onward to glory, honor and Immortality. The result Is that religious thought today everywhere and in all denomina tions Is chaotic. Tho whole of Chris tendom has practically become Agnos ticadmitting that they do not know the Truth nor how to adjust their rea soning faculties to present consecrn tlon. They nro In an expectant atti tude seeking light Nevertheless many fear the light lest it shall make mani fest cherished errors or selfish hopes nd ambitions which must bo abandon ed. Hut they are still pretending to ' know many things which we and they know that they do not know. Hut dully tho nt rain becomes more intense. Gradually everybody Is recognizing that there Is a great crisis along every linethat the people are awakening and thinking and will no longer re ceive their errors. Converting the World to God. Fifty years ago Christian people, full Of faith in the i'.ible which they seri ously misunderstood and read with sectarian spectacles of various colors, were fully agreed that God had given his Church the commission to eouvert the whole world nnd to establish Mes siah a Kingdom, when the uatloni would learn war no more, but beat their swords Into plowshares and their epears Into pruning hooks. Zealous Christian people urged that the hea men were going down to a hell ol eternul torment at the rate of ninety thousand every twenty-four hours And uoblo men and women sacrllked their earthly Interests for the assist unco of the heathen-to prevent that awful catastrophe, to help thwart tin very program of God which hour other Christian people of an earlier day had declared was predestinated and foreordained as unalterable. Good was certainly attempted. We trust that some good was accomplished. Wi know that some harm was done, h that fallacious conceptions of the char acter nnd plan of tho Creator were promulgated amongst the heathen which have hardened and embittered some of them. Hut by and by practical people sought for statistics, and now know that there are twice as many heathen lu the world as there were n century ago. Of course, there are unthinking and uiistatlsticul people who refuse knowledge ai:d who are' today claim Ing with a cointnendnblo zeal, but n rcprehem.ltile Ignorance, that large con trlbutlons eif money would e'liitlilt 'them to c.i pure hc whole world f t God ei Ulel. ss. tile inn"CM ID longer sc.- ih-. matter as t! cy (.:d. .(tie! coO PULPIT., T I Messiah's Coming Kingdom 4B "Behold, a King shall rrgn in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment' (Isaiah xxxu, I ). OOO O can no longer be swayed to the same extent Thinking people refuse to be lieve that God for centuries has sat calmly viewing the situation, allowing millions to go to eternal tormeut They refuse to believe that their hearts and sympathies are more ten der than thoie of their Creator. Even Jhe heathen are getting awake to the inconsistency of what has been given them under the Gospel label. They are finding out that the worel Gospel signllles "good tldings."and that what lias been preached to them Is the most awful message conceivable that all of the heathen and the majority of their civilized neighbors ami friends nnd relatives have been decreed, sen tenced, foreordained, to eternal tor ture because (if Ignorance, because of a misbelief lu respect to which they were thoroughly honest. I'ei'plexe-d. the missionaries ask. What ..;!ll we preaeh? The message' ef damnation docs not sound good to the heathen, and they do not run after It nor feast their souls upon It. The question conies to the ministers nnd professors of colleges throughout Christendom and they are perplexed what answer to give. Tho majority of them have become "higher critics" nnd no longer accept the Hilile as the Word of Goel; they ore Evolutionists nnd no longer believe the Gospel which the Mission ary Societies were eirganled to pre clalin. They are in perplexity. And many of them are prepared to aban don the former theery of missions and to continue their work henceforth merely along huninnltnrlnn lines. In deed, within the hist twvnty-Uve years missionary effort has turned gradual ly to secular education nnd medical practice lu the interests of tho heath en, with little religious doctrine and so much the better. Everybody Is agreed thnt the King dom of Messiah conneit be brought about by the wholesale conversion of tho world. And logical peoplo se'e that larger numbers have been lost to Christianity In civilized lands during tbe last twenty-five yeurs than were ever claimed to be converted amongst tho heathen. We say lost to Christian ity, because why should anyone be called a Christian who has lost all faith In tbe Ulblo In the Law, the Prophets and the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles? The great cloud of bewilderment which oucompasse's Christendom is realized by all earnest peoplo churchmen and others. And no wonder there Is a certain dread associated with the dark cloud. What kind of a storm will result? And what will be the effect upon the great re llglous systems of civilization? It is to join hands agulnst these ominous conditions that the clergy of all de nominations are arousing themselves In favor of Church Union or Federa tion of some sort Hut tho people tho people feel comparatively little Interest In the proposition, which they will not oppetse, however. "Th Hour of Temptation," Hev. 3: 10. The ditllculty with the present situa tion Is that we have stupidly and blun deringly misread the .Hlbh. We have twisted what we did re'iul and picked out certain portions which ple-nsod best our fancies und supported best our various civeds. We have neglect ed the honest, truthful study which we should have given to our Heavenly Fa ther's message. The confusion of Christendom is the re-suit. That con fusion and perplexity tho Scripture's portray, assuring us that we are In the midst of n great falling away from faith lu Goel and lu his Uevelutlon. Wo see fulfilled all about us tho won derful prophetic and symbolic picture of I'snlin Ul. A thousand fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand-only the "Israelites lnde'ed," lu whom there Is no guiles will be kept from stumbling In this evil day. The chaos which wo already see every wheru In evidence Is only beginning. God's Great Remedy at Hand. The fault of Christendom has been tho rejection of tho Divine Flan and the acceptance Instead of a human plan. The Church was going to con vert the world-going to conquer the world for Ji'sus and present It to liliu is a trophy, Alas, wo have not been nblo to convert ourselves, which is tho particular work the Master gave us todo. Greater humility would have shown us our folly long ago. Hlble Students elo not need to bo re minded that nil through the Old 'IVs lament Scriptures God's promises abound, telling Israel and all who have cars to hear of the glorious reign of Messiah nnd eif the success of his Kingdom and how the result will be that "every knee shall how and every tongue confess to the glory eif God;" of how "all the blind eves sliail b eipened and all the deaf ears shall be unstopped;" of bow the blessing of the Lend will be with Israel ri'stored to his favor and operate through Israel to the blessing eif all peoples. We re member the prophecies which picture earthly governments mid show us their termination and the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on their ruins. We remember the Jubilee ' picture re peated by the IsnielUcs vvery fiftieth fear, proclaiming liberty for the peo ple and restitution of all that has been lost through sin, und w hich Is to be re stored through Messiah's Kingdom. I'.ible Students know n!so bow the New Testament abounds with refer ences to the Kingdom: the Kingdom! the Kingdom! Nearly all the parables that our Lord gave were In illustration Of something connected' with the King dom or the class culled out of the world to inherit tbe spiritual Kingdom. All such know, too, that the Great Teacher proclaimed that Kingdom and tnugbt us and all of his followers to pray for It "Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done on earth as it Is done in heaven.1" They all know, too, that all of tbe Apostles refer to that Kingdom and point tbe Church to Its estab lishment for tbe realization of her hepes tbe time when the marriage of the Lamb will take place the time when God's New Covenant with Israel will go into effect. The time when he who scattered Israel will also gather them, and when tbe Law shall go forth from. Mt. Zlon. the Celestial Kingdom, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, the capital of the earthly princes. God's remedy is Just what humanity Is coming to realize it needs. In its establishment, us the Scriptures declare, "the desire of all nations shall come" (Ilnpsal 11, 71. Bible Students nro more nnd more coming te see thnt this Gospel Age Is the time in which Messiah is select ing from amongst men of Jews and Gentiles a saintly class nnd Is testing nnd proving their loyalty to God and to righteousness. These are to be Messiah's assistants the Bride, the Lamb's Wife. As Abraham typified the Heavenly Father, so tho Messiah was typified by Isaac. And Messiah's Ilrldo and Joint-heir nnd co-laborer In bis Kingdom was typllled by Kcliee1 cn. Thus seen the great Flan of God has progressed well. ' The Great Day of Wrath. Our negle'ct of the Word eif God and our study Instcnd of the Talmud and the Creeels of the dark uges have been oil r undoing. Unde-r all this wrong Influence we have failed to cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit-meekness, gentletie'ss. patience, long-su.-ferlng, brotherly-kindness, love. In stead we cultivated pride, ambition, selfishness. We have done those things which we ought not to have done, nnd we have left undone those things which we ought to have done. Our help must come from God. Ac cording to our understanding of the Scriptures help is ne;ar, but coniing In nn unexpected way. Frlde nnd selfish ness blossomed and brought forth a fruitage of strife. Tbe bad exam ple set by Christian people bus extend ed to the world and been thoroughly appropriated. It has become the spir it of the world of all classes. Now. as fultb in tbe Bible Is waning and respect for God and his Word Is pro portionately waning, what could we expect but that which the Scriptures declare Is at hand, namely, tbe "time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation?" The selfishness which both rich and poor, learned and Ignorant, have cultivated will. In that time of trouble, be represented In con flicts between labor unions and capi talistic trusts. The Bible declares that then "every man's hand will be against bis neighbor" all confldene-e will be lost the bond of human sym pathy nnd brotherhood will be utterly snapped In riotous Belflshness. The Scriptures Identify this trouble with Messiah's taking to himself bis Kingdom power and beginning his reign (Daniel xll. 1; Revelation xi. IS). Thank God. the lntlmntlems of the Scriptures nro thnt the conflict of thnt time will be short. It must, however. last long enough to tench humanity a lessem never to bo forgotten that God and his arrangements must stand first and tuust bo obeyed, if blessing Is sought. , Messiah's Kingdom Invisible. When It Is remembered that Messi ah's Kingdom is nut only to bless those living at the time of Its establishment, but gradually to nwnken the dead from tho slumber of the tomb and to give nil of Adam's race a fuil opportunity for attaining life eternal or death eternal, then it will be s'eu thnt the Kingdom must be a spiritual one. Then. too. Messiah's Kingdom of light Is repre sented as superseding Satan's Kingdom of darkness both spiritual.- With this thought our text Is In full accord "A King rhall relgu In righteousness." (Messiah will be that Great King, bis Bride being associated with him.) And "princes shall execute Judgment In the earth." carry lug out the decrees and regulations of the Heavenly Mes siah. This Is tho tnt'uulng of the Lord's promise to Israel, "1 will re store thy Judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning" (Isa iah 1. 'jr.). Tho princes who will execute Judg ment will all be Isrnelltish and all perfect men tried and approved of God. They will be the Ancient Wor thies, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the preiphets. Thi'se men, great In faith and o!edienco to God, will be kueiwn to the Jews as the "fathers," as the prophecy respecting them ele ctaros, "lnste-ad of the fathers shall be the children, whom tlum (Messiah) mnyost make princes In all tho earth." They will bo the children eif Messiah In the mmiso that they will derive their resurrection life from him, the Urea King. Indeed, the Scriptures assure us that eventually the whole world shall receive new life from Messiah In offset to the life received freirt. Adam forfeited through sin. Thiw amongst the various tltli-s of Messiah mentioned liv the prophets we lino that he will be the W-o-lastlitg fa ther." as well ns the i'riuee of Feiai' and nii 'li'y Cloiiim nnd a lumderful (oliusellor " iisalsh Iv. i.i It L ii I ii gm., r- W ft- A. warn JOIN HARDWARE! n. V LOWEST ON PAIG The Council Was Right in Their Decision and Right Should Wrong No Cne. In talking over the paving situa tion with .Mr. A. S. Will, member of the council from the Third ward, Mr. Will gave the writer some Idea of what "his investigation regarding the paving blocks had resulted in. He Interviewed the engineer at Omaha and inspected work that had been done with the different kinds of pav ing blocks. He was shown paving which had been In for six years; one city block which had been paved with Buffalo brick which Is furnish ed by the Ford people and also a block which had been paved with the Puritan paving block, each paving having been in the same length of time, and the Buffalo brick was out wearing the Puritan by far. He learned that the Puritan paving block was made in Illinois and burned with coal an unsteady heat, while the Buffalo brick Is burned by gass and Is Biipperior to Illinois shale. The Buffalo was burned the same through out the brick, while the block burned with unsteady heat was not. The engineer recommended the Buffalo brick ag the best that could be pro cured. The contention of Mr. Decker that M. Ford was not the lowest bidder is not well founded. While it Is true Beebe was five cents per square lower on class B paving, yet he was 5 cents per square higher on class A paving than Ford. There will be one block of class B paving while there will be three times as much of class A paving. So that when the actual figures are shown Ford Is still IV fil FORD IS .-I'll I!'.' Ii -1 1 If mum mm m The Home Manhattan Shirts the New Clot hes Sec Fall II A . mrow A3j me enncsrone Luther's u -vs : ' -; Ft -:i is one of those indispensable farm tools.' To the farmer who is discriminating, and looks at quality instead of price, who wants the BEST whether he buys machinery, clothing, shoes or food stuff. To such a one, LUTH ER'S FARM SPECIAL will strongly appeal. Up to the time we put out this great labor saving tool he had to be content with the old, slow-cutting grindstone or unsatisfactory emerv grinder, but now he can have the service of the most perfect farm tool sharpening device ever invented. There is not a tool used about the farm that is superior to our FARM SPECIAL GRINDER as a labor saver. It sharpens everything in one-twentieth the time it would take on the grindstone. The grind stone cuts so slow that you would prefer to work with a dull tool rather than endure the backache and HARD WORK of keeping tools sharp on it. IT IS EASY to sharpen tool on the Farm Special. Your ten-year-old hoy will tell you it is fun to sharpen everything on this FARM SPECIAL GRINDER. BAUER HEATING! the low man. ,Mr. Will and all of the council are to be commended for their work in the city's interest in letting the contract for paving. While all would like to see a home concern do the business, tho work requires experience and skill, besides the law and the public would hardly be sat isfied were the contract let to other than the lowest bidder. TWO REASONS FOR UNG AT HE 1. our home merchants can du plicate the prices made by any re sponsible concern anywhere on goods of equal quality in the same quan tities and on the same basis of deliv ery and payment. 2. You can. examine your pur chases in the home stores and be as sured of satisfaction before investing your money. 3. Your home merchants are al ways ready and willing to make right any error or any defective article purchased. 4. Your home merchants help support, through direct or Indirect taxation your schools, churches, li braries and other public institutions. 1. Your home merchants help make a good local market for every thing you have to sell, and that mar ket more than any other factor gives your land its present value. 6. Your home merchants are your good friends, ever ready to extend a helping hand in time of need. 7. If this community is good enough for you to live in and make your money, 'tis good enough to spend it in. 8. The best citizens of any com munity are those who believe In and practice home patronage. Be one of the best. 9. The merchants in the distant city give you nothing valuable that Mr i ?. 4 t- We'll C''prrl(M Han SchaiTnc Sc M. of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes ... ..... .... i n s sioi! Unse i Luther Grinder a saves iiuis FARM Special PLUMBING! the home merchants can not give you and the former cannot and will uot do for you many things the lat ter do gladly. 10. Every dollar kept in circula tion in thhj community helps increase property values. Every dollar sent out of this community that could as well be spent here hinders the wheels of progress and helps to build up some other community at your ex-' pense. L. II. Kaincy in tlu City. From Saturday's Pally. L. II. Rainey and family of Ponca, Okla., arrived In the city yesterday for a two weeks visit at the old home. Mr. Rainey is a brother of Chief of Police Rainey and Will Rainey residing immediately north of the city where their mother also resides. Mr. Rainey is an old Platts mouth boy, one who was prosperous and made good in the southern coun try. He is now engaged in business at Ponca and doing well. He has many friends in Plattsmouth who are pleased to see him, and learn of his prosperity in their present loca tion. Kntertaineel at Fetzer Home. Miss Charlotte Fetzer very pleas antly entertained a number of young ladies at her home yesterday after noon. Various amusements were In dulged In and at the proper time re freshments were served. Those pres ent were Misses Ellen Pollock, Hallie Parmele, Doris Patterson, Kathryn Windham, Madeline Miner, Marl Donnelly, Elizabeth Falter, Lucile Gass, Helen' Clark. P. F. Kelboba and wife who have been visiting friends in Plattsmouth for two weeks returned to Omaha this morning accompanied by Miss Agnes Knoflieclc who will spend Sun day with her teacher. Mrs. Knofllcek, the grandmother of Miss Agnes, ac companied the party to Omaha. UR great exhibit of Fall fashions in men's clothing and other good tliinp-s to wear, is now open for your critical examina tion. You may consider this an invitation to attend our Fall opening and look: over the beautiful things shown here. Thi? season you'll find many beau tiful new colorings in grays, browns, blues, plain colors and rich patterns; stripes, plaids, checks; many distinct novelties not to be found in other stores. There are many new ideas also in models and styles shown. This sea son Hart, Schaffner & Marx have made an entirely new model, especially for young men, called the "SHAPE MAKER;" we can promise you a very pleasant surprise when you see it, and more when you wear it. Besides this i we have the new Fall SOCIETY . 1 BRAND models for young men. J Every young man should see these styles before making a purchase. I be pleased to show you. Stetson Hats in Our1 Show Windows J